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GW1-2022-10164_Well Construction - GW1_20221110
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal lise Only: 1.Well Contractor Information: L r f Tt r►�ok�► E v1 I s h 14.WA-- R 7AhES Y -= I FROM iTO DESCAIPTIO\ weli Contractor Name ft. 'L ft f ' NC Well Conmctor Certification Number 13;:flL"1ERCASFiG for:�alti'i9sed,." t3R'�1€R ��'�'EF�'-'r FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS !MATERIAL [,atfoVA Stlf�►tt at�l C.onS�+rw o� �►� ,ft ft 11 ft I� in. Sk qa PyG Company Name166 _.._,..— �1-f �L ,,+ p q `16i : 2.Well Construction Permit : j ` NZ W vi f�► t 50-1 fxov7 To DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL list all applicable well ronsirsctian permit'r o.LifC.C'ounn..Vtate.Y'arimtr:e.etr.i fL ft. in. I ft ft. is 3.Well Use(check well use): _ Water Supply Well: FROM TO I DIAMETER I SLOT SIZE I THICKNESS I`MATERIAL Agricultural 13ti unicipalrPublic fL 20 ft. 1� iti Ot0 qd vC Geothermal(Heating,,Cooling Supply) Residential water Supply(single) ft. R in IndustriaVCommercial Residential water Supply(shared) a18 GRUITf- �. t irrigation FROM I TO I yMATERIAL I EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOU'NT Von-Water Supply-Well: 0 fL ft Monitoring QRecovery fL fL Injection Well: fL fL Aquifer Recharge ©Groundwater Remediation _ 19.SAND/GRAXWPAC&. f.i Aquifer Storage and Recovery [3SalinirvBarne. FROM To MATERIAL I`EMPLACE!MENTMETHOD Aquifer Test [3Stormwater Drainage ue fL I ZQ fL Z LJtd oweA Experimental Technolop 13Subsidence Control fL ft Geothermal(Closed Loopl E3Tracer '20.I)MLI CLOG atmeL addli4bigAi6iti�t D"_`�-� ! hardne$, Geothermal(Heatins%Cooiin Return) Other(explain under=2 i Remarks) FROM TO DESCRIPTION(oolor, b fL f _ fL rE SI�� 4.Date Well(s)Completed: Well ID: fr- -O fL I �� LNOV 5a.Well Location: ) ft Si a<t 2 f 4 I,- Information Pf� t nk J a t;•� �i,ea r2 7 FacilityiownerName nn p0 Facility IDS(ifapplicable) f2- ft 44tD� AeffS CC U cC i 10. 211 Zl ft. ft J0.v1l�O itO�� 1\Ot Physical.address.City.and Zip ft. REM /TrrdZtiQ�5Qco2 Count, Parcel Identification No.(PIN) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well fieie one latilong is sufficient) 22.Certification: 6.Is(are)the well(s)(NP'ermauent or 13Temporary Signs etu oCe'riified WfI Connctor D Be sign ng this form..1 hereby Teri f•that the well(sl was(were)ce n hurled in accordance 7.Is this a repair to an epsting well: [3Yes or [0<o with i5A A'CAC 02C.0100 ar/5.A NCAC 02C.02Cfi Nell Construction.Standards and that a /Jthis is a repair,fill out knmvn:,el(cnnstraainn irjnrma inn and explain.the nature ot`!Ar ropy r f this record has been provided to the well nwner. repair under#21 remarks sertior or nn the nark of this/arm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SLBNIITTAL,INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 9-6 (ft.) 24a, For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well I•nr multiple wells list all depths ijdii ferent(esamp!e-3Ca300 and 2r 100') construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: 3 (ft.) Division of Water Rel ttrces,Information Processing Unit, if,vaier level is abnve casirg.:ae" II 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1617 11.Borehole diameter: t0 (in.) 24b.For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: 6r construction to the following: (i.e.auger,rotay.cable,direct push etc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) Z( Method of test: (Ft$ P Anf 24c.For Water Supply&Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one cop) of this form within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: TL Amount: 1.$ d'L completion of well construction to the count' health department of the county where constructed. Form C V-I North Carolina Department of Environmental Quaiin-Division of water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Top Permit: 377842 Currituck J PIN: 087AO020015000R WELL PERMIT.