HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0032212_Permit Issuance_19980216State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Mr. John E. Rice Yonahlossee Limited Partnership P.O. Box 1370 Boone, North Carolina 28607 Dear Mr. Rice: DENR February 16, 1998 Subject: Issuance of NPDES Permit NC0032212 Yonahlossee Resort and Club WWTP Watauga County The Division received your application for a wastewater discharge permit on February 24, 1997. Division personnel have reviewed and approved your application. Accordingly, we are forwarding herewith the attached NPDES discharge permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 .1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated December 6, 1983, and as subsequently amended. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, Post Office Drawer 27447, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7447. Unless such demand is made, this decision shall be final and binding. Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. Complete and submit the enclosed Permit Name / Ownership Change Form if a change in ownership or control of this discharge occurs. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Mack Wiggins at telephone number (919) 733-5083, extension 542. Sincerely, U: igtnai Signed By David A. Goodrich A. Preston Howard, Jr., P. E. cc: Central Files Winston-Salem Regional Office/Water Quality Section Mr. Roosevelt Childress, EPA NPDES Unit Point Source Compliance Enforcement Unit P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Telephone (919) 733-5083 FAX (919) 733-0719 50% recycled / 10% post -consumer paper Permit No. NC0032212 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Yonahlossee Limited Partnership is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at Yonahlossee Resort and Club on NCSR 1102 south of Boone Watauga County to receiving waters designated as Lance Creek in the Watauga River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV hereof. This permit shall -become effective March 1, 1998 This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on September 30, 2002 Signed this day February 16, 1998 Original Signed By David A. Goodrich A. Preston Howard, Jr.,-P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET Yonahlossee Limited Partnership is hereby authorized to: Permit No. NC0032212 1. Continue to operate an existing 0.04 MGD wastewater treatment facility consisting of an aerated flow equalization basin, three way splitter box, aeration basin, clarifier, aerated sludge holding tank, disinfection/post aeration chamber with UV disinfection and continuous flow recording device located at Yonahlossee Resort and Club, NCSr 1102 (Shulls Mill Road), south of Boone, Watauga County (See Part III of this permit), 2. . After receiving an Authorization to Construct from the Division of Water Quality, construct and operate a 0.150 MGD extended aeration package plant with sludge holding (See Part III of this permit), and 3. Discharge from said treatment works at the location specified on the attached map into Lance Creek which is classified C-Trout waters in the Watauga River Basin. ROAD CLASSIFICATION PRIMARY HIGHWAY HARD SURFACE 11111111.M1=11 SECONDARY HIGHWAY HARD SURFACE PIM= LIGHT -DUTY ROAD, HARD OR IMPROVED SURFACE UNIMPROVED ROAD = = = Latitude 36°10'14" Longitude 81°43'15" Map # C12NW Sub -basin 040201 Stream Class C-Tr Discharge Class 05 13 Receiving Stream Lance Creek Design Q (MGD) 0.04 Permit expires 9/30/02 0 SCALE 1 :24 000 0 1 MILE .5.330.5044.50,441•50{ • ...10.......,,,,, , 7000 FEET 1 0 1 KILOMETER 1 CONTOUR INTERVAL 40 FEET Yonahlossee Resort and Club NC0032212 • Watauga County A. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL Permit No. NC0032212 During the period beginning upon the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration or expansion above 0.04 MGD, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: _.... : :. - ::: r: . .: :. .., :..... ... ....... .. .. T .:.:......:..........................................................�..!MISS...............:...-:...:. ::Y•• <:•i:iiC:i:G i::k }i:;: i:5: � i:L? 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The daily average dissolved oxygen effluent concentration shall not be less than 6.0 mg/I. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. A. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL Permit No. NC0032212 During the period beginning uponexpansion above 0.04 MGD and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: • • .:..:.:...:.....:.;.::..::..: ..... ...:..:.. : .........E...:....:...:.............:..E.... ...:........T...:...:...... .:...>:.:::. <........::.::.:...�.::.::...:.I.M.I.::5:.:.:�.::.: ..::..<.:.:• .::.::.:.:::..:.:.:.:.: ........:.. • .. 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' Fe u�e S•rnl • a• pe: :: Sm I Flow 0.150 MGD Continuous Recording I or E BOD, 5 day, 20°C 30.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/I Weekly Composite E Total Suspended Residue 30.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/I Weekly Composite E NH3 as N (April 1 - October 31) 2.0 mg/1 Weekly Composite E NH3 as N (November 1 - March 31) 4.0 mg/I Weekly Composite E pH2 Weekly Grab E Dissolved Oxygen3 Weekly Grab E, U, D Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) 200 / 100 ml 400 / 100 ml Weekly Grab E, U, D Temperature Daily Grab E Temperature Weekly Grab U, D Conductivity Weekly Grab U, D Total Nitrogen (NO2 + NO3 + TKN) Semi-annually Composite E Total Phosphorus _ Semi-annually _ Composite E Notes: 2 3 Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent, U - Upstream 200 feet, D - Downstream at the hiking trail below the discharge The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. The daily average dissolved oxygen effluent concentration shall not be less than 6.0 mg/I. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. • Staff Review and Evaluation NPDES Wastewater Permit FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Yonahlossee Resort NPDES No. NC0032212 Design Flow (MGD) 0.04/0.15 Facility Class II STREAM CHARAL 1 hRISTICS Stream Name Stream Class Sub -basin Drainage Area (mi2) S7Q10 (cfs) W7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) IWC (%) Lance Creek C-Tr 040201 0.65 0.13 0.17 0.3 32 Proposed Changes Parameters Affected Basis for change(s) addition of NI-13 limits at .04 and .150 MGD from NOL to 3/6 @ 0.04 MGD and NOL to 2/4 @ 0.15 MGD Mass balance calculations for NH3 Compliance Schedule: none Special Condition(s): none Permits & Engineering Comments: This is a permit renewal for a package wwtp for a resort and residential area. File review indicated that the facility is maintained well, with only a few violations of flow and fecal noted in the past three years. Because the facility utilizes UV disinfection, no chlorine Iimit or monitoring requirement is in the permit. The mass balance calculation for ammonia indicated that the limits listed above apply, and the draft permit includes those limits. Currently, the NH3 data for the past two years indicate that the facility cannot consistently meet the new limits. If the treatment system could be run as an extened aeration system with 18-36 hour retention time and a 0.02 MGD to 0.06 MGD sludge return level, then the ammonia limits might be met. P&E recommends renewal with changes noted above. REGION: Please comment on feasibility of facility to meet the new ammonia limits, and whether or not a compliance schedule should t1— Prepared Regional Office Evaluation and Recommendations: L6 L No czothil4,c1 sehedat fralgarie>if t/'ii-utt* a - i Milfz " . t' e s th iCara ` ' Y Salve i/ 0( el-eC±rlC t/. cilLE ()c/✓ 2 hey d -11) W- 130-Y1- L-1-recthilcA/i- ria4J-s 40 co/rirly. JUL-10-1997 08:40 FROM DEHNR Winston-Salem TO P.01 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Winston-Salem Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Hawes, Secretary July 10, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Mack Wiggins Permits & Engineering FROM: Q ?A Beth Morton WSRO Av19c1rA Jilt; QEHNJF DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -- Water Quality Section — SUBJECT: Susan 'Robson's Watauga County Streamlined permits package comments Yonahlossee Resort NC0032212 Thyshould be able to meet ammonia without a compliance schedule. The owner has just been using 1/4 of the treatment capacity to save money on electricity. If the entire plant is used, the ammonia should be no problem. Should you have any questions, please contact me at your earliest convenience, Posts -it°' Fax Note 7671 Date I IGres �, Tof' 1 Wicl�j ills From�tQ , sl I� ta4 cu`-, OvJDeot. -�I . Co. Phone* Phone M Fax k Fax & 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, North Corollna 27107-2241 Voice 910-771.4600 ��� FAX 910-771-4631 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper TOTAL P.01 JUL-23-1997 10:12 FROM DEI+R Winston-Salem TO P. 01 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Susan Robson Permits & Engineering Beth Morton WSRO Post it° Fax Note 7671 -DMo --Trim 1 l To ,I Co.IDopt. Co. Phone a Fax o Phone 0 Fran ; (-4, i June 20,1997 Fax 0 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -- Water Quality Section -- Watauga County Streamlined perms package comments Yonahlossee Resort NC0032212 The plant should be able to meet ammonia without a compliance schedule. The owner has just been using V2 of the treatment capacity to save money on electricity. If the entire plant is used, the ammonia should be no problem. Should you have any questions, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Z have no comments on the other permits in the package. TOTAL P.01 NC0032212 Facility: Yonahlossee Resort Discharge to: Lance Creek Stream class and index #: C-Tr (8-8-(2)) Residual Chlorine 7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (UG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (UG/L) IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (ug/I) Fecal Limit Ratio of 0.6 :1 Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 0.13 7Q10 (CFS) 0.15 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.2325 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 17.0 STREAM STD (MG/L) 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) 64.14 IWC (%) 26.51 Allowable Concentration (mg/I) Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7Q10 (CFS) 200/100m1 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mg/1) 0.13 0.15 0.2325 1.0 0.22 64.14 1.44 minimum = 2 0.17 0.15 0.2325 1.8 0.22 57.76 2.96 minimum = 4 NC0032212 Facility: Yonahlossee Resort Discharge to: Lance Creek Stream class and index #: C-Tr (8-8-(2)) Residual Chlorine 7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (UG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (UG/L) IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (ug/l) Fecal Limit Ratio of 2.1 :1 Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 0.13 7Q10 (CFS) 0.13 0.04 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.04 0.062 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.062 17.0 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.0 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) 0.22 32.29 IWC (%) 32.29 52.65 Allowable Concentration (mg/1) 2.64 minimum = 2 Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7Q10 (CFS) 200/l00m1 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mgll) 0.17 0.04 0.062 1.8 0.22 26.72 6.13 minimum = 4 3.0 i Permit No. NC0032212 Summary This is a permit renewal for a package wwtp for a resort and residential area. File review indicated that the facility is maintained well, with only a few violations of flow and fecal noted in the past three years. Because the facility utilizes UV disinfection, no chlorine limit or monitoring requirement is in the permit. The mass balance calculation for ammonia indicated that the limits listed above apply, and the draft permit includes those