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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221688 Ver 1_ePCN Application_20221201DWR Division of Water Resources Initial Review Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form For Nationwide Permits and Regional General Permits (along with corresponding Water Quality Certifications) April 13, 2022 Ver 4.3 Has this project met the requirements for acceptance in to the review process?* Yes No Is this project a public transportation project?* Yes No Change only if needed. Pre -Filing Meeting Date Request was submitted on: 6/2/2022 BIMS # Assigned* Version#* 20221688 1 Is a payment required for this project?* No payment required Fee received Fee needed - send electronic notification Reviewing Office* Asheville Regional Office - (828) 296-4500 Information for Initial Review la. Name of project: North Bend Public Fishing Area 1a. Who is the Primary Contact?* Jeff C. Ferguson, PE What amout is owed?* $240.00 $570.00 Select Project Reviewer* Joey Winston:eads\jbwinston 1 b. Primary Contact Email:* lc. Primary Contact Phone:* (828)231-3517 Date Submitted 12/1/2022 Nearest Body of Water Catawba River Basin Catawba Water Classification WS-IV;Tr Site Coordinates Latitude: Longitude: 35.728805 -81.811531 A. Processing Information County (or Counties) where the project is located: Burke Is this a NCDMS Project Yes No Is this project a public transportation project? * Yes No 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) Has this PCN previously been submitted?* Yes No 1 b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization? Nationwide Permit (NWP) Regional General Permit (RGP) Standard (IP) 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? Yes No Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: 36 - Boat Ramps Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: 03 - Maintenance Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: 13 - Bank Stabilization NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit Individual 401 Water Quality Certification le. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: For the record only for Corps Permit: 1f. Is this an after -the -fact permit application?* Yes No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? Yes No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? Yes No 1 h. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? Yes No 1j. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? Yes No B. Applicant Information 1d. Who is applying for the permit? Owner Applicant (other than owner) le. Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project?* Yes No 2. Owner Information 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: State of North Carolina 2b. Deed book and page no.: DB002483/PN00066 2c. Contact Person: Jeff C. Ferguson, PE 401 Water Quality Certification - Express Riparian Buffer Authorization Yes No Yes No 2d. Address Street Address 1751 Varsity Drive Address Line 2 1720 Mail Service Center City Raleigh Postal / Zip Code 27699-1720 2e. Telephone Number: (828)231-3517 2g. Email Address:* C. Project Information and Prior Project History State / Province / Region NC Country USA 2f. Fax Number: (919)707-0162 1. Project Information 1b. Subdivision name: (if appropriate) lc. Nearest municipality / town: Glen Alpine 2. Project Identification 2a. Property Identification Number: 1763517647 2c. Project Address Street Address 4769 Powerhouse Road Address Line 2 City Morganton Postal / Zip Code 28655 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project: * Catawba River 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water: * WS-IV;Tr 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* Catawba 3d. Please provide the 12-digit HUC in which the project is located. 030501010607 4. Project Description and History 2b. Property size: 13.06 State / Province / Region NC Country USA 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* The 14-acre site is part of a former tree nursery. NC Wildlife Resources Commission acquired the parcel from Duke Energy Corporation which owns the tract immediately upstream. The two tracts were once a commercial tree nursery, and current condition is partially wooded and partially open clearings. A section of the Fonta Flora and Overmountain Victory Trail runs through this site. Surrounding land use is forest and pasture. The property adjoins Powerhouse Rd. (SR-1223) to the north, and the Catawba River to the south. 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* Yes No Unknown 4f. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: 1239LF along left bank of Catawba River, 1116LF of Unnamed Tributary 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: * The 14-acre site was donated to the State of North Carolina by Duke Energy Corp. for management with an agreement that NC Wildlife Resources Commission would develop a public float fishing access to the Catawba River on the property. The MOA with DEC stipulates that WRC will build an access with a launch ramp and parking for at least 10 vehicles and access to a bank fishing site. The North Bend access will split the float distance between the existing Bridgewater and Watermill accesses. This reach of the river is stocked with trout by WRC and, and the new access will give anglers and paddlers additional opportunities to safely put in or take out. 4i. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used: * Clear 2.2 acres for driveway, parking and launch ramp. Adjust driveway entrance to improve sight distance and meet DOT driveway turnout standards. Grade driveway and embankment. Remove and replace existing RCP culvert and mortared rock endwalls at UT crossing. Excavate abandoned roadbed using spoils to build base for parking area. Excavate drainage swales and launch ramp base. Place washed riprap & 3" stone below OHWM to support end of ramp. End section of reinforced concrete ramp will be cast on grade above OHWM. Once cured, the end slab will be pushed into position using a dozer. The remaining concrete ramp sections will be cast in place above OHWM and in the dry. Stormwater conveyances along each side of the ramp and adjacent cut slopes will be lined and armored with Class-B riprap up to OHWM. All slopes and vegetated swales will be seeded and matted with RECP. Driveway and parking will be surfaced with compacted ABC and/or asphalt pavement. Equipment used will include a large, tracked excavator, mini -ex, dozer, vibratory compactor and skid steer. 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* Yes No Comments: 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made?* Preliminary Approved Not Verified Unknown N/A Corps AID Number: 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Agency/Consultant Company: Other: 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* Yes No Unknown Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? n/a D. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary la. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): Wetlands Open Waters 3. Stream Impacts Streams -tributaries Pond Construction Buffers 3a. Reason for impact (?) 3b.lmpact type* 3c. Type of impact* 3d. S. name* 3e. Stream Type* (?) 3f. Type of Jurisdiction* 3g. S. width 3h. Impact length* S1 Boat Ramp Construction Permanent Other Catawba River Perennial Both 120 Average (feet) 64 (linear feet) S2 Bank Stabilization Temporary Bank Stabilization UT to Catawba Perennial DWR 6 Average (feet) 30 (linear feet) S3 Culvert Replacement Temporary Culvert UT to Catawba Perennial DWR 6 Average (feet) 59 (linear feet) 3i. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet: 0 3i. Total permanent stream impacts: 64 3i. Total stream and ditch impacts: 153 3i. Total temporary stream impacts: 89 3j. Comments: S1 types of impact include clearing, excavation, concrete launch ramp construction, riprap & vegetative bank stabilization. S2 & S3 impacts are on a tributary approximately 1,200 feet away from S1 impacts. S2 & S3 are allowable under NWP-13 & NWP-3 without written notification to USAGE. S2 & S3 work to be done in the dry with pump -around. E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization la. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: Project was designed to minimize buffer impacts to the extent possible for a boat ramp. Runoff drainage areas and conveyances are designed to meet dispersed flow requirements. Disturbed areas will be seeded and/or planted with native species and stabilized with RECP matting (without poly netting). lb. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: Excavation for launch ramp base below OHWM will be done when river is at lowest level (no generation from Lake James) and with upstream flow diversion in place. Lower end section of concrete ramp will be cast above OHWM and pushed into position once cured. No wet concrete will be in contact with surface waters. Culvert replacement and bank stabilization on UT will be done in the dry with pump -around. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? Yes No 2b. If this project DOES NOT require Compensatory Mitigation, explain why: No aquatic habitat resources will be impacted. Length of stream impacts does not meet threshold for compensatory mitigation requirement. F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan la. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? Yes No What type of SCM are you providing? Level Spreader Vegetated Conveyance (lower SHWT) Wetland Swale (higher SHWT) Other SCM that removes minimum 30% nitrogen Proposed project will not create concentrated stormwater flow through the buffer 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250? * Yes No 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(2)? Yes No Comments: G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation la. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land?* Yes No lb. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)?* Yes • No Comments: * Project cost does not meet threshold requiring NEPA/SEPA. 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)?* Yes No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* Yes No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. The parcel is managed by NCWRC. Apart from this access and wildlife management activity, the only potential for future development would be to provide additional parking (separate from fishing access) for public access to Fonta Flora/Overmountain Victory Trail users if needed. Additional parking would not impact Catawba River buffers or streams. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* Yes No N/A 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* Yes No 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* Yes No 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. Asheville 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* Yes 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8? Yes No No Unknown 5f. Will you cut any trees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? Yes No 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? Yes No 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* Yes No 5i. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? Yes No 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? IPaC Species List, Site survey w/ Byron Hamstead (USFWS) & Andrea Leslie (NCWRC-Habitat Conservation) 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* Yes No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat? * NOAA Essential Fish Habitat Mapper 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* Yes No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* SHPO Web GIS, DCR Environmental Review 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain?* Yes No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: Project requires a no -rise certification and local floodplain development permit for impacts within non -encroachment area. WRC has hired a consultant who is currently completing the flood study for no -rise. 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination?* NC Flood Mapping Program, FRIS, Conferred with NC DPS and Burke County Flood Manager. Miscellaneous Please use the space below to attach all required documentation or any additional information you feel is helpful for application review. Documents should be combined into one file when possible, with a Cover Letter, Table of Contents, and a Cover Sheet for each Section preferred. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document NORTH BEND PCN SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS.pdf 16.54MB File must be PDF or KMZ Comments For items 1c through le: Impacts under NWP-3 (maintenance for culvert replacement) and NWP-3 (30LF of streambank stabilization on unnamed tributary), USACE indicated that no written authorization would be required. These impacts are included in the PCN for 401-WQC from DWR and for the record only for Corps permit. The NWP-36 (boat ramp) impacts require written authorization from USACE. Signature By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: • The project proponent hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief'; and • The project proponent hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. • I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; I agree that submission of this PCN form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name: Jeff C. Ferguson, PE Signature 0 Date 12/1/2022 NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION ENGINEERING DIVISION NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA PRE-CONSTRUCTIOIN NOTIFICATION SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS PREPARED & SUBMITTED BY: JEFF C. FERGUSON, PE DECEMBER 1, 2022 CONTENTS: 1. COVER LETTER 2. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER CONFIRMATION OF MINOR WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION FEE 3. DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES- ILF PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE LETTER 4. US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CONSULTATION 5. US FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE CONSULTATION 6. STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 7. PROJECT PERMIT DRAWING SET iA NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION Cameron Ingram, Executive Director December 1, 2022 Ms. Brandee Boggs Regulatory Specialist/Geologist USACE Wilmington District -Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Re: PCN Submittal for North Bend Public Fishing Area development project Dear Brandee, w. The NC Wildlife Resources Commission is preparing to build a new public fishing area on the Catawba River in Burke County. The North Bend property was conveyed to NCWRC by Duke Energy Corporation with the stipulation that our agency will develop the site for float fishing and bank fishing access and parking. The site work will involve clearing a 2.2acre area, improving the driveway to the proposed parking area, grading the site for parking and storm drainage and installing a single -lane concrete launch ramp on the left bank of the river. An existing culvert will be replaced and upsized at the location where the driveway crosses an unnamed tributary running through the property. We hope to begin work early in 2023. As we discussed previously, a written notification is required for approval to build the boat ramp under NWP-36. Written notification will not be required for the culvert replacement or the 30' of streambank stabilization on the UT. All of these impacts have been shown in the plans and are included on the PCN for DWR approval. We have also discussed the Catawba River Buffer Rules with Joey Winston at NCDEQ-DWR and have included the buffer impact information in the PCN. Mitigation for permanent impacts to the buffer will be through Division of Mitigation Services In -lieu Fee Program. Please contact me if you have any questions or require any additional information. Best regards, Jeff C. Ferguson, PE North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Engineering Division cc: Joey Winston, NCDEQ-Division of Water Quality Andrea Leslie, NCWRC-Habitat Conservation Division Mailing Address: N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission • 1701 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1701 Telephone: 919-707-0010 • 2. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER CONFIRMATION FOR $240 MINOR WATER QUALITY APPLICATION FEE OCP RP DOCUMENT PAYMENT GENERAL INFORMATION DPG NEXT FUNCTION: ACTION: HISTORY: 11/22/2022 07:06:57 BROWSE: PAY ENTITY : 17PT VEND/EMP SHORT NAME: DEQ DOCUMENT DATE : 11/17/2022 IND AMOUNT SALES TAX/VAT SALES TAX 2 SALES TAX 3 FREIGHT ADDITIONAL COST . GROSS INVOICE PAYMENT AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID 240.00 240.00 240.00 PAYMENT TERMS : NET PAY IMMEDIATELY PAYMENT DATE : 11/21/2022 PAYMENT ROUTE CD : FACTOR NUMBER REASON CODE/DESC : VEND/EMP NBR: 566000372 40 DOCUMENT NBR: 401WETLAND111722 PAYMENT NBR: 001 PRTL PYMT NBR: 000 VAT INCLUSIVE : N EXPENSE IND GL EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/21/2022 EXTRACT DATE ACCRUAL CANC DATE: CURRENCY CODE DISCOUNT TYPE DISCOUNT TAKEN PAYMENT STATUS . PAYMENT REF NBR . PAYMENT TYPE HANDLING CODE • ONE INVC PER PYMT: BANK ACCT PYMT CD: NOT TAKEN PAID 0000150292 ELECTRONIC YES IGO .00 MA'• a 06/023 3. DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES - ILF PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE LETTER ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretory MARC RECKTENWALD Director Jeff Ferguson, PE NC Wildlife Resources Commission 171 Southern Cross Road Weaverville, NC 28787 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality November 22, 2022 Expiration of Acceptance: 5/22/2023 Project: North Bend Public Fishing Area County: Burke The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) is willing to accept payment for compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the above referenced project as indicated in the table below. Please note that this decision does not assure that participation in the DMS in - lieu fee mitigation program will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact permitting agencies to determine if payment to the DMS will be approved. You must also comply with all other state, federal or local government permits, regulations or authorizations associated with the proposed activity including G.S. § 143-214.11. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit/401 Certification within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to DMS. Once DMS receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the in -lieu fee to be paid by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed on the DMS website. Based on the information supplied by you in your request to use the DMS, the impacts for which you are requesting compensatory mitigation credit are summarized in the following table. The amount of mitigation required and assigned to DMS for this impact is determined by permitting agencies and may exceed the impact amounts shown below. River Basin Impact Location (8-digit HUC) Impact Type Impact Quantity Catawba 03050101 Riparian Buffer 2,714 @2:1 Catawba 03050101 Riparian Buffer 990 @ 1.5:1 Upon receipt of payment, DMS will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the In -Lieu Fee Program instrument dated July 28, 2010 and 15A NCAC 02B .0295 as applicable. Thank you for your interest in the DMS in -lieu fee mitigation program. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact DeJa'l Ie:l: n1 (11,-101,11..131 QUA iv Sincerely, FOR James. B Stanfill Deputy Director North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services 217 West Jones Street 11652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 919.707.8976 4. US ARMY COPRS OF ENGINEERS CONSULTATION Ferguson, Jeff C From: Boggs, Brandee C CIV USARMY CESAD (USA) <> Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 5:38 PM To: Ferguson, Jeff C Cc: Sullivan, James A Subject: RE: [External] RE: NCWRC North Bend Public Access to Catawba River (Burke County) Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hi Jeff, the NWP#3 will not require notification beyond what you have already discussed. My computer is updating (all day it seems), so I cant tell, but if you are working in WRC trout waters during the moratorium, you would need to include the stabilization, otherwise, 30' won't require a PCN. Hope that helps! BB Sent with BlackBerry Work ( From: "Ferguson, Jeff C" <> Sent: Oct 4, 2022 2:38 PM To: "Boggs, Brandee C CIV USARMY CESAD (USA)" <> Cc: "Sullivan, James A" <> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: [External] RE: NCWRC North Bend Public Access to Catawba River (Burke County) Brandee, We had a productive meeting with Mitchell Anderson and Joey Winston last week to discuss 401WQC and Catawba River Buffer requirements for this project. We also did some additional surveying along the UT to get more detail upstream and downstream of the culvert replacement. I have attached a revised sheet showing the proposed surface water impacts along the Catawba and the UT. There are several tail ditches that feed into the tributary from both sides. One of these is well situated for us to tie in our vegetated swale. We could shape this ditch and the banks along the UT then seed, coir matt and livestake the impacted area. The length of impact along the right bank of the UT including the pump -around intake would be 3OLF. I will proceed with submitting the PCN for authorization of impacts for the launch ramp under NWP#36. Could you please verify the following: Will the NWP-3 for the culvert and endwall replacement also require written notification? Since the bank stabilization impact on the UT is less than the notification threshold for NWP#13, should that impact be included in the PCN? 1 Jeff Jeff C. Ferguson, PE Mountain Region Engineer NC Wildlife Resources Commission Engineering Division mailing address: 171 Southern Cross Rd. Weaverville, NC 28787 mobile: 828-231-3517 II fax: 919-707-0162 ieff.ferquson@ncwildlife.orq Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 5. US FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE CONSULTATION Ferguson, Jeff C From: Hamstead, Byron A <> Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2022 1:16 PM To: Ferguson, Jeff C Cc: Leslie, Andrea J; Sullivan, James A; Gardner, Gary; Boggs, Brandee C CIV USARMY CESAD (USA) Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] North Bend - Bats Attachments: 20221103_22-620_Lighting Recommendations.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hey Jeff and Brandee, Many thanks for your coordination and for hosting a site visit yesterday, Jeff. Pursuant to the requirements of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), we offer the following comments and concurrence to help inform prudent effect determinations to federally listed species from the Action Agency. Dwarf -flowered heartleaf There are records of the federally threatened dwarf -flowered heartleaf (Hexastylis naniflora) adjacent to the site. An evaluation conducted by NCWRC and USFWS found that onsite habitats within the action area (50CFR 402.02) are significantly disturbed due to a legacy of development activities (commercial/agricultural). Albeit low quality and sparse, suitable habitat for this plant is present within the action area. However, our targeted botanical survey conducted November 2, 2022, detected no evidence for this species or any of its congeners onsite. Therefore, we believe the probability for inadvertent loss of this species is insignificant and discountable and would concur with a "may affect, not likely to adversely affect" (MANLAA) determination from the Action Agency. Gray bat Based on the information provided, suitable roosting, commuting, and/or foraging habitat for the federally endangered gray bat (Myotis grisescens), may occur within the proposed action area. Our evaluation did not detect and caves or cave -like features that would be considered suitable roost and/or hibernacula habitat for this or any other federally listed bat. We observed suitable commuting and foraging habitat for this animal within the action area that is along the Catawba River. We understand that the extent of necessary tree clearing and associated loss of forage and commuting habitat in this area will be minor (<10 trees that are >6" DBH), and that the proposed design calls for the planting/replacement of native tree species to offset these impacts. We also understand that project -mediated tree clearing would be accomplished outside of this animal's active season when it would not be utilizing onsite habitats. Provided that tree clearing is accomplished in the winter between November 16 and March 14, and is a condition of the USACE's permit, we believe the probability for take of this animal is insignificant and discountable and would concur with a MANLAA determination from the action agency. NLEB Suitable roosting and forage habitat for the federally threatened northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) is present within the action area. The tree -clearing moratorium and permit condition described above for gray bat would also be protective of northern long-eared bat and would support our concurrence with a MANLAA determination for this animal. i Tricolored bat Suitable forage and roosting habitat for the tricolored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) is present within the action area. On September 14, 2022, the Service published a proposal in the Federal Register to list the tricolored bat as endangered under the Act. While this species is not currently afforded protection under the Act, as soon as a listing becomes effective, the prohibitions against jeopardizing its continued existence and "take" will apply. We believe that the tree - clearing moratorium and permit condition described above for gray bat would also be protective of tri-colored bat and would support our concurrence with a MANLAA determination for this species as well. We believe that suitable habitat for any other federally protected species does not occur within the action area. Provided that the USACE permit is furnished with the condition described above on behalf of listed bat species, we believe that consultation is complete and we require no further information at this time. Further coordination and/or consultation may be required under the ESA if: (1) information reveals impacts of this identified action which may affect or may have affected listed species or critical habitat, (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner that was not considered in this review, or (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat is determined that may be affected by the identified action. We offer the following voluntary impact avoidance and minimization measures on behalf of the species referenced above and other natural resources: • To the extent that is feasible, we encourage contractors to accomplish associated tree clearing when ambient temperatures exceed 50 degrees to increase the chances for safe flushing of any roosting animals including bats. • Bats and other species are light -adverse. Permanent lighting along roadways, parking areas, and/or paths should be minimized to what is necessary for safety. Attached are a list of general lighting recommendations that our office has developed on behalf of Myotis bats and pollinators species that may be applicable for this project. Our office bat recovery lead and I can help with a lighting design if requested. We acknowledge the need to balance public safety with impact minimization for wildlife. • Measures to control sediment and erosion should be installed before any ground disturbing activities occur. Grading and backfilling should be minimized, and existing native vegetation should be retained (if possible) to maintain riparian cover for fish and wildlife. Disturbed areas should be revegetated with native vegetation as soon as the project is completed. Ground disturbance should be limited to what will be stabilized quickly, preferably by the end of the workday. Natural fiber matting (coir) should be used for erosion control as synthetic netting can trap animals and persist in the environment beyond its intended purpose. • We observed non-native invasive plant species in the Catawba River (Parrot's feather, Myriophyllum aquaticum). We encourage project proponents to consider adding passive public guidance at this site (e.g. signage, information kiosks, etc.) to prevent/reduce the spread of non-native aquatic species. We greatly appreciate the coordination for this project and for your consideration for our concerns. Please contact me if you have any questions. Regards, Byron Byron Hamstead (he/him/his) Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Asheville Ecological Services Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, North Carolina, 28801 2 This email correspondence and any attachments to and from this sender is subject to the Freedom of Information Act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Ferguson, Jeff C <> Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2022 11:13 AM To: Hamstead, Byron A <> Cc: Leslie, Andrea J <>; Sullivan, James A <>; <> Subject: [EXTERNAL] North Bend - Bats This email has been received from outside of DOI - Use caution before clicking on links, opening attachments, or responding. Byron, Thanks for meeting with us to survey the site yesterday. I wanted to follow up on our discussion yesterday regarding Northern Long Eared, Gray and Tricolor bats. What is the range of dates to avoid tree clearing? I'd like to note that on the permit drawings that I am working on. I did some digging on bat friendly lighting. I couldn't find much on fixtures that may be available, and I'm doubtful that there are any that Duke Energy can provide. I checked with our engineering staff, and they have not had to install this type of lighting at access sites before. Could you please send any guidance my way when you get a chance? What are the requirements or recommendations for lighting at this site? Our Land & Water Access and Enforcement divisions have commented that they would prefer to have security lighting installed at the site for public safety and to deter unlawful activity. The inclusion of bat friendly features will depend on their availability and added cost to the project. Jim and I are working to get a meeting set up with Duke Energy engineers to get a quote on running power and installing security lights at the site. We would like to discuss options when we meet with them. Thanks, Jeff Jeff C. Ferguson, PE Civil Design Engineer — Mountain Region NC Wildlife Resources Commission Engineering Division mailing address: 171 Southern Cross Rd. Weaverville, NC 28787 mobile: 828-231-3517 II fax: 919-707-0162 Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 3 6. NC STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE CONSULTATION North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Office of Archives and History Secretary D. Reid Wilson Deputy Secretary, Darin J. Waters, Ph.D. November 1, 2022 MEMORANDUM TO: Jeff C. Ferguson, PE Engineering Division NC Wildlife Resources Commission FROM: Ramona M. Bartos, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer SUBJECT: Construct North Bend Access Area on Catawba River, Powerhouse Road, Burke County, GS 22-2319 Thank you for your letter of September 16, 2022, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill -Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-814-6579 or In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 814-6570/814-6898 7. PROJECT PERMIT DRAWING SET PERMIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01A NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA CATAWBA RIVER BURKE COUNTY z 0 co 0 U co W U rn 7 rn O (0 W N W z Z u_ H J Z J W Z U < J O w U Zwww h w O O(-9JZ ZQ= UW2— W o W = Z O z Z W Lake James 1 N. Powerhouse Rd. PROJECT SITE - Catawba River *kir Watermill-Glen Alpine Rd. Catawba St. Linville St. Powerhouse Road PROJECT SITE ADDRESS: 4769 POWERHOUSE ROAD. MORGANTON, NC 28655 PROJECT SITE COORDINATES: N35.728805° W81.811531 ° 0 5,280' Scale: 1"=1 Mile DIRECTIONS TO SITE: From 1-40 Exit 98, follow Causby Rd north toward Glen Alpine, @ 1.6 mi, turn left onto London Rd., @ 0.5 mi, turn left onto W Main St., @ 0.2 mi, turn right onto S Bridge St., @ 0.1 mi, turn left onto Linville St., @ 0.4 mi, continue onto Powerhouse Road @ 1.4 mi, project site will be on the left. SHEET INDEX SD-0.0 - COVER, SITE LOCATION, SHEET INDEX SD-0.1 - CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE & LEGEND SD-1.0 - EXISTING SITE CONDITION & DEMO PLAN VIEW SD-2.0 - PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS OVERALL - PLAN VIEW SD-2.1 - PROPOSED ACCESS AREA SITE - PLAN VIEW SD-2.2 - PROPOSED IMPACTS: FLOOD SD-2.3 - PROPOSED IMPACTS: SURFACE WATER SD-2.4 - PROPOSED IMPACTS: CATAWBA RIVER BUFFER SD-2.5 - CATAWBA RIVER BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN SD-3.0 - SITE GRADING PLAN: SPOT ELEVATIONS SD-3.1 - SITE GRADING PLAN: PROFILES & SECTIONS SD-4.0 - EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL: PLAN VIEW SD-4.1 - EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL: VEGETATION SD-4.2 - EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL: BMP DETAILS SD-4.3 - EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL: BMP DETAILS SD-6.0 - PROFILES & SECTIONS: DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE & CULVERT SD-6.1 - PROFILES & SECTIONS: VEGETATED SWALES & CULVERTS SD-6.2 - PROFILES & SECTIONS: LAUNCH RAMP, RIPRAP & GRASSED CHANNEL SECTIONS krmn matt below Call before y+oudig. 0.11 I to CAR() : 4 9� , SEAL !L/i/.�z 037 •= C FEF;0' NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA BURKE COUNTY CATAWBA RIVER Date: 1-DEC-2022 File Name: NorthBend.dwg Surveyed: Designed: Drawn: Approved: CMR JCF JCF Sheet No. SD-0.0 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. ALL WORK DESCRIBED IN THESE PLANS IS TO BE PERFORMED AND COMPLETED, AND ALL MATERIALS ARE TO BE SUPPLIED BY NC WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION (OWNER, DESIGNER, SURVEYOR & CONTRACTOR) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SITE IS OWNED BY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ALL WORK DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY NC WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION CREW (CONTRACTOR) UNLESS OTHERS ARE SPECIFIED. 2. NO RECP MATTING SHALL BE USED THAT CONTAINS POLY, PLASTIC OR NYLON NETTING. NO WET CONCRETE SHALL BE ALLOWED TO COME INTO CONTACT WITH SURFACE WATERS. 3. DESIGNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL PERMITS & APPROVALS BEFORE SITE CLEARING AND CONSTRUCTION WORK CAN BEGIN. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP ALL PERMITS AND APPROVALS IN A DRY LOCATION ON SITE AND SHALL BE AWARE OF AND FOLLOW ALL CONDITIONS STIPULATED IN THE PERMIT DOCUMENTS. DESIGNER SHALL NOTIFY PERMITTERS WHEN WORK BEGINS. 4. DESIGNER TO COORDINATE WITH USFWS TO SURVEY FOR ANY T&E SPECIES PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING OR SURFACE WATER IMPACTS. IDENTIFIED T&E SPECIES SHALL BE RELOCATED OR PROTECTED BY OWNER BEFORE START OF WORK AND AS RECOMMENDED BY USFWS. 5. DESIGNER TO COORDINATE WITH BURKE COUNTY AND NC DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY TO OBTAIN ANY REQUIRED FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMITS. DESIGNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ANY REQUIRED HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS AND NO -RISE CERTIFICATION FOR IMPACTS WITHIN THE NON -ENCROACHMENT AREA. 6. DESIGNER SHALL PROVIDE ANY REQUIRED DESIGN DETAILS AND APPLICATIONS TO PERMIT TURN -OUT IMPROVEMENTS TO NCDOT. DESIGNER SHALL COORDINATE WITH NCDOT TO CONTRACT GUARDRAIL AND PAVING IMPROVEMENTS. 7. CONTRACTOR & DESIGNER OR SURVEYOR SHALL FLAG CLEARING LIMITS AS SHOWN ON PLANS, AND CONTRACTOR SHALL BUSHHOG SITE PRIOR TO CALLING FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES LOCATION. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL 811 FOR LOCATION AND MARKING OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES WITHIN THE WORK AREA. UTILITY MARKING SHALL BE COMPLETED BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION ON SITE. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL RAIN GAUGE IN AN OPEN AREA ON SITE AND SHALL MAINTAIN ALL SELF -INSPECTION AND MONITORING REPORTS PER E&SC PLAN AND NC GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (NCG01). 10. INSTALL AND MAINTAIN GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ACCORDING TO DETAIL (4.2/A) 11. FOR THE PROTECTION OF GRAY, NORTHERN LONG EAR AND TRICOLORED BATS DURING THEIR ACTIVE AND ROOSTING SEASONS, ALL TREE CUTTING AND CLEARING SHALL BE PERFORMED AND COMPLETED IN WINTER BETWEEN NOVEMBER 16 AND MARCH 14. 12. CLEAR VEGETATION AS IS NEEDED TO INSTALL SEDIMENT FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES WITHIN THE DEFINED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AS INDICATED ON E&SC PLAN DRAWINGS. IF SITE WORK IS DONE IN PHASES, INSTALL E&SC PRACTICES AS INDICATED FOR EACH SEPARATE WORK AREA WHEN CLEARING FOR EACH AREA BEGINS. 13. LIMIT CLEARING WITHIN 50-FT OF THE CATAWBA RIVERBANK AND 25-FT OF THE BANK OF TRIBUTARY TO THOSE AREAS SPECIFIED IN THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN. CLEARING AND GRADING ALONG THE TRIBUTARY SHOULD BE LIMITED TO THAT EXTENT WHICH CAN BE COMPLETED AND STABILIZED ON THE SAME WORKDAY. 14. CLEAR AND REMOVE TREES, BRUSH AND ANY REFUSE WITHIN CLEARING LIMITS UNLESS FLAGGED FOR PROTECTION. ROOTS AND STUMPS SHALL BE GRUBBED OUT. DEBRIS FROM CLEARING AND GRUBBING WITHIN THE LOD SHALL BE BURNED ON SITE IN DESIGNATED AREAS AND AFTER OBTAINING REQUIRED BURN PERMITS FROM NC FOREST SERVICE AND/OR LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT. REFUSE AND CLEARED DEBRIS NOT SUITABLE FOR BURNING SHALL BE HAULED OFFSITE FOR PROCESSING OR DISPOSAL AT APPROVED FACILITIES. NO REFUSE SHALL BE BURIED ON SITE. 15. CLEARED AREAS WITHIN CATAWBA RIVER BUFFER ZONES THAT ARE NOT MITIGATED (AS DEFINED ON 2.4/A) SHALL BE REVEGETATED AND PLANTED ACCORDING TO "TREE & SHRUB PLANTING SCHEDULE FOR CATAWBA RIVER BUFFER" SECTION OF TABLE 4.1-A. 16. REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT SURFACE FROM ABANDONED ROADBED WITHIN LOD. THIS ASPHALT MAY BE USED FOR FILL ALONG DRIVEWAY EMBANKMENT ACCORDING TO DETAILS DESCRIBED IN NC DOT 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROADS AND STRUCTURES: SECTIONS 250-2 & 235-3(B). 17. COMMENCE SITE IMPROVEMENT WORK BY REMOVING EXISTING 24-IN RCP CULVERT AND ROCK ENDWALLS AT CURRENT UNNAMED TRIBUTARY CROSSING AND REPLACING WITH A 36-IN CMP CULVERT AND PRECAST CONCRETE ENDWALLS. THIS WORK MUST BE DONE IN THE DRY BY ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING A PUMP -AROUND (ACCORDING TO DETAIL 4.3/B) WHILE EXCAVATION AND FILL WORK ARE IN PROGRESS. 18. WITH PUMP -AROUND IN PLACE, CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAR THE SECTION OF RIGHT BANK OF UNNAMED TRIBUTARY (IDENTIFIED ON SD-2.1) THEN SHAPE BANK AND DOWNSTREAM END OF VEGETATED SWALE #1. TRIBUTARY AND SWALE BANKS AT TRIBUTARY SHALL BE SEEDED, MULCHED AND STABILIZED WITH COIR MATTING. MATTING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER (DETAIL 4.3/A). 19. REMOVE PUMP -AROUND EQUIPMENT AND TEMPORARY IMPOUNDMENT AND STABILIZE ANY STREAM BANKS DISTURBED BY PUMP -AROUND ACTIVITY AFTER TASKS IMPACTING TRIBUTARY ARE COMPLETE. 20. REMOVE TOPSOIL AS NEEDED TO PREPARE BASE FOR ENTRANCE ROAD AND PARKING AREA CONSTRUCTION. CLEAN TOPSOIL MAY BE TEMPORARILY STOCKPILED IN DESIGNATED AREAS TO BE USED LATER FOR TOPSOILING OF GRADED AREAS (WITHIN THE LOD) OR HAULED OFF SITE FOR DISPOSAL OR RECYCLING AT AN APPROVED FACILITY. 21. DESIGNER, CONTRACTOR AND/OR SURVEYOR TO PROVIDE CONTROL POINTS, BENCHMARKS, POINT LOCATIONS AND GRADE STAKING FOR CONSTRUCTION. 22. EXCAVATE SOIL FROM BORROW AREAS AND USE CLEAN SOIL SUITABLE FOR COMPACTION AS EMBANKMENT FILL ALONG DRIVEWAY AND BASE FILL FOR ACCESS PARKING AREA. FILL OF GOOD QUALITY MAY BE STORED IN TEMPORARY STOCKPILE AREA UNTIL USED. 23. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT FILL IS FREE OF RUBBISH OR ORGANIC MATERIAL. EARTH FILL FOR DRIVEWAY EMBANKMENT AND PARKING AREA BASE SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN MAX. 1-FOOT LIFTS USING A VIBRATORY ROLLER COMPACTOR UNTIL SUBBASE GRADE IS ACHIEVED. 24. NC DOT CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE AND INSTALL NEW GUARDAIL AT SITE ENTRANCE ACCORDING TO (SD-2.1). 25. CONTRACTOR SHALL TRACK ROADSIDE SLOPES TO PROVIDE ROUGH SURFACE FOR SEEDING. APPLY SEED, MULCH AND/OR EROSION CONTROL MATTING AS PRESCRIBED IN E&SC PLAN. PLACE A MIN. 4-INCH BASE OF ABC STONE OVER GRADED DRIVEWAY AND PARKING AREA. 26. EXCAVATE AND GRADE GRASSED SWALE #1 BETWEEN PARKING AREA AND TRIBUTARY. SEED, MULCH AND INSTALL RECP MATTING ALONG CUT SLOPES AND BED OF SWALE. 27. LAUNCH RAMP EXCAVATION BELOW OHWM LINE SHALL BE DONE WHEN RIVER LEVEL IS LOWEST (IDEALLY WHEN NO POWER GENERATION AT LAKE JAMES DAM. 28. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL FLOW DIVERSION CONSISTING OF A LINE OF CONCRETE JERSEY BARRIERS IMMEDIATELY UPSTREAM OF EXCAVATION & FILL AREA BELOW OHWM. FLOW DIVERSION SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND REMOVED ONCE ALL WORK BELOW OHWM IS COMPLETE. 29. EXCAVATE BASE AND SIDE SLOPES OF LAUNCH RAMP AREA AT RIVERBANK. INSTALL SEDIMENT FENCE ABOVE ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHWM) OF CATAWBA RIVER ACROSS BOTTOM END OF EXCAVATION FOR RAMP BASE. THIS SEDIMENT FENCE MAY BE TEMPORARILY REMOVED WHILE GRADING AND STONE PLACEMENT WORK IS UNDERWAY BUT MUST BE REINSTALLED AT THE END OF EACH WORKDAY UNTIL SIDE SLOPES ARE STABILIZED WITH SEED, STRAW, RECP OR RIPRAP AND RAMP BASE AND SIDE DITCHES HAVE BEEN SURFACED WITH GEOTEXTILE AND STONE. 30. REMOVE ANY DEBRIS FROM RIVERBED AT END OF RAMP LOCATION. BUILD RAMP BASE BELOW OHWM BY PLACING ONLY WASHED STONE (RIPRAP, BALLAST AND/OR #57). PLACE MIN. 4-IN. THICK LAYER OF WASHED #57 STONE OVER GRADE AT LOCATION WHERE PUSH SLAB FOR RAMP WILL BE FORMED, POURED AND FINISHED. 31. FORM THE BOTTOM 40-FT. LENGTH OF THE REINFORCED CONCRETE LAUNCH RAMP SLAB ON STONE BASE GRADE ABOVE THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OWHM) OF THE CATAWBA RIVER. FINISH TOP SURFACE OF PUSH SLAB WITH STANDARD RAMP GROOVING. 32. WHILE RAMP PUSH SLAB CURES ON GRADE, PROCEED WITH GRADING AND COMPACTION OF DRIVEWAY, SWALES AND PARKING AREA BASE. AFTER MIN. 14 DAYS OF CURING TIME, PUSH END SLAB INTO POSITION WITH DOZER. UPPER END OF PUSH SLAB SHOULD STOP AT LEAST 2-FT. ABOVE OHWM. 33. PLACE GEOTEXTILE CLOTH OVER CUT SLOPES AND RAMP SIDE DITCHES BELOW OHWM AND COVER WITH WASHED RIPRAP ARMOR AS SPECIFIED. SEDIMENT FENCE MAY BE INSTALLED FARTHER UP THE RAMP BASE GRADE AS SURFACES ADJACENT TO FINISHED RAMP SECTIONS ARE STABILIZED. 34. FORM & POUR REMAINING SECTIONS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE RAMP ON GRADE AND IN THE DRY ABOVE PUSH SLAB SECTION. GROOVE SLAB SURFACE WHILE CONCRETE IS WET. CONTINUE TO LINE AND ARMOR RAMP SIDE DITCHES. APPLY SEED, MULCH AND RECP MATTING TO RAMP CUT SLOPES ABOVE OHWM. 35. SAW CUT CONTROL JOINTS ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE RAMP SLAB AT 20-FT. INTERVALS. SAW CUTS SHALL BE MIN. 1.5-IN. DEEP AND SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 12 HOURS OF FINISHING CONCRETE. 36. FORM & POUR REINFORCED CONCRETE APRON & ADA ACCESSIBLE ROUTE LANDING AT HEAD OF RAMP. FINISH WITH NO -SLIP SURFACE. 37. COMPLETE EXCAVATION, GRADING AND COMPACTION OF PARKING AREA BASE, DRIVEWAY, VEGETATED SWALES. APPLY SOIL AMENDMENTS, TEMPORARY & PERMANENT SEED MIXES, STRAW MULCH AND INSTALL RECP MATTING OVER SLOPES OF 3H:1V AND STEEPER. 38. INSTALL CULVERTS AND ENDWALLS WHERE INDICATED AT CROSSINGS OF VEGETATED SWALES. 39. GRADE AND COMPACT CONNECTION FROM NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARKING AREA TO EXISTING PATHWAY LEADING TO UPSTREAM BANK FISHING AREA. PATHWAY CONNECTION SHALL BE MIN. 6-FT. WIDE GRADED AT 5% OR LESS. SPREAD AND PACK 3-IN. THICK LAYER OF ABC STONE OVER TRAIL CONNECTION SURFACE. 40. PLACE, SPREAD AND ROLLER COMPACT ABC STONE BASE ALONG DRIVEWAY AND PARKING AREA. PACKED STONE BASE SHALL BE MIN. 8-IN. THICK, AND EXTEND MIN. 1-FT. BEYOND PROPOSED EDGE OF PAVEMENT. 41. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL KIOSK NEAR HEAD OF RAMP AREA. 42. FINE GRADE ALL AREAS WITHIN LOD. APPLY SOIL AMMENDMENTS & TOPSOIL AS NEEDED; THEN TEMPORARY & PERMANENT SEED MIX. INSTALL RECP STRAW MATTING OVER ALL SLOPES OF 3:1 AND STEEPER. APPLY STRAW MULCH AS PRESCRIBED IN (TABLE 4.1-A) TO ALL OTHER SEEDED AREAS. 43. NC DOT CONTRACTOR TO PAVE DRIVEWAY TURNOUT, DRIVEWAY AND PARKING/MANEUVER AREA WITH ASPHALT. 44. MARKING OF ACCESS ROAD, PARKING/MANEUVER AREA TO BE COMPLETED BY OTHERS CONTRACTED BY OWNER. 45. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL PARKING WHEEL STOPS AND REGULATORY, PARKING AND DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE. 46. REMOVE ALL WASTE FROM SITE AND DISPOSE OF AT COUNTY LANDFILL. 47. DESIGNER, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER SHALL MEET ON SITE FOR PRE -FINAL INSPECTION AND WALK-THROUGH AND PREPARE A PUNCH LIST OF ANY FURTHER WORK NEEDED TO COMPLETE PROJECT. 48. DESIGNER, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER SHALL MEET WITH SCO PROJECT MONITOR FOR FINAL INSPECTION AFTER PUNCH LIST ITEMS ARE COMPLETED. 49. DESIGNER/CONTRACTOR/SURVEYOR TO PERFORM ANY REQUIRED AS -BUILT SURVEY. 50. DESIGNER TO NOTIFY PERMITTERS WHEN PROJECT IS COMPLETED. LEGEND PP f 0LP SURVEY CONTROL -NAIL SET EXISTING POWER POLE PROPOSED LIGHT POLE EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINES PARCEL BOUNDARY (GIS) EASEMENT BOUNDARY EXISTING TRIBUTARY EXISTING 1' CONTOURS (AS SURVEYED 1O-MAR-2022) PROPOSED 1' CONTOURS -LOD- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SF- SEDIMENT FENCE PR. OF VEGETATED SWALE CULVERT SEEDED & COIR MATTING SEEDED & STRAW RECP MATTING RIPRAP SLOPE ARMOR, DITCH LINING OR OUTLET PROTECTION EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT (TO BE REMOVED) PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT LARGE TREE (SURVEYED) LARGE TREE (TO BE REMOVED) PERMIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01A 0 N 01 0 0 0 w 0i ._ rn o 7 0) aw z 0 0 U W U 7 rn O W • N • w z LL z z J W z O < J O w o Z w w w • h w O O O J z U W 2 - w 0 W = z J o • z zw NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA BURKE COUNTY CATAWBA RIVER LLI 0 Z LLI 0 LLI Z Z 0 0 W 0 J Do2S Z 0 0 Date: 1-DEC-2022 File Name: NorthBend.dwg Surveyed: Designed: Drawn: Approved: CMR JCF JCF Sheet Na SD-0.1 NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION NORTH ENGINEERING SECTION CAROLINA 1720 MAIL SERVICE CENTER /1//• RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699 UU /, RESOURCES Phone: 919.707.0150 COMMISSION Fax: 919.707.0162 ... _• ' NOTES: 1. ENTRANCE TO SITE WILL BE SHIFTED TO IMPROVE ENDS OF EXISTING NCDOT GUARDRAIL SITE ENTRANCE: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS ANGLE OF INTERSECTION AND N35.72878° , �.; 8111111W81.811607° • PARCEL:1763452968 DEED BOOK/PAGE NO.: 001699/00641 GIS CRE ACRES: 499.98 SITE DISTANCE. NCWRC SHALL APPLY TO NCDOT FOR DRIVEWAY PERMIT. - POWERHOUSE ROAD' 46.4' 2. EXISTING GUARDRAIL WILLBE I REMOVED AT NEW LOCATION ._a _ .. _ PT#1-a N-PK SR-1223 PT# 2002 106 - PP G ._- �\‚AAPT#_ DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE BY BEFORE START OF ENTRANCE Z: 1069.47' --too'''. ✓� �T#64`� ,REMOVED STATE — N-PK NCDOT R W OF a ��\ A GUARDRAIL SECTION TO BE BY NCDOT -4.-*********-******\ GRADING. NCDOT CONTRACTOR WILL INSTALL NEW GUARDRAIL _ J� K z: 1� -+PP � EX. GATE `� �✓; Z 1X0.3-�,� I INV. OUT EL.=1049.93' p TO FOLLOW RADII OF ENTRANCE TO R/W. INV. IN EL.=1050.45' �r \ �` ��` EX. 24"0 x 48'L. RCP CULVERT (REMOVE &REPLACE w/ 36"0 CMP tNNq,, • TRIeUT R • \•SURFACE 3. SEDIMENT FENCE TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN LOD AND �%' -' \PT#1 6 0 + PRECAST ENDWALLS) \ WATERS PER E&SC UN\\\PMER( pJ \ ON K\ REMNANT OF FORMER ROADWAY. SR\e�SF / \\ z: No. �.Ri -� .. iik.LINES)? O LINNEES)? PLAN (SD-4.0) AT START OF SITE CLEARING. `� ` VERHEAD--POWER 4. SITE CLEARING IS TO BE ASPHALT SURFACE TO BE \) \ COMPLETED BETWEEN REMOVED AND HAULED OFFSITE FOR DISPOSAL. �`��� NOVEMBER 16 - MARCH 14 o / t+ f ' EXCAVATE BERM, SUITABLE SOIL TO \1NNPM R PROPOSED LIMIT OF ____ \ 4. U�P �\ -, \ BE USED FOR FILL. --I \R\8 :. DISTURBANCE: 2.2 ACRES \ , PER USFWS REQUEST. TREES & BRUSH WILL BE CHIPPED OR BURNED ON SITE AT m m 16 \ l it DESIGNATED AREAS. NCWRC rri o Z z STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PARCEL: 1763517647 DEED BOOK/PAGE NO.: 002483/00066 GIS ACRES: 13.06 \\ \ P'"t-1# 63 i II \\ \\ AN- $ \: • 1,066.7 � \ / PROPOSED ACCESS 1 i t•\ 'PARKING 1 \ `, WILL OBTAIN ANY NEEDED BURN PERMITS. 5. RESET ANY CONTROL POINTS AND BENCHMARKS THAT ARE IN NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA CATAWBA RIVER BURKE COUNTY EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION - PLAN VIEW AREA 5, V / /r\\\ NATIONAL VICTORY i \ ,�,•„_ ; .• . TRAIL/FONTA FLORA / i i �\ :it IT ' \\ 6.MOUN� FROM EXISTING ROAD BED MAY BE USED FOR DRIVEWAY EMBANKMENT FILL IF PER SPECS. ' COUNTYREASEMENTE H ` BOUNDARY PROPOSED LAUNCH RAMP AREA 7. ALLDODEBRIS, RUBBISH, TREATED LUMBER OR ANY OTHER ,�,,\�\ \•\ % �"°-'� "� t\_- %^ .,, ' '-^�' \. �� �� ' APARCELHY, PHILLIP M. PARCEL: 1763615692 DEED BOOK/PAGE NO.: 000832/01447 GIS ACRES: 1.93 REFUSE UNCOVERED DURING CLEARING AND EXCAVATION SHALL BE HAULED OFF SITE FOR DISPOSAL AT COUNTY \ - f-_ /•. ��°°� % -/-i i i "�. � '�V ,�' / f LANDFILL. 8. ALL STOCKPILES OF SOIL FOR { I ���'\. _ �'' ' i ; �jo Q PERMANENT IMPACTS TO CATAWBA `ar" -" FILL SHALL BE PLACED IN DESIGNATED STOCKPILE AREAS ; , i i o BUFFER ZONES MITIGATED THROUGH / DMS. (SHOWN ON E&SC SITE PLAN, SD-4.0). SEDIMENT FENCE , /�t � ye Gp�P .-- V V SHALL BE INSTALLED AND D AROUND STOCKPILES. LOFTIS, WILLIAM RANDOLPH, JR. PARCEL: 1763608581 DEED BOOK/PAGE NO.: 000393/00005 GIS ACRES: 74.98 I S CALLAHAN, FRED LONNIE III; CALLAHAN, WENDY ALICESON PARCEL: 1763500112 DEED BOOK/PAGE NO.: 002476/00548 GIS ACRES: 125.9 �,`•`..0 CARp''', QP`•�ESS,�,!/,L: - . N� Date 1-DEC-2022 9 File Name: NorthBend.dw 9 Q 100 0 100 200 _ SEAL rip _ Surveyed: CMR Designed. JCF Drawn: JCF Approved: - _• 037 _- • Scale: 1 = 100' PERMIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01 A ti ?5o �,,As ''', e: FE --' \5 „,, �,,,,,,,,,,o Sheet No. SD-1.0 NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION NORTH ENGINEERING SECTION CAROLINA 1720 MAIL SERVICE CENTER /1//• RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699 UU /, RESOURCES Phone: 919.707.0150 COMMISSION Fax: 919.707.0162 SITE ENTRANCE: N35.72878° + . W81.811607 POWERHOUSE ROAD — CAROLINA� DUKE ENERGY — NCDOT R/W SR_1223- loss _._PP P WR PP �NCDOT R W OF NC-►� ` GUARDRAIL SECTION ® TE ® STAB � REMOVED BY NCDOT" PP} — — - = r�� ' •• -� b - � + � o DPP \r�'� I-_ °.' OVERHEAD POWER LINES la 1110 �� PROPOSED GRADED /"__�� '% ROADBED FOR FUTURE . �\\� ACCESS DEVELOPMENT & UNNAMED( \•• MAINTENANCE ZR\DDSPR \\ 24� \� I D UNN �-\ R PROPOSED LIMIT OF -- - , ? '03 DISTURBANCE: 2.2 ACRES �---, \I 1 m m xl ' pia OVERMOUNTAIN NATIONAL VICTORY or TRAIL, FONTA FLORA STATE TRAIL, z .- BANK FISHING ACCESS PATH > IMPWWWWIMMPEREPWRIV o PROPOSED VEGETATED Z SWALE �� OVERMOUNTAIN -� * NATIONAL VICTORY x) TRAIL/FONTA FLORA sV STATE TRAIL-BURKE / ® COUNTY EASEMENT i • . 1 BOUNDARY `P 4 \J��i \kv �\\ ��t� s PROPOSED FISHING P .�\ \\ ACCESS PARKING `� _J t•\ AREA ����� _ \\ ..., `\ `�-�— -" i \\ \ I. 1 1 , / / i �\ C'..i "i i `� /f \\ 1 1 1\ \ \\�.__) ; _ mo\ — i �. --�--� .� 1 (1\ 7- ; nd'0 <4, NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA CATAWBA RIVER BURKE COUNTY PROPOSED SITE PLAN OVERALL VIEW EXISITNG PATH k BANK FISHING AREA GRADE CONNECTION TO PATHWAY ®5% °v,,, - , d;'�r �V'.sr r PROPOSED LAUNCH RAMP i ° / - " , "• gP GP,\P� 1 / •ti ,• ate, 1 _ , `o��HE S R��/ ��: ,PO dit•--7 y(•°• '� Date 1-DEC-2022 File Name: NorthBend.dw g Q 100 0 100 200 _ SEAL !�/i�Z _ Surveyed: CMR Designed. JCF Drawn: JCF Approved: - _ 037• _- Scale: 1" = 100' PERMIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01 A v F ?5o �,, k ,„° FE ---• \5 `„• ',,,,,,,,,,,0 Sheet No. sD-2.0 SITE ENTRANCE: N35.72878' W81.811607' CULVERT #1: REPLACE EX. 24"0 x 48'L. RCP CULVERT WITH 36"a x 50'L CMP. REPLACE EXISTING STONE & MORTAR END WALLS w/ CAST —IN —PLACE OR PRECAST UNITS. EXISITNG PATH NN \ I ej NNPM\ u PROPOSED GRADED ROADBED FOR FUTURE ACCESS DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE PROPOSED LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE: 2.2 ACRES //zz g CULVERT / #3 g --SOD GRADE CONNECTION TO PATHWAY CO 5% — OVERMOUNTAIN NATIONAL VICTORY TRAIL/FONTA FLORA STATE TRAIL—BURKE COUNTY EASEMENT BOUNDARY 50 0 m Scale: 1 " = 50' 50 goo LP 1o") (VEGETATED SWALE #1 0 0 � <J PROPOSED VEGETATED SWALE #2 100 <op 8 LOD 8 PRECAST CONCRETE ENDWALLS (INLET & OUTLET) \ lI I ') s 7 / l \ \ \ LOD LDD PROPOSED FISHING ACCESS PARKING AREA CLOD PROPOSED LAUNCH RAMP op cDD \[oD top Vp0 OHWM AS SURVEYED N y - LO-LBIS NO5 / 7 / 105� i //-( o0, I /// .,\A d 0I/ AS. AO, GP•P• PERFVIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01A g % ' ICARd0.''., � /oFEssrp SEAL n��u 03Z " FEFiG� m m zz o° CO co a 0 m m A ZZOZ-a3a I. 0 m NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA CATAWBA RIVER BURKE COUNTY PROPOSED ACCESS AREA SITE PLAN VIEW NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION ENGINEERING SECTION 1720 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699 Phone: 919.707.0150 Fax: 919.707.0162 NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION NORTH ENGINEERING SECTION CAROLINA 1720 MAIL SERVICE CENTER /1//• RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699 UU /, RESOURCES Phone: 919.707.0150 COMMISSION Fax: 919.707.0162 ': s \\ \ �� ! ! ` �' � LP / \\ \\ • \�\ ) � / \\ too `oo �� 8 100 10D�/�� \ / 1 IJ s I / ^\ \ \\ / PROPOSED FIS G I $ /� AREAACCESS PARK G / I P L I /\ I v 8 PROPOSED LAUNCH RAMP: \ I / N35.72751', W81.8107' \( \ \ i7 \ on - t \ \_ / c0e\ \_. \I `/�No5y ` \ \ \ \ 0 \/`'o \/ / / h OVERHEAD POWER NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA CATAWBA RIVER BURKE COUNTY PROPOSED IMPACTS - FLOOD PLAN VIEW i too /— t/i/ — - 12' A9 -r-- // cam 20, 14' /> con <on ��' //% \cont��/HOC,'- c 15 7' %� i �; �/ F 8 PROPOSED VEGETATED \ >too / e ' 9, SWALE 21,\%-- // ,:t0 *• . ,,j�` '. # °5, i //1 / •/ / ` ^oa r { ) / >� 1 OHWM AS SURVEYED / • 4/1t . If ',7,:. _ ' ,A, AE FLOOD ZONE y (NC FRIS GIS SHAPEFILE) / J� S�\ i � \���' \gP moo /'LINES /ono N35.72749' W81.81065' I I li ' GP�P 50 0 50 100 .... ���P�H cAR��� �'. 1% Date: 1-DEC-2022 �O :oFESSip,1..+ Scale: 1" = 50' QP 9, i • File Name: NorthBend.dwg SEAL )/1/. z - 037 = Surveyed: CMR Designed: JCF Drawn: JCF Approved: PERMIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01 A �ti F ?5o ','',,,C- FER°\50°,`, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Sheet No. sD_2.2 0� LOD 40'L. END SECTION OF RAMP TO BE CAST ABOVE OHWM THEN PUSHED INTO POSITION L00 PROPOSED CONCRETE LAUNCH RAMP L00 �O CLASS—B LOD `Op 4_06 RIPRAP SLOPE PROTECTION UP TO 1044' CONTOUR Nob D-" OHWM AS SURVEYED (EL.=1042.8') 30 0 30 60 Scale: 1" = 30' i LOG d 1 O ODV As\s' `t -P GP�P� I I I I I I I I I I I WASHED IPRAP & \ / 3" STONE\ FOR RAMP BASE. I 2 /\� 0 N35.72749° W81.81065° 0 LENGTH SURFACE WATER IMPACTS, S1 = 64LF PROPOSED SURFACE WATER IMPACTS - CATAWBA RIVER Scale: 1 "=30' 0 • <00 INSTALL PUMP —AROUND UPSTREAM OF WORK AREA. ALL IN —STREAM WORK TO BE PERFORMED IN THE DRY. Y MEN \B \\15 CPIPwBP PUMPIAROUDND F BANK STABILIZATION BANK STABILIZATION AT OUTLET OF GRASSED SWALE. SEED SLOPED BANKS, INSTALL COIR MATTING, LIVESTAK ES. PROPOSED GRASSED SWALE 30 0 i Scale: 1" = Vrck viviorozawa "kyr 0' 30 60 PROPOSED CULVERT REPLACEMENT & BANK STABILIZATION Scale: 1 "=30' PERMIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01 A REMOVE EXISTING 24'o x 48'L. RCP CULVERT & ROCK ENDWALLS. REPLACE w/ 36"e x 50'L. CMP & PRECAST CONCRETE ENDWALLS. B (N35.72853', W81.81128°) ```011 1 1 1 1 ,1 i,', :ie 1 , s. SEAL /2.1Z = 037 = 7-..____:;--3( : - '',,,C• FEF;G' ' 1,,,1,, 0 N 01 o �O o o rn o 7 d) o N aw z 0 h h 0 U h W U 7 rn O (0 N W N tY w z z LL z z J W z O < J O w U Q O > H z W tY tY h w O O O J z zQ= U W 2 w w = Z O z zw H Z 0 <0 Q Z CO 2 L7 LL U J 00 0 0 Z W CO 2 F- 0 Z CATAWBA RIVER Date: 1-DEC-2022 File Name: NorthBend_PRx.dwg Surveyed: Designed: Drawn: Approved: CMR JCF JCF Sheet No. SD-2.3 LQD BUD LOD LQD LoD 4QO LOD\OO SEED, STABILIZE & REPLANT TREES & SHRUBS ZONE-1 = 448SF ZONE-2 = 445SF GP�N g`L ti 2� O FZ c\FFE 30' 20 0 20 i Scale: 1" = 20' 40 PROPOSED CATAWBA RIVER BUFFER IMPACTS Scale: 1 "=20' SEED, STABILIZE & REPLANT TREES & SHRUBS ZONE-1 = 488SF ZONE-2 = 578SF LOD LOD tot v O f HWM ASURVEYED (EL.=1042.8') i 04 v CATAWBA RIVER BUFFER ZONE-1 4 PERMANENT IMPACT AREA=1357SF CATAWBA RIVER BUFFER ZONE-2 PERMANENT IMPACT AREA=660SF CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL A TEMPORARY FLOW DIVERSION CONSISTING OF A LINE OF PRECAST CONCRETE JERSEY BARRIERS SET IMMEDIALTELY UPSTREAM OF THE EXCAVATION AND FILL AREA BELOW OHWM. BARRIERS SHALL BE REMOVED UPON COMPLETION OF RIPRAP FILL PLACEMENT. LEGEND EXISTING 1' CONTOURS (AS SURVEYED 10-MAR-2022) PROPOSED 1' CONTOURS —Lop— LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE — - — PR. Q OF VEGETATED SWALE TOP OF BANK (AS SURVEYED) CATAWBA RIVER BUFFER — — — — CR BUFFER PERM. IMPACT AREA — — — - CR BUFFER REPLANT AREA 0 0 0 w w. w. 4.11.410, SLOPE STABILIZATION w/ SEED & RECP MATTING CR BUFFER ZONE-1 MITIGATION (REPLANTING) RIPRAP SLOPE ARMOR, DITCH LINING OR OUTLET PROTECTION PROPOSED CONCRETE LAUNCH RAMP LARGE TREE (SURVEYED) LARGE TREE (TO BE REMOVED & MITIGATED) CATAWBA RIVER BUFFER MITIGATION BUFFER PERM. IMPACT ZONAL MITIGATION MITIGATION ZONE AREA (SF) RATIO* AREA (SF) 1 1357 2:1 2714 2 660 1.5:1 990 TOTAL MITIGATION AREA (SF) = 3704 (NCDEQDMS IN -LIEU FEE MITIGATION PROGRAM) * 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (e) PERMIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01 A `''`4N CARD O oFESSrp;�!iji9 SEAL /2-01Z = 037 = ,C • FEF3��`�',`` ll.1111111�1` z O co co 0 U co W U 7 rn O co N N • w z LL z Z J W • z O < J O w o Q O > z W tY tY - h w O O J Z Q= o W 2 w W = Z 0 J o z zw NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA BURKE COUNTY CATAWBA RIVER PROPOSED IMPACTS: CATAWBA RIVER BUFFER PLAN VIEW Date: 1-DEC-2022 File Name: NorthBend.dwg Surveyed: Designed: Drawn: Approved: CMR JCF JCF Sheet Na SD-2.4 SITE ENTRANCE: N35.72878' W81.811607' SR-1223 NCDOT RAW STATE OF —NC—VIRC 1067.10' \060'�— NOTES: 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS ON DRIVEWAY, PARKING AREA AND RAMP ARE TOP OF SUBBASE (© 8—IN. BELOW FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATIONS). 