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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071649 Ver 1_Public Notice_2007092807- 1 64q G~~ ~~~~~ s r P ~ ~ ~oo~ ~ ~ ~EMf~ - WATFR QUALITY `'" PUBLIC NOTICE '"~'~'°°""~~'`'"~~ US Army Corps Of Engineers Wilmington District Issue Date: September 26, 2007 Comment Deadline: October 26, 2007 Corps Action ID #: 2006-40709-303 The Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has received an application from Claudius Rex, LLC seeking Department of the Army authorization to impact approximately 0.92 acre of wetlands associated with the construction of a dam for arecreational/aesthetic pond to service asingle-family residence in Laurel Springs, Alleghany County, North Carolina. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at Applicant: Mr. Claudius Rex c/o Clifton Hicks Enterprises, Inc. Post Office Box 17044 Raleigh, North Carolina 27619 Authority The Corps will evaluate this application and a decide whether to issue, conditionally issue, or deny the proposed work pursuant to applicable procedures of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Location The proposed project is located on the east side of Elk Knob Road, on the south side of NC Hwy 18, in Laurel Springs, Alleghany County, North Carolina (36.4118°N, 81.2629°W). The site contains wetlands with indicators of ordinary high water marks that are tributaries to Piney Fork Creek in the New River Basin. The New River ultimately flows to the Atlantic Ocean through the Gulf of Mexico. Existing Site Conditions The site is approximately 175 acres in size in which a majority is open pasture. A perennial stream channel, known as Piney Fork Creek is located in the northern portion of the property adjacent to NC Hwy 18. Approximately 1,000 linear feet of Piney Fork Creek is located on the property. A tributary to Piney Fork Creek is located in the center of the property and begins at springheads in an open pasture. The area in/near the springheads has been impacted by cattle which has disturbed the bed/banks of the channel. The cattle has also compacted the soil in this area and the flow from the springheads has spread out to create wetland areas. Once the springheads drain into the wooded areas near the northern portion of the site, the flow becomes confined again before it enters into Piney Fork Creek. Approximately 0.92 acre of wetlands is located at the proposed location of the lake. These wetlands are herbaceous and are spring fed with some groundwater input. Cattle access to the area has disturbed the soil and hydrology in the wetland area. Currently the cattle no longer have access to this area. Applicant's Stated Purpose The purpose of the proposed work as described by the applicant is to construct a lake for recreational purposes. Project Description The applicant is proposing to impact approximately 0.92 acre of wetlands associated with the construction of this lake. Impacts include placement of fill for the dam and subsequent flooding of remaining wetland areas. Other Required Authorizations This notice and all applicable application materials are being forwarded to the appropriate State agencies for review. The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92-500). The receipt of the application and this public notice combined with appropriate application fee at the North Carolina Division of Water Quality central office in Raleigh will constitute initial receipt of an application fora 401 Water Quality Certification. A waiver will be deemed to occur if the NCDWQ fails to act on this request for certification within sixty days of the date of the receipt of this notice in the NCDWQ Central Office. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the NCDWQ Central Office, 401 Oversight and Express Permits Unit, 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260 Attention: Ms Cyndi Karoly by October 26, 2007. Essential Fish Habitat This notice initiates the Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. The Corps' initial determination is that the proposed project will not adversely impact EFH or associated fisheries managed by the South Atlantic or Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils or the National Marine Fisheries Service. 