HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0043974_approval_19960226State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director February 26, 1996 Cleveland M. Hawkins, Superintendent Public Schools of Gates County P.O. Box 123 Gatesville, North Carolina 27938 7:15.4A LDF-1NI IR, A)(G4e 02b UJJ Subject: Nutrient Variance Request Buckland Elementary NPDES NC0043974 TS Cooper Elementary NPDES NC0033804 Sunbury Elementary NPDES NC0033791 Gatesville Elementary NPDES NC0033782 Gates County Dear Mr. Hawkins: Your request for a variance from the total phosphorous and nitrogen requirements of the Chowan River Nutrient Sensitive Water (NSW) strategy adopted by the Environmental Management Commission in December 1982 has been evaluated. In order to grant such a request, two determinations must be made [per Chapter 15A North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2B, Section .0214(f)(2)]: • that the waiver will not endanger human health, safety or welfare, and • that preventing the waiver would cause a serious economic hardship without equal or greater benefit to the public. As per letter dated November 3, 1989, I concur that the volume of the discharge may be considered deminimus. The mass of nutrient loading to the Chowan system from the schools on a yearly basis also does not appear to be significant (approximately 100-200 pounds per year phosphorous and 1200-1800 pounds per year of nitrogen). Another mitigating factor is that these facilities typically only discharge for eight months of the year and do not discharge during the summer months. Per your letter, I also understand that the Gates County School System plans to install recirculating sandfilter systems capable of achieving advanced pollutant removal for TS Cooper, Sunbury and Gatesville Elementary schools. Given the above information, the determination that the discharges will not endanger human health, safety or welfare is hereby made. Staff have also reviewed the nondischarge evaluations performed by the Gates County School System for the subject facilities and concurred that no economically practicable nondischarge alternative was identified. Furthermore, per information you provided, the additional cost to achieve the limits established in the NSW strategy would be as high as two to three times the capital cost of installation of the recirculation sandfilter technology being proposed. Increased operation costs would also be incurred. Therefore, after reviewing the information you have submitted, I conclude that requiring compliance at the Gates County Buckland, TS cooper, Sunbury and Gatesville Elementary School wastewater treatment systems with the Chowan River NSW strategy requirements (1 mg/1 total phosphorous, 3 mg/1 total nitrogen) would cause a serious economic hardship without an equal or greater benefit to the public. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper I hereby grant to the Gates County School System for the wastewater treatment facilities for Buckland, TS Cooper, Sunbury, and Galesville Elementary Schools a waiver of the total nitrogen and phosphorous requirements as established in the Chowan River NSW strategy. Modifications to the individual NPDES permits shall follow this letter. In order to ensure that no increased nutrient input to the Chowan River from the Gates County School wastewater treatment systems occurs, the school system must continually evaluate all cleaning materials (detergents, cleaners, etc.) that end up in the wastewater treatment system. Only those cleaning materials with no or very low concentrations of phosphorous and nitrogen should be used. If you have any questions, please contact Coleen H. Sullins at 919/733-5083, extension 550. Sinceyely, 1 � Q A. Preston Ho r .E. cc: Roger Thorpe, Washington Regional Office Facility Assessment Unit Greg Thorpe Ruth Swanek Dave Goodrich Central Files