HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0005282_Application_19901005PERMIT APPLICATION FOR LAND APPLICATION OF WASTEWATER SLUDGE THE TOWN OF OLD FORT McDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA JOEL L. STORROW, P.E. McGILL ASSOCIATES, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 89104 August, 1990 ®• 4oF s o- �o 14774 I �Z ��. • FWG1N��.• � ` TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1. Non -discharge Permit Application Sludge Management Permit - Attachment A 2. Engineering Report Sludge Loading Calculations 3. Laboratory Sludge Analysis 4. Sludge Receiver Site Descriptions Landowner Agreement Forms APPENDIX A. SOIL SCIENTIST'S REPORT B. PROGRAM MANAGEMENT REPORT FORMS SECTION 1 NON -DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION PROCEDURE AND CRITERIA FOR WASTE DETERMINATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, A1,�D NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF Eli\7IRONMENTAL M2 NAGEMEN"I' SLUDGE IN4ANAGEMENT PERMIT-ATTACHAENT A This information %vill be used by the Division to determine whether a waste is (1) hazardous as defined by lO NCAC 1 OF, and (2) suitable for disposal at a waste management facility pem-iirted Dv t DiN?is on of Envire:nt;nental ',Managem--1t. The Depa1 Lin,.nt of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources reserves the right to request a6di*ional info a on or waive some of the requirements based on the ape of taste if it deems necessary. 1;7e Depa_rmnent may also require some vrastes to treated or altered to render the wastes environmentally immobile prior to disposal. The fo110',vinQ information is reouired for an evaluation. Incompit:e forms will subject the Non -discharge permit application to being returned as incomplete. A. GEl�'ER_AL 1TNFOR1MIATION 1> What is the waste: Domestic Wastewater Sludge ?. What volume, on an annual basis, is generated by the source (gallons & percent solids or dry tons pervear : 55 Dry Tons/Year 3. What frequency of disposal or land application will there be (daily, monthly, quarterly, etc.): Quarterly How much sludge storage capacity does the treatment facility contain (in days): 300 4. For indusrrial residuals, please explain either the manufacturing process or how the waste was generated (Please provide full and complete details of the enure process): N/A 5. What process is utilized for stabilization of the residuals? All residuals must be stabilized by a process to significantly reduce pathogens (as described in 40 CI=R Part 257, Appendix II) prior to application or incorporation. Anaerobic Digestion 6. Will the handling and disposal of this waste create dust emissions which may cause a health hazard or nuisance to surrounding persons? No Specify how the waste will be delivered to the disposal site (in leak proof trucks to a terra -Bator, etc.) and what type. of equipment will be utilized for disposal: Sludge will be delivered in tank trucks to the site(s) where dry sludge (25% solids) application will take place using farm manure spreading of fertilizer spreading equipment. As an alternate, liquid sludge (0.6% solids) may be sur ace istributed sing tank trucks equipped with high flotation tires, loadi pimps an spray.nozzYes. llo you intend to utilize a co:,tracto who specializes in Residual Management or do you intend to ma; ale the prog-a-i. If a contractor is utilized, please provide the name of the fin;, a contact, address, and telephone number. McGill Associates will manage the program B. i�rOATION FOR r;_tiL� RDOLS (RCRA) DETER�I IIN-- T N (10 NC:-.0 !OF .0029) RI 1. Is the waste listed under .0029(e) (i.e., 40 CFR 26131-261.33): If yes; list the number: No 2. Does the waste exhibit any of the four characteristics as defined by .0029(d) (i.e., 40 CFR 261.21-261.24): Anach la'coiatory results for; P Toxicity: Reactivity, Ignitsbiliry, Corrosivity): No C. INTFORMATION FOR LLa�D'. APPLICATION DETERMINA T ION Note: The following are established maximum leachable (EP Toxicity) conta:-nination levels and pH established for land application. Chenucal analyses should be made at Minimum Detection Limits pernutti_ng assessment below the maximum levels. (The pH range shown is for individual data poinu. The average values'accepted are normally 4.0-10.0). NE Tp,L,S: (ppm) PEST ICEDES/IERBICIDES: (ppm) Arsenic 5.0 Lindane 0.40 Barium 100.0 Endrin 0.02 Cadmium 1.0 Methoxychlor 10.0 Chromium 5.0 Toxaphere 0.50 Lead 5.0 2, 4-D i 0.0 Mercury 0.2 2,4,5-TP Silvex 1.00 Selenium Silver 1.0 5.0 pH (2:1 vol/wt.) >2.0-<12.5 s.u. 1. Attach E.P. Toxicity results: sampling should be in accordance with standard procedures (10 NCAC IOF .0029; Identification and Listing of Hazardous `'Wastes -Part 261.20 et.al.). Are any of the above parameters' concentration limitations exceeded? No 2. Does the waste contain any T:azardous waste constituents listed in .0029(e), Appendix VIII (i.e., 40 CFR 261, Appendix VIE): If yes, what constituents and what concentration (Attach laboratory results): `No "I hereby cenify that the infomiation subnutted in regard to Old Fort WWTP Sludge (name of waste) is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief." Joel L. Storrow, P.E. (print name) Project Engineer (title) (date) —r- ��—,,- (signature) All questions concerning this fornn should be directed to the Division of Environmental Manaaement. Permits and Engineering Unit at 919/733-5083. Answer specific questions in space provided. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Complete all inforn;ation, sign, and submit with the land application permit package: Dena; trnent of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources DiVl*lion of Environmental Mana2tmtnt P. O. Box 27687 V Ralcich, North Carolina 27611 i SECTION 2 ENGINEERING REPORT SLUDGE LOADING CALCULATIONS 1. INTRODUCTION The Town of Old Fort is proposing to enter into an agricultural recycling program for the ultimate disposal of sludge generated from its wastewater treatment plant. Since all land to be .used in the program is privately owned farm land, agreements have been signed between the Town and the Owners of the sites. All sites in the program will receive sludge which is applied at agronomical rates. At no time shall application rates exceed the acceptable safe levels for agronomical application. The report contains information about the operation of the Town's wastewater treatment plant and the sludge it generates. Included is a sludge analysis which is the basis for calculating the acceptable application rates. Also in this report will be information concerning the individual sites, including a copy of the Agreement with the property owners, topographic and soil maps and an aerial photograph showing the sites with wells and soil -sample locations. Finally, a copy of the soil scientist's report is included characterizing soil and topographic conditions at the sites based on field observations and sampling. II. SLUDGE PRODUCTION The Town of Old Fort owns and operates a wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 800,000 gpd. Approximately 75 percent of the wastewater b r�volume treated at tkie.--plant-is—o industrial origin. The plant uses an oxidation ditch operated in the extended aeration mode for carbonaceous removal, followed by external clarification. Sludge production from this process is estimated to be 300 lb./day or 55 dry tons per year. This waste sludge is anaerobically digested at 0.6 percent solids, prior to dewatering on conventional sand drying beds to a solids concentration of 25 percent. The estimated volume of sludge generated for land application in this fashion is 140 gallons per day. III. SLUDGE ANALYSIS Sludge produced at the Old Fort Wastewater Treatment Plant has been analyzed to determine its constituents, the amount of land area required for disposal and the safe loading rate of sludge applied to the land. The results of these calculations are presented in Table 1. Prior to commencement of each land application cycle a new composite sludge sample shall be analyzed for ammonia nitrogen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, (TKN), nitrate, nitrite, phosphorus, metals, and EP toxicity. Based upon the results of the updated analysis, the projected sludge loading rate shall be calculated and adjusted if necessary. This procedure shall be repeated prior to each and every application cycle to insure maximum safety in the program. According to calculations summarized in Table 1, 3.8 acres are required to accept the estimated annual sludge production of 55 tons at 25 percent solids. This sludge application program proposes to permit a, total of 140.5 acres. This area is sufficient to accept 2,037 tons of sludge per year according to the calculations, limited by the required Nitrogen loading. Site life is controlled by Copper in the sludge which limits use of the permitted land to 281 years. IV. RECEIVER SITES Seven (7) receiver sites totaling 140.5 acres are proposed, located on farms near Old Fort, North Carolina. These sites are shown on Figure 1 and described in detail in Section 4. A thorough discussion of soil conditions at these sites is found in Appendix A, Soil - Scientist's Report. V. METHOD OF OPERATION The Town of Old Fort proposes to engage a private contractor for the hauling and land application of sludge produced at the Old Fort Wastewater Treatment Plant. Under normal conditions, sludge will be removed from existing drying beds and/or a proposed sludge storage facility, consisting of a 35' x 40' concrete pad. The dried sludge will be hauled to the application sites by truck and applied either with normal farm manure or fertilizer spreading equipment, depending on the actual moisture content of the sludge. As an alternative, sludge may be pumped directly out of the digester into tanker trucks, to be transported to the land application site. Sludge application vehicles with 2000 gallon capacity, equipped with pumps, high flotation tires, and spray nozzles will then be used to distribute the sludge on the ground surface. Sludge application will be done only during good weather conditions when the ground is not frozen and relatively dry. Each land owner will be notified approximately one (1) month prior to the scheduled date of application and the Town will co-ordinate application sites with the land owners so sludge is applied during a time that does not disrupt normal farming operations. Each landowner will be responsible for applying lime to their sites, in the amount stipulated by the Town prior to any sludge application, except for the initial application, for which the Town will be responsible. VI. RECORD KEEPING AND CROP MANAGEMENT The Town of Old Fort shall be responsible for managing the land application program. After each application of Contractor shall submit a report to the Town for submittal to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Asheville Regional Office, which will outline the total number of gallons of sludge hauled from the plant, the total gallons applied and the destination. The report shall list the total number of gallons applied to each site, size, total number of gallons applied during cycle, crop being grown on site, amount of each sludge constituent added in pounds and either projected or actual harvest date for the crop. A copy of the proposed form for submittal with the report is contained in Appendix B. In order to supplement each land application report the Contractor shall also be responsible for providing the necessary data for filing an end of year report with the Division of Environmental Management. This report shall list the total amount of sludge and sludge constituents applied to the land during the life of the agricultural recycling program. The Town will have soil samples taken on each site and shall direct each property owner as to the correct types and amount of fertility supplements required and the proper amounts of lime necessary to maintain the desirable pH level required for each site. The results of the tests and the amount of crop supplements added to each site shall be summarized in the report. The end of year report shall also include a complete analysis of the sludge produced at the plant. Sludge application rate shall be adjusted each year, if necessary, to account for -any changes in sludge content. W C Z n 0 Ez C0 m 1:"-.I `,` M ° 1417 G BALD �� h K y� MOUNTAIN BIG LAUPREL - BIG LAUREL Sunny Vale ° I /JSJ MOUNTAIN /o Q. _ � 1434 L Y, i _Il C 60 /436 LAKE C /377 `,�\ 7.4 HOMA m J `�•. `, •�. I s , �/ 128 GJ 221 Hankins 1501 �1 J Lf \e 548 __ \,G°�e JJ } J D 90 �"� f �rw126 CRAGGY F /JOr /SJO /JO/ (, '-\\ U \ (/ /SJ6 4, \ GREEN MAINTAIN ?, . 9,6 N 1434 s '41RP01344 �' 4!s 226°o > > I ( s /347 Ceme MT. MITIC /546 s4o HELL WILDLIFE e �D ��/ `q/� ^jam(; Nebo q■ppp�1 o nt C HIGH Iy' GA PP �. 