HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0032821_Report_20221026State of North Carolina Department of Environment and.Natural :Resources DW,R Division of WaterResources Eftislan of Water Resources , r,,,, Ccnl tip n System Sanitary Sewer Overflow.Repor-fing Form Form CS SSO 1fVft'llbann sNuaaO be suubirntf.ted to the appropidate. II::DWVVR N-Ioa iio i naV Off ince Mftin five NDiAiness days of the first kn 'Wed e ofthe sarnNtary sewer overflow (SSO)„ ... Il eirrrnNt Number 'v Q 52%t%< l ecb«ta arp r (WW CS if active, etlnerMsp use UNN G �all::fi�) II:::' cNlliity:: Durham County Tida nglle WWTIP IhrucNdernt M 02201632 Owner Durham County Regiio i n° . aleigikn City: Durham CoDuuirutya Durham Source of SSO (checlk apnpnllNcaa1h11e):: ��.........� Sanitary Sewer ��...........�� V::: rrnp Station l Il....iifft S taabonru Sf:::111:::::Uf:::IC NrrcafJo n of the SSO (Ihe consistent in descrNlptNruua fro im past reports or documentation Le. V:::1arnng Staatuo i n S, IMarnlholle at Westallll & Bragg Street„ etc„):: 331.0 Hwy 54 nearback parking area of Progress Cn,Mterr(Ne. w co nstruactaan:nb for re.c.latm distribution line nrnstapattoarn) IMaarnholle : ':V'-1. S 0111 N...atutu de (degreeshrnniirnate/secoinft 11....o ng to de (deg rees/irxniirnunta/secoind):: IlrnaA dernt Started I[X: 10/26/22 11 knna 1.1.:30 am Nrncideinit Ei nad 11"'Xt 10/2612022 f-iiimeu 3" 50 pain (raim-dd-yyyy) (Ihh::irrnir9rn) AIM/f:::IM (irnnmrn,,,.dd-yy W) (Ihnlhu::i irrru) /kd 1ll::;ml If::::sthrnnated vollaurnne of the SSO-, 30,000 gallons II:::::sUrnated 11:.N.uratio n (irannuirid to rnaare�st hour):: 4 hour(s) 11:)escibe how the volume was deterWrned; .Ponnnded area — 400' 11° . ' 4"::::::: 30,000 WWeatlheir conditions ns duarNrug the SSO event rasa rain prior to leak, partly cloudy, 66 - 70 degrees II:;)Noad the SSO reach surface waters? EJ Yes IM No ..........I U nfunowin Vonduuuane reaacfhn ng suuirtaroe haters:: 0 galllloros Surface water r'naame::.1" A DO the SSO resuudt in as fish IkuIIP Yes IZ No 1�..........I U,Drnikrno��nrr'u If Yes„ What its the estimated number ruttish MIled Sl::111: URIC cause(s) of the SSO:: .m...... Severe INatuurall Co ndiittaain s .......... Grease ........... Il::ko of s Ilrnflo w Infiltration U:::ruuirrnp Station II:.-'q uiilpirnernt II:�aaiilluure U:::"carer Outage Elvaindaf4srn I Debris in Niirne ZU::9iilpe FaNUaure (Breaalk) 1�.................... 10their (II::'Nease expn aiirn iirn I1:3airt 1111) 24-hour verlhall rnaatNlicatNcrn (mare of (person coyrntacted) U W R ..... ErnDerge ncy lMarnagernernto 11 rate (irarrn dd.-y V): p.U% /2Q1'm .2 f`imWirnm IIWN N'II )u l 6 pnvnn Peir „S. '143-21 .1 (VD)„ the owner or operator of any wastewater collection system shaVlla in the event of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or r'rooare of untreated was'tewateir to the surface waters cff'the State,, iissuue as duress release to a1111 pnrNrnt arid ellectro Mc mews irrne6aa that IprovNde gernerall coverage iirn the conauinity where the discharge occurred setting out tune detaVlls of: the diischarage, "'me (press reNease shaVll be issued Wtffm'uro 24 hours after 1N'ne owner ner or operator has det:ermrnN ned that the discharge has ireached surface wateirs of the State„ In the event of a diischairge of °Ua:b„UI 00 gallons or imore, of untreated wastewater to the ,u,uuuirfface waters of the SWe, Ipu.ullaViist° a rnotdce of the diiscl-merge Vrn a ruewspaalper l-wAirng gernerall ciircuullatdoaun iirn the canuurnty in wNnNclh the diiscll°narge occurs and ii n each county doaw nstre«arru ffrorrn the VDoDiiint of dN sclharge that Ns sdgrnNffncarntUy affected by the discharge "'1"V° e U egiiorrnaall Office s1ha11I1 ova>termiiine wNnNclhu conuunfles are siigrniitnc«airnlVy affected by the discharge and slhallll ap>Uaroave the form and content of the unofice and the newspapers in wNndclh the rnoUce its Ipuult'nlliislhed. p-fflU'"1UH IUD F 14 "T PAR"ff' IUII NS comin IE: "rIEIII) SIGNATURE RE IS REQUIRED SEE IP IU'"' 'Vd Form CS-SSO Page 1 ZIMMITNTIM: d I Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWR Division of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form DMsIon of WMer Resources Form CS-SSO Fonn CS-SSO Page 2 ! • R R • RR •• Is PART I I: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED (in the check boxes R'lR Not Applicable and NE = NotEvaluated) a ' II] 011 [4f-llqwm I I I.