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Iredell_Well Abandonment_20221208
i All For Wemal tlsc ONLY: 1•"lVcltCtint�c�r.Iuformatimi: : 1 , /V}�•` ( � 1 �VEI 1 A ifApllll�AlMEi�Y1 ETAl1S / •t Ito, f G` 7a..t'or GeoprobdDP-t or Closer]oop Geotltehbal Wells having,tho snipe iVrq.Conr C fi"r ""a tOf�vcit°« t orally nixusdantng-welt on Fdslder properly) %yell eonslruetion 4th,only 1 GW-30 is needed..tndicote TOTAL Nt M HR of ,G, ,7 Milsnbandonede 1�Tc well CUnareen9fimtioa tvani�r ' .�' / 7b-tlplxiAeiete volume orwater mEmalsiiAg In weil(i;)s AI 1rOR WA fER S1JIRLY WELLS ONLY. Cozy Nemc 2..`VQp 7e-Construttion Permit#• 2 a Z Z.--1 a 3,6 Type of dtsiufectant used; 10 T.lat 4!T ripp) Q6la"�ioUconslrudimrpermttt(La Ut4 Cougrys Stafa Vnrtipifcc M)1fb 0µ4 ] " 3•SVell use(check'iveirese): f7d.Amount ofdlsinfeefantused: Water:Sukily Well: 7e•Seating matcdals used(check all.that Apply). 11Agricuitutel OMumcipaypublic 1]Geothential 13 NeatCcmentaMd O-Bmtmite:Chips or pellets {HeatiAOCoolingSupptp) Oitesidential Water Supply(sitigtd) p SandCeinetttGtout tlndustaayCouunerciai L7Rcsidentiai Water S 1 sha" 3 Dry Clay. C►lri etion upF Y( > tConcrcte'G;out 0 Drill Cuttings" NOA-WafLrSUp�Jy"WEII: p soccwtor0lll I' O r7lFntll__ ❑Monitoring .. URaaovcty 0 Bentonite slurry-- — A Otber(cxplain"undo 78) la9ectloa�Ve11: U-Tor each waterlAl selected nhoVcl provide atnoantArtilAtertais used: pAquifer ItecUargo :L1Gro�md►yata�Itemettintion QAguifer Storagis�and Recovery tnSeih»tyBairiei L7Aguifoi Test bstormwattr Draibage- p»PerimentaiTecfinoIogy t7SubsidcneeConuol t7Gcotitennal,(Cltued I cop) M"cef 7&Tr"Ide n brief damiptlon of thenlrandotimenf'proeeduree ClGeothermal(HeatiAg/Coolin itetwn`. L]Other`" lAitturnter74a14 . 4:Date well0 abandoned; , 5s.Well location; •fir C .0 202Z FaaLtylQtvaaName r� D `"Frae7apvpmFtttfapplkablje) i4:.CertitGatlon: • Initrl:3i�;�� ?1. .:=y,,,:ng 1(nw !- r ► \ © /N l r 4 p�/7 C YS `�/%� '/J I ,Ghtjr;ead gyp SiBoisture eFCatlfied Well C�onCac4or of Y4eitORver / •� �1 b3�—n z1-Z3w7 co°ab' Pme3ldeLtiscauauNo.(1'1lt) rhlsl thereby e+ rijy liuu`lhe,e{a7f(s).was )abandoned in ac h&fiwwith`ISANNC#X,O,�o&2C.#Mjr,*Convinu dlenSlartdmds b&JAUtUde And longitude in;degc&/mioptes/MmJsor decimaldWecs: ajwrhbrar0OfthbMmId/n prayf&dra the.wfl (ifwdl Geid,-om laihongia suwtci t). 9 Site diagram or ltddltldaal xc3i details;. lY W You May tt aAw.back of thts'pago.to provide edditioaal WeD9te details or well abeAdoiimeat d;huls You.may also attecb additioAal pages ifs,, CONSTR (!TION ABTA 1 bB WL�I LfSi Bf fNG AAMQM) Alfodrwtllawuhrrcponrocortl(a)rjmwlabfe,•Formulliple s ONU%*hl1rs®ie:cautrurtt`on/a6apdnnntnU y�m(amfubmlionejorm 4A i0a.For"-An Ift: Submit this 6a.We11 tlDke fam itlun 30 days.of tonopletion of weU. . u6Andaitm�tto the followitrg , Ilirldon of Water Restiutcea,Wotmaaou_Ptocrssl�'Unit Pi Total iv2U dtpftis, :.((t,) 1d17 Miiil3eTvlce Ctnter,RdtklPi NC 276*1617 /J 10b.For iinleefioA Wetly'In Addition to s6adiag tho_form-to the address in 100 di—,Hore6oledietneter. to j above,:also:submit one toy of this form wit(wi 30 days of completion•of-well ebandonmeattotbefI Owing: i 6d.Water level below ground snttaatr,,,,;,�,d7 �) Divleloo of Water Reso I t)®aergrouna rttJecfton Couhol Pro�im, 50 � i6�i6Mai1 Service Cijntert:I6,NC2'l699.1636 6e.Oditer caging lengfL ii'j -J tB,) 10e.�or�yAter 3unn�v 6c Ipjggt(on"Wei� 7u additiatt.to sending the farm to"the• ndilress(w)sboVo,also subwt we copy of this form vIthin 30 days.of completioA.. of tell Elan oiunedit fo,ute county health depattmcut of,the.00tutiy Where. 6LTnnercaafw-ftbicglength(itiworyn): (n,) a6andotud Pp{m GWV-30 NasIL Grutinal)eoxuaea►offiitivimnmenat cwurm,.nl+:,,....cw..:.o...:. ._