HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8080514_APPROVED PLANS_20080710STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 013 05 I`} DOC TYPE ❑I CURRENT PERMIT IYI APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2oo8 07 1,0 YYYYMMDD POND RECORD DRA WING G SITE a� LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE m / EXISTING BULKHEAD BY OTHERS / EXISTING 42"RCP BYPASSES OFFSITE / DRAINAGE, BY OTHERS / 1 S6 , x42./\\ A PORTABLE PUMP < / DRDR USED AININ IN POND IN AN EMERGENCY. 111 I / / 2 I Z rDB r?g� 13 1 3' 13. 1 9, STATE WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS Surface Area required = 23,540 sf Surface Area provided le 26,930 sf a WSEL 9.0 Storage Volume required = 51,220 cf Storage Volurle provided - 60,170 cf a WSEL 11.0 Storage volume Drawdown Time = 3 days SEDIMENTATION POND CONSIDERATIONS - Storage required = 19.3 X 1800 = 34,740 cf _ Storage provided 50,000 cf .. . FORESAY CALCULATION: It Approxlnate Farebol Volurle 8,900 cf x-1.2 . NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS UNE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY 7HE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS ti � 4 W AS -BUILT AREAS: EL9.0= 26,930 sf / l EL10.0= 30,100 sf l / 23' a x 1s" CMP EL11.0= 33.240 sf State storage= (b a. i' (� 60,170 cf / INV IS' RCP 8.26 / INV IS' RCP 8.23 \ TOP OULET STRUCTURE 11.04 INV 18' RCP 8.41 , INV 18' RCPS 8.49 INV 18' RCP 8.35 INVERT STRUCTURE 6.39 ' \ \ 3' PVC INV 8.99 20 3 ONTROL POINT PK NAIL INTERSECn 18.71' 3A 10 AS -BUILT SUMMARY (6-30-04) - ITEM AS -BUILT \ 1. Impervious area (bldgs., etc.) 14.6 acres 2. Normal pool surface area 26,930 sf \ 3. Normal pool Surface Elevation 9.0 MSL Actual pool Surface Elevation 9.2 MSL, 6-04 \ 4. Pond depth (deepest point) 10.2 feet 5. Bottom elevation (deepest) -1.2 MSL 6. Or i f ice elevation 9. 0 MSL L 7. Weir elevation (State storage) 11.0 MSL \ B. State storage volume 60,170 cf �J \ 9. 6' shelf Yes 10. 10' access Yes \ 11. Forebay Yes \ 12. Outlet elevation B. 5 MSL 13. Primary Spillway elevation 11.0 MSL \ 14. Emergency Spillway elevation 13.0 MSL 15, Average embankment elev. 14.7 MSL \ 16, Side slopes (typical) 2. 51 1 to 311 17. Orifice size 3' PVC \ \ 10 \ / CONTROL POINT \ \ PK NAIL (PC) -1 1 ra.72' EST GATE - Wet detention / retention pond ` Additional Calculation Summary for NCDENR / DWQ 1 \ ` WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS - \ Impervious area calculations+ See Project Data Sheet ` TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 14.6 acres DRAWDOWN: TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 19.3 acres Average head from storage elevation to orifice 19.3 acres tota t - 14.6 acres Impervious = 4,7 acre green area 11. 0 - 9. 0 / 2 = 1. 0' 3' PVC drain to draw -down pond: SA REQUIRED 14.6 X 0,96 + 4.7 x 0.20 / 19.3 = 0.79, or 79% - Orif Ice equntion: Q = CA(2gh)^I/2 Q = 0. 6C. 049)(64.4 X 1. W^1/2 At 7.5' depth, 907 TSS removal, from chart - SA/DA factor = 2.6 = 0. 236 cfs 19. 3 x 0. 01 x 2.8 = 23,540 sf SA REQUIRED T : 233,000 sec. 3 days At Elev. • 9.0 26,930 sf SA PROVIDED VOLUME REQUIRED: R=C(P)(Pj)(Rv)/121(A) SEE PAGES A. 1 and A. 2, 'Controt t ing Urban Runoff: ' A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs' (P)= I' (Pj)= 0.9 (Rv)= 0.05 + 0. 9(14. 6/19. 3) = 0. 731 (A)= 19.3 R= C(1)(0.731)/123(19.3) = 1,176 acre-feet = 51,220 cf REQUIRED STORAGE At E tent. - 11. 0 re 60,170 cf PROVIDED STORAGE FOREBAY REQUIREMENTS - Approximate capacity - 50,000 X 20X = 10,000 cf Provided capocity - 8,90M cf zz/ INSET VIEW SCALE: 1 "= 30' WESTGATE TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DA TE'� 6-30-04 SCALE: 30' OVERALL TO POND: SITE DATA: DRAINAGE AREA TO POND - 19.3 acres TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREAS - Buildings and Parking - 12.3 acres Streets & walks - 2,3 acres TOTAL IMPERVIOUS - 14.6 acres MAINTENANCE PLAN - 1. All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall event and needed repairs made immediately. 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment reaches 5.6' below water surface. Riser structure to be cleaned if excess water above design surface no longer drains properly. 3. Sediment to be removed from pond foreboy when it is approximately 25% filled or sediment level is within 5.6' of water surface. 4. Sediment to be removed from behind the any Silt Fence and inlet protection devices when it becomes 0.5' deep. Fencing and inlet protection to be repaired as needed to maintain a barrier. 5. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re -seeded as necessary, according to specifications provided, to maintain a suitable vegetative cover. 6. Construction entrances to be maintained in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. Periodic topdressing with 2"stone may be required. Remove all objectionable material spilled, washed, or tracked onto public roadways immediately. 7. Inspect check dams for damage after every rainfall event and repair as necessary to maintain design height and cross section. VEGETATIVE PLAN - 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual", Section 6.11, latest version. See next Sheet. STATE STORAGE VOLUME = 60,170 of EMBANKMENT TOP= 14.7 (SETTLED) EMERGENCY SPILLWAY EL - 13.0 3 IF/ STATE STORAGE ELEVATION = 11.0 TOP OF BOX = 11.0 C7 NORMAL WSEL- 9.0 INVERT OUTew 8.5 18eRCP aae� erg ea. r eea� ae� aee� � Plan View 1 UPDATED FOREBAY AREA 6-30-04 REV. NO. I REVISIONS DA'iE Copyright a Hanover Deeir Serwese, P.A., All rot, restnod. Reproduction a aee of the Conlenls or this doaanml a Odcitiona a rtMetiona to ae dowmant, h Mob a part, withoul whin ameeni of the Lund Sww,er w ri:gheer, is preh@ftad ONY Copes Nan the a/rhd of this dec wl, me*od with the o,4hd eignahwe and withal sod of the Sww,w a e:gmaw. chat be omeide'ed to ee 06d and Owe capHa GRATE PLAN VIEW 6 WIDE, 6:1 VEGETATED �j SHELF Directly under Water Surface El.= 8.0 to 9.0 Aquatic Vegetation Zone 3 (n 2 MAX r7Go ( Z Q r tl o I3 0' �O W IQ OP �� EMBANKMENT SECTION SCALE NOT TO RECF MAY 1 `9 BY:St EXISTING EL- 11.04' GRATE TOP WSEL= 9.0 $B 3 "PP VC W/ GRAVEL AND FABRIC FILTER 90'ELBOW DOWN B'$ELOW WSEL i /��a\ 4 - 18 RCP 00.57 OUTLET PIPES EXISTING EL= 6.39' =ASE 4"x 10Precost Conc.Box POND BOTTOM ELEV= -1.2 SECTION VIEW ^1 ITI CT 0TM1 1!'%TI IMC n=rA ll C DENR / DWQ SW8 990807 3 1 �- INV= EXISTING &99' INV-8.49' NOT TO SCALE RECORD DRAWING FOR THE POND AT ( e__001 WEST GATE ��&�01 LOCATED IN TOWN CREEK TOWNSHIP ^„(,N.� )IV h XII BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA III IIprgl CAR01/'",, . CC,g!ti 9 SEAL 20001 RIVER WIND HOLDINGS, LLC PO BOX 3167 WILMINGTON, NC 28106, (910)-791-1196 HANO VER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 319 WALNUT STREET WILMINGTON, N.C. 28401 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Date: 6-07-04 Scale: AS SHOWN Drawn: MJL Checked: DSH Project No: 6309-POND-04 'Sheet No: `OC 14:59:37 07/08/2004 Plans and Profiles WES T GA TE BEST WESTERN HOTEL & TO WNE LAKE DRIVE, LELAND.. N.C. TRACT 2R& 13R OF WEST GATE LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DATE. JANUARY2008 SCALE: 1 "= 50' OWNER / DEVELOPER: SANKEY PROPERTIES, LLC P.O. Box 847 Clarkton, NC 28433 910-862-5812 ARCHITECT: MICHAEL R. McLEOD, ARCHITECT, PA 13-A HAMPSTEAD VILLAGE HAMPSTEAD, N.C. 28443 910-270-9778 SEE PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PROJECTS DWQ# SW8 990807 DEH-WATER# 0001227 WQ 0017916 STANDARD NOTES: 1. Information concerning underground utilities was obtained from available records. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to determine the exact elevations and locations of all existing utilities at all crossings prior to commencing trench excavation. If actual clearances are less than indicated on Plan, the Contractor shall contact the Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. Any condition discovered or existing that would necessitate a modification of these plans shall be brought to the attention of the Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. 2. NO CONSTRUCTION IS TO BEGIN BEFORE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES HAS BEEN DETERMINED. CALL "NC ONE -CALL" AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. 3. All trees which are not required to be cleared for constuction shall be preserved wherever possible unless otherwise directed. 4. Contractor shall adjust all manholes, valve and curb boxes to the final grade upon completion of all construction. Any boxes damaged or otherwise disturbed by the Contractor shall be repaired at the expense of the Contractor. 5. The Contractor is responsible for controlling dust and erosion during construction of his expense. Parking areas shall be watered to control dust when ordered by the Engineer. 6. No geotechnical testing has been performed on site. No warranty is made for suitability of subgrode, and undercut and any required replacement with suitable material shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Contractor responsible for geotechnical testing as necessary. 7. Extreme care shall be taken to ensure minimum separations at all utility crossings. B. Contractor to ensure that street pavement is placed so as to droin positively to the roadway inlets and catch basins. 9. Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required permits. 10. This plan is for site utilities, grading, roadwork, and drainage only. 11. Affected Non -Municipal Utilities shall be contacted and provided with plans and other pertinent information, when feasible, to coordinate appropriate scheduling and placement. At the minimum this should include AT&T and Progress Energy. MORE GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO TOWN OF LELAND STANDARDS APPLICABLE STATE & LOCAL CODES. 2. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ANY REQUIRED TRAFFIC CONTROL WITH THE STATE AND THE TOWN, CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL REQUIRED PERMITS. J. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN DURING FINAL GRADING TO ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO RECEIVING STRUCTURES. ALL STORM WATER RUNOFF FROM BUILT UPON AREAS (i.e. IMPERVIOUS SURFACES and ROOF DRAINAGE) TO BE DIRECTED TO STORM SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM (i.e. STORM INLETS OR PONDS) BY SWALES, OVERLAND FLOW, ADDITIONAL GRADING, OR LANDSCAPING INLETS. 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ANY RELOCATIONS, RE -ALIGNMENTS, DISCONNECTIONS OR CONNECTIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES WITH APPLICABLE AUTHORITIES. 5. CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF SITE TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB, ASPHALT INLETS, AND ANY OTHER STRUCTURES INCLUDING TREES, STUMPS AND DEBRIS EXISTING ON SITE. TREES NOT REQUIRED TO BE CLEARED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. 6. MINIMUM SEPARATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED AS FOLLOWS: a. HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE OF 10 FEET BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAINS. b. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 15" BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND WATER OR WHERE SEWER LINE CROSSES ABOVE WATER MAIN, BOTH PIPES SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. c. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 24" BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAIN, SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. d. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 12" BETWEEN WATER MAiN AND STORM DRAIN, WATER MAIN SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF IQ' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. 7. ALL STREETS ARE PROPOSED TO BE PUBLIC (BUILT TO TOWN OF LELAND STANDARDS/ N.C.O.0.T. PAVEMENT AND SUBGRADE STANDARDS). 8. ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS TO BE 8" UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 9, ALL WATER MAINS TO BE 8" UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 10. TWO VALVES ARE REQUIRED AT "T" INTERSECTIONS AND ONE VALVE ON THE WATER LiNE TO FiRE HYDRANTS, 11. A BLOW -OFF VALVE IS REQUIRED AT THE TERMINUS OF ALL "DEAD END" WATER LINES. IF:\AII\West Gate\base-6309-best western.dwg (Layout Cover-1) RESTAURANT � SIGN AND Ry.4Y E ETA6EMnENT P� PROPERTY OWNER tiV NATHAN S. ET JUDIA SANDERS DB 2053 PG 0468 TRACT 1 ' Il'R6 Zl wONED C-2 e PROJECT K5. LIMITS \ \ i \ BEEg�gy,� PR lYE N 9 \ ro 81EEA I \ -V1, z d ''Tn)ra11 ��M1h�lz e A' ,ase•_``, i i, (55' HEIGHT) rs 100 ROOM FF 21.0 ' w -. gzae-"•a __ _,. ` � 18:�25 SF s zee Regulated � A' r i b4 wnL 4•,)d1, '1 ca oowrm Wetlands Area I / «>°�P PRroosEP IlvAcrFn ( / � �w81wrf°Newx rm de ' WETAHI9 aaenDaRar(dHWYH1(TQTD) ✓ i ay TOWN LIMITS OF LELAND CAMERON TRACT M.B. 7 PG. 167 TOWNE LAKE M. ' 1 NOTE:WATER MAIN IN DRIVE PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED. \�6, \ SEE DEH-WATER# 0001227 000i' NOTE:SEWER MAIN IN TOWNE LAKE TTED. P i t00YEAR FLOOD LINE�� - T DRIVE PREVIOUSLY PERMI��10/ Per HDS Field Survey / August 2007 '-� SEE WQ 0VIOUSL \. i E BFE9� LINE IBEARING DISTANCE L32 S 30'11'46" E 25, 00' L33 S 30'11'46" E 1 25.00' DATUM CONVERSION: xew ea - Ncw 3g + (-vas) • 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE \ Per Flood Insurance Rate Map Community ID# RADIUS ARC L. CHORD L. CHORD BEARING 3720 panel 2196 suffix J effective date June 2, 2006. CURVE C1 310.00- 10.79' 10.79' S 60'02'06" W C2 285.00' 123.27' 122.32- N 46-34'47" E C3 335.00' 145.63' 144.48' S 4638'31" W C4 425.00' 121.94' 121.52' N 38'24'56" W C5 375.00' 124,75' 124.21' N 39.43'43" W C6 375.00' 110.49' 110.09' S 57.42'07" E C7 310.00' 134.45' 133.40' S 4636'48" W C8 425.00' 24.28' 24.27' N 55'03'02" W WATER SYSTEM WEST GATE -Best Western Hotel & Restaurant PIPE SUMMARY NORTHERN LINE 410 LF 81PVC SOUTHERN LINE 185 LF 81PVC HYDRANT & FIRE SERVICE LINES 130 LF 61PVC RESTAURANT SERVICE LINE 100 LF 2'PVC HOTEL WATER SERVICE LINE 25 LF 4'PVC HOTEL FIRE SERVICE LINE 25 LF 81PVC TOTAL VATER 100 LF OF 2' WATER MAIN TOTAL 25 LF OF 4' WATER MAIN TOTAL 130 LF OF 6' WATER MAIN TOTAL 620 LF OF 8' WATER MAIN TOTAL a m 11 , ge�Arrrvr �/ Existing 11 j1 Commercial \ 1111 f \\ PROPERTY OWNER \ EAST CAROLINA BANK 11 DB 2422 PG 1253 Nil 11 11 WEST GATErBEST WESTERN STORM SEWER SUMMARY:T❑ EXISTING POND -------------------------------------------------- LINE DIA LEN INV INV SLOPE GRATE GRATE ID IN LF EL. EL. % ELEV ELEV #----------------(DIN)-(UP)--------(DIN)---(UP) ----------------------------------------------------- EX TO 1 18 32 16.05 16.15 0.31 18.2 18.7 1 TO 2 18 40 16. 15 16. 30 0. 37 18. 7 18. 8 2 TO 3 18 215 16. 30 16. 50 0. 09 18. 8 18. 9 3 TO 4 18 112 16.50 16.60 0.09 18.9 19.7 4 TO 5 18 98 16.60 16.70 0.10 19.7 19.7 5 TO 6 18 188 16.70 16.90 0.11 19.7 19.7 STORM SEWER SUMMARY;NEW POND ------------------------------------- LINE DIA LEN INV INV SLOPE GRATE GRATE ID IN LF EL. EL, % ELEV ELEV # (DW) (UP) (DW) (UP) OUT TO 7 18 24 11 50 13 00 6 25 END 17 9 7 TO 10 18 88 13.00 13.50 0.57 17.9 17.9 7 TO 8 18 114 13. 50 14. 50 0, 88 17, 9 IS. 4 8 TO 9 18 110 14,50 15.00 0.45 18.4 18.4 10 TO 11 18 140 13, 50 14. 00 0. 36 17, 9 16. 9 NOTE:CURB INLET BOXES TO BE SIZED AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE MULTIPLE PIPES. SITE cH4 °� �� � z � P� `rFsr & � P G q� f ✓gLkEN �"�Ly f9 S �fk SAP 9 g� LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND E.I.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE E. 1. = EXISTING IRON E.C.M. = EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT R\W = RIGHT OF WAY C.P. = COMPUTED POINT • = WETLAND FLAG SS SANITARY SEWER WM ® WATER METER COO CLEAN OUT CONDUIT LIP ® LIGHT POLE WV od WATER VALVE P FIRE HYDRANT l✓ Exis A8.4 tinn-1 11 SSMHgg 1 ` O \ �1 7N1V 116.54 �� V`�0��� \\\ 1 �\ c_ +49.0 INDICATES SPOT ELEVATION MORE GENERAL NOTES: /v m 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO TOWN OF LELAND STANDARDS AND APPLICABLE STATE & LOCAL CODES. 2. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ANY RELOCATIONS, PHASE 1 SECTION 2 RE -ALIGNMENTS, DISCONNECTIONS OR CONNECTIONS OF EXISTING M.C. 34 PG 519 UTILITIES WITH APPLICABLE AUTHORITIES. 3. CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF SITE TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB, ASPHALT, INLETS, AND ANY OTHER STRUCTURES INCLUDING TREES, DEBRIS EXISTING ON S1TE. TREES NOT REQUIRED TO BE / EwsnNc eu HEAD IFS c� 6A2 CLEARED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. BY G�ERS eYPkSN5Es42 SnE /" S�°�T �'�9TF"G 4. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN DURING FINAL GRADING TO ENSURE POSITIVE 15MA0 GE. BY OTHERy =$ate D , DRAINAGE TO RECEIVING STRUCTURES. a t ' c r/r W 1 I e 9 F H a 1 0 SE£6TCRM / \ S. Ial axEEr♦ / � i \ z 1 /' 1 jg�... _ \ _ � .' \\ 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE Per HDS Field Survey August 2007 ISEEPREUIQUSLY RE MI \ \ ` �bWQ SiA(8:.05D548-NtOD G f 05 IWEST GATE e /Eli r� Ir I` �\, / PPH SE 1 SECTION 1\ .,. BEEsr«wl i� 0 1•. - rUW '' 1��- 12 ..� ',�:. '7, / M.B. 26 PG. 342 ) / �j. / 1� DRAINACE ESMT. / 44,.. �, ' GENERAL NOTES: 2.61 ACRES / . /' - .1\'b\'1\. i/ i l , F4• __� ' ,� 0 .._ / /,. /. .� i 1. This map is not for conveyance, recordation, or sales. i RESTAURAN /' �,1. --\ / � / �":/-'" i 2. A portion of this section of property is located within a 100 year flood n FFE=20.0 1 =n `,.�`,, A,Dr 'N`rr / / / , ,/\ - hazard area according to Flood Insurance Rate Map Community ID# �. tiro 5,5,24 S .E,E1� Nt -. \ 1 -/ -- /' �• 3720 panel 2196 suffix J effective date June 2, 2006, \ :PARK G I. Cy wru,r ,,,1 -/ �� h• and not field verified. Additional topo from HDS, August 2007. a,aeev, - 9 x ark - � Ncxn rm« 3. This property is zoned Town of Leland C-2. 4. Sewer service to be NBSD (public). Water service to be NBSD (public).. �� ,� I �• TRACA<wa 1 a. ?, ` / �, h9 6.TH1S PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN 2000' OF AN < ZONEID 2 1 $ 1 ' / - j,.i EXISTING N.C. GRID MONUMENT s' 'EUN!° 8 An--9 _ - 8 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE Per HDS Field Survey August 2007 Regulated \• TOWN LIMITS OF LELAND Wetlands Area NOTE WELL: These plans are for obtaining specific regulatory permits. They do not purport to show all necessary information required to complete construction. Subsequent plans by others may be required including but not limited to retaining walls and security railing design. Geotechnical consultation is required for subsurface recommendations and compaction testing. INDEX TO DRAWINGS SHEET No. DESCRIPTION DRAWING No. 1 OF 9 COVER SHEET and GENERAL NOTES 6309-BW-COV-1 2 OF 9 SITE and GRADING PLAN 6309-BW-S2 3 OF 9 UTILITIES PLAN 6309-BW-U3 4 OF 9 PROFILES 6309-BW-P4 5 OF 9 DETAILS 6309-BW-Di 6 OF 9 ECP STORMWATER COVER SHEET and GENERAL NOTES 6309-BW-ECP-6 7 OF 9 EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, SEDIMENT BASINS, & DETAILS 6309-BW-ECP-7 8 OF 9 POND DETAILS 6309-BW-ECP-8 9 OF 9 EROSION CONTROL/WATER QUALITY NOTES & DETAILS 6309-BW-ECP-9 FA \ NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE FIELD VERIFIED JULY 3rd 2007 BY THE US \ ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. USACE ACTION ID APPROVAL 4-2-08 • SEE $SAW-2008-306 NATIONWIDE PERMIT 18 & 33 NO CAMA PERMIT REQUIRED PER DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGMENT. OCM FIELD VERIFIED 12/18/07 THAT THIS PORTION OF JACKEY'S CREEK IS NOT NAVIGABLE. NOTES FOR WATER SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION 1. ALL WATER MAINS TO BE SDR21 PVC PIPE WITH PUSH ON JOINTS. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIALS REQUIRED. 2. 3' MINIMUM COVER ON ALL WATER MAINS, 3. LOCATE ALL METER SETTINGS 5' FROM LOT LINE UNLESS OTERWISE NOTED. 4. ALL COMMERCIAL WATER SERVICE LINES TO TO BE 2" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNTY DETAIL 6. BLOW OFF ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNTY DETAIL. 7. ALL BENDS AND TEES SHALL BE ADEQUATELY BLOCKED (SEE COUNTY DETAIL). 8. ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING WATER LINE AND BORES TO BE DONE ACCORDING TO NORTH BRUNSWICK SANITARY DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS, 9. ALL MAINS SHALL BE ADEQUATELY FLUSHED. PRESSURE TESTED, AND DISINFECTED IN ACCORDACE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. 10. ALL WORK SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER, NORTH BRUNSWICK SANITARY DISTRICT, AND THE N.C. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES, A PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE IS REQUIRED. CONTACT: J, SCOTT LEWIS (910) 371-9949. 11. ALL WATER SYSTEM WORK SHALL BE DONE TO NORTH BRUNSWICK SANITARY DISTRICT DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS, BENCHMARK LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS LOCATION: ELEVATION 1 P.K. NAIL IN CENTERLINE OF INTERSECTION (WEST GATE OR & NEW POINT BOULEVARD) 18.68' MSL NAVD 29 J. 4. 1-UK KtI-tKtIVUt Stt M.U. 20 Yte. J42 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY iN AUGUST OF 2007. 5. 3.57 ACRES TOTAL AREA NOTE WELL: 6. THiS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN 2000' OF AN Portions of this plan reflect previously approved and permitted EXISTING N.C. GRiD MONUMENT improvements. This plan is an addendum to those plans and does not supersede any of the previously approved practices or conditions. \ _ I NOTE WELL: 1. All storm water runoff from built upon areas A ��� (Le. impervious surfaces & roof drainage) to be E'V v' \� directed t0 the storm sewer COICC110n S CAR IINA NOTE WELL, yTH OMMISSIQ , •ENT (a •r�( ANY AREAS ON -SITE WITHOUT ACTIVITY IN A 21 CALENDAR DAY PERIOD (i.e. storm Inlets Or ponds) by swoles, Over al mG[ t\"v^�rn SHALL BE TEMPORARILY STABILIZED AS PER THE SPECIFICATIONS. t, r - QUP&II1 GR tYV I z l Yt m \ additional grading, or landscaping inlets. !1 Qr VVM ANY SLOPES TO BE STABILIZED AFTER 21 CALENDAR DAYS. OETNLS SHOM ARE TYPICPL OF WSTALLATOHS REWRED BY BRUNSMN COUNTY. 1HIS SNEET DOES NOT PUR T TO SHOW ALL REOURRED CONSTRUCTON WTAILS, &IT (A 1 A (✓ `\ \ RAIHER SERVES AS A GLIDE TIE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERWG TO ALL COUNTY AND STATE CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. -•`I `Y , - \ ---- \ No geoUwhnical testing has been performed m site. No warranty made for sultebRlty of wbgrade, and undercut and any required �+ I V ✓ repacanent with suitable moteal anal be the reap WbHity 1 r--`.\ RF'. of the contract«. y \ 1 ; JUL 1 0 ZOOS 0' 501 100' 150' 1 1 32 32 � At 08 CtOd8e .(„ I" = 50' Cover Sheet and General Notes Date: NOTE: 404 WETLANDS ON SITE AS SHOWN. 3 REVISED PER NCDENR-DEH & NCDENR-DWQ COMMENTS 7/2/08 2 REVISED PER NCDENR-DWQ COMMENTS 6/18/08 1 REVISED PER NBSD COMMENTS 5/2/08 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE CO Xhhf 0. N 0n Desipn Swvkea. P.A., M nahfa resr Ryroduclkn « use or the contents of Mb documenb « adNtkna « d tkns to Me documenA M whole o Pm , WMauf erftten ..f of Me Lend So wyo ar En&M .. M Pr WIN.. l 11 clP Iron Me -119 w of thh document, mooed Wfh the rigMd V,.Wre and a.W.0 ae Pf the Sowy« or EngFreer, MW be conaMered fo be Mid and five aopks. WEST GATE BEST WESTERN HOTEL & RESTAURANT ` LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 4saszn o E a ��L �3�{frtYe2Azb g 'Jy'iCt37 -7-CCD -08 dhollis ® hdsilm.com OWNER: SANKEY PROPERTIES, LLC P.O. Box 847 Clarkton, NC 28433 phone:910-862-5812 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS j 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 psY.Q/1A Scole: 1 "= 50' Drown: DBB Checked: DSH Project No: 6309 BW_C._I Sheet No: 1 Of: i _"1::- 1 .........._ice _l.... ..1. _.,_-" .-._... _ _ PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER (TYPICAL) r LEGEND E.I.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE E.l. = EXISTING IRON E.C.M. = EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT R\W = RIGHT OF WAY / 1x \ \ PROPOSED _ \ It CURB & GUTTER y (TYPIC ) \ ll I \ \ EXISTIN x`�� \\ pe CURB GUTTER 2:' JI P / 18 TO TO MA H k PRO OSED �A G ADES FQT�R t� I� �L ` CURB &GUTTER I & "'CURBIN,��•.(TYPIC S EX• � F g aF� O C I S O '/M L Al �rS RETAININ WALL BY OTHE J .00 o \ .cs; 5x X`PUN ' wB� NE D ��` s X RES �20'',0 30� o1zz7�� S \ N 0 x oti d" C WEB ENGINES 38 5� 2N 1 X �. '/ _.., ., of MP,NjP\N P ND SS�R G •.,...-. �, NpTE N1GR�- SV R / 78 !'W\ / `' �/ FLOW B� SCE L� O O �, O ECNPRCH\ZEGPC.,OFS �p a REWALIN C /- �"55 �,. \ ICP ti 0 o P P puSYs M \ �o O N "na 56 S . \` / _ " 8 x x So YP P R` �' ti ER1F p\Ep1G VE Y OIN ER / x 8, Z O F\ �. c� o gu,LjPtiN Po 3� . _ �F� ,8px ,,F.. ° j 9�Fp LC SF,f, RP wA\N F , O 6 !9 ��. P p I0'OE oyw — — O �,c� 5Da RETAINING _ % 2 �G •r� g'X` /i%;. CF BY OTHERS / L3 A4 0 �6/ CIED \� �� 09� /� �y �, o �„ M gE \ O - i/ ` p PY �h...... 92 6hP' SE \MPP �25 PRDPD WN RP�CH \ \ my,� / RNS\jE B� x 995,S DSISHO HANDICAP/00 �J ' wE�1AN p•p9 PCR \ j Al 6�lO, _ ,x�`o �1ox J cROs� LKet]� N 9 32 NOTE WELL:ALL CROSSWALKS AND PARKING 1g 1001, STRIPING TO BE PER M.U.T.C.D. STANDARDS A5 AND SPECIFICATIONS.'*w / \♦ S8_ �O ,> / '�/ ag0cc' , xx'9 1 x /�// O .Q J'� � //y x l O INING % BY OTH l 1$ x x d x , _ V TOTAL TRACT W / 3.57 Acres 1 � / D Lot 2R 2.40 Acres Lot 13R 1.17 Acres ��� 1 16 \ NYDNj �� ° - - - _ 9pX X �, / �1M1'` S O • -� '\QVx,90� 'COVv �`v �'� S, 37, A17 M - - - �. s. SgpR gip. _ _ / ��0 3 1 EX�SC�NER NID 40 / Q0 / REWALL G g�P PSPG�" g� / BY OTHERS ^ NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT O C.P. = COMPUTED POINT STREET PAVEMENT & CURBING IS PLACED \ / x • = WETLAND FLAG / �� W r) SO AS TO DRAIN POSITIVELY TO CURB INLETS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. / SS SANITARY SEWER x ' WM 0 WATER METER Coo CLEAN OUT CONDUIT 5' SIDEWALK / 2J4u� ~ x LIP 4, LIGHT POLE PER SUNTRUST BANK PLANS WV i,of WATER VALVE F/H =FIRE HYDRANT gyp' x y0ct`0 xrL°• / �OjL� O 2 +49.0 INDICATES SPOT ELEVATION WETLANDS / / F \ •Ill/\: x / J0� PROPOSED X�O 'S• 1 6 O ROOF DRAIN 1 9e XREDUCED PRESSURE x� ONE COLLECTION K'1'°.QLC' x� CcP�t` BFP BACKFLOW PREVENTER x EXISTING WATERLINE EXISTING SANITARY / SEWER & MANHOLE y\ Oj / / L. I �p ,f O O� x � 1• PROPOSED V0 / O CURB & GUTTER gEEOTOE1 C 2 (TYPICAL) PRSHE 4) \ O ,px \,\ PROPOSED 61 E xL` SE SS RFt 5' CONCRETE / E Q 2\ O \� O SIDEWALK x 1p. \ 9 O GMATCH RA E) EXISTING / X ECONpUIT / EONTRA SQ Ox x \ x EYPICA e0 l x x F\FiE� 2 GD G�2 PROPOSED �� \ J EXISTING/ G ROOF DRAIN Oj° \ x° PAVE ENT RYD� p 9 PROPOSED COLLECTION x� 1 BEG NEW px O' ti ROOF DRAIN ** P ENT ROOF x % �G� SYSTEM O �� ti° 6 COLLECTION - ^� ` A, ATCH EXISTIt SYSTEM**�� NO �11`►� �L°� DICAP LK ,., M �x1a OP c RAOE) {>\ S /r•� X �p ,� � , ` ' I I . ' I ' I � � `. \NCB � -C�� ox x� � ,�"`P�pM\ P1 G1 � REWALL G ��Q BY OTHERS 5� O X�03 1� �°• 2 `NG x J��--CURB & GUTTER ti s x VIL�IN / Ve 1GN 9 0 40 9 / / 1 .5 i / / % , I� Xry`. 55` `, x � R \O X ax 2 SF ti EBR �, GO � 2� PROPOSED O M rs1 Oj XLO / / / / / x ✓ . R L. \E 1NEE COLD ECDRAINTION O S O�x EX DEH Serial No.E �� COS \1A1'J E N, EGN j% o f SYSTEM** °� \y� / f \ 1 K� A7�S 6.0' 30, 30, 18 REVERSE CROWN 0.5' Curbing 4"GONG. SPACEG CC (TYPICAL) SIDEWALK (TYPICAL) 1.5"' of S9.5A ASPHALT GRASSED TYPE -"A " 8';4BC BASF COURSE AREA CURB NOTE HELL: TYPICAL PARKING BAY SECTION PAVEMENT REQUIREWINTS MAYBE INCREASED EPER RECOMMENDSS AND ATION OF GE07ECHNXAL NON -TRUCK TRAFFIC AREA CONSULTANT. NOT TO SCALE CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPAC77ON 7ES77NG 6.0' 30' 30' 18' 4"GONG. REVERSE CROWN 0.5' Curbing SIDEWALK PARKING (TYPICAL) SPACE CL (TYPICAL) 3" of S9.5A ASPHALT GRASSED TYPE "A' J 8"SE COURSE AREA CURB NOTE HELL' TYPICAL PARKING BAY SECTION Mn1EENCREASESED � RECOM �AnOAOrGEOTECHNICAL TRUCK TRAFFIC AREA CONSULTANT. NOT TO SCALE SEE SHEET 3 CONTRACTOR RESPON9BLE FOR COMPAcrfow TES7NC 25F 91 �67 4/ `\ ��, CFO i sPROF\LeA - D 11 \ 24 GPMG v \ IONsr►Ee s\o�� o,NtiR� g. /'- L --- P�KI Al 7 �V D ,� � ���•� Ij RETAINING M' APR FLOALL O W� N `'' IRPC� s BY OTHERS OFB(Q� 7410 OVA 100 DS F1e1d Su \ DBO�N�gRY S��gP�K AZz o Per H 00� p18 .� Do — — — — -- — 0 / , A9" W 1 WB�NED RECEIVED N 453Q. e9C\ q25 �0p u9ust 2 O o 0 0 L2 . S JUL 10 Z008 2O " 7 J /2" R I WHERE REVERSE CROWN _ IS REQUIRED GUTTER SHALL 1• R SLOPE AWAY AS SHOWN " MOST APPLICATIONS 1 1/4' R IN PARKING LOT \ STANDARD CURB SECTION TYPE "A" "TS sWIS "NOTE WELL: ALL HOTEL ROOF DRAINAGE TO BE DIRECTED INTO STORM WATER SYSTEM AS SHOWN. GENERAL NOTES: 1. This map is not for conveyance, recordation, or sales, 2. A portion of this section of property is located within a 100 year flood hazard area according to Flood Insurance Rote Map Community ID11 3720 panel 2196 suffix J effective date June 2, 2006. and not field verified. Additional topo from HDS, August 2007. J. This property is zoned Town of Lelond C-2. 4. Sewer service to be NBSD (public). Water service to be NBSD (public). 6.THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN 2000' OF AN EXISTING N.C. GRID MONUMENT SITE and GRADING PLAN Date: NOTE WELL: WEST GATE '-22-03 1. ROAD IS CROWN. [2. PARKING LOT IS INVERTED CROWN. s°a1e: BEST WESTERN HOTEL & RESTAURANT 1"= 20' or 20' 40' 60' LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Drawn: Jto gytptt OBB 6It R01.. SCALE 1"= 20' 2 REVISED PER NCDENR-DEH COMMENTS 7/2/08 1 REVISED PER NCDENR-DWQ COMMENTS 6/18/08 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE Capyrtght 0. Hanover Design SeMcea P.A., All rights rase all. Reproduction or me of the aont..te of this d.armint. or addition. or deletions to this document, In whole or part, without written aonsent of the land Surwyes or Engineer, Is prohenW. Only eopbs from the original of this document, marked with the original signature and original seal of the Survepr or Engineer, shall be cansldere l to Ca valld and true copies. S K�' t'k 2Co07 —/ - co `e-9© dhollis @ hdsilm.com OWNER: SANKEY PROPERTIES, LLC P.O. Box 847 Clorkton, NC 28433 phone:910-862-5812 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS �y 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY-1-.1-, WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 Iy/91�Ji PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Checked: DSH Propct No: 6309 BW-52 Sheet No: 2 of: 9 F:\AII\West Gate\base-6309-best western.dwg (Layout S-2) i o O PROPOSED O TRUCK TRAFFIC CURB & GUTTER AREA, SEE DETAIL (TYPICAL) FOR PAVEMENT 5 O SECTION. NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT STREET PAVEMENT & CURBING IS PLACED O SO AS TO DRAIN POSITIVELY TO CURB INLETS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. O SO' ® 17 \° 9 '>> \cp0 PROPOSED S �- O <0 ROOF DRAIN / f ^ COLLECTION r" AL C SYSTEM** SEE PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED y\ / / PROJECTS 6, / DWQ# SW8 990807DEH-WATE WQ 001791# 0001227 TRUCK TRAFFIC AREA, SEE DETAIL FOR PAVEMENT 6 �w op-) 2 Rx SECTION. / 0 ' � 04TT3 ACRES O \ 40G(� FARE 2 Gr PROPOSED �� \ G ROOF DRAIN 1�(DRPN PROPOSED ZO f COLLECTION O �� ROOF DRAIN ** G� SYSTEM 6 COLLECTION SYSTEM** ���� NPRKIING(P� O REWALL G P /' \ T Rw BY OTHERS 5� �L1 �. 1O R ♦C♦ PROPOSED , q� ; / '' j�� � ���� �'�� Y LEGEND E.I.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE El. = EXISTING IRON E.C.M. = EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT R\W = RIGHT OF WAY C.P. = COMPUTED POINT • = WETLAND FLAG SS SANITARY SEWER INM ® WATER METER CO* CLEAN OUT CONDUIT LIPS LIGHT POLE WV d WATER VALVE 4 F/H = FIRE HYDRANT +49.0 INDICATES SPOT ELEVATION \ \, WETLANDS BFP = REDUCED PRESSURE ZONE BACKFLOW PREVENTER EXISTING WATERLINE �}f EXISTING SANITARY SEWER & MANHOLE O\ PROPOSED CURB A&) GUTTER SPROf%gA 41 PROPOSED ION SHSE Cb O 5' CONCRETE O (MATCHEXISTING/ 9 GRADE) / O X. NDU1T / SO 3 / CURB & GUTTER / i G � NEBIppo N�e' �� PROPSED ROOFODRAIN O O A$ i / / /�� 1E 17 ER SYSTEM" / °) / ' —� ♦ NEWP / Al 3 i Rp NOSE P E�pL EN SpE ROPoSED ; % // MECNPRGHtiEUPCt OFS M s ♦ ; %i// // ANp Y PpEO S ISSE / O Al T ♦ � %/,�j// voR� MAEp1N 5�S1uE &FI� T1NC5 O i �g 56� ♦♦ ; r� / T�pW• gENDNECESSPR / —_55' 18' N ♦ %% PSCTYPICP� i ♦ -- RETAININGWLL�'/ij L� BY OTHERS i �GiL� I L3 Aq O 2q6/„ 1� p�TED `♦/ � 9�� % �� s�o /% j% MPY gE \g 9 �g0 OSEp IMP REO� \ �� F\�L�`y ' *RpZ� BU1�o1NC �25 PROP 0`NNNPTg �p�1 / ♦` qL 9g`32.1� <g T1ANps lS 09 AORE �O ` A15 \/�Gl� N 5g'8„ NOTE WELL:ALL CROSSWALKS AND PARKING ARDS / ♦ 'S '"'� 2� 0 I I I I I I 5' SIDEWALK / PER SUNTRUST BANK PLANS / Exlstir DEH Serial " % r W STRIPING TO BE PER M.U.T.C.D. STAND gyp/ mom• P. A5 AND SPECIFICATIONS."` / \ %' � `♦ \ U'�`,, .P / % O �}1c1�aPgR.4` AA A TOTAL TRACT T i \ / 3.57 Acres Q / RETAINING G { O / Lot 2R 2.40 Acres / ` BY OTHERS P` D Lot 13R 1.17 Acres { 16 — �5 u.E/ O G� At 7 STORM � Gp.M�RO PG A61 v / � \ ♦`♦ �':� sFo ' � � PNSNEe�c 41 M g a Al � / F�G00 �1N �/ •(EPR Sv,cvey �No ENc�o 6.0' 30' 30, 18' 4"CONC. REVERSE CROWN 0.5' Curbing PARKING (TYPICAL) SIDEWALK SPACE CL / (TYPICAL) IVVV� 1.5" of S9T .SA ASPHAL I GRASSED TYPE 'A" I� �� 8"ABC BASE COURSE AREA CURB NOTE RELL' TYPICAL PARKING BAY SECTION PA"ENT ESS RECOMMENDATION!OFGEMAYBENCREASEDPER OTECtTWCAL NON -TRUCK TRAFFIC AREA CONSULTANT. NOT TO SCALE CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPACRON TESDNG 6.0' 30' 30' 18 REVERSE CROWN 0.5' Curbing 4"CONC. (TYPICAL) SIDEWALK SPRCEG CL (TYPICAL) 3" of S9.5A ASPHALT GRASSED TYPE 'A" I � 8 ABC BASE COURSE AREA CURB I NOTE xfTr.• TYPICAL PARKING BAY SECTION PAVEMENT NCREA DOPE RECOMMEENNDARON OF GEOIfCHNICAL TRUCK TRAFFIC AREA CONSULTANT. NOT TO SCALE CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPACDON TESDNG Ali NpS F %exd \ eCUNogRY 00/ pet t 2�01 A18 / \ TRUCK TRAFFIC AREA, SEE "NOTE WELL: FOR PAVEMENTIL ALL HOTEL ROOF DRAINAGE SECTION. R I WHERE REVERSE CROWN 1, R IS REWIRED GUTTER SHALL SLOPE AWAY AS SHOWN ' MOST APPLICATIONS 1 1/4' R IN PARKING LOT \ STANDARD CURB SECTION TYPE "Aft TO BE DIRECTED INTO STORM WATER SYSTEM AS SHOWN. GENERAL NOTES: 1. This mop is not for conveyance, recordation, or sales. 2. A portion of this section of property is located within a 100 year flood hazard area according to Flood Insurance Rote Map Community ID# 3720 panel 2196 suffix J effective dote June 2, 2006. and not field verified. Additional topo from HOS, August 2007. 3. This property is zoned Town of Leland C-2. 4. Sewer service to be NBSD (public). Water service to be NBSD publi 6.THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN 2000' OF AN EXISTING N.C. GRID MONUMENT /i 1111110tu:l / 0 10 �/ � O SE��P661 Nd NOTE WELL: 1. ROAD IS CROWN. 2. PARKING LOT IS INVERTED CROWN, 0' 20' 40' 60' SCALE 1"= 20' 2 REVISED PER NCDENR-DEH COMMENTS 7/2/08 1 REVISED PER NCDENR-DWQ COMMENTS 6/18/08 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE Copyright Q. Here", Design S cee. P.A., M rights resrwd. Reproduction or use of the contents of this dowment, r additions or delelkna to this do terwrt, In whole sr Part, without written consent of the l d Surveyor or Englnee, 1s prohlbited. aMY caber from the orlginol of this document, marked with the original signawre and original seal of the Sum,or or Englher, shtll be considered to be wild and has cables. '( K / ME R /n ( 4) v I ' /3 / SSSIOGPN NH♦ „KBRFNIYFG IE G �NG DO IEG SNG WALL BY OTHERS � iOI`' p ` -URB/&- TYPICAL) Lo :RE/0VE EXIS PIP /TD �D N E/R/ I GUTTER C AY CDATE NE CONNECTI I Imo- ♦ Z / ACTOR TO M CH Z ING GRADES OR LJ \ AEENT & CUR ING. W W ♦♦ � cc� ' ♦� � HOC pe 2 4' / \ ` PROPOSED / all CURB &GUTTER I �A 34 (TYPICAL) \\ \ O \ y REWALL INING A31\ / OBY OTHERS /Y o � •Lr. cP i R� FG%2lo o F A30 \ G� J cP p 3gSPPOESZN•O 1 NEC' ENGINEER WC{-vD � �� \ { 1 c � RP \ R AININ ( CGH\ZE�p�Y OF WALL ppEO SYSSEMS BY OTy-IERS y0\LOPN pOStt\uE 3 N, � .�1vz4iiG1D/`\ to \�29 ♦ '\ t6 / ; / //jam \\�♦` A- 0 �4 � sew— RETAINING BY OTHERS OFB(V p22 F2ECEIVEiJ JUL 1 0 2008 �s3 �C\ 5 sr20 \ A2 BY: Iy �633� UTILITIES PLAN WEST GATE BEST WESTERN HOTEL & RESTAURANT LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ate, §, ARO ��ro trweQea»sraoe «� SEAL w 20007 --'"I - CO.0a dhollis @ hdsilm.com OWNER: SANKEY PROPERTIES, LLC P.D. Box 847 Clorkton, NC 28433 phone:910-862-5812 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS TT TT • 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343 8002 �25 Date; 2-08 Scale: i"= 20' Drown: DBB Checked: DSH Project N.: 6309 8W-U3 Sheet No: 3 Of: 9 IF: \AII\West Gate\base-6309-best western.dwg (Layout U-3) Storm-1 3 -I 2 - 1 24 24 rn 00 -. DO ° JEx, - _J - PROPO ED _ EXISTING GRAD GRAE E 21 21 ---- 18 _- - 18 ISLE 1 "RCPZ I 0.09% 40 F 18" CP 2LF 1 "RC_ - - _ - 0 3T, @ 0. o __ o - lr'i 15- II 0 15 w _ w w r II I - 12 0 30 0 60 0 90 1+20 1+50 1+80 2 10 2 40 2 70 12 Storm-3 7 I D6 24 - Q .T -- .4__ � 24 EXIS ING - _ `\\ GRA E 21 ' 21 ` PR POSED i - G ADE- 18 - - - - 18 - 11.OLF 18 RC 0.45 P. 15 - 15 / 0 _ � I Ui 12 i/ Ui, - 12 0 30 0 60 1 0 90 1 1+20 1+50 1+180 2+10 2 40 2 70 Storm-4 21 _ - 21 Z -w Il rn II LJ rn ROPOS Il D rn J JII GRADE < J - I _. - l.1 18 - -- I - - - 18 EXISTI G GRACE - - - 15 -- - _ _ -_ 15 �14OLF 87RCP 0.36 / Water -Northern Line _ 0 _ - n 12 __ D 12 - 00 (I w --- - � I 9 it 0 30 1 0 60 0 90 1+20 1 1+50 1+80 2410 2 40 1 24170 9 _I E 1STfNG 24 -GRADE c- -- �_ 24 PROPOSED _. GRADE - - 21 21 ._. -.-.._ _.-. _ - -_ -MAI TAIN __ ... _ Propose 8" DIP MAIN ._. - - CLE - - JRANCE 1 8 1 8 SEWER SEE NOTES N BEGI SEE NOTES ON _ ---- _ _ -- CO - ER SH T j _ i -_.--- NEW MAIN - -- ---- -- -COVER SHEET INVOLVIN i i UTILITY CROSSIP GS - -g ATER_MAIN__ - - -- _ PVC- 15 - - - 15 Exlstlng-- ermlt 20LEOf DIP -- -- --- -- -- - -- --- - - DEHngF IN_ 00 t227 8"WATER .. MAINI __ .. --. - CONNECT 8" MAI CHLORI ATE T 145 GATE _ VALVE 15 0 1 0 75 1+05 1+35 1+65 1+95 2 25 1 2+55 2 85 3 15 3 45 3 75 WATER SYSTEM WEST GATE -Best Western Hotel & Restaurant PIPE SUMMARY NORTHERN LINE 410 LF 81PVC SOUTHERN LINE 185 LF 81PVC HYDRANT & FIRE SERVICE LINES 130 LF 6'PVC RESTAURANT SERVICE LINE 100 LF 21PVC HOTEL WATER SERVICE LINE 25 LF 4'PVC HOTEL FIRE SERVICE LINE 25 LF 8'PVC TOTAL WATER 100 LF OF 2' WATER MAIN TOTAL 25 LF OF 4' WATER MAIN TOTAL 130 LF OF 6' WATER MAIN TOTAL 620 LF OF 8' WATER MAIN TOTAL IF: \AII\West Gate\base-6309-best western.dwg (Layout Profiles-4) 3 REVISED PER NCDENR-DEH COMMENTS 7/2/08 2 REVISED PER NBSD COMMENTS 5/2/08 1 UPDATED STORM SEWER 2/13/08 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE Capright p, Huo. D..pn Servke., PA, NI right. re.erved. Reproductbn or u.. of q. content. of thl, document. or oddltbn. or d.l.tbn. to this mIn x docuent, ole en pat, wlgoul wrltlconsent of qa Land Surveyor a En9ineer, 6 pmhblted. only copies from tne spinal of thi. document, morked MO M. oh hol .Igimtur. aal orig4ol .1 of qe surveyor or En9h.eq shall De conWd..d to b valid and true copl .. WE WEST GATEIBEST WESTERN STORM SEWER SUMMARY1T❑ EXISTING POND LINE DIA LEN INV INV SLOPE GRATE GRATE ID IN LF EL. EL. % ELEV ELEV # (DW) (UP) (DW) (UP) -------------------------- EX TO 1 16 32 16.05 16 15 0 31 18 2 18 7 1 TO 2 18 40 16. 15 16, 30 0. 37 16. 7 18. 8 2 TO 3 18 215 16. 30 16. 50 0. 09 18. 8 18. 9 3 TO 4 18 112 16. 50 16, 60 0, 09 18. 9 19, 7 4 TO 5 18 98 16. 60 16. 70 0. 10 19. 7 19. 7 5 TO 6 18 188 16, 70 16. 90 0. 11 19. 7 19. 7 STORM SEWER SUMMARY1NEW POND LINE DIA LEN INV INV SLOPE GRATE GRATE ID IN LF EL. EL. % ELEV ELEV # (DW) (UP) (DW) (UP) ------------------------------ OUT TO 7 18 24 11.50 13.00 6.25 END 17.9 7 TO 10 18 88 13.00 13,50 0.57 17.9 17.9 7 TO 8 18 114 13, 50 14. 50 0. 88 17. 9 18. 4 8 TO 9 18 110 14. 50 15. 00 0. 45 18. 4 16. 4 10 TO 11 18 140 13. 50 14. 00 0, 36 17, 9 16. 9 NOTE:CURB INLET BOXES TO BE SIZED AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE MULTIPLE PIPES. RECEIVED JUL 10 2008 BY: PROFILES WEST GATE BEST WESTERN HOTEL & RESTAURANT LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Yi,0 pG�4&E "ad9feF . qS` goL�vOyi�ROZ#'q�'P.' c''''°rs=,y �e�qsqq{�l.•i v$i{}�"�ey�seg� r• 'a# 'p' e _� 20007 dhollis c OWNER: SANKEY PROPERTIES, LLC P.O. Box 847 Clarkton, NC 28433 phone:910-862-5812 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS _! 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Date: 1-22-08 Scale: HORZ: 1 30' VER T.: 1 r= 3' Drawn: 088 Chocked: DSH Project No: 6309 BW-P4 Sheet No: 4 Of: 9 S t NOTES FOR WATER SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION 1. ALL WATER MAINS TO BE SDR21 PVC PIPE WITH PUSH ON JOINTS. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIALS REQUIRED. 2. 3' MINIMUM COVER ON ALL WATER MAINS. 3. LOCATE ALL METER SETTINGS 5' FROM LOT LINE UNLESS OTERWISE NOTED. 4. ALL COMMERCIAL WATER SERVICE LINES TO TO BE 2" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL AS SHOWN. 6. BLOW OFF ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL AS SHOWN. 7. ALL BENDS AND TEES SHALL BE ADEQUATELY BLOCKED (SEE COUNTY DETAIL). 8. ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING WATER LINE AND BORES TO BE DONE ACCORDING TO NORTH BRUNSWICK SANITARY DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS. 9. ALL MAINS SHALL BE ADEQUATELY FLUSHED, PRESSURE TESTED, AND DISINFECTED IN ACCORDACE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. 10. ALL WORK SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER, NORTH BRUNSWICK SANITARY DISTRICT ENGINEERING DEPT. AND THE N.C. DEPT. OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL NATURAL RESOURCES, A PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE IS REQUIRED. CONTACT: J. SCOTT LEWIS (910) 371-9949. 11. ALL WATER SYSTEM WORK SHALL BE DONE TO NORTH BRUNSWICK SANITARY DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS. NOTE: DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REQUIRED BY THE TOWN OF LELAND AND THE NORTH BRUNSWICK SANITARY DISTRICT (NBSD). THIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, BUT RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL APPLICABLE COUNTY AND STATE CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. GENERAL NOTES 1, NO EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN ANY STREAM, DITCH OR DRAINAGE -WAY. 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION BEGINS, 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WHILE CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS, 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR STABILIZATION OF ALL DISTURBED AREAS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LA DOWN & STOCKPILE AREAS (TO ARRANGE AND INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LOCAL AND STATE REGULATIONS). EXISTING GROUND ''. COMPACTED BACKFILL TO 12" 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR - - IF UNDER PAVEMENT CO CO < S COMPACTED BACKFILL TO 90% MODIFIED PROCTOR LOPE WALLS TO ANGLE OF REPOSE OF SOIL OR AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER 6" COMPACTED PIPE EMBEDMENT TO 90% MODIFIED PROCTOR 0 - COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL a. PIPE WIDTH +24" TRENCH BOTTOM STANDARD PIPE NTS TRENCH DETAIL FULL 18' JOINT 6' PIPE SEE THRUST BLOCK HYDRANT DETAIL FOUR RODDING OD a ypal a TO MAIN TIE BOLTS HYDRANT LUGS RETAINER CLAMP JOINT RESTRAINT HYDRANT TO 1ST FULL JOINT OF PIPE SEE THRUST BLOCK HYDRANT DETAIL FOR RODDING w a ooaoo a aO s TE BOLTS JOINT RESTRAINT HYDRANT TO MAIN TEE GUIDELINES FOR HYDRANT JOINT RESTRAINT NTS ARKED: SANITARY SEWER OR STORM DRAIN AS REQUIRED �yv TOP OF COVER STANDARD MANHOLE A IJ�Ta d� A a RING AND COVER 7/8„ OTTOM OF COVER NTS 5/8" PLAN 2'-1" 1'-11 3/4" NOTE: 1'-11 1/2 RING AND COVER CONTACT 0'-3 1/8" SURFACES SHALL BE O'-2 1/,3 MACHINED TO INSURE 0'-7 1/2" EVEN BEARING OF 0'-1" COVER AND RING. V-8 3/8" 0'-D 1/2" MINIMUM WEIGHTS 0'-4 1/8" 0'-4 1/8" RING 261 LBS. 1'-9 5/8" 0'-5 1/2" COVER 120 LBS. 0'-5 1/2" V-10 1/4" SECTION "A -A" 2'-9 1/4" MARKED: SANITARY SEWER ALTERNATE AS REQUIRED STANDARD MANHOLE TOP OF COVER RING AND COVER � A A NTS OTTOM OF COVER 1/2" 1/2 NOTE: PLAN RING & COVER CONTACT SURFACES SHALL BE MACHINED SO AS TO V-11 3/4" INSURE EVEN BEARING 0'-1" 2' -1 1 4" 1'-11 1/2" OF COVER ON RING 0'-2 3/4"-� 00'31 1/2" / MINIMUM WEIGHTS; 0'-2 1/8„ 4' 0'-7 1 2' RING 1 LBS. 0'-4 3 / / � COVER 120 LBS. 0'-0 1/2" V-10 1/4" 0'-0 1/2" 2'-D 1/2"' 2'-9 1/4" SECTION "A -A" DEWEY BROS. NO. MH-RCR-2001 -�__-_-----_ _--__---____- --_______-- I r-- I INSULATED USC APPROVED REDUCED CB�EER tA55 PRESSURE ZONE (RPZ) j 1 I�_ SACKFLOW PREVENTER 12" I ASSEMBLY 1 1 FLANGED I COUPLING Q DRESSER 11 I 1 & ADAPTER �•, COUPLING I I I I FINISHED GRADE '., "^ I I I � ,.,... s w I SLOPE 10 SUMP 1 I _M:: FINISHED GRADE •+ r q 8"LONG PA)• r.V' / \/ `• + ..: SUMP, No.57 CONC BLDCK..' WASHED STONE ORT SUP FILLPW% GROUT 3 APPROVED RPZ BACKFLOW PREVENIERS REWIRED FOR ALL SERVICES OVER 1" OIA,tETER NOTE: USC APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTERS REQUIRED ON ANY SERVICE DETAIL - BACKFLOW PREVENTER LINES OVER 1" DIAMETER. N.T.S. USE USC APPROVED MODEL. FEBCO MODEL 860 MASTER SERIES RPZ OR APPROVED EQUIVALENTS C 4 l G 1 C(SQ) MIN. N 6" i T• MIN. D(SQ) C A A PUN BENDS PLAN AND ELEVATION SMNOR PLAN PLUGS SWAPS TEES 45' Ia - O MIN: ED SECTION C-C D(SQ) BENDS AND TEES "goowL Ws' runs .....amen �Avl.r T.a PAn, 45' VERTICAL BENDS who . c cass. PIPE I)-- 9IT BENDS 45' BENDS 22 1/2' BENDS TEES PLUGS 45'VERT. A I B I A 1 R A B A B C D D 3 8' 10" 5" 10 3" B° 5" 12" 6" 14' 21 0.2 4" 8 10 5' 10 3" e 5 12 6 t4 21 0.2 9° 8 6 8 12 8 10" 20 27" 0.4 B" 14-1 12" 12' 10 8 12' 14" }2 12 26 33 0.8 STANDARD THRUST BLOCKING N.T.S. CLEANOUT FRAME & COVER I � I I I 3/4' II II 6 15 i6" II II r FINISHED GRADE TOP VIEW -T � "*4 3 SSA\\ 1 1/a• MINIMUM OF B" BETWEEN 3/e' CAP & COVER I NOTE: 9 7/8 1. BOX EQUIVALENT TO 5 1/2' ENNIS ENTERPRISES NO. EEVB-001 2. STD. WEIGHT 30 LBS, 4" PIPE Z < 4"-45' BEND s x 18" NIPPLE & /1J\� / GLUED CAP STANDARD CLEANOUT N.T.S. IF:\AII\West Gate\bose-6309-best western.dwg (Layout Details-S) 4" WYE I I I I \ / BRICK EXTENSION EX STACK /\Y FINISHED GRADE _ CASTING PLAN VIEW VIEWEN VIEW AGE N.T.S. CASTING CONCRETE COLLAR I' a" MOrTM OVER FAIGE STANDARD BRICK MORTAR 1' THIS NSTAUIWN REQUIRED WEN:. VALK BOXES AND CLEMOUTS PRE AND C CASTING LfVANE BOX !EXTENSION!EXTENSION!EXTENSIONLOCATED N PRESENT DR FUTURE D MERFO PRR PAVED AREAS. PMOR TO SETTING V&W hu". CAIRNS, NEW INSTALIATWS DOLL SEWER CLEAJIW CASTC REWIRE WIL COMPAGTOII OF CENTERED OVER STACI(. BACKFILL IN 6' Um. CLEANOUT OR VALVE IN PAVED AREA N.T.S. STANDARD SIDEWALK DETAIL NTS P e� P .VP ^70 Q 6' or 8' WIDE DRIPLINE I i `4_3' MIN. STAKE PROTECTIVE BARRIER y HEIGHT ABOVE OTECTI E B E s GRADE TREES TO BE SAVED WILL BE CLEARLY MARKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND A PROTECTIVE BARRIER IS TO BE INSTALLED AT THE DRIPLINE. DRIP LINE - THE AREA OF SOIL DIRECTLY BENEATH THE TREE EXTENDING OUT TO THE TIPS OF THE OUTERMOST BRANCHES. NTS METHOD OF TREE PROTECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION TREE PROTECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION 1. 00 NOT COMPACT SOIL BENEATH TREES. NO VEHICLE SHALL BE ALLOWED TO PARK UNDER TREES. NO HEAVY MATERIALS SHALL BE STORED BENEATH TREES, RESULTS OF COMPACTION CAUSE WATER AND AIR NOT TO REACH THE ROOTS AND THE TREE WILL DIE, THESE "FEEDING ROOTS" OCCUR WELL AWAY FROM THE BASE OF THE TREE TO THE EDGE OF THE OVERHEAD BRANCH CANOPY. DAMAGING THE BARK WITH LAWNMOWERS, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, OR ANYTHING ELSE IS PROHIBITED. APROTECTIVE BARRIER SHOULD PREVENT DAMAGE FROM OCCURING DURING CONSTRUCTION, 2. NO CUTTING OF LARGE STRUCTURAL ROOTS LOCATED NEAR THE BASE OF THE TRUNK. THESE ARE ESSENTIAL IN SUPPORTING THE TREE AND HOLDING IT UPRIGHT IN HIGH WINDS. REMOVAL OF THESE ROOTS ALONG ONE SIDE IS OFTEN DONE BECAUSE OF A WALK, PAVING OR BUILDING WHICH IS BEING CONSTRUCTED. 