HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-10425_Well Construction - GW1_20221116 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Farftucr11a1UxoNTi': This form can be used fm-single or multiple wills. Welt.ContrActorLtfortuation: 14.f►'ATkR ZONIS Brian Ewing FROM T[) DFw('Rlf t7O\ )VCII Cof iatdor Nana ft. R. 4240 ft. I. NC Wcli CrirtiractoiCaniCrcntir3nNwriici 15.OUT8R CASING(Grr rnaltl ra;cil uetlsl OR GiNFR 1lf a 'livable) FRO31- 70 Dt:41/ET6R �TtnCGNtiSS IiRTERTAL SAEDACCO Inc fl.. fL C01ITMty N;une Id:INNER CASING OR 7 L'BING' wihermal elused4 w FROM TO DIAMETER THIMNESS I MATERIAL 2,Well Constrvctil►n 0.6tilt 3 TOC(t. 15 ft:. 1" SCH-40 PVC Lire trNnpfilirnhle H'c!I pr."imitx(l:r.Crun,tv,•Stxrt, .irnriaacr,Irty"erb't:�rlc;) n. I'L fir 3.Weil Use(cheer.ii c11 uscy: _. - 17.SCREEN water Supple Well , FROM I TO I DIAMETER i 'SLOTWX ITnIC K1Tti5' MATERIAL riAglicultural ic i5 'ft. 25 ft. 1" if,,. olo SCH-46 Pvc 06eothmal(lleadneCooling Supply) OResidential IViter Supply(sigjJ ) ®htdustriallComntercital OResidentialWatceSuppfy(sbarcd) 81oRO� To. +trrERUI. I g1fpLACEhIEYTAiEii10DSASIOL12Vfi 131di'ation Non-AV;iter Supply NVGR: ft. ft. [Mklanitoring C111ccalriy Injection Well: ft. ft. C1rtqu'ifcrRccittirge 06iollmis11cr11entckiion 19.SANDiGIIsVEL PAC Kfifapheahtci 'FROM 10 mxrrmmi, P.MP1ACt rr:\T.NH.TnO0 QAgriifcr Storage surd ltccolrTy' CISRliniri H�rnCi 13 ft. 25 A" FILTER SAND # 2 ❑A rlii'MrTcat C35CormSt rtcc6run:1?c ❑]V=rimcntal Technology E]Snbsidcnce Coraatol 20:DRILLING LOG fanach additional streets if accessar•l i]Geothernial(Closed Loop) ❑Trace[ IDFtiCRiPTtO�irnbr.h�n[nc++,wil'nrekr " ,e.t1t.1 ❑Geothennal(lleatir up+Cooliug Return) ❑Odu:r(a:.eploiumider 921 Remo&) 0 it. 5 fL FILL SAND SILT 5 ft., 10 fL SAND SILTY MOIST TO WET 4.Date-Vell(s)Ctinipleted: 10-5-22 Well ID#A3 TW-S-0 1 10 ft, 25 ft. SANDY SILT WET Sa,IM1.41 Lo1!36111. Seymour Johnson AFB f4 ft a i Faat3tt}•,rt?tcnrrNnntc 1050 Wright Brothers Ave., Goldsboro, NC, 27534 ft, ft, Phtisicui.Citd vs�Cit}'.,Ind Zip :21.REMARKS Wayne BENTONITE SEAL 11-13' Gpuu�i' PNrvd lrP.atirte,jflpo Np,(FIN) ih.I ititudc aria I�irrgltrrtic in dGgarcalrn nutcsrsccrrnd`lay d+eirnal rlcgr ci s: 22.(certification: (ii'tires+it,i'�1tJrrnr�lai47ot�isaicflic:r:il1) �tr' {�' i —Brian _EwI� 10,13,2022 Sip:utur,ai-Certifrcd Well C6"-tor � � Date 6.Is(are)the well(s)t oPmnanent or MTen►porary By s;gn!„g Asir fun7,1 ke:rrLr eevrfifv char the n•r/!(.r)V'L•](werej consir"cled hr,accordance ufrh 15A NCAC-02C.0100,or 15A NC+tiC fr,2C 0200 li'elf Coiisrrrtcrfwr Rawlarrlsand fWia 7.1.thisarelia(rtoan,esistingivell: ❑Vc-s or ®Na, cnlrbfrlitsrrcr:rrfhirsla�iilirm';d,�trgili+tirllrncn�r, ,�ar,lsTr s�l�rli'.,f+lf+ur�`ret�rrw l+rll c�aurnrclt�trl rardanw;�'nn+earl ccplrr�r thcvu:rnrr,;f the w1vir widar#21 rrvm arch•a .Ai a or rvr die&WI.Qt;iti•forur. 23.Site diagrara'or additional well details: You may use ilie back of this page tb provide additional well site details or ti'ell R.Nuariberef iwils ionstructed- l construction details. You amy alsp'altaclt additiolail pages 1f tt`'cesSaty. For whlfir4e l d1 V irwi aTi' uk,�4!v' d1s 0j%'LY u•lrXj rlie same corrsrrui•rlwr;yeas ala •csl4addr"e f rin• ' - SUBIIiITTAL.INSTLTCTIONS. 9:'i wiA welt deIWt ket ,Iand surface: 25 (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: 'Suhndt fiefs fritui within'30,days`.of eomptetlon of Ts`ell For fn,iltlplr icelh16i rd14TT&S'fd rlWerent(r.Trrrrri^;fe-j@:00•arul b @ 109'? C4nstnrcii0d to d c fplloui'n"z 10.Static water level below top of casing: (B,) Diricion of Water Resources,tnformation Processing Unit, if),vrer level b 6ov.e rilsfR,use"+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borebote diameter:2.25° (in.) tab.Fnr InMov 3YeTlq ONLY:.Tit addition to sending tits fomi to tic address in 244ab&e,also submit a copy of1his form withili,30 days of Completion,of e'all 17.Well mustnictiolf method: DRIVEN Coustrudiod to llt,e following:' (i.c.att"er,roI3ry;e#6,diymt pusli etc:) 'Division of Water Resources,Underground Irtjectian Contttil Ptn;;rany FOR WATER SUPPLY NVELLS ONLY I636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,.NC 27699-1636 13a field ftm) Method of test: 24r—For Water Supply&Injection Wells- Also subriiit ong copy' of.this furtii }titbit[30 days ofcomolet ion of 13h Disinfuition h'p : A'tnount: well constnn Lion to the cormty hc'lith department of the coiinh•.whctc constructed, Fonei d1F-t Nonh Cmalina M-Witstem of Envi omnent aad Natural Resources-Divi,lon of Rraleritmtroe-s Revised August Let 13 I