`.. i Owner:- Applicant: AiSE161LARLCR '16NALHe.uTH SEPUfas Walter Joey Moore Walter Joey Moore part„ers in ftUIk-frith 2162 Salmon Road 2162 Salmon Road Corolla, NC 27927 Corona, NC 27927 =WEl.L`1EAU:�T>d}AItVT i +'�'tiONl BU D FQUNDATIGP /z)wA w,6 r ; . Location: -WELL MUST PAAjNTAft -so*OwiWANY PART OF SEPTIC SY9TEM• AND REPMR AREA 2174 Sandpiper Road ScG t�jLK Z LoY J� '�L Nius7r BE iNs7ALLED SY A NC CEFMFIED WELL GRILLER• 4koVV* v �PERMIT MUST sit ON LOCA-n"ON DURING ALL AERIQDS ` OF WELL,INSTALLATIOPI '- — - CALLAT LEAST 4 BUSINESS DAY PRIOR FOR REdUiRED INSPECTIONS OF GROUP ANt WEL6.H Ao . aueruasg�e8su1�0AZ 100.001 M.00,St.LON '1Ue ' v da '1v-1- Lv 'CG wr-Lc. k .oera ��Y�,�lrillYi�} I t r_..�--r------ I I I I rrnn� Y I I M, { 1 I I � � - I I 4 I I m— f r1i ,6'.9 �VSZFssoOold `,�+ � i I :��y�`• V �}y, � --- . Q a �e A - ona �e � pimcuduoun pa, "-d -- _ '00*001 3.,00,9*.LOS Saetd64pd Unimproved Sand R08dway Permit By: Date: 0710712022. bbs Certification By: Date: Q ROY COOPER • Governor NC DEPARTMENT OF KODY H. KINSLEY• Secretary HEALTH AND HELEN WOLSTENHOLME• Interim Deputy Secretary for Health HUMAN SERVICES MARK T. BENTON•Assistant Secretary for Public Health Division of Public Health Onsite Water Protection Branch November 4,2022 Walter J.Moore 2162 Salmon Rd. Corolla,NC 27927 RE: Approval No.WWM1509 Well Cased to Less Than 20 Feet—Rule 15A NCAC 2C .0116 2174 Sandpiper Rd. Carova Beach,NC 27927 On November 4,2022,the On-site Water Protection Section received your request to approve construction of a well obtaining water from a depth less than 20 feet in an area not covered by 15A NCAC 02C .0116(b). The approval request is for the construction of one(1)water supply well at 2174 Sandpiper Rd.,Carova Beach,NC. In your request,you indicated that due the inability to obtain potable water at deeper depths, a shallow well was the most reasonable option at this property. Based upon available information provided by Albemarle Regional Health Services staff..you are approved to construct a well obtaining water from a depth less than 20 feet below land surface,in conformity with the requirements of 15A NCAC 02C .0116(c)(3),that will serve the above referenced site. A copy of this approval should be attached to the required Well Construction Record(GW-1)as well as the county well permit at such time that it is issued. Furthermore,it is strongly recommended that you sample your well annually for bacteriological contamination, as shallow wells can be more susceptible to bacteria. The approval of this variance does not affect any of the other requirements or limitations of the Well Construction Standards, including but not limited to the requirements in 15A NCAC 2C .0113(b)to repair or to abandon any well which acts as a source or channel for the migration of contamination or to your responsibility to comply with any other applicable Federal, State,or local laws or regulations. The granting of this approval is for the well location only,and in no way relieves the owner or agent from other requirements of the North Carolina Well Construction Standards,or any other applicable law,rule,or regulation that may be regulated by other agencies,nor does it imply sufficient water quality. If you have any questions regarding this variance,please contact Wilson Mize at(919) -270-9665 Sincerely, Wilson Mize R.E.H.S. NC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES • DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH LOCATION:5605 Six Forks Road,Raleigh,NC 27609 MAILING ADDRESS:1642 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1642 www,ncdhhs.gov • TEL:919-707-5874 • FAx:919-845-3972 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER