HomeMy WebLinkAboutCleveland_Well Abandonment_ WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: L 1111clor 1 n: w1L ADAND01MU T DETABS t +7'�' 7a.For CeoproboMPT or Close&L ep,Geothermal Weds having the same Wed Contreetor Name(or well ownerpaneo dly sbmdmins well on hislhor p¢opmty) well constructiouldepth,only 1 GW 30 is needed. indicate TOTAL NUMBER of -d..1(o awells ebmdoaed. NC Well Canmr�or Certification Number 7�Approximate Volume of water emining in wen(s): (gal.) ��. ti,' ,r�C R C FOR WAT&R SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: ' Name 7e.Type of dhinfeehant used• k-A L Well Construedon Peewit It. Lid all gwfcabk neD msabucdon permits Rc Wr,Comity,&Xk Pariaacy dtM)Ubrown 7d.Amount of dlsinfectaut used: t 0 3.well use(ebeckwell use): water Supply Well: 7e.sealing materials used(cheek All brat apply): OAgricultural OMimicipallPablic O Neat Cement= -• to grips or Penes OckotTre�at(Ifeadowcooling supply) 'artist water soul'(�) 13 a R -6 !` 4'�y Oh>dustiiaueommeetc»al , OU*Jm al Wow supply(altared) ®Cam ft G" N 0 V 2 2 2022 0 Drill Cuttings 01ni lion specialty Grout Non-water S%v*Wdl: O Bmtonite S tamer(eVlm user fig) phlg ORecoverr l V"b�` OG WO, 7L For each material above,provide amount of Materials used: GAquiforgedbarge 00r�cnndwsterxemedis ion OAqu&r storage and Recovery Osalingy sassier DA"Ted OStormwetw Drainage O&M"Technology OSubaidence Control 7gr Provide a brief dewrlpnon of the abauddameat procedures OGeothrrmal(Closed Loop) O'er OG Return OOther lain under 7 w ei v�)¢-S s( fir. Cc e_ %v e, e 4.Date well(s)abandoned: Sa.Well locafion: r Fam it Owner Name �— Faciflly IDO(ifyiplicabb) L Fhy ial Address,City,and zip - tiigaeatno w err wen Owner By sipft this forts,I herby cattf}'that the w 4(s)was(,Akre)abandoned in y Faccel ldamifiadoo No."4) accordance with 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 2C.0200 Well Cans"wUm Shosdarde and(hat a copy of this record has beets provided to the woU owner. 5b.Latitude and longitude in degreashol atedseeosds or dedual degrees: (ifwefi ECK one kviong is sufficient) / 1� 9.Sits dlagrum or adiflonal well detalb: 1r 19 You may use the bade of this page to provide additional well site details or wen N Z� 1 W abandonment details. Yam may also attach additional pages if neaesary. CONSTRIICTION'DET U OF .ltmchweUcow&HcdN,e=d(s)dayuwzL Aormuldplebdadonor—woura plywas OlvLrr,tai Min setae ea�uamcdan/abardamrok yea amr arrbsttf ae+aJ 10a.For An walk: submit this fors within 30 days of compleelm of well 6a.well ID6: abandonment to the Wowing: Division of Water Resources,Informtlon Prooening Uolk 6b.Total well deptic 1617 Mail service Center,Ra43gL6 NC 2709-1617 10b.For Inlecdon Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address is 10s. 6e.Borehole diameter: (ia.) above,also submit one copy of 96 foam within 30 days of completion of well sbandenmeat to the fonowing: - _E r,; 6d.Water level blow ground surface: (R,) Division of Water Resourc a j,90"Injection Control Program, 1636 Man Service Center,RWWO,2 C 27699-1636 i 6L Outer easing length(if►mown): 00 10e.For Water Saooly&Injection Wens: In addition to sending the form to the addr"Kes)601%also submit one copy of this foam within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county where 6L Inner easingitabing length Of(mown): abarktonad 6g.Screen leuO(If lmown): (M Form OW-30 North Carolies Deportment of ftmumeotel Qo.lity-Division of Water Re mureas Revised 2-22-2016