HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221561 Ver 1_CarolRoadPermitDrawings_20221107CT CT 03 CD CT CID ff} z �o LL-1 w U w k4-eq� -0�- -64 U O U See Sheet / -A For Index of Sheets See Sheet /-B For Conven2onnl Symbols See Sheet I C- / CC I C-2 For Ssrvey Control Sheets 1425 SITE 2002 1422 1424 1422 (Car I Rd.) 1423 -a 1421 m > 1505 004 �� �pl 2004 Grove Church 2193 1419 1418 2648 6649 •� 2005 �♦ 1417 2151 v �. o 2185 2654 •`•� VICINITY MAP N T.S. OFF -SITE DETOUR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GASTON COUNTY LOCATION: BRIDGE NO.350354 OVER GILLIAM CREEK ON SR 1422 (CAROL RD.) TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & STRUCTURE WETLAND AND SURFACE WArER IMPACT.. PERMIT BEGIN NCDOT PROJECT 17BP.12.R.64 -L- POC STA.10 + 54.00 SR 2004 F `� SR 1422 CAROL RD)- L (MILO NEAL RD) -( TO SR 2008 RYS GROVE C CI3 RD) CHUR BEGIN BRIDGE -I- S TA.12 + 88.83 STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO SHEET NO. TOTAL SHEETS N.C. 17BP.12.R.64 I STATE PR®A. NO. F. A. PROT NO. DESCRIPTION 17BP.12.R.64 WA PE, UTIL., R1W 17BP.12.R.64 WA CONST. 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. Raleigh, N.C. 27606 - �WETHERILL License No. F-0377 ENGINEERING Bus: 919 851 8077 Fax: 919 851 8107 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/DESIGN - BRIDGE/STRUCTURE DESIGN CIVIL/SITE DESIGN - GIS/GPS - CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION BRIDGE #350354 PRELIM. RD H/T, PLANS PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 4 NOTE: NO DECK DRAINS NO WETLANDS/BUFFERS Sg 14z1 ovE gw ON PROJECT ToAYS GR END NCDOT -L- POC STA.15 + 90.00 END BRIDGE -L- STA.13 + 81.17 PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R//W ACQUISITION CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II. DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Site No. Station (From/To) Structure Size / Type Permanent Fill In Wetlands ac Temp. Fill In Wetlands ac Excavation in Wetlands ac Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands ac Hand Clearing in Wetlands ac Permanent SW impacts ac Temp. SW impacts ac Existing Channel Impacts Permanent ft Existing Channel Impacts Temp. ft Natural Stream Design ft 1 Sta 13+10 to Sta 13+52 0.03 72 (along banks as shown w/ Class II Ri ra on plans) 1 Sta 13+10 to Sta 13+52 linear cofferdams 80 (along riprap for bank stabilization) TOTALS*: I 1 1 0.03 1 1 72 1 80 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES NO WETLAND OR BUFFERS ON PROJECT 201310 24 i�Y1W�l North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway Stormwater Program g: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (Version 2.01; Released December 2014) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: 17BP.12.R.64 TIP No.: SF-350354 Count ies : Gaston Page 1 of 1 General Project Information WBS Element: 17BP.12.R.64 ITIP Number: SF-350354 Project Type: Bridge Replacement Date: 12/4/2018 NCDOT Contact: Trish Beam Contractor / Designer: lWetherill Engineering, Inc. / Ana Passman, PE CFM Address: Highway Divison 12 Address: 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. PO BOX 47 Shelby, NC 28151-0047 Raleigh, NC 27606 Phone: (980)-552-4218 Phone: 919-851-8077 Email: pdbeam ncdot. oy Email: apassmanOwetherilleng.com City/Town: Shelb , NC Count ies : Gaston River Basins : Broad ICAMA Count No Wetlands within Project Limits? No Project Description Project Length (lin. miles or feet): 0.102 mi. Surrounding Land Use: I Rural, Wooded, Agricultural Proposed Project Existing Site Project Built -Upon Area ac. 0.2 ac. 0.3 ac. Typical Cross Section Description: (2) 10' lanes with grassed shoulders and up to 6.92' shoulders with guardrail. 6.92' (2) 10' lanes with grassed shoulders shoulders are variable width paved. Annual Avg Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Design/Future: 350 Year: 2018 Existing: Year: General Project Narrative: Replace Bridge No. 354 over Gilliam Creek on SR 1422(Carol Road). Use 1 @90' 33" Box Beam. A TB 2GI will outlet on the downstream side of the bridge with 15" CSP onto (Description of Minimization of Water a Class B riprap pad. No deck drains will be required. This project does not contain buffers or wetlands. Quality Impacts) Consider planning minimum measures: Maximizing shoulder section: Done to the maximum extent possible as allowed by roadway design standards. Minimizing roadway side slopes: Done to the maximum extent possible as allowed by roadway design standards. Assessing and minimizing the impacts of stormwater runoff to environmentally sensitive areas: The runoff from 2GI will bedissipated by the Class B riprap pad at the pipe outlet. • Promoting sensitive intersection of streams: Project contains a single stream without intersections. Consider design minimum measures: Providing adequate ground cover: Done to the maximum extent possible. Stabilizing slopes: Provided Class II keyed in riprap for sloping abutment scour protection. Also Class II riprap stream bank stabilization under the bridge. No piers in the stream. Providing adequate energy dissipation: Done to the maximum extent possible. Preserving natural features: Project site contains no buffer or wetlands, impacts to stream are minimized. Maximizing vegetative conveyance: Done to the maximum extent possible. Encouraging diffuse flow: The stream receives minimal concentrated runoff. Class B riprap pad at theoutlet of TB 2GI. Minimizing direct discharge from bridges: No deck drains are used on the project. The runoff from TB 2GI does not directly discharge into stream. or r Waterbody Information Surface Water Body (1): Gilliam Creek NCDWR Stream Index No.: Not shonw on NCDENR map. Does not match FEMA FIS. NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Class C Supplemental Classification: Other Stream Classification: None Impairments: None Threatened/Endangered Species? No Comments: NRTR Stream ID: Buffer Rules in Effect: N/A Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? iYes Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? INo Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? I N/A Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body? No (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative)