HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0050105_Wasteload Allocation_19900629f � - State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, Ph. D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director June 29, 1990 Mr. Ken Fanfoni Public Works Commission of the City of Fayetteville PO Drawer 1089 Fayetteville, NC 28302-1089 Dear Mr. Fanfoni: Subject: Draft NPDES Permit NC0050105 Fayetteville's Rockfish Creek WWTP Cumberland County The Division of Environmental Management (DEM) has reviewed your letter of May 18, 1990. The DEM has addressed each item in your letter in the same format that you presented it to the division. Our comments are as follows: 1. You are correct in stating that the permit was drafted from the permit that was in effect two permits ago. The 6.0 MGD pages have been corrected to reflect NH3 as N monitoring and instream monitoring that is required in the current permit. 2. The North Carolina water quality standard for fecal coliform in freshwater Class C streams is 200/100m1 per NCAC .0211(b)(3)(E). The NCAC was modified effective October 1, 1989 to require all classes of streams to meet the 200/100m1 standard. All new permits, modified permits, and permit renewals issued since October, 1989 have been issued with this limitation. This is the maximum allowable monthly geometric mean and will not be changed in the Rockfish Creek WWTP permit. If Fayetteville cannot meet this limit, you should contact the Division's Fayetteville Regional Office to resolve the problem through a Special Order by Consent. 3. After a review of the permit, the DEM acknowledges that two errors have been detected in the permit. The downstream monitoring site should be 200 yards above Lock & Dam #3. Also, the DO limit should be "not less than 6.0 mg/I." 4. The DEM has reviewed your comments concerning the long-term BOD sampling and has decided to remove this requirement from the NPDES Permit. Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Govemor George T. Everette, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Fanfoni Page Two The DEM is ready to issue this permit. If no response is received from you by June 30, 1990, the permit will be issued as drafted with the corrections stated above. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact Mr. a Overcash at (919) 733- 5083. Si George T erett cc: Mr. Mick Noland Mr. Dale Overcash State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street s Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Govemor George T. Everette, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director Pollution Prevendon Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Division of Environmental Management Memorandum To: Dale Overcash From: Mike Scoville II\D5 Thru: Ruth Swanek 'RC-5e June 7, 1990 Trevor Clements _01-'' Subject: Comments on Draft NPDES Permit For Fayetteville's Rockfish Creek WWTP (NC0050105, Cumberland County) I have reviewed the comments regarding the subject NPDES permit from Mr. Fanfoni of the Fayetteville Public Works Commission, and offer the following responses: 1. It is acceptable that the instream NH3-N monitoring requirement be deleted from those permit pages that reflect the unmodified 6.0 MGD WWTP, as was changed in 1 988. 2. The North Carolina water quality standard for fecal coliform in freshwater Class C streams is 200/100m1 per NCAC .0211(b)(3)(E). This is the maximum allowable monthly geometric mean for all North Carolina discharges and should not be changed in the Rockfish Creek WWTP permit. 