limits. Currently, the NH3 data for the past two years indicate that the facility cannot consistently meet the new limits. If the treatment system could be run as an extened aeration system with 18-36 hour retention time and a 0.02 MGD to 0.06 MGD sludge return level, then the ammonia limits might be met. P&E recommends renewal with changes noted above. REGION: Please comment on feasibility of facility to meet the new ammonia limits, and whether or not a compliance schedule should be developed. Streamline Package ''erlinician Checklist old Permit File Review Instream Data Review Clean Map C7" Stream Classification Check Er (include stream index no. and date) Old WLA file °Ire C51 -oocl, /c).s c(ocA) )46)4 Lo 0.) VG Afra -Dr h IV° floG-0-e, nets I asf-ftAtu4 cc: Permits and Engineering Technical Support Branch County Health Dept. Central Files WSRO SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: Yes NoX To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Qua1i Section Atten Date: 997 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION PERMIT RENEWAL County Watauga Permit No. NC0032212 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: Yonahlossee Limited Partnership P.O. Box 1370 Boone, NC 28605 v __ • • ci -�' I-` w -. ) 2. Date of Investigation: March 18, 1997 - + 3. Report Prepared by: Beth Morton 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: John Rice (704)963-6400 ORC- Paul Isenhour (704)262-4580 5. Directions to Site: Take U.S. 421 to Hwy 105 South out of Boone. Just past the 105 N. Bypass, turn left onto Poplar Grove Road (SR 1552), and proceed to Shulls Mill Road (SR 1102). Turn left onto Shulls Mill and then take the next drive to the right across from the guard house: The WWTP is at the end of the road beside the creek. 6. Discharge Points(s), List for all discharge points: Latitude: 36.10' 14" Longitude: 81. 43' 15" U.S.G.S. Quad No. C12 NW U.S.G.S. Quad Name Boone 7. Site size and expansion area consistent with application? Yes X No If No, explain: 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): The facility is not in a the flood plain. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: Cottages are within 1000 feet of the treatment plant. The plant recently was enclosed in a building. 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Lance Creek. NPDES PERMIT STAFF REPORT March 25, 1997 Page 2 a. Classification C TR b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: New 04 02 01 c. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: The receiving stream is a rocky mountain stream with fish and wildlife present. The stream is located in a resort area with cottages and recreational areas. Part II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS a. Volume of Wastewater to be permitted: 0.04 MGD (Ultimate Design Capacity) b. What is the current permitted capacity of the Waste Water Treatment facility? 0.04 MGD The 20,000 gpd package plant has been installed, but not wired to operate the blowers for the aeration basins yet. c. Actual treatment capacity of the current facility (current design capacity)? 0.02 MGD d. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two years. In January, 1994 an Authorization to Construct an additional 20,000 gpd facility consisting of a blower, aeration basin, clarifier and, aerated sludge holding was issued. e. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities; A 40,000 GPD facility consisting of flow equalization, influent bar screen, three way splitter box, UV disinfection, continuous flow measurement and post aeration; and two package plants each consisting of aeration basins, blowers, clarifiers, and aerated sludge holding basins. The second package plant is not operational yet due to wiring of the blowers. f. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities. None. g. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: None. h. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): not needed X 2. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: Septage pumper for disposal at Town of Boone WWTP. a. If residuals are being land applied, please specify DEM Permit No. NA . b. Residuals stabilization: NA c_ Landfill: NA d. Other disposal/utilization scheme (Specify): NA 3. Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet). Class II 4. SIC Code(s): 4952 NPDES PERMIT STAFF REPORT March 25, 1997 Page 3 Primary Secondary 05 13 Main Treatment Unit Code: 06 0 X 7 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved. No. 2. Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: There is excessive foam in the post aeration unit during every inspection. There is a laundry facility on site. MBAS sampling might indicate if these detergents could impact the receiving waters or trout. The permit should include a page for limits when the flow is expanded above 0.02 MGD. 3. Important SOC, JOC or Compliance Schedule dates: (Please indicate). None. 4. Alternative Analysis Evaluation: Has the facility evaluated all of the non -discharge options available. Please provide regional perspective for each option evaluated. NA because discharge is to a positive flow stream. 5. Other Special Items: NONE PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The facility has almost doubled in the amount of homes served (45 to 95) since 1994. A review of the self - monitoring data for the period February 1996 to January 1997 showed two BOD5, one TSS and one fecal coliform monthly average limit violations. We do not know if the flow reported for the period is accurate, due to the fact that the documentation on calibrating the flow meter has not been submitted in two years. The facility has an infiltration/inflow problem and washes out solids during rain events. When the second package plant is on line the washouts should be eliminated. Recommendation is made to renew the permit in accordance with division policy. 13ol-C-141C41*-- Signature of report preparer Water Quality Regional Supervisor Date