HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWA000178_Plansheet - Misc. Detail_20221217 (4)i * E 5 � E �; 4 a 4 3.' - rv5da E ilk n m i - e? Y s V T y k6 of m o; Y sd w V N. A < d d CD C ZZo� `O + $ n n 22 6 ui � oa w ao � ++i k.7 r t, t C o 43 i7 0 o n 'po 2,3 C ! `;. rI 1Cl u i ,F LLFJ� S'/E VHF VHLri F S 4'. 'r M1 rite, Q u�r d w 41 d CE d d d q m Y! 4 o 06 30 a x C a _ w _ E E ry T dr, 4 y a E6 C C o M � Lei, vl Z VPH w r w m :3 3 Ln r1 t4 m M1:dk 431 E E fi w iD as 'd E C LoaQ M r v Ln J�rf }' �bd�i$x E o'pt i at S v y _ ICJ d as +r L O G <13 lYii 7}�77 910- Lam[ a i ­� -;h Lu Vl ?9 so- v A iiaaF 'n n 'r±{ GO n. ra AL - �, :_ x a = := - __ i �$Lm Ll LU LU O u � $ # LENGTH AS NECESSARY TO GO THRU DIKE 4' MIN. PIPE 1.5' MIN. 1r/ FLEXIBLE PIPE TIE DOWN 10' MAX. SPACING TIE DOWN AT END 4' (MINI. INVERT ELEVATION: I I DIAMETER (D) BASIN #1=635.00 BASIN #2=638.00 PROFILE BASIN #3=645.00 F4 , 'an Ln CD o `a o CS '7 i3 � � o e l- r 1 u�, o a a Ci vi ti M M1 o M CALL BEFORE YOU DIG, KNOW WHAT'S BELOW IT'S THE LAW SEDIMENT PIT NOT REQUIRED IF BASIN RIP RAP & WASHED STONE IS LOCATED DOWNSTREAM FILTER BERM i/. FOIF PIPE OUTLET. SEDIMENT PIT , + + + + + + + + + + + INVERT ELEVATION: BASIN #1=638.50 i =+-; BASIN #2=641.50 BASIN #3=648.50 + + + + + + + STAKES' + + , EARTH DIKE • AT LESS THAN 1% SLOPE RIP -RAP APRON EXTEND TO EDGE OF DISTURBANCE + + CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: 1. THE TOP OF THE EARTH DIKE OVER THE INLET PIPE AND THOSE DIKES CARRYING WATER TO THE PIPE SHALL BE AT LEAST 1.5 FEET HIGHER AT ALL POINTS THAN THE TOP OF THE INLET PIPE. 2. THE PIPE SHALL BE FLEXIBLE WITH WATER TIGHT CONNECTING BANDS. FLEXIBLE PIPE SHOULD BE STAKED ON EITHER SIDE. 3. A RIP RAP APRON SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE OUTLET, IF EMPTYING INTO A DISTURBED AREA. 4. THE SOIL AROUND AND UNDER THE INLET PIPE AND ENTRANCE SECTION SHALL BE HAND TAMPED IN 4" LIFTS TO THE TOP OF THE EARTH DIKE. 5. FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION AND ANY NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AFTER EACH STORM BY THE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY OR HIS AGENT. 6. OUTLET PIPE SHOULD BE TAKEN OVER OR THROUGH ANY SILT FENCE, TAKING CARE NOT TO VOID THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SILT FENCE. 4'-0" MAX. SPACING (TYPICAL) FI30W SLOPE DRAIN PIPE SIZES SHOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA PIPE DIAMETER PER PIPE (ACRES) (INCHES) 0.5 12 0.75 15 1.00 18 > 1.00 24 FLEXIBLE PIPE SLOPE DRAIN f f f r / EgRTN / BERM X� \X_ X� 5' STEEL FL 8" X 6" TRENCH BACKFlLL AND COMPAC FENCE AND FABRIC BURIED IN TRENCH X NOT TO SCALE GENERAL NOTES: 1. DRIVE 5' STEEL POST AT LEAST 24" INTO SOLID GROUND. 2. USE STAPLES 1' APART HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY TO ATTACH THE FILTER FABRIC TO THE WIRE FENCE. 3. MINIMUM BAFFLE SPACING IS 10'. 4. THE FLOOR OF THE BASIN IN THE OUTLET ZONE AND BERMS SHOULD BE SEEDED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE BASIN IS CONSTRUCTED. 5. REFER TO NCESCPDM SECTION #6.65 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIFIATIONS. 0 � UT�FT D/r Cy BAFFLE INSTALLATION 0 I M 0 I N NOT TO SCALE Oate; PART III Page: SELF -INSPECTION, RECOROKEEP4NG AND REPORTING SECTION 0: RECORDKEEPIN G 1- E&SC Plan Documeritabon loom to Document Dosumemt Roduiremenk (a) Each E&SC measure has been msla-lad and dndal and data :-acr. LLSG rneaRure on a copy M the Goes rLQt "nlr+cMIJV deviiW From the luru--;iu':s, appmvW E&SC plan or "inpido. tlaLe and sign an dinken:sions arLd ralath* elevations shoi+n ur1 Lh9 inspeLiian rerxart that lists each E&SC mBaswe shcr*n an approved E&SC plan the appmved E&SC ptan. This documentation is required Lipan Me Initiad m9lialleilon DI the E&SC niaeaures afe mcd6w vftr initial inslaNMofk, (b) A phase of Braiding has bmon completod Initialand data n copy of ta,a approved E&50 plan of gpmptete, -date and sign an Irlgpe ctlon repon to Ind lCa* tom. ofoca of ft Cfinstrudlcfi ph as* (q) GnaLmdeaver Is located and Installed in fnitwl and date a copy of UTB wprovud E85C plarF or accordance with the approved E&SC plan. txbnptebe, date and Sign irk inspection report to imdicd Dampllanee vrilh approved f round Dauer specifiea¢iom (d) themainLenonoo old repair regtPifon ants rot Complete, data and sign an 1nspecAorireport all E&SC measures have been performed. {e) ConrecWe actions have been taken to E&SC Initial and data a Copy of Ift atppmvtld E8$C plan+ of measures mmptet% data and sign an inspiodion repeat bo irldicile Lhe Dxiripluticn of the corredive anion Tha well a appmvad E&SC plan as ws any approved deviation shall b9 kept w tFha sita. The approved E&SC plan mutt be keept up-to-dat9 throughout the 6ovarage ur-rd2a this permit. The following items psrti#rnirrg to th6 E&SG plan sf�ll LO kept on site and availabH3 for inspection at all tim65 during rwrmal husinos6 hours- 2. Addlit k. i documentation to Iva ICepa an Sloe hi addition Lo tho t&SC plan clocurTwrlls abuvu, the following 1 Lems slhall to kepi on the site @rid mailahle for inspectom at all Was 40N iorm l b"iness hours, unless the Dlvislon provides a sltc-s is commpton based cn unique $ate conditions gal make this re�qu irement not pradcal; (a) Thal General Penrq it as well as the Cerlific;Fdo of CovKi3ge. after it is mcaived. (b) Records of in5pedions made during the preoous twelve months. The pemrutte�e shall record the fequrfW Q49ervaligmy on #w Ingp ctlon Regard Form provided by the Division pr a yinkdar inspection form that Includes all the required elemerrm. Use *f efecxrcrlicauy-available recants in Ikeu of the fequimci paper copies will be alkA%ed if shown to pruwi4e equal access and utility xt the Tiaafd�opy reotxds. 3 Poeumenxa#an to tee Retained for Three Year, AN dais aged to rnmplPbB the a -NCI and all ins e6fiCn reoorcls aheA be maintained Fore riod p PB of three years afWr projl completion and made available upon request. [4(l CFR 122.4 t I - .......... PART III SELF-fNSPECTION, RECOfiDKEEPING AND REPORTING 1. Occ u rrencen thi t Muet be Reported Permiuee6 "I report the ftlowi ng obourrence6: (a] Visible mdimant dapimition irk a Mroarrl or wetland. (b) Oil spills If: They are 25 gallons of more. They are lass than 24 gallorkg but cannot be #eaned up within 24 hours, They cause sheen Din surfsoe walerg (regardles9 Of volumed or They are within 100 feed of surface waters (regardless Of volume). t) ReMaises of hazardous subslarkces in excess of reporlabla quantities Linder Sechmrl311 of the Clean Water Act (Nt- 4D CF-R 11 D.3 and 40 CI-fi 117.3} or Section 102 of CE RCLA i Ref 40 GF R 302,4) or G S 143-215.85 (4) Anticipated bypa3sses Ln and artigipated bype.59E+. (u) Noncomplianou wi'h the oonditbns of this pe.mit that may and -angler has Ith ar the ram arwiroenL. 2, R&parlLdg Tlaefeimos and 0t1v Requhw' "s. After a perrnittee t5econ\9s avrare of an occurrence That musted t tee repor, he shrill conlart the appi-cVnate Division regional ofFioe within the tirrreffames finer in accoManos with the crth r Fequirements ksw below. 0ax[mence5 outside normal 1)usFnea5 hours may also De reported to the Devarwwm's Environrnenlal Emergency Center p�emonnel at (800) 868.0368. 7N NOR .-ARQLINA. e EnvtronrnefttatQuality 4crt,rron- R_p ling Timalmm■ 1ARwr n1mr_nvwry) and Cmhnr narri lira Mani.. (g' VIgLt51e Within 24 tours, an oral ar e1ectronac notification. der*slWn In 8 steam Gr . Within 7 Cedender Days, a report that containa a description of the BBdiment and PipeUandactions taken to address tine cause al the deposrtlon. Or"iglon 618ff may walvtzxhg repuirenrent for a vm wn rr�porl on a case•t>v'case tsar$+s • If the stream is named W Ift NC 3034d) list as krmairad for w is irn6rat-nelatod caused. the pEwmiltBe may be required io perrorm additional manitodng, inspections orappty more sinngent praddoes If staff determine that addkllonal require news are needed ID assure convu$noe Mh ttie federal or stele impa+red•mter3 conditions l Oit spills and releaBeO .INithirT 24 MUFS, w opal w eNctrwic mt &lion. The nolifica m shall lncludtC hazardous substance infoFm�rlkrn aWut the data. Now, nature. vokwie and location of the *pill or mk3ase DEW itbnk 1(bj [C) *love (c) Anticipated bypasses A repan at least den days before the date of the bypass, if possibbB. The feport ahall [t.0 CFR 122.41(m)(3 p] inciude an evaluelion o€ the anticipated quality and efred of me bypass. (0) UnanNoipptod Witilvin 24 Haws, an mal ore n tor. bepamus I40 CFR wlpHn 7 C81t r4$r aByrs, a reapgrt Ihak w0u0ey an evaluailoii of the clkolitV ancr eNeck 1.+41(m)[3}] of by�Lass. (ej Nonoompilgnee vdlh - YYMi) 24 Hours. *n oral or eiftcb'anlC notlricalllcn t►-e "ditora ❑f INS F WiLtin 7 calbodor days. ek repurl. that wrilairls a deLsaml:Aieak offts nG1K LxrlpkurK?e, rrnit that may wdaner and its causes: the period of noricarnplianee, including exact dales and times, and if hoalth or thu environTmTA me nonoomplienos has not been corrected, the endicipate i lime noncompliance is [d 0 CFR 122 A 1 (lj(7 )] expected to caMintia; and Steps taken ar planned to reduce, shminste, and prevent feoccurfenoe 4f trine npnoomiSlance. f4L1 CFR iZ2.41(f)(bk + Oivi&ion Staff mdy waive Iha mquir9m6nt fora w[itban report On a case-byxaW baEfs. F INCG-01 E G I'� EEPII G AND REPORTING a 9e: .' PART ll, SECTION G. ITEM (4) IDRAW DOwN OF F-DIMENT BASIN 5 FOR MAINTENANCE QFt CLOSIE QVT S9drmant basins and traps that receive ru noff from erainaga areas of .... ....... ............................ ....... one acre or ore shall use oullet Strud-urea that withdraw water from ad I $@� Inspection Tillnefrarrres tha surface when these devices rkaod to be drawn down for I nspeotion records must include: Enspect Frequency maintenance or close out unless th is is infeasitbla. The (during noamal wciumsgnces in which it is not feasible to withdraw W0teF from the t}usi nesss #lours (1) Rain gauge Daily Daily rain amounle. surface sh all be rare (far example; times with extended cold wKwthpr). Non surface withdrrawalg from 5adimEgnt I)09in5 Shall be maintained in If no daily rain gaQige obserwatiofls are made during weekend on holiday $ilowW On ly when aril pf the ipllowIng rrilerio h$wg been mel: good working periods, and no mdlwidual-day rrecant th rainfall informat,on is avaiiable, e order cumulate rain meLasurarnont for lhosa unattended days (this wilt Caterrnirm it a site inspection is rlaeded). days on which no rainfall occufmd shall Lra (a) The E&SC plan authority has been provided with r&=dad as 'Zero-- The permittao may ura air tdher rain-mwitbtii'1g deVico dccumentation of the non-3urface withdrawal and the specific lime approved by the nil,vision. periods or conditions in which at will occur. The non surface (2) E&S C (2) At least 011cu port 7 1. Identdkcalion of the measures inspeeLed withdF#3wa1 shoe II not g4mm nod Until ih$ $$Q plan Qukhority hay •es calendef days and 2. Darbe and Time of the irspection d sad 619$e ii 8, within 24 hours Of 3. Name of the pargrn pgrformirrS the inspection (b) Tha non -surface withdrawat has baen reported as an a rain event.2 1.0 4, Induration of whether the mea stares were operating property anticipated bypass in accordance with Parttll, Section C, Item (2)(c) inch In 24 hours 5. Daseripbw of rnaiWanand5 Meads MethgMasura and (d) of this permit, E. DeiicnpbDn, Evidence, and dabs Df corrective ac#ians lake-n (C) Qe9W49tering discharges are treated with wntrols to minimize (3) Slorrrkw2i9r At IeaFA gnoe per 7 1. IdBntiClcabon of the discharge outfalls alspeclBd discharges of pollutnnt5 from stonnwater chat is removed from the discaTarge calendar days and 2. Data and Time of the inspection gedimenl 7asin. Exemptey of appropriate controls include pmperiy outfalls(SDOs) within 24 hours of 3. Name of the person performing the inspection sited, doslgnad and rnalr,lainlad d0WataFir1g lanks, weir Lanks-and a rain event L, 1.0 4. Evidence of indtatom of sloTrnwater pogulion such as oil ftltralron systems, inch in 24 hours sheen. AcaUng or su$perideC solids cr d6mlorallon (d) Vegetated, upland arias 13f the sites or a property designed 5. Indication of visible sediment leaving thig slte atono pad is uscd to the cxkcrkt foaoiblc at the oLrtlot of thn 6. Deserlptinn. Evidence_ and daM toemctiva actions takmi (4) PerkmAer At lepkgt once per 7 IF visible 8adimenladicm is found Dutside site limits, then record of the €DllDwing dewafering treatment devices described in Item (o) above, (e) Velacily c isu ation devigea such as dTedc dams, sediment of SR4 calendar days and shall bB made: IrV06, a nd: riprap are provided tit the diSahOrge ppinbs of 811 within 24 hours of 1) Actions taken ID dean up or glFthihzG sediment that has 10 the sits 4imils d�watarinq d9VIOB6, and a rairk event 2 1.0 2) Desrription, Evi¢aFmw and date of opnec*V actions tEiken inch ill 24 hours a) An explanation as to the actions taken to control4uwre releases (I) Sediment removed From the dawatering treatment devices de5Cflbed In Items (c) above Is disposed of In a mannar ghat does not (5) 31r,�am$ or Al IBasi once per 7 If the stream or wetland has increased visible sedirrkerrtation Cr has visible ca use deposltlon of sediment Into watefs of the United States. wetlands calendar days and increased turbidity From the canstruotion activity, then a record of the fallowing onslte OF within 24 hours of 3t18II be made: offsile {where a rain event z t,0 1) Description, Ewldance ant date cf corrective anions taken PANT IIF accassiblo) inch in 24 hours 2) rds cif requrr&d reports to the