2 Cultural Resources The Corps has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places and is not aware that any registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein are located within the project area or will be affected by the proposed work. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistoric, or historical data may be located within the project area and/or could be affected by the proposed work. Endangered Species The Corps has reviewed the project area, examined all information provided by the applicant and consulted the latest North Carolina Natural Heritage Database. Based on available information, the Corps has determined pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, that the proposed project will have no effect on federally listed endangered or threatened species or their formally designated critical habitat. Evaluation The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, the evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will include application of the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) guidelines. Commenting Information The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials, including any consolidate State Viewpoint or written position of the Governor; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. 3 Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider the application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. Requests for a public hearing shall be granted, unless the District Engineer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received by the Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, until Spm, October 26, 2007. Comments should be submitted to Amanda Jones, Asheville Regulatory Field Office, 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208, Asheville, North Carolina 28801. 4 ZQ ae ~m _® ~ c ~d \} _ - y W ~ 7 O d LL O O O tG 0 ~_ M c 0 C (0 Q .a N N N U ~. co O O r O d Y J .a d N O o a a` Q z i + ~ '~ + O 1 ~ N ~ O • ~ `~ ~ ~ ~ N O a-+ O t a ~ o o ~ $, •~ d ~ ~~ Q -~ a -a ~ o d ~ ~ a ~ I J 1 AID: 2006-40709-303 Property Boundaries provided by Alleghany County WebGIS: DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this page is NOT to be construed or used as a "legal description". Map information is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. PIN #'s: 3947191018 (133 acres) 3938906863 (28 acres) 3948008156 (14 acres) Total acreage: 175 acres U N O ~~ U .o. ~' e h 'p •., ~ v m 3 vi o c '~- o ~b\;o~ e~i., rh ww~~imm~i~i .~iuE"i~i ~ O"1 W E as °~ o N P a°°eeeoee • V W Wµ7 ~y W WIy~ WW (~ r"lr. Z, ~e~ ° •eO ,wJ OTTT. x.T.T~ SSS ~~~ (S]U~ .4 ~ ~"' o~ o ,Z ry O U v7 % v) Vl W y N to VI ul `~ R: v] ~+ y" y ,~o~'C~h Q Ze ~+ ~ ~~~ ~~",F ~ U d x a c ~ 9~ d e° 4 s A ° ° "~ ~ o ,. •> ~~~~tCO~ ^~ a a~ ~ 3~~z~a~~ t~~~ ~, ~ O ~ ,p~~'~p~~~ Za o ~~z3~aav,~~uzo O ~ .] ~ ~ L+~~.11 ti7 ~i7 W aC a: Y UawC]C13C]Q rnmC7 ~ m U ~ ~ v ~ y A ~ ~ H ~w/~ ~ W O ' V1 ~ O m R. 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TNs Ifwhfdrn tifa eLw. far fw~wina Matnlotlaa. waehfnp ~ dw sor.e.e, wd~i0 aAti qIe did erdeA. ind eofapbdn~ ald feriofl111p 11tH glbCeloff of b4.ffrelm. flMrti Cefflrlwii rigneunp'+!W OWAofr ar iR1~ adlw nwA el thin no`al~n of r.ta,Nrdoq. (noluAMp a.~fla.r Ioe urvAdnp Nd. ~..d.,a ~a Oeoe/uwnr d .:.:.:~. I~ahYapteo Fla.d~.~r.a tlanlae Waeww. er Wn.adoo Opfetwwr afld lllooese, 1215 Jdr~seta DwM FfyFfwrr. elYif. 120, AfMnOrn, VA Z2ZO2-6302: pfd to dr ONie~ o~ lrnryamefx and ardprt, rr.+..efk RoduNon flvMer la7lo•ooast. MhaArgloft, DC ao6oa. A..Pans.frte •hwAd E0 nwrnfo e~rt fwewdehrrw~rq afar euaf oro.fele.. of I.w. fa wnen iAd bs wAjwe fA a+rM OaliltY for fiiiro «+ ~afwvM wkh ^ wN.ctlon of infafw,fitlsa M h does not dirrlie+ r a~htep 1att~ Ofd faYnal ffYlffbalr, Plrraaa DO MOT ~t~iN rofw l..m is artlw-.f tho...ddr....e. Cefnddnd.p~c/tb~a waaari be wbnito.d+le elw Olstlki lnpin.