HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061695 Ver 3_Meeting Minutes_20070727i e.• SINr y r ~,~a ;.s. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DMSION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR September 27, 2007 WBS Element: 33480.3.1 (B-4127) Contract No. C201639 F. A. Number: BRZ-1438 (5) County: Greene Description: Bridge over Rainbow Creek and Approaches on SR 1438 MEMORANDUM TO: Ellis C. Powell, Jr., PE State Construction Engineer FROM: Wendi O. Johnson, PE Division Construction Engineer C~ ~;~ 0~ LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY SUBJECT: Approved Preconstruction Conference & Permit Meeting Minutes We are transmitting an approved copy of the minutes covering the Preconstruction Conference for the above project, which was held August 24, 2007. The minutes were approved by the Contractor, United Contractors, Inc., as recorded. Attachment c: Ron Lucas (FHWA) Gary Jordan (LJS Fish & Wildlife) Rob Ridings (NCDENR, Division of Water Quality) Brian Wrenn (NCDENR, Division of Water Quality) John Holley (NCDENR, Land Quality Section) Travis Wilson (NCWRC) David Cox (NCWRC) Ron Sechler (National Marine Fisheries) William Wescott (LJS Army Corps of Engineers) Joey Jennings (Progress Energy) Sharon Jones (Embarq) Bob Williford (Embarq) Robert Rogister (Embarq) Bobby Thurman (New Wave Communications) Bradley Gillam (Town of Hookerton -Water & Sewer) Post Office Box 3165, Wilson, North Carolina 27895-3165 Telephone (252) 237-6164 Fax (252) 234-6174 Ellis C. Powell, Jr., PE ` 'September 27, 2007 Page 2 ec: Cecil Jones, PE Donald Pearson, EI, CPESC Robert Simpson Andy Brown, PE Bobby Lewis, PE Kevin Bowen, PE Warren Walker, PE Andy Pridgen Ron Hancock, PE Lloyd Johnston, Jr. Mike McKeel, PE Keith Honeycutt, PE, PLS Charles W. Brown, PE, PLS Kevin Lacy, PE Victor Barbour, PE Don G. Lee Jimmy Marler Jamie Guerrero Haywood Daughtry, PE Doug Allison John Stewart K. J. Kim, Ph.D., PE David R. Henderson, PE Queen Crittendon Greg Dixon Preston Hunter, PE Jay Sutton Kenny Baines PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE AND PER,'~ZIT MEETING WBS Element: 33480.3.1 (B-4127) Federal Aid No.: BRZ-1438 (5) Contract No.: C201639 County: Greene Description: Bridge over Rainbow Creek and Approaches on SR 1438 The Preconstruction Conference for the above project was held in the ~'~'ilson Division Office Conference Room on August 24, 2007 with the following persons in attendance: NAME REPRESENTII~C Andy Pridgen NCDOT - QA Lab Tim Robbins NCDOT -Roadside Environmental Donald Pearson NCDOT -Roadside Environmental Benny Vl•'oodard NCDOT -Construction Jimmy Best NCDOT -Construction Mike McKeel NCDOT -Construction John Stewart NCDOT -Utilities Coordination Ronny Brewer T&H Electrical Mike Shanahan United Contractors Steve Sundquist United Contractors Joe Hollis United Contractors Michael Vaught Marron Contracting Dickie Dawson Barnhill Contracting Barry Kass Barnhill Contracting Jay Sutton NCDOT -Greene County Maintenance ~'endi Johnson, Division Construction Engineer, presided over the conference. She asked evc; ycne pres:,r.t to introduce themselves and their company affiliation. T"e Cor.±rzctor subritted his letter nar.:ing persons a~.:±ho*-ized to sign Suppler.~ental Agreernert~. Mike Shanahan will act as Project Superintendent for the Contractor. Jimmy Best will act as Project Inspector and Traffic Control Coordinator for the Division of Highways. The Contractor advised they plan to begin work September 17, 2007 installing signs. He should give the Resident Engineer 30 days notice if this date should change. The Contractor submitted his progress schedule. He was ad~~sed that it would be checked, and he would be advised if satisfactory. By copy of these minutes, we are advising the Contractor that his progress schedule is being returned for corrections. Preconstruction Conference Minutes B-4127 Page 2 UTILITY CONFLICTS Progress Energy (Distribution) -Conflicts have been relocated. Embarq -Conflicts have been relocated. Town of Hookerton (V4'ater and Sewer) -Lines have been relocated. Cable has to move to power line, and water and sewer have to be connected on the ends. ASPHALT PAVEI<'IENTS Mr. Andy Pridgen, Division QA Supervisor, asked the Contractor if he had any questions of the Special Provisions outlined on pages 26 thru 29. Mr. Pridgen advised that the Special Provisions in this contract are dated 07/18/06 (Rev. 9/19/06). The Contractor advised that Barnhill would perform paving on this project. Will probably use the Princeton plant. A certified QMS Roadway Contractor's Representative will be required to be on the protect during paving. Density testing may be required for wedging (depending on the depth). Contractor can design and run 20°ro Rap rather than 1 ~°io. Page 30 of the contract shows the New Source Rap Gradation and Binder Tolerances. The Contractor advised that cores would be run on this project. RIGHT OF WAY The right of s~~ay for this project is being handled by Division Two All of the right of way has been secured for this project and copies of the agreements were given to the Resident Engineer- Parcels 4 and 4Z (Greene County) are Permits of Entry. Parcel 007 was condemned because of unknown property owner. The Contractor is ad~7sed not to exceed the right of way or easement areas shown on the project plans unless written permission is granted from the property owner. PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS GENERAL Contract Time and Liquidated Damages -The date of availability for this contract is the date the Contractor begins work but not before August 1, 2007 or later than February 15, 2008. Preconstruction Conference Minutes B-4127 Page 3 The completion date for this contract is the date that is 265 consecutive calendar days after and including the date of availability. The completion date will be June 7, 2008. The liquidated damages for this contract are $500.00 per calendar day. The Contractor was renunded that he should give a notice of 21 days before closing the road. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE It is the policy of the North Carolina Department of Transportation that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) as defined in 49 CFR Part 26 shall have the opportunity to participate in the ^e:-for^:ance Cf VViltrK\+~J finarccu i;. whvlc or iii pail by cdcrdi fuiid3 in urger io create a level playing field r on which DBEs can compete fairly. The Contractor, subcontractor and sub-recipient shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of federally assisted contracts. Failure by the Contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy, as the Department deems necessary. The Contractor is also encouraged to give every opportunity to allow DBE participation in Supplemental Agreements. The Contractor's EEO Officer is Steve Sandquist and their Minority Liaison Officer is Gary Sandquist. The Contractor shall exercise all necessary and reasonable steps to insure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises participate in at least 6° o of the contract. The contract was awarded with 17.3°% participation. The Resident Engineer furnished the Contractor with required posters for his bulletin board. The Contractor's EEO Policy Statement is to be posted on the project's bulletin board, which should be weatherproof, along with the following posters: 1. Davis-Bacon Minimum Prevailing Wage Rate Schedule 2. Wage-Rate Information - F/A Project, Form PR-1495 3. Notice Relating to False Statements, Form PR-1022 4. EEO Poster -Discrimination is Prohibited The Contractor is urged to document, in writing, all actions taken in complying with Equal Opportunity of Employment Provisions, Training Provision, and Minority Business Enterprise Provision. This includes applicant referrals, meetings with employees, on-site inspections, wage evaluations, etc. All subcontractors and suppliers are responsible for meeting the same requirements as the prime contractor, and it is the prime contractor's responsibility to oversee that both are in compliance. All alleged discriminatory violations should be brought to the attention of the Resident Engineer. Preconstruction Conference Minutes B-4127 Page 4 The State and/or FHWA will conduct a Contract Compliance Review sometime during the life of this contract. Therefore, fair employment practice should be maintained at all times. Women should not be discriminated against in any way. Reporting Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation -When payments are made to Disadvantaged Business Enterprise firms, including material suppliers, contractors at all levels shall provide the Engineer with an accounting of said payments. This accounting shall be furnished to the Engineer for any given month by the end of the following month. The Contractor shall report the accounting of payments through the Department's DBE Payment Tracking System, which is a web based application. The System can be accessed through the following web link: Y ~: - ~.t -_ _ _ ._ - _ _--__-____T--__._.