appropriate Division Reg.anal Office per SELF -INSPECTION, RECOROKEEPING AND REPORTING, Part III. Section C, ttam(2Xa) of INSpemlit SECTION A; SELFdNSPECTIQN (6) Ground After each Dhow 1. The phase, of grading (insiallation of perimeher E&SC mW:surea. clBering Self -inspections are required during normal business hours in Statwization of grading and gnatybing, inytallatiion of storm d:r nege Fpplitie% wmplelivn of all accordance with the table below. When adverse weather or site 1kasuras land -disturbing a i;tiwily, construction or redevelo+pmant, permanen4 ground conditions would raum IhE! gaiety of thEi inspection per5onnal to be ter) In jgopari3y , the inspection may bg delayed un1d the next buelness 2. Documentation that the requ ired ground stabilization measures have keen day an which it Is sa fe to perform the irkspect on. In addition, whir} prowld&d wrthln the mqu kid timsirame of assurance that thayr will ba a storm 13vant of equal to or greater than 1-0 Inch occurs outside of prowldod as soon as possibly NDTE: The rain inspection resets the required T calendar day inspedion requirement. nonnal business hours, the self -inspection shall be perfurnik upon the cuTwencement of the next business day. Any time when inspections were delayed shaH be noted in the Inspection Reaard. Sea Salt lnspaction TWWa areas labbe to tha right for g uiddirkas W frequency Df inspecli4ng amd required aypegig of fe+ onniy LI NA :r 14i'," En vrrixraMefl tQ [ Quality NAG-01 SELF INSPECTION SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN CRITERIA DRAINAGE AREA < 10 AC. (ACRES) MIN. LENGTH TO 2:1 WIDTH RATIO MAX. LENGTH TO 6:1 WIDTH RATIO MIN. 1800 VOLUME (CU. FT. REQUIRED PER AC. DISTURBED) 325 SURFACE (SO. FT, AREA PER CFS REQUIRED 010) PLAN VIEW INFLOW AVERAGE _ ARE`` WIDTH LENGTH • AREA OF BASIN WATER SURFACE AT TOP OF PRIMARY SPILLWAY CROSS-SECTION VIEW INFLOW DEWATERING ZONE - FILTER FABRIC - CLEANOUT DEPTH (H/2) - DATA BLOCK 10' MIN. SKIMMER DEWATERING DEVICE 1' FREEBOAf 6" MAX. DEPTH OF FLOW BAFFLES OVER EMERGENCY SPILLWAY- Z=5' MAX. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- ------ - EMBANKMENT EMERGENCY SPILLWAY LENGTH, L (10' MIN.) W=5' MIN. FrEMBANKMENT i T=1.5' MIN. H=2' M 1' SEDIMENT MOUND RIP -RAP AS SKIMMER ARM PEDESTAL LENGTH = H x 1.5 STORAGE (OR APPROVED (MIN. 5') EQUIVALENT) NOTES: 1. REFER TO NCESCPDM SECTION #6.64 FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS REGARDING SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASINS. 2. REFER TO STD. #30.19 FOR BAFFLE SPACING AND INSTALLATION 3. SKIMMER INVERT ELEVATION = BASIN BOTTOM + 1' MIN. 4. H = SPILLWAY ELEVATION - SKIMMER INVERT ELEVATION -EMERGENCY SPILLWAY ANTI -SEEP COLLAR BASIN DRAINAGE (ACRES) DENUDED (ACRES) Q10 VOWME BASIN RFAPROMDED EPTH (FT.) H/2 (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) SKIMMER PIPE DIAMETER SKIMMER ORIFICE DIAMETER REQUIRBASED (CUBIC FT.) PROVIDED (CUBIC FT.)(SO REQUIRED FT. SQ FT. 1 2.63 2.15 11.40 3,870 7,458 3,704 3,769 1 2 3.50 20 1.5 5 2" 1.5" 2 3.08 3.08 13.73 5,544 10,435 4,463 4,525 1 2 3.50 20 1.5 5 2" 1.5" SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN Date; ONSITE CONCRETE WASHOUT CONCRETE WASHOOTS 1 STRUCTURE WrFH LINER 1. Do not dE5#aarge wnorete or dement giuny From the site. a Ar ,� . UAL LLiGATI{ N 2. Dispose of, or recycle settled, hardened concrete residue in acoef� noe O o 0 1:1 DETERMi4FD [kl R ELD wits, local and Walla solid waste Fegulalians and at an approved i�silit-� l- ctypsirif 3a na . O 5TAFLE [ I YP f THE r0hrHDUT T 3. Mime a washout ffom mortar mixers in accordance with the above Item Q FENGE [tYP txa sTAPLEy wABHDUT g O STftuCTLJRC$ 9-tRu and in addition place the mixer arkd arACdatad rnatE r6a r cn impE?rvioL� aE iaBJaTAINEV wHer+ barrier and within 16t perimeter sill fence. 