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C,E yn SLUDGE APPLICATION SITES E R F O R D APPROXIMGiE SCALE OF MILES THE TOWN OF OLD FORT (! r H LL WDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TABLE 1 WASTEWATER SLUDGE CHARACTERIZATION AND LOADING RECOMMENDATIONS TOWN OF OLD FORT, NORTH CAROLINA Constituents Concentration (ppm) Mass Load (Lb/ton) Standard Agricultural Loading (Ib/ac/yr or lb/ac) (3) Required Area (ac or ac/yr) (1) Annual Sludge Load (ton/acre) Site Life (years) (4) TKN 30,990 - NH3N 2,033 NO2 1.0 ' NO3 2.95 - PAN z 6,809 13.62 200 Ib/ac/yr 3.8 ac. 14.5 P 3,070 6.14 100 Ib/ac/yr 3.4 ac. 16.2 - K 433.5 0.87 50 Ib/ac/yr 1.0 ac. 55 Pb 0.05 0.0001 445 lb/ac 0.00001 ac/yr - 14 x 106 Zn 748.4 1.50 222:5lb/ac 0.74ac/yr - 351 Cu 526.6 1.05 111.5 lb/ac 1.5 ac/yr - 281 Ni 11.30 0.02 50 lb/ac 0.02 ac/yr - 7,025 Cd 1.59 0.0032 4.5 lb/ac 0.04 ac/yr - 3,513 Cd 1.59 0.0032 0.45 Ib/ac/yr 0.4 ac 137.5 - (1) Based on 55 dry tons/year sludge generation. Solids are 25 percent. (2) PAN = 0.2 (TKN-NH3-NO2-NO3)+0.5 (NH3N+NO2+NO3) PAN = 0.2(30,990-2,033-,1.02.95)+0.5(2,033+1.0+2.95)=6809 ppm or 13.62 Lb./dry ton. (3) Metal Loadings based upon most restrictive of current EPA recommendations. (4) Based on 140.5 acres available land area. SECTION 3 LABORATORY SLUDGE ANALYSIS 5n3iVnf�71 SP,'VIfCt • ngi�:otir 13i6355�v IPsrin� • Aquatic. Toxicity Reduction Evaivatinns AATCC Testing Scrv,cc% • NPDI S Train(; • Reporting & Dut,+ IWridling Scrviccs PMIN'� Aciudtit Alaatsav Fvaluations Burlington Research Post Office Box 2481 •615 Huffman Mill Road 0 (919) 584-5564 • Burlington, NC 27215 CUSTOMER: FACILITY: SAMPLE: WORK ORDER TO: SAMPLE REC'D: REPORT DATE: REPORT TO: ANALYTICAL REPORT Dr. Bob Rubin 202 Kirkwood Dr. Sludge Analysis oF1- Effluent Grab 89-08-030-04 08/03/89 09/28/89 Dr. Bob Rubin PARAMETER UNITS RESULTS Ammonia Nitrogen - Sludge mg/Kg Dry Wt. 2,033.0 Arsenic, EP TOXICITY mg/L 0.276 Barium, EP TOXICITY mg/L 0.739 Cadmium, EP TOXICITY mg/L <0.004 Cadmium, Tftl. - Sludge mg/Kg Dry Wt. 1.59 Chromium, EP TOXICITY mg/L <0.05 Copper, T'tl. - Sludge mg/Xg Dry Wt. 526.'6 EP TOX Pest/Herbicides g/L ATTACHED Lead, EP TOXICITY mg/L <0.05 Mercury, EP TOXICITY mg/L <0.002 Nickel, TItl. - Sludge mg/Kg Dry Wt. 11..3V Nitrate, Nitrogen mg/L <2.95 Phosphorus, T1t1 - Sludge mg/Kg Dry Wt. 3,070.0 Selenium, EP TOXICITY mg/L <0.005 Silver, EP TOXICITY mg/L <0.01 TKN - Sludge mg/Kg Dry Wt. 30,990.0 Zinc, T'tl. - Sludge mg/Kg Dry Wt. 748.4 i Analytical $erYiirc • Arivauc.' Bjue�.; v Tvst;ne • Anuatir Tnvirity Roduction F% Muation4 AATC.0 T(•,tuig Servivei 9 tiPt.)k5 Ic,tm6 • R%!portiny & Date H,)ndlinS Svrvir(•; f+viti A(ttidliC BiUe++iSV �Y;11Ll�lTiq�� 11l, Burling)/ton Research Post Office Box 2481 •615 Huffman Mill Road • (919) 584.5564 • Burlington, NC 27215 EP TOXICITY PESTICIDES AND HERBICIDES Work Order W: 89-08-030-04 Maximum Allowable Result Parameter Concentration (ug/L) Ju gz L Endrin 20 <5 Lindane 400 <5 Methoxychlor 10,000 <200 Toxaphene 500 <200 2,4-D 10,000 <200 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 11000 <200 SECTION 4 SLUDGE RECEIVER SITE DESCRIPTIONS LANDOWNER AGREEMENT FORMS OLD FORT SLUDGE RECEIVER SITE M. H. TERRELL FARM FARM NO. 4 SITE NO. 4 Sludge receiver Site No. 4 is owned by M. H. Terrell. The site contains 6.2 acres located immediately south of Old Fort off Catawba River Road. Site No. 4 is a field used as pasture and for hay production. Topography is gentle with slopes less than four (4) percent. The soils are typical of those found on steam terraces in the area, being deep and well -drained, comprised of old stream sediments. Buffers of 100 feet are held from the property lines on the east, north and west boundaries of the site. A buffer of 400 feet is also maintained between the site and a water supply well serving the Town of Old Fort, located to the west. The Catawba River flows from west to east across the southern boundary of the site. Although the majority of the site lies within the 100 year flood plain, the northern two-thirds of the site is rarely flooded. In any case, application of sludge will not be allowed during high water events which inundate the application area. .. - � jr Z J ^ •� 1 .\ C�� � ,`� -4, f r I er�'[Tr"! _ :-• �� - WS- nt:�,���'« y`,�' �� -� -t_ ~•#.f' _��`�' } 1.;..` ray i � �t� rirT" � r, ">r� +". `.SE-, : sT ,* .+ r ; r.. •y f"Y `�ry't:.; 4';'�t f± .' �.5 ip -•, ,'.[ i a t ` f [. f` f �i r1%1• tritJ r ,.,a *-1. N hJ , ' 1 s , ` sr�. �r - .d ��} �i r. �y.� ,{L1 � � Y "li }�•�. wi c r' �- _ k' ni _ �`Y An /�� �1 f.F� I ° • a :i . sad z i� fi, r F.i £j . LAND APPLICATION SITES �. 1 ��'�f �• Il iG: i � r 1 see I AO% /440 W-10, 1274 OVILO kPLMOgirmomi imrs I % ELSINBORO LOAM F ROSMAN LOAM POTOMAC COBBLY LOAMY SAND e ,� �O_ SOIL TEST SITE CONTOUR INTERVAL = 40' LIMIT OF 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN LAND APPLICATION SITES NO. 4 �i TOWN OF OLD FORT McDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA^ / SCALE: 1 = 400' TOWN OF OLD FORT AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF WASTE SLUDGE ON PRIVATE LAND NAME OF WWTP: Old Fort Wastewater Treatment Plant OWNER OF WWTP: Town of Old Fort LOCATION OF WWTP: At Curtis Creek, off US70 behind Collins-Aikman 'TYPE OF SLUDGE: Waste activated Sludge Aerobically Stabilized FARM NO. 4 (Sheet 13, Tract 9) LOCATION OF LAND: Catawa River Road OWNER OF PROPERTY: Terrel LESSEE OF PROPERTY: The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits the Town of Old Fort hereinafter, referred to as the Permittee, to apply sludge from the Town Old Fort's Wastewater Treatment Plant upon the land at the location shown as described in the attached documents in accordance with the restrictions, stipulations and exceptions shown below. The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied sludge while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land described above for the disposal of digested wastewater sludge. This agreement remains in effect for an initial period of Three (3) years. Following the initial Three (3) year period, this agreement shall remain in effect from one year to the next year until cancelled as stipulated below. The undersigned land owner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given one hundred twenty (120) days in advance, modifies or cancels this agreement. Page 1 RESTRICTIONS• 1. No sludge shall be applied during periods when the ground is frozen or excessively wet. 2. Should cumulative applications of metals exceed those limitations allowed by the Division of Environmental Management, the landowner may be required to have the following statement recorded as a part of the property deed: "Portions of this property have received solid waste at high metals application rates and care should be taken if food chain crops are grown due to a possible health ,azard." 3. Where sludge is applied to land which requires cultivation, (i.e. corn) the landowner shall be responsible for plowing the land within one week of completion of sludge application. STIPULATIONS• 1. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, County and State officials or their representatives to inspect each parcel of property prior to, during, and after sludge application and to establish monitoring facilities on or near the application site as required by the sludge disposal permit. 2. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, County and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface and ground water samples during the term of, and twelve (12) months after termination of, this Agreement. 3. The Permittee will provide each landowner or his representative with a copy of the land application permit as issued by the N. C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to commencement of sludge application. The NCEEHNR-DEM permit will delineate maximum application rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. Page 2 4. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the program for land application of sludge to privately owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of the sludge, sludge application methods and schedules for typical cropping patterns and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee for sludge applications. 5. The Permittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the laboratory analysis stating constituents of the sludge prior to the commencement of each sludge application. 6. The Permittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 7. The landowner or his representative will be responsible for properly liming the land to a pH of 6.5 before each application of sludge, except for the initial land application for which the Town of old Fort will be responsible. The pH of the land before and after the application of lime will be determined in accordance with Stipulation 2 above. 8. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above at least twelve (12) months prior to each planting season to enable to Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR permit, the owner or his representative and the Permittee will determine sludge application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 9. No crops for human consumption shall be raised on the sludge receiver site for a period of eighteen (18) months following application of sludge. 10. The landowner or his representatives or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of the most recent sludge application. 11. The Permittee will exercise all reasonable care and precaution in the execution of this Agreement. The Permittee will not be held liable for any damage to the property or persons in the execution of this Agreement not due directly to negligence on behalf of the Permittee. Page 3 12. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to insure the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 13. The existing lessee, if any, of the site agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 14. In consideration of the signing of this Agreement, the parties thereto for themselves, their agents, officials, employees and servants agree not to discriminate in any manner on the basis of race, color, 'creed or national origin with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement, no matter how remote. 15. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 16. The land application disposal sites shall not be grazed within thirty (30) days after the last sludge application by any animals whose products (including their meat) is consumed by humans, lactating dairy cattle shall not be grazed on these lands for a period of 160 days following sludge application. 17. In any future transfer of the land where sludge has been applied, a notice shall be given to the new land owner that gives full details as to the sludge constituents, volume, etc. that was applied or incorporated at this site. EXCEPTIONS• Page 4 ATTEST: LAND OWNER OR LESSEE DATE: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) COUNTY OF McDOWELL ) I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that `l-n- V. , personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this 9 day of a� , 19 90. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: %-Ao -93 ATTEST: BY: OWN OF OLD FORT PERMITTEE DATE: -�2 - -) - !9'U STATE_ OF NORTH. CAROLINA) _ COUNTY OF McDOWELL ) I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that I 7�{J, e �� , , personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this/ �=h day of , 19 yv. . NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: % - '-b - 5F 3 Page 5 OLD FORT SLUDGE RECEIVER SITE RUTH M. GREENLEE FARM FARM NO. 6 SITE NOS. 6A and 613 Sludge receiver sites 6A and 6B are owned by Ruth M. Greenlee. The sites contain a total of 42.0 acres located off Greenlee Road bounded on the east by the Catawba River and the north by the Southern Railroad tracks. Both sites are leased for farming at the present time. The fields have been planted in corn and soybeans most recently. Topography is rather gentle, with slopes not exceeding six (6) percent across both sites. Soils are very deep and well drained, typical of old stream sediment soils found on high stream terraces, footslopes, and fans in the area. Buffers of 100 feet are held from the property lines around the site. A 400 foot buffer is also maintained from a well serving the Greenlee house. Since the Catawba River creates a broad 100 year flood plain across the site, sludge will not be applied during any high water events. I a IJ- t. nj -4S4z,,, re, W—Wr.:i, AV lelt;� e 7:ti Yj, • F-V` a A ,.0 't? -- " , - -', V- k- -4--l-Y 4;� zi� V. e7l !fjw 0, zf- 4r I Z, Zr -tFrr AND APPLICATION 51TI NO. 6A & 6B AWN OF OLD FOP TOWN OF OLD FORT AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF WASTE SLUDGE ON PRIVATE LAND NAME OF WWTP: Old Fort Wastewater Treatment Plant OWNER OF WWTP: Town of Old Fort LOCATION OF WWTP.: At Curtis Creek, off US70 behind Collins-Aikman TYPE OF SLUDGE: Waste activated Sludge Aerobically Stabilized FARM NO. 6 (Sheet 5, Tract 2) LOCATION OF LAND: NC 10 OWNER OF PROPERTY: Greenlee LESSEE OF PROPERTY: The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits the Town of Old Fort hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to apply sludge from the Town Old Fort's Wastewater Treatment Plant upon the land at the location shown as described in the attached documents in accordance with the restrictions, stipulations and exceptions shown below. The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied sludge while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land described above for the disposal of digested wastewater sludge. This agreement remains in effect for an initial period of Three (3) years. Following the initial Three (3) year period, this agreement shall remain in effect from one year to the next year until cancelled as stipulated below. The undersigned land owner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given one hundred twenty (120) days in advance, modifies or cancels this agreement. Page 1 RESTRICTIONS• 1. No sludge shall be applied during periods when the ground is frozen or excessively wet. 2. Should cumulative applications of metals exceed those limitations allowed by the Division of Environmental Management, the landowner may be required to have the following statement recorded as a part of the property deed: "Portions of this property have received solid waste at high metals application rates and care should be taken if food chain crops are grown due to a possible health hazard." 3. Where sludge is applied to land which requires cultivation, (i.e. corn) the landowner shall be responsible for plowing the land within one week of completion of sludge application. STIPULATIONS• 1. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, County and State officials or their representatives to inspect each parcel of property prior to, during, and after sludge application and to establish monitoring facilities on or near the application site as required by the sludge disposal permit. 2. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, County and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface and ground water samples during the term of, and twelve (12) months after termination of, this Agreement. 3. The Permittee will provide each landowner or his representative with a copy of the land application permit as issued by the N. C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to commencement of sludge application. The NCEEHNR-DEM permit will delineate maximum application rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. Page '2 4. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the program for land application of sludge to privately owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of the sludge, sludge application methods and schedules for typical cropping patterns and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee for sludge applications. 5. The Permittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the laboratory analysis stating constituents of the sludge prior to the commencement of each.sludge application. 6. The Permittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 7. The landowner or his representative will be responsible for properly liming the land to a pH of 6.5 before each application of sludge, except for the initial land application for which the Town of Old Fort will be responsible. The pH of the land before and after the application of lime will be determined in accordance with Stipulation 2 above. 8. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above at least twelve (12) months prior to each planting season to enable to Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR permit, the owner or his representative and the Permittee will determine sludge application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 9. No crops for human consumption shall be raised on the sludge receiver site for a period of eighteen (18) months following application of sludge. 10. The landowner or his representatives or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of the most recent sludge application. 11. The Permittee will exercise all reasonable care and precaution in the execution of this Agreement. The Permittee will not be held liable for any damage to the property or persons in the execution of this Agreement not due directly to negligence on behalf of the Permittee. Page 3 12. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to insure the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 13. The existing lessee, if any, of the site agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 14. In consideration of the signing of this Agreement, the parties thereto for themselves, their agents, officials, employees and servants agree not to discriminate in any manner on the basis of race, color, creed or national origin with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement, no matter how remote. 15. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 16. The land application disposal sites shall not be grazed within thirty (30) days after the last sludge application by any animals whose products (including their meat) is consumed by humans, lactating dairy cattle shall not be grazed on these lands for a period of 160 days following sludge application. 17. In any future transfer of the land where sludge has been applied, a notice shall be given to the new land owner that gives full details as to the sludge constituents, volume, etc. that was applied or incorporated at this site. EXCEPTIONS• Page 4 ATTEST: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) COUNTY OF McDOWELL ). By: 1pq , LAND OWNER OR LESSEE DATE: S�24-1 aOOV "I /? I, the ndersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this day of , 19qq. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: % -moo - 4 3 ATTEST: :J / By; 7,AJ TOWN OF OLD FORT PERMITTEE DATE: �: .23 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) COUNTY OF McDOWELL I, the . undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that P . , personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the dhe execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this day Of , 19'74 hi NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: '7 - a o - 1 3 Page ,5 OLD FORT SLUDGE RECEIVER SITE EDWIN BRYAN FARM FARM NO. 8 SITE NOS. 8A, 813, AND 8C Sludge receiver sites 8A, 8B and 8C are owned by Ed Bryan. Site 8A contains 13.9 acres located south of US 70 near the Pleasant Gardens community. Sites 8B and 8C contain a total of 36.9 acres, located east of NC 80 near Buck Creek. All three (3) sites are used to grow corn for silage at the present time. Topography is gently sloping, not exceeding four (4) percent. Soils are quite deep and well -drained, comprised of old stream sediments. Buffers of 100 feet are held from all surrounding property lines. Both the Catawba River and Buck Creek create 100 year flood plains across the site. Accordingly, no sludge will be applied during high water events. OLD FORT SLUDGE RECEIVER. SITE H. B. GIBBS FARM FARM NO. 9 SITE NO. 9 Sludge receiver site No. 9 is owned by H. B. Gibbs. The site contains 41.5 acres located east of NC 80 near Buck Creek and immediately north of site 813, owned by Ed Bryan. In fact, Mr. Bryan leases the site from Mr. Gibbs at present and grows corn for silage. Topography is gentle, with slopes less than three (3) percent. Soils are deep and well -drained, comprised of old -stream sediments. Buffers of 100 feet are held from all surrounding property lines, except Mr. Bryan's to the south. Buck Creek also forms a 100-year flood plain across the property. Therefore, no sludge will be applied during high water events. I \� I SOIL CLASSIFICATION LEGEND ELSINBORO LOAM. `, • El ROSMAN LOAM (9 SOIL TEST SITE 1 11-1 LIMIT OF 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN - h 1 f � 13 .100 ol Substa /8A TOWN OF OLD FORT McDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: V= 400' 22DI - � � cAT��_A R/V - _ CONTOUR INTERVAL 40' 13.9 AC. • LAND APPLICATION SITES NO.. 8A PROPERTY LINE APPLICATION LIMI 10 O ..A 8Ct *,M 11 4 AC. R�.Vg 0- M. .gs m M inn! ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . �Rap W. w m Al o SOIL CLA SSIFICATION -LEGEND 11 I Z 9 ❑ROSMAN LOAM �-J2-9 41.5 AC. SOIL TEST SITE O ; . 1;i1 /t �: LIMIT OF 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN lb j 8B too I 25.5 AC. e 1*.o� �oe •; / �• • i LJ -14 '8C 11.4 Ad. j - �� All �2 0- mmm" CONTOUR INTERVAL =401 LAND APPLICATION SITES t NO. 8139 8Cg & 9 TOWN OF OLD FORT McDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: 1 400' TOWN OF OLD FORT AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF WASTE SLUDGE ON PRIVATE LAND NAME OF WWTP: Old Fort Wastewater Treatment Plant OWNER OF WWTP: Town of Old Fort LOCATION OF WWTP: At Curtis Creek, off US70 behind Collins-Aikman TYPE OF SLUDGE: Waste activated Sludcre, Aerobically Stabilized FARM NO. 9 (6=20-3-2B, 6-20-4-2C, 6-20-4-2, 6-20-4-2B LOCATION OF LAND: US 70 near Buck Creek OWNER OF PROPERTY: Ed Bryan LESSEE OF PROPERTY: The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits the Town of Old Fort hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to apply sludge from the 'Town Old Fort's Wastewater Treatment Plant upon the land at the location shown as described in the attached documents in accordance with the restrictions, stipulations and exceptions shown below. The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied sludge while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land described above for the disposal of digested wastewater sludge. This agreement remains in effect for an initial period of Three (3) years. Following the initial Three (3) year period, this agreement shall remain in effect from one year to the next year until cancelled as stipulated below. The undersigned land owner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given one hundred twenty (120) days in advance, modifies or cancels this agreement. Page 1 RESTRICTIONS• 1. No sludge shall be applied during periods when the ground is frozen or excessively wet. 2. Should cumulative applications of metals exceed those limitations allowed by the Division of Environmental Management, the landowner may be required to have the following statement recorded as a part of the property deed: "Portions of this property have received solid waste at high metals application rates and care should be taken if food chain crops are grown due to a possible health hazard." 3. Where sludge is applied to land which requires cultivation, (i.e. corn) the landowner shall be responsible for plowing the land within one week of completion of sludge application. STIPULATIONS• 1. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, County and State officials or their representatives to inspect each parcel of property prior to, during, and after sludge application and to establish monitoring facilities on or near the application site as required by the sludge disposal permit. 2. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, County and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface and ground water samples during the term of, and twelve (12) months after termination of, this Agreement. 3. The Permittee will provide each landowner or his representative with a copy of the land application permit as issued by the N. C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to commencement of sludge application. The NCEEHNR-DEM permit will delineate maximum application rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. Page 2 4. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the program for land application of sludge to privately owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of the sludge, sludge application methods and schedules for typical cropping patterns and a description of -the equipment used by the Permittee for sludge applications. 5. The Permittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the laboratory analysis stating constituents of the sludge prior to the commencement of each sludge application. 6. The Permittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 7. The landowner or his representative will be responsible for properly liming the land to a pH of 6.5 before each application of sludge, except for the initial land application for which the Town of Old Fort will be responsible. The pH of the land before and after the application of lime will be determined in accordance with Stipulation 2 above. 8. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above at least twelve (12) months prior to each planting season to enable to Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR permit, the owner or his representative and the Permittee will determine sludge application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 9. No crops for human consumption shall be raised on the sludge receiver site for a period of eighteen (18) months following application of sludge. 10. The landowner or his representatives or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of the most recent sludge application. 11. The Permittee will exercise all reasonable care and precaution in the execution of this Agreement. The Permittee will not be held liable for any damage to the property or persons in the execution of this Agreement not due directly to negligence on behalf of the Permittee. Page 3 12. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to insure the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 13. The existing lessee, if any, of the site agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 14. In consideration of the signing of this Agreement, the parties thereto for themselves, their agents, officials, employees and servants agree not to discriminate in any manner on the basis of race, color, creed or national origin with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement, no matter how remote. 15. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 16. The land application disposal sites shall not be grazed within thirty (30) days after the last sludge application by any animals whose products (including their meat) is consumed by humans, lactating dairy cattle shall not be grazed on these lands for a period of 160 days following sludge application. 