HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0049174_Wasteload Allocation_19910812NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0049174 PERMITTEE NAME: Smoketree Lodge / Smoketree Lodge Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Major Minor Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: 0.021 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): 100 % Industrial (% of Flow): Comments: Refer : Basinwide / Streamline WLA File Completed By Permits & Engineering At Front Of Subbasin RECEIVING STREAM: unnamed tributary to Watauga River Class: B-Trout - NQL4) 3,/077) Sub -Basin: 04-02-01 Reference USGS Quad: C 11 NE (please attach) County: Watauga Regional Office: 4igatti-'iiegionalOffice Previous Exp. Date: 12/31/91 Treatment Plant Class: II Classification changes within three miles: Requested by: ,, Angela Y. Griffin Date: 5/22/91 Prepared by: �� / �Q Date: /9 / Reviewed vl � (�� Date: n� j 5 7 s.p:s r - la s 2 3, / rEmaJ EC) Modeler Date Rec. # ►. 5t24 g l (0 2-1og Drainage Area (mil ) !/ Avg. Streamflow (cfs): 7Q10 (cfs) 0,0 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 0, 0 30Q2 (cfs) Toxicity Limits: IWC Instream Monitoring: Parameters Upstream Downstream Y % Acute/Chronic Location Location 3 uv Fur- (Ef ylirs 1 R G, 3 0, 0 Effluent Characteristics imMt�,, N ,r e ; BOD5 (mg/1) 30 5. /o NH3-N (mg/1) n„l i / 8 D.O. (mg/1) 6 G TSS (mg/1) 30 30 3 c, F. Col. (/100 ml) 200 Zoo zo,, pH (SU) &-g (,-g 6-`i pioa„,„f 6,5(9 /7 /7 /7- P LOP ED f IdL ROAD CLASSIFICATION PRIMARY HIGHWAY HARD SURFACE SECONDARY HIGHWAY HARD SURFACE ' LIGHT -DUTY ROAD, HARD OR IMPROVED SURFACE UNIMPROVED ROAD Latitude 36°08'07" Longitude 81 °48'58" Map # C11 NE Sub -basin 040201 Stream Class B-Trout HOW Discharge Class Receiving Stream 6,10,13 UT to Watauga River Design Q Q.o1 MGM Permit expires 9/30/02 • SCALE 1:24 000 0 0 1 0 1 MILE 7000 FEET 1 KILOMETER CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET Smoketree Lodge NC0049174 Watauga County Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Smoketree Lodge NC0049174 Domestic - 100% Existing Renewal UT Watauga River B Tr 040201 Watauga WSRO Griffin 5/24/91 C11NE Request # 6268 Stream Characteristic: USGS # Date: Drainage Area (mi2): Summer 7Q10 (cfs): Winter 7Q10 (cfs): Average Flow (cfs): 30Q2 (cfs): IWC (%): RECEIVED N.C. Dept. NRCD J U L 3 0 1991 Winston-Salem Regional Office 0347871890 7/86 0.11 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 IV2) Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) Facility discharges to stream with 7Q10 and 30Q2 = O. Removal of discharge�ii recommended in three years or new limits (page 2) will apply at that time. Facility must submit ax-engineering report within 12 months of the effective date of this permit showing no alternatiTto surface water discharge. Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: Recommended by: Reviewed by Instream Assessment: 0/OIL >/-1Z?