HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0005762_Report_19860311DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March 11, 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: George T. Everett Dennis Ramsey M.J. Noland FROM: Steve W. Tedder SUBJECT: Intensive Toxicological Evaluation: J.P. Stevens-Wagram NPDES ¥fNC0005762, Scotland County During the week of August 5-10, 1985 the Technical Services Branch conducted an intensive toxicological evaluation of the subject facility. The attached report details this investigation which included extensive toxicological, biological, and chemical components. If there are any questions, please contact myself or Ken Eagleson at (919)733-5083 or Larry Ausley at (919)733-2136. SWT:ps cc w/attachment: L.P. Benton, Jr. Bob DeWeese Ken Eagleson Larry Ausley Jim Overton Meg Kerr Jay Sauter Ted Taylor f1 J_P_ Stevens-Wagram Toxicity Examination NPDES#NC0005762 LNIIIIIIIIII" IIIIIIUIIII North Caroline Department of Natural Resources & Community Development I_ IIIINIII NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION FEBRUARY, 1986 r t J.P. STEVENS - WAGRAM TOXICITY EXAMINATION NPDES A NO0005762 February 1986 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Figures and Tables Introduction 1 Toxicity Examination 2 Chemical Sampling 7 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Analyses 10 Conclusions 19 Recommendations 19 Appendix 20 Daphnia Dulex Test Procedure 21 96 Hour Flow -Through Test Procedure 22 Ceriodaphnia Reproduction Test Procedure 24 Oenthic Macroinvertebrate Procedure 25 tisrt of Definitions 26 -i- LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of J.P. Stevens-Wagram Treatment Facilities3 Figure 2. Seven Day Ceriodaphnia Mean Cumulative Reproduction 5 Figure 3. Seven Day Ceriodaphnia Mortality 6 Figure 4. J.P. Stevens-Wagram Study Area and Sampling Stations 9 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Sampling Site Descriptions, J.P. Stevens-Wagram Toxicity Evaluation 10 Table 2. Chemical Results, J.P. Stevens-Wagram 11 Table 3_ Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling Station Descriptions 14 Table 4. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Taxa Richness Values 15 Table 5. Benthic Macroirt-vaertetrates Collected 16 INTRODUCTION An on -site toxicity examination was conducted at the J.P. Stevens and Com- pany-Wagram Plant (NC0005752) on August 5-10, 1985. This facility is located approximately 3 miles from Wagram, N.C. in Scotland County. This J.P. Stevens and Company facility consists of two plants, the Bob Stevens Plant and the Scotland Plant. The Scotland Plant produces greige rolled terry cloth used in the manufacture of towels_ This product is delivered to the Bob Stevens Plant for bleaching, continuous dying, finishing, and screen print- ing. Greige rolled carpet, received from the carpet plant in Aberdeen is also included in the dying process. This report details findings of chemical and biological sampling, including the following: 1) 48 hr. static bioassay using Daphnia pulex on effluent samples to determine acute toxicity. 2) 96 hr. flow -through acute bioassay using Pimephales promelas (fathead minnows) performed on effluent collected at a holding pond prior to the discharge pipe. 3) Chemical Samples collected of effluent, influent, and the recelving stream. 4) Collection and analysis of macroinvertebrate samples to determine the impact of the effluent on the receiving stream populations. 5) Seven-day Ceriodaphnia reproduction test to assess sub -lethal (chronic) toxicity. The facility's wastewater treatment plant receives process waste from the Bob Stevens Plant and domestic wastes from both plants. The treatment plant consists of screening, pH control by addition of sulfuric acid as necessary, extended aeration with activated sludge, clarification, and a chlorine contact chamber. Excess sludge is wasted to storage lagoons located on site. A land application method of disposing of the sludge was being initiated at the time of this investigation. A schematic of the facility appears in Figure 1. Filter backwash and cooling water do not contribute to the waste stream entering the treatment plant. The J.P. Stevens-Wagram treatment plant discharges into the Lumber River (Class "C-Swamp") in the Yadkin/Pee Dee River Basin. The 7010 (7 day, 10 year low flow) for the Lumber River at this location is 101.5 cfs. The permitted flow of the facility is 3.6 MGD. During 7010 low stream flow and average permitted effluent flow conditions, the effluent from the J.P. Stevens-Wagram treatment plant comprises 5.21% of the receiving stream. Results of past compliance samp- ling inspections indicate compliance well within effluent limitations for all parameters. TOXICITY EXAMINATION An on -site toxicity examination was performed at the J.P. Stevens and Com- pany-Wagram Plant due to concerns arising from the presence of red coloration of drinking water for the City of Lumberton, approximately 28 miles downstream of the subject facility. Four 48 hour Daphnia pulex static tests were performed prior to this examination on February 10, 1983, October 20, 1983, April 25, 1985, and July 26, 1985. The resulting LC60's were 15%, 80%, 79% and NONE respec- tively. The LC6* value is the effluent concentration lethal to 50% of the test organisms over the indicated test period. The flow -through bioassay was performed on effluent collected from the waste stream leaving the holding pond. Although the facility has the capability for chlorination, chlorine was not being added prior to or during this examination as