3. AVOID CUT AND FILL WITHIN DIAMETER OF TREE CROWN DURING EXCAVATION. EXPANSION JOINT T 30'INTERVALS(TYP) tki I k kjL Q i i 1" SCORE(TYP) k*L A i {.*]L y $ 4"THICK 3000 PSI CONCRETE THREADED GALVANIZED STEEL (8)#4 REBAR THRUST COLLAR SEE "TIE ROD SCHEDULE" FOR 4 EACH WAY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF TIE ROD, M.J.CAP OR OTHER -- ---- ---- .L. M.J.FITTING 11e el I D DIP L* I O II •,I. I 1 '. ---- I 3„� _________ __ � ► W AND DIP TAP I U AND BRASS NIPPLE THRUST RING FOR 2"LINE EXTENSION THRUST COLLAR SHALL BE FORMED USING 1/2-EXTERIOR PLYWOOD AS PER COLLAR DIMENSIONS SHOWN, TIE ROD SCHEDULE COLLAR DIMENSIONS TIE ROD PIPE DIAM, OUAN, SIZE SIZE LINE MIN.W MIND PLATE DIAM. 4" 2 5/8" 4" 6" L+8" L+2" 6" 2 3/4 6" 9" L+9" L+3" 8" 2 3/4 8" 12" L+9" L+3" 12" 4 3/4' 12" 180 L+9" L+3" 16" 4 7/8" 16" 18" L+9" L+3" 20' 4 1 20" 20" L+9" L+3" 24" 4 1-1/4" 24" 24" L+10" L+4" 30" 4 1-1/2" 30" 24" L+11" L+5" • CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DISTANCE WITH COLLAR SUPPLIERS. THRUST COLLAR NTS elor- 2" ASPHALT TYPE "1" EXISTING PAVEMENT N.C.D.O.T, SPEC. \ EXISTING PAVEMENT 6" COMPACTED MARL BASE 1 (D.O.T. REQUIRES 8") DITCH LINE DITCH LINE (FP IPE NOTES: • BACKFILL TO BE INSTALLED IN 6" LIFTS MAXIMUM). AND COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM DENSITY OF 5% AS DETERMINED BY THE MODIFIED A.A.S.H.T.O. STANDARD METHOD T-99 • CUT - BACK TO BE PREPARED AFTER TRENCH BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION STANDARD SHOWING METHOD MAKING PAVEMENT REPAIRS WHERE PIPE INSTALLED NIS r- GENERAL NOTES I. LOCATION OF WHEELCHAIR RAMPS: 1. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RATIFIED HOUSE BILL 1298, ALL SWEET CURBS IN NORTH CARWNA BEING CONSTRUCTED OR RECONSTUCTEO FOR MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES TRAFFIC OPERATION REPAIRS CORRECTION T F P R S, RECTIO OF UTILITIES 0R ALTERED OR ANY REASON AFTER SE TEMBE 1973 SMALL PROVIDE WHEELCHIR RAMPS FOR WE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED AT ALL INTERSECTIONS NHEITE ROW CURB AND GUTTER AND SIDEWAlU(S ME FRONDED AND AT OTHER MAJOR POINTS OF PEDESTRIAN FLOW. 2. WMEELCHAR RAMPS SHOULD BE LOCATED AS INDICATED IN DETAIL DRAWINGS, HOWEVER EXISTING LIGHT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, DROP INLETS. ETC. MAY AFFECT PLACEMENT, $1. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. NO SLOPE SHALL EXCEED 1'-1' (12:1) ON WE RAMP OR SIDEWALK. 2 IN NO CASE SHALL THE WIDTH OF WHEELCHAIR RAMPS BE LESS THAN 40- (3--4-} WIDTHS MAY EXCEED 40- IF NECESSARY. 3. USE CLASS 'A' CONCRETE WITH WE SURFACE HAVING A REA CH. NON-SKID TYPE FINISH. 4. 1/2' EXPANSION JOINT WiLL BE REWIRED WHERE WE CONCRETE WHEELCHAIR RAMP JOINS MY RIGID PAVEMENT OR STRUCTURE. 5. CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM ANTI THOSE OF WE GOVERNING BODY WHICH HAS JURISDICTION OF THE PMTIWLAL STREET. III, ADDITIONAL NOTES: I. WE INSIDE PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK LINES SHALL BE ESTABUMED BY BISECTING WE INTERSECTION RADI WHERE MARKED (SEE NOTE 6). 2. WE WHEELCHAW RAMP SHALL BE LOCATED SO THAT THE BEGNNING OF THE WHEEL CHAR RAMP WILL BE TWO FEET FROM THE INSIDE PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK UNE 3. WE 1NDW OF WE PEDESTRIAN CROSWALK SHALL BE 10 FEET UNLESS A GREATER WIDTH IS REWIRED TO ACCOMMODATE WE PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC. 4, STOP BARS SHALL BE USED WHERE IT IS IMPORTANT TO INDICATE WE POINT BEHIND WIN VEHICLES ME REQUIRED TO STOP IN COMPUANCE WIN A TRAFFIC SCNAL, STOP SIGN, OR OTHER LEGAL REOUIREMENTS, 5. PARKING SHALL BE ELIMINATED A MINIMUM OF 20 FEET BACK OF PEDESTRAN CRCSSWALX. C ALL PAVEMENT MMKINGS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE MW WE LATEST EDITION OF THE MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES PUBLISHED BY WE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION. WIS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS, U.S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTO. D.C. 20402. GUIDELINES FOR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS U-8 1//4§'" / 0-0 11/16" V-2 1/4- T 0'-7 1/4' o 0-11 7/8" aaa o 0'-6 11 16" QAa oR 0'-0 1/2" 0'-0 1/8" b SaI/1 0'-O ELAN. 00'-0 3/4" 0�6 11 /16"DIA.0,-0 1/I " 0._ / 0-0 1/24 0'-7„ 0-0 1 2' n 0'-0 5/16" 0 p _j 8" 1 0 -4 1 0'-0 1/2" 0'-0 1/2" SECTION "A -A" \ 0; 10" 0'-6 1/2" DIA, 1 I 1-6 1/4" GREY WVC 6HD CAST IRON OR EQUAL 1 SECTION 'a -A" HEAVY DUTY 0 0'-8 1/4" MINIMUM WEIGHTS 0'-7 3 4" BOX 1400 LLB9. 0-11 �/8" EXTENSION 40 LBS. VALVE BOX LID EXTENSION ...a--- ..... .� NTS FINISH GRADE THRUST COLLAR MIN, COVER 3.5' DIP DIP SEE COUNTY THRUST 3/4" THREADED STEEL COLLAR DETAIL BELOW i/ vt RODS (TYP.) 3" 3" SEE COUNTY THRUST 3" 3• COLLAR DETAIL BELOW AND FOR RODDING CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK (TYP,) ROD REQUIREMENTS AS PER NORTH BRUNSWICK SANITARY DISTRICT GENERAL NOTES: 1. ONCE INSTALLED AND TIGHT, THE STEEL RODS AND BOLTS SHALL BE COATED WITH TWO COATS OF BITUMINOUS BASE PAINT, 2. CONCRETE SHALL NOT CONTACT BOLTS OR ENDS OF MECHANICAL JOINT BENDS. 3, TYPICAL MIN. CLEARANCE BETWEEN CONCRETE AND END OF BOLT MUST BE 3". 4. APPROVED OFFSETS CAN BE USED IN THIS APPLICATION. STANDARD VERTICAL BEND NITS CASTING NTS AS 2"MJXMJ 4700 SERIES 2"CORP. GATE VALVE STOP - IRON PIPE VALVE BOX WITH 2" SOUARE THREADED INLET NUT, OPENS WITH IP COMPRESSION RIGHT OUTLET NOTE: MJ PLUG TO BE RESTRAINED RESTRAINT JOINT GLAND SEE VALVE BOX BODY WITH DUCTILE IRON CASTING BASE SCREWS, BREAK -AWAY HEAD DETAILS, ABOVE TO ENSURE PROPER TORQUE 8"MJ CAP TAPPED 2" PVC OR OIP PIPE 2"PVC CL200 A :I�'"`'•-"+ CONC.BLOCKING 418"LONG 'MAX. STD.B"MJ GASKET 2"DIA. BRASS PIPE SCHDAD PLAIN END 8" TOT" WATERLINE CONNECTION ASSEMBLY VNTH TAPPEDCAP SO 4-27 NTS RING PLAN VIEW COVER PLAN VIEW (BOTTOM) 0'-0 1/2" V-4 1/4" DIA. 0'-0 1/2" 0'-1" D'-D 7/8" V-3 1/4" DIA. 0'-7 1/2" 0'-0 7/8" 0'-6 5/8" 0'-0 3/8'4 V-3 1/4" DIA. "�0D-4' 66' " SECTION 'A -A' MONUMENT NTS VAR SEE OBSTRUCTION DETAIL SIDEWALK AD(VAR) PLAZA(VAR}-- SEE NOTE(TYP) VAR VAR 10' MIN PED-X-ING a ,♦ SEE NOTE 2(TYP)';.:..`"':I 4,-0„ 2'-0" TYPICAL LOCATION OF WHEELCHAIR PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS & STOP BARS GUIDELINES FOR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DEPRESSED CURBS(A) NTS CRUSHED 6" GATE VALVE SEE COUNTY THRUST BLOCK ROCK \ AND -BOX DETAIL E-FOR RODDING DRAIN y.Li.-_-____ TEE OR CROSS PLAN BLOCK BLOCK D ,L N.T.S. PAY LIMIT FOR HYDRANT INSTALLATION HYDRANT AS VARIES SPECIFIED 1.0' MUELLER OR (TTPICAL) AMERICAN ARCING ® a MIRK (RED IN COLOR) m o HYDRANT A BARREL CRUSHED ?I�VALVEBOX ROCK PIPE BENDING DRAIN o AS SPECIFIED H GATE I VALVE UNDISTURBED TEE OR CROSS EARTH (TYP.) WITH BLOCKING II' " SEE COUNTY THRUST BLOCK DETAIL FOR RODDING CONCRETE THRUST CONCRETE BASE BLOCK 20"X20"X4" MIN. 18"x18"x6" MIN. ELEVATION VALVE BLOCKING N.T.S. HYDRANT INSTALLATION NTS 1 REVISED PER NCDENR-DWQ COMMENTS 6/18/08 1 REVISED PER NBSD COMMENTS 5/2/08 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE Copyright Q. Hanover Design Sar" , P,A., All rights served. Repreduetbn b use of the contents of this documant ddltbna w "000Aa to this document N Whole r part, without written consent of the Land Surveyr or Engineer. M pmhiblted. Only copies from Me Original of this document, markad with the original signature min original seal of the Surveyor or EngHmat shall be cansitlNed to be volts and true copies. A A J COVER PLAN VIEW TOP SECTION 'B-B' 16 1/16" DIA. AT TOP 10 1/2" DIA, 0'-0 1 8"O'-0 1/8 6" DIA. 1 0'-0 1/2" 0'-1 7/8" 7/6" 0'-2 1 /8" 0'-0 1 /8" 0'-0 1/2" 0'-2 3/8" 1/16' 15 7/8" DIA. 0'-0 1/2 AT BOTTOM 0'-0 5/8" PART OF SECTION 0'-0 3/8" ENLARGED G.R. ENNIS & SON NO. MBX-GRE-16 MINIMUM AVERAGE WEIGHT RING 120 LBS. COVER 40 LBS. MONUMENT NTS 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT B STRIPCURB 5z F CURB 10,-0" MIN EXCEED 12. PED-X-ING PLAN VIEW WHEELCHAIR RAMP GUIDELINES FOR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DEPRESSED CURBS(B) NTS SIDEWALK 4'-0" 3'-4" 4'-0" SCORE VAR VAR VAR 2:1 MAX STEEL T POSTS P 1.25 LEAF 5' LENGTH MAXIMUM SEE NARRATIVE FOR 4' SPACING SECURE WIRE MESH MORE DETAIL AND 19 GAUGE TO POSTS AT TOP, ALTERNATE METHODS. HARDWARE CLOTH MIDDLE AND BOTTpA� 1INI MESH OPENINGS MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 2 FEET - �il�l■ a. e • !=1 R'.' ail: __�_ {,���YII��Y�T If:A will T� re 'M IA.FAI I• - • • /I • 50 NTS PRACTICE 6.51 RECEIVED JUL 10 2008 BY: DETAILS WEST GATE BEST WESTERN HOTEL & RESTAURANT LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 4 A,Yaass+ne,e," qq � Ca QE ML 20007' -Gf).t dhollis 0 OWNER: SANKEY PROPERTIES, LLC P.O. Box 847 Clarkton, NC 28433 phone:910-862-5812 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURI/EYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Date: Scale: 22-08 As Shown Drawn: DBB Checked: DSH Project No: 6309 BW-Details-5 Sheet No: 5 Of: i WEST GATE BEST WESTERN HOTEL RESTAURANT TO WNE LAKE DRIVE, LELAND, N.C. TRACT 2R& 13R OF WEST GATE Erosion & Sediment Control and Water Quality Plan LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: JANUARY2006 SCALE. 9"= 50' LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 140,260 sf, 3.22 Acres OWNER / DEVELOPER: SANKEY PROPERTIES, LLC P.O. Box 847 Clarkton, NC 28433 910-862-5812 ARCHITECT: MICHAEL R. MCLEOD, ARCHITECT, PA 13-A HAMPSTEAD VILLAGE HAMPSTEAD, N.C. 28443 910-270-9778 SEE PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED / PROJECTS DWQ# SW8 990807 DEH-WATER# 0001227 / DEH-WATER# 0501029 WQ 0017916 PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES - 1. TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CE Practice 6.06 Shall be installed at the entrances of the proposed project in and from Towne Loke Drive as shown. Drainage is away from the road and sedimentation will be controlled with downstream practices. During wet weather it may be necessary to wash truck tires at these locations. 2. LAND GRADING Practice 6.02 Grading should be limited to areas as shown on the Plans. Cut and fill slopes shall be 3:1 or flatter except where specifically indicated. Core shall be taken during land grading activities not to damage existing trees that ore not required to be removed. 3. SEDIMENT FENCE Practice 6.62 SF Sediment fencing should be Installed as shown on the Pion, first, to delineate and protect low areas, and around any X-X-X temporary stockpile areas as necessary to prevent any graded interior areas from eroding onto adjacent lands or roadway, or into inlets. 4. OUTLET STABILIZATION 6.41 OPractice Q P i e located at the downstream end of RI ro aprons will b P P P all discharge pipes to prevent scour. 5. CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION Practice 6,80 Upon reaching final grade and after utilities have been installed, roadways and parking areas are to be stabilized by placing sub -base course of approved 8° ABC stone, as shown in the typical cross-section detail on the Plan, to reduce erosion and dust during the remainder of building construction. 6. SEDIMENT BASIN S.B Practice 6.61 The Sediment Basins are to be constructed (see Construction Schedule) as the primary Practice to prevent sediment from leaving the site. Detailed design and spillway configurations are specified in the details as shown on this Pion and the Narrative. The PVC outlet is to be blocked during sedimentation function (or not installed) until entire watershed is permanently stabilized and pond Is converted to permanent stormwater management detention / retention function. The Contractor may choose to Install the oriface during sedimentation function, ONLY if he screens the end and protects the inlet with #57 stone. 7 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH / BERM: TD Practice 6.20 Diversion channel is to be installed as shown on the Plan to receive runoff from disturbed areas and divert it to the Sediment Basin as shown. 8. INLET PROTECTION O Practice 6.51 IF Storm sewer inlet barriers of hardware cloth and gravel inlet protection are to be constructed to help prevent sediment from entering the storm sewer system. After permanent stabilization of the entire contributing watershed area, the storm sewer system is to be flushed to remove accumulated sediment and ensure design flows. 2• 24' 3 f 171� 11 Ill T�1=f- 1� FLOW FROM SITE Vegetate immediately 3 ` Existing Ground DETAIL TEMPORARY DIVERSION-�-2,-�'- Practice 6.20 T- Runoff Flow Direction _ TD NOTE: TEMPORARY DIVERSION SHALL MAINTAIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE TEMPORARY DIVERSION TO SEDIMENT BASIN. PLAN SYMBOL WEST GATU BEST WESTERN STORM _SEWER -SUMMARY_TD_ EXISTING_ POND_____ - LINE DIA LEN INV INV SLOPE GRATE GRATE ID IN LF EL. EL. 7. ELEV ELEV #(DW)- (UP)(DW)===(UP)- EX TO 1 18 32 16.05 1& 15 0.31 18.2 18.7 1 TO 2 18 40 16.15 16.30 0.37 18.7 18,8 2 TO 3 18 215 16.30 16.50 0.09 18.8 18.9 3 TO 4 18 112 16.50 16,60 0.09 18.9 19.7 4 TO 5 18 98 16.60 16.70 0.10 19.7 19.7 5 TO 6 18 188 16.70 16,90 0.11 19.7 19: 7 STORM SEWER SUMMARYINEW POND LINE DIA LEN INV INV SLOPE GRATE GRATE ID IN LF EL. EL. % ELEV ELEV # (DW) (UP) (DW) (UP) OUT TO 7 18 24 11.50 13.00 6.25 END 17.9 7 TO 10 18 88 13.00 13.50 0,57 17.9 17.9 7 TO 8 18 114 13.50 14.50 0.88 17.9 18.4 8 TO 9 18 110 14.50 15.00 0.45 16.4 18.4 10 TO 11 18 140 13.50 14.00 0.36 17,9 16.9 NOTE:CURB INLET BOXES TO BE SIZED AS NECESSARY TO MULTIPLE PIPES. 2 ?a,e` LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE we+•�,E �As / Un"Y"Nr =3.22 Acres i PROPERTY OWNER tyt` FUNSTON LAND and TIMBER, LLC. TRACT 1 5 ZONED C•2 / ,dye �` �� cj / // )•� / 'a. �E, / �\ 4 TRACT 2R 4) gno sa a. Ronexs ta , zAo AD \ `$ A b HOTEL v wawFsshc. b , ` l \ b 3 / MOTEL TOWER (55' HEIGHT) .. \ / 5 STORY b N b °g'aira .. - H _ ss•le• w,` .i, ra 100OOOM e 18,725 SIF r RRegulated Wetlands Area PRQPo510114 a- WEfV1DB1e4aNNMICH®) ✓ s P _ affi� TOWN LIMITS OF LELAND ra O/ , ?Pig' � CAMERON TRACT M.B. 17 PG. 167 ���./ • \ 1 R SO/ 100 YEAR FLOOD LINEN ly Per HDS Feld Survey / August 2007 - DATUM CONVERSION: • \ MAID 8e - NOYD N + ) , 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE \ Per Flood Insurance Rate Map Community ID# 3720 panel 2196 suffix J effective date June 2, 2006. LINE BEARING DfSTANCE L32 S 30'l1'46" E 25.00' L33 S 30-11'45" E 25.00' CURVE RADIUS ARC L. CHORD L. CHORD BEARING C1 310.00' 10.79' 10.79' S 60'02'06" W C2 285.00' 123 27' 122.32' N 46'34'47" E C3 335.DO' 14563' 144.48' S 46'38'31" W C4 425.00' 121.94' 121.52' N 38'24'56" W C5 375.00' 124.78' 124.21' N 3943'43" W C6 375.00' 110,49' 110.09' S 57'42'07" E C7 310.00' 134.45' 133.40' S 46'36'48" W C8 425.00' 24.28' 24.27' J N 55-OSO2" W MORE GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO TOWN OF LELAND STANDARDS AND APPLICABLE STATE & LOCAL CODES. 2. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ANY RELOCATIONS, RE -ALIGNMENTS, DISCONNECTIONS OR CONNECTIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES WITH APPLICABLE AUTHORITIES 3. CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF SITE TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB, ASPHALT, INLETS, AND ANY OTHER STRUCTURES INCLUDING TREES, STUMPS AND DEBRIS EXISTING ON SITE. TREES NOT REQUIRED TO BE CLEARED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. 4. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN DURING FINAL GRADING TO ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO RECEIVING STRUCTURES. I. INDEX TO DRAWINGS SHEET No. DESCRIPTION DRAWING No. 6 OF 9 COVER SHEET and GENERAL NOTES 6309-BW-COV-1 7 OF 9 EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, SEDIMENT BASINS, & DETAILS 6309-BW-ECP-2 8 OF 9 POND DETAILS 6309-BW-ECP-3 9 OF 9 EROSION CONTROL/WATER QUALI?Y NOTES & DETAILS 6309-BW-ECP-4 PROJECT LIMITS �N 11 , 11 , gA�wwr / Existing Commercial 11 \\ 11 \ 11 \ t 0 \\ \ 111 \ \ /v STANDARD NOTES: 1. Information concerning underground utilities was obtained from available records. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to determine the exact elevations and locations of all existing utilities at all crossings prior to commencing any excavation. If actual clearances are less than indicated on Plan, the Contractor shall contact the Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. Any condition discovered or existing that would necessitate o modification of these plans shall be brought to the attention of the Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. 2. NO CONSTRUCTION IS TO BEGIN BEFORE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES HAS BEEN DETERMINED. CALL "NC ONE -CALL" AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. 3. All trees which ore not required to be cleared for constuction shall be preserved wherever possible unless otherwise directed. 4. The Contractor is responsible for controlling dust and erosion during construction at his expense. Graded areas shall be watered to control dust when ordered by the Engineer. 5. No geotechnical testing has been performed on site. No warranty is made for suitability of subgrade, and undercut and any required replacement with suitable material shall be the responsibility of the contractor. 6. Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required permits, 7. This plan is for land disturbing activities and erosion control only. Existing \ \ 11 RIM 18.5 \11 INV 16.14 �r�OJV PHASE 1 SECTION 2 �\, \ M. C. 34 PG. 519 (rmvmeaJ E%ISTNG',E HEAD �V,`/�F,t-js� ?• \ I E%IS11NG'�42' s W;t,• GA I NG BYPASSES TE F nPRAINAOE, BY OTHER$' I d \ r I � A l 1: 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE R rE' As us JS �W 8 SITE YS 'cf'r Z aF 0124 \LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND ❑ IRON IN EXIST. CONC. MON. - - EXISTING SANITARY SEWER & MANHOLE - - - - - EXISTING WATERLINE E.I.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE E.I.R. = EXISTING IRON REBAR E.C.M. = EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT I.S. = IRON SET W/V = WATER VALVE W/M = WATER METER F/H = FIRE HYDRANT PIP = POWER POLE C.P. = COMPUTED POINT +49.0 INDICATES SPOT ELEVATION • = WETLAND FLAG SS = SANITARY SEWER R\W = RIGHT OF WAY BFP = REDUCED PRESSURE ZONE BACKFLOW PREVENTER COO CLEAN OUT CONDUIT LIP ® LIGHT POLE WV- WATER VALVE ill F/H = FIRE HYDRANT IP INLET PROTECTION (TYPICAL) TD T TEMPORARY DIVERSION -w_(FLOW DIRECTION) WETLANDS t, CE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE o00000 (TYPICAL) coo o°a LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SF -X- SILT FENCE (NEW) (TYPICAL) QP OUTLET PROTECTION (TYPICAL) NOTE:SEE SHEET 4 FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS v (1 Per HDS Field Survey \ 1 t`I August 2007 \ \ �`--.-------�1 I )SEE`1142EVlbus LY�E ,`•n '� _ /:/bWQ#-v71rJC17-UVJHO-IY11.�... \.... l WEST GATE / PHASE r SECTION 1A / M.B. 26 PC. 342 ) / ,..,� - � DRAINAGE ESMr. r � �: � 2.61 ACRES SEE SHEETS 1 THROUGH 5 OF THIS PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS, pn xrA"sE°N°cN �1' / / jy1 / INVERTS, INLET ELEVATIONS AND PIPE SIZES & SLOPES. we rl 1 g,�PROP�R•rYOWNEROWNER 1 ` dF Nan,,' NST N LAND an / ti 1 1, 1 F / "' / 1 / / 1, t)1 N T 1. AREA COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD 2. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL b BENCHMARK LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS LOCATION: ELEVATION 1 P.K. NAIL IN CENTERLINE OF INTERSECTION (WEST GATE DR & NEW POINT BOULEVARD) 18.66' MSL NA VD 29 ✓;" 3. FOR REFERENCE SEE M.C. 26 PG. 342 tiff /" 4, TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY IN AUGUST OF 2007. 5. 3.57 ACRES TOTAL AREA NOTE WELL: 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE --& +� g1 �',� / , 6. THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN 2000' OF AN Portions of this plan reflect previously approved and permitted Per HDS Field Survey 8 �,� An 1 ` • , EXISTING N.C. GRID MONUMENT improvements. This plan is an addendum to those plans and does not August 2007 ,. 1 ` / supersede any of the previously approved practices or conditions. \ Regulated gyp\ 1 \\` / ( NOTE WELL: TOWN LIMITS OF LELAND Wetlands Area A9 + , I \ 1. All storm water runoff from built upon areas `� �� e* •'� 1 N` -� ✓• (i.e. impervious surfaces & roof drainage) to be �.,.0 EIVED \/ \ , \ NOTE WELL: 5 1 \ y\ directed to the storm sewer collection system ANY AREAS ON -SITE MITHOUT ACTIVITY IN A 21 CALENDAR DAY PERIOD •\ NOTE WELL: STORM WATER POND 1 elf (i.e. storm inlets or ponds) by swales, overland flo JUL 1 0 2008 SHALL BE TEMPORARILY STABILIZED AS PER THE SPECIFICATIONS. IZ t \ additional grading, or landscaping Inlets. ANY SLOPES TO BE STABILIZED AFTER 21 CALENDAR DAYS. TO BE LOCATED WITHIN DEDICATED COMMON AREA. ,1 I \ \ \\ OETAU SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REQUIRED BY BRUNSWICK COUNTY. RATHTHIS ESERVO AS T DOES NOT A WIDE. THE CSHOW MI R ED CONSTRUCTION DETAll BUT ONTRACTOR 6 RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO .1t1 • NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE FIELD =1(ot VERIFIED JULY 3rd 2007 BY THE US �• ------ ; \ CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE SUMMARY: ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. USACE 1 / \ STEP-1 Installation of the additional Construction Entrances Sediment ACTION ID APPROVAL 4-2-08 1 , menSEE #SAW-2008-386 Fence, Sediment Basins and Temporary Diversions along with grading NATIONWIDE PERMIT 18 & 33 and stabilization of level s readers NO CAMA PERMIT RE UIRED PER 1 I Q COUNTY AND STATE CODES ANO 001151RUCT01 STANDARDS. No geoteandcd teetMg hoe bean performed on site. No warranty is made for suitabNity of subgrade, and underoul and any required replacement with auitoble material ehall be the responaibfity of the contractor. Or 50' 100' 150' p DIVISION OF COASTALMANAGMENT. 1 2'A+�P W 1" = 50, STEP-2 Complete construction of retaining walls and storm sewer DCM FIELD VERIFIED 12/18/07 1 _ S 7S 3' s stem Remove Tam ora Diversion ditches Com let= r=mainin site / Date: THAT THIS PORTION OF JACKEY'S 1.-' fCP STORMWATER COVER SHEET and GENERAL NOTES y 1` ry p g CREEK IS NOT NAVIGABLE. grading and vegetatively stabilize areas where building construction is not imminent. Install non -municipal utilities. NOTE WELL: See Construction Schedule on Sheet 9 for additional information. USACOE Fill Permit required prior to any construction in (Once Step 1 measures are completed and stabilized Contractor proposed fill areas. may proceed to Step 2.) NOTE: 404 WETLANDS ON SITE AS SHOWN. GENERAL NOTES: 1. This map is not for conveyance, recordation, or sales. 2. A portion of this section of property is located within c 100 year flood hazard area according to Flood Insurance Rate Map Community ID# 3720 panel 2196 suffix J effective date June Z 2006. and not field verified. Additional topo from HDS, August 2007. 3. This property is zoned Town of Leland C-2. 4. Sewer service to be NBSD public . Water service to be NBSD public 6, THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN 2000' OF AN EXISTING N.C. GRID MONUMENT 3 REVISED PER NCDENR-DWQ COMMENTS 7/2/08 2 REVISED PER NCDENR-DWQ COMMENTS 6/18/08 1 REVISED POND CALCULATIONS 5/2/08 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE Copyright 0. Hanowr Oveign Sen*es, P.A. As rlghts reserved. Reproduction or use of the eantmft or thle document or addtions or deletions to thb document M whole or pad, without ralttan consent of the land surveyor or Engireer, h ,ralublted. Only aopbe from Me odgind of Ole documanC marked Win the o.Ngind srlt.,e and ongMef seal of the Surwyar or Engineer, shelf be coh.Wereal to be wild and frur aapbx WEST GATE BEST WESTERN HOTEL & RESTAURANT LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Se AL .0n07 0-08 hdsilm.com OWNER: SANKEY PROPERTIES, LLC P.O. Box 847 Clarkton, NC 28433 phone:910-862-5812 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 1-22-08 Scale: 1"= 50' Drawn: DBB Checked: DSH Project No: 6309 BW-ECP-6 Sheet No: 6 Ot: 9 IF:\AII\West Gate\base-6309-best westerrl (Layout ECP-6) SF (TYPICAL) NOTE:SEE SHEETS 8 & 9 FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND \ \ \o. 3S SIGN AND 1 1 \ \ ,9y UTILITY \ 1 E EASEMENT CX 0 \ 1 � LIMITS OF F DISTURBANCE Ex•gb 1 (TYPICAL) \8 C \ CIFICATIONS \ sF TRACT1.00 ACRES 1 1 UN SPE 5 SFx o k x O�• u px k j 6 , �M1 O O M SIGN �, xM1\� TD / S \ RETAINING �C8 '+� SF TRACT 2 R (0 ,\ BY OTHERS O GS kyo� IP x0�O ° x 2.40 ACRES ZONED C-2 °a SF vv cF. / kM1o1 ao x uILDINc ,,I,:. ,`�i�I�����, \. HOTEL (TYPICAL) , Q x BAc o y I! �'+ ` PARKING % �` - ; '—;' - f I(� r'1' I 119 SPACES TOTAL M1' INCLUDES 5 H.C. �7y's 42 a3 20'REARBUILDING\ /��///N ' ° HOTEL SETBACK(, STORY) IF{y / /. °`/ 5 STORY M1\° LIMITS OF 11 - / % , TD TOWER A6 DISTURBANCE `� °SF° ', ,% ! (55' HEIGHT) g (TYPICAL) 78.56' x LIMITS OF "Sg. 9Sa, O RETAINING SF \ ,' 13 - 100 ROOM DISTURBANCE J2,7 < \ WALL N 86"55'18" w RRO�OM FFE=21.0 (TYPICAL) 8" BY OTHERS \ / / / O 92656° 18,725 SF 5 TZS Regulated ` / // NOTE WELL: IE=17.5+ Regulated A5 i S}O MECHANICAL ENGINEER Wetlands Area Wetlands Area , / 5 AND ARCHITECT TO .� VERIFY ADEQUACY OF I / x OF BUILDING SYSTEMS PROPOSED IMPACTED t uMlrs OF ° °� TOMAINTAINPoslmE WETLANDS (SHOWN HATCHED) ✓DISTURBANCE 0.09 ACRE (TOTAL) / \ (TYPICAL) TOWNI LIMITS OF LELAND \ � A75 CAMERON TRACT �p?P/ �� 9�al' 11 3 k • \ x ZONED C-2 / w / s LIMITS OF x \ DIS URBANCE \\ (TYPICAL) /RETAINING EXISTING BULKHEAD r+ NOTE WELL: / CD ya / BY OTHEas BY OTHERS 1. ROAD IS CROWN. o� 11 y EXISTING 42°RCP / 2. PARKING LOT IS INVERTED CROWN. / o �_ ttSS77���GD ' IGMN BYPASSES OFFSITE x�0 , , / /r _ ,DRAINAGE, BY OTHE Y p\� LIMITS OF kM1DISTURBANCE EES YpRM \ (TYPICAL) ( ONM1SHEE 4) O / O �'/�f\ 9x M1°° \ \� SEE STORM / / ` M1-�I(i' 'r'� ' `� M10 \ PROFILE 1 �k / `�-�, f\ � 1 / \ (ON SHEET 4 / - x o ' x\ '�. Gry C W Z w \ 1 0 HANDI 2 i✓ x \ CR ALKr- Ox , \ ,{+j ,rl. �� I `+ 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE IX ,,. ►- Per HDS Field Survey 0 ,9 D I ,' �1 ++ August 2007 h pG� 0S 9 4 LIMBS N C v y!G 1 DISTURBANCE Wx ,0(TYPICAL) k � O x TD �\ Regulated -;' O ` Wetlands Area SEE STORM J �' .�% I RETAINING \ / (OTHERS IP - I A311 RESTAURANT FFE=20.0 \ k 5,524 SF , , TD WETLAND ° Cf PARKING ` , 1 WE ENGINEER 38 SPACES TOTAL � / A30AND ARCHITECT TO 'o , VERIFY ADEQUAC, OF INCLUDE52H.C. M.B. 17 PG. 167 ° Z OF BUILDING SYSTEMS ���J •/ �� ° kM1 0 0 a J pU %` ik° 0 TO MAINTAIN POSITIVE i \ FLOW. do 1 Z + x HANDICAP/ 80k �. o� �, /~ 1� TRACT FT, 1 p + CROSS , ' N � + TOTAL TRACT ���/ , \� 1 xxs\a ZONEDEG2 3.57 Acres Ov/ ° �' Lot 2R 2.40 Acres F��/ 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE 1�, N� ,�° M1rk °�� \ 2S, o TD / / \ �A29 1 Lot 13R 1.17 Acres �`Pi Per HDS Field Survey \ N-. '$� rx9 �•„� / '� �k \ / I + August 2007 SEE PRO IOLE4 �gx TD CD `ci° o5 REWAI�NING \ + DATUM CONVERSION: �. u ; ` ' BY OTHERS q,P ENCLOS. NAVD 88 = NGVD 29 + (-1.06) . 10 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE \ A1B \ IF D zT.SSIDEBUILDINc 14 2 +1111111' ( za Per Flood Insurance Rate Ma Community ID# "S, +,� sETBACKaGWER) g p Y y� 1 ^1 `\\.'.'° 'III y� ( LIMITS OF 70" RETAINING ++ P' I� +\ I DISTURBANCE 3720 panel 2196 suffix J effective date June 2, 2006. m _ 23 \.�.� BY OT Regulated Sol, Wetlands Area A19 \vl 1 0' 30' 60 90' S 85'47 49 W 166.44 �— A24 7 —�— A22 LIMITS OF ,9 A21 L21 LINE E D DISTURBANCE A20 L20 G 27 SCALE 1 "= 30° SF 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE Regulated Per HDS Field Survey \ LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE wetlands Area 'SJ'2 RETAINING _ V 1 +\ NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT August 2007 0. BY OTHERS V ' } 1 STREET PAVEMENT & CURBING IS PLACED g 140 260 sf 3 22 Acres NOTE' DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE FIELD \ SO AS TO DRAIN POSITIVELY TO CURB INLETS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. ' VERIFIED JULY 3rd 2007 BY THE US \ \ A25 1 ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. USACE ACTION 10 APPROVAL 4-2-08 SITE DATA TOWN LIMITS OF LELAND SEE #SAW-2008-386 TOTAL AREA = LOT 2R 2.40 ACRES NATIONWIDE PERMIT 18 & 33 A26 TOTAL AREA =LOT 13R 1.17 ACRES SF NO CAMA PERMIT REQUIRED PER hTy 1 \\ ZONED C-2 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGMENT. S \\ DCM FIELD VERIFIED 12/18/07 ' \ ' THAT THIS PORTION OF JACKEYS \ CREEK IS NOT NAVIGABLE. ' Z NOTE: 404 WETLANDS ON SITE AS SHOWN. 3 REVISED PER NCDENR—DWQ COMMENTS 7/2/08 2 REVISED PER NCDENR—DWQ COMMENTS 6/18/08 1 REVISED POND CALCULATIONS 5/2/08 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE LEGEND ❑ IRON IN EXIST. CONC. MON. �- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER & MANHOLE — — — EXISTING WATERLINE E.I.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE E.I.R. = EXISTING IRON REBAR E.C.M. = EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT I.S. = IRON SET W/V = WATER VALVE W/M = WATER METER F/H = FIRE HYDRANT P/P = POWER POLE C.P. = COMPUTED POINT +49.0 INDICATES SPOT ELEVATION • = WETLAND FLAG SS = SANITARY SEWER R\W = RIGHT OF WAY BFP = REDUCED PRESSURE ZONE BACKFLOW PREVENTER CO* CLEAN OUT CONDUIT LIP ® LIGHT POLE WV oa WATER VALVE 4 F/H = FIRE HYDRANT IP INLET PROTECTION (TYPICAL) TD T TEMPORARY DIVERSION (FLOW DIRECTION) WETLANDS OCE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE o°oocoi (TYPICAL) LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SF X SILT FENCE (NEW) (TYPICAL) OP OUTLET PROTECTION (TYPICAL) NOTE:SEE SHEET 4 FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS _I /2" R I WHERE REVERSE CROWN IS REWIRED GUTTER SHALL 1" R SLOPE AWAY AS SHOWN MOST APPUCATONS 1 1/4" R IN PARKING LOT \ J I 0 STANDARD CURB SECTION NTS TYPE "A" SD74)7 6.0' 30' 30' 18' 4"GONG. PARKING REVERSE CROWN 0.5' Curbing SIDEWALK SPACE CL (TYPICAL) (TYPICAL) 3" of S9.5A ASPHALT GRASSED TYPE "A' 8'ABC BASE COURSE AREA CURB NOTE WELL: IREMENTS TYPICAL PARKING BAY SECTION MAYBE£ INT NCREASED£ PSS ER RECOMME DATIONAND SUBGRADEOOF OEOTECHNICAL TRUCK TRAFFIC AREA CONSULTANT. NOT TO SCALE SEE SHEET 3 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPACTION TES71NC 6.0' 18' 30' 30' RE IVE 4"CONC. PARKING REVERSE CROWN 0.5' Curbing JUL 1 0 2008 SIDEWALK SPACE CL (TYPICAL) (TYPICAL) �1.5" of S9.5A BY: ASPHALT GRASSED TYPE 'A" �� 8"ABC BASE COURSE AREA CURB NOTE WELL: TYPICAL PARKING BAY SECTION PAVEMENT EREQUIREMENTS MAYBEINCREASEDPER RECOMME ABONOF CE07ECHNICAL NOT TO SCALE CONSULTANT. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPACTION TESTING EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, SEDIMENT BASIN, & DETAILS WEST GATE BEST WESTERN HOTEL & RESTAURANT LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ' SEAL n Q0(i? I ppy� d oh it s 5 hdsilm©dRi OWNER: SANKEY PROPERTIES, LLC P.O. Box 847 Clorkton, NC 26433 phone:910-862-5812 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS _ 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY 17AJ�ti$�T' WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Date: 1-22— 08 Scale: I"= 30' Drawn: DBB Checked: DSH Project No: 6309 BW—£CP-7 Sheet No: 7 a,: 9 F: \AII\West Gate\base-6309—best western.dwg (Layout ECP-7) STATE STORAGE VOLUME = 6,633 cf V MINIMUM I I POND BOTTOM MAY BE OVEREXCAVATED FOR SEDIMENT STORAGE :Y SPILLWAY EL = 10-YEAR WSEL- TOP OF BOX = 1: RETAINING WALL BY OTHERS 3 1F EMBANKMENT 18°RCP 2p LF PIPE 10' WIDE, 10:1 1-- 1 VEGETATED SHELF OS .SB �\ EI.