17. In any future, transfer of the land where sludge has been applied, a notice shall be given to the new land owner that gives full details as to the sludge constituents, volume, etc. that was applied or incorporated at this site. EXCEPTIONS• Page 4 ATTEST: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) COUNTY OF McDOWELL ) �J LAND OWNER OR LESSEE DATE: '- -:;-, - `7 0 I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that , r„ ). �, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged then due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this day of 7b,uA-k, , 199'). My Commission Expires: 7 v� P - y , ATTEST: Z1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) COUNTY OF McDOWELL ) BY: NOTARY PUBLIC TOWN OF OLD FORT PERMITTEE DATE: I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that :7. personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. of 2WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this day aA"dj, , , 19lio. i NOTARYI My Commission Expires: 7 - ao - 93 Page 5 TOWN OF OLD FORT AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF WASTE SLUDGE ON PRIVATE LAND NAME. OF WWTP: Old FortWastewater Treatment Plant OWNER OF WWTP: Town of Old Fort LOCATION OF WWTP: At Curtis Creek, off US70 behind Collins-Aikman -TYPE OF SLUDGE: Waste activated Sludge Aerobically Stabilized FARM NO. 8 (6-20-4-1) LOCATION OF LAND: US 70 near Buck Creek 'OWNER OF PROPERTY: H. B. Gibbs LESSEE OF PROPERTY: The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits the Town of Old Fort hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to apply sludge from the Town Old Fort's Wastewater Treatment Plant upon the land at the location shown as described in the attached documents in accordance with the restrictions, stipulations and exceptions shown below. The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied sludge while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land described above for the disposal of digested wastewater sludge. This agreement remains in effect for an initial period of Three (3) years. Following the initial Three (3) year period, this agreement shall remain in effect from one year to the next year until cancelled as stipulated below. The undersigned land owner or his representative and -+ the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given one hundred twenty (120) days in advance, modifies or cancels this agreement. Page 1 RESTRICTIONS• 1. No sludge shall be applied during periods when the ground is frozen or excessively wet. 2. Should cumulative applications of metals exceed those limitations allowed by the Division of Environmental Management, the landowner may be required to have the following statement recorded as a part of the property deed: "Portions of this property have received solid waste at high metals application rates and care should be taken if food chain crops are grown due to a possible health hazard." 3. Where sludge is applied to land which requires cultivation, (i.e. corn) the landowner shall be responsible for plowing the land within one week of completion of sludge application. STIPULATIONS• 1. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, County and State officials or their representatives to inspect each parcel of property prior to, during, and after sludge application and to establish monitoring facilities on or near the application site as required by the sludge disposal permit. 2. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, County and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface and ground water samples during the term of, and twelve (12) months after termination of, this Agreement. 3. The Permittee will provide each landowner or his representative with a copy of the land application permit as issued by the N. C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to commencement of sludge application. The NCEEHNR-DEM permit will delineate maximum application rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. Page 2 4. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the program for land application of sludge to privately owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of the sludge, sludge application methods and schedules for typical cropping patterns and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee for sludge applications. 5. The Permittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the laboratory analysis stating constituents of the sludge prior to the commencement of each sludge application. 6. The Permittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 7. The landowner or his representative will be responsible for properly liming the land to a pH of 6.5 before each application of sludge, except for the initial land application for which the Town of Old Fort will be responsible. The pH of the land before and after the application of lime will be determined in accordance with Stipulation 2 above. 8. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above at least twelve (12) months prior to each planting season to enable to Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR permit, the owner or his representative and the Permittee will determine sludge application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 9. No crops for human consumption shall be raised on the sludge receiver site for a period of . eighteen (18) months following application of sludge. 10. The landowner or his representatives or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of the most recent sludge application. 11. The Permittee will exercise all reasonable care and precaution in the execution of this Agreement. The Permittee will not be held liable for any damage to the property or persons in the execution of this Agreement not due directly to negligence on behalf of the Permittee. Page 3 12. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to insure the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 13. The existing lessee, if any, of the site agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 14. In consideration of the signing of this Agreement, the parties thereto for themselves, their agents, officials, employees and servants agree not to discriminate in any manner on the basis of race, color, creed or national origin with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement, no matter how remote. 15. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 16. The land application disposal sites shall not be grazed within thirty (30) days after the last sludge application by any animals whose products (including their meat) is consumed by humans, lactating dairy cattle shall not be grazed on these lands for a period of 160 days following sludge application. 17. In any future transfer of the land where , sludge has been applied, a notice shall be given to the new land owner that gives full details as to the sludge constituents, volume, etc. that was applied or incorporated at this site. EXCEPTIONS• Page 4 ATTEST: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) COUNTY OF McDO WELL } By: LAND OWNER OR LESSEE DATE: 3- I� the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that• personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this day of1a�� , 19uo . NOTARY PUBLIC U My Commission Expires: '% ATTEST: f7`1 BY:`p TOWN OF OLD FORT PERMITTEE DATE: 3--Za-lid STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) COUNTY OF McDO WELL ) I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that -4. 7 u Qom ) , personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this day of c NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: Page 5 APPENDIX A SOIL SCIENTIST'S REPORT Site Investigation For The Town of Old Fort McDowell County Seven sites were evaluated and demonstrated potential to treat and renovate the small volume of wastewater treatment plant sludge generated by the Town of Old Fort, North Carolina. The sites are located in McDowell County, Nort^ Carolina. Farms 6 and 7 are located a considerable distance from the Old Ford wastewater Treatment Facility as are Farms 1 and 2. The haul distance, however, is of little concern in this area because suitable agricultural land is difficult to find and the farms evaluated all demonstrated excellent potential to treat and renovate waste. The small distance in excess of normal haul distances is of little concern given the tremendous value of the sites to the Old Fort Land Application Program. Each of the sites was evaluated with a series of hand auger borings. In addition, soil core samples were collected from each site to determine the optimum fertility levels and to make recommendations regarding nutrient and lime requirements. There are two purposes to the brief report which follows. The first is to describe conditions encountered on each of the seven proposed waste sludge receiver sites. The second is to make recommendations regarding appropriate nutrient and supplemental lime requirements on each site. The sites evaluated were either in row crop production or were in permanent pasture. Most sites evaluated were in row crop production. Topography The topography on each of the sites was somewhat atypical of the Mountain region of the state. In general, the slope on each of the sites was less than 6 or 8 percent. Most sites evaluated were located on broad flat terrace positions off major drainage ways coursing through McDowell County. - 2 - Small portions of the potential waste receiver sites were located along the toe slope positions of the upland areas adjacent to these terrace oositions. Some topography or relief is essential to provide a gradient along which liquid and other constituents applied to any waste receiver site will move. This becomes a critical concern when excess rainfall occurs. The rainfall entering a site must exit so that agricultural operations can take place. The minimal gradient encountered over most of the sites evaluated will nose some limitations regarding the rainfall exiting the site. This will facilitate retention of nutrients onsite where they will become more available for Dlant growth and production. In general, the topography encountered on each site renders each of these sites very well suited for inclusion in the Old Fort Sludge Management Program. A more detailed description of the location and topography on each farm follows. Farm 1 Knupp Farm: The Knupp Farm is located on State Road 1102 south and west of the Old Fort Wastewater Treatment Facility. The farm is located on a broad terrace position and there is a drainage way which will require the optimum setback for sludge application to prevent eontam!Tratiom of' -sludge contaminants or constituents to surface water. In general, the topography on the Knupp Farm is less than 4 percent and this is very well suited for the sludge application system proposed. There are few esidences adjoining the site and the setback from these residences is between 2-and 00 feet. Farm 2 Lavender Farm: The Lavender Farm is located at the intersection of State Road 1128 and 1129 in McDowell County.' There is a drainage way along the southernmost border of the Lavender Farm. The sludge application must 3 - take place more than 100 feet from this site if surface application is used and could take place within 50 feet of the drainage way if injection is used. In general, topography on the Lavender Farm is less than 5 percent and this is well suited for the sludge application system proposed. Farm 3 Kanipe Farm: The Kanipe Farm is located immediately adjacent to Interstate Highway 40. The topography on the Kanipe Farm is very gentle. The. southernmost border of the Kanipe Farm is the Catawba River. Application of sludge within 100 feet of the Catawba River will not be permitted through the Division of Environmental Management. In general, topography on the Kanipe Farm is very well suited for the sludge application system proposed. Farm 4 Terrell Farm: The Terrell Farm is also located immediately adjacent to Interstate 40. The southernmost border of the Terrell Farm is also the Catawba River. In general, topography over the site is less than 4 percent. The presence of the Catawba River will require a setback from the river to sludge application areas. This will reduce area available on the Terrell Farm but should not significantly impact operation of the land application program proposed. Farm 5 Grenlee Farm: The Grenlee .sisters'operate a very large acreage farm immediately off State Road 1246 east of Old Fort. The large acreage tract is bordered on the east by the Catawba River. Topography over the Grenlee Farm varies from very gently sloping to moderately steep. The predominant relief over the farm, however, is less than 4 percent. Topograhy on the Grenlee Farm - 4 - should not adversely affect sludge application. Proximity to the Catawba River will require the maximum buffer-t5:) -protect surface water quality. Farm o Gibbs Farm: The Gibbs Farm is located north of U.S. Highway 70 near the confluence of Buck Creek and the Catawba River. In general, the topography on the Gibbs :arm is nearly level. Maximum slope encountered over the site is generally less than 2 percent. The Catawba River does form one border of the site. Buffers will be required between sludge application areas and the Catawba River to insure that surface water quality can be protected. Farm 7 Bryan Farm: The Bryan Farm is located east of Highway 80 near the confluence of the Catawba River and Buck Creek. Buck Creek does form the westernmost boundary of the site. In general, topography on the Bryan Farm is very well suited for the land application system proposed. There did not appear to be slope in excess of 5 percent on the Bryan Farm. In general, this topographic landscape position renders the farm very well suited as a receiver for a portion of the sludge generated by the Town of Old Fort. The slope or relief encountered on each of the proposed sites renders them well suited to receive a portion of the sludge generated by the Town of Old Fort. Each site, when combined with others proposed for this program, will provide ample area for assimilation of the sludge volume produced by the Town of Old Fort. Neither topography or site location should limit or preclude use of any of.the sites as receivers for a portion of the waste generated by the Town. There will be sites on which stringent setback requirements will reduce the land area available for sludge application. These sites were identified previously and the setbacks from major water 5 - courses will be noted in the site maps which will be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management as part of the permit application package. Prior to application of waste residuals, these buffer areas must be clearly flagged and the land applicator must be thoroughly aware of the site limitations imposed by these major drainage ways. The few site and topographic limitations noted can be addressed in design and operation of this system. Neither should limit or preclude use of any of the proposed sites as a receiver for waste. Soils The soils information necessary to develop design criteria for a land based waste treatment system must address both agronomic and engineering properties of the soil material encountered on each of the sites. These properties must be evaluated on the basis of actual soil evaluations in the field. In support of this project, hand auger borings and soil core samples were collected from each of the proposed waste receiver sites. The hand auger borings were used to characterize or describe a representative soil profile. The 1-inch diameter soil core samples were used to characterize soil fertility and, to determine supplemental nutrient and lime requirements for each site. The auger borings were advanced at locations thought to typify each site. Results of the hand auger borings indicate that the predominant soil encountered in each site is a terrace soil. Each of the sites proposed occupies a terrace position adjacent to a major drainage way. The soil material does confirm the landscape position. The soil material extracted with the hand auger was evaluated with increasing depth for selected properties. 'Each of those properties are thought to be critical in design and operation of a land based waste management system. The properties evaluated - 6 - include: depth, color, texture, structure, and consistence. Each of these Properties is used to characterize or describe a representative soil profile. Soil color is perhaps the most critical of the factors evaluated. Soil color does relate to the potential for a seasonal 'nigh water table or soil wetness condition. A minimum of 2 feet separation is necessary between she zone of waste application and the water table. The presence of the gray mottles in the soil is an excellent indicator of this soil wetness condition. The descriptions _or the soil material encountered on each of the proposed sites is provided as an attachment to this report. In general, the soil material encountered on each site consists of a deep, well drained to moderately well drained soil. The sandy topsoil horizons extend from the soil surface to a depth of between 8 and 10 inches on each of the proposed sites. Underlying this is typically a reddish brown sandy loam to red sandy clay loam subsoil which extended to a depth of between 30 and 36 inches. Underlying this was a sandy clay to sandy clay loam material which extended to a depth of over 48 inches. Light gray mottles were encountered at approximately 30 to 36 inches on portions of the sites evaluated. It does appear that the potential water table is located at between 36 and 48 inches and the potential water table depth should not limit or preclude use of either of the sites evaluated as a receiver for a portion of the waste generated by the Town of Old Fort. The soil core sampling indicates that the soil material is moderately high in fertility, the cation exchange capacity ranges from 6 to 8 and the soil pH is generally depressed ranging from 5.7 to 5.9 standard pH units. The soil material does not appear to pose significant limitations for use as a receiver for waste. The sandy topsoil horizons will allow rapid - 7 - incorporation of waste.material into the soil while the heavier textured subsoil will allow for retention of nutrients and metals. The soil fertility levels must be adjusted prior to application of waste material. Soil pH must be increased to between 6.2 and 6.5 standard pH units. These recommendations will be discussed subsequently in the section on waste characterization and recommendations. in general, the soil material encountered on each of the sites is well suited and soil properties should not limit or preclude use of any site as a receiver for a portion of the waste generated by the Town of Old Fort. Waste Characteristics and Recommendations A sample of dry sludge from the Old Fort Wastewater Treatment Facility was collected and analyzed. The analysis indicated that the material was non- toxic and non -hazardous and suitable for application onto land. Further, the analysis indicated that there a= 'levels of nutrients .)available in the s of selectedheav sludge and moderate level 1�`` y � metals present. The sludge is suitable for application onto agricultural or silvicultural land. Nutrient content is variable. A high concentration of nitrogen was present considering other sludge sources while only low to moderate concentrations of phosphorus and potassium were detected. The metal concentrations ranged from low to moderate. The potentially toxic metals, lead and cadmium, are present only at very low concentrations. Copper and zinc represent metals of most concern in this land treatment program. Copper and zinc are considered to be essential micronutrients. These metals are required by growing plants. They are present in the waste at low concentrations to moderate concentrations and these metals will most impact the operation of this land application program. Both copper and zinc - 8 - are the metals which determine the longevity of the land application system proposed. The most limiting of the metals is copper. A site containing approximately 50 acres and capable of assimilating 500 dry tons of sludge per year or 10 dry to per acre per year will last for approximately 10 years as a receiver for sludge. At this point, copper will have accumulated in the soil to a 'level that EPA currently considers the maximum allowable cumulative rate. In actuality, this maximum cumulative rate is for the most restrictive of -the existing.EPA criteria and the sites evaluated fall in the mid -range of EPA criteria. This would indicate that a minimum site life of 20 years is allowable, but the conservatism of the design team would reduce that land area from a 20 year site life to a 10 year site life. Following 10 years of continuous application of sludge onto agricultural land, either copper concentrations must be reduced or additional lands must be found. Land area in excess of 50 acres was identified for this program and this minimum site life is for only a site meeting those minimum criteria. Longevity of the 1 "--/ program will be determined by the total land area available in this program not by a sin le 50 9 acre site. Soil tests results accomplished do indicate that copper is present at only very low levels'on the sites proposed and although copper is of concern in design, copper should be of little consequence in the operation of this facility. In fact, the copper applied // may significantly improve the crop production on the proposed sites..__=:.- Waste loadings must be tailored to meet both the nutrient requirements of the growing crop as well as the long term storage requirements of metals and phosphorus. Crops on the sites evaluated are either row crops such as corn and small grain or permanent pasture such as fescue. The nutrient requirements for these various cropping systems are similar but not identical. Operation, the system proposed should last for many years as a suitable alternative by which the waste residuals from the Town of Old Fort can be managed on agricultural land. WPDl/OLDFORT/ARR;sb that measures are taken to prevent surface runoff of waste constituents_nt:, the adjoining surface water. Careful operation of the proposed Old Fort land application program will insure that the sites are managed properly and =ha= this nutrient recycling program can benefit both the *own of old Fort and =e individuals receiving the waste residuals. Condon The sites evaluated as potential sites for sludge from the Town of Fort do appear to be well suited for this purpose. Sites are located ad'.ace:= to major drainage ways coursing through McDowell County. The operator must assure that all measures are taken to insure that the operation of this _and application program will not impact surface water quality in the McDowell County area. Sludge sampling is an essential component of 'the operation :) 1 this facility and monthly sludge samples should be collected and analyzed optimize the land application of this material and to provide a useable scurce t of nutrients to selected landowners in McDowell County. With careful - - •r� L• J t Table 1. Soil Test Results, Old Fort, North Carolina Site Organic flatter pH Phosphorus, Potassium, (17o) 1 1.0 5.3 17 .8 5.6 50 .8 5.5 33 4 .6 5.5 37 5 .5 6.0 20 6 .6 5.7 26 7 .8 5.9 28 I = Index Values Calcium Magnesium Copper, Zinc, 24 50.3 18.3 32 70 42 65.6 13.0 34 78 34 46.9 11 i 28 74 31 53.0 24.? 30 5� 17 47.2 17.9 27 47 31 50.1 14.0 43 71 26 46.6 18.1 26 51 Table 2. Recommended Nutrient and Lime Additions, Old Fort, North Carolina Site Lime (Tons/ac) Nitrogen (Lb/ac) Phosphorus (lb/ac) Potassium (Lb/ac) 1 1.8 220 110 100 2 1.5 220 80 100 3 1.5 220 80 100 4 1.5 220 80 100 5 .8 220 80 100 6 1.1 220 80 100 7 1.0 220 80 100 REPORT OF INVESTIGATION FOR TOT41Ar OF OLD FORT SUBMITTED BY: A. R. RUBIN ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR AND EXTENSION SPECIALIST DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY RALEIGH Date Submitted: January 26. 199Q Boring Logs For Town of Old Fort 0 - 8" Grey brown fine sandy loam; weak, fine, granular structure; friable; many fine mica flakes. 8 - 20" Light brown fire sandy loaml weak, fine, granular structure; :riable; slightly sticky; few fine mica flakes. 20 - 30" Red brown loam; week, medium, subangular blocky structure; _-Friable; slightly sticky; few fine :pica flakes. Brco:n to light brown loam; few faint grey brown mottles; weak, fine, subangular blocky structure; friable; slightly sticky and slightly plasticl few fine mica flakes. Boring terminated. 0 - a" Grey brown fine sandy loam; weak, fine, granular structure; friable; many fine mica flakes. B - 18" Light brown fine candy loam; weak, fine, granular structure; friable; slightly sticky; few fine mica flakes. 1s - 30" Red brown loam; weak, medium, subangular blocky structure; friable; slightly sticky; few fine mica flakes. 30 - 36" Brown to light brown loam; few faint grey brown mottles; weak, fine, subangular blocky structure; friable; slightly sticky and slightly Mastic; few fine mica flakes. Boring terminated. - 2 - Site 3 0 - 0" Dark brown fine sandy loam; weak, fine, granular structure; friable; few fire mica flakes and many fine and medium roots. 8 26" Light brown to pale yellow fine sandy loamy weak, fine, granular 2tructure; friable; slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few fine and medium roots; few fine mica flakes. 16 - 30" Yellow brown fine sandy loam; weak, medium, subangular blocky structure; friable; slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few fine mica _lakes; few fine roots. 30 - 3.6" Grey brown sandy Ica,;,; few brown to reddish brown concretions; weak, fine, aubangular blocky structure; friable) slightly sticky and slightly plastic; cc^=on mica flakes. Boring terminated. 0 - 6" Dark brown fine sandy loamy weak, fine, granular structure; friable; few fine mica flakes and many fine and medium roots. 6 - 16" Light brown to pale yellow fine sandy loam; weak, fine, granular structure; friable; slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few fine and medium roots; few fine mica flakes. 16 - 30" Yellow brown fine sandy loam; weak, medium, subangular blocky structure; friable; slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few fine mica flakes; few fine roots. 30 - 36" Grey► brown sandy loam; few brown to reddish brown concretions; weak, fine, subangular blocky structure; friable; slightly sticky and slightly plastic; common mica flakes. Boring terminated. - 3 - 0 - 20" bark brown fine sandy loamy weak, fine, granular structure) friabley few fine mica flakes and many fine and medium roots. 20 - 16" Light brown to pals yellow fine sandy loamy weak, fine, granular structure; friable; slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few fine and medium roots; few fine mica flakes. 16 - 301, Yellow brown fine sandy loam; weak, medium, eubangular blocky structure; friable; slightly sticky and, slightly plastic; few fine mica flakes; few fine roots, 30 - 36" Grey brown sandy loa:r.; few brown to reddish brown cc xretions; weak, fire, eubangular blocky structure; friable; slightly sticky and slightly plastic; common mica flakee. Boring terminated. Site 0 - 8" Grey brown fine sandy loam; weak, fine, granular structure; friable; few quartz fragments and few mica flakesy few fine and medium roots. 8 - 161, Yellow brown sandy loam; weak, fine and medium granular structure; friabley slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few fine mica flakes and common quartz fragmental few fine roots. 16 - 40" Yellow brown fine sandy loam; weak, medium, eubangular blocky structure) friable; slightly sticky and slightly plastics few fine mica flakes and few quartz fragments. Boring terminated. pits 7 0 - 8" Grey brown fine sandy loam; weak, fine, granular structural. friable; few quartz fragments and few mica flakes; few fine and medium roots. 8 - 16" Yellow brown sandy loamy weak, fine and medium granular structures friable) slightly sticky and slightly plastics few fine mica flakes and common quartz fragmental few fine roots. 16 - 40" Yellow brown fine sandy loamy weak, medium, eubangular blocky structure; friable; slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few fine mica flakes and few quartz fragments. Boring terminated. APPENDIX B PROGRAM MANAGEMENT REPORT FORMS E----::� - , DAILY HYDRAULIC LOADING FIELD SHEET PROJECT: FIELD NO.: ACRES: CROP: Hl..RVES T DATE: TOTAL GALLONS PREVIOUSLY APPLIED THIS YEAR: SURFACE OR INJECTION APPLICATION: DATE I SOLIDS I GALLONS DRY TONS 1 II 1 � I i i i I i I I I I 1 I II 1 1 1► - 1 I I I I I II I � I t t i I TOTAL THIS CYC:,E: TOTAL THIS YEAR: Pg . 