HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061901 Ver 1_Notice of Withdrawal_200709280.."C ~ o to - k 9 0 ~ )1JEQNARD S~ RiNDNER, PWS Envronnrc:ntal Planning Consultant 3714 Spokeshave I..ane Professional Wetland ticiendst t4lattfiewsY NC 28105 I.arrd Planning `l~etc*. (704) 5-04-2277 Fax `'° a ~~ SePtc;n~ber ~.8, _t)(l7 t.,ori E3eckwith " -^; LG~' Asheviklc Rc~;ulatory Field Qf~~ice C.1.S. Army Corps of Engineers D~NR•WATERQUALITY 1 Sl Patton Ave., Rraorta ?{.~~ WE7lANOSAI4DSTORMWATERBRANCH Ashcvilke, NC" 2K~{)l-5C)t)6 Re: Versant Subtlivisiou located <-n l3uird Cove Rord, Norttr of'N'crodfin F3uncombe County, Nrrrtlr C'ar•oiina '~'Withdra~vai of lnciividtral .Permit Applieatiot~ C)e4rr t,ori: Versant has conducted an extensiti~e prt~jeet re~~ie~v anif is rcckmtiguring its Project to sub5tirntially re;tfuce impircts tr> jurisdictirinak waters. As it resukt ot'this reconfiguration, Versant is withdrawing its irpplicatiorr fc~r an Individual drecl~e and fill permit. Versant exkaects that the reeonfrgrtrc~l project will qualify tirr 1'`Jaton~vide Permit ?~ status, and wikk Provide the required notices once its submittal dacument~: arc camPlete. In connection with the Project rcvic~~~, Versant lras sur~~eyed strearra crossings where crushed pipe was repaired. Versatrt has comparrd the stream impacts ok' the repaired crossings witkr ttte stream iraapacts of'the. pre-existing 1+~~;,~ing rcratk crcassin~;s {identified by ::ureey dated Miry ifi, 2C)t){)j. dice attached corlrptrrisr~n diagr~rm prepared lay C)Itlham Plirnnir;g and L7esigrr using data comkailc~l tram tyre `'{)t}() survey itnd field information Provided by C'ivi! k7esign C'crneepts. t also attactrcef arr aerial photogra~ih thin ,haws the. extensive. lrggirig road rrct~~'cjrk t:xistirr~ prier to siic work undertaken by Versant. Thu results of the comparison irrc sumriraried itr the table heft~ty. Arco t.ocation ~ E~sisting t:russings (as rff M1la~ IG, 2{100) __ . __ T ___ _~ ~~ sa __ - ~ t, s ~~, 51 _ . __ C`r~rs5ing Retrairw tati at' Sc"~~i. 2007} llti* rtl l _ - _ n~ a ~ __ __ _ . ~~, __ r) Net t"lrrrngt --- . x _ -- __ __.__. n ~~ ___ -- - u '~ t)ebar;rn I~evelopnrent C"anapany, lnc. (predecessor to ~'er>z"rnt f'ropcrties, t.t,C') provided preconsirucrion notice and obtained NWt' 3 auttr~.~rization (Action [D. ?OOS330t'it)) fnr work at this I<x;ation. A cic•rcal mivtake authorized 7S linear tier rather t.iran the pre-existing ~:~ linear tee{. 1 Versant undertcu~k the repair and rehabilitation o1~ crushed pipe at five pre-existing road crossings. A sixth crossing at Area Location 6 has nr,t vet required repair and there are no Plans to do so at this tints. -1'he engineer who oversaw this repair work is no longer with Versant, but scans to have authorised the repair activity without understanding that pre-utnstruction noti~tication is required fir all stream crossing repair work in E3uncombe County, and that no more than minor deviations front pre-existing stream crossings arc allowed under NWP 3. Versant recognizes that it will he necessary to obtain an after-the tact penttit fiat all repair wnrk {other than a portion of Arca LOCation I) and that the additional 4fi linear feet of impacts at Arca Locations I and 5 ~~-ill need to be. acklressed under NWP ~9. Front field review it appears that the additional impacts at Arca Locations I and 5 occurred because the engineer cxcreiscd ticld judgment to address existing stream crosion. The ten feet of total increased stream impacts to the crossings at Area l.~ocations 2 and 3 appear to he minor deviations which likely would he otherwise pennittcd under NWP 3 had the proper notices been made. Versant intends to request after the fact permit status titr this work in connection with its NW'P _'9 pre-construction notice for the. reconfigured project ha ~ and! questions. please e1o not hesitate to contact me. S cn I~tindner Cc: Cyndi Karoly (NCDENR DWQ) Ian McMillan (NCDf:NR D~~1~Q} Kevin [iarnett (NCDENIZ DWQ) Rohcrt Ricltey (Versant) Reih E3ailey (O)ldham Planning and Design) William Toole, Esq. (Ilohinson, I3ratlshaw) Google Map NOTES: 1. xx LF (yy LF) REFLECTS LOGGING ROAD STREAM CROSSING IMPACTS REFLECTED IN THE SURVEY PREPARED BY WEBB A. MORGAN & ASSOCIATES, DATED MAY 1 b, 2000, AS COMPARED TO (SURVEYED FIELD CONDITIONS AS OF SEPTEMBER 2007). ~~ STREAM EPHEMERAL DITCH ^ WETLAND puec~ i r~nenc (59 If) -- \ ~~ .~ If (51 If) If) Oldham Planning & Design STREAM IMPACTS 1415 S. Church Street ROAD CONSTRUCTION TO DATE suite i ~ 1 "=1000' 10-01-07 Oa~,hD, H>A~~ ',~,~ ~q~ 1q~q Goggle Map