0 THE LIINJIo.4NUOR r sutra ski=nits rsac 4. install temporaty concrete washouts per local requirements, whers d (] �.. ySH STAPLE IT'Fp I ; t CIF THE STRLICTURER I' f I r ��R s-arLF-. wax GAPACm• $RR ��� I an a terrkate m,elfTod or product 15 to be used, conkack yQu ' a. cokcr&rF WASHOur approval authority for review' and appmvral- If local siandard details are SECTION A A eELt. 5HOLfT STRUCTURE STRICTURE NEEOSTP not available, use one of the two types of femporary concrete washouts RF CI F.i�RIYIA+SafE� FI',C�Fi CLE,{RLY LU4R%E9 SYGha+ZE NDTINCi prOW118d On tlll$ detai 1. Fp LIVTw�JL RETL 910NAGEDEWCE5. Do nat use concrete washouts for 4ewatering Qr staring defective sub pr $ErtFF'ION 1r+SHCUT %twKr 0F'vH=F Ea i4rKZv MIN r ,�- iLrr.L LL7CAnoN sidew-IR sections. Stormwater accr.lmulatad within the washout may riot T a{I DETEFM 114M IN FF, -. be pumpe4 into Qr d�Cha rged to the storm dFakin 9ys1ern pr receiving g ='++ iT*F I 3 THE CONCRETE $Urfa'C9 waters. Liquid wasto must be pumped OLd and removed frm 1UNL xE:rw:x YeMHOuTSTAUCYtIiCu 0 0 P TLCUNLh3 , SHALL BE MA NTAIRCD project, [ry7 „$a " WFF.NTHE L1Du10 6. LOCate wast➢4ut3 at least 50 feet from storm drain inIM and surface lJ A<aF MOOR 6ouD REpCHUi: 5Tw7 T5%OFTHE wafers rinless 1t canoe $t10Vrr1 that no other atternatdMes are nea$unably ia#Ma 6TaucT61RC5CAPAFJ7Y available. At a rninimum, install protection of starlit drain inlet(*) closest to ID [ e T41'Ft]VIaE ACE-04L+.TE �r kkya I++� rOLLHNG Cr PAC11 r the washout which CDuld recaiVS spills or averfiDw. o x INCHVbTrH a OF 12 7. Locate washouts in en easily eveess�le area, on Ieml ground and install INCHES OF FREESOA RD a SATs s;n a.y J. CANORFTE n'ASrOuT a stone &ntrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be SECTION B-13 oFz sT+ E6 BE C ErRY ARKS ra {required by the approving authority. BE CLEPRY W%RI¢D ABOVE GPADE WASHOUT S-MUCTUR£ *FrH $1G.H+Gr NOYING 8. Install at least one 9Vri directing concrete {tucks to the waksh❑ut within the ❑Ew10E. projepl iirnils. Pont �ignage on the washout itself to identity this kration. PORTABLE_ TOI LETS_ 9, Remove leavings from the washout when at appiroximEdte4y 75% capactty 1. In sLall portable tvtlals Dn IBVel gr6ured, of least Do T99f away rrdm slOni1 dralnt, Ly riiiiiL L�vcri lluw r+ay da. Ftaplew it a LarN canal L,aye vL 4LI ai[ LeiiiNui ai y streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reaisonatAy available. V 5B foot structural cwpon�Ths when no lodger functional. When utilizing offsreb is not attraina¢Ie, provi{ie relPp i4rk of pbrtdt;l toilet I)ehind Silt fenC* Pr aRernairv9 Or proprietary prudu;Ot9, fdlDw manufadurer's inslruatiarir,. place on as grovel pad and sufmund with sand bags- 10. At the completion of the concrete wort€, remove remaining leavings arld 2. Provide stakinkg or anchoring of portable toilets during pentads of hllg h winds or in di$pb&a 6f in art approved dispasal fad lily. Fill pit, Ef applier-able, and high fool 1raf5.o areas, stabilize an disturbance caused removal of washout. 