HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150133 Ver 1_Application_20150129+��+ < �� ��"� ,-' , ! � w , • � + � r��w � � �,, ��N � � FA.`I'�iIC'1� L,. Ni�CRQR'Y Ga v��t�� .�1T1U1T'� 2:�a ��'�J� ����� Raleigh �.egulatory Fiepd �ff�ce 33�� Herii��e Trade I)ri�� Suzte 1 �!S Wak� F�r�st, NC 2758? Att�entian: Eric Alsmeyer NCUC)T Coar�limat�r A1'�TI-�C)N�' .T. '�'ATA SF;CRE7"ARY SuYaj�ct: l�roject �lumber (aka W�3� �runcal�cr): 17B�'.S,�L.47 �ridge 91�1130 aver �a�feord Creek can SR 2(i49 (Forestvill�) in Wake County ��aa- Sar: The 1'�orth Carc�lir�a L!e�rartment �af "�rar�s�artation (N���.7T) proposes tc� �eplace this br�d�e. This prpject is similar ir� natur� ta p�°c�je�ts prc�cessed under tl�e �,caw �rnpac,t �3ridge Replace�e�t P'ragtam �(LISR:P). Accordingly, t��e LT�R.P �'a�nr�at k�as b�e� u�ilzzed in the perrnittu�ag �af this prpject. A szte visit �ras �c�,nd�cted by �.JS1��E on Tuly 1�, 2Q12. Tl�e fcrllflwi�g ar°e attached to this cav�r letter: Lavuf�!iin�mal I�npact ➢3ridge I�ata She�� (A�apend:i� G) Aitachrt�ent L:11�]CD!E�R-D'1�R 1`�ati�nr�re�ie 3J��C #�883 �at� �k�e�t NCD��C� EE�� Nliti�;atican A�c�g�tance �.e�er Storrnwater Managernent Pla:n Jurisdicti�anal Resaurces Suz���ry �h�et:� �'�rmit i3rawin�s Ify�� h�v� �ny questie�ns or need adcDitiia�a�� inf�+rm�tian� please ca�tact M:r. Chris Murray at (9�9) 22C�- 463�. Si�cerely, �`�� �� � ,�-��° J. R, ��opk�ns, P.E. -� D�visasn Er�gineer c: IDivision 5 file, NCD�T Rc�b Rnciin�s, NCDEh�R-D'uVlt Divisi�n Five--2Ci12 North T�uke 5treet, �!urham, T�lorth Caralina 27704 Telephp�e. 915L22Q-4�iQCf Fax: 919-Sb4-3371 i � f i N � ��� IN�',. . i��'� "� I�g��.�.�.�T �r"�UIl �"dkE3 Brid e�farnbar Brid e 91013'd Oescriptian Bri�Ige f�o. 13a over Sanforrl Greek an ��t 2t�49 (F�r�stville F�oaeiy �asun Ne�se �iver Basin C�assfii�cation C NSV'� 5treaQn S1AI 27-23-5 Ty� Imland Si2e 1 a ft Ty�� Timb�r Existing Stra��tvr� Siz� C)AL = 4&',3 s�ns 1�5"-�",'1 15�-2,� 1'16�_5�" auif. Ftatin 55.4 Proposed af�arctur� T��� �3 inch box bearrr s��:� �A�. = arr°e � s �r� �utream ��AC� Imp,�cts �L�) 64 �t p�rmar�errt; 19 ft t�mpca�ary I��r� 404 lam acts LP 0 it LYSA�E l�m�►a�cRS (.AC� Q.(�2' acre Wetda,mds t�c��, aa� tr��act� �z�cp a� �cre �a�A lm acts �kC �lat A li�akat� NC DV4!Q Bui#ers �m acts SP 2d{4li��ac€eet ��3�2 s�E SZ1; 4,044 s ft BZ2 B�ffsr Rpplecaiaan Required (�40 Ff} (YtE�� Yes hfC a�d4 �tormt►Vater permit �e ulred YdP� Na . . . . eela e�a�a: No �"�8�I1"��i �691 rad•cac7�eediwaodPe�c+er.No � t� � 1 Mllchauk5 sumec: Yas dwaif vre �� amwcsei: Wa d�ld ea0�: Np fi&E & ecies Presen� "�•�`k�"°""�°d�""`�° � MId784La`S SUanBC:: hP4 dwrert rrreQpemusseC�. No... . . i�afq aa91�e: Na�Ef4ect �IQ! �`rOPiC�iiSIqN7' n.d-cackamtlweaadiasdcer.ntn�ned MNdreruee aum�c. r�o �Tect dhrntf vredg�emassel:�. No EFfc�uY �orat:aa��rr� �Tyr�e Not A licakal� �i�tss C�a3 ficable !Na�v�/Hat�he Nat Nica�le� "�'r+�utVVfa�ees Trout S ecies �r��e�pt �1s�tA fic�ble i"ro�ut Can+datiion� 1"lIN t�c�t Cicable ��G F�e�vi�war �'atA :licatrle C:AN�� /4E�S N'a�t,�, �ic�bPe ��ential FIs6� Mabifiat i� IVo Pdava �7 enon Not.A licabl� USCC Permit Mtat A lieahl�: HNS'k�w�a F�ro ertle� ' T�� ArcMaeolo ical Resau�rces N� T�itaal Lands Na 4 Fkesmu��ce� Na 6 Li�lG Fte�cauRCes Na � �4d and Scer�ia Ftiwer Na �'�rre�t Senrrce L.