1 of 3 0 Sludge Land Application/Disposal Report Form Annual Sludge Analysis Permittee: Permit No.: Sludge Sample,No. Date Collected Parameter PO as P Mi NH' as N NO2 NO} Cd TOC Cu K Ni Gn *�P • •N. (1) Subsurface. (2) Surface Appl=en Wet Concentration (mSZ/1) Location of Sampling * Dry .Concentration *x Dry Load: (mg/k'g) (lbs/dry Total Solids pri Type of sludge (circle as -applicable): 1) compost, DAF, aerobic digested, anaerobic digested, drying beds, centrifuge, belt press, other (specify) *Dry concentration.(mg/kg) net concentration (MR/1) x 100 solids **Dry loading (lbs/dry ton) _ .002 s mg/kg (1) If applied by subsurface injection: (Plant Available Nitrogen) _ .2(T_4^ -N'ri3 as N - NO2 - NO3 ) + (i:H3 as N 2 No_ J (2) If surface applied: . 2 (TKIN - NH as N - NO2 NO - • 5 OTH as N NO 3) 1'a gc 2 01 J Sludge Lend Application/Disposal Report Form Annual Loading Sunonnry i Owner Field flo. Ila. Acres Field Crop Application licthod (clrcle): surface, aubsur(nce "Solt pll: - "Snll K . _ Sludge Appllcntlon 11etn1j nnd_flutrlent l,onding, Ib.q/acre _ III trogen moephorur. YTUC Copper Lluc Lead 111ckel Cad. I'm a..luo P.A.11. POan P Cu Zn I'b 111 Cd K Supplemental Add- Itlo_ne lbs./ncre I.Imr 1'n(-.-I .• Sludge Appllcntlon D"te Tot el GnIIone CaIInns Per Acre ""Total Dry Tons Dry Tons Per Acre WAInAnnuel "Soil p1land K oust be analyted and reported annually "Dry Tone -Wet Gallons x Z solids 24,000 Page ] of 7 Sludge lsnd ApplIca tlon/Dlapoaal Report Pore Cumulative Loading Suaaeary Omer field [to. No. Acrea lietals and Nutrient Loadin&,lba[acre Total Gallons Total Dry Tonn Nitrogen I•looaphoroon TOC Copper Zinc Lead Hickal Cad.Potnaalum Application Soil pit Year Gallons Per Acre Dry Tone Per Acre P.A.11. 1.04 as p Cu Zn Pb III Cd lie thod (a)-aurface r—- _ (aa)'eubaur. u WGILL ASSOCIATES, P.A. r-MMMI 11'TINr_ ENGINEERS r October 2, 1990 i C. i Mr. George T. Everett, PhD, Directors.':::;:` ` it North Carolina Department ofnvironment, Health and Natural Resourc Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 RE: Land Application:of Wastewater Sludge Town of Old Fort Dear Mr. Everett: McGill Associates, P.A., on behalf of the Town of Old Fort, hereby submits a completed "Non -Discharge Permit Application" for the disposal of treated wastewater sludge on private farm lands. The application includes descriptions of the seven (7) proposed sludge receiver sites, engineering report with loading calculations, laboratory sludge analysis, landowner agreement forms, soil scientist report and'a description of the method of operation. The submittal also includes a completed "Sludge Management Permit - Attachment A". Three (3) copies of the complete application package is submitted for your review. The Town will be submitting a "Letter of Authorization" under separate cover. A check made payable to NCDEHNR in the amount of $250.00 is enclosed to cover processing fees. If there are questions regarding this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, McGILL ASSOCIATES, P.A. JOEL L. STORROW, P.E. JLS/jj Enclosure cc: Mayor Robert Wilson (w/enc) Jackie Blalock (w/enc) Jim Reid McDowell County Health Department Bob Rubin P.O. BOX 225E / 704/252-0575 / 3B ORANGE STREET ASHEVILLE,N'C 2BB02 704/252-251B [FAX) ASHEVILLE,NC 2BB01 TO: PERMITS AND ENGINEERING UNIT WATER QUALITY SECTION Dat.eNovember 20, 1990 NON -DISCHARGE STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS County_McDowell A to C AC0021229 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: Town of Old Fort P.O. Box 520 Old Fort, NC 28762 2. Date of Investigation: November 14, 1990 3. Report Prepared By: Jim Reid John Allison, Division of Soil and Water 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Jackie Blalock 704-668-4621 S. Directions to Site: Project consists of four sites, numbered 4, 6, 8, & 9; all are in McDowell County. Site 4 - Located approximately 0.6 mi. W. of the intersection of SR 1274, Catawba River Road, and the I-40 ramp. Latitude 350 37' 15". Longitude 820 11' 24". Site 6 - Located approximately 1 mile S.E. of the intersection of SR 1246, Greenlee Rd, and Hwy 70 at Greenlee. Lat 350 39' 28". Lon 820 06' 15". Site 8A - Located approximately 0.4 mi_ E. of the intersection of SR 1221 and Hwy 70. Lat 35 41' 25". Lon 82° 03' 18". Sites 8B, 8C, & 9 - Proceed North on :Hwy 80 from the intersection of Hwys 80 and 70; fields are located to the right of Hwy 80 approximately 0.4 mi. N of the intersection. All fields are to the E. of Buck Creek. Lat 350 41' 50" - 350 42' 00". Lon 820 03' 42". 6. Discharge Point - Latitude: See #5 above Longitude: See #5 above Attached a USGS Map Extract and ind.ica.te treatment plant site and discharge point on map. USGS Quad No. or USGS Quad Name —Site 4, Moffitt Hill, NC. Sites 6,8,9, Marion West, NC. 7. Size (land available for expansion and upgrading): All usable space in the fields has been designated for application; therefore, no land exists on designated sites for expansion. 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): flat, partially in flood plain; see "Recommendations" section. No adverse impacts would be anticipated from proximity of application areas to and existence of application areas in flood plain. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: >500 feet 10. Watershed Stream Basin Information: Catawba River a. Classifications: WS-III Tr and C; Site 4 is within the WS-III area; All other sites are within the Class C area. b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: Catawba 030830 C. Distance to surface water from disposal system: minimum of 100 feet at any site. PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. Type of wastewater: _17% Domestic _83% Industrial a. Volume of Wastewater: 0.8000 MGD (permitted flow) 0.3419 MGD (actual flow) b. Types and quantities of industrial wastewater: 0.2580 MGD Textile Processing Wastewater 0.023 MGD Cooling Water 0.010 MGD Furniture Manufacturing C. Prevalent toxic constituents in wastewater: None known d. Pretreatment Program (POTW:. only) in development _ approved X should be required not needed 2. Production rates (industrial discharges only) in pounds a. highest month in the last 12 months b. highest year in last 5 years __ 3. Description of industrial process (for industries only) and applicable CFR Part and Subpart: 4. Type of treatment (specify whether proposed or existing): Drying of sludge on sand beds with land application of dried sludge or aerobic digestion with land application of liquid sludge. 5. Sludge handling and disposal scheme: Currently, sludge Drying beds with ultimate disposal in the County Landfill. This non -discharge application is for land application of sludge. 6. Treatment plant classification: Not classified. 7. SIC Code(s) 4952 Wastewater Code(s) 55 01 14 :9 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grants Funds (municipals only)? No 2. Special monitoring requests: No 3. Additional effluent limits requests: 4. Other. PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Site 4 - An issue for consideration is Site 4's position in the critical area of a water shed currently classified as WS-III Tr. Conversation with Steve Zoufaly revealed that the final water shed protection regs will likely be somewhat more liberal concerning sludge application than the draft regs. The site will thus likely be acceptable as a land application site. Additionally the WS-III Tr classification exists due to to the presence of an unused water intake at the abandoned Old Fort Finishing plant located approximately 1 mile downstream of Site 4. The WS classification will likely be dropped during the water shed evaluations to be undertaken in conjunction with implementation of the draft regs. Most of site 4 would therefore be suitable even with the current WS-III Tr classification. The suitable portion of Site 4 is the area lying outside the Northeast corner of the field. The unsuitable corner can described an isosceles triangle the right angle of which is located at the NE corner of the field and is constructed of segments each of which is 275 feet in length; the hypotenuse would of course connect the terminuses of the 275 feet segments and bound the unsuitable section of the field. The described triangular portion of the field should not be used due to the a seasonal high ground water elevation. Mottled soil was detected within 1 inch of the surface and the soil was extremely moist at the time of observation. Other areas of the field would be suitable for land application of sludge. Allow application of sludge on site 4, but exclude the Northeast corner as described. Sites 6A & 6B - (These sites are incorrectly identified on "Figure 1, Sludge Application Sites" in the Town's application package as Site 7.) Sites are excellent and all buffer requirements can be met. Sites 8A, 8B, 8C - All fields are excellent and buffer requirements can be met. Site 9 - Excellent site adjacent to Sites 8B & 8C, all buffer requirements can be met. Portions of each field are within the 100 year flood plain, but application rates will be at agronomic levels. The fields are all currently in use as pasture land or corn fields and are being spread with fertilizers and crop conditioners. Allowing land application of sludge at agronomic levels will therefore, even with proximity to flood plains, not pose any known additional threat to ground or surface waters. The regional recommendation is that the Town of Old Fort's land application permit be issued with the Northeast corner of site 4 excluded as described above. Signature of Report Preparer Water Quality Regional Supervisor Office of the Mayor C/�WR' Dlh OCT,1990 FOUNDED IN 1870 P. O. Box 520 OLD FORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28762 October 9, 1990 Ms. Nancy Owens North Carolina Department -of Environment Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 RE: Letter of Authorization Sludge Land Application Dear Ms. Owens: Please be advised that McGill Associates, P.A., Asheville, North Carolina is authorized to submit appropriate documentation to your office regarding the Land Application of Wastewater Sludge on behalf of the Town of Old Fort. Sincerely, �---: Robert F. Wilson Mayor RFW:ng cc: McGill Associates, P.A. "Colonial America's Western Outpost Until 1756" [A 5TA1p is � p State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor ,George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W Cobey, Jr., Secretary Date: y- �. ��. ' - 4-11, Director ' i 14 ti Dear _ i ' s , 1 , t SUBJECT. Application No. WQ �- 4- The Divisions Permits and Engineering Unit acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on # J ' .� , 19 & . This application has been assigned the number shoNph above. Please refer to this number when making inquiries on this project. YoD project has been assigned to E.i ! #-�..-- ('�- for a detailed engineering review. A technical acknowledgement will be forthcoming. If this acknowledgement is not received within thirty (30) days, please contact the engineer listed above. Be aware that the Divisions regional office, copied below, must provide recommendations from the Regional Super- visor or a Procedure Four Evaluation for this project, prior to final action by the Division. If you have any questions, please call the review engineer listed above at (919) 733-5083. Sincerely ss 3. Donald Safrit, P.E. Supervisor, Permits and Engineering i; CC:_ j ' lra= Regional Supervisor r RECEIVED Water Quality Section NOV 7 -1990 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 Asheville Regional Office . Asheville, North Carolina An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer rolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources DEM USE ONLY Environmental Management Commission Permit Number: 1 D NON -DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION* In accordance with NC General Statutes Chapter 143, Article 21 County: McDowell Applicant (name of board, Individual, or others): Application Date: Town of Old Fort August 23, 1990 Project (name of city, village, town, sanitary district, establishment): Land Application of Sludge FOR: Brief Project Description: ❑ Non -Discharge Treatment/Disposal Facilities ❑ Pretreatment Permit for disposal of wastewater Facilities sludge on private farm land. ❑ Sewer Collection System (private) ❑ Extension of Sewer Systems (public) Sludge Disposal ❑ Spray Irrigation NATURE OF WASTEWATER: ❑ Domestic Sewage ® Sludge/Industrial Waste Estimated Completion Date: March, 1990 ❑ Other Waste From (sewer&, pretreatment plant): Serving (city, institution, industry): Wastewater Treatment Plant i Town of Old Fort Into (name of treatment plant): Average Daily Gallons Sewage or Waste Flow: Old Fort WWTP 55 dry tons per year At (location of plant): (NPDES No.) Old Fort, North Carolina NCOO 21229 Name and Complete McGill Associates P.A. 28802 Address of Engineering Firm: Zip Code: P.O. Box 2259, Asheville, N.C. Telephone No. (704) 252-0575 Applicant assures that proposed works will be constructed, supervised, operated and maintained in accordance with approved plans and specifications or approved changes thereto.. Mailing P.O. Box 520 Print Name: Robert F. Wilson Address: Title: Mayor Old Fort, N.C. Zip Code: 28762 i J 704 668-4244 Signature: %`'�` Telephone No. / / INSTRUCTIONS: 1.Fill-in All Spaces. if not applicable, enter N/A. 2.Secure appropriate signature (mayor/city manager for municipality, chairman for sanitary district board, owner/proper official of corporation, or legally constituted board or commission in charge of proposed works). A letter of authorization is required from proper official if design engineer or other agent signs application. 