•• h•~v -+rhrAbleff .r.r +ti loorl{ah of 1De pr.peo+A ao1Mq-. fiNYACIr ACT' ETATiMCMT IW1hOf1AiK f0wn aed Ilaflofa AeC fl+dtl.N 70. ~ U>,G Aa}: Clwn fifer ACt. 8eet1011 eDA. 3A LSC 17ge: *IirM+ Pf~tlPn . f~feh r1A 9aneewllis AOL i3 IjbC 1073. Seetlon 1G]. R1we1pU F'Wpoee: MAf.fnilioa pwiAOe! on tlri fonfr ail ts. fNd is e1re11~~o {Ilo YOIIeK~ fat s taf.oe. Rrv>fu u..a_ T*Ia h+femrdoff e+e. t+i atrtM wen efle Deoafrrwftt .~ luwlr~ and ollln lided..>t+, rri bad Ceuieeelnittr a>awraha. 6.irnfalkt- M rnPf.Ae :.r.rf++dtian k vobrfb~t7, fuw~er. fT Atlarrlltadolt h roe Prod Thn parrs![ applkstfen rf~e Is. ewMnwd Uvf ~+. p.f.nie er laeued. Ono ft ad w1arJ dnrwllloe « ~d r~retueflta ~Plas wllfdr riaow ure loeefkn and ehrrirt>. of Ne I+fePowd aztfelt7 fn1iR d ammo to vi yoflaifalr~ Imo. awrr~te d-owino. and :r.trciefrl and bw Ifdsf.Mpd w elra OMakK ErloYfar I~Y:ro r:dlotlon oa.r lhn lreriien ow ifN aeth~, A~ vrf~•dofr flrl fe f~ ae~r..d w, etlM ~vN1 ee...err..i. ~_ 7. /1Mt.1GT10N k0. IZ. FIELD OFFICE c00t: { 3. oivTeJIGCE QED 14. DATE APRLItJiTgN CDIAPLETED S. iPR.ICANT'S erAME CL ~r7Un1 ~~C~ r C7~7e7ZP~cis~N3 8. AU7}IORIZEQ AOENT'S fiIAME AkD T b+srr a +ra-rruraV e. ~IrPUCANT's Aoa~ss 9. A(3tN7~3 rwDl~ss ~~ X4-1(. ~ N (~ > /cea,~c~~ ~a~ r' O~1 A t.~~ +~: ~, a ~, .. fieaie.frca '~ o ¢ -f7 3 ~//'- ~ ~9 ~' n. erarlnaaa p. BWIIIitS .7 G ~' ~ 9 1C/ ` ~~ I wWhefis., to aev to rr~y behalf ai roy epnt in tfra Oreoedn0 o+F U.s ap{Aiwt+M. ~A m NRr1.A, Y/aR faWlr•GT, aupplanrandl irfFNrnatlon 4r >n~~L Of anR paYf111e .ppilGebOn. ~- i ~~ SIGNATURE DAYL' NAME, LOCJA77olY ANO DksClllr?ION OF PN0.1FCr ow wt;rylnTY e2. PROJDCT NAME flp TITLE A..+rsaavr. L ~ U J ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ 1'. fdAMC QF In1ATErspOOV. IF KNOWN nr...frw+r la. IsROJECT STf1EfT AObRC. J waAeMo.lw 7$, IDCATI0A1 OR PACJ[-CT ~_- ~~_- ~ AccL~~~NY N~ COUN7Y SYATE !6. OTI•IER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, If KNOWN, acr~a.n+s+u t7. D111ECTloNE: TO TNF SITE ~(~, rJ 1 S ~Q~d l N ~~ r r ~L~~lLC ~ S' f`'~/~~s; N c. ~ 1~ T o~ ~1 ~ y 113. ~v ~ ~~ ~? hc, / ~~-~ , L-T,•7~z„ec, ~ a ~ C~~~7' . EOII IOM EB 1A 1$ O 4ETE. lo-~ponwr~~ .~ T •e! Qo77_QTC CTC S)I'Jtl-1 UD11i T'1 2F.`fl:l fl 1 fl ~fl ~fll-1 .~ SINGE ,' FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" 2505 HUTCHISON McDONALD ROAD • CHARLOTTE, NC 28289 a Phone: (704) 598-2889 • Fax: (704) 5983784 1881 Ms. Amanda Jones Regulatory Specialist U S Army Corp of Engineers Asheville Field office 151 Patton Avenue -Room 208 Asheville, N.C. 28801-5006 Re: Claudius Rex Dam -Proposed Alleghany County, N.C. Subj :Individual Permit Deaz Ms. Jones: Q~~~oe~~ SEP 2 8 2001 bMETRAND SP(Xt.~A~ BRANCH 3 August 2007 0?-164q AlJG 7 - _. Enclosed you will find an application form, list of adjacent property owners and small Design Plans for an earthen dam. The dam is to be located on an un-named tributary to Piney Creek, northeast of the Town of Laurel Springs and south of N.C. Highway 18 . The dam will be constructed on an azea with four (4) springs and a section of flagged wetlands. The Wetland area is 0.92 acres. The Site is now entered via a new gravel road off State Highway 113, some 0.8 tenths mile off N.C. 18. The wetlands are located on an old farm stead and in a former pasture area. The wetlands are considered in a degraded condition due to cattle traffic through and in the wetlands. We have sat aside an area adjacent to the small stream, below the dam site, for mitigation. We are requesting an Individual Permit from the Corp of Engineers to allow the Earthen Dam to be constructed. We have design plans currently under review by NC-DENR, Division of Land Resources concerning the Dam. Also, The Division of Wildlife has had a staff person visit the site. Please advise me if you need additional information or if I can assist you further in this matter. Sincerely, F Kling & Robertson, nc. CJ J W. ook, PE roject Manager -Water Resources Encl: HEADQUARTERS: 3015 DUMBARTON ROAD ~ BOX 27524 ~ RICHMOND, VA 23261-7524 TELEPHONE (804) 2642701 ~ FAX (804) 2641202 ~ _!