2. SPOT ELEVATIONS ON SWALES, INVERTS AND EDGES OF SHOULDERS ARE ACTUAL FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATIONS. 3. SURVEY CONTROL POINTS AND BENCHMARKS SET ON AREAS TO BE DEMOLISHED OR GRADED SHALL BE RESET PRIOR TO START OF CLEARING. DUKE ENE CDOTART A PT# 2001 N-PK Z: 1068. Q,g,, 01410 -cit —1060 A1/43 vrz-r.„ 4.85' .1064.75' 70:;73,401111` 64 .•4.7� POWERHOUSE ROAD 1063.3'' 36"0 CMP CULVERT INV. IN EL.=1050.00'r_ INV. PROPOSED GRADED ROADBED FOR FUTURE ACCESS DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE PROPOSED LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE: 2.2 ACRES FINISHED SLOPES (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) ROAD & DRIVEWAY EMBANKMENT: 2H:1V RAMP CUT: 2H:1V PARKING PAD FILL: 3H:1V VEGETATED SWALES: 3H:1V 1 EXISITNG PATH \9 0 1/158.00' \ 1056.50' 2.85 $ 1056.00' - 00 —1065 `F9,59.35' — 1059.40'' 1058.95' '059.2 / //��1654�10 ' 1' \ 24' 7- 1057.00' c 1059.75' 1059.90' Lob�9 1054.45L 1 GRADE CONNECTION TO PATHWAY ® 5% �0\� Volumes by Triangulation (Prisms) Wed Nov 16 15:59:43 2022 Existing Surface: C:\...\IF—North Bend\CAD4\EX—x.tin Final Surface: C:\...\IF—North Bend\CAD4\PRx.tin TEMP. STOCKPILE +y AREA ) l�sb- 1056.55' Cut volume: 87,534.5 C.F., 3,242.02 C.Y. Fill volume: 90,298.8 C.F., 3,344.40 C.Y. Area in Cut : 36,375.0 S.F., 0.84 Acres Area in Fill: 39,418.9 S.F., 0.90 Acres Total inclusion area: 76,083.6 S.F., 1.75 Acres Average Cut Depth: 2.41 feet Average Fill Depth: 2.29 feet Cut to Fill ratio: 0.97 Import Volume: 102.4 C.Y. Elevation Change To Reach Balance: —0.036 NOTE: ALL ELEVATIONS ARE U.S. FEET (NAVD88) Volume Change Per .1 ft: 281.8 C.Y. 50 0 36' CMP CULVERT INV. OUT EL.=1049.50' `1055 Mc9 UNN•Rs TR\gUZP 1058.95' ss 1059.20' N�1058. T#T1 /1061.15' PROPOSED FISHING ACCESS PARKING AREA LOp� PROPOSED LAUNCH RAMP 1056.95°D 1056.75' Lop 1�055.35' toa\Lop Lob Lop PROPOSED VEGETATED SWALE OHWM AS SURVEYED 50 10 Cut (C.Y.) / Area (acres): 1856.15 Fill (C.Y.) / Area (acres): 1914.76 Max Cut: 14.173 at 1 165887.551,731534.308 Max Fill: 6.527 at 1165686.902,731970.078 >000) a v co N.z m m c Z z 0 CO co a ZZOZ-a3a I. Scale: 1" = 50' PERFVIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01A NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA CATAWBA RIVER BURKE COUNTY PROPOSED ACCESS AREA SITE PLAN VIEW PT# 2000 OVERHEAD POWER LINES 035.13' \ 8 NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION ENGINEERING SECTION 1720 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699 Phone: 919.707.0150 Fax: 919.707.0162 SITE ENTRANCE: N35.72878' W81.811607' SR-1223 NCDOT R/W STATE NC—WRC NOTES: 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS ON DRIVEWAY, PARKING AREA AND RAMP ARE TOP OF SUBBASE (@ 8—IN. BELOW FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATIONS). 2. SPOT ELEVATIONS ON SWALES, INVERTS AND EDGES OF SHOULDERS ARE ACTUAL FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATIONS. 3. SURVEY CONTROL POINTS AND BENCHMARKS SET ON AREAS TO BE DEMOLISHED OR GRADED SHALL BE RESET PRIOR TO START OF CLEARING. DUKE ENE CDOTART A 36"0 CMP CULVERT INV. IN EL.=1050.00' PROPOSED GRADED ROADBED FOR FUTURE ACCESS DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE PROPOSED LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE: 2.2 ACRES FINISHED SLOPES (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) ROAD & DRIVEWAY EMBANKMENT: 2H:1V RAMP CUT: 2H:1V PARKING PAD FILL: 3H:1V VEGETATED SWALES: 3H:1V EXISITNG PATH 1/— boo GRADE CONNECTION TO PATHWAY CO 5% 50 0 50 -o 24' _DAC (OD �t� ) toD PROPOSED VEGETATED SWALE 100 Scale: 1" = 50' NOTE: ALL ELEVATIONS ARE U.S. FEET (NAVD88). 0 m m A ZZOZ-a3a I. 36"° CMP CULVERT INV. OUT EL.=1049.50' PROPOSED FISHING ACCESS PARKING AREA PROPOSED LAUNCH RAMP \LOD\ 4/ LOD OHWM AS SURVEYED (1043.0') toD COD LDe PERFVIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01A NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA CATAWBA RIVER BURKE COUNTY PROPOSED ACCESS AREA SITE GRADING PLAN VIEW OVERHEAD POWER LINES \\ NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION ENGINEERING SECTION 1720 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699 Phone: 919.707.0150 Fax: 919.707.0162 S 1R 1R 223 1\1CDOT R2a6y.- STATE OF NC 1o6°-C_ TRIBUTARY BYPASS PUMP -AROUND TEMPORARY IMPOUNDMENT OF TRIBUTARY FOR PUMP -AROUND TRBP4R( OTP DESIGNATED BURN AREA (BEFORE GRADING & ESTABLISHMENT OF TEMPORARY STOCKPILE AREA) PROPOSED LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE: 2.2 ACRES 50 0 V 50 r" —1065 0 TEMPORARY A STOCKPILE AREA ttttttttta ttttttttta I Scale: 1" = 50' to o 100�Con coo Coo\<�\/vOr, SITE ENTRANCE: N35.72878° W81.811607° CATAWBA RIVER ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (AS SURVEYED) EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES - PLAN VIEW 1oyy� Scale: 1"=50' OVHEAI POWER LINES LEGEND EXISTING POWER POLE PROPOSED LIGHT POLE EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINES PARCEL BOUNDARY (GIS) EXISTING 1' CONTOURS (AS SURVEYED 10-MAR-2022) PROPOSED 1' CONTOURS —LOD— LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SYMBOL —SF— SEDIMENT FENCE PR. . OF VEGETATED SWALE — - — CULVERT SEEDED & COIR MATTING SEEDED & STRAW RECP MATTING RIPRAP SLOPE ARMOR, DITCH LINING OR OUTLET PROTECTION EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES PRACTICE TEMP. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE —SF— SEDIMENT FENCE SEDIMENT FENCE NON -EROSIVE OUTLET VEGETATIVE STREAMBANK — STABILIZATION SURFACE ROUGHENING TS TEMPORARY SEEDING PS PERMANENT SEEDING MULCHING RR RIPRAP SLOPE PROTECTION GL Frrrrrj GRASS LINED CHANNEL El) RECPci) EROSION CONTROL MATTING (RECP) RRF9m9P4 RIPRAP LINED CHANNEL ROCK RIPRAP APRON OUTLET PROTECTION PLAN SET DETAIL REF. NC E&SC MANUAL REF. 6.06 6.62 6.62 6.72 6.03 6.10 6.11 6.14 6.15 6.30 6.17 6.31 6.41 NOTES REMOVE ALL INVASIVE VEGETATION. APPLY TEMP. & PERM. SEED & MULCH. INSTALL COIR MATTING. PLANT LIVE STAKES PER TABLE 4.1—B. ALL CONSTRUCTION SLOPES REQUIRE SURFACE ROUGHENING TO PREPARE BARE SOIL FOR STABILIZATION AND SEEDING. ALL DISTURBED SURFACES REQUIRE TEMP. & PERM. SEEDING PRIOR TO MULCHING OR APPLYING RECP. ANCHOR STRAW MULCH BY APPLYING RYE (GRAIN) FOR FALL SEEDING OR GERMAN MILLET FOR SPRING AT 15LB/AC. BEFORE APPLYING MULCH. CHEMICAL MULCHES MAY BE USED TO BIND OTHER MULCHES OR WITH WOOD PULP IN A HYDROSEED SLURRY (PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS). ALL GRASS LINED CHANNELS (VEGETATED SWALES) TO BE SEEDED & RECP APPLIED TO SLOPES AND BED. APPLY TO ALL SLOPES 3:1 OR STEEPER AFTER APPLYING TEMP. & PERM. SEED. PERMIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01A ..:10 :0.1.11 I SEAT 037 z 0 to to 0 U to W U 7 rn O co to W N w z w Z W z Z J W • z U < J O w F U Zwww -rnwo O O J z U • W 2 w w = Z o o • z zw W 0 Z_ 2 LL U_ J 0 0 Z W CO F- 0 Z BURKE COUNTY CATAWBA RIVER EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES SITE PLAN Date 1-DEC-2022 File Name: NorthBend.dwg Surveyed: Designed: Drawn: Approved: CMR JCF JCF Sheet No. SD-4.0 TABLE 4.1-A SEEDING & VEGETATION SCHEDULE TEMPORARY SEEDING HERBACEOUS PLANTS - NURSE CROP FOR IMMEDIATE STABILIZATION COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SEEDING RATE (Lbs./Ac.) FERTILIZATION INSTALLATION/MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS OPTIMAL PLANTING DATES: AUG 15 - MAY 15 (FALL - WINTER) Rye Grain Seca le cereale 30 By soil test Must be mown to reduce competitiveness w/ permanent vegetation OPTIMAL PLANTING DATES: MAY 15 - AUG 15 (SPRING -SUMMER) German Millet Setaria italica 30 By soil test PERMANENT SEEDING PSM-1 - PERMANENT SEED MIX FOR CUT & FILL SLOPES AND VEGETATED DITCHES AND SWALES - NC STEEP SLOPE MIX * COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME MIX PERCENTAGE FERTILIZATION INSTALLATION/MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 22.0% By soil test Indiangrass Sorghastrumnutans 21.7% By soil test Purpletop Tridensflavus 15.0% By soil test Deertongue Panicum dandestinum 12.0% By soil test Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 12.0% By soil test Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 12.0% By soil test Partridge Pea Chamaecrista fasciculata 1.3% By soil test La nceleaf Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata 1.3% By soil test Blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 1.3% By soil test Showy Tickseed Sunflower Bidens aristosa 1.0% By soil test Spotted Beeba I m Monarda puncata 0.2% By soil test Ohio Spiderwort Tradescantia ohiensis 0.2% By soil test SEEDING RATE: 45 LB/ACRE WITH 30LB/ACRE COVER CROP * Permanent seed mix is based on Ernst Conservation Seeds ERNMX-310 Contractor may substitute other native seed species or adjust proportions to better suit site conditions with NCWRC approval. MULCHING Apply straw mulch to seeded disturbed areas that are not to be covered by RECP. Mulch should be evenly spready by hand or straw blower at a rate of 1.5-2 bales per 1,000SF. Anchor straw mulch by applying RYE (GRAIN) for fall seeding or GERMAN MILLET for spring at 15LB/AC before spreading mulch. Chemical mulches may be used to bind other mulches or with wood pulp in a hydroseed slurry (PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS). VEGETATIVE STREAMBANK 30LF of strea mba nk along the unnamed tributary will be stabilized with seed matting and plantings. Clear all invasive vegetation. Once outlet of vegetated swa l e has been graded, apply seasonal temporary seed and native permanent seed (per this schedule) over area then mulch with straw before installing 600g/m2 coir matting. After matting is installed, plant I ivesta kes of the following species (alternatives may be substituted with engineer approval). at 1 per SY spacing. COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME INSTALLATION/MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS Silky Dogwood Corn us amomum Plant I ivesta kes during dormancy (between 10/1-3/31). At least 2/3 of stem length should be embedded. Elderberry Sambucus nigra Ni neba rk Physocarpus opulifolius NATIVE TREE & SHRUB SCHEDULE FOR CATAWBA RIVER BUFFER REPLANTING The combined 0.045AC areas within the Catawba River Buffer zones adjacent to the permanent buffer impact areas (identified on SD-2.4) will be stabilized and revegetated. Apply temporary & permanent seed mixes according to this table then install straw RECP. Plant native riparian trees & s hubs (from list below) to achieve 260 stems/AC as mitigation for trees removed from buffer zones. A minimum of 12 containerized trees & shrubs (a variety of species in equal proportions of trees to shrubs) will be evenly distributed over the defined areas. Substitute tree & shrub species shall be pre -approved by engineer. Refer to NCSU-BAE Piedmont Riparian Species List for potential substitutions. COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME TYPE FERTILIZATION INSTALLATION/MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS River Birch Betulanigra Tree By soil test Plant during spring or fall. Mulch to protect roots. Red Maple Acerrubrum Tree By soil test Plant during spring or fall. Mulch to protect roots. Persimmon Diospyros virginiana Tree By soil test Plant during spring or fall. Mulch to protect roots. Silver Bell Halesia caroliniana Tree By soil test Plant during spring or fall. Mulch to protect roots. Silky Dogwood Corn usamomum Shrub By soil test Plant during spring or fall. Mulch to protect roots. Tag Alder Alnusserrulata Shrub By soil test Plant during spring or fall. Mulch to protect roots. Ironwood Carpinus caroliniana Shrub By soil test Plant during spring or fall. Mulch to protect roots. Beautyberry Callicarpa americana Shrub By soil test Plant during spring or fall. Mulch to protect roots. VEGETATION SCHEDLUE MAJOR ELEMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT NCGO1 1) Ground Stabilization* Site Area Description Stabilization Time Frame Stabilization Time Frame Exceptions • Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches and slopes 7 days None • High Quality Water (HQW) Zones 7 days None • Slopes steeper than 3:1 7 da s y If slopes are 10' or less in length and are not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed. • Slopes 3:1 or flatter 14 days 7-days for slopes greater than 50 feet in length • All other areas with slopes flatter than 4:1 14 days None (except for perimeters and HQW Zones) * "Extensions of time may be approved by the permitting authority based on weather or other site -specific conditions that make compliance impracticable." (Section II.B(2)(b)) 2) Building Wastes Handling • No paint or liquid wastes in stream or storm drains • Dedicated areas for demolition, construction and other wastes must be located 50' from storm drains and streams unless no reasonable alternatives available. • Earthen -material stockpiles must be located 50' from storm drains and streams unless no reasonable alternatives available. • Concrete materials must be controlled to avoid contact with surface waters, wetlands, or buffers. 