3.a) The WLA for this facility mistakenly recommended the downstream monitoring site to be 200 yards above Lock & Dam #2. It should be 200 yards above Lock & Dam #3 as noted by Mr. Fanfoni. b) The DO limit should be "not less than 6.0 mg/I." 4. It is correct that no recognized standard procedure formally exists for the measurement of log -term BOD. There are some draft documents outlining the procedure, however, and if Fayetteville's laboratory should have any questions regarding any aspect of the test, they should feel free to contact Howard Bryant of the Environmental Sciences Branch, who performs all of the long-term BOD tests for the Division. He gladly consults people on the long-term BOD procedure. Information pertaining to the test and offering Howard's help was recently sent to the Fayetteville laboratory. Mr. Fanfoni should also be reminded that any test for any parameter can potentially generate unreliable data, regardless of the status of it's written procedure; the Division has been generating very reliable long-term BOD data for years without a recognized formal written procedure. Although the BOD5 values for Fayetteville's upstream, downstream, and effluent samples are relatively low, there is a great deal of benefit to be gained from running long-term BOD tests rather than BOD5 tests. BOD5 does not provide any estimation of the ultimate BOD (BODu), nor does it provide an accurate estimation of BOD decay. Long-term BOD yields this information as well as allowing for the separation and quantification of carbonaceous BOD (CBOD) and nitrogenous BOD (NBOD), and the calculation of the CBOD/BOD5 ratio. Long-term BOD, not BOD5, is used in most water quality modeling analyses. Mr. Fanfoni cited in his letter a 1967 textbook that "demonstrated" BOD5 is generally 70-80% of the ultimate BOD for domestic wastewaters. It has been the experience of the Division that this is rarely the case, especially for large plants achieving tertiary treatment. These facilities tend to discharge a more resilient BOD that would not normally be detected unless the BOD test was run for a long period of time. As for the instream samples, the Cape Fear River at Fayetteville drains a very large basin which receives and transports all kinds of wastewater. A stream sample in the lower part of a basin will also contain a very resilient BOD. In fact, almost all Division long-term BOD samples from the Cape Fear River show a BODu/BOD5 ratio of 5 or greater (>= 500%). These samples all had BOD5 values in the range of the Fayetteville samples, but none had a BODu less than 3.0 mg/I as Mr. Fanfoni would expect them to be. Long-term BOD data is much more informative and useful as a monitoring parameter than is BOD5, and the Division reserves the right to require the most beneficial monitoring (per 15 NCAC 2B .0508 b2), especially from major facilities discharging to streams that are at or near their assimilative capacity. Technical Support maintains that there is technical, logical, analytical, and legal justification for the long-term BOD monitoring requirement in the Rockfish Creek WWTP NPDES permit. The long-term BOD test can provide very reliable and useful data. Fayetteville is not the only facility to have this requirement included in it's permit; it is very likely that long-term BOD requirements for major dischargers will increase in the future, since monthly long-term BOD data is more useful than weekly BOD5 data. If you have any questions or comments regarding this matter, please contact me. cc: Mick Noland, FRO Central Files THOMAS M. McCOY. CHAIRMAN W. LYNDO TIPPETT. VICE CHAIRMAN ROBERT C. WILLIAMS, SECRETARY WILLIAM H. OWEN, III. TREASURER TIMOTHY WOOD, GENERAL MANAGER irawira Caw/ , 715/3t b,.