- 18. Nature of Activity (Description of project include all features) C~ n15 ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ c~ rJ tai L~~v ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~v,4~u. kt/ / 7/-~ ~ ~~ f G~Ni ~L~ n1 E ,.S~~i~1t ~--7~~~.o t e~-~ ~ ~~1 ~ ©lt - ~~ ~~ T 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge ~~ 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards ~/~ 22. Surtace Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see instructions) 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes No IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (if more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list). 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application *Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building and flood plain permits 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. 1 certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE IGN URE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the pr posed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States, knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, ficfilious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. :: QuickSearch :: Alleghany County, North Carolina :: Details Page 1 of 1 rlr- quicksearch Alleghany County, North Carolina ,'~ ~ ~ pi¢~t~?~~ _ 3 yAact~s Parcels: Record Details Address: 10997 Road Name: NC HWY 18 Road Type: Directional: GPIN: 3947191018 Subdivision: E6-050 Owner: CLAUDIUS REX, LLC 3717 WILLIAM COWAN Owner Address 1• ' WYND Owner Address 2: Owner City: RALEIGH Owner State: NC Owner Zip: 27601 Parcel Location: 10997 NC HWY 18 S Deed Book: 302 Deed Page: 172 Deed Date: 01-05-07 Deed Acres: 133.21800000 Calc. Acres: 133.21000000 Misc 1: 3947192153 Misc 2: Comments: Current Land $873,800 Value: Current Bldg Value: $30,300 Current Total $904,100 Value: Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is furnished by government and private industry sources and is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. Mapping information is a representation of various data sources and is not a subsitute for information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon does not replace information that may be obtained by consulting the information's official source. In no event shall Alleghany County, NC or the consultants of Alleghany County, NC be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, from the use of the information contained on this site. The logo is a Registered Trademark of Anderson &_Associates,_Inc. This site is best viewed in a modern browser that supports web standards. Questions, comments or problems? Contact WebGIS Technical Support. 8/3/2007 _, :: QuickSearch :: Alleghany County, North Carolina :: Details Page 1 of 1 auicksearch Alleghany County, North Carolina Parcels: Record Details Address: 0 Road Name: NC HWY 18 Road Type: Directional: GPIN: 3938906863 Subdivision: E6-047 Owner: CLAUDIUS REX, LLC 3717 WILLIAM COWAN Owner Address 1• WYND Owner Address 2: Owner City: RALEIGH Owner State: NC Owner Zip: 27601 Parcel Location: NC HWY 18 S Deed Book: 302 Deed Page: 172 Deed Date: 01-05-07 Deed Acres: 28.17000000 Calc. Acres: 27.82000000 Misc 1: 3938905858 Misc 2: 3938805293 Comments: Current Land $209,300 Value: Current Bldg Value: $0 Current Total $209,300 Value: Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is furnished by government and private industry sources and is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. Mapping information is a representation of various data sources and is not a subsitute for information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon does not replace information that may be obtained by consulting the information's official source. In no event shall Alleghany County, NC or the consultants of Alleghany County, NC be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, from the use of the information contained on this site. The logo is a Registered Trademark of Anderson..& Associates, Inc. ----------------- This site is best viewed in a modern browser that supports web standards. Questions, comments or problems? Contact WebGIS Technical Support. 938906863 &lid=pare.. 8/3/2007 :: QuickSearch :: Alleghany County, North Carolina :: Details Page 1 of 1 `_ quicksearch Alleghany County, North Carolina Parcels: Record Details Address: 0 Road Name: NC HWY 18 Road Type: Directional: GPIN: 3948008156 Subdivision: E6-049 Owner: CLAUDIUS REX, LLC Owner Address 1• 3717 WILLIAM COWAN WYND Owner Address 2: Owner City: RALEIGH Owner State: NC Owner Zip: 27601 Parcel Location: NC HWY 18 S Deed Book: 302 Deed Page: 172 Deed Date: OS-05-07 Deed Acres: 14.88600000 Calc. Acres: 14.88000000 Misc 1: Misc 2: Comments: Current Land $117,000 Value: Current Bldg Value: $0 Current Total $117,000 Value: r~ Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is furnished by government and private industry sources and is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. Mapping information is a representation of various data sources and is not a subsitute for information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon does not replace information that may be obtained by consulting the information;S official source. In no event shall Alleghany County, NC or the consultants of Alleghany County, NC be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, from the use of the information contained on this site. The logo is a Registered Trademark of Anderso_n__&_Associates, Inc. This site is best viewed in a modern browser that supports web standards, Questions, comments or problems? Contact WebGIS Technical Support. 8/3/2007 Alleghany Co., NC -- Printable Map Alleghany Co., NC ,a,DJ~ c~-sf PRop~~-nEs Page 1 of 1 DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this page is NOT to be construed or used as a "legal description". MaF information is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. Anderson 8 Associates, Inc. http:!/ 8/3 /2007 :: QuickSeazch :: Alleghany County, North Cazolina :: Details Page 1 of 1 _ quicksearch Parcels: Record Details Alleghany County, North Carolina Address: Road Name: Road Type: Directional: GPIN: Subdivision: 253 ELK KNOB RD 3937893299 D5-031 Owner: TAYLOR FAMILY TRUST Owner Address 1: 353 ELK KNOB ROAD Owner Address 2: Owner City: LAUREL SPRINGS Owner State: NC Owner Zip: 28644 Parcel Location: 253 ELK KNOB RD Deed Book: 273 Deed Page: 1 Deed Date: OS-17-04 Deed Acres: 53.71699905 Calc. Acres: 51.56980133 Misc 1: Misc 2: Comments: Current Land Value: $385,000 Current Bldg Value: $85,800 Current Total Value: $132,800 ./ Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is furnished by government and private industry sources and is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. Mapping information is a representation of various data sources and is not a subsitute for information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon does not replace information that may be obtained by consulting the information's official source. In no event shall Alleghany County, NC or the consultants of Alleghany County, NC be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, from the use of the information contained on this site. The logo is a Registered Trademark of A_nd_e_rson_& Associates, I_nc. This site is best viewed in a modern browser that supports web standards. Questions, comments or problems? Contact WebGIS Technical Support. 7893299&lid=pare.. 8/3/2007 :: QuickSearch :: Alleghany County, North Carolina :: Details Page 1 of 1 quicksearch Alleghany County, North Carolina Parcels: Record Details Address: 0 Road Name: NC HWY 18 Road Type: Directional: GPIN: 3938805293 Subdivision: D5-030A Owner MILLER, W. REECE & MARY M. & ' C. MAX PAYNE Owner Address 2635 NC HWY 163 1: Owner Address 2: Owner City: WEST JEFFERSON Owner State: NC Owner Zip: 28694 Parcel Location: NC HWY 18 S Deed Book: 158 Deed Page: 212 Deed Date: 01-13-93 Deed Acres: 55.30300140 Calc. Acres: 54.02000000 Mist 1: Misc 2: Comments: 2-1/4 UNDIVIDED INTEREST Current Land $3gg,900 Value: Current Bldg $29,300 Value: Current Total $63,300 Value: Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is furnished by government and private industry sources and is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. Mapping information is a representation of various data sources and is not a subsitute for information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon does not replace information that may be obtained by consulting the information's official source. In no event shall Alleghany County, NC or the consultants of Alleghany County, NC be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, from the use of the information contained on this site. The logo is a Registered Trademark of Anderson & Associates, Inc. This site is best viewed in a modern browser that supports web standards. Questions, comments or problems? Contact WebGIS Technical_Support. 