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HomeMy WebLinkAboutRe_ _EXTERNAL_ 17BP_9_R_72 demo planCarpenter, Kristi From: Youngman, Holland J <> Sent: Friday, October 28, 2022 10:59 AM To: Euliss, Amy; Alsmeyer, Eric C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Cc: Wanucha, Dave; McHenry, David G; Byrd, Barry L; Jones, Scott A; Kirk Johnson Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] 17BP.9.R.72 demo plan CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Thank you for providing this, Amy. I've reviewed the demo plan and shared it with Jay Mays for his review as well. There are no concerns from Jay's end and my only question is regarding the saw -cutting of bent 3. I'm trying to picture how much slurry may be created during the cutting. Is there any sort of catchment system planned to capture that? Or is it expected to be such a minimal amount that there's no cause for water quality concerns? Thanks and Happy Friday, Holland Youngman (she/her) Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Asheville Ecological Services Field Office 160 Zilticoa Street, Asheville, North Carolina, 28801 Cell: 828-575-3920 Office: 828-258-3939 x42235 From: Euliss, Amy <> Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2022 9:59 AM To: Youngman, Holland J <>; Alsmeyer, Eric C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <> Cc: Wanucha, Dave <>; McHenry, David G <>; Byrd, Barry L <>; Jones, Scott A <>; Kirk Johnson <> Subject: [EXTERNAL] 17BP.9.R.72 demo plan This email has been received from outside of DOI - Use caution before clicking on links, opening attachments, or responding. Holland and Eric, The demo plan for the removal of the bridge over the Dan River on NC 704 is attached for your review. The USACE and DWR permits, and the BO are attached for reference. We ask that you get comments back prior to Nov. 4t" if your schedule allows. Thanks. Amy Euliss Division 9 PDEA Engineer North Carolina Department of Transportation 336 747 7802 office aeuliss(cDncdot.aov 375 Silas Creek Parkway Winston Salem, NC 27127-7167 Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.