‘• PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Electric & Water Utilities May 18, 1990 Mr. Dale Overcash Supervisor, NPDES Permits North Carolina Department of Environment, Health And Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 RE: Comments On Proposed/Permit Permit No. NC0050105 Rockfish Creek WWTP Cumberland County Dear Mr. Overcash: 508 PERSON STREET P.O. DRAWER 1089 FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28302-1089 TELEPHONE (AREA CODE 919) 483-1382 RECEIVED MAY 2 ;> 1990 PERMITS & ENGINEERING i The Public Works Commission of Fayetteville has reviewed the draft NPDES Permit No. NC0050105 for the Rockfish Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. This permit renewal addresses the expansion of the plant to 12 MGD within the next several years. Our comments on this draft permit are as follows: 1. Please refer to the "Effluent Limits and Monitoring Requirements" pages for the existing 6 MGD plant. These limits are proposed to be effective from the date of the permit until the expansion to 12 MGD is completed. Both the summer (April 1 - October 30) and winter (November 1 - March 31) sheets appear to have used an old version of our current modified permit. In particular, the location of downstream monitoring and the frequency of stream monitoring for NH3-N are copied from the original permit issued on September 30, 1987. However, this permit section was modified on January 5, 1988 such that the downstream sampling location was changed and the NH3 N sampling requirement for stream samples was deleted (see attachment). We would request that our existing permit conditions, as modified in 1988, be retained until the expansion to 12 MGD is completed. 2. Still referring to the proposed limits on our "existing" plant, we see no need to modify the fecal coliform requirement to 200.0/100 ml, down from 1000.0/100 ml. The Cape Fear River is a Class C stream in the Cape Fear River Basin, and has a 7Q10 of 675 cfs. Our instream waste contribution is only 1.4 percent of the minimum expected stream flow. The N.C. Water Quality Standard for fecal Coliforms in freshwater Class C Streams is 1000/100 ml. The average upstream and downstream fecal counts for the past year were 389/100 ml and 218/100 m1, respectively. The Rockfish Creek WWTP effluent average fecal count of 283/100 m1 is well within our current 1000/100 ml limit and does not appear to be adversely affecting the Cape Fear River quality. AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER " MAY 2, 1990 4 RECEIVED Page 2 PERMITS & ENGINEERING Unless this change reflects a ste-wide NCDEHNR requ4 a1Lement for all NPDES permits, we seriously question'`the technical justification for this level of treatment for our situation. Although this may warrant further discussion at the 12 MGD permit flow, we object to making this change to our existing limits at our existing flow. 3. The summer/winter effluent limit pages for the expanded 12 MGD facility contain some apparent errors. The first error is in the downstream sampling location. We sample near Lock and Dam No.3, not No. 2. Secondly, the daily average dissolved oxygen effluent concentration states that the level "shall not exceed 6.0 mg/1". PWC would certainly prefer the permit to read this way, but we believe that it is not written the way it was intended by the State. 4. Our final comments relate to the requirement for long-term BOD testing of our effluent and stream samples. PWC strongly objects to the inclusion of this monitoring requirement for a number of reasons which are described below. The long-term BOD test is not a recognized test with an approved procedure. Neither the EPA nor Standard Methods have published a standardized evaluated test procedure. The NC Division of Environmental Management should not have the authority to use the enforcement -based NPDES permitting process to require the use of a "draft" test procedure which may generate unreliable data. Part III, Condition I states that the test must be run from June through September, for durations of 60 days (stream) or 90 days (effluent). The 1989 average data for the Rockfish Creek WWTP for the time period June through September is as follows: Location 5-day BOD (mg/1) Upstream 1.5 Effluent 2.1 Downstream 1.5 The range of BOD levels we attain in our current testing is at or below the reliable detection limit of the BOD test. Section 5210B.6.(b) of Standard Methods states that, for the 5-day BOD test, "a lower detection limit of 2 mg/1 is established by the requirement for a minimum DO depletion of 2 mg/1". If our BOD levels are this low in the 5-day BOD test, what added benefit is there in running the test for 60 to 90 days? If there is so little oxygen demand present after 5 days, it is unlikely that the long-term test will be any more reliable. It has been demonstrated that the 5-day BOD is generally 70-80 percent of the ultimate BOD for domestic, wastewater (Chemistry for Sanitary Engineers, Sawyer and McCarty, 1967). Assuming that the ultimate BOD is 130 percent of our 5-day data, that would predict stream BOD's of 2.0 mg/1 and effluent BOD's of 2.7 mg/1. The Public Works Commission sees absolutely no value in running a test for 90 days using unproven procedures when the predicted results are less than 3.0 mg/1 BOD. age 3 RECEIVED MAY 2 5 1990 PERMITS R EPN:!NFFRINr, The U.S. EPA Laboratory in Cincinnati, OIio is working on a p Rposed Ultimate BOD Test. This procedure may be in' orporated as SectionH 5210C of the next Standard Methods, but will be specifically noted as a "proposed" procedure. Paragraph 3.b.2 of this draft procedure states the following with regard to wastewater samples: "As a rule of thumb, the ultimate BOD of the diluted sample should be in the range of 20 to 30 mg/1". With our effluent concentrations in the range of 2-3 mg/1 BOD, it makes us further question the validity and practicality of using this procedure on our effluent. We believe that there is no technical, logical, analytical, or legal justification for the long-term BOD monitoring requirement to be put into our NPDES permit. It is our further understanding that a similar requirement was put into an NPDES permit for the City of Greensboro in 1986 and later revoked by Mr. R. Paul Wilms of NCDEM when the test was proven to be inconclusive, unreproducible, and totally unreliable. Having this monitoring requirement in our NPDES permit is not acceptable to the Public Works Commission. At this point we have no further comments on that draft NPDES permit. We hope that our comments will be evaluated and incorporated into the final permit. Please contact me if you would like to discuss any of these comments in greater detail. Your time and consideration in this matter is appreciated. KF:mc cc: Mick Noland Don Register Dickie Vinent Tim Wood Linda Locklear Theresa Pereira Very truly yours, PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION if Ken Fanfoni, P.E. Director of Water/Sanitary Sewer Systems RECEIVED MAY 2, 1990 PERMITS g Fkir,1NFFP,ru State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 January 5, 1988 James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Mr. Ken Fanfoni, P.E. Public Works Commission City of Fayetteville PO Drawer 1089 Fayetteville, NC 28302 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Fanfoni: R. Paul Wilms Director Permit Modification Permit No. NC0050105 Rockfish Creek WWTP Cumberland County I 0n September 30, 1987, the Division of Environmental Management issued NPDES' Permit No. NC0050105 to the Public Works Commission of the City of Fayetteville. A review of our file has indicated that an error was inadvertently made in the permit. Accordingly, we are forwarding herewith modifications to the subject permit to correct the error. These permit modifications change the downstream monitoring site for all pollutants that have a stream sampling requirements in the permit. Please find enclosed amended M3 pages which should be inserted into your permit. The old M3 pages should be discarded. All other terms and conditions contained in the original permit remain unchanged and in full effect. The permit modifications are issued pursuant to the requirement of North Carolina General Statutes 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection Agency. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you may request a waiver or modification pursuant to Regulation 15 NCAC 2B .0508(b) by written request to the Director identifying the specific issues to be contended. Unless such request is made within 30 days following receipt of this permit, this permit shall be final and binding. Should your request be denied, you will have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing. Please take notice that this permit is not transferable. Part II, B.2. addresses the requirements to be followed in case of change in ownership or control of this discharge. Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • s• Mr. Ken Fanfoni Page Two January 5, 1988 RECEIVED MAY 2 5 1990 PERMITS R. Fkx;1tJURIK, This permit does not affect the legal requirement to obtain other': permits which may be required by the Division of Environmental Management or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Mr. Dale Overcash, at telephone number 919/733-5083. Sincerely, cc: Mr. Jim Patrick, EPA Fayetteville Regional Office NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0050105 PERNIITTEE NAME: PWC - City of Fayetteville / Rockfish Creek Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Modification Major Minor Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: 12.0 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): 99 % Industrial (% of Flow): 1 % Comments: The permit modification request is to increase the design flow to 12.0 MGD. RECEIVING STREAM: Cape Fear River Class: C Sub -Basin: 03-06-15 Reference USGS Quad: H23 (please attach) County: Cumberland Regional Office: Fayetteville Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 9/30/92 Treatment Plant Class: Class IV Classification changes within three miles: Requested by: Lula Harris Date: 3/13/90 Prepared by: /) .S cod& Date: 3/2 7/7 U Reviewed by: 'Va k C Date: 4Q 7/40 qo_ Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BOD5 (mg/1) G 1 z NH3-N (mg/1) z D.O. (mg/1) 6 6 TSS (mg/1) 30 30 F. Col. (/100 ml) Zoo Zoo pH (SU) 6-9 6_1 iKeconnintAe,c41�end- Mon: iv r, rt‘i o; Co.ci &I:1,Am cont,r , Ito, J d AM► z :r c.. i efC1,(t.A1- shov.l ) (1 tut elect For Lt-fib o,. `f er -I►�U. Sarv- , kS -flA iAS7ttYG 1.1 yVloil ctor,rlq S'S I A +IAu SuMMllr ( 71/4^ r — SeatMLe_ / Comments: 11.4.0nsl Sur/lhur (Sufic- Sapknbrr) moa;loi,n: Modeler Date Rec. # MD5 3` 14Ago S�ZI Drainage Area (mi2 ) t(y 2 0 Avg. Streamflow (cfs): jt/G O 7Q10 (cfs) 675 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) q70 30Q2 (cfs) goo Toxicity Limits: IWC 2.7 % Acute hronic �1nron�C/Ctr�oraPhnia /Qri•y Instream Monitoring: Parameters Teri 1-(.4 ) b0 -Fecotl col: ,(M) conluct;L'L Upstream Y Location Al- 4 u_ 130tif Ramp Downstream y Location zoo r.i s , s+Ka fti of Lock se- lotuntk 1on'-7trrt D . 