HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-10373_Well Construction - GW1_20221115 "WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD �� Far hicival Use ONLY: This form can be used for si ngle or multiple wells v\� 1.Well.ContractorLtformation: t&AVATER ZONFS Zach Thompson FRtprt TO DF$GRtt'f1tyN W01 CorxradorNarac ft. ft, R. m 4478A NC Well Contracior Certification Nrrrcber 15:OUTERCASiNG for'ruuhlrayedisefJs"OR-Li, "I:l 6ible FROM To DF:4tilETER 7T11Ct+. 35 MATERFAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 rt 160 i (t. 6" in. I Schedule OPVC Cmq;uty Niuw i6JNNER CASING Olt T BING( mtlermal cfosed400 FROM I To Di ATETER TnICFLNESS NIATERR IL it 2.Well Construction Permit#: R. fa in. 1-Wa1lrpplira6le wdipenvirs fi:r..Comity,Store,vnriarwr,Inyertirat esr..) R. It. in. 3.Well use(chccl:well use): t7.SCRK" WaterSupp{y Well: FR1111%1 MrL DIAMETER SLOTSIZE THT(1CNFS5 MATERIAL Mgricultuml ONfunicipal foblic R.®Geothermal(HeatipWCooliag Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) rt in, I ®hidustriaUConmlcicial ©Rcsidential WOtcr Supply(shared) I ia`GROUT FROU TO NIATERUL E,%H?AM.MTN6r110DSAh10uNT ❑Itri anon ft. fG Non-Water Supply Well: ft. FL ®?V0I1itoring E]Rccovcry Injectlon Well: R- R. 0AquifcrRcchaFge ClGroundmilcrRemcdiation t9YSANDlGRAVEL4NACK(if i0kable)`; FRO'st Tp I MATFRIAt, F�fY1A(:FHF:NT Nt?HOD 17Aquifcr Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrice R. ft. ❑AgnitcrTest ❑S(orm%atcrDriin,•to ❑Experimcnial Technology QSithsidcncc Conirul 26?11)RILLiIIG'LOG7attach additional shcda if ncccssan) ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROM TO DESCRIMON roobr.bardncv wR'nickh in we,ctaF ❑Geodienual(HeatinetCoolIng Return) 00dier(explain under 921 Remat:Ls) o n. 65 IL Brown silty sand 65 fL 420 fL Rock 4.DateWeil(s)Completed: 9-21-2022 tiryte111D#RTKM 22-382 ft. fL Sa,Well G.rcatians ft. fL o;+ nr Albemarle ft. f( �6_ r r V U Facifflyffiv ocrNante- Facilit)•IDN(ifapplimble) R• ft. N 348 Holiday Inn Dr. Kings Mountain, NC 28086 Cleve. . R. ft. / PinsicalAddress.City-and Zip >1L,REb ,; . t f ,r4 47 Open Borehole from 160'-4201 .,,rWDOG Count} U PlArcer 1dcuGCicntiwr No.(PIN) 5b,I atitude and Longitude in degrmVininuteshecouds or decimal dcgrces: 22.Certification: (Ifi,ell field,wie 101w gIs sicftickrd) 35.1251 N 81.2133 W 9/28/2022 Signature ofCcitilicd Well Coranctor Date 6.h(are)the weil(s): SlPermAnent or oTemporary &signing deli form,I hereky certify that 1)n ivellf k)is-=(Nrrrej contawcred nr accordance ivifti 15A NCtC 02C.0100 or IBA NCAC 02C,0200 Will Constrfefimr Starkiards anti s1wr a 7.Lti thbi a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes ..or ®ND rq7rofrlus reconlbasbr.^n pmvitkd taflr imll owner. rfrrtir if o fepedr,fill4WO A•n010 well convnieflon lnformrfrlon and expfaln Me itarare of tlic repairruder$21 rmnarkvAmriaa oral din flack-•ofrids farnL 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of dill page to provide additional well site delails or well 8.Number of wells con atucted: 1 construction details. You tttav also atlach additional pages if necessary. For ittaNple la ferA?n or am-%rarer supj4y wells ONLY rridi Me some constri itivn,you can .mb)"it one form. SUBAfiTTAL iNSTUCTiONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 420 (ft,j 24% For All Wells: Subndt this form within 30 days of completion of%tell For nuilriple wells list all depths ll di Brew(e trmpfe-3@2017'and 2@ 100g construction to tile-following: 10.Static water level below top or casing: 45 (ft.) Division of Water Re_sourcLi,Information Processing Unit, if nt<iter level Is above cursing,am"+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Italeigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.6" (in.) 24b.Do fillallan 1 g112 ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above. also submit a copy of this faun within 30 days of completion of well 12,Rreil construction method:Air Rotary construction,to life following: (i.e.anger,rotary,cable direct posh CIC.} Dlelsiou of Water Rcsoutres,Underground Injection Control Ptngranr, FOR NVATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigb,NC 27699-1636 13a,Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water Supply dt Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this farm within 30 days of completion of 13h.Disinketion type. Amount: well construction to the cotmly health department of the county where constructed. Farm GW-I Nosh Carolina D.-partmem of Ermirottnxm and NantrJ Resources-Division of Water Re- rces Revised Aygust2N►13