-__~_ The Contractor shall also provide the Engineer an affidavit attesting the accuracy of the information submitted in the Payment Tracking System. This, too, shall be submitted for any given month by the end of the following month. Submissio~r of Records -Federal Aid Projects - This project is not located on the National Highway System; therefore, federal form FHWA-47 is not required. Also, payrolls are not required. Twelve Month Guara~itee -The Contractor shall guarantee materials and workmanship against latent and patent defects arising from faulty materials, faulty workmanship or negligence for a period of l 2 months following the date of final acceptance of the work for maintenance and shall replace such defective materials and workmanship without cost to the Department. To insure uniform application statewide, the Division Engineer will forward details regarding the circumstances surrounding any proposed guaranteed repairs to the Chief Engineer for review and approval prior to the work being performed. Erosion & Sediment Control/Storm Water Certification -Contractor shall provide a Certified Supervisor, Certified Foreman and Certified Installer on this project. Contractor will notify the Engineer of changes in certified personnel over the life of the contract within two days of change. The roles and responsibilities of the Certified Supervisor, Certified Foreman and Certified Installer are shown on pages 15-18 of the contract. The Inspector should be familiar with these roles and responsibilities, and make certain that the work is done as stipulated in the contract. The Certified Supervisors and Certified Foremen on this project will be Joe Hollis and Mike Shanahan. The Certified Installer will be Jerome Narron. Procedure for Monitoring Borrow Pit Discharge -Water discharge from borrow pit sites shall not cause surface waters to exceed 50 NTUs in streams not designated as trout waters and 10 NTUs in streams, lakes or reservoirs designated as trout waters. For lakes and reservoirs not designated as trout waters, the turbidity shall not exceed 25 NTUs. If the turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the existing turbidity level shall not be increased. Preconstruction Conference Minutes B-~ 127 Page 5 During the Environmental Assessment required by Article 230-4 of the Standard Specifications, the Contractor shall define the point at which the discharge enters the State's surface waters and the appropriate sampling locations. The discharge shall be closely monitored when water from the dewatering activities is introduced into jurisdictional wetlands. No activities shall occur in wetlands that adversely affect the functioning of a wetland. Visible sedimentation will be considered an indication of possible adverse impacts en wetland use. The Contractor advised that a commercial borrow pit would be used PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS ROADWAY Clearitrg ar~d Gruhbi~rg -Perform clearing on this project to the limits established by'l4ethod III shov.~n on Standard IvTo. 200.03 of the Roadw=ay Standard Drawings. Roau'-+•:7y Cor~structiort -This item of work shall include clearing and grubbing, excavation and embankment, pipes, drainage structures, pavement removal, pavement structure, furnishing and placing borrow material, undercutting, steel beam guardrail, erosion control, construction surveying, if applicable, and alt incidentals necessary to complete the work required of the plans. All materials shall meet the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications, except as otherwise specified in the contract. The Contractor shall perform all construction in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications, except as otherwise specified in the contract. Payment for work required of this provision will be made at the contract lump sum price for Roadway Construction. Off-site detour signs will be installed by D.O.T. ~1ike McKeel will tack with Tramc Services about this. T:~e Contractor ~tiill varnish the Resident Engineer 4vith a listing of signs Protective Services will be providing. Shoulder ar~d Ft1! Slope Material -Required shoulder and slope construction for ties project sl-ait be performed in accordance with the requirements of Section 226 of the Standard Specifications except as follows: Construct the top 6" of shoulder and fill slopes with soils capable of supporting vegetation. Provide soil with P.I. greater than 6 and less than 25 and with a pH ranging from 5.5 to 