requested for the on -site testing. Dilution water for this test was obtained from Juniper Creek at SR-1405 in Scotland County. Due to the low pH of the dilution water, sodium bicarbonate was added to the dilution holding tank until -2- figure 1. Schematic Diagram of J.P. Stevens-Wagram Treatment Facilities (2) Sulfuric Acid Storage Headworks Bar Screen pH Reduction Secondary Clarifier 4 Influent Station 02A Extended Aeration Basin Parshall flure To L River Station 02 Secondary Clarifier -3- Bioassay Sampling Point the pH was raised to near neutral (`6.8). To facilitate dissolving of the sodium bicarbonate, a pump was used to continually circulate the water throughout the tank. When a Toad of fresh dilution water was added to the tank, an appropriate amount of sodium bicarbonate was also added. The flow -through bioassay was initiated at 9:00 A.M. on August 6, 1985. The test organisms, fathead minnows, were 61-66 days old and obtained from cultures at the Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory. These fish were acclimated to Juniper Creek water on August 2, 1985. The fathead minnows were transferred to test chambers with dilution water approximately 17 hours prior to test initiation. Due to an insufficient number of test fish, eight fish were placed in the control (dilution water), 5%, 75%, and 100% effluent test chambers. Ten fish were placed in the 10%, 25% and 50% effluent test chambers. Each concentration and the con- trol had a replicate with the corresponding number of fish for each concentra- tion. The toxicant delivery system cycled 488 times during the course of the test. There was one mortality recorded in 100% effluent during the test. This level of mortality (5%) is within that considered acceptable for the control population and therefore is not considered significant_ The 96-hour LCso value was determined to be greater than 100%. This value indicates there was no sig- nificant acute toxicity to fathead minnows exhibited by the effluent during this test. A seven-day Ceriodaphnia static replacement bioassay was performed on dilu- tions of effluent in order to assess sub -lethal toxicity. This test was initi- ated at the Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory on October 25, 1985 and was concluded October 31, 1985. Dilution water for this test was obtained from Lake Johnson near Raleigh, N.C. This dilution water was chosen due to the low pH of the dilution water used on -site (Juniper Creek). At the end of the seven-day test period a significant reduction in reproductive success of the test organisms was noted at the 75% effluent concentration. Reproduction similar to that of the -4- Figure 2. Seven Day Ceriodaphnia Mean Cumulative Reproduction Mean Young Produced n 3 4 Mean Cumulative Reproduction 5 Day of Test 6 7 —5— Figure 3. Seven Day Ceriodaphnia Mortality 100 T 0 X C A N T 10 V 0 L u M E LOG -CONCENTRATION VS MORTALITY 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 R MORTALITY LC 50 =79% 70 80 90 100 -6- controls was recorded tor all concentrations through 50%. Mean cumulative reproduction is depicted in Figure 2. An LCso value of 78% was calculated based on mortality results. The log-probit graph used to calculate this value is depicted in Figure 3. Since the on -site investigation was conducted, an additional self -monitoring bioassay has been performed by this facility with a result of no significant toxicity. This compares favorably with the absence of acute toxicity in a sample analyzed by the Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory on October 28, 1985. CHEMICAL SAMPLING A series of chemical samples was collected during this evaluation and sent to the Division of Environmental Management Chemistry Laboratory for analysis. A description of the sampling stations is found in Table 1_ All samples were col- lected as instantaneous grabs with the exception of Station 02 samples (effluent bioassay sampling point) which were taken as 24 hour composites. Figure 4, a map of the study area, illustrates sampling site locations. Results and summaries of chemical analyzes are documented in Table 2. Metals analyses of the J.P. Stevens effluent revealed elevated levels of copper and zinc. Copper was reported at 80 ppb on August 8 and 200 ppb on August 10. Zinc was reported at 180 ppb on August 8 and 300 ppb on August 10. Nor- mally, these levels would exhibit acute toxicity to both fathead minnows and cladocerans (Daphnia pulex, and Ceriodaphnia dubia). Copper LCso's have been reported as low as 75 ppb in 96 hour fathead minnow flow -through bioassays and 6.5 ppb in 48 hour Daphnia static bioassays.' Zinc LCso's have been reported as low as 60 ppb in 96 hour fathead minnow bioassays and 100 ppb in 48 hour Daphnia static bioassays_* Total residue was reported to be 1300 ppm on both sampling ' NTIS *P885-227023 Jan 85 a NTIS *PB81-117897 Oct 80 -7- dates. These relatively high amounts of solids would make portions of the zinc and copper biologically unavailable by way of adsorption to the solids. There were no organic compounds identified in the J.P. Stevens effluent. However, GC/MS analyses did detect 2 unidentified organic peaks at concentrations of 35 and 120 ppb in the effluent sample collected on August 7-8 and 3 uniden- tified organic peaks ranging from concentrations of 14 to 160 ppb in the August 9-10 sample. Organic chemistry analyses of influent samples detected 9 unidentified peaks in the August 8 sample ranging in concentration from 65 to 590 ppb and 14 uni- dentified peaks in the August 10 sample ranging in concentration from 16 to 460 ppb. Tributyltin hydride (TBTH) was detected in the influent sample collected at a level of 0.01 ppb. Although the presence of TBTH at any detectable level war- rants some concern, it should be effectively treated by the J.P. Stevens wastew- ater treatment plant if the amount detected is representative of normal levels discharged to the plant. TBTH was not detected at any time in the effluent. Hexamethyl Cyclotrisiloxane and Octamethyl Cyc!otetrasiloxane were detected in the August 10 influent sample at levels of 8.5 and 14 ppb respectively. Uses or toxicity levels have not been associated with these two compounds. Upon comparing chemical parameters between sampling dates and within samp- ling dates at the influent station (02A) and effluent station (02), it becomes obvious that the J.P. Stevens effluent composition is of a highly variable nature. For example, at Station 2 copper is reported at a level 0, 80 ppb on August 8 and 200 ug/I on August 10. Both of these were 24 hour composite samples. This sampling technique averages the high and low levels of chemicals discharged over a 24 hour period. On August 8 the copper level from an instan- taneous grab at the influent station (02A) was reported as 30 ppb. As noted above, copper was found at 80 ppb in a composite sample taken from August 7-8 at —8— Figure 4. J.P. Stevens—Wagram Study Area and Sampling Sites JP Stevens Processing Scale = 1 Rile the effluent station (02)_ This illustrates the highly variable nature of the J.P. Stevens effluent_ Table 1. Sampling Sites Station 01 Lumber River at SR-1404 approximately 5600 m above the J.P. Ste- vens-Wagram discharge. At this point the Lumber River is approxi- mately 20 m wide with a gravel and sand substrate. Station 02 J.P. Stevens effluent taken from the holding pond after clarifiers. This is the bioassay sampling point for the Daphnia pulex static tests, Ceriodaphnia reproduction tests, and the flow -through bioas- say_ Station 02A J.P. Stevens influent collected just prior to bar screen. Station 03 Lumber River at SR-1433 approximately 1600 m downstream of the J.P. Stevens discharge. At this point the Lumber River is approximately 20 m wide with a predominantly sand substrate. Station 04 Juniper Creek at SR-1405. Here the substrate is sandy with bottom vegetation and approximately 4 m wide. This was the dilution water location for all on -site bioassays. BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATE ANALYSES Benthic macroinvertebrate samples were collected on October 22, 1985. Sta- tion 01 was located at Hoke County SR-1404, approximately 4 miles upstream of the J_P. Stevens-Wagram discharge. Station 03 was located at Hoke County SR-1433, approximately 1 mile downstream of the discharge. The sites were similar in physical characteristics except for substrate: Station 01 had many gravel riffles whereas Station 03 had very few (Table 3). These stations correspond to chemical sampling sites 01 and 03. —10— Table 2. Chemistry Results, J.P. Stevens-Wagram PERMITTED FLOU (MG0) 3.6 AVERAGE DISCOARGE (MGO) 2.12 7010 (CFS) 101.5 Chemical/Physical Units Utter Quality STATION 01 STA1ION 02 STATION 02A STATION 03 S1A1I0N 04 Analyses Standards 15/08/08 15/08/08 85/08/08 15/18/18 85/08/01 800 PPM 1 1.2 >74 1.1 1.1 COO PPM 20 210 1300 37 24 ColiforM: OF Fecal /100 ml <10 200 11000 20 <10 Residue T01A1 PPM 66 1300 1100 17 71 volatile PPM 44 280 730 67 57 fixed PPM 22 1000 350 20 14 Residue SUSPENDED PPM 6 32 73 4 2 volatile PPM 2 30 62 1 1 fixed PPM 4 2 12 3 1 ph (standard units) 6.01.0 4.8 8.2 9.2 5.6 7.1 Acidity PPM 15 3 16 5 Alkalinity PPM 1 570 100 5 12 Grease and Oils PPM 11/R 8 62 N/A MIA hardness PPM 7 14 14 6 8 Phenols FPO <5 6 8 <5 <5 Sulfides PPM us <0.1 I/O M/A N/A Specific Caaductance uhhos 25 17110 500 42 37 NM3 PPM .15 .07 1 .03 <.01 TKO PPM .3 3.4 12 .4 .2 1102,1103 PPM .12 .06 .52 .13 .1 P. total PPM r .D6 3.5 5.2 .09 .02 Aluminum PPI 408 200 600 30D 200 Cadmium PP8 2 1 <10 1 <28 <20 <20 <11 Chromium PPI 50 <5D <50 <50 <50 <50 Copper PPI 15(Al)1 <18 80 30 <20 <20 Iron PPI 1000 910 280 300 800 400 Mercury Pm .2 <8.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 Nickel III 50 <180 (100 <100 <100 <100 Lead PPO 25 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 Zinc PPO 50(AL) <211 180 50 <20 <20 18TM PPI .008 <.01 <.01 .01 <.02 <.02 Mexamethyl Cyclotrisiloxtne PPS NO N0 N0 N0 NO Octemethyl Cyclatetrasiloxane PP8 NO NO NO N0 N0 Petroleum 0i1 PPS NB 98 1200 N0 NO Vnidentlfied Peaks ! 1 2 9 3 N/A = Not analyzed t = Values represent action levels as specified in .0211(b)(4) Fresh Water Classification Standards Table 2. Chemical Results, J.P. Stevens-Wagram (Cont.) PERMITTED FLOU (Mfg) 3.6 AVERAGE OISOAROf (MOD) N i 10 (c s) 101.5 Chemicnl/Physical Units STATION 01 STATION 02 STATION 02A STATION 03 STATION 04 Predicted strew" Analyses 15/00/10 15/11/10 15/10/10 85/01/10 15/08/10 conc. at 7010 100 PPM Z.1 6.4 440 2.! 