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GW1-2022-09787_Well Construction - GW1_20221027
_ 828•B22 72A1 p•1 Fob 1519 05,,43p W E f rntrts'r�z�t[�Ij ION RECQRf�{GW��1 Fnr Inicrnnl Use nty; .ltC.nntraetnrinfortttatton: I�^*�--'-`— �'—"""`— r tly Zt1 ES psscttr -- .r--------• ttuaas ? SVcli C.rnilracttx Naine n. Mt ?Iwoll C-natmetotCalfli oliont�mniter S T►'ER TA NB fBttMpJA trEt>a c. 1fa MATERIAL Ne-oirw ' tr Campnn r.yw5m 16.WNGR C IiVG t]tt 1t G 640roii! NAt1AlAl �L� ! TO crAMCrtaa ?.Well Construction Permit 11: — a. � In. LIat 17/1 opllrehle:volt enMcmrarinN parolee(l a vie Cmlary.Sra14 rtariancr:,err J S 3.�Yel1 Vie(ell"k well Itse). 1T. rw n A t tIi n86 A? uI. W1u3 Sapp1$Wcll: — Agrietdtural Monialpa)lPuhNc 0 & Geothermal([3eatinglConlillg3upply) Residential Water SuppLy(single) [nefis t al/Cmmmeraiat Residential Water Supply(shared) UT - mA r et�+c >e O&A Droll 7D / [rrl^orlon r+. Non��alerSupplyWell- / Monitoring tt. ft. lnjectinn Well: eft. R. •• Aquifq RLeimMe D(ltonndwa(4rttc111edialinu 19 9ANi11G1T+1 PAC fe do 1 y N xnitrttaa AquiferSloral;e and Rcenvtmy E)Satinityidnnier FROX n" �Stnmtwntcr Drainaga f' AquitcrTcst •.� 0, - t Experimental Teelinology E3Suhcidcnec Control Cmtberinal(Closed Loop) 13'Mct za nir.l. 4t>G +tab �4 >d To Cicottttxtnai(Hearin aolin Rcwro) 01ber cx lnn`unrlcr 021 RcT mnrks) A.Data1;'0jl(q)CntRplcted_ / te. a-R 5�n nWcn 1 n1rn-tinnC — T:)etlitldllnriarttanta 6aailV Inn(if.Vplicablc) R. h^ vstemi Address,City,Rnd 2i t'aunty V.1=1idamifleRtion No.(PM, Ifi vFe7 r^ta 1 Pr�wTS rj Ua 51).[.Rtitude and tongltade in degrmsimimiteS/SCC6nd5;(N decimRI drg"e-s: v . v (ir wall field,nne lRNonginsuficient) �� 1 s -CC ZOOM; 035 LE f,is{arc}the wcil(S) i'mnancrtr or ©1TetrlpnrRry Sipnnlurc of CrrltficrtWeliCantratstar DM° Lv trrmutA N+m,Fr!cT,f lrsmr P rmtJ�j:that h1e wdlfr)xv)r lwar�j crmar 9 nrd M q Mid Mar it +,is 1[tIS A repair Mika tettistiag well: 1'Cs or Yo xdrA 13.t 4t'Af.•nzr.4ion nr ISA NC-4C 02C-0200 WrliC"MInxtrntr 59orrdardr rm+!Mar it frd"v i n report,/1Jl P)tti7)aHm tatll�nnsrn+r 1fM�i)traraurriOn mui arPlPin/he rurrrrr gjilru CM?l�nfthic rerr,ra haR ArP11)tfli'!d!,f in the tiHrl1 n)vtr+a r vntrro!derAIIremarkca'+mnoran the ftrtofrhft fin n. ��;"S&giagirsmarsulklldonelWdBddRilsr you MW usn the tack of this page to provide addit-lentil well site deMils or well R.Mir Gmprot!r111pT Or Claved4Lonp C,reathermid Wells having the snore you 4rraiL¢ You wayslse attach addllional pagem If rrecessery. tit�wmgMicrian,oal�1 GW-I isneeded. rmtoTC)TAt.NUM8JFRnrwcllt driliul: ---- NURMrrrAr_1ntgPRUICU)n}f3 t1.Val2l veil dcpt bglow land surface; __,( .) kln% forn,�k: Submit this femt'"in 30 an"'ofcompinlion or%vell Am,nndNpre wMrlitr all A!Pr14c ifAl�Emnr rrsamply-3@200'and i@10n't conatnietion to the f01101vUt6: In.Statie water level below top of caSing: —(114 DivifioR o(Wara Restrureah la%Tmediun Pmcmieg 1301, frWaler•anal lr rrhrlru earring•une""•., r 161T Mild scr ike Ceater,Raleigh,XC 274"-1617 1L F19mhoicdiameter. LO �-00.) 2ih,ERE 1pInrtlnn 5VAW it)addition to sading thG form t4 Mir,txlOT=in 24n / t�/� :t119ve,also submit one copy of this form within 30 day4 of comidellon of well 12.Welt tanatrltellmn marked: ���` etmst uatian to the foiloWing: (i c•alga,mnq,ct!hle,direct push,�xc.) Division of Water Rent111rce%1in0er@innud 111jelLtion Cnalrnl Program, POR WA't'CRSt:PPT-V WFUS ONlV: 1ft36 Mail Service C4nTcr•,RMclg1h,1SC:i!709-1636 13a.Yield(Qpm) l 12 _i�tethnrt or teat: x:tc Irnr L�'atcr Sanolu&Fn HAn we t� 1n rNidilitto to suixiing the i''mm to- the addresses) above: also stibmit one copy of this form luiillin 30 days of 13b.Aixinfeerkm type: .Atmimr. comptction of%vdl construction to the courtly hoalth department of the 001101y inhere eettsltnecad, l nrnt GU.-! Nonrt l_mnlrmtl7iarrnttment"CI?!n-7rrinmcmtnl One111�-DivEnan of wow Rwatmxec ReviseA?.22 2Ri fi Date: ~30 `�a- Well Case: Well#: c�COI= J C)1DC7 Sl� Marne: s jw !` Address:'F 1 i f\� �W�� 1►QeD U t� uc' Pump has been installed, well head ready for inspection. Sign: Ct e.&rwa fe r Wak D rriA.,(."