�nd� t�o 'f1�A At`e� N�o FE�A� Bu esr�t C�ca FEfl�A Flcsod Stud�r RgdeVinated Detaal� LiST� FN�z �Y7a#s Nd Relacatees N'o �p���Qn �1�T 35.93i81473 deg. �c��� r8,�a��r�as ae . �w�,��� aa����,t� �G�����t�d by:. ���� � � . ,; 112�F2t�1'S � � ��;� �•, �� I�e�rth ��r�Eina C�e�arkment �f Eriviron��a�� �nd Natural R��c�urces Gr� �;:y;:�n c�f SNater C�uafity Pa�r�ck L McC�ary Col���� H. S�',f!n,� J4hn �. S€cvarla, iil �auer��ar DirecCor Secret�ry Attac�hrn��t �: �a►�r Cm�aci Bridge Re�ala�emer�t Pr�ac+es� Projeci Numb�r (�ka ��S number): 17gP.�.R.47 �ridge I�o. �10'�3� ov�r ��n�ard Creek on SR 2{�49 (Sh�p�rd �'orestville Rd.� �n l�ake �Cc�ur�ty �hi� �rc�j�ct car� k�e characterized �s rneetin� the pararneter� ass��iat�d witf� th� Lc�w Irn�act Bridg� Prc�cess as �gr��d ta an ac��E�er 6, 2'�f�9. Acc�rdir�gly, this praject meets the d�cumer�ta�'rern ��qu�ir�rn�nts and appr�val p�°oced�r�� ur�der NEPA, �s def'rned by FHWA, fc�r L�w Imp�ct �ridc�� f��placet�ents. Thi� proj+�ct mc�ets fih� st��adards ofi N���!T M�nimurt� Grit�;ria �uf��s, �at�: Ja�uar� �9, 2p15� Ap�li+�ant N�ame: J'. R. Hc�p�ans, P.E. Appincan# Address: 2�i1� IV. C�u�l�� S�r�et Du�ha�n, �J'C 27704 Primary G�nt��t fa�- �rojec�. �hris Illfu�rray, F�'u�+'� Phca�e fV�umber: (�3'� 9} �2�-4633 Is this ar� �fter-th+�-fact applii�ation: Yes ,� Na I�iver g�sin. Neuse Rnver Stream Classific�fic�n: C; NSVV1�" ra,ritf� Q'�NQ ln�dex I�umber c�f �i-23-5 R.eg�ulat+�ry A�u�hr�r'rzatia�n Clptiorns �'+�r fh�s ActivitY �'e�eral: �JSACE Natic���ide General �'er�r�d'rt 3 State: ��n�r�l W''ater C�ua�ity Gertif�cafion #3883 �..ocafr I�on� Praje+�� I�escriptia�� See atta��e� spr�ad sheet fc�r prc�ject-specific infarrnation. Permar��nt Irnp�a�#s: S�e �ttached p�e�mit drar,�in�s �r�d summary sh�ei�. Nc��e str��m„ w�:tland and ripari'�r� buff�r inn�acts. �tormrr�a���r Infc�rrra�ti��t, Se� attached �torrinwrat�� r�nanag�;m�nt plan. Sigr��ture: P'ri�t N��m�: Ghristc� her A. CC��Ilurra Tit�e: C�ivisic�n � Enviranrr�erniaf Su ���visa� �P"dPtS(?f3i��Cf{�{� �t^AGitftU�"r{� Ijffli 1650 �laii Sen�;,e C�nter, �t�6e�g�" Nnr�h �araaina 276��MiG50 Lcaca �s �: 2321 Crahtr�� Blati , Ra�e��,�r '���th �araPir,a 2T�1 �'�� ����. 91� 733�17A�� r FAX 51� 733 6�93 I�t�ro� o;: �tt�:�t2o,�tir.state.r�f��,rslr�,�.u�et,ar�dsf ",� s,�I C sr,-"�nity vA�rr^,:�".;v�A�.t ^n Er�i�a!¢�y�r C���� .l'�!�i�t� � `r�.�'t� � l il � � �� � ���`��'�'��" ���" � � � ����� omi i �4 . � ��� .. I��II '., :..�.. , y ���+YC9'"E �, �f��ti'f��", ����',l�i:��i�� ��.��i�, t.�� �i�''Jl����i�l�zi�,..:x� �_�#�°'��� 6'���:,.t�k.��r1f ,�;..'�b w �' „t;,;,.,, � �� ��''�'`s`vr"����"�vi �� �,�^A�I'�I„,{.;p l � ���`.."l,�(.+`�iis�i, �° '"F�,�N..4 '��t �,`u'�'4�M�n � 1� � �i i � Ji3IlLtat'�1 s��, ��� � ��'�. �ClP��` F���.7.�CYIhw', }�. '�'. 1'�C�1��' Z��visic,n S Ecagineer North �arc�lina �3e�aartr�aenG c�f Tra:�spca��on 2� T 2 N�srth iiuke Str��t I�urY►acn, Nortk� Caraliria �77a�4 T3ear li�r. Hc�pkirss: Su�ject: E�P AJlitigata�ra Ac�e�pCan�e i.ett�r: � y{ ,�'��`� X�. �af �„I �'„{ i�,'r. t r,�,;`,.�,"..` tk SE ��ai''; T��b�'�'� �ivisacs� S P�c�ject, Reptace Bridge 130 nver ��n%rd Creek o� SFZ 2�44 (FarestSri�I� ataad),1�alce County, �B� El�ment 1'7�i�.5.R.�k? "1"he Purpos� caf this 9etter s� tr, notify ycru that the Eccasyste� Ezzbanc�rnent Progr�rt� (�EP'} vrili p�-owide �e �iuF%r �ni�:'r��.tion fesr the subject �ra�ect. Bas�d on tl�e inform�tian su�plied by you oru Ja�uary 2S, �Q 15, th� buf#`er irnpacts are lae�.ted in CLT 030�Q�i} 1 r�f the �eu�e R�ver basin i� the C�ntraf k'zedznant (CP� �c�-�:e�iQ:� axad are as fo��aws. ��re���'er �',�:�r&��,�a� � ." �`L��r,r,�,;;� � b',.r�_R�;W;�r� s i� _....._ ..._..�........,,,:_...,�_...�....._�„ � s..._.W.�.,�..._. ;x_X�,+'.�,; ' S�isc; i �7.{J24}2�1 � C;�' T,1 t�Ei�#' hr�, ,� w C.; +,arr, d o-r�r.; `��f,+G��) d�r°.#E 1 � �C r C�. �,fl�31:(t � r",.i.�N ���L��.�� r'�11 d�uff�rrnitigatio� z'c�uest:� a.�d app�'ava�s are administrated t�rnu�h �k�e Ripa.zi�a�.'�'esicsration T3ufiFer Fuaid. `�k�e T�C�DQ"T' wzil be r�s�a�z�sibie to ensur� that appropraate compen��t��� fr,r �he buffe� rniEi,�ati��n wili be prc�v�d�d i� t�t� agreed upon z�aethad of fitsr�ci transfer. �Tp��� receipt caf the 1`��I3�i�'s �3uff�r ��tharizatio�7 C�i�cation, ��F� wa�l transfer funds f�a�n th� fi1��3�7T �:984 �und 'rn�c� th� Ripari�n k�estoraiia�n �3uff�r �'unr�. LJ�pa� cc��ple�ia� aftxansf�paymerot, �,T�I�C�.�" �vi�t h�ve coz��pleted iis rigarian b�a�`er miti�;ati�azi respo�sibility far thzs bri�i�+e replacenren:� praject. �ubs�q�ently, E�,� -�ri11 cnnduct a re��eu� of current P�tGi� J`T �i.F Progra�� rtazti��tic�n p�ojects it� the river basin t� detem�ine if av�rI�ble buf�er initigagir�n credits exist. If tl�er� ar� buff�er mitigation credi�s ava�lable, then ihe Rip�rzan �.testoratitsz� i3u#�'er Fund 'wz71 purchase� the agprcrpr�at� �arno�i esf bu�#'ex �itzgatiota creciits �ro�'i h��DC)'1' I�.,F �?r�gran�. Iiy�u @aave auy qu��t��zzs �� za�ed ariditicro��al iazf�rrn�t�on, p1e�5e ct�ntact �eth Har�non at 919-7�77-8920. S;ianc�re�y. �°_ � `�� �„ � � � o, � .,, "'�� � ���,,,���� �°�,;�;� � �;�'� �i ��� . �,� Ja�ue� �. �tanfr�l7 E��' r�s�t�t Managemaci� Superviss�r cc� l��s, Azny �Ci�aprnia�, Div�sian �af Water Re�c�urces, 4t�1;'�V�tl�nci�� �s. Lxnda F'itz�atric�:, 2VCI)dT -� PI��A �a��: 5I� 2t34� .-.. �3rictge 1�0 �-�i�wision 5 ',." tti�7il ��;,,� ,v C r:; , T,�1 ��h IJr ,r, i�.� ���,� 17�� 3-?6�52 4:U':.�a; Cf° '��l�ik'! .. :- i id', � G'3�. Fl;:�3 ,� ,iJ�.. , �.t�f�rsJi��YJPEs," A,,,,.,�,,.,�v C,��r�.,, , , �r��fy. sv.;'s��'1' a� -i,anw',y