HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8940120_HISTORICAL FILE_19950731STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 DOC TYPE CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE El COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE fqq5-0331 YYYYMMDD 0 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF E NVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Bob Jamieson Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Regional Manager July 31, 1995 Mr. Jerry Porter Jerry Porter Lincoln, Mercury, Isuzu 5501 Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Subject: CERTHICATION OF COMTLL4,NCE with Stormwater Regulations Stormwater Project No. SW8 940120 Revised Jerry Poner Lincoln, Mercury, Isuzu New Hanover County Dear Mr. Porter: This Certification is pursuant to the revised application for Jerry Porter Lincoln, Mercury, Isuzu received on July 17, 1995. Based on our review of the project plans and specifications, we have determined that the Jerry Porter Lincoln, Mercury, Isuzu stormwater control system complies with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H. 1003(i). The ninoff from 79,422 square feet of impervious area will be treated in a detention pond sized to achieve 90 % reduction in Total Suspended Solids. Any modification of the plans submitted to and approved by this Office or further development of this site regardless of the fact that the modification may be less than I acre, wifl require an additional Stormwater Submittal/Modification and approval prior to initiation of construction. Modifications include but are not limited to; project name changes, transfer of ownership, redesign of built -upon surfaces, addition of built -upon surfaces, redesign or further subdivision of the project area. This Certification shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded. The project shafl be constructed and maintained in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Wilmington Regional Office. This Certification supersedes the one issued to you on April 21, 1994. The developer is responsible for obtaining any and all permits and approvals necessary for the development of this project. This could include the Division of Coastal Management under CAMA requirements, the Division of Environmental Management under Wetland 401 Water Quafity Certification and/or a Dredge and Fill Penuit and/or a Sewer Extension/Collection Permit, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 Welland Permit, NPDES Stormwater Permit if disturbing five acres or more, local County or Town Agency permits under their local ordinances, or others that may be required. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 2MS-3845 0 Telephone 910-395-3900 * Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Porter July 31, 1995 Stormwater Project No. SW8 940120 Revised A professional engineer must certify that the revised stormwater system has been installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications upon completion of construction. The attached certification should be received by this Office within 30 days of completion of construction. 3900. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call Ms. Linda Lewis or me at (910) 395- S incerely, Dave Adkins Water Quality Supervisor DA/arf: S:\WQS\STORMWAnCERTIFIC\940120. FEB cc: Mr. Phil Tripp, P.E. Mr. Alan Golden, New Hanover County Inspections Bradley Bennett Beth Easley, New Hanover County Linda Lewis Wilmington-Regiong-Office Central Files DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT DATA Project Name: Project Number: Location: Applicant: Mailing Address: Submittal Date: Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff: Classification of Water Body: If Class SA, chloride sampling results: Pond Depth: Permanent Pool Elevation: Total Impervious Surfaces Allowed: Offsite Area entering Pond: Green Area entering Pond: Required Surface Area: Provided Surface Area: Required Storage Volume: Provided Storage Volume: Temporary Storage Elevation: Controlling Orifice Type/Diameter: Jerry Porter Lincoln, Mercury, Isuzu SW8 940120 New Hanover County Mr. Jerry Porter Jerry Porter Lincoln, Mercury, Isuzu 5501 Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 July 17, 1995 Smith Creek .1C Sw .1 N/A 6.0 feet 36.0 MSL 79,422 square feet 0 square feet 19,774 square feet 4,567 square feet 5,200 square feet 6,657 cubic feet 7,877 cubic feet 37.35 MSL I" pipe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. WET DETENTION POND EVALUATION Yes No The design storage is for the runoff from all impervious surfaces resulting from 1-inch of minfall and is located above the permanent pool. Yes No The permanent pool is designed for 90% total suspended solid (TSS) removal. Therefore, no vegetative filter is required. Yes No The runoff completely draws down to the permanent pool in 5 days, but not less than 2 days. Yes No The mean depth of the permanent pool is a minimum of 3 feet. Yes No The inlet structure is designed to minimize turbulence and short circuiting. Yes No An appropriate operation and maintenance plan has been provided for the system. 7. Yes No TIUS PROJECT MEETS THE STORMWATFR CONTROL REQUIREMENTS OF 15 A NCAC 2H. 1003 (g), (i), (k), and (1) (For Yes, I through 7 must all be highlighted Yes.) Brief Explanation: This detention pond is designed to remove 90% total suspended solids without the aide of a vegetative filter. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SIGN -OFF Wilmington Regional Office -31 JUL75 A�" - Date Individual Evaluating Form/Plans Regional Water Quality Supervisor Date cc: Applicant/Bradley Bennett/arl/WiRO/CF .0 Jerry Porter Lincoln, Mercury, Isuzu Stormwater Project No. SW8 940120 Revised Engineer's Certification I, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/futl time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of nly abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project constni6tion such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. Signature Registration Number Date JIJI 7 . . ............ Izz PHmup G. TRipp, PE. 211 North Fifth Avenue - Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 910/763,8124 * Fax 9tO/762,5772 NCDEBNR July 14, 1995 Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Attn: Ms. Linda Lewis Re: Jerry Porter Stormwater Revision D.E.M. Certification No. SW8 940120 Wilmington, NC PGT No. 9556 Dear Linda: As per your May 4, 1995 correspondence we have revised the stormwater system for the above reference site. Enclosed please find two sets of plans and two sets of sealed calculations for your review and approval. Please Contact me with any questions or comments. Thank you. y Sa Phil1jG rCipp, E. cc: Jerry Porter ORO MWATER ECEM JUL 1 7 1995 DEM PROJ ISNI Dcle Job Design LSheel, PHmLip G. Tpjpp, RE. 4sr6L'r 211 North Fifth Avenue Wilmington, NC 28401 For Checl Job No. Iry alroL (P 91 ('09 (a Fr gA�- AV 71"L -rUACr vcilr" FCW.MEI- Vig-T- pr,4 3co' 4,,scorr7- At.) 71 50D r--r' F�r -FomL 10le"qI060, QOA bj%LO.111-1 -1 �Oc -, r 0 RMA"VATER qp'�L'5 I/ v5a rr, 00-16w� A/,e"ALT 40 f ib7r- F7r 'Z E c El � V ��'Popvr 4, *oo F:�-r ?- JUL 1 7 1995 �z I (a co T-r D E M 714zz, r-Tz- PROJ 9 of 40120 A4A (?e-VI'51bf' I (!�111: Ij (�PIOA � 0. O'b ) gu4w- 3 CE00%cco '�Sq � � 49, (oo Pr &ZIbf44L i5A pet�qlc)�O 5CCO F-j'c ) rT '5 IrE -_'SL CR � 1� 6'L�Qck Amp, C)C.- &-f (sto 10" dacm I_ %, pc�L tke'q - � IFLcoo F_024, —X Cle ,F :�O' C) -36,c) dOOYIO� 571515 = f5i ZCC:1 . 4- . 1 01 7B7':5f-r' OK I .or Wo .M: vr A : m I ; -4- (;qLg � � w� -M tv�t �S) (Z I�.Q - � C� 'Y, ( 0, L� i � CY ( liz 1�9) = A C:3 � -? 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