= 10.5 to 11.5 Aquatic Vegetation Zone T�i4, EMBANKMENT SECTION POND No.1 See Detail Sheet 9 WEST GATE- BEST WESTERN VOLUME REQUIRED, R=t(P)(Pj)(Rv)/121<A) Wet detention/retention pond No.1 Additional Calculation Summary for NCDENR / DWO r SEE PAGES A.1 and A.2, 'Controlling Urban Runoff q Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban HMPs' (P)= 1. 5' WATER QUALITY CONSI➢ERATIONS - (Pj) 0,9 Impervious area calculations: See Project Data Sheet (R0= 0.05 + 0.9(47,650/68,073) = 0.60 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 47,650 sf (1.1 acres) (A)= 66,073 sf R= C (1. 5) (0. 68/ 12] (68, 073) = 5,790 cf TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 68,073 sf (1.56 acres) = 5,790 cf REQUIRED STORAGE 1,56 acres total - 1.1 acres Impervious = .46 acre green 6, 633 cf PROVIDED STORAGE R ELEV.= 12.2 SA REQUIRED: 47,650 (1. 1) / 68,073 (1.56) = 0.70, or 70% DRAWDOWN: Average head from storage elevation to orifice - At 4. 1' depth, 90% TSS removal, from chart - SA/DA factor = 6. 0 12.2-I1. 0 / 3 = 0. 4' 68,073 x 0.01 x 6.0 = 4,085 sf SA REQUIRED 1" drain (1' orifice In 4' PVC Cap) to draw -down pond, At Elev. = 11.0 = 4, 130 sf SA PROVIDE➢ Orifice equation: 0 = CA(2gh)'1/2 T = 5 days NOTE: 404 WETLANDS ON SITE AS SHOWN. ELEV. AREA VOL. STORAGE STORAGE (Ft) (SF) Ccf) Ccf) (ac_ft) PEAK DISCHARGE SUMMARY - 111 0 4, 130 0(1) pre -developed 1.03 cfs 12, 0 6, 140 2,945 5,388 0, 12 9(10) pre -developed = 3. 30 cfs 12, 20 6,318 1,246 6,633 0, 15 W 100) pre -developed = 5.71 cfs Q( 1) post -developed 0. 42 cfs @ WSEL = 12, 1 13, 0 7,030 5,339 11,973 0. 27 WIG) post -developed = 2.99 cfs @ WSEL = 12, 7 14. 0 7,300 7, 165 19, 138 0. 44 0(100)post-developed = 5.77 cfs @ WSEL = 13.0 15. 0 7,585 7,443 26,580 0, 61 STATE WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - 16, 0 8,500 8,043 34,623 0, 79 Surface Area required 4,085 sf STATE STORAGE of EL=12.2 6,633 0.15 Surface Area provided 4,130 cf @ WSEL 11.0 Storage Volume required 5,790 cf Storage Volume provided = 6,633 cf @ WSEL 12.2 Storage Volume Drawdown Time = 5 days SEDIMENTATION POND CONSIDERATIONS - Storage required = 1.56 X 1800 = 2,813 cf Storage provided = 10,073 cf f FOREBAY CALCULATION: Forebay Volume = 3,440 cf (20.2%) 20Z Volume of Storage = 17,008 X .2 = 3,401 cf NOTE:SEE SHEET 9 FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. WELDED REBAR 4 TRASH GRATES, GALVANIZED,° 3r 4 WT 4 NOT TO SCALE cl N` ERm O�Ert 6"� 18"RCP WEIR CUT 6" HELDED BAR TRASH RACK 2' WIDE WEIR CUT 4 BOLTED IN PLACE ONE EACH SOX 4 VC Scrcs 1 Plug2,0' WEIR CUT 18%1CP 4'PYL' fNV11.0 ilEf MSELINV- JZ 'W1.0vPf1L0CL4' P1'h9' for contro 6 7m PLAN VIEW 155, B GRAVEL BASE MIN. I-,VCProducts NM8 or eguilabnt SECTION VIEW OS OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS (POND 1) NOT TO SCALE RAILING OTHERS ** NOTE WELL: ALL 1:1 ABOVE WATER BY SLOPES TO BE NON-VEGATIVE & MUST 19 8 BE REINFORCED WITH RIP RAP OR RETAINING EQUIVALENT. WALL BY OTHERS 3: 1 SLOPE 12.0 11.0 10.5 STATE STORAGE ELEVATION = 12.2 WEIR CUTS = 12.2 NORMAL WSEL= 11.0 10.0 CUT-OFF - 11.5 9.0 WALL BY 80 OTHERS NOTE: 404 WETLANDS ON SIR: AS SHOWN. BLOCK CUT- OFF WALL, SEE PLAN i= COORDINATE W/ ARCHITECT O TOP=11.0 w in Forebay volume FES WSEL 20% of required Ld OUTLET ' -11.0 storage, typical p PIPE 1.0' ` WEIR CUT OUTLET =ELEV. 10.0 PROTECTION ALL SLOPES/SED.= 1:1 MAXIMUMAS ON PLANS VE - 4.0 Forebay Bottom Elev.= 3.0 /,,'�FATION AS ANUFACTURER FOREBAY SECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE COVER OVER PIPE 0 PIPE �1 1 18 � A29 �1 l ! Tl ELEV 17 1 0 ' °° o t \ 16 Po 1 p Sur i. Mimi i D t Averb t .1 1 ly' 1, Ave ap� 1�e �HI (, Blume/SA urn 1,7 0 of A 28 Retaining Wall II�II I I p I I I I I I I i By Others 3 21 5 4 10 Illl�l l � I I V 2� I S � )y EM.SPILLWAY LENGTH= 20' 70., a6, SPILLWAY El .= 14.0 A TOP OF BANK= 15.0 _ - \S. Sag S " 24dP �J1 I ,Oa/ s�0 e ... A 22 Regulated -- es. WETLAND Wetlands Area sib LINE AQUATIC VEGETATION ZONE. - FROM EL= 10.5 TO EL= 11.5 SUITABLE SPECIES FOR PLANTING IN THIS ZONE ARE AS FOLLOWS: - SAGITTARIA LATIFOLIA (COMMON ARROWHEAD) - SAGITTARIA LANCIFOLIA (DUCK POTATO) V - SAURURUS CERNUUS (LIZARDTAIL) �� �� Retaining - PELTANDRA VIRGINICA (ARROW ARUM) Wall IF ONE OR MORE OF THE SUGGESTED SPECIES A PORTABLE PUMP �O By Others IS UNAVAILABLE, APPROPRIATE WETLANDS TO BE USED TO VEGETATION COMMON TO THE COASTAL CAROLINA DRAIN POND IN AN /A REGION MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. EMERGENCY. *NOTE WELL: 1:1 UNDERWATER SLOPES MUST J BE STRUCTURALLY STABILIZED WITH GEOGRID J AND/OR GEOTEXTILES AS PER RECOMMENDATION 6 OF THE GEOTECH/SOILS CONSULTANT. PROPEX TRM (TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT) C-35 OR EQUIVALENT. ** NOTE WELL: ALL 1:1 ABOVE WATER NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE FIELD SLOPES TO BE NON -VEGETATIVE & MUST VERIFIED JULY 3rd 2007 BY THE US BE REINFORCED WITH RIP RAP OR ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. USACE EQUIVALENT. ACTION ID APPROVAL 4-2-08 ONLY. SEE PLAN VIEW REINFORCED 11 SLOPE** 13.0 1 i 3:1 SLOPE 11.0 14.0 - 10.5 13.0 00.0 9. 11.5 3:1 SLOPE 8.0 3:1 SLOPE 7.0 *1:1 SLOPE 7.0 10' VEGETATIVE 10' VEGETATIVE 6.0 *1:1 SLOP 6.0 SHELF (10:1 SLOPE) 1.5 SHELF (10:1 SLOPE) S'0 __ SED_REMOVAL=4.0 5 0 FROM ELEV. RETAINING FROM ELEV. 10.5-11.5 4'0 3.0 O RETAINING 3.0 POND BOTTOM 3.0 -_2 0 WALL BY SEDIMENT REMOVlL=1.0 - -1.0 OTHERS 0.0 FOUNDATION ASS PER MANUFACTURER IF:\AII\West Gate\base-6309-best western.dwg (Layout ECP-8) NOTE WELL: ALL 3:1 SLOPES TO BE VEGETATIVELY STABILIZED W®_ eg SS _Sae - v - ��► 09 OUT 87' =�. s 4 ��� ® ai® R� EL 0.01 Z� Z t(n_J 15.2 STONE d50=3" SOD OR I�LLJ c Of 0 (1' THICK) REINFORCED LEVEL VEGETATIVE 0) Z SPREADER SOIL ITV) 1 \ JX 10.0 w� VEGETATION POND CROSS SECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SEE #SAW-2008-386 NATIONWIDE PERMIT 18 & 33 NO CAMA PERMIT REQUIRED PER DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGMENT. DCM FIELD VERIFIED 12/18/07 THAT THIS PORTION OF JACKEY'S CREEK IS NOT NAVIGABLE. NOTE WELL: ALL 3:1 SLOPES TO BE VEGETATIVELY STABILIZED A 2 7 `L SOD W W OR REINFORCED VEGETATED SOIL �, LS A25 W O 00 Existing Vegetation ' SOD _ v <' , OR REINFORCED A26 '' VEGETATED SOIL �� 2 1 CD NOTE WELL: STORM WATER I POND TO BE LOCATED PROPERTY WITHIN DEDICATED COMMON AREA. LINE .� 10' 0' 10' 20' RE. - -.; VED SCALE 1"=10' A 0 l008 1 NOTE: 404 WETLANDS ON SITE AS SHOWN. 3 REVISED PER NCDENR-DWQ COMMENTS 7/2/08 2 REVISED PER NCDENR-DWQ COMMENTS 6/18/08 1 REVISED POND CALCULATIONS 5/2/08 REV. NO, REVISIONS DATE Cce,Heht 0. How.. Despn SIwwI , P.A., AN dots reserved Reprod 4VIwr or use of the contents of Mh: documwnt, ar oddlfkms e- deletksu to Mb , document h whole or port, elehout witten c... t of Me Lmd Sorw,wr or Engineer, is prohiblfet Only copies Mom Me arighol of this document, morked wlM Me odglnd xwgnohrre and "bow seal of Me Surw:,or or Engheer, show be considered to be .wild owd MI. copies. POND DETAILS WEST GATE BEST WESTERN HOTEL & RESTAURANT LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 20007 OWNER: SANKEY PROPERTIES, LLC P.O. Box 847 Clarkton, NC 28433 phone:910-862-5812 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Dote: Scale: 2-08 1"= 10' Drawn: DBB Checked: DSH Project No: 6309 BW-ECP-B Sheet No: 8 Of.. 9 COMPACTED FILL OR -\ GRAVEL, EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WRE INTO THE TRENCH NOTE: SEE NARRATIVE FOR MORE DETAIL. SOE M TRIC VIEW ;t B'SPACING SEE NARRATIVE ': V FILTER FABRIC I EXTENSION OF BACKFILL FABRIC AND WIRE MINIMUM 8" INTO THE TRENCH THICK LAYER OF GRAVEL WIRE /� V-TRENCH // z s 74"MINIMUM to SECTION NT FENCE SILT FENCE NTS PRACTICE6.62 ­1111111111wed La �Illllllllt- i NOTE WELL 1) OUTLET PROTECTION & ROCK STAB 18" RCP W REQUIRED AIS SHOWNAPRONS ON PLAN. 5 2) SLOPE IS FLAT l FOR A MINIMUM OF 2LF INTO 2' MIN. BOTT M WIDTH. 0 POND 0 OP OUTLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE 4"MINIMUM OSECTION SF I- Rock to top of pipe SIDE VIEW D both sides w_ SLOPE ut E MBANKMENT jIj - I See Narrative for ►I I additional details 2'min. NOTE: FILTER FABRIC IS TO BE PLACED UNDER ALL STONE INLET AND OUTLET PROTECTION. USE NICOLON MIRAFI 60OX POLYPROPYLENE OR EQUIVALENT RCP DIAMETER La W I d50 I dMAX I APRON I REQ. STONE 18" RCP INTO POND i I 10' I 10' 1 3" 1 6" 1 1' I approx. 3cy as •. w •. • • • r r �� • • ••� • • _ ..::a.ea:a;:sea:'":x::::,-.- Yi i r`r. i f < /. .iP !.7..tix L:H psi Pi?3i2 wT L�..- T...-. :•11 i .t:E,-_E;:1,5,r;:4g;;='HdG7/7H%9/0�i///6�0/ly//////�%//%iU//��/y0/l�/%/:`:•.?s::: -:r 12a1,i4:?5i'^.•#?�G.I�Hv i/n::•Fi:.'?ii:::Li...LE::: :% % I:. 1' , ;:::.;:;t+%� :, .tit i$..':PB'i:g:,iea ;(`.al.5i•/ �:: v:7::#i:67:i:i:Eririii•i:;i #Rx':i:'r'`.P<8:;.'..xS:.s! /k..:':L.:. ail,.; :ea ♦ �:::::5:'• nitii:•::aLi 1•A , .. <4.• Ile ?�.oEED.f:,,.:.e.,a /� ��� m,... ::•:::S,F.-,iTG:N:::a-fs.M04MM"Ill •k'a e3..R ,:sr'C •v::wq.^: rail:+.:i:`�'::£.'ed:K::::S.ce:eeilx'<S`.<kk§t`2_�D•,ksii,:,.l�-.•�•:.'<i �>s.••.3�Na£ee iB'8d@Fsx4kiPi37§fEL'ce • - • • • LEVEL SPREADER & ENERGY DISSIPATER PLAN N.T.S. v-v-ir"I"" VEGETATEDSOIL LS 0 LEVEL SPREADER & ENERGY DISSIPATER ISOMETRIC N.T.S. 9LS STONE "-W SOD REINFORCED :ETATED SOIL EXISTING NETLANDS 'EGETATION DESIGN MAXIMUM PROPOSED PONDII RCP DIAMETER CFS FPS CFS FPS 60" 200 10 - - 48" 120 10 - - 36" 65 10 - - 30" 45 10 - - 24" 30 10 - - 18" 18 1 10 1 3.0 1 1.7 PUBLIC ROAD - - r,� - `c -11 1 2T -1 0 CE i . O i bX wl 4'G� 'i• )J P 9� CO. 6" MIMMUM��' THICKNESS QG� O 2"-3" COARSE AGGREGATE f: _ NOTE: SEE NARRATIVE 12MINIMUM FOR MORE DETAIL. ENTRANCEIEXIT DETAIL N.T.S. MWRE WINE MESH MORE DETAIL MD Is GAUGE To MSTS AT Too. MIDDLE AN A.TURNA7 METHODS. HAIIDWAIGE CLOTH 1/4' MESH OPENINGS � MINIMUM Heart - ��q - STONE To�a�i11111111„ t-.. INLET I ,-�' • a , ,7iWITH i♦ w-, �-.. i �� wil GRATE I IAN • , Z'' i� .S r: �- ._ i'-�T Wail i• - rito T 4r �_�_��m eY - _ •�� _ _ _ .�I • L. 0, �. • 81. • :' .. .I i����. ". I, 1 U ISOMETRIC HARDWARE• '• • NTS PRACTICE 6.51 Constructlon Road Stnbi('znt'on Specification # 6.80 - Construction Specifications 1. Clear roadbed and parking areas of nil vegetation, roots and other objectionable material. 2. Ensure that road construction follows the natural contours of the terrain if it is possible. 3. Locate parking areas on naturally riot areas if they are available. Keep grades sufficient for drainage but generally not more than 2 to 3%. 4, Provide surface drainage, and divert excess runoff to stable areas by using water bars or turnouts (References: Runoff Control Measures). 5. Keep cuts and fills at 2:1 or flatter for safety and stability and to Facilitate establishment of vegetation and maintenance. 6. Spread a 6-Inch course of -ABC' crushed stone evenly over the full width of the road and smooth to avoid depressions. 7. Where seepage areas or seasonally wet areas must be crossed, Install subsurface drains or geotextile fabric cloth before placing the crushed stone (Practice 6, 81, Subsurface Drain). B. Vegetate all roadside ditches, cuts, fills and other disturbed areas or otherwise appropriately Stabilize as soon as grading Is complete (References: 9 9 P Surface Stabilization), 9. Provide appropriate sediment control measures to prevent off -site sedimentation. Maintenance Inspect construction roods and parking areas periadlca Lly for condition of surface. Topdress with new gravel as needed. Check road ditches and other seeded areas for erosion and sedimentation after runoff -producing rains, Maintain all vegetation in a healthy, vigorous condition. Sediment -producing areas should be treated Immediately, Sediment Fence (Silt Fence) Specification 6.62 - Construction Specifications o.. MATERIALS ].Use n synthetic Filter fabric or a pervious sheet of polypropylene, nylon, polyester, or polyethylene yarn, which is certified by the manufacturer or supplier as conformity to the requirements shown in T n Pp s able 6 62b, Synthetic 9 q Y filter fabric should t l r contain u t avlolet ray Inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of 6 months of expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0 to 120 F. 2.Ensure that posts for sediment fences are either 4-Inch diameter pine, 2-Inch diameter oak, or 1.33 lb/Unear ft steel with a minimum length of 4 Ft. Make sure that steel posts have projections to facilitate fastening the fabric. 3.For reinforcement of standard a d strength filter fabric use were fence with a minimum 14 gauge and a maximum mesh spacing of 6 Inches. Table 6.626 Specifications For Sediment Fence Fabric Physical Property Requirements Filtering Efficiency - 85% (mm) Tensile Strength at Standard Strength- 30 lb/l m In (min) Extra Strength- 50 lb/Lin In (mm) Slurry Flow Rate - 0.3 gal/sq ft/min (min) CONSTRUCTION !.Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength or extra strength synthetic filter fabrics. 2,Ensure that the height of the sediment fence does not exceed 18 inches above the ground surface. (Higher fences may imp ound volumes of water sufficient to cause failure of the structure.) 3.Construct the. filter Fabric from a continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier to avoid Joints. When Joints are necessary, securely fasten the filter cloth only at a support post with overlap to the next post. 4.Support standard strength filter fabric by wire mesh fastened securely to the up slope side of the posts using heavy duty wire staples at least 1 Inch long, or tie wires. Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of the trench. 5.When a wire mesh support fence is used, space posts a maximum of 8 ft apart. Support posts should be driven securely Into the ground to a minimum of 18 Inches. 6.Extra strength filter fabric with 6ft post spacing does not require wire mesh support fence. Staple or wire the filter fabric directly to posts. 7.Excavate a trench approximately 4 Inches wide and 8 Inches deep along the proposed line of posts and upslope from the barrier (figure 6.62a). B.Backflil the trench with compacted soil or gravel placed over the fitter fabric. 9. Do not attach filter fabric to existing trees. Maintenance Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and after each rainfall. Make any required repairs Immediately. Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose or become ineffective, replace It promptly. Replace burlap every 60 days. Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout. Remove ate fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize It after the contributing drainage area has been property stab; IIzed. I C E Temoornry Gravel Construct'on Entrance/Exit Specification # 6.06 - Construction Specifications P P 1. Clear the entrance an xr d exit area of all on ve etatlroots and other vegetation, objectionable material n r and property l grade it. J P P Y 2. Place the grovel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans and smooth It. 3. Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable outlet. 4. Use eotextlle fabrics because they I us e improve stability of the foundation In 9 Y P Y Locations subject to seepage or high water table. Maintenance Maintain the gravel pod In a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. This may require periodic topdressing with 2-inch stone. After each rainfall, Inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean It out as necessary. Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled, washed, or tracked onto public roadways. RETAINING OUTLET BY OTHERS MATCH PIPE NATURAL -- LEVEL 0% SLOPE GRADE =' FLOW � ' INV. 0.0 =10.0 SPREADER TO WETLANDS � � = - - ��j .I' - - STONE d50=3" MATCH '_I PIPE FILTER FABRIC SLOPE d50=3" NOTE FILTER FABRIC Is To STILLING (1' THICK) BE eRr:TANDD W� ��s� BASIN ug r#aaLaN MIRAR #sox POLYPROInf ENI, OR I(MYALM LEVEL SPREADER & ENERGY DISSIPATER SECTION N.T.S. NOIE WELL: EROSION CONTROL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE AS PER THE "EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL" OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, LATEST EDITION. PRACTICE NUMBERS REFER TO THIS MANUAL. / NOTE: THIS PLAN TO BE UTILIZED AND REVIEWED ONLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE WRITTEN NARRATIVE, WHICH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. / NOTE HELL I ANY AREAS ON -SITE WITHOUT ACTIVITY IN A 21 CALENDAR DAY PERIOD SHALL BE TEMPORARILY STABILIZED AS PER THE SPECIFICATIONS. ANY SLOPES TO BE STABILIZED AFTER 21 CALENDAR DAYS. DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REQUIRED BY BRUNSWICK COUNTY. THIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, BUT RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL COUNTY AND STATE CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. No geotechnical testing has been performed on site. No warranty is made for suitability of subgrade, and undercut and any required replacement with suitable material shall be the responsibility of the contractor. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - 8, All erosion and sediment control Practices ore to be inspected 3. Sediment to be removed from behind the any Silt Fence and 1. Obtain approval of Plan and an necessary permits, and hold a pP y y P weekly and after any rainfall, and repaired as necessary. inlet protection devices when it becomes 0.5' deep. Fencing pre -construction conference prior to commencing any work. 9• Upon completion of building construction, the roadway and and inlet protection to be repaired as needed to maintain a 2. Flag work limits and stoke -out roadways, primary measures, and driveways r to a paved n all areas permanently Ys are b p and p y barrier. Sediment Basin for preliminary clearing and grubbing. Install silt i 'Tel Ion the Arm s delineated wetlands line fencing entirely a 9 Y 9 Y P vegetatively tabili ed. After i e stabilization,ten orar s z s t P Y 4. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, - z m chid and re seeded an at Jockeys Creek between pond embankment and wetlands before p measures are to be removed and the Sediment Basin cleaned to its original des; n contours, if necessary, and riser 9 Y as necessary,accordingto specifications provided, to proceeding with pond grading. structures orifices opened, so as to function as a stormwater s e maintain a suitable vegetative cover, 3. Install Gravel Construction Entrances, management / water quality retention pond. 5. Construction entrances to be maintained in a condition to prevent 4, Install Sediment Basin as shown on Plan while clearing and 10, Additional erosion control measures may be required as necessary. mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. Periodic topdressing with 2 stone may be required, Remove all objectionable grubbing site. Sediment Basin to be constructed prior to major grading, or building. New diversion ditches to be directed to Basin until material spilled, washed, or tracked onto public roadways immediately, storm sewer system is constructed; ditches are to remain open MAINTENANCE PLAN - 6. Inspect diversion ditches for damage after every rainfall event and and discharging to Basin during storm sewer construction. 1. All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall repair as necessary to maintain design height and cross section and 5. Construct any other sediment control Practices shown, prior to rough event and needed repairs made immediately, ensure site drainage is diverted to sediment basin, until storm sewer grading roadways, stockpiling material and topsoil necessary. g g 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment system is completed. n. Construct retaining walls and install inlet protection. nin has accumulated to depth greater than the original des; n P gg VEGETATIVE PLAN - sediment storage depth. Riser structure to be cleaned if excess 6. Install utilities in roadways, establish final grades and water above design surface no longer drains properly. 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with stabilize roadways with stone base course. "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and 7. Final grade building site areas where required, fill existing ditches as Design Manual°, Section 6.11, latest version. See next Sheet. needed, and vegetatively stabilize areas where building construction is not imminent. Install non -municipal utilities, NOTE WELL: SEE SHEET 6 FOR CONSTRUCTION PHASE SEQUENCE. Permanent Seeding Specifications # 6.11 - Specifications Seedbed Requirements Establishment of vegetation should not be attempted on sites that are unsuitable due to Inappropr l ate soli texture (Table 6. Ila), poor ore Inrge, concentrated overland flow, or steepness of slope until measures have been taken to correct these problems. To mat ntain a good stand of vegetate on, the soli must meet certa In ml n i mum requirements as a growth medium. The existing salt shout have these criteria- - Enough fine-grained (silt and clay) material to malntal adequate moisture and nutrient supply (available water capacity at least ,05 inches water to I inch of sot U. - Sufficient pore space to permit root penetration. - Sufficient depth of Solt to provide an adequate root zone. The depth to rock or Impermeable layers such as hardpans should be 12 inches or more, except on slopes steeper than whe re ere the addition of soli I n P P s of feasible. - A favorable pH range for plant growth, usually 6. 0-6. 5. - Freedom from large roots, branches, stones, large clods of earth, or trash of any kind. Clods and stones may be left on slopes steeper than 3,1 if they are to be hydroseeded. If any of the above criteria are not met-I,e., If the existing soil is too coarse, dense, shallow or acidic to foster vegetation -special amendments are requ l red. The soil conditioners described below may be beneficial or, preferably, topsoil may be applied In accordance with Practice 6.04, Topsolling, Solt Conditioners In order to Improve the structure or ore l nage character l st l cs of a so 11, the followingmaterial may be n Y dded These amendments should only be necessary where soils hove Limitations that make them poor for plant growth or for fine turf establishment <see Chapter 3, Vegetative Considerations). Peat -Appropriate types are sphagnum moss peat, hypnum moss peat, reedsedge peat, '.or peat humus, oil from fresh -water sources. Peat should be shredded and conditioned in storage piles for at least 6 months after excavation. Sand -clean an fre e ee of toxic materials Vermiculite-horticu Ltura gr ade ode and free OF toxic substances. g a cis Rotted manure -stable or cattle manure not containing undue amounts of straw or other bedding materials. Thoroughly rotted sawdust- free of stones and debris. Add 6 Lb. Of nitrogen to each cubic yard. Stud e-Treated se wage n e and industrial sludges are oval t , B a Inb a in various forms 9 9 these should be used only in accordance with local, State and Federal regulations. Species Selection Use the key to Permanent Seeding Mixtures (Table 6. Ills) to select the most appropriate seeding mixture based on the general site and maintenance factors. A Listing of species, including scientific names and characteristics, Is gl Yen In Appendix 8.02. Seedbed Preparation Install necessary mechanical a Stan and sedimentation control practices before seeding, and complete grading cording to the approved plan. Lime and fertilizer needs shout be determined by soil tests. Soil testing Is performed free of charge by th North Carolina Department of Agr Icutture soli testing laboratory, Directions, sample cartons, and information sheets are available through county agricultural extension offices or from NCDA. Because the NCDA soil testing Lab requires 1-6 weeks for sample turn -around, sampling must be planned well In advance of final grading. Testing Is also done by commercial laboratories. When salt test ore not available, follow rates suggested on the Individual specification sheet for the seeding mix chosen (Tables 6,11c through 6.11v). Applications rates usually fall Into the following ranges: - Ground agricultural limestone Light -textured, sandy soils; 1-1 1/2 tons/acre Heavy textured, clayey soils 2-3 tons/acre - Fertilizer: Grasses 800-1200 Lb/acre of 10-10-10 (or the equeva nt) Grass -legume mixtures: 800-1200 lb/acre of 5-10-10 C r the equivalent) Apply time and fertilizer evenly and Incorporate into the top 4-6 inches of soil b diskin or other suitable means. Operate Y 9 e s 0 ate machinery on the contour. P Y When usinga h dra seeder apply time and fern llzer to n rough, Y ou loose surface. PP Y , 9 Roughen surfaces according to Practice 6. 03, Surface Roughening, Complete seedbed preparation by breaking up large clods and raking Into a smooth, uniform surfac e ce (slope less than 3: 1) Flll In or Level r pdepressions than can collect water. Broadcast seed Into a freshly Loosened seedbed that has not -.een sealed by rainfall, Tubte 6.11s - Seeding No. 4CP for: Wet l-Drained Sand loans to Dr Sands,t P - Y Y Coastal Plain; Low to Medium Care Lawns Seedingmixture Species - Centepedegross - Rate - 10-20 (b/acre (seed) or 33 bu/acre (sprigs) Seeding dates - Mar. - June, (Sprigging can be done through July where water is available for irrigation.) 9 Solt amendments - Apply Ilme and Fertl I Izer according to soil test, or apply 300 lb/acre 10-10-10. Sprigging - Plant sprigs In Furrows with a tractor -drown transplanter, or broadcast b hand. Y Furrows should 4- o d be 6 Inches die and 2ft apart, Piece sprigs ft. apart c s s about 2 P P P 9 in the row with on e e end at or above rand level <Fe ure .lid). ground g 6 Broadcast at rates shown above, and press sprigs into the top 1 1/2 Inches of SOIL with a disk set straight so that sprigs are not brought back toward the surface. Mulch - Do not mulch Maintenance - Fertilize very sparingly- 20 Ib/acre nitrogen In spring with no phosphorus. Centepedegrass cannot tolerate high pH or excess fertilizer. Table 6. llt - Seeding No. 5CP for, Well -Drained Sandy Loans to Dry Sands; Low Maintenance Seeding mixture Species Rate <lb/acre) Pensacola Bahlagrass 50 Sericea lespedeza 30 Common Bermudngrass 10 German millet 10 Seeding notes 1, Where a neat appearance is desired, omit serecea 2. Use common Bermudagrass only on isolated sites where It cannot become a pest. Bermudagrass may be replaced with 5 lb/acre centipedgrass. Seedingdates - Apr. 1 - Jul 15 P Y Solt amendments - Apply lime and fertilizer according to SOIL tests, or apply 3,D00 Ib/acre ground agricultural limestone and 500 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch Apply 4,000 ib/acre grain straw or equivalent cover of another suitable mulch. Anchor by tacking with asphalt, roving and netting or by crimping with a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance - Refertlllze the following Apr. with 50 lb/acre nitrogen. Repeat as growth requires. May be moved only once a year. Where a neat appearance is desired, omit sericea and now as often as needed. Table 6. llv - Seeding No. 7CP for: Grass -lined Channels; Coastal Plain Seeding Mixture Species - Common Bermudagross - Rate - 40-80 (1/2 1b/1,000 ft ) Seeding dates - Coastal Plain; Apr - July Solt amendments - Apply time and f rtllizer according i t t r n t eto so l tests, o PP Y app ly 3,000 lb/acre round a ricu It rat Limestone and 500 Lb/acre r10-10-10 f rtl li r. g g u li es c e e ze Mulch - Use Jute, excelsior matting, or other effective channel lining material to cover the bottom of channels and ditches. The lining should extend above the highest calculated depth of flow. On channel side slopes above this height, and in drainages not requiring temporary linings, apply 4,000 Lb/ocre grain straw and anchor straw by stapling netting over the top. Mulch and anchoring materials must be allowed to wash down slopes where they can clog drainage devices. Maintenance -A minimum of 3 weeks is required for establishment. Inspect and repair mulch frequently. Refertt IIze the following Apr. with 50 lb/acre nitrogen. Refer to Append I 8.02 for botanical names Tgnporary Diversions Specification 6.20 - Construction S ecifications TD P P MATERIALS 1, Remove and properly dispose of all trees, brush, stumps, and other objectlonal material. 2,Ensure that the minimum constructed cross section meets all design requirements. 3. Ensure that the top of the dike Is not tower at any point than the design elevation plus the specified settlement. 4.Provide sufficient room around diversions to permit machine regrading and cleanout, 5,Ve etate the ridge immediate) after construction,I t 9 9 Yunless t will remain in place Less than 30 working days. Maintenance Inspect temporary diversions once a week and after every rainfall, Immediately remove sediment from the flow area and repair the diversion ridge. Carefully check outlets and make timely repairs as needed. When the area protected is permanently stabilized, remove the ridge and the channel to blend with the natural ground level and appropriately stabilize it. Temoorar�Seeding \ Specification # 6.10 - Specifications Complete grading before preparing seedbeds and Install all necessary erosion control practices, such as dikes, waterways and basins. Minimize steep slopes because they make seedbed preparation difficult and Increase the erosion hazard. If soils become compacted during grading, loosen them to a depth of 6-8 Inches using a ripper, harrow, or chi set plow, Seedbed Preparation Good seedbed preparation Is essential to successful plant establishment. A d p p p goo seedbed is well -pulverized, loose and uniform. Where hydroseeding methods are used, the surface may be left with a more irregular surface of large clods and stones. Liming - Apply lime according to soli test recommendations. If the pH (acidity) of the Solt Is not known, an application of ground agricultural limestone at the rate of 1 to 1 1/2 tons/acre on coarse -textured soils and 2-3 tons/acres on fine -textured soils Is usually sufficient, Apply Limestoneuniformly an d Incorporate Into the top 4-6 inches of sort, Solis with a pH of 6 or higher need not be limed. Fertilizer- Base application rates on soil tests. When these are not possible, apply a 10-10-10 grade fertilizer at 700-1,000 lb./acre. Both fertilizer and time should be Incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil, If a hydraulic seeder is used, do not mix seed and fertilizer more than 30 minutes before application. Surface roughening- If recent tillage operations have resulted in a loose surface,additional roughening may not r ou o be required except to break u Large 9 9 Y Q P P 9 clods. If rainfall causes the surface to b m l r eco a seated or crusted, loosen ;t Just prior to seeding by disking, raking, harrowing, or other suitable methods, Groove or furrow slopes steeper than 3,1 on the contour before seeding (Practice 6: 03, Surface Roughening). Plant Selection Select an appropriate species or species mixture from Table 6. IGO, for seeding In late winter and early spring, Table 6, 10b for summer, and Table 6, 10c for fat 1. Seeding B Evenly apply seed using a cyclone seeder (broadcast), drill, cultepacker seeder, or hydroseeder. Use seeding rates given in Table 6.10a-6,10c. Broadcast seeding and hyroseeding are appropriate for steep slopes where equipment cannot be driven. Hand broadcasting Is not recommended because of the difficulty In achieving a uniform distribution. Small grains should be planted no more than 1 inch deep, and grasses and legumes no more than 1/2 inch. Broadcast seed must be covered by raking or chain dragging, and then lightly firmed with a roller or cultepacker. Hydroseeded mixtures should Include a wood fiber (cellulose) mulch. Mulchlno The use of appropriate mulch will help ensure establishment under normal conditions and Is essential to seeding success under harsh site condition (Practice 6. 