HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-10424_Well Construction - GW1_20221116 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For'lucrull This forfacan bc:used fox single ui.ruidtip];%vclls, I'Well 6niraetor Information: 14.1VATERZIMS Brian Ewing _FR_0`N1T_T_0 OF.$CIREPTION welf'eqr4rivor Nam 4240 NC,.Wcl]ConthclorCerlif=tionNinii66i .15.OUTER 01ISSENG ffior'wullkawd vic1`10 OR LINER ffKa FROM� I TO ' ' I 111,01IFTER, I THICKNESS lil-1111 MMRIAL SAEDACCO Inc (L' ft. INNER C 4ti1NG OR TUBING 41"m1hurt A cbu!wd400'0 FROM 1-10 t THICKNESS NMTERML 211WIiii ton-'stru&FIT"'Oersilit#: 3 TOCft. Is Ft, 1 'hL SCH-40 PVC 3.Well Uic(Chcck Well usc). Water S"1111ky%1101: FRONT I TO WANIETFSt I 51.0TKUX TnICh"NFS'J- I NJ,,%TF.RT,%T. Mgficulttiral i is ft, 25 ft, 1- iml .010 SCH-40 PVC OCyco(hernial(Headng/Cooiing Sq)ply) OResidential Water Supply(sID*) R. ft. K ClIndustrial(Cdnintercial DResidential lVater Suippb,(shared) 18.GROUT FRONT J0 NIATERW. NTPLA�CTNIENIT AFMIOD R AMOUNT Elidioanion 0 ft. 11 (L PORTLAND TREMI Non-Watir Supply'-WOO: mmanitodiig Elftccavcry 6. ft 111jection Wail:, ft. (L. QAqiiifcr Rech6rge" 0droundis-aticr hcuicdWion 19.SANID,1(:1t,'ATL PACK(it applicaMe) 13 i�quifcr Storage.and Redove,ty 0.Sili.nity Roirdick 'FRONT -70 1. 13 ft,- 25 ft'. FILTER SAND # 2 ElAqii itcr Test f3r,kin6ge I I ft. MzI vprimcnlal I-echnology 11,90sid=c Comm I - It -10.DRILLING LOG(attach sddi0091111 S11CC115-if OCCL3521tyl OGeothennal(121used Loop) CTracer FROM" TO KWItIFTIOX(color.1hardtievo,willriwt,1ypc,'gr*in t&ic,dCJ DGeothemia I(Heatijqrj'Caoling Retuin) 1:10fiter(explain biider#21 Rama") 0 ft.. 5 it, FILL SAND SILT 5 ft" lo ft SAND SILTY MOIST TO WET 4.'Ddte 47dippleted: 10-4-22 Wa"111D#A3TW-S-04 10 ft, 25 (L SANDY SILT WET ft. Ift. v t U Seymour Johnson AFB TL IOL Facilily,ChencrNantc Facility 1W(kappij, ul- -C LL �a*) ft. ft, 1050 Wright Brothers Ave., Goldsboro, NC, 27534 ft, ft, jooirnia�i-zn Pirc-c45c-D�.-ug Unh Pltyiicid Ail '-55-City.and Zip '21.REMARKS Wayne BENTONITE SEAL 11-131 P=el hizu1irtc1lion No,(PIN) 5b.I 'and Lonjotinte in ni.d 4timde 22,Ceitifteatiori-, (ifpCIO field.outy.1;1001j i'moon6kni) mg10/13/2022 - -Dale 6.Is(arej the ORenflaftlftt or ETcnilmrary 11y,sis6ig j4*.fanrt,-I frerebt-cL rrify diarI)ie irefifs)way fK,r;v)cmzvnicied ht acevrdanre Iviliv 15,t NGtc 02C.0100,01,15.1 AICA&ok,o-,6o is,'wi ronit"irrivit Swalardsvid fixi(r 71.hi%thLs a rclizir to an exhiting vvell: Mes or ®No rerprrd 1iay,K'rll p"r4n0ew rajix NOW1 olviler, If IW'11.0 rrjmlr,fifl k4ur Arvim ivell and explabi Me narare of rAt arL'VI the beak of this form. 23.Site ditigrilm or additional well details: You way use.tli.i back of this page to provide additional well site dei0s.or welt cons(mcdow details. Youv)v also attach additional pages,if necessary. For itudfige,ftUeefivn tv vNj-ucuer_n pj4y rr,rr3 ONLY ivirli r1je.satur cons%truc1!wi,yPaxao AM(A"Ift one fl-riq. SUBMITTAL INSTLICTIONS 9joia I well depth betow laxid surfke. 25 (170 24a. Fnr,A I Wals. Subfidt 11.4.faIn w.i(bili A days of completion of well 10.Static water level below top of casing- blvisimir of Water Rv%'au riu.4,Informatio In Pr6ces-ing.Unit, If wd',,et level L,rhove twtaxitetg,' 1617'NIAH'SeItTice' Crm''ter,RAlco,a,,*4C 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.2.25" (in.) 24b.Fair Ft. ijMtioqL1ee1LqONLY: In addition to sending die f6mi to the address in '14aabove.also submit a copy-of'this form witlihi 3q dm;s of completion of well 12.N%1c11 coustruction inethod.- DRIVEN ColMniCLiall to the followhig. (i.e.auger.ruiary,cable diTeci push vcj DiviAou of Water Remurcesi'Underground frijecilon Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: T636 Atail Service,Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 113a Yield(gitra) Method of test: 24c.,Tor Water Supply&Injection WC11:5. , Also subtAt oare cdopy of this f6ini"within 30 da3�of comitletion of 13b.DisinfLition type., Amount: .vcli comIniction'to the cbij*nn,klith dcpartnimit or tfic cmIntywhCre KoriliCaroliva Dcpvvixnt of Envirojuivin-and Nitand Resources-D_ivi.i ion of N*,Icr RMULroes Revised August 2013