3- Monitor portable toilets for Ieaking and properly dispose of any leaked matarlal. LITTER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE Utilize a iverksed rwwi a9Fy waste hautw to remove ieakirkg portable loitets and 1. Never bury or tyum wa6t9- Platy litter and debris In approved waste containers - re lace with I raUn utnit. 2. Prowide a sufficient number and size of waste corrtairk-m (e.g dumpster, trash PAINT AND OTHER L QUIp WASTE- mcaptacle) on sita ID contai n construction antl domestic wastas- 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into slomn dyains, streams or wetlands- 3. Locale waste contadiners al least 50 feel way from storm drain inlets and 2. Locale paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain InIcts and sudace surface waters unless no other alWmatrra-s ate masonamyr avallable- waters unless w 4thar alkamatives are reasonably available, 4. Locate waste mnjaim)rrr, on ELreEks that do not receive 9uhiska n14al a mounts of 3. Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area- runoff from upland areas and doss not drain direcny to a storm drawn, stream or 4. CorkWinment mubL bo lab Bd, sized and placed appropriately for IhB f19E3d$ of HER wetland. 5. PrewrAthe dischairge of scrape, yalvents, detergents and other liquid wastes from 5. Cover waste corltafir4ers at the end of can workday and before Storm events or ocnstrucUon sites. p"ida secondary containment- Rapair or rmplaca darnaged wastecarniainors. HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE 5. Arichor 0 lightweight items in waste oanLainam during t.naa of high winds. 7. Empty waste wntalners as needed to prevent overflow. Mean up Immadotaly if 1. Q1Taate deeignaled hazardous wa she Ca11E�ction areas on -site. aantaine�s oveirfiow. 2. Plaice fkakzefdous waste containerg under cover or in secondary oonlainmept, g. Dispose waste off -site at an approved disposed facilityr. E 3- Do not store hazardDus chemicals, d rums or bagged materials d irectlyr an the g. On business did ys. glean Lip and dispose Dt waste in designated wade ground. containers. It CAROLINA - rErrvrronr�entt�f�ut7rify N G-01 MATERIALS HANDLING FLAN VILW PVC VENT PVC END CAP PVC ELBOW PIPE WATER SURFACE c00 oo °° PVC END CAP PVC PIPE N 5 1 /2" HOLES IN / 1r PVC TEE UNDERSIDE 5� FLEXIBLE HOSE A `i LLII.LLLU_ FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW "C" ENCLOSURE LTFR ENTRY UNIT PVC TEE J SCHEDULE 40 - PVC PIPE SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE ORIFICE PLATE gage SCHEMATIC OF SKIMMER TAKEN FROM PENNSYLVANIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT POLLUTION CONTROL MANUAL, MARCH 2O00. "H" REFERS TO THE HEIGHT FROM INVERT OF FLEXIBLE HOSE ON SKIMMER TO THE INVERT OF THE PRIMARY SPILLWAY. NOT TO SCALE SKIMMER "IVIL EXINEERIM I LAND SOLUTIONS "FROM CONCEPTION TO COMPLETION" V)Z(--)Ln - 00 00 N I N � U � (D (n � W �O w Q w O Zon U g� tT m •N U) Z > � U 0 N H O O 3 3 3 *1kV11T)IS)<I<<11N ' OWN11)" Engineer@JonesCivilDesign.com F1j11M GN •� 9 . 3493 J I Cv •G % FOR CON&PRIMON CA ``1L 111111 ��' 000000000 J ' =o ?y� a JONES CIVIL a = g DESIGN, P.C. g z a C-3859 o g = A °coo o ° % o0010 Z O a U to V) oLLJ Z M W � 0 o O U U C3 W z o O U 0 U Z ww w w N o � N U LY Lj W QI O Z o m 3 Q N A-•t' 0 o' �C F-1 N N O\ N I w CX N W L m r rl w Q �( L;.i z O z �+ J � � o SHEET C5.4