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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0012667_Application_19960823 (2)August 23, 1996 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GROUNDWATER SECTION August 23, 1996 MEMORANDUM To: Carolyn McCaskill Through: Bob Cheek From: David Goodrich Subject: Harold M. Reed/Reed Center Spray Irrigation Facility - Reuse Rules Apply Henderson County WQ0012667/GW96136 (Michael Allen: DEM SERG Review Engineer) The Groundwater Section is in receipt of the subject permit application for the proposed 15,000 GPD wastewater treatment system which will serve to treat the wastewater generated by a 42-unit hotel, a 128-seat restaurant, and other operations (see Figures 1 and 2) . The subject permit application is being submitted under the new reuse rules. The initial amount of wastewater treated will be less than 15, 000 gallons per day, as this amount is a design figure which considers future growth. The wastewater will be treated and discharged into a 75, 000 capacity, 5-day holding pond (lined with a 40-ml liner) , then transferred to a 405,000 gallon capacity irrigation holding pond (unlined) before being land -applied to approximately 2.88 acres on an application spray field. The total area available for spray application of the wastewater is 7.56 acres (see Figure 2), which is divided into sections. One section is a thin application area (where the soil conditions have been determined to only be suitable for light application of wastewater) , and a thick application area (where the soil conditions have been determined to be suitable for heavier application of wastewater) . The thin application area consists of 2.24 useable acres (at a recommended rate of 0.6 to 0.7 gallons per square foot per week) , while the thick application area consists of 5.32 useable acres (at a recommended rate of 0.9 to 1.0 gallons per square foot per week) . The total area available and the recommended rates suggest that there is approximately three times as much area as is needed to operate the system. The 5-day holding pond is to be lined with a 40-ml liner, but apparently no liner is proposed for the irrigation holding pond. The configuration of the spray fields and the relative locations of nearby residential wells would normally require the installation and monitoring of groundwater wells at approved locations along the southern edge of the site property, however, monitor wells will not be required due to the very low application rate. The Groundwater Section has reviewed the subject permit application and recommends issuance of the permit with the following conditions;... 1. The interior surfaces of the 5-day effluent pond shall be completely lined with a 40-mil thick liner. Following installation and inspection of the pond liner, and prior to waste disposal operations, certification of the liner's compliance with approved construction specifications and the liner's integrity must be provided to the Division of Environmental Management, Groundwater Section, by the project engineer. 2. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. The Compliance Boundary for a disposal system constructed after December 31, 1983 is established at either (1) 250 feet from the waste disposal area, or (2) 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the waste disposal area. The Compliance Boundary for a system such as this one is at the property boundary. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action in addition to the penalty provisions applicable under General Statute 143-215.6A(a) (1) . In accordance with 15A NCAC 2L, a REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around the disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area. Any exceedance of standards at the Review Boundary shall require remediation action on the part of the permittee . 3. No land application of waste activities shall be undertaken when the seasonal high water table is less than three feet below land surface. 4. Any groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. 5. The annual administering and compliance fee must be paid by the Permittee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15 NCAC 2H.0205(c) (4) . 2 If there are any questions please let me know. cc: Don Link Permit Files --Haroldmr-- VRLLLY AU-i .1 1 - 54 1355 MAPPING SERVICES BRA,' 1,11vi-m. 1-j m/. rasa 1 NE .56 35' 157 [SKYLAND 193-NE) ir " tk, j 4 u. to IN: U FB;�� 4,1207 U1713 O ow /p ra 111L I I �,K:T ��5 2 f aF V. V. J., s r V -7 A. OLft- raper p .-'R R ForEc' v 11 otj 1A Iv A IBM LHT I A Q Q 0 ?93 3 • (,: � P R'0 N v X _Z, N, Kleine, ake ROA K, )o V \61, _j 131 56 1314 'j n9F B 2 294. �!v FB 55 -J 2068• . IFB 1-95 118 ',J'Ohnson -SPRINGS" A A dmInrningMona( C 'S . 0, ek Mile' I •/„r,•o lt. ��or..4� f 1..7-k c B x E9 n t.a i '206 '�`,1 r� `1.'. 1.') il`i•I I -" --!" 1 / // \ \�• ___. -�-- - - I. I� - J .-J .1 r�.�' r • .r�. ; , / 4 -b r Horse Shoe Bend / � ,, _ -,="., `., :;-� ,�: A 1.i IV, T: JI I 6rs6'S Q6 Aide 'I ountakin Pine V f M, ein Bridge 1. C:\ III UFIB/126 I 2781• '. G, FIGURE 1 HAROLD M. REED/REED CENTER SCALE SPRAY IRRIGATION FACILITY HENDERSON COUNTY WQ0012667/GW96136 40 oaf t 0 III= ;LOGO 3000 SITE LOCATION MAP DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GROUNDWATER SECTION J�,/V )(-) /I5-4 M E M O R A N D U M J TO: 4s4,11NO Regional Office FROM: A,, - SUBJECT: Application for Permit Renewal jUL 2 21996 +, Permit Amendment ' A I1�1 :i -_ thew Per-mit=:--� � �t�`�ou, dv+aterSsc�+cn n / pshevdle Rpninnal office Facility Name: ��.�zvl� k� k4_e� �Qe-r 06---'1 County: Type of Project: ��On,oy �n /L�Sc�+'�o-►� APPLICABLE PERMIT NO. s : rWQ' 0012- C67 C GW ; 26/39 DEH A to C UIC EPA CUA The Groundwater Section has received a copy of the referenced permit application, a copy of which should have been sent to your Regional Water Quality Supervisor - IF A COPY HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED IN THE REGIONAL OFFICE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. The Groundwater Section has received a copy of the referenc_ed_permit application. A-copy=of the�appli.cation documents- we=received is -attached The Groundwater Section has received a subsurface disposal project from the Div. Env. Health's On -Site Wastewater Section. A copy of the application has been forwarded to DEH's Regional Soil Specialist, Please coordinate your review with that Soil Specialist. —Please-,review the application materials for completeness. If you feel ,,;,`"additional information is necessary, please let me know no later than J✓ly 31,tIg �.' ' A copy of any formal request for additional information will be' you. If you do not need any additional information -=to complete your review, please provide your final comments by �; wa /�Q( . �If you request and/or receive additional information, your fine-_,._commnts a ere due no later than 14 days after you receive the additional information. \TRANS.SHL William G. Lapsley & Associates, P.A. Consulting Engineers and Land Planners 1635 Asheville Highway Post Office Box 546 Hendersonville, North Carolina 28793 704-697-7334 • FAX 704-697-7333 August 8, 1996ro ®R n �1R� _�� Mr. Michael D. Allen Environmental Engineer AUG 1 3 096 State Engineering Review Group N.C. Division of Water Quality Groun-1 P.O. Box. 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535� Ref: Request for Additional Information Application No. WQ0012669 Dr. Harold M. Reed Property. Proposed 42 Unit Hotel, Horse Shoe, N.C. Spray Irrigation System Henderson County, N.C. Dear Mr. Allen: William G. Lapsley, P.E. Gary Tweed, P.E. John B. Jeter, P.E. Philip Ward, L.S.A. �1% rAa�R- lY Our office is in receipt 'of your August 6, 1996 letter requesting additional informat-ion for the above referenced project. The following additional information,is provided: 1- Information requested by the Groundwater Section On August 7, 1996 I discussed with you the issues concerning the use of Mountain Geology, Inc. professional geologist Mr. Michael H. Owens for the soils evaluation. Our firm has been working during the past year very closely with Mr. Ray Cox with your office on the development of this project and a permit modification for the spray irrigation system at Champion Hills development. We were aware that the regulations state that the soils evaluation is to conducted by a'"Soils Scientist". Mr. Owens had conducted the original soils evaluation at Champion Hills and it was requested to Mr. Cox that he be allowed to conduct the soils evaluation for the permit modification at Champion Hills and the work being planned at Dr. Reed's property.- Mr. Cox reviewed this issue and since Mr. Owens had previous experience in this area, verbally granted permission for the use of. Mr. Owens. Our firm requested written confirmation of this approval, but this was never provided. Based on the authorization from your office, our firm proceeded with contracting with Mr. Owens for the soils evaluation for both Champion Hills and Dr. Reed's project. if we had any inclination that this would not be acceptable, then an alternative would have been pursued. At no time did your office.indicate that an independent approval would be needed from the Ground Water Mr. Printed of Recycled Paper Michael Allen August 8, 1996 Page Two Section to use Mountain Geology. Mr. Owens has many years experience in, the field of wastewater treatment facilities utilizing land application and disposal. He works very closely with many of the County .Health Departments in this region in the approvals of septic system drainfields. Mr. Owens followed standard practices in reviewing the soils at both of these projects and we are fully satisfied that.his work has adequately.evaluated these projects. It is apparent that the Ground Water Section was unaware of the prior approval of Mr. Owens for work on these projects. Mr. Owens also has expertise in the area of Ground Water Geology and has, worked with the Ground Water staff on several projects. It is our understanding that the regulations allow alternatives to use of a "Soils Scientist" and it Ls requested that the prior approval granted by Mr. Cox be honored. In our conversation, you stated,that you did not see a problem with using Mr. Owens for this project and we request that utilization .of Mountain Geology, Inc. for the -soils evaluation report be allowed. 2- Information requested by the Permits and Engineering Unit. With respect to the influent lift station, we have reviewed the pump station design with respect to the cleaning velocity on a three inch force. main. The'30 GPM'pump rate does have a cleaning velocity slightly below the 2 ft/sec; therefore, the pump rate will be increased to 50 GPM which has a cleaning velocity at 2.06 ft/sec. This can be accomplished with the same pump specified by using a different diameter impeller.. The engineering report which contained.the pump calculations has been revised along with sheet 7 of 7 of the plans which details .the influent lift station pump specifications. In addition the pump rate, velocity, and head loss chart of SDR 21 PVC has been -.included.. We hope this information is sufficient for the approval of this project. Should you wish to discuss this project, please contact our office at 704-697-7334. Sincerel your , Gar Tweed, P . E.. r. cc Paul White 11 Kay Dechant David Goodrich Mike Owens DIIVI SHON OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Groundwater Section MEMORANDUM Date: To: Review Engineer Permits & Engineering Unit From: Groundwater Section Subject: z-.:- r J' , , � <r!' 1' S'� e &/ Request for Additional Information �� PUG - 81996 �i County The Groundwater Section has conducted a preliminary review of the subject application and request that the following items, as indicated in the list of additional information items dated July 15, 1990 to be included in the request for additional information to the applicant: Item 1 Item 7 Item 13 Item 18 Item 2 Item 8 Item 14 Item 19 Item 3 Item 9 Item 15 Item 20 \0 /% Item 4 Item 10 Item 16 Item 21 Item 5 Item 11 Item 17 Item 23 Item 6 Item 12 Other Items (See attachment) For Item 22 fill in blanks: , For Items 15 and 21 list parameters: b � f If you have any questions, please advise. NOTE: See Reverse For Additional Information Items cc: 'G!,4,f� White Copy - Water Quality Section Regional Groundwater Supervisor Yellow Copy - Groundwater Section Pink Copy - Regional once List of Additional Information Items Groundwater Section July Is, 19W item 1. A general location map, showing orientation of the facility with reference to at least two (2) geographic relerenas (numbered roads, named snearm/rivecs.etc.). Item 2 A site -specific crap, with topographic contours (contour interval should not exceed 10 feet or 25 percent of total site relle( whichever is less), showing all f=lciltty - related structures within the property boundary and the location of all wells, springs, lakes, ponds, or other surface drainage features within 500 feet of the waste treatment/disposal sit*). Wells should be labeled as to their primary usage (drinking water, process water, monitoring, etc) hale 3. A soil evaluation of the application site by a soils scientist, to verify the accuracy of the SCS soils map regarding the presence or absence of a seasonally high water table or bldrock within thee vortical feet of the deepest point of sludge application, and to determine the cation exchange capacity of the soils. Item I A soil evaluation of the disposal site by a soils scientist down to a depth of seven ket or the 'C horizon, whichever is less, to develop a soli map through field evaluation of soil texture, color, the depth, thickness and type of restrictive honzon(s), the presence or absence of a seasonal high water table. or bedrock within three vertical feet of the deepest point of sludge application, and cation exchange capacity. Item S. A roll evaluation of the disposal site conductedby a soils scientist to adequately evaluate the soils to be utilized for treatment and disposal down to a depth of seven feet to Include field descriptions of texture, color, struct reAtructum the depth, thickness and type of resrtrletivc horizons, the presence or absence and depth of evidence of any seasonal high water table and recommendations concerning application rates of the waste constituents. The investigation should also include field estimates or measurerents of saturated hydraulic conductivity in the most: restrictive horizon, and cation exchange capacity. Excavation of test pits may be necessary for proper evaluation of the sots at the site.) Item a Proposed location and con.-Amcdon details of a groundwater monitoring well network as specified in Rule .0205(d) of the Regulations (15 NCAC 211. 0200) Ilan 7. As per the conditions of your current permit, you were requited to Install groundwater monitoring wells. These wells were to be sampled and analyzed according to a schedule and for those parameters as specified in the permit A search of our records indicates that, as of the date of the letur, no groundwater monitoring data have been recelved. please submit all results of gnnrndwater sampling and analysis which have been obtained to date. If no sampling and/or analyses have been conducted, you are regrrsted to sample the wells and report the results of the analyses as specified in the current permit Item 8. Information as to the presence or alosrue of any wells lasted within 500 feet of the waste. treatnemt/dispasai facility. Any such wells should be accurately located on the site map. and labeled as to their primary usage (Ie, drinking water, monitoring; etc.). Item 9. A hydrogeologic description of the subsurface, to a depth of 20 fitor bedrock, whichever is lei. The number of borings shall be sufficient to define the fallowing for the areaunderlying each major soil type at the disposal site: (I) significant changes in llthology underlying the site; (ii) the vertical pemoability of the unsatwated zone and the hydraulic conductivity of the saturated zoo; and (W) depth to the man seasonal high water table (if defiable from soil morphology or from evaluation of other appliccable available data) Item 10. A hydrogeoiogic description of the subsurface, to a depth of 20 feet or bedrock, whichever is less. 'fhe number of borings shall be suf dent to define the following for the area underlying each major soil type at the disposal site: (0 significant changes in ldthology underlying the site; (id the vertical penetrability of the unsaturated zone and the hydraulic conductivity of the saturated zone; fill) depth to the mean seasonal high water table (if definable from soil morphology or from evaluation of other applicable available data); and (m) a deterrninatkm of bmiamissivity and specific yield of the unconfined aquifer based on a withdrawal or recharge test Item 11. A hydrogeologic description of the subsurface, which should include intimation on the vertical and horizontal extent, and the lithologtc character of the. unconfined aquifer. The hydraulic relationship between the unconfined aquifer and the first confined aquifer beneath the site should be determined, including the thickness, hthologic character, and vertical permeability of the confining bed. The Information must also include a determination of the transmisstvfty, and specific yield of the unconfined aquifer, determined by either a withdrawal or recharge test. Item 12. A hydrologic evaluation in the area of the proposed waste disposal facility waste disposal facility, which should include the depth to water, direction of moverrien and quality of groundwater in the shallow groundwater system, as well as an evaluation of the potential impacts the proposed system may have an groundwater levels, movement and quality. Item la In order to be in compliance with 15 NCAC 2H .0219 (1), any lagoon or pond used for treatment storage or disposal of waste shall have: either a liner of natural material at least one foot in thickness and having a hydraulic conductivity of no greater than 1 x 10 -6 centimeters per second when compacted, or a synthetic liner of sufHdent thickness to exhibit 1) structural integrity, and 2) an effective hydraulic conductivity no greater than that of the natural mmatesial liner. Please provide a detail description of the marerials used for liners Item 14 15 NCAC 2H .0219 (e) specifier that waste shall of be applied or discharged onto or below the land surface when the vertical separation between the waste and the seasonal high water table Is less than OBE Ii) 1F fC . If any of the area to be utilized has a. separation of less than ITTRFE I3b THREE. a demonstration must be Trade using predictive calculations or modeling methods, acceptable to the Director, that such placement will not result to contravention of classified groundwater standards. Please provide information describing the depth to man seasonal highwawr table and supportive information for sites with depths less than THEE (31 [T..El' Searation. Item 15. A recant, complete chemical analysis of the typical waste o be discharged, which should include the following parameters (List parameters) Item I& Is the waste which is to be discharged comprised solely of domestic waste, or are there other sources which will contribute to the wastawater'l If so, please provide infon ation as to the types) of waste involved, as well as the anticipated quantity. Item 17. Boring logs and well construction details for all existing monitoring wells. Such inliarration should include ground surface elevations at each well location and static water level measure- ments. Item Is. Please note that in order to be in compliance with 15 NCAC 2H .0219 (d), the bottom of earthen impoundments, trenches or other similar excavations shall be at least four fast above the bedrock surface If the bottom of the excavation is less than four feet above the bedrock surface, a diner of natural or synthetic material having a hydraulic conductivity no greater than 1 x 10 -7 centimeters per second will be required. Please provide Infomvmtion confirTning compliance with this requirement Item 19. The information submitted indicates that hand auger borings were advanced at the site. Please indicate the locations of these borings on a site map. In addition, you are requested to subunit complete lithologte descriptions of the borings along with any evidence which may Indicate the presence or absence of a seasonal high water table Item 20. Fl um the soils maps which were submitted, it is difficult in some cases to positively identify what soil type(s) are fi)und on various fields You are requested in submit noised maps which clearly show the distribution of the various soil types on each proposed land application site. Item 21. A characterization of groundwater quality in the vicinity of the lagoons. Tlnfs characterization should be accomplished by the Installation of monitoring wells for the purpose of describing the liwodogy in the area. and for collecting groundwater quality samples from the water table aquifer. The locations for these wells are shown on the enclosed map. The well construction details and sampling methods should be by approval of the Regional office, from which a well construction pc unit must be obtained. Gmundvab= samples shall be obtained from each monitoring well and analyzed for the following parameters (List parameters) The measurement of water level should be taken prior to sampling for the other parameters Ilthologic logs, well construction details and the analytical results of the sampling should be submitted to the Groundwater Section, Mission of Environmental Management Item 22 In order to be in compliance with 15 NCAC 2H .0219 ( j ) (5) W (_), a buffer zone of at least feet must be maintained between the perimeter of the disposal field and any property boundary. It is noted from the submittcd plans that portions of the proposed facility lie within_ feet of the property boundary. Please submit revised plans which demonstrate compliance with buffer zone regwiernents Ov..I State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Res6ui•ces Division of Environmental Management f P%� �. JUL 2 2 1996 Non -Discharge Permit Application M11S FORM MAY DE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL.) kshzbii(a F;e�io"ai — MECHANICAL TREATMENT AND NONDISCHARGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant (corporation, individual, or other 441ilo"Ib _Ev� 2. Print Owners or Signing Official's Name and Title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): �2• �-� A�'�—� /�• ��-�7 3. Mailing Address: City: EAy 4AR3o7- State: Zip: 33 l 54— Telephone No.: (30 -S 8 S — 2y00 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans/specs., letters of flow acceptance, Operational Agreements, etc.): R;-! �� ice- o��,�, y - 4 2 UN , 4c ; 5. Application Date: 6. Fee S ubmitted: $0 • O D 7. County where project is located: i�-E 1�S ►� �ZSUN 8. Address of treatment and disposal facility: T-r-N`I 9. Latitude: 3 S°Z1 t 13 ; Longitude: 8Z° S44 3 3 of disposal facility II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Permit No. (will be completed by DEM): 2. Specify whether project is: V new: renewal*; modification. *If renewal, complete only sections I, II, III, and applicant signature (on pg.12).Submit only pgs. 1, 2, and 12 (original and 3 copies of each). Engineer signature not required for renewal. FORM: MTDS 4/91 Page 1 of 13 i1v11:CEi.\tiI(.';\1.'t'E:1::\ 3. 11' this application is 1lcing suhmitted as a result of" a renewal or niodit'ic;ttion to all existing permit, list the existing penllit number _ N _ and issue date__.___ 4. Specify whether the applicant is public or ✓private. III. INFORMATION ON WASTEWATER: 1 _ Nature of Wastewater: 10 O % Domestic; % Commercial; % Industrial; % Other waste (specify): 2. Please provide a one or two word description specifying the origin of the wastewater; such as school, 1 subdivision, hospital, commercial, industrial, apartments, etc.: (�? liR 11,,1r 1 D .J W S ►-t --bO w w 1 / h- t-t 3. If wastewater is not domestic in nature, what level of pretreatment has been provided to ensure protection of the receiving wastewater treatment facility: 4. Volume of wastewater generated by this project: 000 gallons per day 5. Explanation of how wastewater volume was determined: 42 to—.-r Ae---x4-(J rZo C— fz' .. _ 5' 040 6;PI- I I Z o s cAr 2r ;:. e to 673 �S�,�y �j I z0 (, -F0, 40 S r3 Z -i 0 w rt. 1Pu—LA;zr-- Tj4 -Z, -2 4o Tcn-AL S OCR 6. Brief project description: �,�o?os E7 Ty Co�ST,Z�c�r /9'y �,.J%a•.S Tti �✓� ; �-Z. T,z.�/�-.—iv1 �.vT i �-�v�T�j/, �fOv� ��vG /��v�� IV. DESIGN INFORMATION: 1. Type of wastewater treatment facility (extended aeration, oxidation ditch, activated sludge, aero-mod, other): ��G,E� %��z%/�.� i �i�►��� �ix��,. ry 2. For coastal facilities and golf course spray irrigation facilities, all essential treatment and disposal units must be provided in duplicate. Specify: golf course spray facility; coastal facility; ✓other. How many units have been provided? Z)a-v- 3. Specify the design flow of the facility: / 000 gallons per day 4. Specify the volume of the r aired flow equalization basin or tank: 3, 75-0 gallons NOTE: The required equalization tank volume is determined from a diurnal hydrograph analysis of the maximum and minimum flows expected. 5. Specify the number of and capacity of the pumps used for flow equalization: pumps at Z 5; GPM each. 6. How many bar screens are provided? 7. Specify whether bar screens are: manually cleaned; _ mechanically cleaned 2 of 13 !'A(ir: 3 (4/91 ) 8. 1low many flow sputter boxes are provided? _! 9. Are the flow splitter boxes. designed o allow the excess of the average daily flow to return to the equalization basin': _yes; _ no 10. How many aeration basins are provided? 2 7, S CUO C�gc_c o.•5 11. What type of aeration is provided (coarse bubble, fine bubble, floating aerators, etc.)? '7 C.._L_ - H Z U ^ C I+n" YL IYIO� �i. iZ J i— F r-e S rv1Z 12. Specify the volume for each. aeration basin: %, S 00 gallons gallons 13. What is the detention time in the aeration basin(s)? Z4 hours 14. How many clarifiers are provided? Z [� /, 57�S— 15. Specify the volume for each: S gallons gallons 16. What is the sidewater depth of the clarifier? ��' - feet 17. What is the detention time in the clarifier(s).? hours 18. What is the clarifier surface loading rate? /60 GPD per square foot 19. What is the clarifier solids loading rate? Z pounds per square foot per hour 20. What is the weir loading rate? S-L GPD per foot 21. Specify the volume of the required sludge holding tank: Z@ /, 4100 gallons 22. Is the sludge holding tank heated? yes; ✓ no 23. Is the sludge holding tank aerated? _� yes; no 24. Determine the population equivalency (PE): PE = flow in GPD / 100 GPD per person / S o00 GPD / 100 GPD per person = / Sd population equivalency 25. Determine the per capita sludge capacity (PCSC): PCSC = sludge tank volume in gallons / ( (PE) (7.48 gal. per cubic foot)) Z SOO gallons / (( / 5-O ) (7.48 gal. per cubic ft.)) = Z • -q- `i2l S- 26. List the number and capacity of all blowers and what each serves: y ;L ak-A To o — l �1�,5 j ..j Z 4-CD c- r k^•. C- H ? r-j l l C- = •� 1 I +? 1 t?- 27. How many tertiary filrration units are provided (dual units required)? T3 u4,(- 28. Specify what tertiary filtration units are provided (traveling bridge, dual beds, other): Lt (ma� c_ S b 29. What is the area of each filter? 67 square.feet 30. What is the filter loading rate*? �• S 7 GPM per square ft. *Filter loading rate should be less than 1.25 GPM per square foot 31. What is the clearwell capacity'? ion gallons 3 of 13 II"J I IANIt A1. TRI:A I*%,IFN'I* PAG1•: 4 (•1/1) 1 ) 0 33 34 35 36 37 G' The ntininrint Clear -well Capacity nccdcd is: (filter area) (1> GPNI per ft.2( 1) rrtinutCs). Min. clearwell capacity = (__- �O_— ft Z) (15 GPNI per it. 2) ( 10 ruin) Min. clearwell capacity needed is: ____qCO _____ gallons What is the mudwell capacity'? f .350 gallons. The nunimum mudwell capacity needed is: backwash vol. + inflow during backwash backwash volume = clearwell capacity inflow during backwash = (flow) (10 minutes) / 1440 minutes per day min. mudwell capacity = ((-2S-60 GPD) (10 min.)) / 1440 min./day + 5�?-26 gal. minimum mudwell capacity needed is: '/� sZ gallons What is the thickness of the sand? p, inches What is- the thickness of anthracite? / Z inches What are the sand specifications? �02, 2 mm for effective size; /9� /• i uniformity coefficient; % dust content The sand specifications are included on page 5futio—, on fege C Co Z3 T- of the specifications. What type of chlorination is provided? I A-3L- of the plans or 40. What is the volume of the chlorine contact chamber? SZO gallons 41. How much detention time is provided (minimum 30 minutes required)? SO minutes 42. Has residual chlorine removal equipment been provided? ✓ yes; no If yes, what type? 43. What is the volume of the effluent dosing or spray tanks? I gallons 44. Specify the number of pumps and their capacity: jj I IA pumps at GPM 45. What is the total dynamic head? iJ 1 feet 46. The pump curves are included on page /r-s of the plans or on page - of the �T specifications. 47. Specify the high water alarms provided: it audible & visual; auto dialer 48. What sludge handling equipment is provided? A,& z�> SLpc�L 49. How, where, and by whom will the sludge be ultimately disposed? Lzl> C LeJ l � t r4LL.rL- T- 50. If the sludge is going to be land applied by a contractor list the existing permit number /Ij and issue date 51. Explain how the sludge will be treated to comply with the "Processes to Significantly Reduce Pathogens." _ �J I A 4 of 13 V. hll.(] [AN CA1. T1\'l'.A .%11'.NT (4/9 1 5'. What is the name of the cl()sest dc>wnslope surface water.'.' -- .VL--Er�� 5 3. Classification of- clOsest downslope surface waters: _ (as established by the Environmental Management Commission and specified ern page. 10 of this application) 54. .If a power failure could impact waters classified as WS, SA, B, or SB describe which of the measures are being implemented to prevent such impact, as required in 15A NCAC 214 .0200: S era R,, ►hoc .�4.z r3 >R., N (, -- 55. If the facility is a coastal facility or a golf course spray irrigation facility describe the automatically activated standby power system: ot N-z5 r3 56. Describe any other treatment units that are not previously described: I I 2��-rr� was'-��v a � Y.� (-L�e cam. l� ►5 C..µ a z -,-c � � � A� C-Z) P-CD r✓ Z (_ _I. �-2. t C� !a- r � c�iU ►�- O �� � Ti-r�.� Tc.S [�l�c..�i COMPLETE SECTION V, VI, OR 'VII THAT APPLIES. FOR THOSE SECTIONS OR QUESTIONS THAT DO NOT APPLY, WRITE NOT APPLICABLE OR N/A. ALL OTHER SECTIONS MUST BE COMPLETED RAPID INFILTRATION / v I iT 1. What type of rapid infiltration system has been provided (rotary distributor, spray beds, other)? 2. What is the vertical separation to the seasonal high water table? 3. 4. 5. GI 7 What is the loading rate (must not exceed 10 GPD / ft.2)? How many disposal areas are there? feet GPD / ft.2 What is the square footage of each disposal area? square feet What is the square footage of the "green area?" What material is the rotary distributor constructed of? 8. What is the diameter of the rotary distributor? 9. Is the rotary distributor hydraulically or motor driven'? 5 of 13 square feet "01:('l1: PAGI•: o (-1/') 1 ) VI. V II. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 2 3. The rotary distributer disposal area should be completcly surrounded by a nutsonry type wall that extends at least 18 inches below ground surface and at least 12 inches above ground surface. Specify how far below ground ground: inches, these walls extend. Inches; and above What is the name and location of the golf course that is being irrigated with treated wastewater? T .3 �.Zv�os �� Ty l,e.2, What is the volume of wastewater to be irrigated? /S000 gallons per day What is the volume of the five day detention pond? 7 S 006 gallons How is public access prevented from the 5 day detention, pond? /�o•.�� io i3 .eZ,--- Is the 5 day detention pond lined? yes; _ no. What material? �E? h,G i�s��.acs-✓ What volume of storage is required by the water balance A�1/y days; '_111�9 gallons What volume of storage is provided in the storage / irrigation pond? Z % days; 000 gallons Is the storagefirrigabon pond lined? _ es; _ no. What material? 0-. The spray nozzle specifications are on page of the plans or _specifications What is the loading rate recommended by the soils scientist (less than 1.75 in./ week): in. / hour; % in. / week; in. ./ year Z 0 5/S�/�uEE,r� SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL Specify the loading rate recommendation, as determined by the soils scientist, for the subsurface disposal field: GPD per square foot. Specify the loading rate recommendation, as determined by the soils scientist, for the repair area (100% replacement) subsurface disposal field: GPD per square ft. Specify design loading rate that will occur in disposal field: GPD / ft.'- (In coastal'areas the maximum is 1.5 GPD / square foot for gravity systems and 1.0 GPD per square foot for low pressure systems). 6 of 13 NII:a'I i:ltilt \I. f f�f:::1 I MI:ti I' P/V;1: 7 (4/01) m 5 C 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 SI)CCIfY [Ile n(IIIII)Cr Of SUI)Sllrf:lCC IICId1: _ Supply line dia.: The dllnlenslons Of. the fields: Manifold dia.: Distribution lateral dia.: ; Hole dia.: Number of laterals: ; Lateral length (typically 70 ft. max. for.LPP & 100 ft. max. for gravity): ; Trench width: ; Trench depth: ; Minimum pressure head: ; Maximum pressure head: ; Minimum vertical separation between trench bottoms and mean seasonal high water table: ; Distance on centers (for LPP not less than 5 ft_): ; Maximum slope of trenches (should be less than 0.2% for gravity systems): ; Details must be provided in plans/specs which demonstrate that the ends of lines are plugged, that turn -ups are provided for LPP, and that measures will be taken (grade boards, etc.) to ensure that laterals are properly installed. The following criteria should be used fo the s ng of residential septic tanks: a. three bedrooms or less , us mini um 9 gallons; b. four bedrooms , use 'ni um 1Ttan g lI s; c. five bedrooms , use m' i um 1g llo . For businesses with a desig fl w less i 00 GPD, the minimum tank capacity shall be twice the flow. The following criteria should be used for the sizing of septic tanks for residences with more than five bedrooms, multiple family residences, tanks serving two or more residences*, or establishments with a flow between 600 GPD and 1500 GPD: Septic Tank Volume = (1.17) (daily sewage flow) + 500 gallons *Minimum septic tank capacity shall be 1500 gallons For design flows between 1500 GPD and 4500 GPD, the following criteria shall be used: Septic Tank Volume = (0.75) (daily sewage flow) + 1125 gallons For design flows which exceed 4500 GPD, use a septic tank capacity equal to the flow. Specify the septic tank volume: gallons Specify the pump tank volume: gallons Specify the number of pumps and their capacity: pumps at GPM Specify the high water alarms: audible & visual; auto dialer The different disposal fields, laterals, or groups of laterals in a subsurface system are typically designed to be dosed at different rates or volumes from one another: Explain the method that will be used to ensure that the proper dosing rates and volumes occur: 7 of 13 ------ NI1:('11A-.tilt \1.-:r\'I N11:N I 1Jv-r�, � ►3 et f FEZ. z;�� ,z�.,. ,,.r�..-s �F- a-v iz � ��,.� VIII. BUFFERS: ���_'� , z� u••,��Z ril�w ���s.L �ucS� �S rVd n-� ?a �, l�/��-✓ The following buffer zones must be maintained: g) 100 feet between wetted area and wells; .. - -- - .. :.: 0 areas; — J 541 fee: be:v,een ..vtted area _aa_i.-i bj h f , yS; J/ k) 100 feet between wastewater treatment units and wells; 1) 50 feet between wastewater treatment units and property lines. 2. If any of the applicable buffers are not being met, please explain how the proposed buffers will provide equal or better protection of the Waters of the State with no increased potential for nuisance conditions: ALL-- 7344F Frz.s (A N� r,,-?-)LiF-Ll'S THIS APPLICATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT UNLESS ALL OF THE APPLICABLE ITEMS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL Required Items a. One original and three copies of the completed and appropriately executed application form: b. The appropriate: perriiit processing fee, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(5). c. Five copies of the existing permit if a renewal or modification. 8 of 13 N11:('l LANICAl . T1:1•:,\"1'Mf•NT I',' GI". 1) (.lp) I d. lave sets (,f detailed plan" and Npecifications sigliccl and scaled by a North Carolina Pro fessional Engineer. The plans must include a general location map, a tc,po�graphic map, a site map which indicates where borings or hand auger samples were taken, a map showing the treatment/disposal facilities, buffers, structures, and property lines; along with all wells, surface waters (100-year flood elevation), and surface drainage features within 5W feet of the treattnent/disposal facilities. Each sheet of the plans and the first page of the specifications must be signed and sealed. C. Five copies of an Operational Agreement (original and 4. copies) must be submitted if the wastewater treatment and disposal facilities will be serving single family residences, condominiums, mobile homes, or town houses and if the subject facilities will be owned by the individual residents, a homeowners association, or a developer. f. Five copies of all reports, evaluations, agreements, supporting calculations, etc., must be submitted as a part of the supporting documents which are signed and sealed by the North Carolina Professional Engineer. Although certain portions of this required submittal must be developed by other professionals, inclusion of these materials under the signature and seal of a North Carolina Professional Engineer signifies that he has reviewed this material and has judged it to be consistent with his proposed design. g. A soils scientist report which includes texture, color, and structure of soils down to a depth of seven feet, depth, thickness and type of any restrictive horizons, hydraulic conductivity in the most restrictive horizon, cation exchange capacity (CEC), depth of seasonal high water table, soil pH, soils map (if available), and recommended loading rates. This report must be signed by the soils scientist. h. For systems treating industrial waste or any system with a design flow greater than 25,000 GPD a hydrogeologic and soils description of the subsurface to a depth of twenty feet or bedrock, whichever is less: The number of borings shall be sufficient to determine significant changes in lithology, the vertical permeability of the unsaturated zone and the hydraulic conductivity of the saturated zone, depth to the mean seasonal high water table, and a determination of transmissivity and specific yield of the unconfined aquifer. i. A proposal for groundwater monitoring and information on the location, construction details, and primary usage of all wells within 500 feet of the treatment/disposal facilities. j. For subsurface systems disposing of industrial waste a complete chemical analysis of the typical wastewater to include, but .not be limited to Total Organic Carbon, BOD, COD, Chlorides, Phosphorus, Ammonia, Nitrates, Phenol, Total Trihalomethanes, Toxicity Test Parameters, Total Halogenated Compounds, Total Coliforms, and Total Dissolved Solids. k. In coastal areas a plan for controlling stormwater must be submitted 1. For spray fields a signed agronomist report which states the type of vegetation that is planned for the spray fields, along with management and harvest schedules. m. For spray systems an analysis of the wastewater, including heavy metals totals and synthetic organics, along with calculations for the most limiting constituents. n. For golf course sprays the specifications must require that signs be posted stating that the golf course is irrigated with treated wastewater, that spraying will occur between 11:00 p.m. and three hours prior to the daily opening of the course, that the spray piping will be a separate system with no cross connections to a potable water supply (there shall be no Spigots on the irrigation distribution system), and that the treatment process will produce an effluent with a monthly average TSS of less than 5 milligrams per liter and a daily maximum TSS of less than 10 milligrams per liter and a maximum fecal coliform level of less than 1 per I milliliters prior to discharge into the five day detention pond. 9 of 13 NII CI [ANIC'A1.. "1 REA" NIHN-1- 1'AG 1: I O (4/91) TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR Please provide me with the classification of the surface waters identified in number 5 below and on the attached map segment: Name of surface waters: <<.t_P t iJ rZ. L--Ptr'c Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): klU J- Proposed Classification, if applicable: Signature of regional office personnel: / G-`l L'VL.k Q-/, Date: INSTRUCTIONS TO ENGINEER In order to determine whether provisions for dual or standby power may be required for the subject facility, the classification of the closest downslope surface waters (the surface waters that any overflow from the facility would flow toward) must be determined. You are required to submit this form, with items 1 through 10 completed, to the appropriate Division of Environmental Management Regional Water Quality Supervisor (see attached listing). At a minimum, you must include an 8.5" by I I" copy of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map which shows the subject surface waters. You must identify the location of the facility and the closest downslope surface waters (waters for which you are requesting the classification) on the submitted map copy. The application.may not be submitted until this form is completed and included with the submittal. 1. Applicant (corporation, individual, or other): IA,=,zou� 2. Name and Complete Address of Engineering Finn: GJ 1 `�.n• — �• 1-Ac?5� . �L_ ss o n, F 5 , . A. r,. o . -i�o-�, S4G City: State: _-/��,Zr t-� C'WOL- �a Zip: Z �i93 Telephone No. `204 - &r7`�-- 3. Project Name: --L�P— u,,, ,,r 14 d 6 e 4. Facility design flow: GPD 5. Name of closest downslope surface waters: r,- LA- 6. County(s) where project and surface waters are located: Z- i�VOSO.4 7. Map name and date: SIA0 8. North Carolina Professional Engineer's Registration No. _ L") 4 - (04- 9. Print Name of Engineer ���4iZ-� 1 c,y S..� 10. Seal and Signature (specify date): �,�a'"°'6S7 ,• IJ 10 of 13� 12' �• rP ^1?1jP.', i 7 j51 ; S, l i h'e':, -1m 11N i 1,,H.1UH U1,411r—L) OlAlt'13 URVEY TENNESSEE VALLEY AU] ,154 MAPPING SERVICES BRAT . I � 11. 1 155 15635' _,,m1I.LsjvF 157 4454 1 NE 77• EN I j m/ ISKYLAIVD 193-NEI —7- 4 4,1 t� W Olt o1a, cp 20 al er �k 'A p V C1329)1 '14'\ 11CO R E, If -1,9rhm-ValleA railer p2frk 4/ if It A J3 A PROFIAND -At 1bk I Kleine ak� ilk, A 0 It V .ROAD j J; -7- I blN % 1��ingp•F8 256 k 204. u _,QF IF�-125 55 0 -7 roc f /'9�,. r l I ( / t pl LI V t Mile" 0 L7 or Wc s rI 322*, 1 . k b. H " 6rse'S�de Bend (n - - ----------- 6r 's' eh e, o �t in I u It b M P,Ine K e n Bridge J UF 26 4 41 26 - 2 81 v k 7.f,ri ------ if Golf course Lfl�H 40 00 D YS(h / Y (z % \ �iJ I f f;olf course v 7 DIVISION OF E?NVIRONN1ENTAL MANAGEMENT REGIONAF, OFFWE S (4/91 Asheville Regional WQ Super. Washington Regional WQ Super. Raleigh Regional WQ Super. 59 Woodfin Place P O Box 1507 3800 Barrett Dr., Suite 101 Asheville, NC 28802 Washington, NC 27889 Raleigh, NC 27609 7041251-6208 919/946-6481 919/733-2314 Avery Macon Beaufort Jones Chatham Nash Buncombe Madison Berne Lenoir Durham Northampton Burke McDowell Camden Martin Edgecombe Orange Caldwell Mitchell Chowan Pamlico Franklin Person Cherokee Polk Craven Pasquotank Granville Vance Clay Rutherford Currituck Perquimans Halifax Wake Graham- Swain Dare Pitt Johnston Warren[ Haywood Transylvania Gates Tyrell Lee Wilson Henderson Yancy Greene Washington Jackson Hertford Wayne Hyde Fayetteville Regional WQ Super. Mooresville Regional WQ Super. Wilmington Region. WQ Super. Wachovia Building, Suite 714 919 North Main Street 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Fayetteville, NC 28301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 919/486-1.541 704/663-1699 919/395-3900 Anson Moore . Alexander Mecklenburg Brunswick New Hanover Bladen Robeson Cabamrs Rowan Carteret Onslow Cumberland' Richmond Catawba Stanly . Columbus Pender Harnett Sampson Gaston Union Duplin Hoke Scotland Iredell Cleveland Montgomery Lincoln Winston-Salem Regional WQ Super. 8025 North Point Boulevard, Suite 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 919/761-2351 Alamance Rockingham Alleghany Randolph Ashe Stokes Caswell S urry Davidson Watauga Davie Wilkes Forsyth Yadkin Guilford II of13 [AN It ';\I III-VII•. 12 1-1/1)1) Name and Complcte Address of Enginccriiig 1:irtn: -- -Li /-.-, � •_ NY City: _ �� ��soN �)�� — ----- State: - I&JC-- zip: ZSr)53 Telephone No. ieDQt--_ --) - -) 3 34 Professional Engineer's Certification: I, GP,2," 1 I [� _ _ attest that this application for N\,. IZ,has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations. Although certain portions of this submittal package may have been developed by other professionals, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. North Carolina Professional Engineer's Registration No. Print Name -of Engineer A-2 y 1 7171,7j Z, v n Seal and Signature (specify date) ����eeoa�acn;ao lea',eq A C O 1 Applicant's Certification: attest that this application for has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature ��� Date -7/ s::-� THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION PERMITS AND ENGINEERING UNIT POST OFFICE BOX 29535 512 NORTH SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 919/733-5083 12 of 13 / a IIA(;Ii 13 (•1/) 1 ) PE'RMIT AI'I'LICA'I R N PROCESSING FEIES (effective October 1, 1990) CATEGORY NEW APPLICATIONS/ RENEWALS WITHOUT MODIFICATIONS MODIFICATIONS > 1,000,000 GPD Industrial $400 $300 Domestic/Cooling Water $400 $300 1 ITI 111 111 ' � Industrial $400 $250 Domestic/Cooling Water $400 $250 1,001 - 10,000 GPD Industrial $400 $200 Domestic/Cooling Water $400 $200 < or = 1,000 GPD and Single Family Dwelling $240 $120 Sludge < or = 300 Acres $400 $250 Sludge > 300 Acres $400 $250 Sewer Extensions (nondelegated) $400 0 Sewer Extensions (delegated) $200 0 Closed -Loop Recycle or Evaporative $400 $200 NOTE: The Fees for Soil Remediation Projects are the same as for Sludges. Under the Sewer Extension Fee, "delegated to municipalities" applies only to those governmental jurisdictions that have specific delegation review authority, as granted by the Division of Environmental Management: 13 of 13 ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE August 20, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Dave Goodrich THROUGH: Don Link J00-. - FROM: Kay Dechant )fit SUBJECT: Permit Review Harold M. Reed/Reed Center WQ 0012667 GW 96136 Henderson County, North Carolina The subject permit application is being submitted under the new reuse "rules. The wastewater will receive tertiary treatment prior to spray irrigation. Issuance of the permit is recommended. 11kd ohoUNbwATEBI SECTION GW # DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT FIECohb OF WASTE DISPOSAL I'EF Mit APPLICATION AtVIEW REVIEW 13Y FACILITY NAME ✓ feed I-OCATiON,� TYPE OF DISPO AL SYSTEM (LAGOON, ETC.) DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY i - / i. : l , ,. _ 4-: . BATE ,t /9i�,t;- Nab INVESTIGATION? (Y/N) _ — , e� COUNTY Q� DESIGN CAP. (GPD) 17E OF IMPOUNDMENT (FT. SO.) Von SIZE OF APPLICATION AREA Y�n�T�S9�lH�E MUM. SLUDGE MUM. W. WATER: PRIMARY ---- IND- SLUDGE —IND. WELL WATER----OTIIPRS: DISTANCE FROM WASTE SOURCE TO NEAREST: S7hEAM ::>A,�Qd FT., WELL FOR WELL: TYPE OF USE , bEhTN PUMP BATE (EST.) WI IAT DESIGN CONDITIONS WI - EDUC N� itASE CHANCE OF GW CONTAMINATION: Wl IAT NATURAL SITE CONDITIONS.I SECONDARY �ERTIAM CI LANCE OF Oq CoNTl1MINATIOIJ: DEPTH TO: BEDROCK __ �- 2-0 FT., SEASONAL NiGi I W,T. 2- Z d FT., ANNUAL W.T. FLUX _ SURFICIAL AQUIFER BEbhock/ARTESIAN AQUIFER GEN. LITIIOLOGY -51 MEASURED IJ MEASUIED NYb. COND. _� FT./DAY ESTIMATED — FUDAY L� ESTIMATED TIIICkNESS FT. No. or MONlith WELLS: bhopo8E6: UPDOWN. ; EXISTING: UP D DOWN FROM WORkSIIEET: SIZE NUMEhICAL bESCRIPTION- /,� - (4- cS -w z h / /- 2 3 4 5 6 6A 6B SITE GhAbE (flynnOGEOL.) _ �— SITUATION MADE= PROPOSED SAMPLING SCHEDULE AhAMETEh(S): �DQP -V/"" ilS���' 1 IAVE TI IEhE BEEN ANY EXCEEbANCES OF THE GROUNDWATER STANDARDS? YES _ NO _ IIAS ANY ENFORCEMENT ACTION SttH TAkEN? YES . NO ✓ DATE OF ACTION: MIFF SUMMARY OF ENFORCEMENT ACTION TAkEN: REMARKS/ RECOMMENDATIONS (Continue on reverse", fi necessary): GW-48Revised04194 HYD. REGIONAL SUPERVISOR FT. W A$ T, E" F [lit Y_ ratnty .0v lr`M--47Dote - Determine 1hi d6ic;ff i Pokt1 valor 0 1 2 J4 on ground b4!we� c9h, lasource and Diif anc6 iri I tiri -M 76- M 9 3549 - to - ' water supptj 6veh Or 160.* 74— - 0-9, d rearm. Distance 16 62M4 1001-3100 251-500 A01 = 160 31 60 poorly►�tCit3: Yl wafer table it pemieoWe bedrock p1. violin .6;1n perfriobl6bedrock 3 4" Esfkmte Maple , to the water I able m4flirs 30-M 20-20 12 - 6-h 6-7 14 1146 F. below base of can- ri et 6 91-2Cb 1-46 �� 2&i6 i6-i5i 5 0-2 0 larninaflon source m"6 than 6 % of the year. mml EsfWncae water table gfodlent *of: or table 164 d it 0,10-ci ard away i9fn Gradent Grocillent Cadln! Q-dW 60M contomin. qrcid6nii and aimcisi flow a6cllon 4wair flat bw ftim 2 low fhd,ii I 2 pikbi4 ' gig-bfer ft.1 60610 than 2 allon itle im-pW i6ci toward to,4;6t/d ipii6irli Oorcinf 64 cloiir watir ; bfif IoWord lowaid than IWO supp?v brit kj,Fy watif wbi-ir melee not the and b tti I supp"y anticipated kirilk-0-d' ici btj j161 and Y1hi dr4clion of dlredlan of - thi 6Alw ij flow flow cipated d f�5 diredion Of 66i� lit" 'male of .fmeablifty- iorplion for thi6 waste cospoial jite. k C2) A Pow hock i- iOO ioet below iond virface MI cokirm b6drock POO(V (4) 0 cokimn bidr6ck - reblMety or very perrrieaWe � Clay wtlh Clean no more Sand wllti Smd wMh gravel ai th'an 60 % Cfeanflrie coarse 61-K -- - --- iond m6 Im -i i— i—A Dldonc6 Of. V066 (step 1) Depth WV;.ki. W.I. (St6p 2) Gradient More thi6n jb — 6A Co.- 6A M 9A More than 95 it it 25 -29 08 Ic 16 2F lk 411G, 6F 6E 7 . F OE 9(; 9m 75-94* OC 2C IF 36 4D 6E id 6E 7G aF 44 60 -74 16- 19 10-14 6b 01 49 5-0 6C Ali 60 6i 7D 5 9 90 46-69 3-9 1B 68 2E- 78 tic )c Aj io ij 9. 6ii OC 5D go •I . :.19 9F I" than I fli&ocik b, land ikirkici: i - 62, I 1 0z Degree of con"nre in 6ccurcicy of VcAiis A a very c6nMint 6 e fairly confideM C wlth burr oonfider;(,6 Point of concern wflh regard to cor4&nintW jakjb& 6: W i4cri by "i 6 Spring / ilre, arn! piri"fiii of clo,rn �= BELK Add honor 0-iollilef: (cj"04," 1) coni of ciep!,;O,Won of nearby oun" "i inoi, or wi iikeiy. InkmWic6 cointom*vcird 66%4 ii • biitta6c6 in Slip I 6ciioid - ill' -3 li, ,. 99- "Para �on fromCorlimilrXxv plumeidhoir than point vai" CH- 161kW­ SOUr -in grbki� Miii0 i i ice thti rr"T'a 1co:itii,:61aii or c66iorfiiafbn d k in by 6 i m"s j6ii imeiiorii P :Site liafi pouf peicoiolkxi po *n us iif 3 at feii In Step4) area nXX4 cidii dii aquif6m X_ IMMA" M-9110 calegory (Slip 4) Confid nce (Slip 6) Otihf Of Concern (Si6p 6A) Q6dmer (Step 68) 41 WASTE DISPOSXL PERMIT ALICATIO�J REVIEW WORKSHEET (CONY.) • I I'�,• �I I � �, tlwcrtp`ilOn ,I I �r`i I n Toad Swp 1i—�I/1�/ sMP 2 --._ b1p J Stop 4 Step 6 Step 6A Stop 68 ( Add Etip 1- (orirM letliri) j crud ediid On ►lydtooiobp Po?aiiiiit«i Haiard Potinttal INaw Identltir r (wm j (Chooie One) D G 1 B A E H i C F HPMI E11t04 (1) Ntimiiical Slli Dpicrtptkri (trooi $lip 7 ) Toni • Peim/Sorp. 11Pf�i ei) PAR vALuE (Stove a) �L sitvAnoN iv►t>No : (tj - (2) (� � Z _� (tabb below) SituAbow GRADE no Ole m ' EEI o (io• fable below) ,U�p jII SWATiON GRADE W • HRRMOMemU 694 table bolow) F'i"]i SRl1AT10N RATING TABLE To be tied fdi Step 9 016tuial) and Step 10 ( modllted) :� .: 11A110N, RATING .. ' -uly .., (Step 10) OF ombined vow) • srruATION CONfAMINl1TION . DEGREE 4 ACC'kAMLjTy GRADE Aaiw kripiotiabfo RohaWY�Pbbb A 4aJ ProbaL�Fyaooaptab%ijt, g � b � 7 ^?pOt�V iiiaooepk�tila Acoeptorroe 44 b 4 unoerlofi C Robalily P!�Y t+i000aplablo D +8 of maid Very 006" ar rrlmghF /1incstcW0ahid be unocceptabte 04 probc¢Itty of oontomorr"hcjn hii�am a7i66faaoTh&iofdii6* and 7 fi difutooatepotzevdrii raphlid bypB and C. ii dMlpnrad ontjr by a question mark. A�ePtbn bf oo d-le lbr the trlind d Purpow 4 a i ' and may dtapta'nd or1 rpicidl rigtkertiinti of M» y °f "p", " . l- rpulatory agony opency cr an teatlbrlty and of enphMrY�O df a ilto (Stdpi 1) ex cutbn aPPmved ENGINEERING REPORT ia� :5) 6rnundwatnr a�c�ia�� t �ishzudle ne lanai hire ,� PROPOSED WASTEWATER TREATMENT SPRAY IRRIGATION SYSTEM DR. HAROLD M. REED PROPERTY HENDERSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for DR. HAROLD M. REED, M.D. r HENDERSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared by William-G. _ Lapsley & Associates, P.A. P.O. Box 546 1635 Asheville Highway Hendersonville, N.C. 28793 704-697-7334 June 11, 1996 %9711111$1', v fl e CC •°r�SS/ SGA 46 • ✓dry ) ..•• �r'r�/•�� 1, ��91i77975+���� INTRODUCTION Dr. Harold M. Reed, M.D. has retained William G. Lapsley and Associates, P.A. to assist in the preparation of permit applications for a permit to construct an operate a land application wastewater treatment facility to serve a proposed 42 unit hotel on Dr. Reed's property in Henderson County, North Carolina. Dr. Reed is proposing to develop the hotel project within the existing 85 acre site. The proposed hotel is being planned on.a French Chateau architectural style with formal gardens. Several options were considered for wastewater disposal with land application of tertiary treated wastewater under the .new reuse rules being chosen as the preferred -alternative. PROPOSED HOTEL FACILITIES AND ESTIMATED WASTEWATER FLOWS The proposed hotel development and wastewater treatment facility is being planned for the following facilities and estimated wastewater flows: FACILITY ESTIMATED WASTEWATER FLOW 42 Unit Hotel @ 120 GPD/unit 5,040 GPD 128 Seat Restaurant @ 40 GPD/Seat 5,120 GPD 40 Seat Bar @ 40 GPD/Seat = 1,600 GPD Wine Bottling Wash Down = 500 GPD Future Growth = 21740 GPD Total Design Flow 15,000 GPD PROPOSED WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY In evaluating wastewater treatment alternatives for the proposed hotel development project three options were considered, wastewater treatment and surface water discharge, septic system and subsurface disposal, and wastewater treatment with land application. A discussion of each of these options follows: WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND SURFACE WATER DISCHARGE In order to have a site adequate for surface water discharge it is necessary to have a receiving stream with sufficient water flow to allow the discharge. The only streams readily available to .the project area were the on site spring fed streams and Kleine Lake. A request was made to the USGS for stream flow statistics for the stream as it exists the property below the lake. The USGS indicated the 7 day 10 year low flow for this stream and associated watershed would be 0.0 cfs. Since the N.C. Division of Environmental Management does not allow discharges to streams with zero 7 day 10 year flows, this option was eliminated from further consideration. SEPTIC SYSTEM AND SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL The first non -discharge alternative consider was the use of septic tanks and subsurface disposal by drainfields. In order to serve the project 15,000 GPD it was estimated that approximately five 3,000 GPD septic systems would be needed. The associated drainfield areas and repairs areas would approach 10 to 15 acres. The site was evaluated for possible drainfield areas. Only one area exhibited potential for drainfields along the Northern border of the site. There is approximately 7 acres in this area that had sufficient soil depth and gradual slope that were considered for. drainfield. A meeting was held with the Henderson County Health Department to discuss the feasibility of using septic systems for this project. Approximately 3 of the 7 acres contained saprolitic thin soils which according to the Health Department would not be suitable for a .large system as being considered. The Health Department will not allow systems in excess of 1,000 GPD in saprolitic soils. The better soils on site totaled approximately 4.2 acres. In this area drainfields could possibly be used, but there would not be sufficient room for the entire 15,000 GPD projected flow. The remaining property on the site was considered unsuitable due to either existing surface wasters and steep slope. In addition it is the consultants opinion (also shared by the Health Department) that septic systems do not provide the reliability for long life to serve a project of this magnitude. With these limitations, septic systems were eliminated from futher consideration. WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND LAND APPLICATION Having eliminated surface discharge and subsurface disposal from consideration, attention was directed to the feasibility, of using land application as the means of wastewater treatment and disposal. The seven acre area being considered for drainfields was evaluated by Mountain Geology, Inc. to determine the feasibility of utilizing this area for land application of tertiary treated wastewater. The system would be developed under the Division's Reuse Rules which have recently been modified to promote these type systems. Mountain Geology, Inc. found the 7 acre area to contain two types of'soils, classified as thick and thin areas in Mountain Geology, Inc. report contained in the appendix. The thin areas approximately 3 acres were thin depth 15 to 28 inches of clay loam to sandy loam soils with 20% shist fragments. Even though usable for land application, this area would be limited to loading rate of 0.6 - 0.7 gallons per square foot per week. The thick area contained deeper clay soils 28 to 84 inches. thick with an allowable application rate of 0.9 - 1.0'gallons per square foot per week. Based on the allowable loaded rate in the thick area soils it was determined that only 2.54 acres would be needed for the 15,000 GPD wastewater flow. Since sufficient land.area was available in the thicker soils this area was chosen for the development of a land application spray field. The thin area soils were chosen for the development of the wastewater treatment facility and the associated holding ponds. A copy of the Mountain Geology, Inc. report is included in the appendix. Sheet 3 of 7 shows the location of the 7 acre area and soil test boring locations. PROPOSED WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY The N.C. Division of Environmental Management has recently developed rules to allow the reuse of high quality treated wastewater, effluents by various uses including land application. Since Dr. Reed's property contained several acres suitable for the application of tertiary treated wastewater, the development of a wastewater treatment and land application system was chosen as the means of providing wastewater treatment for the proposed hotel project. The major items included in the wastewater treatment system are as follows: - Influent sanitary sewer lift station and force main - Package Tertiary Extended Aeration Wastewater Treatment Containing Flow Equalization, Dual Aeration Basins, Dual Clarifiers, Dual Teritary Filters, Effluent Disinfection, Instrument Turbidity & Flow Measurement, Standby Power Effluent Holding Pond, 5 Day Capacity, Lined 40 ml Liner - Irrigation Pond, 405,000 Gallon Capacity Irrigation Pump House Irrigation Spray Field, 2.88 Acres Wetted Area The mechanical tertiary wastewater treatment plant is a packaged wastewater treatment facility. Sheet 4 of 7 shows a typical facility layout utilizing equipment available from Pollution Control, Inc. It is planned to use this type of standard package plant equipment for the wastewater treatment plant. The effluent holding pond and irrigation ponds will be construct on site. Treated wastewater will flow by gravity to the effluent holding pond and then to the irrigation pond. The irrigation pump house and wet well will be set such that the water level in the wet well will fluctuated with the irrigation pond. The irrigation pump system will be a package unit to be located within a small pump house located above the wet well. A standard 4 ft. diameter precast concrete manhole will be used for the wet well.. The irrigation spray field will utilize Toro spray heads as show on sheet 6 of 7. These spray heads are capable of delivering up to 74 GPM on a 100 ft. radius application. This will allow the number of spray heads to be kept to a minimum. SYSTEM WATER BALANCE A water system balance was utilize to establish the size of the irrigation pond. Elements taken into consideration are outline and discussed as follows: EVAPORATION/TRANSPIRATION Evaporation and Transpiration (ET) data was obtained through the Henderson County Soil Conservation Service (SCS) which shows the ET values for this area to range from 0.6 to 4.25 inches per month. The appendix contains this data in graph form provided by SCS. PERMEABILITY The soil permeability data was provided'by the SCS and verify by Mountain Geology, Inc. to be 0.6 to 2.0 inches per hour. If you assume that the site would constantly provide a permeability of 0.6 to 2.0 inches per hour, then no storage would be needed. However, during wet periods the soils would become saturated resulting in runoff. In order to establish a monthly permeability rate it was assumed that the site would reach saturation during rainfall events and that the site would provide only 6.5 inches/month of permeability. This gave a total loss from the site ranging from 7.1 to 10.65 inches per month. PRECIPITATION Precipitation data was obtained from the Climatic Center in Asheville, N.C. and included in the appendix. Precipitation data for this area ranged from 3.25 to 4.52 inches per month. This was based on the current record period from 1965 through 1994. ALLOWABLE IRRIGATION AND STORAGE REQUIREMENTS Using the total site loss and the precipitation data the allowable irrigation ranges from 3.58 to 6.52 inches per month. This results in the maximum cumulative storage at maximum of 5.16 inches during the month of March. Using the application area of 2.88 acres and the 5.16 inches this results in the maximum required storage of 405,000 Gallons. The irrigation pond has been sized accordingly at 405,000 gallons which at design flow of 15,000. GPD gives 27 days of storage. With the 5 day effluent holding pond, the system has 32 days total storage capacity. The following page lists the data for the water balance analysis. WATER BALANCE FLOW ANALYSIS PROPOSED WASTEWATER LAND APPLICATION SYSTEM DR. HAROLD REED PROPERTY A B C (A+B) D- G (C=D), H (J-G) I MONTH ET PERM TOTAL - PREC. ALLOW.. CHANGE CUMMUL. LOSS IRR. STORAGE STORAGE JAN. 0.95 6.50 7.45 3.25 4.20 0.80 2.87 DEB. 1..25 6.50 .7.75 3.91. 3.84 1.16 ; .". 4.03, MAR. 2.00 6.50. 8.50 4.63 3.87 1.13 .5.16 APR. 3.20 6.50 9.70 3.36 6.34 -1.34 3.83 MAY 3.60 6.50 1010. 4A3 5.67 -0.67 3.16 J U N E 4.25 6.50 10.75 4.23 6.52 -1.52 1.64 JULY 4.15 6.50 . ' 10.65 4.52 6.13 -1.13 0.51 AUG.. 3.60- 6.50 10.10 4.69 5.41 -0.41 . , 0.10 SEPT. 3.00 6.50- 9.50 3.87 5.63 0.63. *0 'OCT. t80 6.50 -8.30 3.59 4.71 0.29 0.29 NOV.. 1-.20 6.50 7.70 3.59 4.11 - 0:89 1.18 DEC.. .0.60 6.50 ,-7.10. 3.52 3.58 1..42 2.07 TOTAL 47.59 60.01 MEAN 3.97 5.00 J ALL UNITS INCHES.PER MONTH *BEGIN STORAGE APPLICATION AREA AC 2.88 AT MAXIMUM CUMMULATIVE STORAGE FOR MONTH OF -MARCH = 5"16 INCHES TOTAL STORAGE REQUIRED IS 404585.28 GALLONS ET EVAPOTRANSPIRATION IN INCHES PER MONTH PERM SOIL PERMEABILITY IN INCHES PER MONTH SPRAY FIELD The proposed spray field is a portion of the 7 acres evaluated by Mountain Geology, Inc. and found suitable for application of treated wastewater. The spray field will be limited to the thicker soils area where the allowable application rates are 0.9 to 1.0 gallons/sq.ft./week. At the an average allowable application rate of 0.95 gallons /sq.ft. /week and average daily flow of 15,000 GPD the require spray field area is as follows : (15,000 GPD x 7 days/wk)/0.95 gallons/sq.ft./wk = 110,526 sq.ft or 2.54 acres The spray field provided will be four 200 ft. diameter spray areas totaling 2.88 acres ( See Sheet 2 of 7 of the design plans). The existing mixed hardwood and pine forest will be left as the vegetative cover. This was recommended by both SCS and Mountain Geology, Inc. as the best suited vegetative cover. The large mature trees will greatly increase the. transpiration of moisture from the site. The existing well established root systems and thick forest floor mat will be able to absorb the applied treated wastewater minimizing potential for.runoff. The spray areas will be kept clear of unwanted undergrowth that would inhibit distribution from spray heads. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Dr. Harold M. Reed. M.D. is requesting a permit for authorization to construct and operate a 15,000 GPD land application wastewater treatment facility. Based on the evaluation of the site it was found that land application was the most environmentally sound option for providing wastewater treatment for the proposed hotel complex. Since tertiary treatment is being provided prior to land application, this type of wastewater treatment facility is fare superior to surface water discharge and subsurface disposal type facilities. It is recommended that the request for permit be approved. APPENDIX CONTENTS SOILS EVALUATION BY MOUNTAIN GEOLOGY, INC. SOILS MAP AND SOILS DATA - HENDERSON COUNTY SCS DATA EVAPORATION/TRANSPIRATION DATA PRECIPITATION DATA INFLUENT LIFT STATION DESIGN CALCULATIONS ATTACHMENTS DESIGN PLANS SPECIFICATIONS 1-325 Dills Cove Rd. Phone & Fax Sylva, NC 28779 MOUNTAIN GEOLOGY, INC. (704) 586-39SS DR.. HAROLD REED PROPERTY PRELIMINARY SOILS EVALUATION FOR EFFLUENT SPRAY IRRIGATION Summary Soil and saprolite were examined at 15 auger boring locations in the western portion of this property. Two material types are present; a "thick" clay loam to silt loam soil - saprolite sequence overlying felsic gneiss, and "thin" rocky clay loam soil overlying schist. No indications of groundwater were encountered. I recommend a 0.9 - 1,0 gallons per square foot application rate for the "thick" sequence and 0.6 - 0.7 gallons for the "thin" material. Methods of Evaluation On 05/10/96 soil material was collected and examined in 15 boring locations. Borings ranged from 15 to 84 inches deep. Field observations include the nature of the material, soil texture, soil structure, and, if present, groundwater indications. Soil Characteristics The "thick" sequence ranges from 28 to 84 inches thick, borings average 63 inches deep. The overlying soil averages 43 inches thick and has a clay loam to silty loam texture. The underlying saprolite (where present) averages 33 inches thick and has a silty. loam to sandy loam texture. This sequence is present in about 75% of the area considered for effluent application. The "thin" sequence ranges from 15 to 28 inches thick, It is a clay loam to sandy clay loam soil, containing about 20% schist fragments. It covers about 25% of the area considered. None of the borings encountered any indication of groundwater. Recommendations Soil Conservation Service information suggests the minimum permeability for all this material is 0.6 inches/hour, and in the 0.6 to 2.0 inch/hour range. I recommend maximum application rates on a once - weekly basis. thick sequence 0.9 - 1.0 gallons per square foot thin sequence 0.6 - 0.7 gallons per square foot These are significantly less than the SCS permeability rates. A?11142e1&- MICHAEL H. OWENS Attachments: I - Summary Map H - Soil Boring Logs ;� ��:���ENSF�•9 �: SE AL 1086 LOG\S••'� ••'•cygf L H. 0��.••• Attachment II Dr. Reed Property Soil Boring Logs Boring # Interval material texture comments (inches) R-1 0-27 Soil CIL 27-45 Soil CIL - Slt L 45-48 TD Sp Slt L TD Rk R-2 0-28 TD Soil Slt L TD Rk R-3 0-32 Soil CIL 32-52 Soil Slt L 52-84 TD Sp Slt L R-4 0-28 Soil CIL - Slt L 28-59 TD Sp Slt L - SL TD Rk R-5 0-36 Soil CIL 36-84 TD Sp Slt L R-6 .0-74 TD Soil CIL TD Rk R-7 0-58 TD Soil CIL TD Rk R-8 0-26 Soil CIL 26-47 TD Sp SIt L - SL TD Rk R-9 0-22 Soil CIL 22-40 Soil SC1L - L Cobbly 40-84 TD Soil/Sp Slt L - SL Cobbly R-10 0-24 TD Soil SCIL 20% Rk fragments TD Schist R-11 0-28 TD Soil SC1L 10-20% Rk fragments TD Schist R-12 0-42 Soil CIL 42-64 TD Sp S1tL - SL TD Rk R-13 0-28 TD Soil CIL 20% Rk fragments TD Schist R-14 R-15 Notes: 048 TD Soil CIL 20-30% Rk fragments TD Schist 0-15TD Soil CIL 20% Rk fragments 1. No indications of groundwater 2. Structures are subangular blocky in clay loam, silty loam, and loam and granular in sandy loam List of Abbreviations CIL Clay Loam Loam Rk Rock SCIL, Sandy Clay Loam SL Sandy Loam Slt L Silty Loam Sp Saprolite TD Termination Depth HENDERSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA — SHEET NUMBER 11 To DeA BaB"u \ To DOB 191 DOB FaC �� To 4m BaB \ / FOG. a� eA `Sto " Co Co ��� To; toFaE i.. \� Ba Ro Fat. ' Y Co' FaE. t. BaC BaC JaF Ro -De8 t.,' ••,.j. ,Ko • r •''o ;?i .� - ..y .' FaC •t :F2C` FaC DeB \ �.. FaC{ r... ;�`i' .. y;aC BaB 11 To C. TO ,;w De;;� • , B <r .. - G: Ha °• Ha Su :TBC', .',,,. BaCi'�'.: 'TeC Ko Co. ..�;i.;, '-'�}:++:'• rd7•.rk. > `fit De8 ':°-• '-:m•.��, �+')'T:ru�n•;° `. 4'u �, ;=�:l�i;"`t', To. :� To W ,'4�:i�ti'1r .. ~• s, rti�'a•"f v, -i••: _ Su FaC.:' -n. I t. :,�:i• - ��, t4.•.n.� =t.. �. m. J _ '� r.;.;••.;i"jeB. i •. `r':=• HYE BaB ?'Y..r,. .+';;;':�, AE•eS+* Ha Cu ..Y , i. J Ha FaC;• / :,+L,-„-,i =-...., ,1r•, r,. .,iri:i; �O 'FaC' r "`'..;'''<�'[• t3.: FaC 1 r. 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PAa 5 000 •1 000 3 000 2 000 1 000 0 5 000 F wt 1 ,5 0 1 Kilgmetor Scale • 1 :20000 SOIL SURVEY cessive soil losses. The production potential is high for hay and pasture plants such as tall fescue, bluegrass, orchardgrass, clover, and sericea lespedeza. The potential for apples is high, but slope is a limitation when the soil is used for this purpose. This soil has moderate potential for most urban uses. Permeability and slope limit the performance of septic tank absorption fields, but this limitation can be reduce([ in places by modifying the field or increasing the size of the filter area. Low shear strength and slope limit per- formance and increase maintenance needs when this soil is used for dwellings or local roads. This soil has high potential for hardwood~ and pines or other conifers. There are no major limitations to woodland use and management. Capability subclass IIIe; woodland group 2o. llyE—IIayesville loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes. This well (trained soil is on smooth ridges at the lower eleva- tions. Areas are irregularly shaped and are 6 to 30 acres in size. Typically, the surface layer is (lark brown loam 4 inches thick. The subsurface layer is brown loam 4 inches thick. The subsoil is :36 inches thick. The upper part is yellowish red clay loam, the middle part is yellowish red and red clay loam, and the lower part is red sandy clay loam and sandy loam. The underlying layer is 68 inches thick. The upper part is red saprolite that crushes to sandy loam, and the lower part is gray and light gray soft saprolite that crushes to sandy loam. Included with this soil in mapping are small areas of soils that have a surface layer of fine sandy loam, and in some places there are some small areas of eroded soils. Also included are small areas of Evard and Fannin soils. The organic -matter content of the surface layer is medium. Permeability is moderate, and available water capacity is medium to high. Shrink -swell potential is low. Reaction is very strongly acid or strongly acid throughout the profile unless the soil is limed. Depth to bedrock is more than 60 inches. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 "feet. Most areas of this soil have been cleared and are used for crops or pasture. This soil has medium potential for most locally grown crops such as corn, tobacco, beans, and cabbage, but the hazard of erosion is very severe when the soil is cul- tivated. Practices such as minimum tillage, using a conser- vation cropping system that has long-term sod crops, con- tour farming, grassing of waterways, and establishing diversions help to reduce soil losses, conserve moisture, and maintain production. The production potential is medium for hay and pasture plants such as tall fescue, bluegrass, orchardgrass, clover, and sericea lespedeza. Proper pasture management helps to insure adequate protective cover. The potential for apples is medium, but slope is a limitation to the operation of spraying and har- vesting equipment. This soil has low potential for most urban uses, such as septic tank absorption fields and dwellings and roads, because of slope. Extensive modification of the. soil or major planning, special design, and intensive maintenance are generally required to overcome the limitation of slope. Erosion is a hazard where ground cover is removed. Permeability and slope limit the performance of septic tank filter fields. This soil has high potential for hardwoods andpines or other conifers. Slope is the main limitation to woodland use and management. Capability subclass IVe; woodland group 2r. Ko—Kinkora loam. This poorly drained, nearly level soil is on low terraces along the larger streams. Areas are irregularly shaped and are 4 to 20 acres in size. Typically, the surface layer is dark gray loam 7 inches thick. The subsoil is mottled gray clay loam or clay 26 inches thick. The underlying layer, to a depth of 60 inches, is.mottled gray clay. Included with this soil in mapping are small areas of Hatboro and Delanco soils and a few areas of a soil that is not so wet as Kinkora soils. The organic -matter content of the surface layer is low to medium. Permeability is moderately slow, and available water capacity is high. Shrink -swell potential is moderate. Reaction is. very strongly acid or strongly acid throughout the profile unless the soil is limed. Depth to bedrock is more than 72 inches. The seasonal high water table is at or near the surface for 2 to 6 months each year. This soil is subject to occasional, brief flooding. Most areas of this soil are cleared and used for crops or pasture. This soil has medium production potential for corn and water -tolerant plants such as tall fescue, clover, and reed canarygrass. Production is limited because of flooding and a seasonal high water table. This soil is slow to warm up in spring. Management practices such as minimum tillage, using cover crops, in- cluding legumes and grasses in the conservation cropping system, and (training the surface help to maintain soil tilth and production potential. Wetness limits the use of this soil for apple orchards. Winter crops, such as wheat, are commonly damaged by excessive wetness. This soil has low potential for most urban uses. Slow permeability, a seasonal . high water table, and flooding limit the use of the soil for building sites, septic tank ab- sorption fields, and roads. The limitation of flooding and the moderate shrink -swell potential are difficult and costly to overcome. Special design and intensive main- tenance are needed for roads and dwellings. This soil has high potential for water -tolerant hard- woods and pines. Wetness is the main limitation to woodland use and management. Capability subclass IVw; woodland group 2w. PoE—Porters stony loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes. This well drained soil is on mountainsides. Areas are elon- gated and are 6 to 25 acres in size. Stones cover 5 to 15 percent of the surface. Typically, the surface layer is very dark grayish brown stony loam 6 inches thick. The subsoil is 26 inches thick. HENDERSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 43 water from seepage, nearly continuous rainfall, or a combination of these. Poorly drained. —Water is removed so slowly that the soil is satu- rated periodically during the growing season or remains wet for long periods. Free water is commonly at or near the surface for long enough during the growing season that most mesophytic crops cannot be grown unless the soil is artificially drained. The soil is not continuously saturated in layers directly below plow depth. Poor drainage results from a high water table, a slowly pervious layer within the profile, seepage, nearly continuous rainfall, or a combina- tion of these. Very poorly drained. —Water is removed from the soil so slowly that free water remains at or on the surface (luring most of the growing season. Unless the soil is artificially drained, most mesophytic crops cannot be grown. Very poorly drained soils are commonly level or depressed and are frequently ponded. Yet, where rainfall is high and nearly continuous, they can have moderate or high slope gradients, as for example in "hillpeats" and "climatic moors. Erosion. The wearing away of the land surface by running water, wind, ice, or other geologic agents and by such processes as gravitational creep. Erosion (geologic). Erosion caused by geologic processes acting over long geologic periods and resulting in the wearing away of moun- tains and the building up of such landscape features as flood plains and coastal plains. Synonym: natural erosion. Erosion (accelerated). Erosion much more rapid than geologic ero- sion, mainly as a result of the activities of man or other animals or of a catastrophe in nature, for example, fire, that exposes a bare surface. Excess fines. Excess silt and clay. The soil does not provide a source of gravel or sand for construction purposes. Favorable. Favorable soil features for the specified use. Flooding. The temporary covering of soil with water from overflowing streams, runoff from adjacent slopes, and tides. Frequency, dura- tion, and probable dates of occurrence are estimated. Frequency is expressed as none, rare, occasional, and frequent. None means that flooding is not probable; rare that it is unlikely but possible under unusual weather conditions; occasional that it occurs on an average of once or less in 2 years; and frequent that it occurs on an average of more than once in 2 years. Duration is expressed as very brief if less than 2 days, brief if 2 to 7 days, and long if more than 7 days. Probable dates are expressed in months; November -May, for exam- ple, means that .flooding can occur during the period November through May. Water standing for short periods after rainfall or commonly covering swamps and marshes is not considered flooding. Grassed waterway. A natural or constructed waterway, typically broad and shallow, seeded to grass as protection against erosion. Conducts surface water away from cropland. Horizon, soil. A layer of soil, approximately parallel to the surface, hav- ing distinct characteristics produced by soil -forming processes. The major horizons of mineral soil are as follows: 0 horizon. —An organic layer, fresh and decaying plant residue, at the surface of a mineral soil. A horizoie.—The mineral horizon, formed or forming at or near the surface, in which an accumulation of humified organic matter is mixed with the mineral material. Also, a plowed surface horizon most of which was originally part of a B horizon. A2 horizon. —A mineral horizon, mainly a residual concentration of sand and silt high in content of resistant minerals as a result of the loss of silicate clay, iron, aluminum, or a combination of these. B horizon. —The mineral horizon below an A horizon. The B horizon is in part a layer of change from the overlying A to the underlying C horizon. The B horizon also has distinctive characteristics caused (1) by accumulation of clay, sesquioxides, humus, or a combination of these; (2) by prismatic or blocky structure; (3) by redder or browner colors than those in the A horizon; or (4) by a combination of these. The combined A and B horizons are generally called the solum, or true soil. If a soil lacks a B horizon, the A horizon alone is the solum. C horizon. —The mineral horizon or layer, excluding indurated bedrock, that is little affected by soil -forming processes and does not have the properties typical of the A or B horizon. The material of a C horizon may be either like or unlike that from which the solum is presumed to have formed. If the material is known to differ from that in the solum the Roman numeral II precedes the letter C. R layer. —Consolidated rock beneath the soil. The rock commonly underlies a C horizon, but can be directly below an A or a B horizon. Irrigation. Application of water to soils to assist in production of crops. Methods of irrigation are — Border. —Water is applied at the upper end of a strip in which the lateral flow of water is controlled by small earth ridges called border dikes, or borders. Basin. —Water is applied rapidly to nearly level plains surrounded by levees or dikes. Controlled hooding. —Water is released at intervals from closely spaced field ditches and distributed uniformly over the field. Corrugation. —Water is applied to small, closely spaced furrows or ditches in fields of close -growing crops or in orchards so that it flows in only one direction. Furrow. —Water is applied in small ditches made by cultivation im- plements. Furrows are used for tree and row crops. Sprinkler. —Water is sprayed over the soil surface through pipes or nozzles from a pressure system. Subirrigation.—Water is applied in open ditches or tile lines until the water table is raised enough to wet the soil. Wild hooding. —Water, released at high points, is allowed to flow onto an area without controlled distribution. Large stones. Rock fragments 10 inches (25 centimeters) or more across. Large stones adversely affect the specified use. Loam. Soil material that is 7 to 27 percent clay particles, 28 to 50 per- cent silt particles, and less than 52 percent sand particles. Low strength. Inadequate strength for supporting loads. Morphology, soil. The physical makeup of the soil, including the tex- ture, structure, porosity, consistence, color, and other physical, mineral, and biological properties of the various horizons, and the thickness and arrangement of those, horizons in the soil profile. Parent material. The great variety of unconsolidated organic and mineral material in which soil forms. Consolidated bedrock is not yet parent material by this concept. Percolation. The downward movement of water through the soil. Peres slowly. The movement of water through the soil adversely affect- ing the specified use. Permeability. The quality that enables the soil to transmit water or air, measured as the number of inches per hour that water moves through the soil. Terms describing permeability are very slow (less than 0.06 inch), slow (0.06 to 0.20 inch), moderately slow (0.2 to 0.6 inch), moderate (0.6 to 2.0 inches), moderately rapid (2.0 to 6.0 inches), rapid (6.0 to 20 inches), and very rapid (more than 20 inches). Piping. Moving water forms subsurface tunnels or pipelike cavities in the soil. Profile, soil. A vertical section of the soil extending through all its horizons and into the parent material. Reaction, soil. The degree of acidity or alkalinity of a soil, expressed in pH values. A soil that tests to pH 7.0 is described as precisely neutral in reaction because it is neither acid nor alkaline. The degree of acidity or alkalinity is expressed as — pH Extremely acid ..................................................Below 4.5 Very strongly acid..............................................4.5 to 5.0 Stronglyacid........................................................5.1 to 5.5 Mediumacid........................................................5.6 to 6.0 Slightly acid........................................................6.1 to 6.5 Neutral..................................................................6.6 to 7:3 Mildly alkaline .............. :..................................... 7.4 to 7.8 Moderately alkaline............................................7.9 to 8.4 Strongly alkaline................................................8.5 to 9.0 Very strongly alkaline...............................9.1 and higher (✓4 b7J 3t3J' HENTJEF'SON SO I L & IJATER 704 695 5832 P.81 Post-itn Fax Note 7671 Data 1-1.30 p# Of ges 7o From CoJDept. V Co: !7 O Phone # Phone # C1 Fax a Fax # WEATHER AND CLIMATE IN NORTH CAROLINA Current revision prepared. by D. L. Epperson, Assistant State Climatologist- G. L. Johnson, Extension Specialist, Agricultural Meteorology J. M. Davis, State Climatologist P. J: Robinson, Coordinator of the State Climate Program Agricultural Extension Service North. Carolina State University _ ti - _ I- , i I ILIi JL 1 L a�l 'J" I cr. I e_I•� o �._ � _ _� r .:JC ENR E 5 0 0 ASHEVILLE , N. C. EvopOration ---- precipitotion ­.. - I •, M M J J A S 0 N 0 J s •0 0 Month RALEICH,N.C: --�-� Evaporation PrCCipitation . v r M A. M J J A S 0 N 0 J Month r m A M J J. A S 0 N 0 J Month .,Figure. 11. :.Average monthly evaporation (computed) and precipitation for Asheville, Raleigh, and .. Wilmington. dries out by evaporation, but not much moisture is lost after the top layer of the soil becomes dry. The dry layer at the top makes it difficult for water to come to the surface from deeper layers. During the first 24 hours after a rain, bare, wet soil may return as much as 'A inch of water to the air in summer. After the top of the soil dries, however, it may take 5 to 10 days for another ;/3 inch of moisture to evaporate. By far the greatest amount of evaporation is through the plants that cover the state: the trees, crops, lawns, weeds, and other vegetation. The water enters the roots from the soil and travels up to the leaves where it is evaporated by the process called transpiration. Unlike rainfall, evaporation is a steady process that varies only slightly from week to week. It is also very uniform over the entire state. Contrary to what one might expect, the type of plant makes little difference in the Amount of evaporation that occurs. `*hen the soil is well supplied with water, a forest evaporates no more per unit area than a lawn, nor a field of corn more than alfalfa. Plants undergoing drought stress transpire less than healthy plants, depending on the severity of the drought, and dormant -vegetation does not transpire at all. There is a continuous contest between evaporation and rainfall. When rainfall exceeds evaporation, the soil contains ample water. When evaporation exceeds rainfall for any lengthy period, however, the soil will have a deficiency of water. The average values of evaporation versus rainfall for three locations in North Carolina are given in Figure 11. In winter, the amount of water received through rainfall is considerably greater than that Iost by evaporation. In the early summer the picture is dif- ferent. As can be seen from Figure 11, rainfall at that time of year averages somewhat less than evapora- tion, This means that the soil begins to dry, a situa- tion that occurs often in the warm season over much of the nation. Furthermore, in summer the rains do not come regularly but occur in unevenly spaced showers. During some of these showers the rain falls faster 'than the soil can absorb it or in a greater amount than the soil'can hold. Thus, some of the rain- fall is lost in runoff from the earth's surface. This means that the effective rainfall is somewhat less than the total received. North Carolina rarely experiences severe -droubhts such as those that occur at times in the Great Plains. However, as is true with most other "humid" areas of the nation, North Carolina does have recurring deficiencies of rainfall. The state actually receives suf- ficient rainfall almost every year, but in some years much of it comes in the winter when it is not needed by crops_ Almost every summer a certain amount of 12 TOTAL P.©2 NORMALS, MEANS, AND EXTREMES ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA EAI•ITUDG: 35' 26' N LONGITUDE.: 82" 33' W FI.FVAI'[ON: 1-7. GRND 2140 I3AIZO 2161 TIME "LONE: EASTI3RN W13AN: 03812 a JAN IT13 MAR I APR MAY JUN JUL I AUG I SIT 0C'1' I NOV DEC YEAR 'TEMPERATURE "F Normals -Daily Maximum 46.5 50.0 59.2 67.8 75.0 80.4 83.0 82.1 76.9 68.3 59.3 50.3 66.6 -Daily Minimum 24.8 27.4 35.4 42.6 .50.9 58.3 62.7 61.9' 55.5 43.5 35.7 28.6 43.9 -Monthly 35.7 38.7 47.4 55.2 63.0 69.4 72.8 72.0 66.2 55.9 47.5 39.5 55.3 lixlrcmcs -Record I lighcst 30 78 77 83 89 91 96 96 100 '92 86 ' 81 78 100 -Year 1975 1989 1985 1972 1969 1969 1988 1983 1991 1986 1974 1971 AUG 1983 -Record Lowest 30 -16 -2 2 22 28 35 44 42 30 21 8 -7 -16 -Year 1985 1967 1993 1987 I989 1966 1988 1986 1967 1976 1970 1983 JAN 1985 NORMAL. DEGREE DAYS: I Ieating (base 65 "F) 908 736 546 298 1 l7 18 5 5 64 295 525 791 4308 Cooling base 65 "F 0 0 0 0 55 150 247 222 100 13 0 0 787 %n OF POSSIBLE SUNSHINE 30 55 60 61 66 61 63 60 54 56 62 59 55 59 ,v1E.AN SKY COVER(tenths) Sunrise - Sunset 30 6.1 5.9 6.0 5.6 6.2 6.2 6.4 6.4 6.2 5.2 5.5 6.0 6.0 WAN NUMBER OF DAYS: Sunrise to Sunset -('Lear 30 9.3 9.0 8.9 9.9 7.3 6.3 5.3 4.8 7.1 12.0 10.6 9.7 100.2 -Partly Cloudy 30 7.3 6.3 8.3 8.5 10.4 12.1 13.6 13.6 10.4 8.0 7.2 7.2 112.8 -Cloudy 30 14.4 12.9 13.8 11.6 13.3 11.6 12.1 12.6 12.5 11.0 12.3 14.2 152.3 Precipitation .01 inches or more 30 10.3 9.3 11.5 9.4 11.8 11.3 12.0 12.8 9.6 8.1 9.5 9.7 125.3 Snow,lce Pellets,I{ail 1.0 inches or more 30 1.3 1.2 0.7 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.5 4.0 Thunderstorms 30 0.3 0.7 2.3 3.3 6.7 7.9 9.4 8.6 3.3 0.8 0.8 0.3 44.4 I Leavy Fog Visibility 1/4 mile or less 30 4.0 3.1 2.3 2.4 5.5 8.0 9.2 13.9 12.0 8.1 4.3 4.5 77.3 Tcmperaturc "F -Maximum 90" and above 30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.7 5.0 2.4 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.5 32" and below 30 3.1 1.5 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.9 5.9 -Minimum 32' and below 30 23.2 20.1 13.3 4.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.' 4.1 13.3 20.5 99.1 0" and below 30 0.6 0.' ().0 ().0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.7 AV. STATION PRES. mb 22 941.7 941.4 940.2 940.3 941.0 942.2 943.5 944.0 944.0 944.0 943.4 942.8 942.4 RELATIVE HUMIDITY (%) flour01 30 81 78 79 78 89 93 95 96 96 91. 85 82 87 1four 07(Local Time) 30 85 83 84 85 92 94 96 97 97 94 88 86 90 flour13 30 59 55 53 50 57 60 62 63 63 56 56 59 58 flour IQ 30 68 62 60 55 67 70 74 78 81 74 69 70 69 PRECIPITATION (ins): Water Equivalent -Normal 3.25 3.91 4.63 3.36 4.43 4.23 4.52 4.69 3.87 3.59 3.59 3.52 47.59 -Maximum Monthly 30 7.47 8.07 9.86 7.26 8.83 10.73 9.92 11.28 9.12 8.82 7.76 8.48 11.28 -Year 1978 1990 1975 1979 1973 1989 1982 1967 1977 1990 1979 1973 AUG 1967 -Minimum Monthly 30 0.45 0.44 0.77. 0.25 1.06 0.90 0.46 0.52 0.16 0.19 1.19' 0.16 0.16 -Year 1981 1978 1985 1976 1988 1990 1986 1981 1984 1991 1981 1965 SLIP 1984 -Maximum in 24 hrs 30 2.95 3.47 5.13 3.06 4.95 3.93 4.02 5.10 3.41 3.06 4.03 2.66 5.13 -Year 1978 1982 1968 1973 1973 1987 1969 1990 1975 1990 1977 1973 MAR 1968 Snow,lcc Pellets,l tail -Maximum Monthly 30 17.6 2515 18.2 11.5 T l' T T 0.0 T 9:6 16.3 25.5 -Year 1966 1969 1993 1987 1993 1991 1994 1990 1993 1968 1971 FEB 1969 -Maximum in 24 hrs 30 14.0 11.7 16.5 11.5 .1' .1• I T 0.0 T 5.7 16.3 16.5 -Year 1988 1969 1993 1987 1993 1991 1994 1990 1993 1968 1971 MAR 1093 WIND: Mean Speed (mph) 30 9.5 9.5 9.4 8.8 7.1 6.1 5.9 5.4 5.7 6.7 8.1 8.9 7.6 Prevailing Direction Fastest Obs.' 1 Min. -Direction (!!) 30 34 34 33 22 34 36 35 34 32 33 32 34 34 -Speed(mph) 40 60 48 44 40 40 43 40 35 35 40 44 60 -Year 1975 1972 1993 1970 1971 1977 1966 1973 1980 1972 1974 1965 17G131972 Peak Gust -Direction (!!) 11 NW NW NW N N N S NW N NW N NW NW -Speed(mph) 11 49 54 64 51 44 52 60 43 37 40 49 49 64 -Date 1984 1987 1993 1988 1992 1987 1990 1993 1992 1990 1989 1992 MAR 1993 (!!) See Reference Notes on Page 6B Page 3 William G. Lapsley &Associates P.A. JOB � � � �� `��"�� � ��� I CD?i z � L� Consulting Engineers and Land Planners SHEET rlo. of z 1635 Asheville Highway PCALCULATED BY DATE Post Office BOX 546 HENDERSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28793 (704) 697-7334 . FAX (704) 697-7333 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE .=r.1�v E,,,-ter L► t-T ST�� • o..� 1�. r"z.S ! (�rJ rwLO 42- P,Ott i;.L @ !Zo bF7/ 040 /zg Sha-r (? 40c i/seta- = S, /zD 4-0 Sr",-� T P� A Z 40 6 PD/s, � /, Coo C.I� F CtT-" rLrL G R0w T �4 _ z, -74 0 G P/D 7t;1i,4c. i-LUW i 5, 000 &r �= t4,0co 10,4-Z ?r-N Z1,rn 3 o F� wii�7 wZ�L. VOL- T I i 3. �l,i,�,7 2uN.-��� 4,9) Iti� rZa,ti l� __ -- _ Z • William G. Lapsley & Associates, P.A. Consulting Engineers and Land Planners 1635 Asheville Highway Post Office Box 546 HENDERSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28793 (704) 697-7334 • FAX (704) 697-7333 JOB j? . I� (a Zvi; --�rt-r P2.z)PKZ!�� SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE I4,1 +- 4.93 7-0r44- /71 rpdD D 4y_ ry�o�� 5 PGA// 6zIq x sob Section GRINDER Page 109 Date*d SEPTEMBER 1993 Performance I Curve Em RPM: 3500 Discharge- 2" 707 60- 30 20- 10- 225 200 175 151 125 ff ,E MODEL MAX. IMP SPGH/G2HX750 6.87" SPGH/G2HX500 6.75" SPGH/G2HX300 5.25" NOTE: 6.87" trim is a different impeller/volute combination. Refer to factory for trim selections beyond 6.75'. M IN �0 15 3 0 45 60 75 90 105 120 5 10 15 20 25 30 Operating point must fall within curve. Conditions of Service: AURDRAPUMP CT* PUMPS A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GPM: ';S(O TDH: HYDROMATI !� 1 1 _ 11 �! JUL 2 21996 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS d AsheaifieRegionalOfrice .for WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND LAND APPLICATION SYSTEM to serve DR. HAROLD M. REED, M.D. PROPERTY HENDERSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Prepared by William G. Lapsley & Associates, P.A. Consulting Engineers 1635 Asheville Highway Hendersonville,.North Carolina June, 1996 ";z.S'�6 SECTION 06225 DIVISION 6 FLOW:EQUALIZATION WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (STEEL) A. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work covered under this section shall consist of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and services necessary for the installation of a complete factory built (prefabricated) flow equalization wastewater treatment system. The system shall be complete and ready for operation in accordance with the drawings and specifications stated in this section. B. TANK CONSTRUCTION The principal component of the treatment system shall be its steel tank within which the wastewater flow equalization process is to take place. The tank shall be 1/4-inch steel plate joined by arc.welding with fillets of adequate section for the joint involved. Walls shall be continuous and watertight and shall be supported by structural members were required. 'The Contractor shall provide necessary field assembly including weld when required. For cathodic protection, four 9-pound magnesium anodes shall be furnished. Anodes are to be buried by the Contractor and securely connected to the tank walls by heavy copper wire in good electrical contact thereto. A poured concrete foundation slab shall be provided by Contractor in the field for anchoring the steel tank. The inside and outside surfaces of the tank shall have all rust, mill scale, flux fumes, oxides, grease and oil removed by commercial sandblasting. Immediately after sandblasting, one coat of Bakelite Chromate Primer, and one coat of green enamel is made from a combination of alkyd resin and chlorinated rubber and the combination of these two coats gives the preparation outstanding water resistance and high durability. The primer coat shall be equivalent to ##69409 and the finish coat equivalent to d#67323 as manufactured by the Perry & Derrick Company, Incorporated, Cincinnati, Ohio. C. FLOW EQUALIZATION/SLUDGE HOLDING CHAMBER The flow equalization chamber shall be of 3,75'0gallon minimum capacity each to provide a minimum 4 hour period of retention. The tank shall be filleted on each side, at the bottom to prevent sludge accumulation, and at the top to enhance rotation of tank contents and prevent scum and froth accumulation. The flow equalization/sludge holding chamber shall be constructed with air diffusers placed longitudinally along one side of the chamber so as to., in conjunction with the flow control baffles, enhance the spiral rotation of chamber contents. The proportion of chamber width, in direction of rotation, shall not exceed 1.33 to 1 and shall be in such proportion that the velocity of rotation so prompted shall be sufficient to scour the chamber's bottom and prevent sludge filleting, as well as to prevent escape to the surface of minuscule air diffusion bubbles and by so causing their entrapment to provide maximum oxygenation efficiency. D. AIR DIFFUSION SYSTEM Diffuser air shall be supplied by one (1) positive displacement blower, of ample size based on tank cleansing velocities to provide a minimum of one diffuser for every 6" of aeration tank length.. With this spacing, the air flow per diffuser shall range from 1-1/4 to 3 C.F.M. which gives a minimum air velocity of 40 feet per second through the diffuser orifice. This minimum air velocity shall be maintained to insure sufficient velocity for self cleansing. The diffusers shall be parallel to and near the base of the fillet and at an elevation which will provide the optimum diffusion and mixing of the tank contents. The diffuser assembly shall be easily removed from the tank and shall be equipped with an air regulating valve permitting adjustment of the air flow or complete shut-off. It shall be designed to handle a wide range of air flow, varying the orifice opening automatically to the air flow, thus insuring small uniform bubble distribution. The oxygen transfer capacity of each diffuser shall be such that an adequate supply of oxygen will be maintained in the aeration chamber to meet treatment requirements of the design sewage load. E. BLOWER UNITS There shall be one (1) blower/motor unit supplied, meeting the following specifications: The blower shall have a 24-hour timeclock to vary the air supply in 15 minute intervals and shall deliver 16 C.F.M. @ 4 psi. The motor drive shall be 1.0 H.P., 1750 R.P.M., 230 volt, /-phase, 60 cycle, motor with V- belt drive. The blower and motor shall be mounted on slide rails to maintain proper belt tension, and enclosed in a weatherproof enclosure. For easy access to the controls, blower and motor, access doors, equipped with locking device, shall be supplied. For proper air ventilation, air louvers shallbe placed in the enclosure- on the blower and motor chamber side. For the reduction of the inlet air noise and the filtration of the inlet air, there shall be supplied an Air -Maze dry type filter -silencer as manufactured by the Rockwell Standard Corporation, or approved equal. Each blower shall be equipped with separate gate valve and check valve on discharge line to facilitate easy removal of unit. F. FLOW EQUALIZATION CHAMBER PUMPS AND CONTROLS. The effluent from the flow equalization tank will be pumped to the constant flow control system as shown on the contract drawings. The Contractor shall furnish and install two (2) submersible sewage pumps constructed of a heavy duty cast iron body. It shall be of the non -clogging design with recessed type open impeller, mechanical seal, stainless steel shaft, and shall be of a dependable and proven design. The pump(s) shall deliver 28 GPM @ 15 TDH. The motor drive shall be 2 HP. Motors shall be the submersible type, with permanent split capacitor, and oil filled, approved for use in domestic sewage. Unless otherwise noted on the contract drawings, the motors shall e for s..+64,6 phase 230 volt with built-in automatic reset overload protection. ' All.iron parts shall be coated inside and out with baked -on epoxy paint. All machined surfaces shall be recoated with epoxy after machining. The sewage pump(s) shall be controlled by a switching system to turn the unit(s) on and off and a high water alarm to signal pump malfunctions. The switch shall consist of a sealed float containing a tube of mercury in contact with power leads. In addition to the on and off control float (s) , there shall be a separate float control for the high water alarm. This float switch, when activated, shall activate an audible signal and visible light. It shall be on separate electrical circuit from the pump power line and shall be equipped with a test switch. The control system shall be adjustable to meet the required size pumps and for different sizes and shapes of pump chambers. It shall be sealed in a NEMA approved panel -for use in corrosive environments such as sewage pumping chambers. The Contractor shall submit full.schematic diagrams for the control system to the Engineer for approval prior to installation. The system shall. be as manufactured by Waterguard Company, Inc. or an approved equal. G. SERVICE WALKWAY Galvanized open grip safety grating panels shall be provided for walkways to service the plant equipment. The grating panel shall be 18" maximum in width and constructed of 14 gauge galvanized sheet metal formed, perforated, and extruded so as to permit maximum open area. The maximum weight of each panel shall not exceed 55 pounds and each panel shall have a safe uniform load carrying capacity of 50 pounds/sq. feet without excessive deflection. H. INLET BAR SCREEN A bar screen shall be provided at the influent port to remove any unusually large solids from the incoming raw sewage. The bar screen shall be fabricated from one-half inch diameter bars spaced one inch apart and arranged as shown on the drawings. The bars shall be sloped to permit easy cleaning of accumulated debris. A drying deck shall be furnished for drying this debris. The bar screen shall have the same protective coating as specified for the steel tank. I. CONTROLS The necessary controls for each blower motor and associated plant equipment shall, be housed within the NEMA 3R blower cabinet.' The'.' *"control section shall be isolated by the removing the front cover. The blower, motor and pulley section of the blower housing shall be isolated by the removable control subpariel. Across the line, magnetic starters with overload. protection shall be supplied for blower motor and spray pump. Hand off auto switches shall be supplied with the automatic circuit interlocked to run the spray clock.. Duplex or:: stand-by blower panels shall be preprogrammed to alternate automatically. Individual off -on switches are provided when associated plant equipment is supplied. All electric. equipment and circuitry shall be protected by a properly sized circuit.breaker. J. START-UP SERVICE At the time the sewage treatment plant is filled with water or sewage, power connections are completed, and all equipment is approved for service, the Contractor shall provide the services of a representative of the manufacturer who shall instruct the Owner's representative in the proper maintenance - and operation of the sewage treatment plant, including instructions, -in conducting all required operation tests. The manufacturer.'.s representative'shall turn over to.the Owner's representative at that time a service manual outlining, in detail, all operation instructions and procedures. K. GUARANTEE The manufacturer of the treatment plant shall guarantee for 15 months from date of shipment, or 12 months form date of start- up, whichever occurs first, that the structure and all equipment shall be free form faults in materials and workmanship. The manufacturer shall furnish replacement parts for any component proven defective during the guarantee period.' L. MANUFACTURER'S QUALIFICATIONS These specification's describe a factory built wastewater treatment flow equalization/sludge holding system deemed most suitable for the service anticipated by the Engineer. The treatment system furnished by the Contractor shall be the product of a manufacturer within a minimum of five (5) years experience in the design and fabrication of wastewater treatment plant equipment. For the sake of this contract acceptable manufacturers are those listed below unless approved otherwise by the Engineer: 1. Clow Corporation , Florence, Kentucky 2. Pollution Control, Inc.,'Cincinnati, Ohio I SECTION 06230 DIVISION 6 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT - WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM PACKAGE TYPE (STEEL) A. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work covered under this section shall consist of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and services necessary for the installation of a complete factory built (prefabricated) wastewater treatment plant. The plant shall be complete and ready for operation in accordance with the drawings and specifications stated in this section. The treatment plant shall be of the activated sludge type, specifically known as "Extended Aeration" designed for treating 15,000 gallons per day of 250 PPM - BODS domestic sewage. B. TANK CONSTRUCTION The principal component of the treatment plant shall be its steel tank within which the wastewater treatment process is to take place. The tank shall be.1/4-inch steel plate joined by arc welding with fillets of adequate section for the joint involved. Walls shall be continuous and watertight and shall be supported by structural members were required. The Contractor shall provide necessary field assembly including weld when required. For cathodic protection, four 9-pound magnesium anodes shall be furnished. Anodes are to be buried by the Contractor and securely connected to the tank walls by heavy copper wire in good electrical contact thereto. A poured concrete foundation slab shall be provided, by Contractor in the field for anchoring the steel tank. The inside and outside surfaces of the tank shall have all rust, mill scale, flux fumes, oxides, grease and oil removed by commercial sandblasting. Immediately after sandblasting, one coat of Bakelite Chromate Primer, and one .coat of green enamel is made from a combination of. alkyd resin and chlorinated rubber and the combination of these two coats gives the preparation outstanding water resistance and high durability. The primer coat shall be equivalent to #69409 and the finish coat equivalent to #67323 as manufactured by the Perry & Derrick Company, Incorporated, Cincinnati, Ohio. C. AERATION CHAMBER The aeration chamber shall be of sufficient capacity to provide a minimum 24 hour period of retention. The tank shall be filleted on each side, at the bottom to prevent sludge accumulation, and at the top to enhance rotation of tank contents and prevent scum and froth accumulation. The .aeration chamber. shall. be constructed with air diffusers placed longitudinally along one side. of the chamber so as to, in conjunction with the flow control baffles, enhance the spiral rotation of chamber contents. The proportion of chamber width; in direction of rotation, shall not exceed 1 and shall be in such proportion that, the velocity of rotation so prompted shall be sufficient to scour the chamber's bottom and prevent sludge filleting, as well as to prevent escape to the surface of minuscule air diffusion bubbles and by so causing their entrapment to provide maximum oxygenation efficiency. AIR DIFFUSION SYSTEM Diffuser air shall be supplied by two (2) positive displacement blower(s), (each) of ample size based on B.O.D. application to provide a minimum of 2100 cubic feet of air per pound of B.O.D. applied and/or based on tank cleaning velocities to provide a minimum of one diffuser for every 6" of aeration tank length. With this spacing, the air flow per diffuser shall range from 1-1/4 to 3 C.F.M. which gives a minimum air velocity of 40 feet per second through the diffuser orifice. This minimum air velocity shall be .maintained to insure sufficient velocity for self cleansing. The diffusers shall be parallel to and near the base of the fillet and at an elevation which will provide the optimum diffusion and mixing of the tank contents. The diffuser assembly shall be easily removed from the tank and shall be equipped with an air regulating valve permitting adjustment of the air flow or complete shut-off. It shall be designed to handle a wide range of air flow, varying the orifice opening automatically to the air flow, thus insuring small uniform bubble distribution.. The oxygen transfer capacity of each diffuser shall be such that an adequate supply of oxygen will be maintained in the aeration chamber to meet treatment requirements of the design sewage load. E. BLOWER UNITS There shall be (two) blower/motor unit(s) supplied, (each) meeting the following specifications: The blower shall have a 24-hour time clock to vary the air supply in 15 minute intervals and shall deliver 44 C.F.M. @ 5 psi. The motor drive shall be 2.0 H.P., 1756 RR.P.M., 230 volt, 1-phase, 60 cycle, motor with V-belt drive. The blower and motor shall be mounted on slide rails to maintain proper belt tension, and- enclosed in a weatherproof enclosure. For easy access to the controls, blower and motor, access doors, equipped with locking device, shall be supplied. For proper air ventilation, air louvers shall be placed in the enclosure on the blower and motor chamber side. For the reduction of the inlet air noise and the filtration of the inlet air, there shall be supplied an Air -Maze dry type filter -silencer as manufactured by the Rockwell Standard Corporation, or approved equal. Each blower shall be equipped with separate gate valve and check.valve on discharge line to facilitate easy removal of unit. F. CLARIFIER CHAMBER The Clarifier chamber shall be of ample size to provide a minimum of 4 hours retention, based upon the average design flow. The total settling volume shall include the volume of the upper 1/3 of the sludge hopper. The bottom of the chamber shall be formed into inverted pyramidal hopper or hoppers with flat bottom area of each hopper being not greater than one square foot. Slope of hopper walls shall not be_ less than 1.7' vertical to 1.0 horizontal. Settled sludge shall be returned from the clarifier sludge hopper to the aeration chamber by the positive sludge return system. The clarifier effluent shall pass over the edge of 'an effluent weir into the effluent trough and thus out of the chamber. Effluent weir shall be mounted to permit easy adjustment for level and height. G. SLUDGE RETURN SYSTEM There shall be installed within the clarifier chamber two airlift sludge return assembly(ies) meeting the following specifications: The airlift pump shall have a recirculation capacity of 0% to 100% of design flow. Air line supplying air to the pump shall be equipped.with a needle .valve to vary the amount of air to each pump thus varying the capacity of the airlift pump. Airlift pump(s) shall be firmly supported and shall be equipped with a cleanout plug .to allow for easy cleaning and maintenance. H. SCUM SKIMMING SYSTEM There shall be (two) airlift skimming device(s),.(each) meeting the following specifications: The skimming device shall be of the positive airlift pump type, located in the settling tank to skim and return floating material to the aeration tank. Air line supplying air to the skimming device shall be equipped with a needle valve to regulate the rate of return. I. FROTH CONTROL SYSTEM A 230 volt, single phase, 8 G.P.M. froth control pump shall be provided in the clarifier chamber and sufficient spray nozzles attached to the discharge line of the pump to insure control of frothing or foaming in the aeration chamber. The spray nozzle.shall be of the weighted counter lever type with a flip -open cap for quick flush cleaning of the nozzles 1/2" diameter orifice. Spray nozzles shall produce a sharp spray pattern along the entire length of aeration tank. A hose bib shall be furnished between the discharge side of the pump and spray nozzle shut-off valve to provide wash- up water when required. J. SERVICE WALKWAY Galvanized open grip safety grating panels shall be provided for walkways to service the plant equipment. The grating panel shall be 18" maximum in width and constructed of 14 gauge galvanized sheet metal formedy perforated, and extruded so as to permit maximum open area. The maximum weight of each panel shall not exceed 55 pounds and each panel shall have a safe uniform.load carrying capacity of 50-pounds/sq. feet without excessive deflection. K. INLET BAR SCREEN A bar screen shall be provided at the influent port to remove any unusually large solids from the incoming raw sewage. The bar screen shall be fabricated from one-half inch diameter bars spaced one inch apart and arranged as shown on the drawings. The bars shall be sloped to permit easy cleaning of accumulated debris. A drying deck shall be furnished for drying this debris. The bar screen shall have the same protective coating as specified for the steel tank. L.. CHLORINE CONTACT TANK The Chlorine Contact Tank shall have a capacity of 520 gallons, based upon 50 minutes retention of the average daily flow. The tank shall be constructed as an integral part of the Tertiary Unit and be fabricated out of one- fourth inch steel plate. It shall have the same protective coating as specified for the Tertiary Unit. The tank shall have the same structural requirements as the Tertiary Unit. Sufficient flow baffles will be supplied to assure proper mixing of the Chlorine solution with the plant effluent. M. CHLORINE EQUIPMENT To provide for chlorination of the sewage treatment plant effluent, a tablet chlorination unit shall be supplied. The unit shall be acid and alkali resistant and all parts which come in contact with the pumped solution shall be chemically resistant plastic or synthetic rubber. The chlorinator shall be of tough, corrosion resistant molded fiberglass and polyvinyl chloride measuring 21-3/4 inches long, 12-1/4 inches wide, and 13-1/4 inches deep. The feed tubes shall be 24 inches long with an outside diameter of 3-1/2 inches. Each tube shall hold 29 SANURIL 115 tablets or equivalent which measure 2-5/8 inches in diameter and are 13/16 of -an inch thick. N. CONTROLS The necessary controls for each blower motor and associated plant equipment shall be housed within the NEMA 3R blower cabinet. The control section shall be isolated by the removing the front cover. The blower, motor and pully section of the blower housing shall be isolated by the removable control subpanel. Across the line, magnetic starters with overload protection shall be supplied for blower motor and spray pump. Hand off auto switches shall be supplied with the automatic circuit interlocked to run the spray clock. Duplex or stand-by blower panels shall be preprogrammed to alternate automatically. Individual off -on switches are provided when associated plant equipment is supplied. All electric equipment and circuitry shall be protected by a properly sized circuit breaker. 0. START-UP SERVICE At the time -the sewage treatment plant is filled with water or sewage, power connections are completed, and all equipment is approved for service, the Contractor shall provide the services of a representative of the manufacturer who shall instruct the Owner's representative in the proper maintenance and operation of the. sewage treatment plant, including instructions in conducting all required operation tests. The manufacturer's representative shall turn over to the Owner's representative .at that time.a service manual outlining, in detail, all operation instructions and procedures.. P. GUARANTEE The manufacturer of the treatment plant shall guarantee for 15.months from date of shipment, or 12 months form date of start-up, whichever occurs first, that the structure. and all equipment shall be .free form faults in materials and workmanship. The—. manufacturer shall furnish replacement parts for° any component proven defective during the guarantee period,. Q. MANUFACTURER'S QUALIFICATIONS These specifications describe a factory built wastewater treatment plant deemed most suitable for thes service -anticipated by the Engineer. The treatment plant furnished by the' Contractor* shall be the 'of a manufacturer within a minimum of five (5) years experience in the design and fabrication of, wastewater treatment plant,equipment,. For the sake. of this contract' acceptable manufacturers are those.listed below unless approved otherwise by the Engineer: 1. Clow Corporation ,'Flotence,.Kentucky 2. Pollution Control, Inc,., Cincinnati, Ohio R. COMPENSATION Payment for furnishing and installation of "the equipment described in this section and as shown on ,the plans shall be covered under, the contract lump, sum price. for Package Type Wastewater Treatment Plant as listed in the Bid' Schedule. END OF SECTION - SECTION 06231 DIVISION'6 CONTINUOUS. RECORDING FLOW WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM -MEASUREMENT A. DES"CRIPTION OF WORK There shall be furniahed.and.ins.talled, as shown on the contract"drawings,,a recording, indicating,, and totalizing flow meter; float actuated, for use with a weir: :The flow meter shall be Model 61M or 61R,, as,- manufactured...by_Leupold & Stevens, Inc., Beaverton, -- Oregon .97075, or equivalent. -- B. METER DESCRIPTION The meter shall"be entirely mechanically„operated with an 8-day spring_driven clock to drive the integrating mechanism and..chart provided,'with a synchronousmotor clock.for 115V,.60Hz A.C. operation to .drive the .chart and integrating -mechanism.. Flow shall be'recorded on a four-'inch.wide•by 50-foot long strip chart with linear f low graduatiori's . .:..Time scale, ' gearing shall be furnished " to provide'';10' :incY es'. of chart record per, day.. A seven digit counter "aha1;1. provide a continuous totalized di splay,. -of volume.,;: Multiplying factors shallbe clearly shown• on '*.the-. instrument nameplate. The recording range of the instrumenit's' 0 to 0.05 MGD:. The instrument:.shall be.housed in a high Impact Cycolac plastic case -with a full face neoprene gasket around the cover to -hold. -out moisture and dust. Corrosion" . resi`stan.t metal shall be ,used throughout the instrument. DIVISION 6 SECTION 06235 WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TERTIARY TREATMENT SYSTEM A. GENERAL The Contractor shall furnish and install one prefabricated Tertiary Treatment System complete and ready for operation in accordance with the plans and specifications as stated herein. The Tertiary System shall be a modified rapid sand filter designed specifically for filtering secondary domestic sewage treatment plant effluent -and shall be comprised of the following major components: 1. Two graded media filter cells equipped with air scouring and backwash distribution systems. 2. A clear well for backwash water storage equipped with high rate backwash pumps. 3. A backwash surge chamber equipped with low -rate backwash return pumps. 4. A motor -blower system for air scouring of the filter media. 5. An electrical control system to provide demand air scouring and backwashing. B. OPERATION CONDITIONS The Tertiary System shall be capable of filtering secondary.domestic sewage treatment plant effluent at a rate of 15,000 gallons per day of 40 PPM BOD5 secondary effluent based, on composite samples of the average daily flow. The total flow shall be filtered through 2 filter cells and each having 7 square feet of filter surface. C. TANK CONSTRUCTION All tank vessels shall be fabricated of one-fourth inch structural grade ASTM. designation A-36, steel plates joined by arc welding with..fillets of adequate section for the joint involved. All walls shall be continuous and watertight and shall be supported by supported by structural reinforcing members where required. Fabrication and erection shall conform to the appropriate requirements of "RISC Specification for Buildings." Connections shall conform to the requirements of the American Welding Society's Code and shall develop the full strength of the member. D. PIPING All piping within the plant shall be Schedule .40 steel pipe except as may be noted on other sections of the specifications or called for on the plans. E. FLOW DIVISION CHAMBER A flow division chamber shall be provided at the inlet of the Tertiary System. The chamber shall be so designed as to divert the incoming flow proportionally to each of the filter cells. F. FILTER CELLS There shall be furnished 2 filter cells for filtering the flow through -the Tertiary System. Each cell shall have not less than square feet of filter surface. Effluent shall percolate through the filter bed and filter nozzles to the false bottom. From the false bottom, filtered water shall flow to the clear well compartment. G. FILTER MEDIA Filter media shall be furnished in sealed bags not to exceed 100 pounds each. The Contractor shall position the filter media as shown on the plans in the field. The filter media bed shall consist of eight inches (811) of sand,_0.80 to 1.20 MM effective size with a uniform coefficient of 1.4 thru 1.7 and twelve inches (12") of anthracite 1.08 MM effective size with a uniform coefficient of 1.42. H. CLEAR WELL The clear well shall be located so that the filtrate from the filter cell shall discharge into the clear well from the false bottom below the media through a riser and through the backwash pump. The clear well shall not have less than 1060 gallons for sufficient volume for backwashing. An overflow weir trough shall be provided for gravity effluent discharge. I. BACKWASH PUMPS Two backwash pumps shall be furnished and installed in the clear well so as to automatically backwash the filter cells at a backwash rate of 15 GPM per square foot of filter surface area. Each pump shall be rated at 105 GPM at 18 TDH, 1.4 HP, 230 volt, 60 Cycles, i.3' phase. The pumps shall be Model 35E2834L as manufactured by Barnes or an equal meeting the same conditions. J. AIR SUPPLY FOR MEDIA AIR SCOURING Facilities for air scouring the filter media prior to backwash shall be provided. An air distribution system shall be provided within the filter media. One positive displacement blower -motor unit shall be supplied, capable of providing a minimum of one CFM per square foot of filter bed. The blower shall be capable of delivering 12 CFM when operating at 4 PSI. The blower shall be model 24RAI as manufactured by Roots or equal. The motor. shall be 1.0 HP, open drip -proof for operation on 230 volt, 1 phase, 60 cycle service, 1740 RPM. The blower -motor shall be enclosed within, a weatherproof enclosure equipped with lifting handles and a locking device. All enclosure surfaces shall be properly prepared in a neat manner to obtain a smooth, clean and dry surface. All rust, dust, and mill scale as well as other extraneous matter shall be removed by means of cleaning by wire brushing or whatever means are necessary. The enclosure shall be painted with two ( 2 ) coats of baked beige enamel finish. For purposes of determination of blower performance, a pressure relief valve and a pressure gauge shall be mounted in the air manifold. K. SURGE CHAMBER A surge chamber of. the Tertiary System shall be of such size as to handle the total volume of the clear well and the average incoming .flow during backwash cycle._ Volume of this chamber shall not be less than 1390 gallons. A duplex set of pumps shall be provided in the surge chamber for returning the backwash liquid to the secondary sewage treatment system. The capacity for each pump shall be 7 GPM, 0.4 HP, 230 volt, 60 cycles, 1 phase. The pumps shall be Model SE421 as manufactured by Barnes or an equal meeting the same conditions. A throttling valve shall be provided on the pump discharge piping to minimize hydraulic disturbance of the secondary treatment system. L. AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM A central control system shall be provided for mounting either on top of the plans or at a remote location -as indicated on the plans. When the resistance of the flow.through the filter media causes the water level over the filter cells to rise to a predetermined level, a sensing device shall initiate the automatic air scour/backwash cycle. This cycle is controlled by a' cam timer in the control panel. The cycle is set up for an air scour of 4 minutes, a settling time of 2 minutes, backwash of 5 minutes and a final settling time of 19 minutes. N. rem a The controls are housed in a NEMA 3R enclosure. All electrical equipment and circuitry shall be protected by properly sized circuit breakers or fuses. The enclosure wired for.230 volt, 1 phase, 60 cycle, 4 wire incoming power. SERVICE WALKWAY A service walkway shall be provided to service the plant equipment and will be approximately 27 inches wide. Grating panels shall each consist of a one-piece skid - resistant steel plank. All grating panels shall be constructed of 18 gauge, galvanized sheet steel. Each grating panel has a standard 9-inch surface width, and a 21/2 inch rib depth. Each panel shall be so supported as to have a safe uniform load carrying capacity of 80 pounds per square foot. VESSEL SURFACE PREPARATION All vessel surfaces to be painted shall be properly prepared in a workmanlike manner' so as to obtain a smooth, clean and dry surface. All rust, dust and mill scale as well as other extraneous matter shall be removed by means of cleaning by wire brushing or whatever means are necessary. All interior and exterior vessel surfaces shall be painted with one (1) coat of Bituminous Paint. CATHODIC PROTECTION (Optional) For cathodic protection, four 17-pound magnesium anode packages.shall be buried by the Contractor,.as shown on the plans, adjacent to the sides of the vessel and securely connected thereto by heavy copper wire in good electrical contact with the connector lugs on the steel vessel. FIELD ASSEMBLY The complete Tertiary Treatment System shall be transported to the job site in one section. The Contractor shall provide the necessary field assembly and welding when required. Q. FOUNDATION SLAB A poured concrete foundation pad: shall be provided by the Contractor as indicated on the drawings. Anchoring facilities shall also be provided for field anchoring the steel vessel to the foundation pad by the Contractor. R. FIELD SERVICE At the time the Tertiary Treatment System is filled with water or sewage, all power connections have been completed, and all equipment is approved for the service, the Contractor shall provide the services of a representative of the manufacturer who shall instruct the owner's representative in the proper_ operation and maintenance 'of. the Tertiary Treatment System. The manufacturer's representative shall furnish at this time a service manual on the equipment installed within the treatment system. S. GUARANTEE The manufacturer of the Tertiary Treatment Systems shall guarantee for one (1) year from the date of shipment that the vessel and all component equipment shall be free from defective materials and workmanship.. The manufacturer shall furnish replacement parts for any component considered in the opinion of the manufacturer to be defective, whether of his or other manufacturer during the guarantee period. T. MANUFACTURER'S QUALIFICATIONS These specifications describe a factory built wastewater treatment plant deemed most suitable for the service anticipated by the Engineer. The treatment plant furnished by the Contractor shall be the product of a manufacturer with a minimum of five (5) years experience in the design and fabrication of wastewater treatment plant equipment. For the sake of this contract, acceptable manufacturers are those listed below unless approved otherwise by the Engineer: 1. Clow Corporation, Florence, Kentucky 2. Pollution Control, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio - END OF SECTION - SECTION 06236 DIVISION 6 INTEGRAL CHLORINE CONTACT WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TANK FOR TERTIARY UNIT A. CHLORINE CONTACT T The Chlorine Contact Tank shall have a capacity of 520 gallons, based upon 50 minutes retention of the average daily flow. The tank shall be constructed as an integral part of the Tertiary Unit and be fabricated out of one- fourth inch steel plate. It shall have the same protective coating as specified for the Tertiary Unit. The tank shall have the same.structural requirements as the Tertiary Unit. Sufficient flow baffles will be supplied to assure proper mixing of the Chlorine solution with the plant effluent.- B. CHLORINE EQUIPMENT To provide for chlorination of the sewage treatment plant effluent, a tablet chlorination unit shall be supplied. The unit shall be acid and alkali resistant and all parts ' which come in contact with the pumped solution shall be chemically resistant plastic or synthetic rubber. The chlorinator shall be of tough, corrosion resistant molded fiberglass and polyvinyl chloride measuring 21-3/4 inches long, 12-1/4 inches wide, and 13-1/4 inches deep. ' The feed tubes shall be 24 inches long with an outside diameter of 3-1/2 inches. Each tube shall hold 29 SANURIL 115 tablets or equivalent which measure 2-5/8 inches in diameter and are 13/16 of an inch thick. SECTION 07310 DIVISION SANITARY SEWER LEF-r WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM STATION (SUBMERSIBLE) A. SCOPE - The work covered by this section consists of furnishing and installing a complete sewage pumping station. The Pump station shall include two sewage pumps with motors, four mercury switch level controls, discharge piping and valves, electrical equipment and other necessary appurtenances as shown on the drawings and in accordance with the specifications herein stated. Other types of pumps, piping arrangements and controls are acceptable if the intent, characteristics and function of that specified is maintained. In any case, construction shall be watertight and properly vented. B. PUMP STATION CHAMBER The pump station shall be constructed from precast concrete manhole sections as shown on the plans. The sections shall be furnished to the project site complete with openings for all pipes, steps, cover, cables and appurtenances necessary for proper installation. . Revisions to openings will not be made in the field. Precast concrete manhole bases, risers and"tops shall conform to ASTM C-478, latest revision for Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections. Minimum compressive strength of the concrete shall be 4,000 psi at 28 days and the maximum permissible absorption shall be 6.5 percent. Risers shall be reinforced with a single cage of steel placed within the center third of the wall. The tongue or the groove of the joint shall contain one line of circumferential reinforcement equal in area to that in the barrel of the manhole riser: The minimum cross -sectional area of steel per linear foot shall be 0.12 square inches. Precast manhole sections shall fit together readily and shall have a self-contained "0" ring rubber gasket conforming to ASTM C-443. The manhole sections shall be perpendicular to their longitudinal axis within the limits listed in ASTM C-478. The quality of materials, the.process of manufacture and the finished manhole sections shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Engineer. The access cover shall be of the. single -leaf, watertight design as shown on the plans. The cover leaf shall be 0.25—inch aluminium diamond pattern plats to withstand wheel loadings to H-20 capacity. The cover shall be equipped with heavy forged brass hinges, stainless steel pLns inn in IutomatL(:: noLd-open arm 1 c•�Leas,� :land L? .. snap Lack w i th .3 r:,mov.3b L-� nand L.-2 sha L L b,-2 ,DC0vLd--cd .ALL hardwar•2 snaLL be -3r_.3inLe9,3 .3t�eL, Tile Ct-2rL,)C the rain�� snaLL receLv,:_ a inLLL ffLnL.3h and 3 i)Li tuin in(:)ils coatLrig . C. PUMPS AND MOTORS The pump and motor shaLL be designed and manufactured to operate completely submerged in the Liquid being pumped. The electrical power cable shall be sealed by the use of a cable grip with individual conductors additionally sealed into the cable cap assembly with epoxy sealing compound. The cable cap shall be sealed into the motor housing with a Buna-N 0-ring providing an electrical connection which is completely watertight. The combination centrifugal pump impeller and grinder unit shall be attached to a common,motor and pump shaft made of stainless steel. The grinder unit shall be on the suction side of the pump impeller discharging directly into the impeller inlet leaving no exposed shaft to permit packing of ground solids. The grinder shall consist of two stages with the cutting action of the second stage perpendicular to the plane of the first cut. Both stationary -and rotating cutters shall be made of hardened and ground stainless steel. The upper axial cutter and stationary cutter ring shall be reversible to provide new cutting edges for longer service life. Pump and motor housings are to be high quality grey iron castings. The impeller shall be bronze and all fasteners shall be of 18-8 stainless steel. The pump -motor shaft shall be sealed by two mechanical carbon and ceramic faced seals within an oil filled chamber to provide clean, constant lubrication. The shaft shall be supported by an upper ball radial and thrust bearings and a lower bronze radial sleeve bearing between the shaft seals both running in oil. The motor winding and rotor are to be mounted in a sealed submersible type housing which is filled with clean high dielectric oil'for bearing lubrication.and to transmit heat from motor winding to outer housing.. The ball bearing is to be supported by an 0-ring sealed, movable cap so that grinder and impeller clearance may be adjusted externally. D. LEVEL CONTROLS The sewage level in the pump station and the alarm signal shall be controlled by sealed, E1oat—type mercury switches. The mercury tube switches shall be sealed in a solid polyurethane float for corrosion and shock �SL�~ance. The .,,'lppor: '.4Lr� shall h•12,3Vy ;1er)pr-na ket. A weLghr_ shaLL be •irtachaci r_o the ._ab Le abov-� the E Loa t to Rio L,3 r_he Sw i r ,h i n p Lace and -2EE?c!:iv,2Ly -pr,:�vent sharp bends in tha _"3bL.� when the ELoa t operates. The ELoat Switches :3ha1L Mang EreeLy in the pump station supported only by the cabLe. The quantity and Eunction of the ELoat switches shall be as shown on the plans. E. SYSTEM OPERATION The pump stations shall operate automatically as described herein. Upon Liquid level rise, the lower mercury switch shall be first energized and then the next level switch shall energize and start the lead pump. With.the lead pump operating, the liquid level shall fall to the low lever switch off setting and the lead pump shall stop. If the liquid level continues to rise when the lead pump is operating, the next level switch shall energize and start the lag. pump. Both the lead and lag pump shall operate together until the liquid level falls to the low level switch off setting and both pumps shall stop. If the liquid level continues to rise when both pumps are operating, the alarm switch shall energize and signal the alarm. If one pump shall fail for any. reason, the second pump shall operate until the liquid level reaches either the low level switch or the alarm switch. All of the level switches ,shall be adjustable for level setting from the ground surfaces. An alternating relay shall index each cycle to alternate the lead -lag pump operation. F. CONTROL PANEL The control panel and appurtenances herein described shall be supplied by the pump manufacturer. The panel shall be factory wired, tested, color coded and installed in accordance with the latest revision of the National Electrical Code.. The wiring outside the control panel shall be water -tight rigid conduit. The Electrical Contractor shall provide the main power wiring and conduit from the power source to the control panel. The control panel shall be exterior mounted as shown on the plans in a NEMA 3R readfront weatherproof enclosure 'with a hasp and lock on the door. A circuit breaker and a magnetic starter with one leg overload protection for single phase operation shall be supplied for each pump. An alternating relay shall be provided to alternate Pumps on each successive cycle of operation. Both starters shall have the auxiliary contacts to operate both pumps during high liquid level condition. An interlock relay shall be provided to automatically ce-connect the con tr,) L i r,_u i ` i n ,3-,,� ) ~ L CC L t breaker trip on one pump. A t-,cminaL itrLE) shill be provided Ear connecting pump .znd :70nr r)L WLC— :3 incLudLng the .3Larm. A transEormt�r shaLL suppLie(i to give 3 24 vo L t con tro L circuit. H-O-A sw L tches .and . pump run Lights shaLL be suppLied for each pump. G. PIPING The pump station manufacturer shaLl furnish, install and properly support and brace all piping and valves. The discharge piping for each pump shall include a ball check valve with a hydraulically sealed discharge flange and a gate valve. The discharge from the station shall be fitted with two NPT couplings. Reference is made to Section for applicable material standards. H. START-UP AND GUARANTEE The Contractor shall make certain that permanent electric power is properly installed into the station control panel, that switch functions are properly wired and that all loose items are properly and permanently installed. The Contractor shall then arrange for the services of a qualified representative of the pump station manufacturer to check the installation, place the station into operation and give maintenance instructions. The station manufacturer's representative shall remain on the project site for whatever number of days are necessary to effect proper start-up. The pump station manufacturer shall guarantee for one (1) year from the date of initial start-up that all equipment shall be free from defects in design, materials and workmanship. The station manufacturer shall furnish and arrange installation of replacement parts proved defective, whether of his or other manufacture, during the warranty period excepting only those items which are normally consumed in service. I. COMPENSATION All work covered by this section will be paid for at the contract lump sum price for each pump station which shall include all work related to the wet well, pumps, interior piping, pump station site, ventilation system, control panels, all piping to a point 12-inches outside all structures and all appurtenant and accessory items for a complete and operable pump station. Payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all equipment, tools, labor and incidentals and performance of all work necessary to install the manholes as specified. D1V[3[()N 7 4ASTERWATE'R (_'()LLECT C,)N SYSTEM A. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SECT[oN 07230 SANITARY SEWER (FORCE MAIN) INSPECTION AND TESTING The work covered under this section shall consist of furnishing all Labor, equipment, and services for the proper inspection and testing of the sanitary sewer force main Lines installed in accordance with Section 07230. B. LINE CLEANING Prior to testing of any section(s) of the sewer force main pipe , the Contractor shall completely clean the Lines of all debris, silt, etc. The pipe shall be proved to be ready for use by the Owner and shall be proved to be in first-class condition and constructed in accordance with the drawings and specifications. The Contractor shall maintain the project, insofar as his construction .cork is concerned, in first-class condition for such time as is necessary to satisfy the Engineer that all installations are correct and acceptable. C. INSPECTION When the sewer force main shall inspect the line for provisions of the draw-ings particularly with respect D. TESTING is completed, the. Engineer conformance with the and specifications, to alignment and depth. All newly constructed sewer force main and valved sections shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure -leakage test. Each completed section of the pipeline shall be plugged at both ends and slowly filled with water. As the main is being filled with water in preparation of the test, all air shall be expelled from the pipe. The main shall be subjected to hydrostatic pressure of 100 pounds per square inch for a period of two hours unless otherwise specified. Pressure shall be applied to the main'by means of a hand pump for small lines or by use of a gasoline pump for larger lines. The rate of Leakage shalL be determined at 15-minute intervals by means of volumetric measure of the water added during the test until the rate has stabilized at the constant value Eor.three consecutive 15-minute periods. 'e,3ka•je L's 1etLn?d .;3 rho quanr_i:y r)C '.4,3r:2r to be 'iupp L ied Lnto the newLy Laid pipe, or any va Lved sect ion nuc?:s3.1r to inaLnt•ain the 5p­2cLfied L?.akage pr,assure after the pLpe has been fiLLed with water ind the air expeLL,:d. No piping instaLLatLon wiLL be iccepted unt L L the Leakage is Less than ten ( L0 ) gal Lon per inch of pipe diameter per mLLe of pipe per 24 hours. Cracked or defective pipe, joints, fittings, or valves discovered in consequence of this test shall be removed and replaced with sound materials, and the test shall be repeated until the test results are satisfactory. Precautions shall be taken to remove or otherwise protect equipment in or attached to pipe to prevent damage or injury thereto. Tests of insulated and concealed piping shall be made before the piping is covered or concealed. No leakage will be.allowed under the above tests for piping in buildings, structures or on bridges. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer when the work is ready for testing with all testing done in the presence of the Engineer: All laboi, equipment, water and materials, including meters and gauges, shall be furnished by the Contractor at his own expense. E. FINAL ACCEPTANCE The Engineer will notify the Contractor, in writing, as to the satisfactory completion of the work in any or all sections of sanitary sewer force main pipe included in the project. Upon such notification, the Contractor shall immediately remove all construction equipment, excess materials, tools, debris, etc. from the site(s) and leave the same in a neat, orderly condition acceptable to the Engineer. Final landscaping requirements and restoration of surfaces shall then be completed by the Contractor in accordance with their respective specifications and as shown on the drawings. F. .COMPENSATION There will be no specific quantities measured for the Sanitary Sewer Force Main Inspection and Testing. The cost of providing all equipment, Labor, materials, etc. required to perform the work described under this section shall be considered incidental to that work covered under other sections of these speciEl cations. DIVISION 7 SECTION 07250 WASTEWATER COLLECTIt)N SANITARY SEWER (GRAVITY) SYSTEM MATERIALS A. SCOPE C. These specifications shall apply to the materials to be furnished to complete the installation of the sanitary sewer force main lines shown on the contract drawings. All pipe and appurtenant materials shall be of the class and type as indicated on the drawings and as designated herein. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS All materials shall be first quality with smooth interior and exterior surfaces, free from cracks, blisters, honeycombs and other imperfections, and true to theoretical shapes and forms throughout. All materials shall be subject to the inspection of the Engineer at the plant, trench, or other point of delivery, for the purpose of culling and rejecting materials, which do not conform .to the requirements of these specifications. Such materials shall be marked by the Engineer and the Contractor shall remove it from the project site upon notice being received of its rejection. As particular specifications are cited, the designation shall be construed to refer to the latest revision under the same specification number, or to superseding specif-ications under a new number except provisions in revised specifications which are clearly inapplicable. DUCTILE IRON PIPE (DIP) (Standard) Ductile iron pipe shall be as manufactured in accordance with ASTM A-746, ANSI Specification A21.50 and A21.51 and shall be Class 50 unless otherwise specified on the drawings. The pipe interior shall be cement mortar lined and seal coated, standard thickness, in accordance with ANSI Specification A21.4. The exterior of all pipe shall be coated with either a coal or asphaltic base bituminous pipe coating in accordance with ANSI Specifications A21.8. Pipe shall be furnished with Slip Joints, Mechanical Joints, or Flanged Joints as indicated on the drawings and in accordance with the specifications described below: (a) SLip .Joints - This pipe joint shaLL be done by guiding the plain end of the pipe into the beL1 end untiL contact, is made with a gasket and by exerting a sufficient compressive force to drive the plain end through the gasket untLL the plain end makes EuLL contact with the base of the bell. Bells of sLip-joint pipe shall be contoured to receive a circularrubber-gasket and plain ends shall have a slight taper to facilitate installation. The circular gasket shall be furnished by the pipe manufacturer and shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI Specification A21.11. The pipe manufacturer shall also furnish the lubricant used to assist in the pipe installation. (b) Mechanical Joints - This pipe joint is essentially the same as the slip joint except it is furnished with a cast iron clamp which acts as a retainer to hold the circular rubber gasket in place. All mechanical type joints shall be furnished by the pipe manufacturer and manufactured in accordance with ANSI Specification A21.11. All bolts shall be tightened by me'ans.of torque wrenches in such a manner that the follower shall be brought up toward the pipe evenly. If effective sealing is not obtained by tightening the bolts to the specified torques, the joint shall be disassembled'and reassembled after thorough cleaning. (c) Flanged Joints - The flanged pipe joint is composed of a flat steel plate shop fitted on the threaded end of the ductile iron pipe. The flanges shall be accurately faced at right angles to the pipe axis and shall be drilled smooth and true. .Flanged joints shall be furnished with 125 lb. flanges &rilled in accordance with ANSI Specification B16.1. In general, flanged joints shall be made up with through bolts of the required size. Stud or tap bolts shall be.used only where shown or required. Gaskets for flanged joints shall be the ring type of cloth inserted rubber or rubber with a minimum thickness of 1/8 inch. Connect tng f LangeJ, sha L L be in proper a L tgnment and no externa L Eorce sha L L be used to bring them together. BoLts and gaskets �shaLL be furnished by the instaLLer of piping for joints connecting the piping with equipment, as weLL as for those between pipe and fittings, whether such equipment and piping is furnished by the instalLer or not. D. DUCTILE IRON PIPE (Alumna Lined) Ductile iron pipe shall be manufactured the same as standard specifications (ASTM A-746,.ANSI A21.50 & 21.51) with the following coatings. a. Outside Coating shall be a minimum of 1 mil red alkyd paint. The last 6 in. of spigot, including the spigot face, shall be coated with 8 mils of epoxy to prevent corrosion in the joint. All pipe to be stamped "NOT FOR POTABLE WATER." b. Inside Lining shall be a high alumina cement mortar meeting all requirements of ANSI 21.4 and Griffin Pipe Products Company or equal. The minimum lining thickness shall be 0.281,in. with tapering permitted at the ends. Alumina cement shall be cement fondu as manufactured,by LaFarge Aluminous Cement Co., Ltd., or approved equal. C. Inside Coating.shall be a standard seal coat over the high alumna cement lining. The entire inside of the socket, including the gasket cavity shall be coated with a minimum of 8 mils of epoxy to prevent corrosion in the joint. d. Whenever a thickness class of 47 through 49 is stated on the contract drawings, the pipe shall be ,subject to the manufacturer's standards and the Engineer's written approval. E. DUCTILE IRON PIPE (EPDXY LINED) Ductile iron pipe shall be manufactured the same as standard specifications (ASTM A-746, ANSI A21.50 and 21.51) with the following.coatings: a. Outside Coating shall be a minimum of 1 mil rid alkyd paint. The last 6 in. of spigot, including the spigot face, shall be coated with 8 mils of epoxy to prevent corrosion 'in the joint. All pipe to be stamped "NOT FOR POTABLE WATER." b. ZnsLde Lining shaLL be a Koppers CoaL Tar Epoxy 300 14 applied in three (3) passes 8 mit dry thickness `o a total thickness of 24 miLs. The Lining,shalL cover the entire inside surface area of the pipe socket with a minimum 8 mil dry thickness. C. Whenever a thickness class of 47 through. 49 is stated on the contract drawings, the pipe shall be subject to the manufacturer's standards and the Engineer's written approval. F. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC) G. H. Polyvinyl Chloride pipe shall be as manufactured in accordance with ASTM D-3034, latest edition, and shall be suitable for use as a gravity sanitary sewer pipe. The standard dimension ratio (SDR) shall be 35 unless otherwise specified on the contract. All polyvinyl chloride pipe integral bell and spigot of. pipe. It shall have a solid "0" ring securely locked in manufacture. VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE (VCP). joints shall be of an the same material as the cross section, with rubber place at the point of Vitrified clay pipe shall be of the extra strength type as manufactured in accordance with ASTM C-700, latest edition. All vitrified clay pipe joints shall be of the integral bell and spigot type with "O" right gaskets provided by the pipe manufacturer. REINFORCED CONCRETE SEWER PIPE (RCP) Reinforced,concrete sewer pipe shall be furnished in accordance with ASTM C-76, latest edition, and shall be suitable for use as a gravity sanitary sewer pipe. The pipe shall be Class III, wall thickness B, with spigot groove joint. The rubber "0" ring gasket shall form a flexible watertight seal at'the assembled pipe. joint and be manufactaured in accordance with ASTM C-443. The pipe manufacturer shall furnish to the Engineer certification from an independent laboratory that the alkalinity of the pipe is at least 90% calcium carbonate equivalent. Certification shall also be furnished by the pipe manufacturer stating the type of aggregate -used in the pipe. I. FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Whenever it becomes necessary to join sewer pipe lines of dissimilar materials or pipe sizes, it shall be required to use a flexible coupling. The coupling shall be made of virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) , shall not harden, and shall be impervious to all known soil conditions. The coupling shall provide a permanent leakproof seal approved by the Southern Building Code Congress and manufactured in accordance with ASTM #C-594-70. The couplings shall be as manufactured by Fernco Joint Sealer Co. or an approved equal. J. COMPENSATION Quantities of materials furnished in accordance with this section shall be considered as included in the payment for each type of pipe being installed under the contract as described under Section 07260 of these contract specifications and as shown on the drawings. DCVI�CON 7 SECT101 07220 4ASTEWATER (-'OLLECTCON SANITARY SEWER ( FORCE MAIN) SYSTEM INSTALLATION A. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work covered under this section shall consist of furnishing all Labor, equipment, and services for the installation of sanitary sewer force main piping as shown on the drawings and specified herein and in agreement with the General Conditions of these contract documents. B. HANDLING AND STORING MATERIALS The Contractor shall unload material so as to avoid deformation or other injury thereto. Material shall not be rolled or dragged over gravel or rock during handling. The Contractor shall store the appurtenances on sills above storm drainage level and deliver for installation after the trench is excavated. When any material is damaged during transporting, unloading, handling or storing, the undamaged portions may be used or; if damaged sufficiently, the Engineer will reject the material as being unfit for installation. .If any defective material is discovered after installation, 'it shall be removed and replaced with sound material or shall be repaired by the Contractor in an approved manner and at his own expense. C. PIPE ALIGNMENT AND GRADE The layout of underground sanitary sewer force main pipe lines shall be as shown on the contract drawings. The Contractor shall do a1.1 field layout work .for lines and grades from that information shown on the drawings or as furnished by the Engineer. D. PREPARATION OF PIPE FOUNDATION The pipe foundation shall be prepared to be uniformly firm and the pipe bedding shall be in accordance with the typical trench cross sections as shown on the drawings. Under no circumstances shall pipe be laid in water, on rock, or when trench conditions or weather is unsuitable for such work. The Contractor shall remove all water which may be encountered or which may accumulate in the trenches by pumping or bailing and no pipes shall be laid until the water has been removed from the trench. PIPE LAYING In .aLL cas- Ls to be LnstaLL-:�d Ln strL-;r_ ic(--,:)rdance wLtn the manufacturer' -3 recommenda- ions and th-2 contract_ ;nateriaL specLELcations. The Engineer may augment any manufacturer's LnstaLL.ation recommendations, in his OOLnLOn, it wiLL best serve the interest of the Owner. Pipe shall be Laid with bell ends EacLng in the direction of pLpelaying, unless directed otherwise by the Engineer. In all cases, pipe is to be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and"the contract material specifications. The Engineer may augment any manufacturer's installation recommendations if, in his opinion, it will best serve the interest of the Owner. Proper tools, implements, and facilities satisfactory to the Engineer shall be provided and used for the safe and convenient prosecution of pipe laying. All pipe and other materials used in the laying of pipe will be lowered into the trench piece by piece by means of suita.ale equipment in such a manner to prevent damage to the pipe, materials, to the protective coating on the pipe materials, and to provide a safe working condition to all personnel in the trench. Each piece of pipe being lowered into the trench shall be clean, sound and free from defects. It shall be laid on the prepared foundation, as specified elsewhere to produce a straight line on a uniform grade, each pipe being laid so as to form a smooth and straight inside flow line. Pipe shall be removed at any time if broken, injured or displaced in the process of laying same, or of backfilling.the trench. When cutting short lengths of pipe, a pipe cutter as approved by the Engineer will be used and care will be taken to make the cut at right angles to the centerline of the pipe or on the exact skew as shown on the plans. In the case of push -on pipe, the cut ends shall be tapered with a portable grinder, or coarse file to match the manufactured taper. During times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of pipe shall be:closed and no trench water o.r other material shall be permitted to enter the pipe. Where the pipe is laid on a grade of 10 percent or greater, the laying shall start at the bottom of the slope and proceed upward with the bell end of the new pipe upgrade. All pipe Laid on a grade of 10 percent or greater shall require thrust blocking and keying as shown on the drawings and standard details. +there pipe Lines of dLEE-2r-2nt mar_.�ri-aLs ar•-3 joLnad .ogtithec, •3 standacd sewer repa L r eoupL Lng s, •a L L be used. The croup L L rigs sha L L be Eas i-acn S tanda raj Sewer Repa L r CoupLLngs (:Mission Rubber Company), she Fernco Jotnt Sea Le r Company, or an equal p rodur_ r_ approved by the Eng L lee r . During times when pipe Laying Ls not Ln progress, the open ends of the.pipe shall be closed and no trench water or other material shall be permitted to enter the pipe. All pipe laid on a grade of 10 percent or greater shall require thrust blocking and keying as shown on the drawings and standard details. F. FITTINGS INSTALLATION All plugs, caps, tees, bends, and other Eittings shall be provided with adequate thrust blocks. Thrust blocks shall be constructed to the minimum dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed. Thrust Blocks shall be made of concrete having a compressive strength of 28 days of 3,000 psi and shall bear directly against the undisturbed trench wall. Where possible, the backing shall be so placed that the fitting joints will be accessible for repair.. All bolts and pipe joints shall be protected against contact with thrust. block concrete by the installation of a polyethylene film placed between the fittings and the poured concrete. Where any section of a main is provided with concrete thrust blocks', the hydrostatic pressure test shall not be made until three days after installation of the concrete thrust blocks unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Where trench conditions are, in the opinion of the Engineer, unsuitable for thrust blocks, the Contractor shall provide steel tie rods and socket clamps to adequately anchor the piping. All tie rods and clamps shall be given a bituminous protective coating or shall be galvanized. Concrete for thrust blocks shall consist of a mix of Portland Cement, Eine.and coarse 'aggregate, and water to produce concrete with a minimum compressive strength at 28 days or not less than 3,000 psi when tested in accordance with ASTM Specifications C-39 or C-42. Sakrete or any similar material will not be permitted under any circumstances. �. HACKFILLING AL L bac{E i L L sha L L be (::ompact?d ao .-1s nit t,D iamage the pip.- and appurt-�!naric-2s and shall be compacted to 95 oecc--nr_ of the Standard Pcocr_oc Test Ear the vacLous ~ypes of backELLL mat�rLaLs. Methods of backELLLing shall be in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. ALL backf LL1 materials shall have been approved by the Engineer. Select backfill material shall be used when requested by the Engineer. Select material shall be defined as a finely graded material free from stones over 1/2 inch in diameter, pLastLc clays, organic material, frozen lumps and various debris and shall be approved by the Engineer prior to its installation. Care shall be taken during backfill and compaction operations to maintain alignment and prevent damage to the joints. All pipe backfill areas shall be graded and maintained in such a condition that erosion or saturation will not damage the pipe bed or backfill. Heavy equipment shall not be operated over any pipe until it has been properly backfilled and has a minimum cover as required by the plans. Where any part of the required cover is above the proposed finish grade, the Contractor shall place, maintain, and finally remove such material at no cost to the Owner. Pipe which becomes mis-aligned, shows excessive settlement, or has been otherwise damaged by the Contractor's operations shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall maintain all pipes installed in a condition that they will function continuously from the time the pipe is installed until the project is accepted. H. GATE VALVE AND VALVE BOX INSTALLATION When shown on the contract drawings, a standard gate valve shall be installed in the sanitary force main. Before setting each valve, the Contractor shall make sure the interior is clean and shall test the valve for proper opening and closing. Valves shall beset with stems plumb, unless horizontal installation is called for on the drawings, and at the exact location(s) shown on the drawings. A standard type valve box shall be LnstaLLed over teach under,3round sanitary sewer force main valve. ALL valve :boxes shall be set plumb with their top set flush with the finished grade.. Trench backfLLL shaLL be properly tamped for a distance of three (3) feet on each side of the valve and valve box. I. SEWAGE AIR RELIEF VALVE INSTALLATION A sanitary sewage air relief valve shall be installed at the exact Locations shown on the contract drawings. A standard air relief valve installation as shown in detail in the contract drawings shall consist of the force main tap, air relief valve, precast concrete manhole sections, and standard heavy duty iron frame and cover. J. COMPENSATION Quantities of sewer force main pipe, gate valves and air relief valves installed in accordance with the requirements of this section shall be verified in the field by the Engineer. Payment shall be made for the total number of lineal feet of pipe installed, for each -gate valve and valve box installed, and for each sewage air relief valve installation at the respective unit prices bid for the item. Price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all equipment, tools, labor, and materials to complete the work as specified. DIVISION 7 SECT[oN 072L0 WASTEWATER COLLECTION SANITARY SEWER ( FORCE MAIN) SYSTEM MATERIALS A. SCOPE These specifications shall apply to the materLals to be furnished to complete the installation of the sanitary sewer -force main Lines shown on the project drawings. All pipe and appurtenant materials shall be of the class and type as indicated on the drawings and as designated herein. B..-'GENERAL REQUIREMENTS All materials shall be first quality with smooth interior and exterior surfaces, free from cracks, blisters, honeycombs and other imperfections, and true to theoretical shapes and forms throughout. All materials shall be subject to the inspection of the Engineer at the plant, trench, or other point of delivery, for the purpose of culling and rejecting materials, which co not conform to the requirements of these specifications. Such materials shall be marked by the Engineer and the Contractor shall remove it from the project site upon notice being received of its rejection. As particular specifications are cited, the designation shall be construed to refer to the latest revision under the.same specification number, or to superseding specifications under a new number except provisions in revised specifications which are clearly inapplicable. C. DUCTILE IRON PIPE (DIP) Ductile iron pipe shall be as manufactured in accordance with ASTM A-746, ANSI Specification A21.50 and A21.51 and AWWA Standard C-151 and shall be Class 50 unless otherwise specified on the drawings. The exterior of all pipe shall be coated with either a coal or asphaltic base bituminous pipe coating in accordance with ANSI Specifications A21.8. Pipe shall be furnished with Slip Joints, Mechanical Joints, or Flanged Joints as indicated on the drawings and in accordance with the specifications described below: (.3) SLip .Joints - This pipa ](DL,nt ihaLL be .1(.)n by -juL,iLng the plain end :)E the pipe Lnto tie b.�LL -2nd until contact is nada with a Ala-3k,-2-t ind ,9 SUCCLcLent compressive Co,rce to •iriv•-� !:he plain -2nd through the gasket un': L L the plain en-d maKes Cull contact with the base of the beLL. BeLLs of slip -joint pipe shall be contoured to receive a circular rubber gasket and plain ends shall have a slight taper to facilitate installation. The circular gasket shall be furnished by the pipe manufacturer and shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI Specification A21.1L. The pipe manufacturer shall also furnish the lubricant used to assist in the pipe installation. (b) Mechanical Joints - This pipe -joint is essentially the same as the slip joint except it is furnished with a cast iron clamp which acts as a retainer to hold the circular rubber gasket in place. All mechanical type joints shall be_: furnished by the pipe manufacturer and manufactured in accordance with ANSI Specification A21.11. All bolts shall be tightened by means of torque wrenches in such a manner that the follower shall be brought up toward the pipe evenly. If effective sealing is not obtained by tightening the bolts to the specified torgues, the joint shall be' disassembled and reassembled after thorough cleaning. (c). Restrained Joints - This pipe joint is a mechanical type joint with a factory welded low alloy, high strength steel ring, ductile iron restraining flange, and high strength bolts. This presents a positive locking system that prevents joint separation. All pipe and joints are ductile iron manufactured in accordance with the requirements of ANSI A21.11. (d) Flanged Joints - The flanged pipe joint is composed of a flat steel plate shop fitted on the threaded end of the ductile iron pipe. The flanges shall be accurately faced at right angles to the pipe axis and shall be drilled smooth and true. - Flanged joints shall be furnished with L25 Lb. flanges drilled in accordance with ANSI Specification B16.1. In general, fLanged joints ihaLL be made •with through bolts of the requLred size. stud or tao boLts shaLL be used onLy where ihown oc r�yuLr�d. Gaskets for ELanged joints shaLL be the ring type of cLoth inserted rubber or rubber with a minimum thickness of L/8 inch. Connecting flanges shall be in proper alignment and no external force shaft be used to bring them together. Bolts and gaskets shall be furnished by the installer of piping for joints connecting the piping with equipment, as well as for those between pipe and fittings, whether such equipment_ and piping is furnished by the installer or not. D. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC) Polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be as manufactured in accordance with ASTM D-2241, latest edition, and shall be suitable for use as a sanitary sewer force main pipe. The standard dimension ratio (SDR) shall 'be 21 or 26 as shown on the contract drawings. All polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be of an integral bell and spigot of the same material as the pipe. It shall have a solid cross section, with rubber "O" ring securely locked in place,at the point of manufacture. Where PVC pipe is installed in iron pipe size (IPS), and IPS gasket shall be furnished with each fitting to insure compatability. E. GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE AND FITTINGS Galvanized steel (mill) pipe shall be manufactured in accordance.with ANWA Standard C202 and ASTM.A370. The pipe is to be seamless (weldless) tubular steel pipe manufactured in straight standard length (+21 feet). Each length shall be subjected to an internal hydrostatic pressure test by the manufacturer. The Engineer may request certified copies of- the testing results for the pipe purchased for this project. Unless otherwise stated in the bid schedule or noted on the drawings, the diameter shall mean the nominal inside diameter of pipe as covered by the applicable section(s) of AWWA C-202. The maximum working water pressure, including water hammer allowance for this. pipe material shall be taken as 250 psi. ALL pipe lengths shaLL be Nat: i-:)naL Standari Thread (,NSPT) 3t the point DE manucacture. :her- other end orepar•ition is required, it •ihaLL be ;0-2CLEied on the. eontrac _ drawings. F. FITTINGS Whenever the sanitary sewer force main has a significant change in alignment or grade, it will be necessary to furnish and install a Eitting made of either cast/ductile iron or galvanized steel. The specifications for the force main fittings are described below: (a) Cast Iron/Ductile Iron - All cast iron and.ductile iron fittings shall be mechanical joint manufactured in accordance with ANSI Specification A-.21.1 and AWWA Standard C-110 for underground piping. The interior of the fittings shall be cement mortar lined and seal coated in accordance with ANSI Specifications A21.4 and AWWA C-104. (b) Galvanized Steel - See Section 07210.5 G. GATE VALVES All gate valves shall be designed for a working pressure of 200 psi unless otherwise specified and shall have a clear waterway equal to the full nominal diameter of the pipe and shall be opened by turning counterclockwise. Each valve shall have the initials of the maker, pressure rating and year of manufacture cast on the body. Prior to shipment from the factory, each valve shall be tested by hydraulic pressure equal to twice the specified working pressure. Valves shall be operated by handwheel or operating nut as herein specified and shall have an arrow cast in the metal indicating the direction of opening. Valves to be installed underground shall be non -rising stem type while valves installed above ground or in buildings and structures shall have rising stems. (a) Gate Valves Larger than 2-Inches Gate valves larger than 2-inches shall. be of the iron body, bronze mounted type meeting the requirements set forth in AWWA Specification C-500. Valves shall have double discs, rolled bronze stems, cast iron followers, and steel bonnet bolts and nuts. Where possible, all valves shall be from one manufacturer and parts interchangeable. Valves to be installed underground ShaLL be non -rising stem type with 2-inch Square operating nut. Gate valves Located inside structures shalt be supplied with hand wheels .and have -LSing Stems. H. SEWAGE AIR VACUUM RELIEF VALVES The air/vacuum release valve shall be designed specifically for use on sanitary sewer pressure (force) mains. It shall exhaust large volumes of air which may be present in a system during filling of the main or on pump start-up. It shall also allow re-enter when the system is drained intentionally or due to a break in the main (prevents vacuum from forming). The valve shall feature stainless steel trim as standard manufacture with stainless steel floats, buria-N seating and cast iron housing. I. FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Whenever it becomes necessary to join sewer pipe lines of dissimilar materials or pipe sizes, it shall be required to use a flexible coupling. The coupling shall be made of virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC), shall not harden, and shall be impervious to all known soil conditions. The coupling shall provide a permanent leakproof seal approved by the Southern Building Code Congress and manufactured in accordance with ASTM #C-594-70. The couplings shall be as manufactured by Fernco Joint Sealer Co. or an approved equal. J. COMPENSATION Quantities of materials furnished in accordance with this section shall be considered as included in the payment for each type item being installed under the contract as described under Section of these contract specifications and as shown on the drawings.