/14.d-titgerri Regional Supervisor: .. £). Cott- Permits & Engineering: Date: 7/18/91 _ Date: Date: 1' Date: Zi( ric AUG 20 RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: 2 Existing Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Col. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (µg/1): Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Recommended Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Col. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (14/1): Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Limits Changes Due To: Change in 7Q10 data New regulations/standards New procedures New facility information Change in stream classification Other CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Monthly Average Summer Winter 0.021 30 nr 6 30 1000 6-9 2 For three years: After three years: Monthly Average Monthly Average Summer Winter WQ or EL Summer Winter WQ or EL 0.021 30 nr 6 30 200 6-9 17 Parameter(s) Affected Zero flow procedure 5.0 10.0 WQ 1.0 1.8 WQ 6.0 6.0 WQ 30.0 30.0 WQ 200.0 200.0 WQ 6.0 - 9.0 6.0 - 9.0 WQ 17.0 17.0 WQ X Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. OR No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. 2 INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: 100 ft. upstream of discharge Downstream Location: 300 ft. downstream of discharge Parameters: Temperature, DO, fecal coliform, conductivity Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Adequacy of Existing Treatment Has the facility demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No If no, which parameters cannot be met? Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? Special Instructions or Conditions Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) (Y or N) (If yes, then attach schematic, to)dcs spreadsheet, copy of model, or, if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. STREAM DATA INSTREAM SELF -MONITORING DATA MONTHLY AVERAGES Discharger: �m.ok1'fi'Ct Receiving Stream: UTc,I,4-far.(g Upstream Location: 5"o� p; DATE Dec-91 Nov-91 Oct-91 Sep-91 Aug-91 Jul-91 Jun-91 May-91 Apr-91 Mar-91 Feb-91 Jan-91 Dec-90 Nov-90 Oct-90 Sep-90 Aug-90 Jul-90 Jun-90 May-90 Apr-90 Mar-90 Feb-90 Jan-90 Dec-89 Nov-89 Oct-89 Sep-89 Aug-89 Jul-89 Jun-89 May-89 Apr-89 Mar-89 Feb-89 Jan-89 TEMP D.O. COND. Permit No. Sub -basin: Downstream Location: %P.> / 4:. FECAL COLT. /5:,r' /..S' <32- /2,3 (p.7 S) ''- _ 7, 7 5D 2 7,s 5-0 13 ?-0 1so 7, S 5; S' <-20 %,3 L, 3 //3 7,3 4, s .e.7 22 6,3 / % 7, 3 / i 5: % _I8 -4 /0 /6 g. 3 57 /2,7 6•3 9 ff•S 53 za 7,6 9:3 <29 .z s3 =.0 j b. J Zr) /3 ‘;..6 ?� /1s c,7 /7 9 4,0 s /g 7, Z /7.S" a, 3 /5 5,,5 la, 3 6.5 S ce / TEMP D.O. COND. FECAL CO /5"."5.- 6,7 c3_ /2, .) 