3.Submit to Division of Environmental Management, Permits and Engineering Unit, P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611 the original and ALL carbon copies of the application, 3 sets of finalized plans, specifications and other supporting data as required by Com-. mission Rules, and permit fee. Plans and specifications must be signed and sealed by a registered North Carolina engineer. FOR ASSISTANCE. CALL THE STATE CENTRAL OFFICE (919) 733-5083. PERMITS & ENGINEERING UNIT. OR: Asheville (704) 251-6208 Mooresville (704) 633-1699 Washington (919) 946-6481 Winston-Salem (919) 761-2351 59 Woodfin Street 919 North Main Street 1424 Carolina Avenue 8025 N. Point Blvd. P.O. Box 370 P.O. Box 950 P.O. Box 1507 Suite 100 Asheville. NC 28801 Mooresville, NC 28115 Washington.NC 27889 Winston-Salem. NC 27106 Fayetteville (919) 486-1541 Raleigh (919) 733-2314 Wilmington (919) 256r4161 Suite 714 Wachovia Building 3800 Barrett Drive 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Fayetteville, NC 28301 P.O. Box 27687 Wilmington, NC 28403 Raleigh. NC 27611 ,x DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE GROUNDWATER SECTION August 9, 1991 MEMORANDUM TO: Jack Floyd Raleigh Central Office FROM: Fred C. Hankinson Asheville Regional Office SUBJECT: Town of Old Fort Sludge Land Application GW 91 223 McDowell County, North Carolina The sludge is to be applied at agronomic rates and each site has a stream on one or more sides. No monitor wells are required at this time. FCH/gc ., cc: Jim Reid I DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Ce C- LO GROUNDWATER SECTION August 20, 1991 F � MEMORANDUM UG221991 TO: Don Safrit AS4,EVE REGION THROUGH: Bob Cheek R �I FROM: C. Brian Wootton C.d•W SUBJECT: Town of Old Fort Sludge Land Application New Permit Application McDowell County WQ0004861/GW91106 (Dana Bolden: DEM SERG Review Engineer) The Groundwater Section has reviewed the subject permit application and recommends issuance of the permit with the following conditions: 1. No land application of waste activities shall be undertaken from December thru April due to the likelihood of flooding. 2. No land application of waste activities shall be undertaken when the seasonal high water table is less than three feet below land surface. 3. Any groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. RBC/CBW/sbp/91106. cc: ;Don Link Central Files Permit Issuance Files DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION MEMORANDUM TO: J)cn L 1 r, le — DATE: �c.�i k.1 G (p 3 f 9 9 f FROM: Jack Floyd�.e SUBJECT: Application for ,AUG I 1991 ,�;. GROUNDWATERSECnnn� _Renewal/Amendment of Permit No. ✓ New Permit Facility Name : T� �-. of dlEDr+ County maoLoe-` l Type of Project: :5LAg,e la-,,3L apac-"oxx Central Office Contact: Applicable Permit Numbers: WQ C�C5Cy5Z42- GW 9 (Z 2-3 EPA AC We have received a copy of the above referenced application, which was sent to your regional office for comment on or about c� 1 9 q 1 You should review the application package for completeness and adequacy of relevant information and submit your request for additional information to me (via telephone or memo) by 41C; .d i- ,Z , 1 9'7�3o that all required information can be requested from the applicant at one time. A copy of our formal request to the applicant for additional information will be provided to you. If you do not require additional information from the applicant to complete your evaluation of the project, you should review the application package and submit your comments to me by /!a 1 91/ If a copy of the application package has not been made available to your office, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IMMEDIATELY so that a copy can be forwarded to you as soon as possible. JF:ja/Appl.shl 0�- CH State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary January 10, 1991 The Honorable Robert F. Wilson, Mayor Town of Old Fort Post Office Box 520 Old Fort, North Carolina 28762 George T. Everett, Ph.D. Director Subject: Permit Application WQ0004236 Additional Information Town of Old Fort McDowell County Mayor Wilson: The Division of Environmental Management's Permits and Engineering Unit and Groundwater Section have completed a preliminary engineering review of the subject application. The following items must be addressed before we can complete our review (all items must be submitted in quadruplicate, unless otherwise noted): Additional Information reauested by the Groundwater Section 1) The information submitted indicates that hand auger borings were advanced at the'sites. The submitted boring logs do not correspond with the boring locations shown on the site maps. Therefore, you are requested to submit complete lithologic descriptions of all borings along with any evidence which may indicate the presence or absence of a seasonal high water table. Also, please use a consistent site identification scheme in all section of the submittal. 2) Please indicate on each site map any wells present within 500 feet of the disposal site or state, on the map, that no wells are within 500 feet of the disposal site. 3) Please provide information as to the type(s) of industrial waste treated by the facility. Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Permit Application WQ0004236 Additional Information January 10, 1991 Page Two Additional Information requested by the Permits and Engineering Unit 1) Various portions of the Division's standard Land Owners Agreement (copy enclosed) are not addressed by the submitted Land Owners Agreements. Please compare the submitted agreements with the standard agreement and incorporate all stipulations of the standard agreement. 2) Please provide soil analysis laboratory reports, including CEC for each site. 3) Complete sludge analysis. This analysis must include: a. percent total solids b. pH c. ammonia nitrogen (NH3) as N d. nitrates e. nitrites f. total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) g. total phosphorus h. potassium i. plant available nitrogen (PAN) by calculation - indicate and justify assumed mineralization rate. j . total lead k. total zinc 1. total copper m. total nickel n . total cadmium o . total chromium p . total barium q. total aluminum r. total sodium s . total calcium t. total magnesium u. sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) by calculation (include calculations) 4) Please provide recitation Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Analysis. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters: Arsenic Barium Benzene Cadmium Carbon tetrachloride Chlordane Chlorobenzene Chloroform Chromium o-Cresol m-Cresol p-Cresol Cresol 2,4-D 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethylehe 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Endrin Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) Hexachlorobenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Hexachldroethane Lead Lindane - Mercury Methoxychlor Methyl ethyl ketone Nitrobenzene Pentachlorophenol Pyridine Selenium Silver Tetrachloroethylene Toxaphene Trichloroethylene 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) Vinyl chloride Permit Applicatior�VQ0004236 Additional Information January 10, 1991 Page Three 5) Please be advised, sludge applied to sites within the 100 year flood plain must be subsurface applied or, if surface applied, incorporated within 24 hours of application. Please address this requirement as it relates to proposed pasture and hay crop sites. Refer to the subject permit application number when providing the requested information. Also, please note that failure to provide this additional information on or before March 10, 1990 will subject your application to being returned as incomplete in accordance with 15 NCAC 2H .0208. If you have any questions concerning the information requested by the Groundwater Section please call Gale Johnson at 919/ 733-5083. If your questions concern information requested by the Permits and Engineering Unit, please call me at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, Dana J. den, E.I.T. Environmental Engineer State Engineering Review Group cc: Asheville Regional Office, Water Quality Section won L ev�llel2egional-Office, Gronndwater-S.ection Gale Johnson, Groundwater Section Permit File WQ0004236 Joel L. Storrow, P.E., McGill Associates, P.A. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT a INSTRUCTIONS FOR LAND OWNER'S AGREEMENT 1. Fill in each blank of this form with the appropriate information. Information that is not complete may cause this form to be invalid. 2. Completely describe each area to which sludge will be applied. Also include a detailed map for each site. 3. Completely describe the use of crops to be grown and the patterns of planting. 4. Please list any restrictions that should be noted in the appropriate section. 5. The land Owner, Lessee (if appropriate), and the Permittee shall sign this document in the appropriate areas. The land Owner's signature shall be witnessed by a registered Notary Public. 6. Please return these instructions with the signed land owner's agreement. �tY�frOtiltt�tY��X �tY���Ilt�tY� AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF WASTE SLUDGE TO PRIVATE LANDS Pe-rmittee: Contact Person: Address of Permittee: List of Sludges to be applied to these lands: Site ID Number: Field Number: Location of Land to be used for sludge disposal (include map for each site): Owner of Property used for sludge disposal: Lessee of Property (if appropriate): Land use or cropping patterns: Intended use or disposition of crops: The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to apply the above listed sludges upon the land at the location shown as described herein in accordance with the restrictions and stipulations as given below. The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied sludge while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land described above for the disposal of digested sludge. This agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Environmental Management land application permit and shall be renewed each time the land application permit is renewed. The undersigned land owner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given thirty (30) days in advance, modifies or cancels this Land owner's Agreement page 2 of 4 agreement. Notification of cancellation of this agreement shall be immediately forwarded to: Division of Environmental Management Permits and Engineering Unit P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 STIPULATIONS: 1. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Pemaittee, County and State Officials or their representatives to inspect each'parcel of property prior to, during, and after sludge application and to established monitoring facilities on or near the application site as required by the sludge disposal permit. 2. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, County and State Officials or. their representatives to take necessary soil, surface and ground water samples during the term of, and twelve (12) months after termination of, this Agreement. 3. The Permittee will provide each landowner or his representative with a copy of the land application permit as issued by the N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to commencement of sludge application. The NCDEHNR-DEM permit will delineate maximum application rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 4. The Permttee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the program for land application of sludge to privately owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of the sludge, sludge application methods and schedules for typical cropping patterns and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee for sludge application. 5. The Pernttee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 6. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.5 prior to 'sludge application. Sludge may be applied to sites with a pH of less than 6.5 provided a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final.pH of the lime, sludge and soil mixture of at least 6.5. 7. The landowner of his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR-DEM permit, the owner or his representative and the Permittee will determine sludge application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 8. No crops for direct human consumption shall be raised on these sites for a period of eighteen (18) months following sludge application. OR Land owner's Agreement page 3 of 4 9. The landowner or'his representatives or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of eighteen (18) months, from the date of the most recent sludge application. 10. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Peimittee to control public access to the land application sites during active site use and for the eighteen (18) month period following sludge application. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. 11. Specific sludge application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each site by the Permittee prior to and during sludge application. 12. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise pernut the use of the land by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to insure the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 13. The existing lessee, if any, of the site agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 14. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto .with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 15. Animals should not be grazed on sludge applied lands within a thirty (30) day period following the sludge application. Application sites that are to be used for grazing. shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after each application. 16. Prior to a transfer of this land to a new owner, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the materials applied or incorporated at each site. 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. RESTRICTIONS: r Lalntowner's Agreement Yr page 4 of 4 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I, have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permiace to apply sludge to my lands as specified herein. Land Owner Date NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me. this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of , 19_ My commission Expires sE14L I, have read this land owners agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. I, have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. NOTARY PUBLIC Lessee Date Pern-duee Date V F DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION December 3, 1990 MEMORANDUM TO: Roy Davis FROM: Ted L. Bus C-15 SUBJECT: Permit Applications Awaiting Review Comments by the Regional Groundwater Supervisor Attached is a printout of permit applications on which regional groundwater comments are one (1) overdue, or two (2) will be due by the end of this week. Please see that the review of these application packages and submittal of comments to us is completed as soon as possible. If there are any questions or problems, please advise. TLB:ja/Coble Attachments :ate— 12/03/90 RPGIONAL OFFICE: A:SHEVII.I.E — COMMENTS DUP Pane 4 1 x GG. ACTION NUMBER PERMIT (WO) NUMBER PROJECT NAME PROJECT DESCRIPTION! 90359 WQ0001236 TOWN OF OLD FORT SLUMP LAND APPLICATION Date RO Notified: 11/14/90 GW Central Office Contact- JOHNSON Date RO (:omments Due: 12/O5/90 Completion Code- fate RO Commonts Received: ReV opal Office Code, County (Facility): MCDOW Fc�1 DMSIION OF ENV RONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - Groundwater Section. MEMORANDUM Date: 9,0 r'f P A ..1 J e lr, UU1 Nuv z 8 t9m L To: Review Engineer Groundwater Section Permits & Engineering Unit Asheville Re Tonal Office From:i- 11'.. ,, Groundwater Section Subject: t" " z _ !'i _� Request for Additional Information WQ000 `12- 5 / GW County The Groundwater Section has conducted a preliminary review of the subject application and request that the following items, as indicated in the list of additional information items dated July 15, 1990 to be included in the request for additional information to the applicant: Item I Item 7 Item 13 Item 18 Item 2 Item 8 Item 14 Item 19 Item 3 Item 9 Item 15 Item 20 Item 4 Item 10 Item 16 Item 21 Item 5 Item 11 Item 17 Item 23 Item 6 Item 12 Other Items (See attachment) For Item 22 fill in blanks: , For Items 15 and 21 list parameters: 0 If you have any questions, please advise. NOTE: See Reverse For Additional Information Items. cc: ! 1A t f� Regional Groundwater Supervisor \ Wlae Copy - Water Quality Section Yellow Copy - Groundwater Section Pink Copy - Regional Office Glvun3--atz.7 section July 15, 1W) lii-n A gexuel kx4ticni lvn4 igumlig 4ltwaimil of Isle 4"ellty Y&b r,"a=-loc lu at, IM441 "WQ tfj Wiguplic Memmu; irjuownxl M:&m railiod 1it ,itzg-ispw-fk, wrip, with wpiigeqWc tmitnza (FOliwur kmml m-bGuld net ea-ee, it) or 25 pmxnt o, toitm ei--c n1uf which"?w Jio- loA ii"VwIng al! aam, Y&Iaie widio th?, p,my-'el"y am die loratta- -M. ate. NSGTLlg%max. ponds, or otlAr dmdtmgte fewlim"i iwittdil WO feet of the uwsw sltew. uld's "O'DiAki, l� WN,,`od 2-1 (o izi* ilwnii: =;�V; ptm-um -maw, ra),litminp, tin'! ,i"lJQz;_Of4m a?jliamIkTl, k;t l� a eolb s.,esitaw to miry d--, Pmarm-qr of LIC 14* %,ikl Ire p noyding, the prmciil?,e, f-T ajbumm if L -,,AsriaIty high ,;a, u-- U)lc or 1xidiock utfbin Ihnm "Tirr-cp-1 €era of file &M-peat "leint. of 011loge applxilunii, Ind e) dc=tmwe Ulu m Uran ex"halw, capacity of Ole .XA� A de . cif Ilic d�spo*a` At by,if Wb iickinttii dowix j) a &-rat or mwrl A�e. or the C `loilwr, WhIcIll-mr t4 61,1, al devoklp 41 will uw.p auwTugh 11,E'O f-malwaami of so'„ lewinl", Qjkr, -IhieRlic-A and type of nismanie klayizonw, rm-,Olcr, , the Cie &wt.-mAt of % nemllial h4,) wwttr lolot or two,"cl-, fto-- oerrcal fixft CA flic dwqx-.at ?�wt YPpL'C1!L'ir% . V eix"'wige lam S, A MK e�rAiptliill zn use.; fo4e ciilidmie4i by a scps ocleinz,,;t in adzqlalely e,,lUuAte tux •iiils to Fwa1u�l for aea-ftIlm, and rt,r--'(4 dml to a 41�ih of fox af w.1nd(t nerd dcwutpl.lnnns Ol, to m cok.Ir, ivyneruii.,",�mXhuc, dw defith, dilcsrtew bad tK";c tif r h,;:!Va 'loruoa"he pin awmc or ulmAnXT ,mlj dap th Ill mlerm of a smaeTW h4si wWcx mille aer� aim, apik"'I rlw of We *,mste coliommovs, I'm Should d'Y) inrl,At 11W uinllmC�r YxwmnmVn%l sfSn=ratui hwlriir,:Lcuter€�'3r,ty in I c inza mist)ctiti-i ilorilwl, and mam ommnm nzipzty. E'xcavatiun of wm 0'.4 may bu yxv(-Mw for prowr waluallon 01"flic mils at tie site; !t�m a M,7lsed, kicaban alid nclonwurAlin d-Lmik3 cf a gIllmi.dwat's -mrMorng �wll see mex air spectfied in Rive OM5(d, of da: R%5ix:a!tlpz ['5 IXAC 211, Tim 7. As jxx th, crm4itloiis a rrw lrmyit pezrllz V K" -�Ir 11 uu Y."em lcq�1-14 le tilstO pavin5wai ITP- ring wolk 'fhes=]:'s iml! 'a) 1xi liampm ll-Ai alilylml ircciftling in P Wkxoule larl rm- those a,- in I)',* -kiawrlt A skmmh of tmr ramiizcls imiicarw "at. a., of the dat-, of The le,= eu movoting tie is haw- bft-i recewi, IIlM1-V SII)nlij a]) 01 (a,mmduatur ewupjlxlr and wlsly6fs %flk:h baw: bwn ObISTA411 u) data 11 no omilling sod/at allaN-sr-s low lm"'I somfticmid. yoo are Mqu(zzfA to wvlrl thec. wrens =d Amrt the resWts of Oi,- ow)I= am, -fwx12nd in the rum at: pema hilunniatinil as to tine Tnewnce nr AbPenfY: of any welLn, located wilbir. sm, tect or the uia- w tr all Ss l tevuty. ilyly sich w0b; nlielllkl be a—xuranLiy kxmto-4 = thi, cart map, ;dad' labalne as to Ulor plArraq u%age (ia-, cLinl=g wl=, 111-M A hydtK4.�--ilo& dawripMm of ?be sibaiiifmce. to a &-pdl of 20 ;let or fytircxk, whicliew- is lca� `11ii Huth -:of Lvrlr�,L wmft fie� mif!iderA to debm tile fW11owaig. fo;� tho anin urwinMr.g cn�l: ii-ni- zq -ype at Use dtaiprml k9tin the tm4 't, the milleal jlemmsblqty of the llmylturalm, rme and Tile hydoulk- <mducd"fty 01 tita gatumut d ralle; «M W!" deptli to tl.v n=n sm-mial hii�h wmwr mble [if E sia Mnn will ilulrPiwI01,3� "',r fit- - m loii-n 10. A hyKlrnk%Vlo& of tile nulwux*�(m, to a depth of 20 ael, or bix1roc-It, whkficmr 1,s 1'ym 711e liwYlim'T of lx)rmp, be oiC-dem a) defte, the 5,R-ang xor Ov -,a, xm.iLAcrnig vanh ilmijor wi' tgT-, ol: 8le disposal -,*w cbe, Mml to, utrn,al p, ernlilisy of U. non- wid flm Coletl,tsnty 'I ihlmw-t:zd (W depth to the rmiui, nz GIs o I ., l Vota tavc, I'ff dnfi=��.Ae 'hiril Soil I-Tarit" 1copy or flo ni. tivaluatzi of uftx- aI,:Pcn]qJe avidtsN- dwa;; Md a dinmomatigh W. tMilirrusElmly and rpp�xlfic. flOd of tllzi unwrIF-micl arpifiT limsed oil a wohdrawel, or rt:;arW tut. Il. A hydivgeologtv. exwnp,,-jri of Ule snlli;urbm wi-lch a^bould 'xiforinabon 611 tllc rez=1 area Imn"w"Arl u,cant_wd che lliholbo-. chanclor of*'ll(t v txrzal<xi aqu!&. Im ye�,omj:% rti14imsli!p bziva=n Oin UrXotifined arltltle- md die, tlyiii: cpnL-led aqilif3z lwllmi% ih-� of rh vtd Is e-eelmf-me, itwilidalp, is ills .Rrli- ; lidos en rjlanm,V, axed Vertic"A PcTmAly1y of the cci`lkl`ng bei, 'me lisomit'don niizt. also A of the, =-S-m1mvny iuldd 4U'k, yLu1s; ('I tlttt lmc<) .tt=l orinliEz dettztriiiied by eildler a whir-4mv7d or rc,)i7-ge u,;i. (viul '2. A "amitim, tr the zma, of tbu ?mjxzaA wc,-,a: Lathty vti-iiip dlqw�.al !=Llty, wii-�h shnnid inrl,xfc frz cl'Tth tuw4ler, dt-ction oconvl=eliz arc to UIL tht .nm Myx1dwiiw cynwrl, ai VA-1 as an mahlal'" of the peeUlzl m4lilct:5 the Plov"trud tyswu may !:,m, 0-1 rmulillwhl level" rnorMIMIL ariij quail,'Y. 1!fmr. 13. In orde- ill be Ll acid plilmoa ilith 15 NC;c W. MI'D M, my Lagwn nr Tion" mvd for truce iota, owma& or &sixwcf w&ft Shan lucre erlwr I Imer Of its .scat zwwerla) in: c !,I thicirm,im and having a hydmullc corld-ucllvlty of in) glepimr ;:;an I x TO § cmitllilatcm lvi, ocrud vhwi vxn-g4%1, or a >y rY3 w2tc per Ofsto'cim, tlocllmr�-. ZP cadobi! 1) stru--.-wa: the Yin; n! nliI'Crial tner, Mnle, M.,,Adt a dtlmll dwcrlptlou of the unnezials iVed far It o. 13 ty, tu-4 21 an ttanive hydoim:k mriducu"lly no gKiAzer Ulan jm� w no -1 f"Tn 74I -- NoW 2P 02 In fe) qiriliea fatal.uuvn �ha!l lint Ile zqxp;x�d or dlwhargW onta cr T-42"aw Ila, Lmd wl-,fn d"li weer: wixintUNn i*rtwcnll life !Amw�a and ih'i �w-.Mxlid hil".. wacr Valilt. �'klini Avrl 2%2W, ax -9 'Ing Tl� If airy of the a-u to lbe nulwad I�aus a im-pamiloYi of hms mor, musi: Im. illade I,,A, pma-wc nr trxd".- " nletivxi" scmilinEv ill ilia L4mctor, �mi. mich p1mcmrew WT not rmult tli of ck&-Af1c!j gmuidwaiir ir�,�Oki InfoolvVxr, de%crilling zlqnh la imm tabk awal ;,uppirlw" infiolTriciion for 0,-, Wth 6tnllisn Ixns th-a 'O31'�.'E-A'-L -nil !;x A mant mulplete rharAml inao;yiiLs of the lrpkZ Waste 10 to shmfld mzhlee =x, plimmel=t, (List mlirrill"em) fleill W 1113 '&.r ww*, dhich 1, m Ne &WhArgd cutopr-tx-d sol'Ay of dolly-stic mwA ur are ;here rt)" iolzms 1vhV-11 will cmelbule to Cow, Ifso, railMe, On in than ,3r[X41 of wzste irmvlm, VWO as Lhe antimpatK,_1 quantity. n nal: water kve, flg��-w-wr it 17 5kzirg 11:1519 wid vil' cuyl.,A�uctliln detalk" for 2,t �-t%,Mjg -Writtorli-t wells. su&� fnirtmatim fc-Imild uAcl�ialv i-pw'.d steriwc 6wmwm� at fw, elft locaVm and f* mcilt'll, ltm, 18, llle--se noo" UAt W Orlicr of bi� in complimw with 15 NCAC W1 .%,19 [d), lilt', lewrll of eolthen Inkpotim-mmV9. tmxhi Q, 'otlier �iat&qy eralizi�Joris, 'vlaR Lx, w Imst cane. fw1xr"C the i� �-oclk nmc,�,W- If the lrltom of tile w4mvithorl is lfmm ftman bur feet. axiom tho be�mx, k surface. a Iiller of navaral or. %Vndhf,,uc rmllx-rtal M�t�jj ij hydraWir cmdacwzy iiu r tIm U-,rm 1 x Irj 7t;en �� I" -= lirnvidt� oubra-.1tinn �Ul tmg nicjwr�-mw- tem ze - uA jx� M;i, les tlelli tuhniTzled IndicalAs tlrt hand al*tir wrsnes advarmi at tile l4u-. Ilkaiie ind4a:w, the kX-Rninn; of tbet- born w, Oil ,, Mtn :mp, In tu-16ilop- you Al, moun"xi to 4uhol," wuplenp L".hullygic t1mcripuOns Of the Iminf'i" along ulth luly evelc7we whu!h rniq ti-diuntm. the pie,,imcc or urlcc of a fTA=,W 1110 varier Q-)l" ],=,.I 1,0, Vmm the w44 malls whien W--c subriettkni, it is d1ffk,11 in siorile mms to paslowlit who- wil typei,'O a= ibl.1-6 on l<'s¥fom tip: ayoli 'um m4w-stnd in -Stkmuz: mica W`Acb CL---Iy shiny the d1witbutial, of the Varium 00il typ"; on each plopawd lam] zPrAI(stion aip- It nui 2'.. A coam-ciIedmi of p=46vatm quality in the vi.,WVV nf the lagoorA tAs r1mm.ter",lition lbould lie, uikaiowll IV tN, irl-ull of iroililwhnr p-s lb- Th, pmfx-',�, of diisn��%Rg Iffic wlaluv in, diz arm, and for ooLxdng qLaiibty wolnliz Imm, hf wall-- table vqix�,m 7w k)(zittiniz -br die w V0 an, shomm. oil ale mckIeed l7lap, 'Dai W6fl aira mn7p",g metflochu shoWd be by epprow of the Rngtrml omm., :aWil whirl-, a %T11 com-tructon pIxnAt nowt bl- oliviltim, samrlas aitiail b:: obtntwl fmm cmli rnurntoilng well and wigtvbod lr, tht Filkwir,-, pamm=,,� (L4oc patnrivum) 'Y',w wwaaV=nt 7f vmon, k-,j sliouitj '- tu:-x prvw to saymilnglar tape artier pa=Ictnm uth600l: )og-% wa :,Vxlswocmat 6twiO ane *.2 atialyftal meillt. of the ::asnj*ng should `.w !,Vulyllvxxl to the Gniurldwausotnn, DwInu of lun M Ll cerder to la; ill Millphancr wn 15 NCAC al .0219 1 j ) (9 W 1-J, a b,.i&r miza ii:' at lilast — f=t lonat, lic trailllninod lietwteit the po,!Imler of the Ot4pow'l ^te,'si Sad any lxlulclarl. It is notd that pom�pr* ,f the. pruponed hintlity W Sect of ileejpmpxly houndary. Tlm*vi 'Allinti. nmmw pans Which cinilIkailm wi�b 1. The information submitted indicates that hand auger borings were advanced at the site. The submitted boring logs do not correspond with the boring locations shown on the site maps. Therefore, you are requested to submit complete lithologic descriptions of all borings along with any evidence which may indicate the presence or absence of a seasonal,high water table. 2. A site -specific map, to scale, showing all facility - related structures within the property boundaries and the location of all wells within 500 feet of the waste treatment/disposal site(s). Wells should be labeled as to their primary usage (drinking water, process water, monitoring, etc.) 3. Please provide information as to the type(s) of industrial waste treated by the facility. GW90359 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM TO: � O to L_' e- DATE : Nov l`t 1 1'19d GROUNDWATER SECTION jV FROM: Jack Floyd�i� i r..l._E._CELUE I� E SUBJECT: Application for Renewal/Amendment of Permit No. New Permit Facility Name Tow, % at ror4- County Type of Project: y6UAAqe I6_A Central Office Contact:(�oinnson Applicable Permit Numbers: WQ00byZ3(0 Gw go3s9 EPA AC We have received a copy of the above referenced application, which was sent to your regional office for comment on or about Nov G , 199b You should review the application package for completeness and adequacy of relevant information and submit your request for additional information to me (via telephone or memo) by Nov Z(c , 194bso that, all required information can be requested from the applicant at one time. A copy of our formal request to the applicant for additional information will be provided to you. If you do not require additional information from the applicant to complete your evaluation of the project, you should review the application package and submit your comments to me by QeC. Jr , 1916 If a copy of the application package has not been made available to your office, PLEASE .LET ME KNOW IMMEDIATELY so that a copy can be forwarded to you as soon as possible. JF:ja/Appl.shl