HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-10777_Well Construction - GW1_20221208 ` � •'P.rls'It I WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GAY-1) Far Tntemal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Information: k Russell Taylor i 14.WATERZONWI FROM TO t I I DESCRirnw WcU.Coaa=Na= I 2187-A �19 15 f` !IC Well Contractor Cc tifrption Number i 15.OUTER CASING r mold-cased-Vib ORLIlVER(If k Hedden Brothers Well DdIling, Inc 1 FRONI To DIAMETER TFIIClt:ltSS POTURE i- fL fG l in. Company Name 1 16.LNNER CASING OR TUM-G axed daseddoo 2.WWI Construction Permit#: Dl a'P FROSt To DIANTETER TMOCVSSa NATZRML Ltt!all app(trablr wdl tvartrttedon permits(.r.U/C.Canary.State.Varic-a,etc.) �. ft. I iL 3.Well Use(check Wail me): i ' ft: 11,16 ra 1 m I . 188 T96 L lGeothwmal �tpply Well* 17.SCRBBN FRiom TO DI MMIR SLOTSIZE THICl4 M TMUAL uitttral E3MunicipaMblic fe ft.E in. e C-4(Henting/Coolittg Supply) R)ResidetttW Water Supply(single) ft. ft. ]o. triaYCounaccial Residential Water Supply(shared) 1&GROUT lion FROM TO I NIATEMAL i 51FLA290-F31mobEM51OL01 atareupplyWell: ft za 2 Ctanaad toring Recovery IL fLon lYelI:f-R c DGrvtmdwatcrRcmcdiationazBI9.SADtD/GRAVEL PACK if Iiesble) Storage and Recovery �Salini yBarrier FROM TO �L1TMUA ESIPLA EllfihTDt]iTTttoD ferTest 0StormwaterDrainage fL I ftrimental Technology Subsidence Contra! fr. I ft.etmal(ClosedLoop) Tracer 20.DRMIXN-GLOG z=FjAaddidonal3heetsllahermal(Heatin Coolin Return) Other(explain,under.-21 Remarks) FROM TO I DFseRtt*rtoa teotor.tnrdceu�oQtrsek � rlLs ere I 0 % 1110 •fL I clay a sand 4.Date Wells)Completed: 6 Well I:D '1 I 0 fr- :rt- - Sa. nnYV. Well Location: cr. fL Rill I.Am 1P n Faccairy/ov==Namc r Facility M;T(ifapplicable) I fL I fr. �' - IP,YYL11 YYQnwrr� .22-13 ' , rL =L I a Fbysical Address,City.and Zip ft. - °S Rfi�FARKS ..,•o.^:nic�f�l_i i rjjoG County ?nrcci Identiftcation No.(P12N) e+ -- — 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minuteslseconds or decimal degrees: --- (ifwall field,one 140003 is suRiei=t) %2.Certification: 6.IS(are)the Wells) Permaneat or Temporary Sigtmtutc of Ccrdfscd�Ycll Conffaaor Cm dy s.'gniag zi:isDorn:.I herrQ:-certif-that IrF1I(s).rw ntrre)eo owed in accord 7.Is this a repair to a4 existing well: [3ye9 or !o Is all ISd NC6C OX.0I00 or IS.-1 VCAC 02C.0200 VeM Coaraurif-9andan&and 11 f rh&i7 a rrpofr.f i out Main Ivr11 CanstrueriOn infarmartaa lerplain ere raters of the ropy oft%:ii record ire been provided to the 1re1/oxner. repair mtdfF921 re w*jeuion or air the baakofdiisfmm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or 9.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction,only I( -I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER ofm-alls cotssuuction details. You may also arch additional pages if aeeessery. 3W drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total mall depth below land surface: 50 (ft-) 24a. For 41l Neils: St:bmit this fort within 30 days of completion of For maldpir ttr/Ls rat all depth:ifdrfferent iesamplr-3Q200'and 2@1001 corsrmcdon to the following: dd i 10.Static inter level below top of casing: �Uf� (ftJ Division of NVater Resources,Information Processing Unit, Ifivalm l w/U above oaring use"-" 1617 Mail Serszce Center,Raleigh,INC 27699-1617 i 11.Borehole diameter. q-) 14b. For Iniectfl n+R'etls4 in addition to sending the form m the address h h ^ above.a)so subtatt lone copy of this form within 30 dsya of ewopledon of 12.Well constructlod met add: 1 h construction to the following: CU.auger,rofmy.nble.diteet push,cte) I I DIN-islon of A"aterResources,Underground Injection Control Prograi FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Sersice Center,Raleigh.NC 27699 1636 13a.Yield(gpm) Nlethod of test 1 24c.For Nate J Suonly g Infection Wells: In addition to sending the fo the addresses);above, also submit one copy of this £oast within 30 da 13b.Disitsfection type: r Amount: conpiction of well construction to the county health department of the e tvnere eonsttuot-d.� Fern ON--1 -North Carolina Drzar=nt of fit-vimnrrcntal Q"U •-Divs:I.-.o:t:near