3) Discharges to Federally -listed Waters • Requirements are the same as in previous permit. • The permit allows reduction from the 20 acre minimum if the Director of DWQ determines that other BMPs provide equivalent protection. 4) Inspections • Same weekly inspection requirements • Same rain gauge & inspections after 0.5" rain event • Inspections are only required during "normal business hours" • Inspection reports must be available on -site during business hours unless a site -specific exemption is approved. • Records must be kept for 3 years and available upon request. • Electronically -available records may be substituted under certain conditions. 5) Implementation of New Permit Conditions • Projects permitted under the previous permit can continue to follow the previously -permitted conditions. • Complete applications received prior to August 3, 2011 can follow conditions of approved application. • Applications received after August 2, 2011 must comply with new permit conditions. 6) Conditions in Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plans* Designation on the plans where the 7 and 14-day ground stabilization requirements of the NPDES permit apply Designation on the plans where basins that comply with the surface -withdrawal requirements of the NPDES permit are located. 7) Building Wastes Handling • No paint or liquid wastes in stream or storm drains • Dedicated areas for demolition, construction and other wastes located 50' from storm drains and streams unless no reasonable alternatives are available. • Earthen -material stockpiles located 50' from storm drains unless no reasonable alternatives available. • Concrete materials must be controlled to avoid contact with surface waters, wetlands, or buffers. 8) Sediment Basins • Outlet structures must withdraw from basin surface unless drainage area is less than 1 acre. • Use only DWQ-approved flocculants. MAJOR ELEMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT NCGO1 PERMIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01A CA =O .oFESSpLZ7 , QQ SEAL /i ez=r. ▪ 0378 0 a, E' o �O `o o a 0,N.:w rn 0 72 0o t N aw z 0 rn rn 0 U rn W U rn O 'LO rn W N • w z W • z z J W • z O < J O w Z W W W �rnwO O J z Q iY Q O W 2 w 0 = z J < O • z zw NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA BURKE COUNTY CATAWBA RIVER Z J 0_ J 0 F- Z 0 0 Z Z O 0 Q � ~ LLJ UJ C� LLl • LLJ > LLJ Z 0 0 LLJ Date: 1-DEC-2022 File Name: NorthBend.dwg Surveyed: Designed: Drawn: Approved: CMR JCF JCF Sheet No. SD-4.1 z 6" MIN. THICKNESS 50' MI . 2 "-3" COARSE AGGREGATE FABRIC UNDER STONE 12' MIN. MAINTENANCE IMAINTAIN THE GRAVEL PAD IN A CONDITION TO PREVENT MUD OR SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOPDRESSING WITH 2-INCH STONE. AFTER EACH RAINFALL, INSPECT ANY STRUCTURE USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT AND CLEAN IT OUT AS NECESSARY. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE ALL OBJECTIONABLE MATERIALS SPILLED, WASHED, OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC ROADWAYS. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOT TO SCALE 8' MAX. STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC WITH WIRE FENCE 6' MAX. EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC WITHOUT WIRE FENCE STEEL POST WIRE FENCE PLASTIC OR WIRE TIES MIN. 50LB. TENSILE STRENGTH I I dmmmmmmmmmt mmommommommommommommommomm mmommommommommommommommomm ummommommommommommommommom lommommommommommommommommm mommommommommommommommommm mmommommommommommommommomm mmommommommommommommommomm mmommommommommommommommomm mmommommommommommommommomm immmommommommommommommommm mmummommommommigm 24" I_ I 8" DOWN & 4" FORWARD ALONG THE TRENCH WIRE FENCE STEEL POST 2 FILTER FABRIC 18"-24" FILTER FABRIC NOTE: 1. STEEL POSTS FOR SEDIMENT FENCE SHALL BE MIN. 1.25LB/LF ® 5' MIN. LENGTH. POSTS SHALL HAVE PROJECTIONS TO FACILITATE FASTENING FABRIC. 2. SEDIMENT FENCE FILTER FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM D 6461 AND SHALL CONTAIN UV INHIBITORS & STABILIZERS TO PROVIDE A MIN. 6 MO. EXPECTED USABLE CONSTRUCTION LIFE. 3. WIRE FENCE REINFORCEMETN FOR STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC NATURAL SHALL BE MIN. 14 GA. STEEL W/ MAX. GROUND MESH SPACING OF 6 INCHES. BACKFILL TRENCH AND COMPACT THOROUGHLY UPSLOPE 8" MIN. L CROSS-SECTION NATURAL GROUND MAINTENANCE INSPECT SEDIMENT FENCES AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK AND AFTER EACH RAINFALL. MAKE ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. SHOULD THE FABRIC OF A SEDIMENT FENCE COLLAPSE, TEAR, DECOMPOSE OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE, REPLACE IT PROMPTLY. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE VOLUME FOR THE NEXT RAIN AND TO REDUCE PRESSURE ON THE FENCE. TAKE CARE TO AVOID UNDERMINING THE FENCE DURING CLEANOUT. REMOVE ALL FENCING MATERIALS AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AND BRING THE AREA TO GRADE AND STABILIZE IT AFTER THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. 18"-24" FILTER OF #57 WASHED STONE (REPLACE AS NECESSARY) PLAN VIEW STEEL FENCE POST WIRE FENCE HARDWARE CLOTH FILTER OF #57 WASHED STONE (REPLACE AS NECESSARY) END FILTER FABRIC HERE 12"MIN. 4' MIN. WATER FLOW TOP OF WASHED STONE ® OUTLET AT LEAST 12" BELOW TOP OF SILT FENCE. BURY WIRE FENCE - AND HARDWARE CLOTH FILTER FABRIC ON SECTION GROUND SILT ■■■■■■■■■■11■■■■■■ ■■■■■■I i■■■■■uI■■■■■■■■■ MENEMMIIIINEEMESIONEMENIZIONMENSHIMMEN ■■■■■■■■■Nil■■■■B■■■■■■H■■■■■N■■■■■■®■■■ ■■■■■■■■■Nr■■■■B■■■■■■H■■■■■N■■■■■■i■■ ■■■■■■■■■N■■■■■.■■■■■■H■■■■■N■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■IIMINNEM■■■IIMENN■■■■■■®■■■ ■■■■■OMMINIl■■Ea■E■■■■■■IIME ■u■■■■■■®■■■ WIRE FENCE HARDWARE CLOTH FENCE TOP OF SILT FENCE MUST BE AT LEAST 1 ' ABOVE THE TOP OF WASHED STONE FRONT VIEW STEEL FENCE POST SET MAX. 2' APART MAINTENANCE INSPECT SILT FENCE OUTLETS AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK AND AFTER EACH RAINFALL. MAKE ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS AS NEEDED. REMOVE SEDIMENT AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE VOLUME FOR SUBSEQUENT RAINS. WHEN THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN ADEQUATELY STABILIZED, REMOVE ALL MATERIALS AND ANY UNSTABLE SOIL, AND EITHER SALVAGE OR DISPOSE OF I T PROPERLY. BRING THE DISTURBED AREA TO PROPER GRADE, THEN SMOOTH AND COMPACT IT. STABILIZE AREAS AROUND THE OUTLET. SEDIMENT FENCE NON -EROSIVE OUTLET DETAIL NOT TO SCALE AT OUTLET OF CULVERT, AND BANK, T=9" MIN FOR OUTLET OF T=9" MIN. L1=4 OUTLET OF PIPE L2=6' 15"0 CPP CULVERT (SWALE #2): 6=10.5' TOTAL LENGTH OF RIPRAP APRON WITH Lt=4.5' UPSTREAM OF OUTLET TO PROTECT L2=6' DOWNSTREAM OF OUTLET TO PREVENT SCOUR HOLE. WIDTH OF RIPRAP APRON SHALL BE MIN. 3xDo = 4.5' OR TO TOP OF 18'0 CMP CULVERT (SWALE #1), w/ CONCRETE ENDWALL AT OUTLET, NO RIPRAP IS NEEDED UPSTREAM OF OUTET. L2=6', W=4.5', W=4.5' PLAN La=10.5' OUTLET STABILIZATION CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: 1. ENSURE THAT SUBGRADE FOR FILTER AND STONE OUTLET TO FLAT AREA (NO DEFINED CHANNEL) FOLLOWS REQUIRED LINES AND GRADE SHOWN ON PLAN. COMPACT ANY FILL REQUIRED IN SUBGRADE TO DENSITY OF SURROUNDING UNDISTURBED SOIL. LOW AREAS IN SUBGRADE ON UNDISTURBED SOIL MAY ALSO BE FILLED BY INCREASING STONE THICKNESS. 2. FILTER LAYER SHALL BE WOVEN OR NONWOVEN SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC: • CONFORMING TO ASTM-1682 OR ASTM D-177 • MIN. OPEN AREA OF 4% OR EOS < US STANDARD SIEVE NO. 100 (0.15mm) • THICKNESS=20-60MILS • TEAR STRENGTH=90-120LBS. TAKE CARE TO AVOID DAMAGING FILTER DURING STONE PLACEMENT. IF RIPPED OR PUNCTURED, REMOVE STONE FROM DAMAGED AREA AND COVER WITH PATCH OF FILTER FABRIC BEFORE REPLACING STONE COVER. 3. STONE FOR APRON SHALL BE NCDOT CLASS -A RIPRAP (D50=4-INCHES, Dom= 6-INCHES) MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 9-INCHES (T=1.5X D,). 4. CONSTRUCT APRON TO ZERO GRADE WITH NO OVERFILL AT END. 5. IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION, STABILIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITH TEMP. & PERM. SEED (4.1/A) AND RECP OR MULCH. 6. INSPECT RIPRAP OUTLET STRUCTURES WEEKLY AND AFTER SIGNIFICANT (3" OR GREATER) RAINFALL EVENTS TO SEE IF ANY EROSION AROUND OR BELOW THE RIPRAP HAS TAKEN PLACE, OR IF STONES HAVE BEEN DISLODGED. IMMEDIATELY MAKE ALL NEEDED REPAIRS TO PREVENT FURTHER DAMAGE. ROCK RIPRAP APRON OUTLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE PERMIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01 A WI 1 1 I l r �'/ ��H CAROB O :oFESSid.. '4, • SEAL /a/AZ.2 037 = FEF3 ' 0 U W U • CT) 7 CT) O W N • wz U- - Z0 p z o < 0 -1Owp `n Z w w w N mcs' ° tnWp o ai o J• (-9 Z -6 = z CT)- p rn < Q U O w 2 W o F Z N< t m w5N.- o-w O z zw NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA BURKE COUNTY CATAWBA RIVER EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN Date: 1-DEC-2022 File Name: NorthBend.dwg Surveyed: Designed: Drawn: Approved: CMR JCF JCF Sheet No. SD-4.2 Stakes at 3'-5' intervals NOTE: RECP USED FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL NOT CONTAIN ANY POLY OR PLASTIC NETTING. ALL MATTING SHALL BE "WILDLIFE SAFE". FOR STREAMBANKS, APPLY SEED, STRAW MULCH AND THEN INSTALL 600g/m2 COIR MATTING (ROLANKA BIO-D MAT 60 OR EQUIVALENT). FOR SLOPES AND VEGETATED SWALES, APPLY SEED THEN INSTALL RECP (DOUBLE NET NATURAL STRAW MATTING (ROLANKA BioD STRAW OR EQUIVALENT)). Initial channel anchor trench 3" Min. Overlap Check Slots at 25' intervals Terminal slope and channel anchor trench 6" Min. Overlap Staple Overlaps Max. 5" spacing Bring material down to a level area, turn the end under 4" and staple at Anchor 6"x6" min. Trench and staple at 12" intervals NOTES: 12" intervals. 1. Lime, fertilize and seed before installation. Planting of shrubs, trees, etc. should occur after installation. 2. Slope surface shall be smooth before placement for proper soil contact. 3. Design velocities exceeding 2 feet/second require temporary blankets, mats or similar liners to protect seed and soil until vegetation becomes established. 4 Terminal anchor trenches are required at RECP ends and intermittent check slots must be constructed across channels at 25 foot intervals. MAI Overlap 6" Min. ' Mi Overcut channel 2" to allow bulking during seedbed preparation Intermittent check slot Prepare soil and apply seed before installing blankets, mats or other temporary channel liner systems 5 Terminal anchor trenches should be a minimum of 12 inches in depth and 6 inches in width. Intermittent check slots should be 6 inches deep and 6 inches wide. 6 For installation on a slope, place RECP 2-3 feet over the top of the slope and into an excavated end trench measuring approximately 12 inches deep by 6 inches wide. Pin the RECP at 1 foot intervals along the bottom of the trench, backfill and compact. Unroll the RECP down the slope maintaining direct contact between the soil and RECP. Pin using staples or pins in a 3 feet center -to -center pattern. 