2.5 COO PPM 41 160 1200 43 25 9.6315 Coliform: Of Fecal /100 ml N/A M/A N/A N/A N/A Residue TOTAL PPM 100 1300 940 15 76 Volatile PPM 77 150 680 54 58 fixed PPM 24 1100 260 31 18 Residue SUSPENDED PPM 21 17 57 4 1 Volatile PPM 3 15 57 1 1 fixed PPM 11 2 <1 3 <1 pN (standard units) 4.7 1.1 7.1 5.4 6.5 Aridity PPM 17 3 5 15 4 Alkalinity PPM <1 470 75 5 11 Grease and 011s PPM N/A 1 65 M/A N/A Madness PPM 7 16 40 6 8 Phenols PPO <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 .313 Sulfides PPM N/A <0.1 M/A N/A NIA <.105 Specific Conductance uIhos 25 1000 410 42 38 103 PPM <0.01 .0! .65 .03 <0.01 .004 TEN PPM .4 3 9.4 .5 .4 .117 102,1103 PPM .08 .04 .3 .11 1.1 .813 P. total PPM .05 3.3 5 _09 .02 .177 81Mmiaum PPB 500 400 500 200 200 15.630 CadNium PPB <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <1.142 Chromium PPB <50 <50 220 <50 <50 <2.615 Copper PPS <20 ZOO 30 <20 <20 7.214 Iron PPB 1000 200 700 1000 400 111.420 Mercury PPS <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <_110 llCkel PP1 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <5.210 lead PPB <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <5.210 Zinc PPO 30 300 50 30 30 12.514 T1TN PPB <.01 <.11 (.03 <_1Z (.02 <.111 Mexamethyl Cyclotrisiloxene PPB M0 NO 8.5 ND N0 Octamethyl Cyclatetrasilexane PPB NO MO 14 NO M0 Petroleum 0i1 PPB NO N0 NO MO N0 Imidentified Ptak + 0 3 14 1 0 ** = Values represent predicted instream concentrations using average effluent concentrations and assuming upstream concentrations of 0. -12- Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled using a standardized qualitative collection technique (DEM 1983). The primary output from this collection tech- nique is a tabulation of taxa richness, i.e., the number of different kinds of animals present. Unstressed streams and rivers always have high taxa richness. Various types of pollution will reduce or eliminate the more intolerant species, producing lower taxa richness values. In-house criteria have been developed to relate taxa richness to five water quality ratings or bioclassifications: Excellent, Good, Good -Fair, Fair and Poor. Taxa richness values are calculated both for all species (ST) and for the more intolerant groups (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera: SEAT). The distribution and abundance of various pollution "indicator" species also can be utilized to deduce changes in water quality. Taxa richness values are summarized in Table 4. All taxa collected in the survey are listed in Table 5. Both stations were classified as Excellent based on benthological data. Taxa richness values (STSepT) for Stations 01 and 03 were 89/34 and 90/29, respectively. There was a slight decline in Trichoptera species below the discharge, but this may reflect a loss of the gravel -riffle habitat at the latter site rather than any toxic impact Many of the Trichopterans which were absent at Station 03 were stone -cased species (Heliopsyche borealis, Goera sp_, and Psilotreta sp.) that are associated with gravel substrate. -13- Table 3. Site Descriptions - Macroinvertebrate Analysis Sites. Station * 01 03 Location SR-1404 SR-1433 County Hoke Hoke Date 22-Oct-85 22-Oct-85 Depth (ml Avg. 1.3 1.8 Max. 2+ 2+ Width (ml 15 22 Substrate (%l Rubble/Bedrock - - Gravel 30 10 Sand 60 80 Silt 10 10 Aufwuchs Low Mod Canopy 30 30 Bank Erosion None None -14- Table 4 Taxa Richness by Group. Station • 01 03 Group *Ephemeroptera 6 8 *Plecoptera 10 7 *Trichoptera 18 14 Coleoptera 3 8 Odonata 8 10 Megaloptera 3 2 Diptera: Misc. 6 5 Diptera: Chiron. 21 20 Oligochaeta 5 4 Crustacea 3 3 Mollusca 1 2 Other 5 7 *Subtotal (EPT) 34 29 Total 89 90 *Unique Species' 13 5 Rating Excellent Excellent ' Found in only 1 out of 9 collections Table 5 Total Taxa Collected Station Number 01 03 EPHEMEROPTERA Stenonema modestum A* A* S. terminatum - C Stenacron interpunctatum C C Baetis pygmaeus - A 6. ephippiatus - R Pseudocloeon sp. R - Paraleptophlebia sp. A A Siphloplectron sp. R - Eurylophella bicolor C A Hexagenia sp_ - R PLECOPTERA Acroneuria abnormis C A A. carolinensis C - Paragnetina fumosa C C Pteronarcys dorsata C A Perlinella sp. C R Neoperla clymene R A Helopicus bogaloosa C R Isoperla sp. 10 C I. holochlora - R Allocapnia R Taeniopteryx sp. R TRICHOPTERA Cheumatopsyche sp. A C Hydropsyche decalda A C Macronema carolina - C Chimarra sp. A* A* 8rachycentrus sp. A* A* Oecetis sp. 1 C C Nectopsyche exquisita R A Triaenodes tarda C C T. abus R R Ceraclea transversa R Helicopsyche borealis R - Goera sp. R - Psilotreta sp. R - Agarodes libalis A R Nyctiophylax nephophilus R R Lype diversa C R Neureclipsis sp. - R Lepidostoma sp. R R Anisocentropus pyraloides R - Pychopsyche spp. R - Station Number 01 03 COLEOPTERA Macronychus glabratus C A Ancyronyx variegate R R Stenelmis sp. A A Enochrus sp. - R Deronectes griseostriatus - C Laccophilus sp. - R Peltodytes sp. - R Gyrinus sp. - A ODONATA Macromia sp. C C Boyeria vinosa A C Basiaeschna janta R R Nasiaeschra pentacantha - R Neurocordulia virginiensis C R Gomphus spp. C A Progomphus obscurus - R Argia spp. C A Enallagma sp. A A Calopteryx sp. C C MEGALOPTERA Sialis sp. R R Corydalus cornutus C C Nigronia serricornis C - DIPTERA: MISC. Simulium vittatum gr. C A S. (Phosterodoros) sp. A - Empididae R R Hexatoma R - Tipula sp. C C Polymeda/ormosia - R Palpomyia (complex) C C DIPTERA: CHIRON. Polypedilum halterale - R P. scalaenum R - P. illinoense C - P. convictum - C P. fallax R - Phaenopsectra flavipes R R P. sp. 2 R C P. sp. 3 - R Tribelos sp. - R Stenochironomus sp. C C Microtendipes sp_ 2 R R Robackia claviger A C Cryptochiromus fulvus - R Demicryptochironomus sp. R - Stelechomyia perpulchra R - Rheotanytarsus sp. A A -17- Station Number 01 03 DIPTERA: CHIRON. (cont.) Tanytarsus sp. C - Cladotanytarsus sp. 2A - R Ablabesmyia parajanta R R A. ornata C C Clinctanypus pinguis R - Conchapelopia gr. R R Labrundinia pilosella R - Thienemaniellesp. C R Corynoneura sp_ R R Rheocricotopus sp. 1 A A Eukiefferiella sp_ 3 C R Cricotopus/Orthocladius sp. 8 - C OLIGOCHAETA Limnodrilus sp. R C Huber speciosus R Haplotaxis gordiodes R Nais sp. R R Stylaria lacustris - A Lumbriculidae A A CRUSTACEA Palaemonetes paludosus R R Crangonyx sp. R Hyallela azteca R R Procambarus sp. - R MOLLUSCA Pisidium sp_ R Laevapex fuscum - A Physella sp. 0 R