8805293 &lid=pare.. 8/3/2007 :: QuickSearch :: Alleghany County, North Carolina :: Details Page 1 of 1 _ quicksearch Parcels: Record Details Alleghany County, North Carolina Address: 426 Road Name: TILLEY Road Type: RD Directional: GPIN: 3948105793 Subdivision: E6-052 Owner: MARE, E.J. & SHIRLEY Owner Address 1: 10773 NC HWY 18 S. Owner Address 2: Owner City: LAUREL SPRINGS Owner State: NC Owner Zip: 28644 Parcel Location: 426 TILLEY RD Deed Book: 115 Deed Page: 280 Deed Date: Deed Acres: 111.00000000 Calc. Acres: 117.91000000 Misc 1: Misc 2: Comments: Current Land Value: $793,600 Current Bldg Value: $1,000 Current Total Value: $51,600 Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is furnished by government and private industry sources and is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. Mapping information is a representation of various data sources and is not a subsitute for information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon does not replace information that may be obtained by consulting the information's official source. In no event shall Alleghany County, NC or the consultants of Alleghany County, NC be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, from the use of the information contained on this site. The logo is a Registered Trademark of Anderson & Associates, Inc. This site is best viewed in a modern browser that supports web standards. Questions, comments or problems? Contact WebGIS Technical Support, 948105 793 &lid=pare.. 8/3 /2007 :: QuickSearch :: Alleghany County, North Carolina :: Details Page 1 of 1 quicksearch Parcels: Record Details Address: Road Name: Road Type: Directional: GPIN: Subdivision; Owner: Owner Address 1: Owner Address 2: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip: Parcel Location: Deed Book: Deed Page: Deed Date: Deed Acres: Cale. Acres: Misc 1: Misc 2: Comments: Current Land Value: Current Bldg Value: Current Total Value: Alleghany County, North Carolina 1066 ELK KNOB RD 3947163984 E6-041 - ROGERS, RUSSELL PO BOX 96 LAUREL SPRINGS NC 28644 1066 ELK KNOB RD 284 1323 08-25-05 0.91000000 0.68170022 Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is furnished by government and private industry sources and is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not $15,800 guaranteed. Mapping information is a representation $39,800 of various data sources and is not a subsitute for $55,600 information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon does not replace information that may be obtained by consulting the information's official source. In no event shall Alleghany County, NC or the consultants of Alleghany County, NC be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, from the use of the information contained on this site. The logo is a Registered Trademark of Anderson & Associates, Inc. This site is best viewed in a modern browser that supports web standards, Questions, comments or problems? Contact WebG15 Technical Support. 947163 984&lid=pare... 8/3 /2007 f., ~ ~~ ~. ,.., ,/ :: QuickSearch :: Alleghany County, North Carolina :: Details Page 1 of 1 glaicksearch Alleghany County, North Carolina Parcels: Rewrd Details Address: Road Name: Road Type: Directional: GPIN: Subdivision; 889 ELK KNOB RD 3947170867 E6-043 Owner: Owner Address 1: Owner Address 2: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip: Parcel Location: Deed Book: Deed Page: Deed Date: Deed Acres: Calc. Acres: Misc 1: Misc 2: Comments: Current Land Value: Current Bldg Value: Current Total Value: WYATT, WILLIAM R. ESTATE 4829 HIGHPOINT ROAD KERNERSVILLE NC 27284 889 ELK KNOB RD 74 347 56.00000000 47.90177154 Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is furnished