HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8070546_APPROVED PLANS_20071105STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 0-105L- \0 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ® APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2 c) 01 1 105 YYYYMMDD VICINITY MAP NTS TE P CI c, C LE' nC 5 0 55C I S)3 P X !HT i`J3 JITE CGI`. TI ;J 1 4 P C G Al, TIC E;R Af C- SI' N 0\Nl[ ) -D' =I T u JTPGL- PROJECT REFERENCE NO, i Fl;' T F, T F L D I. I 0 a 0 ``V L. .._', 0 T DTI T ,� II`-1. 0L T I.I T I�' S) T T-1 E_ T T T D I^`J G 1 I � ,�'ITT �', - T vi D TTT1''%'Tf . T TTN1 )CID, uo izlja rage i4�j P JEC;T Ii PJ T T T T � ; �:� I__ �J NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 05 INDEX OF SHEETS SHEET I COVER SHEET SHEET 2 CON`JENTIONAI_ SYMBOLS SHEET 3 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS SHEET 4 GRADING AND DRAINAGE. SHEET 5 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SHEET 6 DETAILED TYPICAL SEC TIONS Prepared in the Office of- L 'r' T T:T TT wdw141Z-110 I SEA G ��5 J ,l MAY 0 2 2007 PROD# 5Wz()?vs4& P E. Note: Not to Scale *S. U.E. = Subsurface Utility Engineering STATE OF NO R' I ' CA RO I . I N.A DIVISION OF -HIGHWAYS CONVENTIONAL BOUNDARIES AND PROPERTY - State Line ----- ----- County Line ---- ---- Township Line -- -- City Line - Reservation Line — Property Line Existing Iron Pin EP Property Corner Property Monument Parcel/Sequence Number izs Existing Fence Line —x x x- Proposed Woven Wire Fence Proposed Chain Link Fence Proposed Barbed Wire Fence Existing Wetland Boundary - - - -8- - - - Proposed Wetland Boundary RLB Existing Endangered Anima) Boundary Existing Endangered Plant Boundary EM BUILDINGS AND OTHER CULTURE: Gas Pump Vent or U/G Tank Cap O Sign S W Well Small Mine Foundation 0 Area Outline 0 Cemetery 0 Building L School Church Dam HYDROLOGY.• Stream or Body of Water -- Hydro, Pool or Reservoir Jurisdictional Stream —�s — Buffer Zone 1 8Z I Buffer Zone 2 BZ 2- Flow Arrow — Disappearing Stream — Spring�_- Swamp Marsh Proposed Lateral, Tail, Head Ditch FIAI False Sump <T> RAILROADS: Standard Gauge - RR Signal Milepost Switch RR Abandoned - RR Dismantled - RIGHT OF WAY.- Baseline Control Point Existing Right of Way Marker Existing Right of Way Line Proposed Right of Way Line Proposed Right of Way Line with Iron Pin and Cap Marker Proposed Right of Way Line with Concrete or Granite Marker Existing Control of Access Proposed Control of Access Existing Easement Line Proposed Temporary Construction Easement - Proposed Temporary Drainage Easement Proposed Permanent Drainage Easement Proposed Permanent Utility Easement _-H—t-t-t-t--t—� CSX TRANSPORTATION MILEPOST 35 - 0 SWITCH G SHEET SYMBOLS EXISTING STRUCTURES: MAJOR: Bridge, Tunnel or Box Culvert Bridge Wing Wall, Head Wall and End Wall - MINOR: Head and End Wall Pipe Culvert l CONC J CONC WW CONC HW Footbridge }----------< Drainage Box: Catch Basin, DI or JB Paved Ditch Gutter Storm Sewer Manhole R Storm Sewer -E- ME PDE PUE ROADS AND RELATED FEATURES: Existing Edge of Pavement ----- Existing Curb ----- Proposed Slope Stakes Cut - - - c - - - Proposed Slope Stakes Fill - - - F - - - Proposed Wheel Chair Ramp Proposed Wheel Chair Ramp Curb Cut Curb Cut for Future Wheel Chair Ramp ccF Existing Metal Guardrail T Proposed Guardrail T T T T Existing Cable Guiderai) n n n Proposed Cable Guiderail n n n n Equality Symbol Pavement Removal TIEGETAMN..