5/4 See. a {tc&c Lo✓rTL (iv? T O b rev: rt r1M Al THOMAS M. MCCOY, CHAIRMAN W. LYNDO TIPPETT. VICE CHAIRMAN ROBERT C. WILLIAMS, SECRETARY WILLIAM H. OWEN. 1I1, TREASURER TIMOTHY WOOD. GENERAL MANAGER NatVa PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Electric & Water Utilities February 22, 1990 Mr. M. Dale Overcash Supervisor, NPDES Permits North Carolina Department of Environment Health And Natural Resources Archdale Building 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1148 RE: NPDES No. NC0050105 Rockfish Creek WWTP Cumberland County Dear Mr. Overcash: 508 PERSON STREET P.O. DRAWER 1089 FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28302-1089 TELEPHONE (AREA CODE 919) 483-1382 i t RECEIVED i:EB 28 1990 PERMITS a ENGlNEER!rJ Enclosed please find Standard Application Form A for the expansion of the Rockfish Creek WWTP from 6 MGD to 12 MGD. I believe that the issues of the Environmental Assessment and the engineering proposal have been previously addressed by our design engineering firm, Black & Veatch of Asheboro, North Carolina. In our discussions with Black and Veatch, it was indicated that submission of our application at this time would be appropriate. A check is enclosed for the application fee of $400. Since the design is already underway, it is obviously of utmost importance that we have reliable information on the discharge limits which must be met. We would appreciate your staff conducting a waste load allocation on this plant at your earliest opportunity. Please consider- the option of setting our minimum Dissolved Oxygen limit at 6.0 mg/1 instead of 5.0 mg/1. This is a realistic goal for us to meet as shown by our previous four years of operation. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Very truly yours, PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION Ken Fanfoni, P.E Director of Water/Sanitary Sewer Systems I 6 i ** AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER ** Request No.: 5621 WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Status: Receiving Stream: Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Quad: City of Fayetteville - Rockfish Creek WWTP NC0050105 99% Domestic, 1% Industrial Existing/Modification Cape Fear River C 030615 Drainage area: Cumberland Summer 7Q10: Fayetteville Winter 7Q10: Lula Harris Average flow: 3/13/90 30Q2: H2 3 RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT Wasteflow (mgd) : BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1) : TSS (mg/1): Fecal coliform (#/100m1): pH (su) : LIMITS 4420 sq mi 675 cfs 970 cfs 4460 cfs ci" c f s mi.„"2, ,, J u f„,,„,,,,.,,.,.,.r.,,,,, @lam MAR 22 1990 ENV. MANAGEMENT Toxicity Testing Req.: Chronic/Ceriodaphnia Qrtrly FAYETTEVILLE REG. OFFICE Summer 12 6 1 30 200 6-9 Winter 12 12 2 30 200 6-9 MONITORING Upstream (Y/N): Y Location: At the Highway 87 Boat Ramp Downstream (Y/N): Y Location: 200 Yards Upstream of Lock & Dam 2 COMMENTS Modification is a flow expansion from 6 to 12 MGD. Recommend instream monitoring for temperature, DO, fecal coliform, and conductivity. In the summer (June - September), recommend 1/month instream and effluent monitoring of long-term BOD; all samples to be taken on the same day (see attached). Recommend effluent monitoring for cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc. Recommended by: Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineering: RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: ScolAIG. C. SwadA,, Date: 4151q0 Date: Date: Date: APR 18 1990 31/5Igo 3-.22- 710 3(24 (=. • 10/89 Facility Name Fa ck k C \N TP Permit# tkooSoIo5 CHRONIC TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENT (QRTRLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit chronic toxicity in any two consecutive toxicity tests, using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina Ceriodaphnia chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Carolina Chronic Bioassay Procedure - Revised *September 1989) or subsequent versions. The effluent concentration at which there may be no observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality is 2,7 % (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). The permit holder shall perform quarterly monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the permit condition. The first test will be performed after thirty days from issuance of this permit during the months of 10,A, r , 141 , .Ott . Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter . code TGP3B. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 k Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoringindicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure. to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 675 cfs Permited Flow 12.0 MGD Recommended by: IWC% 27 Basin & Sub -basin o306 is 41.1�Receiving Stream earFear tZ;,tcr D. County Gurnec land. Date / fist 1a **Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 2.7 %, 3aA) Aft, 3uu1, oct , See Part 3 , Condition H . EXTENDED MONITORING CONDITIONS FOR LONG TERM BOD Fayetteville PWC shall collect a long-term BOD at the effluent and at the designated instream sampling sites. during Adwr, August, and September. 3v►�t- ��►\.� The laboratory selected to run the long-term tests shall be made aware by Fayetteville PWC of the following guidelines: 1. No Nitrogen inhibitors shall be used. 2. In addition to ultimate BOD, intermediate nitrogen series measurements should be made upon set-up and on days 5, 15, 30, and on the last day of the test. 3. Long-term BOD tests should be run for at least 60 days for instream samples and 90 days for effluent samples. t=o7e ctA - ZotciLk Csa.< Capi 1ek River CIrtoL tlitakiptis C.c e. Fe ac Mt1j wCrL (2 ill460 C. SeeL w rVt oar 1) w C -ice cn,S(do yC) M, v ( fo fs (Nat fact( Vt val(A-wJ 4n.S (ui1.E.) Z.c J r c n -t" _ S�-c M ILu r viA4.1V1,a -1-0 L m rS lottit bye et L?llIjL iL r 1nShI a r ni 3 IIji kA o� c-t Gu 1 r Y f A v z -t f l cos at".(1 o S,IA no -S 4 S `tin 61,1 ‘.'eS ,(A 41j- r tics t For ,;t& c.,S�� J so limy. wf« ()L&)L/er/!S tx ra -�.- s, ,ticks; n 03/11/9b ver 3.1 Facility: NPDES Permit No.: Status (E, P, or M) : Permitted Flow: Actual Average Flow: Subbasin: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: 7010: IWC: Stn'd / Bkg Pollutant AL/Crt'a Conc. (ug/1) (ug/1) Cadmium S 2.0 Chromium S 50.0 Copper AL 7.0 Nickel S 88.0 Lead S 25.0 Zinc AL 50.0 Cyanide S 5.0 Mercury S 0.012 Silver AL 0.060 Selenium S 5.0 Arsenic S 50.0 Phenols S NA NH3-N C T.R.Chlor.AL 17.0 Pollutant Cadmium S Chromium S Copper AL Nickel S Lead S Zinc AL Cyanide S Mercury S Silver AL Selenium S Arsenic S Phenols S NH3-N C T.R.Chlor.AL TOXICS Fayetteville - Rockfish Creek WWTP NC0050105 M 12.00 mgd 4.39 mgd 30615.00 Cape Fear River C I ACTUAL 675.00 cfs 1 Ind. + 2.68 % 1 Domestic Removal Domestic Act.Ind. Total Eff. Load Load Load (#/d) (#/d) (#/d) 92% 0.49 76% 0.06 82% 2.60 32% 1.30 814 2.43 77% 3.89 59% 1.30 0% 0* 04 0# 06 06 0% 0.01 0.00 0.11 0.02 0.33 0.42 0.50 0.06 2.71 1.32 2.76 4.31 ALLOWABLE PRDCT'D PRDCT'D PRDCT'D REVIEW 1---------PRETREATMENT DATA--------------I----EFLLUENT DATA---- I PERMITTED! Ind. + I FREQUENCY PERMITTED Domestic I OBSERVED of Chronic! Industrial Total I Eflluent Criteria I Load (#/d) 0.75 Load (#/d) 4.641 I MONITOR/LIMIT Effluent Effluent Effluent Instream Conc. using using Conc. Based on Allowable CHRONIC ACTUAL PERMIT using ACTUAL Load Criteria Influent Influent OBSERVED Influent (#/d) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) Loading 91.89 74.581 1.081 0.000 0.00 Monitor 765.72 1864.516 0.413 0.000 0.00 142.93 261.032 13.318 0.000 0.00 Monitor 475.65 3281.548 24.581 0.000 0.00 483.61 932.258 14.318 0.000 0.00 Monitor 799.01 1864.516 27.059 29.144 0.00 Monitor 44.82 186.452 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.04 0.447 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.22 2.237 0.000 0.000 