6,, 5-o /,/-- 1./ 5-0 i 7,7 S' 573 9. S" 3 / Y, 3 7,3 5-0 7-9" s 7 ,z/7 /3,3 6•5' 77 /6, 3 a. 7 4a 22 6, s- <2,6 7 3 /37 /7� / J. / L/t7 /b 4 S 5% /2,S ,S` 7 ,. s" S 20 7,e - 4 zo 76 ,,4 <zv ;Z S,5' <2 a 1 d, S Lo /3 ,0 2v /$, .s c' , 7 /SS' /7, f 6, if 6 /7 7,7 0 /7, 3- 6,s 4or / - 57 3 /t- /23 1,8 o /f of /L /0 c,Y S 7,, , o Page 1 ;erkrf' •1t M.p }brksnr<1 Qom_ mio o7t,sc4) C.N.p. d) fr.,• 041E MLP Swvextrtt t rt o.oxi Mcp X ht fr'(r, 14.0. q,- s.s 2rAro / Kt4 -t 4T kJ. Qwso.oroMcp ..11114st 44, q l mys MC. W A TA U GA . P f�^1 Pi . X 10 St+y, t js 4w/t- ow, 0,01440 Rivet.' min di H60 (V ari—a_ v hI J t✓ 1,4S r .� _ c�1 L,44, f r c- CQlow vrlh 'pmfvti. I Iry ��J t:Idd4.. J.11,, G1.4:OA2 Rf`3 o Has Tr /71/4 /16---t- (toix,4,...el- T? eJ 1 O �►- 7/0-f/y .G zca f � x , GKEX88/MP `. COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALY%I% REPORT 05/22/9i PAGE i PERMIT--NCOO49i74 PIPE--O0i REPORT PER%OD- 8804-8903 LOC---E ^FACILITY--%MOKETREE LODGIE DE%I�N FLOW-- .02i0 CLA%%.... ... 2 LOCl- ATION-.... BOONE REON/COUNTY.... .... 04 WACT AUGA 50O50 003i0 0O530 006i0 3i616 50O6O 0O3OO 000i0 MONTH Q/M�D BOD RE%/T%% NH3+NH4- FIE(] COLI CHLORINE DO TEMP LIMIT 88/O4 88/05 F .02i0 F .0O40 3O.00 F 3O.0 NOL F 1000.0 F 2.000 F 6.00 NOL 5.8 .40 4.0 .0O0 6^40 11100 .O08O 3.00 19.i BE A. .O060 4.20 88/08 .0090 2.00 6.9 .53 70 .i0 .O .000 6.70 i4.40 1i0 .00O 6.9O i5.60 . 6'0 .3D00 8.30 17.60 88/09 .0060 2.3O 6.8 .i5 4.0 .00O 10.50 17.219 88/10 ^0047 2.40 6.9 LE%%THAN '.0 .000 5^90F 15.00 88/ii 88/i2 89/Oi 89/O2 .003O i.80 .007O 3.60 5.5 25.5 .i0 .iO .O .00O 6^4O - i4^8O O .O00 6^00 9^00 .0 ii2.0 .2O .0 ^O00 6.20 9.7O 0O65 2. .0060 4.20 i4.0 LE%%THAN .0 .000 6.40 i0.O0 89/03 .0058 2.70 3.8 LES%THAN .O .000 6.30 i4.50 AVERAGE ^0O60 2.86 10.6 .22 2.2 ^000 6.90 i3.52 MAXIMUM ^0090 4.20 25.5 .53 ii.O .... .... .... .... .... .... _.... i0.50 17.60 MINIMUM ^0030 i.80 3.8 LE%%THAN .0 .000 5.90 9.00 UNIT M�D MG/L MG/L MG 'I... #/i0OML M�/L MC/L DE�.0 ^ CUKEX88/MP `. , ` COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALY%I% REPORT 05/22/9i PAE 2 PERMIT--NC0049i74 PIPE--0Oi REPORT PERIOD� 8804-8903 LOC---E ^FACILITY--%MOKETREE LOD�E DE%I�N FLOW-- .O2i0 CLA%%--2 LOCATION .... .... BOONE REGION/COUNTY.... .... 04 WATAUG,A MONTH 004OO PH LIMIT 9.0 6.0 88/04 6^5-6.2 88/05 6.(El .... 6.6 88/06 6.8.... 6.5 88/08 6^8.... 6.7 88/09 6.5-6.4 0 6.7-6.7 6.5-6.4 88/i2 6.8.... 6.7 89/Oi 6.9-6.9 89/02 6.7-6.6 89/03 6.9-6.8 AVERAC;E MAXIMUM 6.900 MINIMUM 6.2O0 UNIT %U ,^ ^ GKEX88/MP `. COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALYSIS REPORT 05/22/9i PAGE i PERMIT--NC0049i74 PIPE--OOi REPORT PERIOD: 8904-9003 LOC---E ` ACILITY--%MOKETREE LODGE DESIGN FLOW-- .0210 CLASS--2 LOCATION--BOONE REGION/COUNTY--04 WATAUGA 50050 00310 00530 00610 31616 50060 00300 00000 MONTH Q/MGD BOD RE%/T%% NH3+NH4- FEC COLI CHLORINE DO TEMP LIMIT F .0210 F 30.00 F 3O.0 NOL F 1000.0 F 2.000 F 6.00 NOL 89/04 .0060 LE%%THAN i7.0 LE%%THAN .O .000 6.70 14.50 89/05 .0029 .00 4.2 LE%%THAN i5.0 .00O 6.30 17.5O 89/06 .0047 LE%%THAN 7.0 LE%%THAN 299.0 .00O 6.50 19.8O 89/07 .0030 2.30 9.2 .iO iii.O .00O 6.50 20.00 89/88 .0024 2.10 23.0 LE%%THAN 8.0 .000 6.90 i9.60 89/09 .0038 2.60 i9.O .i5 4.0 .00O 7.00 19.30 89/10 .0823 1.65 9.5 LE%%THAN 20.0 .00O 6.60 i5.00 89/11 .0027 i.55 12.5 .iO 20.0 .000 6.70 9.50 8902 .0035 28.0 .20 20.0 .00O 6.30 3.30 90/01 .0Oi7 i.60 5.5 .iO LE%%THAN .00O 5.78F 8.63,) 90/02 .0035 1.15 i8.5 .10 20.0 .00O 6.80 90/03 .0020 2.00 17.9 .1O 28.0 .00O 6.30 9.50 AVERAGE .0032 1.73 14.2 .i2 49.5 .00O 6.47 13.61 MAXIMUM .0060 2.60 28.0 .20 299.0 ________ 7.00 20.00 MINIMUM .0017 LE%%THAN 4.2 LE%%THAN LE%%THAN .00O 5.70 3.30 UNIT MGD MG/L MG/L MG/L 0/100ML MG/L MG/L DEG.,':.'.* . ^ GKEX88/MP `^ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALY%I% REPORT 05/22/91 PAGE 2 FIE RMIT-_NCO049i74 PIPE--00i REPORT PERIOD: 8904-9003 LOC------ E ^rACILITY--%MOKETREE LODGE DE%I�N FLOW-- .0210 CLA%�--2 LOCATION-~BOONE RECION/COUNTY--O4 WATAUGA 00400 MONTH PH LIMIT 9.0 6.0 89/04 6.8-6.6 89/05 7^2-7.0 89/06 7.0-6^9 89/07 6.9--- 6.6 89/08 6.8.... 6^7 89/09 6.9.... 6.8 89/i06^8-6^7 89/11 6^8-6.8 89/12 6.9-6.8 90/01 6.8-6.7 90/02 6^8-6.8 90/03 6.8-6.6 AVERAGE MAXIMUM 7.200 MINIMUM 6.600 UNIT %U '` « �KEX88/MP ^. COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALYSIS REPORT O5/22/9i PACE i . PERMIT--NC0049i74 PIPE--OOi REPORT PERIOD: 9004-003 LOC--- E FACILITY--%MOKETREE LODGE DESIGN FLOW-- .0210 CLASS--2 LOCATION--BOONE REGION/COUNTY--04 WATAUGA 50050 00310 00530 00610 0616 50060 00300 000iO MONTH Q/MGD BOD RE%/T%% NH3+NH4- FEC COLI CHLORINE DO TEMP LIMIT F .0210 F 30.00 F 30.0 NOL F 1000.0 F 2.000 F 6.00 NOL 90/04 .0028 1.35 8.5 LE%%THAN 63.0 .O80 5.5OF i3.0.) 90/05 .0036 .55 2.5 LE%%THAN 470.0 5.70F 17.20 90/06 .0042 LE%%THAN 5.0 LE%%THAN LE%%THAN 'O8O 6.08 19.2O 90/07 .0049 2.40 10.5 .35 10.0 .00O 6.10 22.00 90/08 .0035 LE%%THAN 6.2 LE%%THAN LE%%THAN .000 7.40 22.50 90/09 .0031 LE%%THAN i.5 .iO LE%%THAN .00O 6.50 20.2O 90/10 .0029 1.00 8.5 .20 LE%%THAN .00O i5.50 90/ii .0017 2.60 i3.5 .i5 LES%THAN .000 5.30F ii.50 90/12 .0045 2.10 i8.5 .30 71.0 .00O 6.70 9i/Oi .0028 i.iO 3.5 .i0 3i.O .00O 6.50 6.30 91/02 .0036 .50 6.0 .30 20.0 .00O 6.80 9.3O 91/03 .0049 1.50 19.0 .30 3i.O .00O 6.70 12.50 AVERAGE .0035 1.45 8.6 .22 99.4 .0O0 6.39 14.93 MAXIMUM .0049 2.60 19.0 .35 470.0 ________ 7.40 22.50 MINIMUM .0017 LE%%THAN i.5 LE%%THAN LE%%THAN .O00 5.30 6.30 UNIT MGD MG/L MG/L MG/L 0000ML MG/L MG/L DEG.0 GI X88/MP ^^ , ` COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALY%I% REPORT 05/22/9i PAGE 2 . PERMIT--NC0049174 PIPE-~00i REPORT PERIOD: 9004--- 9iO3 LOC.... ... -E FA( ILITY.... .... %MOKETREE LODGE DE%IGN FLOW-- ^ON0 CLASS .... .... 2 LOCATION ...... BOONE N/COUNTY--04 WATAU�A 004O0 MONTH PH LIMIT 9.0 6.0 9O/04 90/05 7.0-6.9 90/06 6.7-6.6 90/07 6'8.... 6.7 90/08 90/09 6.9-6.8 90/i0 6`8-6^7 90/11 6.9-6.8 9O/12 6.9.... 6.7 91/01 6.9-6.7 91/02 6.8-6.7 9i/03 6.9-6.8 AVERA�E MAXIMUM 7.O00 MINIMUM 6.500 UNIT %U cc: Technical Support Branch Permits and Engineering County Health Dept. Central Files WSRO Date June 4, 1991 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS County Watauga NPDES Permit No. NC0049174 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: Smoketree Lodge P. 0. Box 3407 Boone, N.C. 28607 Cry= VED 31,,.