6.8. Remove stones and other foreign material 2" or larger in diameter. All soil is subject to testing and acceptance or rejection by the Engineer. If testing is needed, please make certain it is done. Material shalt be obtained from within the project limits or an approved borrow source. Preconstruction Conference Minutes B-4127 ` • Paee 6 EROSION CONTROL CrinrRi~lg Straw 111r~1ch -Crimping shall be required on this project adjacent to any section of roadway where traffic is to be maintained or allowed during construction. In areas within six feet of the edge of pavement, straw is to be applied and then crimped. After the crimping operation is complete, an additional application of straw shall be applied and immediately tacked with a sufficient amount of undiluted, emulsified asphalt. Reforestationr -Reforestation will be planted within interchanges and along the outside borders of the road and in other areas as directed. Reforestation is not shown on the plan sheets (see the Reforestation Detail Sheet). Reforestation will be done between l~Tovember 15 and March 15. Contractor should allow ample time for ordering and receiving plantings. All non-maintained riparian buffers impacted by the placement of temporary fill or clearing activities shall be restored to the preconstruction contours and revegetated with native woody species. The Seeding Sub is Holland Landscaping En-•h•arrmentally Sensitive Areas -This project is located in an Environmentally Sensitive Area. This designation requires special procedures to be used for clearing and grubbing, temporary stream crossings and grading operations within the Environmentally Sensitive Areas identified on the plans and as designated by the Engineer. This also requires special procedures to be used for seeding and mulching and stage seeding within the project. The Environmentally Sensitive Area shall be defined as a 50-foot buffer zone on both sides of the stream or depression, measured from top of stream bank or center of depression. C-learirlg and Grt~bbiitg - In areas identified as Environmentally Sensitive Areas, the Contractor may perform clearing operations but not grubbing operations until immediately prior to beginning grading operations as described in Article 2UU-1 of the Standard Specifications. Only clearing operations (not grubbing) shall be allowed in this buffer zone until immediately prior to beginning grading operations. Erosion control devices shall be installed immediately fallowing the clearing operation. Only c1Ear in the butlers where absolutely necessary. Grading -Once grading operations begin in identified Environmentally Sensitive Areas, work shall progress in a continuous manner until complete. All construction within these areas shall progress in a .continuous manner such that each phase is complete and areas are permanently stabilized prior to beginning of next phase. Failure on the part of the Contractor to complete any phase of construction in a continuous manner in Environmentally Sensitive Areas will be just cause for the Engineer to direct the suspension of work in accordance with Article 108-7 of the Standard Specifications. Mifrimi~e Removal of i'egetation -The Contractor shall minimize removal of vegetation at stream banks and disturbed areas within the project limits as directed. The Contractor indicated that waste and borrow sites would be com,-nercial. Donald Fearson advised that a rain gauge must be kept on site along with accurate records Preconstruction Conference l~tinutes B-41 ~7 ' Pa$e 7 The Contractor was reminded that if anon-commercial waste site is used, they must go through the reclamation process. Safety Fence -The Safety Fence shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activities. Skimmer Basi~i with Baffles -The Contractor was instructed not to change the size of the basins. The length must be exactly what is shown in the plans and they must be flat on the bottom. Donald Pearson advised that there is only one Skimmer Basin on the project. The contract does not show any conflicts for basins in the buffers. STRUCTURES St;bmittal of Ii'orkif~glJra-+~irrgs -The Contractor was reminded to sLnd his su~mittals to Structure Design, with a copy to Mike McKee(. These should be done as soon as possible. PERMITS Mrs. Johnson advised that the US Army Corps of Engineers and NCDENR have issued a permit for this project. Everyone working on the project should read the permit in its entirety and become familiar with the conditions of the permit. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable permit conditions during construction of this project. Agents of the permitting authority will periodically inspect the project for adherence to the permit. Should the Contractor propose to utilize construction methods (such as temporary structures or fill in waters andior wetlands for haul roads, work platforms, cofferdams, etc.) not specifically identified in the pear-it (individual, general or nationwide) authorizing the project, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate with the Engineer to determine what, if any, additional permit action is required. The Contractor shall also be responsible for initiating the request for the authorization of such canstructier, method by the permitting agency. The request shall be submitted through the Engineer. The Contractor shall not utilize the construction method until it is approved by the permitting agency. The request no, ~nally takes approximately 60 days to process; however, no extensions of time or additional compensation will be granted for dela}~s resulting from the Contractor's request for approval of construction methods not specifically identified in the permit. Where construction moratoriums are contained in a permit condition which restricts the Contractor's activities to certain times of the year, those moratoriums will apply only to the portions of the work ta)•;ing place in the waters or wetlands, provided that activities outside those areas are done in such a manner so as not to affect the waters or wetlands. If concrete is used during construction, a dry work area should be maintained to prevent direct contact between curing concrete and stream ~Jater. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete should not be discharged into surface waters due to the potential fir elevated pH and possible aquatic life and fish kills. Preconstruction Conference Minutes B-4127 ' • Page 8 . During construction of the project, no staging of equipment of any kind is permitted in waters of the U. S. or protected riparian buffers. Heavy equipment may be operated within the stream channels; however, its usage shall be minimized. A!1 mechanized equipment operated near surface waters must be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of stream waters from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids or other toxic materials. Discharging hydroseed mixtures and washing out hydroseeders and other equipment in or adjacent to surface waters is prohibited. All fill slopes located in jurisdictional wetlands shall be placed at slopes no tlatter than 3: i (Ittike 1`icFteel is to check on this j. All storm water n:noff shall be directed as sheet flow through stream buffers at nonerosive velocities. A copy of the Water Quality Certification shall be posted on the construction site at all times. The Inspector should also have a copy. All standard procedures will be implemented to avoid or minimize enviroctmental impacts. The Resident Engineer will furnish the Contractor a larger set of permit drawings. The Resident's Office will delineate where orange fencing will be installed. Page 102 of the contract shows areas where hand clearing is required. This will be discussed on sae. Mechanized clearing is allowed as long as you do not disturb the roots. Strict adherence to the most recent version of ?~'CDOT's Best Management Practices far Bridge llemolition and Removal is a condition of the 401 'L'ater Quality Certification. OTHER CGMMENTS The Contractor reeds to submit his bridge demolition plan to 11tike !~1cKeel as soon as possible. The Contractor and the Resident Engineer will meet on site September 13 or September 14 regarding the location of the safety fence, permitted areas, buffers, etc. There are Crepe Myrtles that may need to be moved. This will be discussed with Jay Sutton, Greene County Maintenance Engineer. Crreem~ille Paving is scheduled to do resurfacing the end of September on an adjacent project. The Contractor will install pedestals and conduit for lighting on the bridge. Mike h4cKeei will check on the type of anchor bolls required for the foundations and also the lighting plans. Preconstruction Conference Minutes B-4127' - PaEe 9 The Resident Engineer and the Contractor will hold monthly construction meetings. A regularly scheduled date for these meetings will be determined later. There were no further questions andior comments and the meeting was adjourned. LTiITED CONTRACTORS, INC. ~~ ~- c j DATEr AP ROVED NAME AND TITS '~fl,~ ~;Z~~1~~~7"