OTHER Hydracarina R - Sigara sp. C C Ranatra sp. - R Dugesia tigrina R - Helobdella stagnales C C H. elongate (?) R R Batracobdetla phalera - R Mooreobdella tetragon - R Climacia areolis - R CONCLUSIONS Results of on -site toxicological evaluations conducted at J.P. Stevens- Wagram's treatment facility do not predict an acutely toxic or chronically toxic environment caused by J.P. Stevens' discharge in the Lumber River. Acute (168 hr LC60 = 79%) and chronic (NOEC - 50%) toxicity observed in the Ceriodaphnia life cycle test occurred at concentrations of effluent well above J.P. Stevens' low flow instream waste concentration of 5.21%. The metals copper and zinc were present in the effluent at levels which normally would be expected to cause acute toxicity. However, this toxicity was not exhibited, possibly due to adsorption of the metals to solids. Also, the highly variable nature of the effluent may have prevented the organisms from being exposed to the metals for a period of time sufficient to cause acute tox- icity. RECOMMENDATIONS 1) J.P. Stevens-Wagram should continue to perform self -monitoring acute toxicity tests until the >90% LC60 target level has been achieved for three consecu- tive months, at which time the facility should be required to perform the Pass/Fail Ceriodaphnia reproduction bioassay. This test should be performed monthly until such time as the effluent passes the test for three consecutive months. If the test is failed two consecutive months, full range CeriodaDh- nia tests should be accomplished to determine No Effect Levels on a quarterly basis with Pass/Fail Ceriodaphnia tests continuing monthly until such time as the Pass/Fail test is passed for three consecutive months. 2) Copper and zinc levels may at times cause exceedances of Water Quality Action Levels in the Lumber River. These metals should be included as monitoring requirements in the next J.P. Stevens' NPDES permit issuance. -19- APPENDIX -20- 48 Hour Daphnia pulex Screening Bioassay Aquatic Toxicology Group N.C. Division of Environmental Management The Aquatic Toxicology Group performs 48 hour static bioassays using the cladoceran Daphnia 2u1ox to estimate the toxicity of waste discharge to aquatic life in receiving streams. All test and sampling glassware and equipment are washed with soap and hot water, then rinsed in nitric acid, acetone, and distilled/deionized water, to remove all toxins end contaminants. Effluent samples are collected by DEM Regional Office or Aquatic Toxicology personnel. All samples are collected chilled and above chlorination unless otherwise specified. Each sample is collected es a grab or 24 hour composite using an automatic sampler and is sent chilled to the Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory by State Courier or bus. The sample must be received with 72 hours after collection. The samples are prepared for testing by being thoroughly mixed, adjusted to standard test temperature, and aerated if dissolved oxygen is below 40% saturation. Chlorine is removed with sodium thiosulfate if applicable. The effluent is then diluted with D. pulex culture water, typically to seven concentrations (with replicates) from 0 to 90% effluent and initial pH and D0 are recorded. Each test chamber receives 100 mis total volume and ten D. pulex test organisms, 0-24 hours old. The test is conducted in a 20 degree centigrade incubator with a 14:10 hour tight:dark cycle. Mortality of the D. pulex is recorded after 48 hours, along with final pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature. A 48 hour LC60, or concentration of effluent lethal to 50% of the test organisms in 48 hours, is calculated from the mortality data. An instream waste concentration (IWC) for the effluent in the receiving stream is calculated using the treatment system permitted flow and receiving stream 7010 flow. The LC6o and IWC are then used to predict instream toxicity. 11 the effluent toxicity and/or the IWC are high, a persistence bioassay may be conducted. This involves a second 48 hour static 0. pulex bioassay on the same effluent sample after it has been exposed to light and aeration for an additional 48 hours. If there is a 100% reduction in the LC60, the effluent is considered to be non -persistent. Guidance Document: 1985. U.S.E.P.A Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms. Third edition (EPA/600/4-85/-13) -21- 96 Hour On -Site Flow -Through Bioassay Aquatic Toxicology Group N.C. Division of Environmental Management Candidacy for en on -site toxicity evaluation by the Aquatic Toxicology Group is determined on the basis of acute toxicity of the effluent in comparison with instream waste concentration. Acute toxicity is determined by a 48 hour screening static bioassay. For each on -site flow -through bioassay a pre -test inspection is performed in order to: 1_) Determine appropriate areas for physical placement of the mobile laboratory. 2.) Acquire proper equipment and installation needed for electrical service. 3_) Determine appropriate areas for effluent sampling end equipment needed for such. Sampling is done above chlorination unless otherwise specified. 4.) Determine possible areas for dilution sampling (actual receiving waters or other unstressed streams in the area) and equipment needed for such. 5.) Collect additional samples of effluent and possible dilution waters for further static Daphnia pulex, acute and static renewal Ceriodaphnia dubia_reproduction bioassays to determine the range of concentrations of effluent for the flow -through bioassay, to test for potential toxicity of possible dilution waters, and for fish acclimation to the chosen dilution water. 