# # . :01 Form CS-SSO Page 3 Severe Natural Conditions tornado, Describe the "severe natural condition" in detail: NA How much advance warning did you have and what actions were taken in preparation for the event? NA Comments: NA F® CS-SSO Page 4 Grease Qqcurnentation such as cleaning Jnsppption.�rcement actionsj?@§l pyerfloW r@p rtp, educational ugg material and distribution date, etc. should be available q p r ggstj .. . . . .............. ........ ..... . ......... ...... When was the last time this specific line (or wet well) was cleaned? NA Do you have an enforceable grease ordinance that requires new or retrofit of grease traps/interceptors? El Yes El No 0 NA NE Have there been recent inspection and/or enforcement actions taken on near- by restaurants or other nonresidential grease contributors? El Yes No ONA NE Explain: Have there been other SSOs or blockages in this areas that were also caused by grease F1 Yes F1 No ONA Ej NE When? If yes, describe them: 1111111111 I'll, "1 11 1 0 0 . I I I ^ 0 . X Yes R No ENA 1:1 N—E Explain: NA If the SSO occurred at a pump station, when was the wet well and pumps last checked for grease accumulation: NA Were the floats clean? El Yes F1 No NNA El NE Form CS-SSO Page 5 Roots Omyou have mmactive root control program onthe line / area inquestion? Describe: Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased aLthis location because of roots? Explain: What corrective actions have been accomplished etthe SS0location (and surrounding system ifassociated with the SSO)? NA What corrective actions are planned at the SSO location to reduce root intrusion? NA Has the line been smoke tested orvideoedwithin the past year? 0Yea F1No [ENA FlNE If Yes, when? NA Form CS-SSO Page 6 Inflow and Infiltration Are you under an SOC (Special Order by Consent) or do you have a schedule E] Yes [:1 No in any permit that addresses 1/1? Explain if Yes: NA What corrective actions have been taken to reduce or eliminate I & I related overflows this spill location within the last year? NA Has there been any flow studies to determine 1/1 problems in the El Yes 0 No collection system at the SSO location? If Yes, when was the study completed and what actions did it recommend? NA Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? El Yes EJ No If Yes, when and what actions are necessary and the status of such actions: NA Are there 1/1 related projects in your Capital Improvement Plan? El Yes F] No If Yes, explain: NA Have there been any grant or loan applications for 1/1 reduction projects? with storm sewers? OR ■ � 041MMMUM T-000098M IM�M�MB�MMZ If Yes, explain: NA Have all lines contacting surface waters in the SSO location and upstream F1 Yes F] No NNA F] NE been inspected recently? If Yes, explain: NA 1 1!1111111 IF, F® CS-SSO Page 7 Rqm2_StqtLio0_F,gu_i.�nent Failure What kind ofnotification/alarm systems are present? Aubz+dkdantalematry(ona-waycommunication) El Yes Audible El Mme Visual El Yes 8CAOA(bwo+waycommunication) ElYee Emergency Contact SiQnage El Yes Other El Yes If Yes, explain: NA Describe the equipment that failed: NA What kind of situations trigger an alarm condition at this station (i.e. pump failure, power failure, high water, etc.)? Were notification/alarm systems operable? F1Yes E]No NNA [I NE In no, explain: 0A |fupump failed, when was the last maintenance and/or inspection performed? NA What specifically was checked/maintained? NA |fmvalve failed, when was dlast exercised? N\ Were all pumps set to alternate? Kafloat problem, when were the floats last tested? How? N\ If an auto -dialer or SCADA.when was the system last tested? How? NA Form CS-SSO Page 8 Did it function properly? El Yes ❑ No ®NA ❑ NE Describe? NA When was the alternate power or pumping source last tested under hoed? NA if caused by a weather event, how much advance warning did you Ihave and what actions were taken to prepare for the event? Cornrnents. Fonn CS-SSO Page 9 Was the site secured? El Yes [-] No HE74 �14 I IIIIIH-11 If Yes, explain: NA What security measures have been put in place to prevent similar El Yes El No occurrences in the future? Me A-10 MM ME Form CS-SSO Page 10 Debris in finq_(,Rocks sticks ray and other items not allowed in the collection teryl etc. What type of debris has been found in the line? NA Suspected cause or source of debris: NA Are manholes in the area secure and intact? 0 Yes [:] No ONA N E When was the area last checked/cleaned? NA Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location El Yes El No NNA NE due to previous problems with debris? Explain: NA Are appropriate educational materials being developed and distributed El Yes [-] No ONA NE to prevent future similar occurrences? Comments: NA Form CS-SSO Page 11 MIRMOMMM, Describe: III". WqJ111l11RJ!M11P1"1 If Yes, explain: This was a new construction project for the installation of reclaim water distibution line. Contractor had equipment and parts on hand repair leak. If the problem could not be immediately repaired, what actions El Yes [:] No ZNA NE were taken to lessen the impact of the SSO? F® CS-SSO Page 12 E, wmlprq�oj Pipe size (inches) 1611 What is the pipe material DIP What is the approximate age of the line/ pipe (years old) NEW Is this a gravity line? El Yes [:1 No NNA [:1 NE Is this a force main line? El Yes [:1 No NNA NE Is the line a "High Priority" line? [:] Yes [:] No NNA NE inspection date and findings NA If a force main then, Was the break on the force main vertical? El Yes [:1 No NNA E-1 NE Was the break on the force main horizontal? El Yes No ENA NE Was the leak at the joint due to gasket failure ? El Yes No I ENA NE Was the leak at the joint due to split bell? El Yes [:1 No JZ NA [:1 N E When was the last inspection or test of the nearest air -release valve to determine if operable? NA When was the last maintenance of the air release performed? NA If gravity sewer then, Does the line receive flow from a force main immediately upstream 0 Yes [-] No ENA N E of the failed section of pipe? If yes, what measures are taken to control the hydrogen sulfide production? NA When was the line last inspected or videoed? NA If line collapsed, what is the condition of the line up and down stream of the failure? NA What type of repair was made? NA If temporary, when is the permanent repair planned? NA Have there been other failures of this line in the past five years? El Yes [-] No ONA NE If so, then describe NA Form CS-SSO Page 13 System Visitation ORC El Yes IN—= Name: Shawn Davis and Wade Shaw Date visited: 10/26/2022 Time visited: ORC or back-up ORC was on -site 3:30 - 7pm How was the SSO remediated (i./e. Stopped and cleaned up)? This is a new construction project for the instalation of a new reclaim water distribution line that was being tested when the leak was found. The leak was found at — 2:36 pm. The valve was closed to the line that feed the pipe that had the leak. All of the spilled reclaim water ponded up in a low area across from the leak in the pipe and in the easement. The contrator set up pumps and pumped all the ponded water into a near by sewer manhole and trenched the ceclaim water in easement to ponded area to be pumped. As a rep[gagntative for the res onua[tj[e o@�rty certLf�t at the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledc e. 1_ Person submitting cL:�jm: Shawn Davis Date: 10/26/2022 Signature J Title: V, URIIJArML I X151HUSZ5 ULIJ'b UI IlIbL I\1IUIIIIeUyt! MLH FrewfuliCre LU LIM ML;IuurIL-[IMIIUUU kL[IU IFILAUU11L rIJ.IIIUUI SU Mud when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). Form CS-SSO Page 14