- Single Tree Single Shrub Hedge Woods Line Orchard Vineyard Vineyard UTILITIES. - POWER: Existing Power Pole Proposed Power Pole Existing Joint Use Pole Proposed Joint Use Pole Power Manhole Power Line Tower Power Transformer LPG Power Cable Hand Hole H-Frame Pole Recorded II/G Power Line Designated LkG Power Line (S.U.E.*) TELEPHONE: Existing Telephone Pole - Proposed Telephone Pole CB sO P- - — — —P— — — — --o- Telephone Manhole OO Telephone Booth ID Telephone Pedestal Telephone Cell Tower WG Telephone Cable Hand Hole HH Recorded LPG Telephone Cable T Designated UG Telephone Cable (S.U.E.*) - - - - -T- - - - Recorded USG Telephone Conduit TC— Designated UG Telephone Conduit (S.U.E.*)-- - - - -T0— - - - Recorded LPG Fiber Optics Cable T FO_ Designated UG Fiber Optics Cable (S.U.E.*)- - - - -T FO PRokCr REFRENCE No. CAgpl`,� ' 'eQoSEAL�9� v� 27885 F a-ar:ra WATER: Water Manhole Water Meter o Water Valve Water Hydrant .0 Recorded LPG Water Line ■ Designated U/G Water Line (S.U.E.*) - - - -R- - - - Above Ground Water Line A/G Water TV: TV Satellite Dish C� TV Pedestal TV Tower U/G TV Cable Hand Hole NN Recorded LPG TV Cable TV Designated UG TV Cable (S.U.E.*) - - - —Tv— - - - Recorded LPG Fiber Optic Cable TV FO Designated U/G Fiber Optic Cable (S.U.E.*)- - - - —Tv FO— - - GAS: Gas Valve Q Gas Meter Recorded U/G Gas Line O Designated LPG Gas Line (S.U.E.*) - - - -O- - - - Above Ground Gas Line A/G Gas SANITARY SEWER: Sanitary Sewer Manhole OO Sanitary Sewer Cleanout p UG Sanitary Sewer Line SS Above Ground Sanitary Sewer A/G Sanitary Sewer Recorded SS Forced Main Line FSS Designated SS Forced Main Line (S.U.E.*) - - - - -FSS- - - - MISCELLANEOUS: Utility Pole Utility Pole with Base Utility Located Object Utility Traffic Signal Box Utility Unknown U/G Line LPG Tank; Water, Gas, Oil A/G Tank; Water, Gas, Oil LPG Test Hole (S.U.E.*) Abandoned According to Utility Records End of Information m AATUR E.O.I. to 0 TOP OF ECMI ELEV. = 40.44 r Linda Y. Wray DB 1298 Page 749 REGRADE EXIST DITCH 3:I SLOPES SEDIMENT DAM SEE DETAIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SEDIMENT DAkE=:; SEE DETAIL / n! IIj/ ll I I / ILTI FENCE 1 WM,ifETLANDI I I I� NC HW_ Y l72 18" I I ©© z mp I PHALT j ARKING I PROPOSED Oij FICE BUILDING I �t I FF= 4250 I I I t r 1z I I GRAVEL PARKING , AND STORAGE w EDGE OF GRAVEL ` r , , ' ROCK INLET / a SEDIMENT TRAP C.M. Mitchell and Sons LLC SEE DETAI / ° DB 2423 Page 152 Plat Book 048 Page 53 SPREADER 4.552 Acres / 1 30--� SILT FENCEI1 SEE DETAIL FOR ' INFILTRATION BASIN I I ' / I Linda Y. Wray DB 1298 Page 749 C+►7 0 go 18H i I I L—————————— — — — — —— W C.M. Mitchell and Sons LLC DB 2717 Page 144 Plat Book 048 Page 54 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 07-00/ 5 FESS/d SEAL 27885 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES: J. CondructJon Sequence a. Notify owner, Engineer and Land Quallly Section prior to beginning construction. b.Clearing or grading shall begin at low points, points of outfa!l release or at other locations where sediment measures are shown on the plan, and the sediment control devices (sediment traps, silt fences, diversion stormwater treatment areas, etc.) shall be Installed before or simultaneously with the disturbance of any area draining to the device. c. Limits of disturbance will be according to the plan as shown. Silt fence sholl be installed Immedlate/y after disturbance Ilt fence shall be maintained until the disturbed area is stabilized completely. Silt fences are shown based on topographic Information /n the locations expected to be needed to trap sediment prior to entering down slope areas. Actual locations of Installation shall be adjusted to the actual physical on site topogropohy.That