6.) Determine route suitability to the facility for the mobile laboratory (eg. low clearances, poor road conditions). 7_) Discuss test procedures and requirements with appropriate facility personnel_ 8.) Determine appropriate sampling sites and techniques for benthic mecroinvertebrate surveys. Upon actual arrival on -site with the mobile laboratory, dilution water is obtained and dilution and effluent pumping systems are set up and tested. Six to eight week-old fathead minnows are wet transferred to the test chambers (containing approximately one liter of dilution water), ten fish to a chamber_ This transfer is accomplished five fish at a time in a randomized order to each of the fourteen test chambers until two randomized sets of five have been transferred to each chamber. Seven concentrations (with replicates) including a control are used. The second day on -site the dilutor and the dilution and effluent pumping systems are turned on and the fathead minnow flow -through bioassay is begun. A water bath is utilized to bring the effluent and dilution water to a constant 20 degrees centigrade. Test organisms are fed newly hatched brine shrimp twice daily throughout the test. A Ceriodaphnia static renewal reproduction bioassay using newborn organisms is begun the first day on -site. The organisms are transferred to fresh dilution and effluent solutions daily and initial and final pH and dissolved oxygen are recorded. The number of young born per organism per day is recorded and mean cumulative reproduction is calculated for each concentration. The rest ts conducted in a 25 degree centigrade incubator with 16 light:8 dark photoperiod. -22- Test organisms are fed 0 1 ml of a fermented trout chow mixture per organism per day. Individual chemical/physical parameter meters are calibrated daily according to DEM standards. Hydrolab systems measure and record dissolved oxygen. pH, temperature, and specific conductance in the test chambers with the highest and lowest concentration of effluent et 15 minute intervals throughout the test. These systems are calibrated at test initiation, the mid -point of the test, and test termination. Data from these systems is recovered daily and stored on magnetic disc and hard copy. Samples of dilution water, effluent at the sampling site, final effluent, and the receiving stream upstream and downstream of the discharge point are analyzed for hardness es feasible. Where applicable, daily residual chlorine measurements will be made at the above described sites. During the on -site evaluation, Biological Monitoring Group personnel collect benthic macroinvertebrate samples at the upstream, downstream and dilution sites (see Benthic Macroinvertebrate Survey appendix). Where appropriate, electrofishing is undertaken upsteam and downstream of the discharge to obtain resident fish population data. On a site -specific basis, various other efforts are undertaken, such as monitoring dissolved oxygen levels in the receiving stream. On a daily basis, test chamber screens are cleaned, effluent and dilution pumping systems are checked and adjusted as necessary, and pH, dissolved oxygen, and fish mortalities are recorded for each chamber. Dilution water is generally collected on an alternating day basis, depending on need. Two separate 24 hour composite samples of effluent are collected by means of an automatic sampler for chemical analysis. Receiving stream and dilution water samples are also taken for chemical testing. Static 48 hour Daphnia pulex bioassays are conducted on a 24 hour composite sample of the effluent and a grab sample of the influent and persistence test aging is begun on the effluent sample. A photographic record is made of the treatment facility, sampling points, receiving stream, and sampling procedures while on -site. A the end of the 96 hour test period, the dilutor is turned off and final mortality observations are made. Breakdown and packing routines are performed and the mobile laboratory is transported back to the Cary Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory. Several special care operating procedures should be mentioned. At facilities that discharge for only a portion of the day, effluent samples are composited by the dilutor system into a large reservoir on board the mobile laboratory for use as the effluent while discharge is not in progress. If the effluent has a high oxygen demand, aeration systems for the test chambers are utilized and dissolved oxygen levels in the chambers are monitored closely in order to prevent levels from dropping below 40% saturation at test temperatures. In the event that actual receiving waters are deemed unfit for the test (i.e. potentially toxic), an alternate source of dilution water is sought in the vicinity. -23- CeriOdaphnia dubis Reproduction Bioassay Procedure Aquatic Toxicology Group N.C. Division of Environmental Management The Ceriodaphnia aquatic bioassay is conducted to estimate the effect of an effluent or other water sample on reproductivity. The cladoceran Ceriodaphnia ,dubia is used as the teat organism in a 7 day static renewal bioassay. A control and 8 concentrations of effluent ranging from 0.01% to 100% are typically used. There are 10 animals per concentration, each animal in a one ounce polystyrene test chamber with 15 mis of solution. The test is conducted in a 25 degree centigrade incubator with a 16 light:8 dark photoperiod. The test is initiated with newborn animals, or neonates. Adults having brood sacs with eggs with visible eyespots (indicating