7. 11 gauge, at least 6 inch by 1 inch staples or 12 inch minimum length wooden stakes are recommended for anchoring. 8. Grass -lined channels with design velocities exceeding 6 feet/second should include turf reinforcement mats 9. Check slots to be constructed per manufacturers specifications. 10. Staking or stapling layout per manufacturers specification. 11. If there is a berm at the top of slope, anchor upslope of the berm. 12. Do not stretch blankets/matting tight, allow the rolls to conform to any irregularities. 13. For slopes less than 3H:1V, rolls may be placed in horizontal strips. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Design Depth Typical installation with erosion control blankets or turf reinforcement mats 6" Min. Longitudinal anchor trench Single -lap spliced ends or begin new roll in an intermittent check slot NOTES: 1. RIPRAP FOR SLOPE PROTECTION SHALL BE NCDOT CLASS-B (D50=8", Dmax=12"). 2. GEOTEXTILE SHALL BE WOVEN OR NON -WOVEN. TOTAL OPEN AREA OF FILTER SHALL NOT EXCEED 36%. FILTER FABRIC THICKNESS: 20-60MIL, GRAB STRENGTH: 90-120LB., CONFORMING TO ASTM D-1682 OR ASTM D-177. 3. PLACE CLOTH DIRECTLY OVER PREPARED BASE. OVERLAP EDGES BY AT LEAST 12" AND INSTALL ANCHOR PINS EVERY 3' ALONG OVERLAP. 4. BURY UPSTREAM END OF GEOTEXTILE AT LEAST 12" BELOW GROUND. 5. TAKE CARE NOT TO DAMAGE CLOTH WHEN PLACING RIPRAP. IF DAMAGED, REMOVE RIPRAP AND REPAIR THE SHEET BY ADDING ANOTHER LAYER OF CLOTH WITH MIN. 12" OVERLAP AROUND THE DAMAGED AREA. MACHINE PLACED CLASS-B RIPRAP 2H:1V MAX. GEOTEXTILE LINER RIPRAP SLOPE PROTECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE T=18"(MIN.) �{18"MIN.F- L� I 18"" MIN NTENANCE: Inspect Rolled Erosion Control Products at least weekly and after each rain of 1 inch or greater; repair immediately. Good contact with the ground must be maintained, and erosion must not occur beneath the RECP. Any areas of the RECP that are damaged or not in close contact with the ground shall be repaired and stapled. If erosion occurs due to poorly controlled drainage, the problem shall be fixed and the eroded area protected. Monitor and repair the RECP as necessary until ground cover is established. EROSION CONTROL MATTING (RECP) INSTALLATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE - r r - r r r � rrr � rrr � rrrr � rrrr � rrrr � rrrrr � rrrrr - r r r r r r STREAM DIVERSION PUMPS (PUMP OPERATION AND FUELING SHALL BE AT LEAST 25' FROM STREAM BANK.) (PUMP MAY NEED TO BE OPERATED INTERMITTENTLY DURING LOW FLOW PERIODS.) INTAKE HOSE • • am 364 r r r am !///i; �,/, r r r OW -r ,i /; ,-• • //. � /./, rrr/ii/ -� r r r ji�j -, rrrrr ,;/i,// SUMP fJRPb�}tr r ri/,/i�i/i �/ i�/i/ 12"=1-&'--BEEP-iC-'-, r--:i�i/1 -rrrrrrr ,i,/���5 -rrrrrrr �iii,/i/ -rrrrrrr �ii�!i%� r tNTAKKE -FILTE - -//t1� IMPERVIOUS SHEET (UPSTREAM) Jrrr r%f/��fi TEMPORARY STREAM PUMP -AROUND DETAIL NOT TO SCALE DISCHARGE HOSE ] SANDBAG DIKE WORK AREA LENGTH NOT TO EXCEED THAT WHICH CAN BE COMPLETED IN ONE DAY HEIGHT=BASE FLOW+1 (MIN 2') IMPERVIOUS SHEET SANDBAG DIKE5. SECTION A -A: TYPICAL SANDBAG DIKE NOT TO SCALE PUMPS SHALL DISCHARGE ONTO STABLE BANK OR DISSIPATER BUILT OF RIPRAP, SANDBAGS OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIALS. DISCHARGE POINT MUST BE LOW ENOUGH THAT PUMPED WATER WILL NOT FLOW BACK FLOW- INTO WORK AREA. IF NOT, A SECOND DYKE AND IMPERVIOUS BARRIER SHALL BE INSTALLED DOWNSTREAM OF THE WORK AREA AND UPSTREAM OF THE DISCHARGE POINT. PERMIT DRAWING SET SCO ID 22-24306-01A NOTES: 1. LENGTH OF DIVERSION (WORK AREA) SHALL NOT EXCEED THAT WHICH CAN BE WORKED AND STABILIZED IN ONE DAY. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE LOCATIONS OF IMPERVIOUS DIKES FOR EACH DAY'S WORK. 2. ALL PUMP INTAKES SHALL FITTED WITH SCREENS. 3. INSTALL PUMP AND TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE AT THE UPSTREAM END OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREA. SET INTAKE HOSE IN AN EXISTING POOL OR DIG A 2'0 x 18"D. SUMP. 4. PREPARE STABILE OUTLET FOR STREAM DIVERSION PUMP HOSE. DISCHARGE ONTO A STABLE BANK OR INSTALL A DISSIPATER MADE FROM RIPRAP OR SANDBAGS. DISCHARGE POINT SHALL BE AT SUFFICIENTLY LOW ELEVATION THAT PUMPED WATER WILL NOT FLOW BACK INTO WORK AREA, ELSE INSTALL A SECOND IMPERVIOUS DYKE DOWNSTREAM OF THE WORK AREA AND UPSTREAM OF THE DISCHARGE POINT. INSTALL UPSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE (SANDBAGS STACKED ACROSS THE WETTED CHANNEL TO A HEIGHT OF BASE FLOW +1' OR MINIMUM OF 2'). SECURE IMPERVIOUS SHEETING ACROSS UPSTREAM FACE OF DIKE. 6. BEGIN PUMPING FOR THE STREAM DIVERSION. 7. INSTALL THE DOWNSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE IF NEEDED TO PREVENT FLOW BACK INTO WORK AREA. SECURE IMPERVIOUS SHEETING ACROSS DOWNSTREAM FACE OF DIKE. 8. SET DEWATERING PUMP AT A STAGING AREA AT LEAST 25-FT AWAY FROM SURFACE WATER. PLACE INTAKE AT LOWEST POINT IN THE WORK AREA SECTION OF CHANNEL. MOVE INTAKE AS NEEDED TO DRY OUT WET AREAS. DURING PERIODS OF LOW STREAM FLOW, PUMP MAY NEED TO BE RUN AT INTERVALS. 9. PREFORM CULVERT REPLACEMENT AND STREAMBANK STABILIZATION ACCORDING TO PLANS WITHIN THE DIVERTED WORK AREA. 10. REMOVE ANY ACCUMULATED SILT OR LOOSE SOIL FROM WORK AREA BEFORE REMOVING IMPERVIOUS DIKES. REMOVE ALL EQUIPMENT AND DEWATERING PUMP FROM THE WORK AREA. 11. REMOVE DOWNSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE FIRST, AND THEN REMOVE THE UPSTREAM DIKE. z 0 to to 0 U rn W U 7 rn O ao rn W N • w z z W • z Z J w • z O < J O w U Z W W W - to w O O 0 z Q U W 2 w w 0 = z J � C9=< O z zw LLI 0 Z_ 2 LL U_ J CO 0_ 0 Z LU 2 H 0 Z BURKE COUNTY CATAWBA RIVER 0 O) o ao `o �o ai rn o 7 0o ai as 0- LL EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN Date 1-DEC-2022 File Name: NorthBend.dwg Surveyed: Designed: Drawn: Approved: CM R JCF JCF Sheet No. SD-4.3 1075 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION R/W NCDOT RIGHT OF WAY LIMIT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - WILDLIFE RESOURCES 1075 NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION NORTH ENGINEERING SECTION CAROLINA 1720 MAIL SERVICE CENTER /1//• RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699 UU /, RESOURCES Phone: 919.707.0150 COMMISSION Fax: 919.707.0162 1070I r OF POWERHOUSE RD. SR-1223 PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE 1070 t -2.0% -8.1 1065 -9.8q -10.3% 1 065 -10.3% 1060 1060 1055 EXISTING GRADE 1 1055 TOP OF PR. 36'o CMP CULVERT (EL.=1052.70') 1050 C) 1050 0+00 0+25 A PROFILE -A: DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE 0+50 0+75 1+00 1+25 6.0 Scale: H-1 "=10' V-1 "=10' -0 NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA CATAWBA RIVER BURKE COUNTY PROFILES & SECTIONS: DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE, CULVERT #1 70 1065 1065 r o rl o LI EXTIG TE FINISHED N rn0 6.0 p 1060 '�r �8 ����1060 ,X-ro nn • • inn �_nn_ 1055 Lri o • 1 2 MPX' l 2.0% 2.0% EX. 24 ro RCP (REMOVE) 2.1 iM Ln o 1055 Co — = —1065 . STRE M BED EL. @ INLET=1050.50 36"m X 50'L. CMP CU_VERT 5=1.0% STREAM BED EL. @ OUTLET=1049.95' 60 �1050 1050 \ - inook r ��ENDWALL itill �° `_ , i' — x — \� lo, ����o��� 1045 36' o CMP BASE INV. EL.=1049.35 IN=1050.00' ENDWALL BASE 36"m EL.=1048.85'�� CMP INV. OUT=1049.50 1045 \y gar ,___...._.,„aithri....Nikkipp. _11, ����v?:��\ — —V\ ° \ N. 0+00 0+25 0+50 PROFILE B: CULVERT #1 REPLACEMENT 4ik\` �� S� 6.0 Scale: H-1 "=10' SA, <O� S� \ / X / \�� J 00 B \ � 10F NOTE: ALL ELEVATIONS ARE U.S. FEET (NAVD88). �- \TEMP. STREAM `r‘ UMP-AROUND J ��-VC / 0, � �7( 6.0 G \ N °o \ ,``��„�tiuC,,,,,„ , Q` �. : �O :-1/4-1 p'�.....1 ; _ QP SEAL !z// �Z _ 037 Date: 1-DEC-2022 File No rth Be nd .dwg Surveyed: CMR Designed: JCF Drawn: JCF Approed: r° • PLAN VIEW: DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE & CULVERT # PERMIT DRAWING SET %b ' 0�':CI\/„Q' �� ` "..,gyp'•••.. 6.0 Scale: 1 "=30' SCO ID 22-24306-01 A \p -,,,L'. FERO' ,��`'� Sheet No. 1065 NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION NORTH ENGINEERING SECTION CAROLINA 1720 MAIL SERVICE CENTER /1//• RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699 UU /, RESOURCES Phone: 919.707.0150 COMMISSION Fax: 919.707.0162 1060 - HEAD OF VEGETATED SWALE EXISTING GRADE A 1055 .1% 1050 PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE 0+00 1065 0+25 0+50 0+75 1+00 1+25 1060 EXISTING GRADE A C PROFILE-C: VEGETATED SWALE #1 PERMIT DRAWING SET 6.1 Scale: H-1 v-1 "=10' "=10' SCO ID 22-24306-01 A 1055 - 1050 \- PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE _ 1+25 1+50 1+75 2+00 1065 NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA CATAWBA RIVER BURKE COUNTY PROFILES & SECTIONS: VEGETATED SWALES I� ao� 000no ROADBED N FOR FUTURE 000 0o TRAIN EAD PARKING EXISTING GRADE 1060 105 .42 1.3% INV OUT: 1054.10 PROPOSED FINISHED 1058.10 INV IN: 1055. —tee-__,_ GRADE OF SWALE B D tO u 18"0 x 1055 J o 3.5% 'S% OUTLET OF 4.3% 5.5% ZENDWALLS SWALE AT 0 CLASS -A RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION 5 5% RIGHT EDGE FAB ICATED ROM PRECAST CONCRETE BIN BLOCKS 1050 2+00 2+25 OF U.T. 2+50 2+75 3+00 3+25 1060 0 0 0 PATHWAY CONNECTION TO EXISTING TRAIL 3':\ 0.2% 3; INV. OJT: 1055.00 a, EXISTING GRADE 1055 2.8% 15'0 x SU'L2. P CULVE I 1.6% 1.6% l 6% Q INV. IN: 1056.00 8CH \ nj 1.6% 1050 \- CLASS -A RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION PROPOSED BASE FINISHED OF VEGETATED GRADE SWALE AT i 1045 4.2 ____i 0+00 0+25 0+50 0+75 1+00 1+25 1060 EXITING GIDE PROFILE-D: VEGETATED SWALE #2 N — Scale: H-1"=10' cO c`i -t - 1055 D "=10' 1.6% cv CV „,rIirrri, V-1 o CARo1it'. 6.1 1.6% 2 1.6% �.s`0-�N Date: 1-DEC-2022 PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE AT /iI� =O..oFEssrp;1/._7- 1050 tQQ 9('•9 '_ File Name: NorthBend.dwg BASE OF �ETATED SWALE OUTLtI ON OF SWACL UPSTREAM AT DffcH EDGE LINE OF RAMP _ SEAL �///Z _ /; - - 037 1 = Surveyed: CMR Designed: JCF Drawn: JCF Approved: 1045 v —4 •50 1+25 1+50 1+75 2+00 2+25 ',FAN ... E• ` '',i�C• FER6,0� `` NOTE: ALL ELEVATIONS ARE U.S. FEET (NAVD88). •,,,,,...r,�`� Sheet No. SD-6.1 1060 0% O 1055 1050 1045 1040 1035 7.a• 0 • MEI GE GE N RA M. ow-mmiEng PR LAUNCH RAMP S RFACE PROPOSED RAMP BASE TO EDGE M AFTE F SLAB PUSH. 1030 0 + 0 0 PROFILE-F: LAUNCH RAMP Scale: 1-1-1 ”-1 0' V-1 "=1 0' 0+25 0+50 0+75 1060 1055 1050 PROPOSE RAMP SU RFACE XISTING "'RADE OHWM 1045 1040 oo cp 0 1035 I 1 +25 1030 1 +50 1 + 75 1 +00 1 +25 065 SEEDED SWALE LINED w/ RECP 1065 1 060 EXISTING GRADE \jlIll N S cw N 0 1 -5% 1 060 1055I N W �•T- TYPICAL SWALE (DEPTH B=a', SECTION VARIES): Z=2:1 -57 O. _ 57.16 1055 0+00 0+25 SECTION-E: VEGETATED SWALE (PROFILE-C STA 0+75) (TYP) Scale: H-1 "=1 0' V-1 "=1 0' 0+50 z 0 h 0 U N W U 7 rn O N • W z LL z z J W z 0 < J O w 0 § F U z W w w J N w 0 O O J z O W 2 - W o W = z J O • z zw 1055 1055 050 REINFORCED RAMP PUSH cLAB CONCRETE 050 045 EXISTING GRADE _— SEEDED COVERED SLOPES w/ 1045 1040 co °a o —� BECP ORDI 1043 040 o� 6' °' S °' c' S S , 1035 Alb LINE BED WITH FILTER FABRIC 035 1030 WASHED57 OR 3 STON- BED TYPICAL CHANNEL RAMP: B=1', LASS- IRIPRAP & SLOPE Z=2:1, L ALONG T=18. NED EDGE OF 030 0+00 NOTE: ALL ELEVATIONS ARE U.S. FEET (NAVD88). 0+25 SECTION-G: LAUNCH RAMP (PROFLIE-F STA. 1+50) Scale: 1-1-1 ”-1 0' V-1 ”-1 0' 0+50 0+75 ARY HIGH WATER MARK: 0' (AS SURVEYED) PERM DRAW\\ D SCO ID 222430601A NORTH BEND PUBLIC FISHING AREA BURKE COUNTY CATAWBA RIVER PROFILES & SECTIONS: LAUNCH RAMP, TYPICAL RIPRAP & VEGETATED SWALES Date: 1-DEC-2022 File Name: NorthBend.dwg Surveyed: Designed: Drawn: Approved: CM R JCF JCF Sheet No. SD-6.2