Is, where silt fence Is not shown on the plan but the actual topography reflects a downward slope�sllt fence shall be Installed Where the actual topography reflects an upward slope silt fence is not required. d. Construct infiltration basin. See Infiltration basin detall for more Information. e. Strip and stockpile topsol/ for later use. Rough grade site. f.Install catch basins, storm draln pipes and drainage swales.Immediately construct sediment traps and rock check dams where shown.Wlthin l5 days, temporary seed swages If not /n final condition or permanent seed and Install Swale l)ner,lf In fowl condition. g. Within /5 days upon completion of grading, install temporary or permanent seeding and mulching. h Fine grade drives and parking area, place CABC over compacted subgrade I. Establish groundcover on exposed slopes within /5 calendar days following completion of any phase of grading. J. Contractor must conduct and pass a proof roll test, on the subrade proor to Installing stone. The proof roll test shall be conducted In the presence of the Engineer. k. Seed, fertilize and mulch all disturbed areas within 15 days of conpleting any phase of the grading work.App/y temporary seeding If area Is o be disturbed again and permanent If areas have been final graded and accepted by the engineer and owner. 2. Seeding SpeciflooNaxs: Apply Ilene and fertilizer and work Into seed bed, seed mixture shall be distributed uniformty and convened with a clean straw mulch Mulch shall be crimped or tacked to help hold In place. Material and application rates are as follows Maieriols Lime ApaAdlon rate 2000 lbslac. Fertilizer 00-10-10) 800 lbslac. Mulch 2 tonslac. Asphalt Tack Permanent Seedlna 435 gallac. 'Rebel' Fescue l00 lbsloc Common Bermuda Hulled (Apr!/ l - Sept.!) 50 lbslac. Unhulled (Sept./ - April 0 75 lbslac. Rye Grain (Sept./ - April l only) 50 lbsloc. German Millet (April I - Sept. l only) Temaarary Seedlno 50 lbslac. Dec I - April 15 Koba Lespedeza 50 lbslac. Rye Grain l00 lbsloc. Apr1115 - Aug.15 German Millet 40 lbslac Aug.15 - Dec l5 Rye Grain l00 lbslac. J. Contractor is responsible for malntalning all erosion control measures and shall amend measures as required to prevent accelerated erosion from taking place on this site, until site Is restab1//zed and accepted by the engineer and owner. 4. Upon restablllzation of all disturbed areas and swales, contrractor shall remove all temporary erosion control facilities and grade, grass, mulch and restablllze the areas. t Elev. Silt Fence All Around STORMWATER INFILTRATION BASIN CROSS SECTION A -A DETAIL Not to Scale NOTES 1. Notify Engineer 48 hours prior to beginning construction. 2.The infiltration basin requires Inspection during construction and upon completion requires certification of construction to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality by a North Carolina Professional Engineer. 3.The Infiltration basin Is not to be used as a sediment trap. Stormwater shall be diverted away from the Infiltration basin until contributing watersheds are completely stabilized 4.Excavate and grade the side slopes of the basin to elevation 4130 5. Immediate upon excavation, silt fences shall be placed at the bottom of the basin sides and remain In place until the side slopes are stabilized. 6.Contractor shall measure basin to ensure correct size. 7.Install Inlet pipes and flared end sections. 8.Install filter cloth barrier. 9. Place 6' clean sand over filter cloth barrier at basin bottom to elevation 3820. IO.Sod side slopes. It. Install r1p rap level spreaders. 