eggs are about to be released) are isolated and checked periodically. Neonates are removed and grouped according to time of birth. Selected groups are then composited to make the youngest set of 90 or more neonates born within a 4 hour period. The test is begun when the neonates are introduced into the test chambers. Temperatures must be within 1 degree centigrade for transfer. The animals are transferred daily to new test chambers containing freshly mixed solutions. Chemical/physical parameters are measured twice for each batch of solutions. The initial value is taken before the animal is introduced and the final value after the animal has been transferred out the next day. Dissolved oxygen of greater than 40% saturation is necessary. The animals are fed daily. Each organism receives 0.1 ml of fermented trout chow -yeast -alfalfa food. As reproduction begins, only the adult is transferred to a new chamber. A drop of concentrated nitric acid is added to the old chamber. This dills the young so they can be easily counted under a dissecting microscope. A mean number of young produced per adult is calculated for each concentration. Mortality of greater than 20% in control test organisms invalidates a test. Guidance Document_ 1985. U.S.E.P.A_ Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. (EPA-600/4-85-014). Benthic Macroinvertebrate Procedure Biological Monitoring Group N.C. Division of Environmental Management The sampling methodology requires that a stream or river be wadable. High water conditions may severely impair sampling efficiency by making critical habitats inaccessible. A fixed number of samples are collected for each station. These include: 2 kick net samples of riffle and snag areas; 3 sweep net samples of bank areas and macrophyte beds; 2 fine mesh waandown samples of search of rocks, Togs, leaves, and substrate The benthic macroinvertebretes are picked out with tweezers and preserved in alcohol. A collection card is filled out which includes such data as canopy cover, dissolved oxygen, pH, stream temperature, substrate composition and stream morphology at the site. Organisms are identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level, generally to species. Density of each taxon is rated as Rare (1 or 2 individuals), Common (3 to 9), Abundant (10 or more). Most organisms may be identified using only a dissecting microscope, but Oligochaeta and Chironomidae must be mounted and identified with a compound microscope. Reference collections are maintained and all samples are kept and stored by study area. The first level of analysis summarized the data by total number of taxa or "taxa richness" (S) and density (N) for each station. The second .level -o$.analysis summarized data by taxonomic groups (mostly orders of insects). The EPT value is the sum of the taxa richness for the intolerant insect groups Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera. The final step in data analysis is to summarize the data separately for each taxa. The presence of absence of individuals of "indicator species" is, in itself, insufficient for characterizing water quality. Tolerant species will usually become dominant only in polluted systems. Information on pollution tolerance of any given taxon, combined with quantitative data on its distribution can often be related to specific chemical or physical changes in the environment. —25— List of Definitions Aquatic Toxicology Group N. C. Division of Environmental Management Acclimation - refers to the process of gradually adjusting organisms from water of one type to another so that the organisms are not stressed from radical changes in temperature, hardness, pH, ionic strength, etc. Acute toxicity - the effect a short term exposure to a chemical or substance has on an organism; usually defined as death of that organism. Application factor - a value which estimates an instream toxicant level that will be safe at a chronic level for resident organisms from acute toxicity data, usually defined by a fraction of the LC50. Aquatic - having to do with water. Aquatic Toxicology Group - the group within the Biological Services Unit (Water Duality Section) which performs aquatic bioassays for the Division of Environmental Management. The Group is located at the Cary laboratory facilities. All test organisms (including Daphnia pulex, Ceriodaphnia sp., and fathead minnows) are cultured at these facilities by Aquatic Toxicology personnel. Benthos/Benthic macroinvertebrates - a wide assemblage of invertebrate animals (insects, crustaceans, molluscs, etc.) which live in streams, are an important food source for fish populations, and are used as long term water quality indicators. Bioassay - a test used to determine the effects of a chemical or substance on an organism. Cadmium - one of the toxicants recommended by EPA for quality assurance testing of the health of aquatic organisms. Calibration - the adjustment of meters or systems with standards of known values in order to assure the quality of data obtained from these meters or systems. Ceriodaphnia sue. - a small cladoceran crustacean. It is found throughout most of North America and obtains a maximum size of approximately 1 mm. This organism has been adopted for aquatic bioassay testing because of its small size, ease of culture under laboratory conditions, stability of genetic strains, and sensitivity to toxic substances. It is generally used in a 7 day static renewal "mini -chronic" bioassay testing for mortality, time to sexual maturity and reproductive rate. Ceriodaphnia sp. is accepted in the field of aquatic toxicology for testing in moderately soft waters. Chronic toxicity - the effect of a chemical or substance on an organism, usually during a longer period of time than that measured for acute toxicity. This effect is usually measured as a non -fatal response (eg. reduction in growth, egg production, predator avoidance, feeding rate, etc.). Test for chronic toxicity are frequently performed during the entire life cycle of the organism. Composite - a sample or method of sampling used to obtain data on a substance which may vary over time or space. For example, a time or temporal composite of a stream would be one collected at intervals of time at the same location. This is frequently accomplished with automatic sampling devices. -26- Daphnia pule), (water flea) - a small cladoceldn Crustacean. It is tuunc throughout most of North America and obtains a maximum size of approximately 3.5 mm. This organism has been adopted for aquatic bioassay testing because of its small size, ease of culture under laboratory conditions, stability of genetic strains, and sensitivity to toxic substances. It is generally used in a 48 hour static bioassay testing for mortality. D. pulex is widely accepted in the field of aquatic toxicology for testing in moderately soft waters. Design flow - the volume of water and waste that is initially planned to pass through a facility or waste treatment plant and still allow maximum operating efficiency. Design flow is usually expressed in millions of gallons per day (mgd). Dilution (water) - the water used in bioassay tests to dilute the waste water to various concentrations (expressed as percent). Wherever possible, this water is from the actual stream that receives the waste, upstream from that waste. When this is not possible, other suitable water is obtained Dilutor - refers to a modified Mount and Brungs design serial dilution apparatus which receives dilution water and effluent/waste and, through a series of chambers and electrical solenoid valves, mixes the effluent and dilution into a series of concentrations for the test (expressed as percentages of 100% effluent). Electrofishing - method for collecting fish using electrical shock to momentarily stun the fish so they float to the surface and are easily netted. Effluent - the waste water exiting a facility which is discharged as treated waste to a stream or as untreated waste to some other facility. Fathead minnow (Pimephelas promelas) - a small fish which occurs throughout much of North America. It obtains a maximum size of approximately 100 mm and is raised commercially as bait fish. The fathead minnow has been raised for numerous generations in a number of laboratory culture for use in toxicity testing. The fish can produce eggs year round in the laboratory environment under correct conditions which produce test organisms as needed. Flow -through - the flow -through bioassay utilizes which either continuously of occasionally replace effluent/toxicant concentrations throughout the test in an attempt to simulate stream conditions where new effluent and dilution water ere continually flowing through an organism's habitat. Hydrolabw - a multiparameter instrument which measures and records temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and specific conductance of water. Instream waste concentration (IWC) - the percent concentration of an effluent/toxicant which is present in a stream under assumed worst case conditions. The IWC is derived from the formula: [DF / (7Q10 ; DF)] x 100 = IWC CO, where DF is the design flow (in cfs) of the facility in question and 7Q10 is the 10 year, 7 day, low flow (in cfs) of the receiving stream. LCSO - that concentration or percentage of a waste/chemical/substance which is lethal to 50% of test organisms over a stated period of time. "Use of this tern or system does not constitute an endorsement -27- NPDES - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. A system devised by thF Federal Government and adopted by North Carolina for the permitting, monitoring, and pollution abatement of dischargers to surface waters. Neonate - roughly translated to newly born. In reference to Daphnia pulex, the neonate refers to the life stage in the first and early second instar, generally the first 24 hours of its life. Screening bioassay - a testing system established to determine general levels of acute toxicity of compounds/discharges using 48 hour Daphnia pulQx tests. 7Q10 - the measurement of a stream's lowest average daily flow over a 7 day period during a 10 year span, generally stated as flow in cubic feet per second (cfs). Sodium pentachlorophenate - a chemical accepted by EPA as a toxicant for quality assurance testing of the health of aquatic organisms. This chemical is an organic pesticide. Static - refers to an aquatic bioassay in which toxicant/effluent concentrations are set up at the beginning of the test and not changed for the rest of the test. This test is generally short term as compared to a flow -through or replacement test because of potential degradation of the toxicant/effluent. Taxa - refers to a group of genetically related organisms, (i. e. genus, order, species). Taxa richness - number of taxa. 30Q2 - the measurement of a stream's lowest average daily flow over a 30 day period during a 2 year span, generally stated as flow in cubic feet per second (cfs). Toxicity - the adverse effect of a chemical/substance on an organism. Toxicity is usually defined as a fatal or non -fatal response over a give period of time. UT - Unnamed tributary - a term given to streams which have no accepted name. -28-