HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09792_Well Construction - GW1_20221027 l='ab 1619 05;43p Clearwater Well Drilling 82M22 7241 p.1 . WE)GL p IOtY JtWS-0. GW 1 For Inlemni Use n1 Y • .natrattnr informat[on: WATER ZUN11S � ^��--- tYcfi+;aulraatx Nalnr tttm>t r rasa a ' r11C.anrnnerCcrtlfiontioi,ry. (t" �• .41T(ER CASING [er clot T OR ER Ira +ROPt I 7'A PIA IL 'tUi t7R4 MATSMIAL CnnTPnny'Name �i ft. in.' 2-Weli CONtrnclion Ptrntit#: ( �p ^IR IWfVBR CA.$ t�R 7UAtfr tbptrleltt 4—ff 1.l rt rrll appii,nhle wc11 cansrrttnr/aAparrl7Rs p-r.111C,Corrxty,Stab f/arram c,rrsj M 7p Du t MA[rL I fc. in. 3.Well liar 1•elmh wd]use): i- n•. R in. WatelrSapplweli: 17.SC N Agricultural mom I to t M b A rcrwttas AT841A4 tlnicipnl/Publia i1 0. tq trh C Mhcrmal OleatinWConling Supply) MesidenGal Water fiupph'(s4iSle) indirstriaUC.Ommercial R• t4 in. r1itesidential Walcr Supply(shAMI) la lrri ration MAM 170 1. c � �'• pply VYEII: fl. ra v' Adrn»taring Recovery Nee-tion Well: ft• t Aquifer Rocbar$c E3Gronndwator Rcmediatintl t1,. R. Aquifirr STOrflpC Mri tZcr;OVCfp E3SnUnity Ret:'i®r f4•SAN11/ORAVEL PA n - AquiferTrst - � 1 G ffititrtd lV8lY7MtTuw, �5annnwazerDrailtngn sti rt. Lxperimentni Tenlivolov [390 dcncc COPIMl it, p Gcotbetmal((.'Dosed Lapp) 070wer 211 DRILLIM Lt)C shall Ocrnbennnl(Hentin Olin n5 Rctum) "Other sin ondcr f121 Remarks M TO Iran eta --- d,Matt WeJI(s)Cnrnpicted,�;Q��"�� Welt I N Ft. 3 r it �� 10{� 7 t.. r j Iaplity:'Ottz,cr?! c Faei! iDid(if><plkaLlrj 0. R - - C ft. R P 'cat Addreca,Clq. Ek zl.REMARK4 r}umy 1 Pnrcet tdcatillenlinn Na(PIHt} Wb-1 I OcIdde nod►on91tafte In degt'rrs Mlnates/secoadSordedmal dr reec; (iiwettficltl,nnc}BtO(n,,n�g/ies�n']f3iricnt) �i 21 �%/� Iti+ut'ir,uw?c,:+r �-,.�;�.• 30 r 1 I O� ?1 O t3 i O V m2. t CirtinD: fi.ls(nrt)the Wtll A a Jql ^�._� () Permanent or MT&wpnrarg Siline-16-fit esniIrtedwet!c mtrnarar pure +.IN this R repair to an fO•r4m(n8(I!herrhv mnihi Mar the t.Acl!(..)nw,&",)ranatrmcdin aUshrdahce existing well: �X¢s or No RINI MA S'C_'.tC 021.0100 or 1SA NCAC 02C-'.11211P Well Carrrtrararvn Sroxdardc rntd rhm.r I,rrher it a rclralr./111 nuFdmwnn rvull nanrrrta rrro.Atjarvrtalra am e+plain fbr.aware rrjrhu c*")ynfUr.+.c rccnrrl hasheul pMt7ddtvvlM the well ruvltrs. ""Mr uarlcr k xl rumr7rk�.rccgmr orngll2 hart rlirlxlnnn. R For Groprnhe/DP1 or CiTrsed-Loup Getphet mat y}'tlla having the sRttte 23.Site diagratp or T+tldkional well ddalb: MOSIMUllan,nAlt 1 CTW-1 is ncrdctl. rndicalu TQTAI.AtLItNBF.1L nrwrils }SOD IneY usr the brick of this pogo to pgbvide additional watt silo dt7ails or well driltut: M ____� ..� constnsctint}<klails. You tMyniSO eftacb additional paM ifaj;CCM y. ` Total twit tkpi)y �Dc, �1�14#1TJAi 1 '�l�t s U1VS belt}ty land surface: Far Mrfll/rlc svelte litr all rly,Ilu•if nfJe„mr tr:anola-3�1aa•orrrt c(Zi taa) --�' 1 2&. herAN Welts; Suhmit this fours within 30 days of etmrpleatin of well 10.Stotlr.venter irvel below tap of rasing:^ consltttctian to the foliolcing; 1J'+rararlrrellvaFavycy'tYng,uae (ft) Division ofWater Resources,laihrination pmeessieq iJnit, 1 i.lkirchotediameter: �� 1617 blab Service Center,Itateigit.NC27699-1617 /�/n�) / Z11 Fnr twiertinn lYelis: to addition to fandin I Z Wei;cOnstnictla t method: , O T -�1/r +dtnve,also submit one cagy of this form within 3ac clfOrap tU Ihg lj:UMtst in Well tic.mra� raryty �,ie fro t prrelL,Ke.} —- --* annskuctinn to the following `� ok �rm of Well r13b. W TEA RSt PPl .1,11 SONLY: Division ofWaterHetlfwrrxi,UndeiQlUnd Inji Bd�'DdlralRrogrnm, tr,36 mallSarvicc CePaII R4101 014C 7709-1636 NtthOdoftevt: ,- &ice 1,or WRter Snnd.& Jn uddillnn to 5antiirJg 11tC iINJit IlisJafettlan type; to the addMess(CS) MOM a1So submit one ropy of thin form within 3Q days nF .Amount. 0hmptetion of well rnnstrue6on to the colmtj hr+alth Whom comoillanra, dappnmont Of►ho cOunty tram+(R4'.I NNth CnmlimTikpnrtmMht rtf t9n irrinmcEtai Qrurllty-Ait,iswn of VJmer Roymtrcac Rrwrsed22221W