14, Mulching). Harsh site conditions include: -seeding in fait for winter cover (wood fiber mulches are not considered adequate for this use), -slopes steeper than 3:1, -excessively hot or dry weather, -adverse solls(shalLow, rocky, or high in cloy or sand), and -areas receiving concentrated flow. If the area to be mulched Is subject to concentrated waterflow, as In channels, anchor mulch with netting (Practice 6.14, Mulching), J Table 6. too - Temporary Seeding Recommendation for Late Winter and Early Spring Seeding mixture Species- Rye(grain), Annual Lespedezo (Kobe in Piedmont and Coastal Plain Rate (lb/acre)- 120 Omit annual lespedeza when duration of temporary cover Is not to extend beyond June Seeding dates -Coastal Plain - Dec. 1 - Apr, 15, Soil amendments- Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/ncre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch-App Ly 4, OOOlb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting r mulch anchoringtool. A disk with blades set near) straight can be used O a Y 9 as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance - Refertl lize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, referti U ze and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. Table 6. 10b - Temporary Seeding Recommendations for Summer Seeding mixture Species -German millet Rate(lb/acre)- 40 Seeding dates -Coastal Plain- Apr, 15-Aug. 15 Solt amendments -Follow recommendations of Solt tests or apply 2,000 Ib/acre ground agricultural U mestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch -Apply 4,000 Lb/acre straw, Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting A disk with lad set near[ straight can be used or a mulch anchoring tool. d s blades B Y g as a mulch anchoring toot. Maintenance-Refertlllze If growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertlllze erosion or other damage. and mulch immediately following Y 9 Table 6. 10c - Temporary Seeding Recommendation for Fell Seeding mixture S ecles-R e( rain) P Y 9 Rate(Lb/acre) - 120 to - Coastal Plain and Piedmont -Au 15 - Dec. 30 Seeding dates 9 9 Solt amendments - Follow soil tests or apply 2,000 lb./acre ground agricu lturel Limestone and 1,000 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch- Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, i toot. A disk with blades set near[ straight can nettle or n mulch anchoring o 9• 9 Y 9 be used as a 9 mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance- Repair acid refertlllze damaged areas Immediately. Topdress with 50 lb/acre of nitrogen In March, If It Is necessary to extend temporary covet - beyond June 15, overseed with 50 lb/acre Kobe (Piedmont and Coastal Plain) Land Grading Specification # 6.02 - Construction Specifications ].Construct and maintain all erosion and sedimentation control practices and measures In accordance with the approved sedimentation control plan and construction schedule. 2.Remove good topsoil from areas to be graded and filled, and preserve It for use in finishing the grading of all critical areas, 3. Scarify areas to be topsoi led to a minimum depth of 2 inches before placing topsoil (Practice 6,04, Topsoiling). 4. Clear and grub areas to be fl l led to remove trees, vegetate on, roots, or other objectionable material that would affect the planned stability of the fill. 5. Ensure that fl It material Is free of brush, rubbish, rocks, logs, stumps, building debris, and other materials Inappropriate for constructing stable IF l IS. 6. Piece all fill In layers not to exceed 9 Inches In thickness, and compact the Layers as required to reduce erosion, slippage, settlement, or other related problems. ' 7.Do not Incorporate frozen material or soft, mucky, or highly compressible materials Into fill slopes. 8. Do not place fill on a frozen foundation, due to possible subsidence and slippage, 9. Keep diversions and other water conveyance measures free of sediment during all phases of development. 1O.Handle seeps or springs encountered during construction In accordance with approved methods (Practice 6.81, Subsurface Drain). 11, Permanently stabilize all graded areas Immediately after flnaL grading Is m letetl on each area in the grading Inn. Ap ply temporary stabilization co P D 9 9P PPY Y on all graded areas when work Is to be interrupted or delayed for 30 measuresg P Y working days or longer. 12.Ensure that topsoil stockpiles, borrow areas, and spoll areas ore adequately protected from erosion with temporary and final stabilization measures, Including sediment fencing and temporary seeding as necessary. Maintenance Periodically check all graded areas and the supporting erosion and sedimentation control practices, especially after heavy rainfalls. Promptly remove all sediment from diversions and other water -disposal practices. If washouts or breaks occur, repair them Immediately. Prompt maintenance of smell eroded areas before they become significant gullies Is an essential part of an effective erosion and sedimentation control plan, MORE GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES, 2. CONTRACTOR TO CO ANY COORDINATE REQUIRED TRAFFIC CONTROL WITH NCDOT. 0 J. CAR HALL B TAKEN RING FINAL GRADING TO ENSURE POSITIVE E S E E DU 1 DRAINAGE TO DRAINAGE SWALES AND RECEIVING STRUCTURES. 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ANY RELOCATIONS, RE -ALIGNMENTS, DISCONNECTIONS OR CONNECTIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES WITH APPLICABLE AUTHORITIES, AND ANY REQUIRED PERMITS. 5. CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF SITE TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB, ASPHALT, INLETS, AND ANY OTHER STRUCTURES INCLUDING TREES, STUMPS AND DEBRIS EXISTING ON SITE, TREES NOT REQUIRED TO BE III CLEARED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED, 1 REVISED PER NCDENR-DWQ COMMENTS 7/2/08 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE Copyr(ght Q Hanover Design SeMcei P.A., All��ts reserved. Reproduction or use of Me conknis or MIS document, oraddtbns orddetbns to this tlw:umeet, In"ok, or Pont. efthoot written t of Me Grad Surw, o or En9ker, ki pne,011ed. LNiy cookie wwn the adgmd of MIS document. marked WM the onglnd signature and onglooi ned of the surwe,r r Engber. shay be conafdred to be wild and true copkie. SB S edlment Basin Specifications # 6 61 - Construction Specifications 1,SIte preparations-C tear, grub and strip topsoil from areas under the embankment to remove trees, vegetation, roots and other objectionable materta L. Delay clearing the pool area until the dam is complete and then remove brush, trees and other objectionable materials to facilitate sediment cleanout. Stockpile all topsoil or salt containing organic matter for use on the outer shell of the embankment to facilitate ve etativ establishment. vegetative es ab shment. Pence temporary sediment control measures below the basin as needed. 2. Cut-off trench -Excavate a cut-off trench along the centerline of the earth fill embankment. Cut the trench to stable soil material, but In no case make it less than 2 ft, deep. The cut-off trench must extend Into both abutments to at least the elevation of the riser crest. Make the minimum bottom .loth wide enough to permit operation of excavation and compaction equipment but In no case less than 2 ft: Make side sloe of the trench no t s steeper er than 1: 1, Compaction P P requirements are the same as those for the embankment. Keep the trench dry during backfilling and compaction operations. 3. Embankment -Take fill material from the approved areas showman the plans. It should be clean mineral soil, free of roots, woody vegetation, rocks and other objectionable material. Scarify areas on which fill is be placed before placing Pit[. The fill material must contain sufficient moisture so it can be formed by hand into a ball without crumb U ng. If water can be squeezed out of the ball, it Is too wet for proper compaction. Place fill material In 6 to B-Inch continuous layers over the entire length of he FILL e t t area and then compact it, Y 9 P Compaction may be obtained by routing the construction hauling equipment over the fill so that the entire surface of each layer Is traversed by at least one wheel or tread track of the heavy equipment, or a compactor may be used. Construct the embankment to an elevation 107. higher than the design height to allow for settling. 4,Condult spillways -Securely attach the riser to the barrel or barrel stub to make a watertight structural connection. Secure ate connections between barrel sections by approved watertight assemblies. Place the barrel and riser on a firm, smooth foundation of Impervious soil. Do not use pervious material such as sand ravel or crush a n kfil around th , crushed stone s b c 1 ou d e pipe or antl-see 9 P P P collars. Place the fill material around he pipe spillway - t p p p ay 'n 4 inch layers and compact it under and around the pipe to at least the same density as the adjacent embankment, Care must be taken not to raise the pipe from firm contact with its foundation when compacting under the pipe haunches. Place n minimum depth of 2ft. of hand -compacted backfill over the pipe spillway before crossing t ass n I with construction equipment. Anchor the riser in lace b 9P Y concrete or other satisfactory means to prevent flotation. In no case should the pipe conduit be installed by cutting a trench through the dam after the embankment Is complete. 5.Emergency spillway -Install the emergency spillway in undisturbed soil, The achievement of planned elevations, grade, design width, and entrance and exit channel slopes are critical to the successful operation of emergency spillway. 6. Inlets -Discharge water Into the basin In a manner to prevent erosion. Use diversions with outlet protection to divert sediment -laden water to the upper end of the pool area to improve basin trap efficiency (References: Runoff Control Measures and Outlet Protection). 7, Erosion control -Construct the structure so that the disturbed area Is minimized. Divert surface water away from bare areas. Complete the embankment before the area is cleared. Stabilize the emergency spillway embankment and all other disturbed areas above the crest of the principal spillway immediately after construction (References: Surface Stabilization). 8, Safety -Sediment basins may attract children and can be dangerous. Avoid steep side slopes, and fence and mark basins with warning signs if trespassing Is likely. Follow all state and local requirements. Maintenance Check sediment basins after periods of significant runoff. Remove sediment and restore the basin to its original dimensions when sediment accumulates to one- half the design depth. Check the embankment, spillways, and outlet for erosion damage, and Inspect the embankment for piping and settlement. Make all necessary repairs immediately. `IkttRemove all trash and other debris from the riser and pool area. i OP Outlet StnLaillzntion Structure Specif lCatIon # 6.41 - Constructlon Spec if lent Ions 1. Ensure that the subgrade for the filter and rlprap follows the required lines and grades shown In the plan. Compact any FILL required In the subgrade to t density f h r undisturbed material. ow areas ;n h he de sl a the surrounding u L ens the Y 9 subgrade on undisturbed soil may also be filled by Increasing the rlprap thickness. 2. The rlprop and gravel ft Iter must conform to the Spec[fled -grading limits shown on the plans. 3. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be properly r t t from punching r tearing during installation. Repair an damn o ec ed o u c n o ten I e b P P 9 9 9 P Y 9 Y removing h r n another piece of filter cloth over the the r p np and placing damaged areo. All connecting Joints should over lop a minimum of I ft. If thed mn e isextensive, rePlace the entire filter cloth. 4. Ri ra m b la m nt but take care to avoid damaging the p p may e placed by equ p e g g fitter. r should be 1.5 times the maximum stone 5. The minimum th thickness of the ri n P P diameter. 6. RI rn may be field stone or rough quarry stone. It should be hard angular, Riprap Y 9 9 Y 9 . highly weather -resistant and wel l graded. 6. Construct the apron on zero grade with no over Pall at the end. Make the top of the rlprap at the downstream end level with the receiving area or slightly below it. B. Ensure that the apron Is property aligned with the receiving stream and P P P Y 9 9 t f curve t it it straight throughout its ten h, I a cu a 's needed o f site s t preferably 99 conditions, place It In the upper section of the apron. 9. Immediately after construction, stabilize all disturbed areas with vegetation (Practice 6. 10, Temporary Seeding, and 6. 11, Permanent Seeding). Maintenance Inspect rlprop outlet structures after heavy rains to see If any erosion around or below the rlprap has taken place or If stones have been dislodged. Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent Further damage. HAR➢WARE CLOTH & GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION _(Temoornrv) IP Specification # 6.51 - Construction Specifications o As fabric, use a 19-gauge hardware cloth with 1/4 inch mesh openings, with a total height of 2 Feet minimum. The sediment control stone, with a height of 16 inches, should have an outside slope of 2:1. For stakes, use steel T posts of 1.25 Ib/ tinear foot with a minimum length of 5 ft., driven 2 ft. into the ground, maximum spacing of 4 feet, Specifications 1. Uniformly grade a shallow depression approaching the Inlet. 2. Drive 5-foot steel posts 2 feet Into the ground surrounding the inlet. Space posts evenly around the perimeter of the Inlet, a maximum of 4 feet apart. 3. Surround the posts with wire mesh hardware cloth. Secure the wire mesh to the steel posts at the top, middle, and bottom, Placing a 2-foot anchoring flap of the mesh under the gravel Is recommended. 4. Place clean gravel (NCDOT #5 or #57 stone) on a 211 slope with n heig t of 16 Inches around the wire, and smooth to an even grade, 5. Once the contributing drainage area has been stabs llzed, remove the establish final grades. accumulated sediment and es , 9 J t U 6. Compact the area properly acid stab III ze wl th groundcover, BY; Maintenance Inspect the barrier after each significant rain and make repairs at needed. Remove sediment from the area as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain. Take care not to damage or undercut the hardware cloth during sediment removal. When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabilized, remove all materials and any unstable sediment and dispose of then properly. Bring the disturbed area to the grade of the drop inlet and smooth and compact It. Appropriately stabilize all bare areas around the Inlet. r ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY NOTES & DETAILS WEST GATE BEST WEST ERN HOTEL & REST AURANT RANT LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA I,,I,.,,.F_ CARD e iss'Aenssnw•e `g V Sa AL If OG, I I �� -I rozeob dhollis A hdsilm.com OWNER; SANKEY PROPERTIES, LLC RO, BOX 847 Clarkton, NC 26433 phone,' 910-862-5812 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS ITT yyy 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Dote: 1-22- 08 Scale 1=50 Drawn: DBB Checked: DSH Project No: 5309 OW-ECP-9 Sheet No: 9 of: 0 2008 F:\AII\West Gate\base-6309-best western.dwg (Layout ECP-9) f� � :�� : : I .1 ., :: . � � :�* .1 . �, . . I I ..; � - . 1.� . : , �1� � , � I , �': .. I 1 . �: I ., � I . . , , �: , . %.,� I . i: . �, �� ;::,� . .