12.Place slit fence at top of basin to prevent erosion. l3.For additional Information, see stormwater management permit. Slit fence all around to be Installed Immediately upon excavation and re In place until slopes are stabilized. . -.. LeveBottom of Bas[n l SpreadI Excavate and Backflll to Elev.35.0 5' 6' clean 'Mortar Sand' TREVIAR SI114 filter fabric or equivalent. ROCK INLET SEDIMENT TRAP TYPE C SECTION A -A MULTI -DIRECTIONAL FLOW NOTES: 1. SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE SHALL BE NO 5 OR NO 57. 2. WIRE MESH SHALL BE HARDWARE CLOTH 23 GAUGE MIN. AND SHALL HAVEV41NCH MESH OPENINGS. 3. TOP OF WIRE MESH SHALL BE A MIN/MUM OF ONE FOOT BELOW THE SHOULDER OR ANY DIVERSION POINT. 4. STEEL POST SHALL BE 5 FT.IN HEIGHT,BE INSTALLED 15FT.DEEP MINIMUM, AND BE OF THE SELF -FASTENER ANGLE TYPE. 5. WOOD POST SHALL BE 6 FT.IN HEIGHT.BE INSTALLED TO 15 FT.DEEP M/N/MUM,AND BE 3 INCHES 1N DIAMETER. 6. POST SPACING SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 4 FT. ................. ................. .1. I . • 11 . . . I . I . . ♦ . . . . . . A Slit Fence All Around STAC3ILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOT TO SCALE I. Stone size — Use MSHA size No.2 (2-1/2' to P) or AASHTO designation M43,size No.2 (2-1/2'to 1-1/2').Use 2. Length- Asneffictive but not less than 50 feet. 3. Thickness — Not less than four (4) Inches. 4. Width — Not less than full width of all points of Ingress or egress. 5. Washing — When necessary, wheels shall be cleaned to remove sediment prior to entrance onto public right of way. When washing Is required, It stall be done on an area stabilized with crushed stone which drains Into an approved sediment trap or sediment basin. All sediment shall be prevented from entering any storm drain,dltcla or watercourse ttrough use of sandbags, gravel, boards or other approved methods. 6. Maintenance — The entrance shall be maintained In a condition which will prevent trocklnq or flowing of sediment onto public right of way. This may require periodic top dressing with additional stone as conditions demand and repair and/or cleanoutof any measures used to trap sediment .All sediment .spilled ,dropped,wasted or tracked onto public rlghlt of way must be removed Immediately. PROFILE VIEW Provide ogqaa���r/ale tianslNW Delween stadllzed Caxdrg Entrance and Pudic RlgM or Way 50' MIN. — 0 0 000 00° 000 ° 00 0 00 00 00p.% ° ° 0°0 90 0 0. 0 -90 ° °0 0° °0 c °oV�o°oo PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY PLAN VIEW STANDARD 240 DROP INLET (N.T.S.) 2 GRATE INLET 24' VARIES :CIi7:7riI �-4`7 ( \ MAXIMUM _) �— PIPE 3' POST 8' CONC. SLAB 2' SPACING .XD/MENT r r lrr r t r. NTROL 2 0 12' 3 — /0' -� /5' VAKIACI-r- /5' 1 2' 6' 6' ILTER ATER TOP AND BOTTOM STRAND SHALL BE 10 GAUGE MINIMUM WIRE NGTES: WIRE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 32 IN WIDTH AND SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 6 LINE WIRES WITH IZSTAY SPACING. FILTER FABRIC SFALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3EIN WIDTH AND SHALL BE FASTENED ADEQUATELY TO THE WIRE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. STEEL POST SHAL: BE 5' - O' IN HEIGHT AND BE OF THE SELF -FASTENER ANGLE STEEL TYPE PROJECT REFERENCE Na SEE= Na TOTAL SEEM o7-001 1 fi 6 6 SEDIMENT DAM DETAIL ice— 51-0' MIN.-1 CROSS SECTION jam-- 31MIN ----.� STONE SECTION b'MAX.WLrH WIRE 6'MAX.Wn'H0UT WIRE MIDDLE AND VERTICAL SHALL BE 12112GAGE M FILTER FABRIC FILTER FABRIC COMPACTED FIL SILT FENCE DETAIL EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE INTO FABRIC SEA - L 27885 �tGINEEe ' nn