by government and private industry sources and is $360,000 believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. Mapping information is a representation $84,700 of various data sources and is not a subsitute for $136,600 information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon does not replace information that may be obtained by consulting the information's official source. In no event shall Alleghany County, NC or the consultants of Alleghany County, NC be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, from the use of the information contained on this site. The logo is a Registered Trademark of Anderson _& Associates, _Inc. This site is best viewed in a modern browser that supports web standards. Questions, comments or problems? Contact WebGIS_Technical_Support. 8/3/2007 v 133.21.A :: QuickSearch :: Alleghany County, North Carolina :: Details Page 1 of 1 quicksearch Parcels: Record Details 426 TILLEY RD Address: Road Name: Road Type: Directional: GPIN: Subdivision: Owner: Owner Address 1: Owner Address 2: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip: Parcel Location: Deed Book: Deed Page: Deed Date: Deed Acres: Calc. Acres: Mist 1: Misc 2: Comments: Current Land Value: Current Bldg Value: Current Total Value: 3948105793 E6-052 MABE, E.]. & SHIRLEY 10773 NC HWY 18 5. LAUREL SPRINGS NC 28644 426 TILLEY RD 115 280 111.00000000 117.91000000 Alfeghany County, North Carolina Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is furnished by government and private industry sources and is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not $793,600 guaranteed. Mapping information is a representation $1,000 of various data sources and is not a subsitute for $51,600 information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon does not replace information that may be obtained by consulting the information's official source. In no event shall Alleghany County, NC or the consultants of Alleghany County, NC be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, from the use of the information contained on this site. The logo is a Registered Trademark of Anderson & Associates, Inc. This site is best viewed in a modern browser that supports web standards. Questions, comments or problems? Contact WebGIS Technical Support. 8/3/2007 :: QuickSearch :: Alleghany County, North Carolina :: Details Page 1 of 1 11~/ quicksearch Alleghany County, North Carolina Parcels: Record Details Address: Road Name: Road Type: Directional: GPIN: Subdivision: Owner: Owner Address 1: Owner Address 2: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip: Parcel Location: Deed Book: Deed Page: Deed Date: Deed Acres: Calc. Acres: Misc 1: Mist 2: Comments: Current Land Value: Current Bldg Value: Current Total Value; 0 ELK KNOB RD 3947660557 E6-028 WHITE, JOHN I. 3101 MELODY LANE MISSION TX 78572 ELK KNOB RD 98 118 0.42100000 0.41635030 Disclaimer: 3947661561 The information contained on this site is furnished by government and private industry sources and is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not $8,200 guaranteed. Mapping information is a representation $0 of various data sources and is not a subsitute for $8,200 information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon does not replace information that may be obtained by consulting the information's official source. In no event shall Alleghany County, NC or the consultants of Alleghany County, NC be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, from the use of the information contained on this site. The logo is a Registered Trademark of Anderson_& Associates, Inc, This site is best viewed in a modern browser that supports web standards. Questions, comments or problems? Contact WebGIS_Technical Support. 8/3/2007 :: QuickSearch :: Alleghany County, North Carolina :: Details Page 1 of 1 quicksearch Alleghany County, North Carolina Parcels: Record Details Address: Road Name: Road Type: Directional: GPIN: Subdivision: Owner: Owner Address 1: Owner Address 2: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip: Parcel Location: Deed Book: Deed Page: Deed Date: Deed Acres: Calc. Acres: Misc 1: Misc 2: Comments: Current Land Value: Current Bldg Value: Current Total Value: 984 ELK KNOB RD 3947160557 E6-042 EDWARDS, BARBARA M. 984 ELK KNOB ROAD LAUREL SPRINGS NC 28644-9711 984 ELK KNOB RD 66 496 22.55400000 19.81000000 Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is furnished by COMBO 4/05 government and private industry sources and is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not $164,100 guaranteed. Mapping information is a representation $167,600 of various data sources and is not a subsitute for $197,500 information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon does not replace information that may be obtained by consulting the information's official source. In no event shall Alleghany County, NC or the consultants of Alleghany County, NC be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, from the use of the information contained on this site. The logo is a Registered Trademark of Anderson & Associates, Inc. This site is best viewed in a modern browser that supports web standards. Questions, comments or problems? Contact WebGIS Technical Support. 947160557&lid~arc... 8/3/2007 :: QuickSearch :: Alleghany County, North Carolina :: Details Page 1 of 1 quicksearch Parcels: Record Details 0 ELK KNOB RD Address: Road Name: Road Type: Directional: GPIN: Subdivision: Owner: Owner Address 1: Owner Address 2: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip: Parcel Location: Deed Book: Deed Page: Deed Date: Deed Acres: Calc. Acres: Misc 1: Misc 2: Comments: Current Land Value: Current Bldg Value: Current Total Value: 3947272623 E6-037A MARE, RUSSELL A. ET AL 152 HOLDER STREET HAYES NC 28635 ELK KNOB RD 183 105 02-13-96 35.20000076 36.26650619 Alleghany County, Norfh Carolina Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is furnished by government and private industry sources and is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not $269,100 guaranteed. Mapping information is a representation $0 of various data sources and is not a subsitute for $14,700 information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon does not replace information that may be obtained by consulting the information's official source. In no event shall Alleghany County, NC or the consultants of Alleghany County, NC be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, from the use of the information contained on this site. The logo is a Registered Trademark of A_nderson_& Associates, Inc_ This site is best viewed in a modern browser that supports web standards. Questions, comments or problems? Contact WebGIS Technical Support. &lid=pare.. 8/3/2007 :: QuickSearch :: Alleghany County, North Carolina :: Details Page 1 of 1 quicksearch Parcels: Record Details 0 ELK KNOB RD Address: Road Name: Road Type: Directional: GPIN: Subdivision: Owner: Owner Address 1: Owner Address 2: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip: Parcel Location: Deed Book: Deed Page: Deed Date: Deed Acres: Calc. Acres: Misc 1: Misc 2: Comments: Current Land Value: Current Bldg Value: Current Total Value: 3947372323 E6-037 MARE, RUSSELL A. ET AL 152 HOLDER STREET HAYES NC 28635 ELK KNOB RD 183 105 02-13-96 0.00000000 26.37000000 3947269905 Alleghany County, North Carolina Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is furnished by government and private industry sources and is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not $198,900 guaranteed. Mapping information is a representation $1,300 of various data sources and is not a subsitute for $19,400 information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon does not replace information that may be obtained by consulting the information's ofFcial source. In no event shall Alleghany County, NC or the consultants of Alleghany County, NC be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, from the use of the information contained on this site. The logo is a Registered Trademark of Anderson_& Associates, Inc. ------- This site is best viewed in a modern browser that supports web standards. Questions, comments or problems? Contact WebGIS Technical Support. 72323 &lid=pare.. 8/3/2007