`, 5 1991 2. Date of Investigation: May 29, 1991 3. Report Prepared by: Jim Johnston 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Rusty Trammel (704) 254-5169 5. Directions to Site: On Hwy 105 north of Boone just past NC SR 1598 6. Discharge Point - Latitude: 360 08' 07" Longitude: 810 48' 58" Attach a USGS Map Extract and indicated treatment plant site and discharge point on map. USGS Quad No. C11NE or USGS Quad Name Valle Crucis, N.C. 7. Size (land available for expansion and upgrading): Approximately 2 acres. 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): Mountainous - not subject to flooding 9. Location of nearest dwelling: Approximately 150 feet 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: UT to Watauga River a. Classification: B-Trout HQW b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: 04-02-01 c. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: Fishing, Swimming, Recreation PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. Type of wastewater: 100% Domestic % Industrial a. Volume of Wastewater: .021 MGD b. Types and quantities of industrial wastewater: N/A c. Prevalent toxic constituents in wastewater: N/A d. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): in development should be required approved not needed 2. Production rates (industrial discharges only) in pounds: a. highest month in the last 12 months b. highest year in last 5 years 3. Description of industrial process (for industries only) and applicable CFR Part and Subpart: N/A 4. Type of treatment (specify whether proposed or existing): Bar screen, aeration basin, clarifier, chlorination and step dechlorination. 5. Sludge handling and disposal scheme: Septic Tank Hauler 6. Treatment plant classification: II 7. SIC Code(s) 4952 Wastewater Code(s) 06 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grants Funds (municipals only)? 2. Special monitoring requests: 3. Additional effluent limits requests: 4. Other: Stream changed from C-Trout to B-Trout HOW PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that this permit be renewed in accordance with Division Policy. g.al--u CC91-e n ture o eport preparer (7 .D- 6,411,, Water Quality Supervisor • '1• it .• • :-, Bowers G� p 4e• • • • • / 1.. • / _ •/ .• L • .ww • • .L, White Rock , • t,7-4? - ..• .„ . • ---. a..• . A : r. •. •-• L—' •j•'•r"•r• i •• • •t •% • to i • •�` Zj///I• ��. 111 .! ; ••. • =_ 'anal "Rock • - j J.Y' .•/ ,. r ��t • •a.= /*.:. -.. • /• �► ,!'. ••fir ! •. ,off .'•.l • /a 1 , '•1 '4O _ ••cam • 1.I •; • ' • • it ,•• , . •/f /:-. -fA•... ,ifir..-.ti%i'• ; ♦ Z ..n • . f,• • ,' I• •• J." /• `�-�•', G 1.4 77 Hanging Rock Gao - �1^ G •,c 1.4 i s,' 4¢7+ �'4f!46• `. x • :es:es ° ' �scop! tAf c 50,61870, •• it