0.00 18.38 186;452 0.000 0.000 0.00 183.77 1864.516 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 633.935 0.00 Based on PERMITTED Influent Loading Monitor Conc. (ug/1) Violations! (#vio/#sam)1 II IN IP IU IT IS IE Ic IT II I0 IN I--ADTN'L RECMMDTN'S-- I Recomm' d Based on I FREQUENCY INSTREAM OBSERVED I Eff. Mon. Monitor. Effluent I based on Recomm'd ? Data I OBSERVED (YES/NO) Limit I IA IN IA I L IY I5 II I S IR IE IS Iu I L IT IS INSTREAM SELF -MONITORING DATA MONTHLY AVERAGES Discharger: fo, rgei Lk ?WC - RocLC:sii (trck �t/wTT Permit No.: NC00 501O5 Receiving Stream: , '; of r Sub -basin: b 3o61 S Upstream Location: N,'JL0,Y g7 c300,+� ,� Ace Downstream Location £ Pon T Upstream Downstream DATE TEMP D.O. BOD5 COND TEMP D.O. BOD5 COND DEC-90 6 NOV-90 OCT-90 SEP-90 AUG-90 JUL-90 JUN-90 MAY-90 APR-90 MAR-90 FEB-90 JAN-90 1,5 ,,, 1 _ji_ _, _ II, Z 1,6 DEC-89 4.6 12, I 1,2 6,/ 11,7 1, 3 NOV-89 N, 3 t _L_Ii_ ___Lid_ g, 6 I .1 OCT-89 18%4 7,5 .0 Ig, 0 -16 .2 SEP-89 z12 6,1 (4,0 1,3 211, 2 5-,is( N,t-r) 1.2 AUG- 8 9 25 , E 5,7 _ I , S 25', ? S.. V,1 g) 1. H JUL-89 26,F� S,6 �Z 24,g c.s 0.8) [.g JUN-89 26 5,1r 1.6 26,3 5,5(4,ej I,6 MAY-89 20 6.1 I.T 2o, 7, 0 119 APR-89 15 .3 _ _ L.st Is,s _ILL_ z.o MAR-89 i, 3 q.9 i , o to, l _ FEB-89 1o,g R,q 1.l it, $ q,4 z.s JAN-89 , I,S Vo,o io,s 2.0 DEC-88 '_ lo, 6 I, 6 r (0,0 ►. 3 NOV- 8 8 13 12z.5 13 e. ST Z, 3 OCT-88 _0_ Q, Z. 3, H 7, 9 1, s SEP-88 2_ 6,S 111 2-S 6, o I, AUG-88 3v 6, z 20 30 .S.Y (&i &) 4 ►.7 JUL-8 8 28 7.-2 2.3 2? b, 6 1,1. JUN-88 26 6,5 ,o 6,6 I,1 MAY-88 .____ 711,7 2_2-. (.5 1.6 APR-88 _IL_ 2 G 0 _I_ S. _ILL MAR- 8 8 l2 _ 1.3 (z I, 6 I , S FEB-88 1 )1,q 12 ___ t1.3 Z,o JAN-88 s r2. '2- 'f,2 12.6 r,4 DEC-87 _l__ 11.4 I,1 Nfl,-) .32- _ 11,? I.3 Nt(3= 2.11 NOV-87 OCT-87 SEP-87 AUG-87 JUL-87 JUN-87 MAY-87 • APR-87 MAR-87 FEB-87 JAN-87 d• • • 11 let CC11"SvrM -02 1 for to,2t milt a INSTREAM SELF -MONITORING DATA MONTHLY AVERAGES Discharger: Mo/tsit40 Permit No.: NCH o37t1 Receiving Stream: (TTc-taa- (iZ ve r Sub -basin: 030615- Upstream Location: 6,0- i-o-6,( Downstream Location. at-c kx C Sa n. a 6, ..,, 1 WO; l�1vvvl tUpstream 90 Downstream DATE TEMP D.O. BOD5 CONDTZMIL.6_!7DEC-90 o9s !:7 °Ds (1)n2 NOV-90 OCT-90 SEP-90 AUG-90 JUL-90 JUN-90 MAY-90 (I APR-90 MAR-90 ql` FEB-90 ) JAN-90 v _ __ 11E 3q �2 3,� 11. O. 3v \v Imo- 3S Io,r 2,7 ZS NOV-89 I 15 I, I `Iw S,s 1, o 140 ss,1 i,s 39 OCT-89 7, g 1, 3 3.?.5 '.2- 1, 9 '2 3 1, 3(,4 s) 33,3 SEP-89 5,g ►.2 Y0.3 7,�z 1,6 yu 5.r.(s.7) 3.I Ys,3 AUG-89 S,g 1,7 50.6 6,9 1,4 SO,S 6,6 z.z 4g,C JUL-89 S.6 Z,t S6,5 6,6 zid 5-4.7 s 1 z,) 1.2. 52.S JUN-89 c,IM z,s -iN,E c.'.1( ) z3 Gam, S s'l (33) ti,9 70 MAY-89 C,3(2,) 6,6 Io, 7, 6.S II,L1 I.3(1,i) g,r 7,3 APR-89 g_� _ID_ SS,3 8,N LT 3, 7,s� 6,o(►7.$) 38,3 MAR-89 S.7 I,Z g,9 I.s � 7. +.9 s2 FEB-89 to z,S 62 _1st_ 2, a 1 t_ 2,s- 53 JAN-89 _IA Z.7 61 10,'3 '22 _ 10,1 2.1 3S DEC-88 (2,1 2,5 68 (0,2_ _IL2- _L7 o s r,0 yo NOV-88 CS' 1,2 q2 S. T o•q 12,. o 11 1, z '17 OCT-88 G,g Z, z o,S g,1 1, 6 72.s 7,7 ,s 63,s SEP-88 Ali_ l , I 41.E 7. S '4, ° 6 7 7, 3 2.7 VI AUG-88 5.0(.1,0 36- 6 ,2. 6,9 (5) '. 7(2,K 6•s I, Y strut JUL-88 s,N (0) 8,3(2 ) 56,s 7, 2 2, 0 Sq,B 6,& 3,S s7 JUN-88 5',6 y7.2,q) Z.y 15- z.2 Gs-,C 7. S' C.7 60 Co-1(s) G,(s) 2,6 S4 7.0 1, I ss.s 7,3 1,4 '15 APR-88 ' J I,g 50 86 2, o '-17 g. 3 2,7 37, S MAR-88 q,4i 3,o Si q 2, IL_'1,2 y,2 32 FEB-88 12,7 2 KR 'o, lA so _LP__ t,7 3K JAN-88 1Z,q 1,2 SI Il.7 '43 7S I(,C 6,0 V( DEC-87 79 2,1 9•2,7- iris( z,Sr 63 NOV-87 gY 2-, 0 220 Rid 1,7 -. 3 z.7 $1 OCT-87 7,S 6,,I6 7, C Z,o SEP-87 7,2 3,1g ,, , JUL-87 AUG-87 Zg Z Win Z.?) 1,2 z�,6 07,0 ( y Z$, �{,I z,y) Z.Viet ! , Y 3, S JUN-87 ZG.� 41,3 .,7) Z, ( u,c OW 3, o MAY-87 z2, 5. ,5-30.y' 1,2 11,3 ls3 z,o APR-87 t5, 1, o 1.4 133 T.3 2,9 MAR-87 FEB-87 JAN-87