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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220413 Ver 1_Copper District Project - Phase 1 DWR#20220413_SAW-2020-02050_20220512Good afternoon, I am beginning my review of the above referenced project, and in order to complete the review, some additional information is required: 1. The purpose of this project is unclear. No building envelopes are shown to demonstrate the need for the project and to show how wetlands, streams, and buffers impacts are necessary or why impacts cannot be further avoided and minimized. The roads seem to go to nowhere. Please provide additional details and if necessary, provide revised plans with building envelopes shown. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(1) & 15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)(9)] 2. The impact maps (Figures 6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4) are showing up as black and white images that make it difficult to differentiate the impacts. Please submit impact maps that clearly show the impacts. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)(9)] 3. Figures 2, 3, and 4 were also showing up as black and white images that make it difficult to see the parcel outlines indicated. Please resubmit. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)(9)] 4. Sheet Number C5.3 shows a rip rap dissipators in both the wetlands below the pond and to the NE of the roundabout. However, these areas appear to be outside of the LOD on Figure 6.1 (and the one has a note that says “Linework in CAD for graphical purposes, no disturbance to wetland outside LOD.” Are rip rap dissipator pads in surface waters planned at these or any other locations? Are these impacts included in the amounts shown in the PCN? Please provide more details. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(1)] 5. How is hydrology to be maintained between the pond & wetland by the pond and the rest of wetland W3 on the other side of the roundabout? Would it enter the site’s stormwater collection system instead? Linework is unclear and sometimes obstructed by call-out text. Would the small wetland feature by the pond become isolated? Is a culvert being used? Please provide additional details. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(3)] 6. Please provide additional information on why the Zone 1 temporary construction access. It appears that this impact could be avoided by accessing the pond from the west side of the stream as only the western side of the pond appears to have proposed grading impacts. [15A NCAC 02B .0611(b)(2)(A)] 7. It is not clear from the profile view how deeply the culvert would be installed. Please provide more details, including a cleaner illustration. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(c)] 8. Many fill slopes adjacent to wetlands, such as the large stormwater BMP and the pump station pad below Road B for instance, seem to tie into wetland edges. It is unclear if wetlands are impacted. Please provide additional information. Are retaining walls used? [15A NCAC 02H .0502(c)] 9. Can you please provide additional details concerning the temporary stream impacts? I am having a difficult time finding the dewatering and diversion plans. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(c)] 10. Please provide additional information showing the separation between the Site 3 Roadway Impacts and Site 3 Grading/Revegetation impacts. Roadway impacts amounts are very close to 1/3 of an acre. [15A NCAC 02B .0714(11)] 11. The application states that a Statement of Availability from Falling Creek Stream and Wetland Umbrella Mitigation Bank is attached, but I do not see it. Please provide a Statement of Availability. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(c)] As a note, my computer is struggling with the 1 GB “LUMEN CD SUBMITTAL FINAL” 119 page file, even in Laserfiche. If you need to point me to a particular page or section of that file, could you please send me just those particular pages? The Supplemental Information Form is still the easiest way for me to receive large files (make sure to choose “More Information Response” and then please send me a quick email to let me know you submitted it. LF will send me an email to tell me I have new information to review, but the automatic email won’t tell me what project). Small files are fine through email. Thanks! Colleen Cohn Environmental Specialist II North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Office: 919-791-4258 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 潟ꇃ틳呶 뭊鐅ϓ烯፷㒈ㆫ鑞阞錰寠ᑋ嶯勋ቷી㘰င﷐鰼സ敻毢㾚폭辛 ꐹ蝵貴͒躠⊥뱹᫧趻㜾毠މ枢ퟬ櫚㘰င惖촰銷즆솓ꍏ척 멅﹂皲閚謹챑�阔탯엤雑肉ᜳ좌轵쩐㘰င뗘㛻梄ɢ텵b꫒㟞 轰斔굮ᙷ㠳㝛햷羏눐ኌ摬蚧옛뙫쑧㘰င䛺糎薻듏1ㅵऺ׮ ꁈ씋說쁱鏁ઋ햲咛麆Ę磳帝툜醓脰ʱĂ、ꢁ㘰င쭨끂㹷໵⧅ 羦ꧢ隯땼ﶿ迚딚볪咢ϱ劖ﵷꍋ✾螡㘰ငһᢏ㤸潟ꇃ틳呶 뭊鐅ϓ烯፷㒈ㆫ鑞阞錰寠ᑋ嶯勋ቷી㘰င 뗘㛻梄ɢ텵b꫒㟞 轰斔굮ᙷ㠳㝛햷羏눐ኌ摬蚧옛뙫쑧䀰ĂȀā㠰㘰ငһᢏ㤸潟ꇃ틳呶 뭊鐅ϓ烯፷㒈ㆫ鑞阞錰寠ᑋ嶯勋ቷી䀰ĂȀā㠰㘰င蜂紞抮⮥૕审嶚 븅꣝㴏ܕ䬾點鶟疪ꗰ炧挺憬ᐾ쐈࠰ĂȀā0舰ᨃĂȀā舰ဃ㘰င轖렜ণ៚ᗱ"聰 攍䜨⍰濁ằ쏦剚䱐䑎夛䤙弟鸵໕ֳ誛㘰င쭨끂㹷໵⧅ 羦ꧢ隯땼ﶿ迚딚볪咢ϱ劖ﵷꍋ✾螡㘰ငᚑ褛ᅋ쵾埂赢悴ӌ 월핺ᤎ鴻ꉵ툡㍠ᜉ琕碮昬ꛛꙄハ쁵偿㘰င晴菔䣱ꡈ鮦렘촅㪻  㐆ꦌ缍易瘌鶫⋨驻䊴됪㻸蚛것�锷㘰င㮘☓뜵ᷩ杊삀榒 뵠痭ﷅ逑혐⾃�㧼猴ꃗ擎훻ꮍ鮢௽簯㘰င⎨ꊴ老뒾쩠喹䷂ⅾ �R烄놛ᆪ퍶䅔껴៖宧滓毮쫵㘰င芨㱺ⶽ힇떃肛졢驾 蠥㬥䆚⑒괔ꯃី㮿ಪ౺搙佩广쓿悹㘰င涭␛㄁豪␳ ㇖䚲簂躨Λ佂ణ㖟刳骴驟ᕳ浖곂큨ᙘ㘰င侺爹껧�싍��줓 퓥ɿ瓲膗蓁㲫吏熞뉫䈱牊�㞡鹇ᔞ㘰ငһᢏ㤸潟ꇃ틳呶 뭊鐅ϓ烯፷㒈ㆫ鑞阞錰寠ᑋ嶯勋ቷી㘰င﷐鰼സ敻毢㾚폭辛 ꐹ蝵 貴͒躠⊥뱹᫧趻㜾毠މ枢ퟬ櫚㘰င惖촰銷즆솓ꍏ척 멅﹂皲閚謹챑�阔탯엤雑肉ᜳ좌轵쩐㘰င뗘㛻梄ɢ텵b꫒㟞 轰斔굮ᙷ㠳㝛햷羏눐ኌ摬蚧옛뙫쑧㘰င䛺糎薻듏1ㅵऺ׮ ꁈ씋說쁱鏁ઋ햲咛麆Ę磳帝툜醓ᴰਆثЁ舁਷⌃༄ഗ㠱㘰㄰㌲㠲㤵ꁚஂしւづ҂ꁍȃȁጂ3