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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000559_NOD Response_20221026TOWN OF CLAYTON Engineering Department 111 E. Second St., P.O. Box 879 Clayton, NC 27528 Phone: 919-553-5002 Fax: 919-553-1720 26 October 2022 DEQ-DEMLR Stormwater Program Attn: Isaiah Reed 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Subject: Response to Notice of Deficiency (NOD-2022-PC-0104) Town of Clayton - NPDES MS4 Permit No. NCS000559 Johnston County Dear Mr. Reed: On September 30, 2022, the Town of Clayton received a Notice of Deficiency and MS4 Permit Compliance Audit Report from NCDEQ regarding the compliance audit performed on March 30, 2022. Town staff have reviewed the results of the audit which identified minor deficiencies with specific components of the MS4 permit. Additionally, staff provided an update to Town Council regarding the MS4 Permit Compliance Audit Report findings and Notice of Deficiency on October 3, 2022, during a regular Town Council meeting. The Town acknowledges the requirements set forth in the Notice of Deficiency and intends to comply with correction of the items noted within the audit report. In coordination with multiple involved departments throughout Town, staff has already corrected several of the requirements and continues to work through the remaining items. In addition to compliance with the deficiencies noted in the audit report, the Town intends to submit a self -evaluation of the permit components not reviewed during the compliance audit within 180 days of Notice of Deficiency receipt. Additionally, the Town has developed an updated Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) which has been submitted to NCDEQ for review and consideration along with an updated NPDES MS4 permit application due to the current MS4 permit pending expiration. Town staff appreciates the opportunity to address the minor deficiencies noted in the audit report as the safeguard of our community and environment takes priority and aligns with the Town's Strategic Plan. Sincerely, roshua B. Baird, PE Engineering Director 919-553-1554