HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09408_Well Construction - GW1_20221007 WELL C0N.RTR1r7CTI9_%PT REC(DRD This torte can be aced for single or multiple wells For internal Use ONLY: I 1.Well entractor Information: C l y e FROM TO WeU Conhactor Name _ DEStatrT101V fft JIr ft NC Well ConftetorCerti6eacioaNambcr 16.Ot1TER.EeISO+TG forfird �'.�vel(5 ORI.IDIER`tfa lfrstite .. 13a2MGttG Well Drilling, Inc.' FROM � m DL1MEfIIt h rtucravess MArF1trAL ft Cow taayName se)A�L Al, ..T6�N. IC:Cr1SI[+10.012'WBING 'Hi I '' FROM To ertual.elLLied-3" 2.Welt Construction Permit#- W Z� '®' ,�J � DIAMECFA •rH[C[�pfig 7yArp�L List al/applleable xrll construction permits fix,Cmmry,State Irariance,etc.J � � is 3.Well Use(check well use): ft in Water Supply Well: .'1S::SClt3:EN:' . FROM TO DIAMETER SI,OTfiIZE rtilC[OVESS OAgricultural ❑Municipal/Public• !t fL in. htATERtAy OGeothtxmal(Reahng/COolingSupply) �idential Water Supply(sin&) tt ft in. ❑Industrial/Commercial OResidential Water Supply(sh�d) :1s c.�tQUT Olrri ation FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMEM ME[FOD'&AMOONT Non.Water Supply Well: ft ft t our OMonitoring ORecovery ft 34111 Injection Wcll: fL R OAquiferRecharge ❑Gmundwater;Rerriediation SAlYp/ iq,YPL'PACTC t '°Uttile ❑Aquifer Storage andRecovern ❑Salinity Barrier FROM ro niA17?RtAL EMplwceitiavr.htenaoD ❑Aquifer Test OStomtwaterDiaitrage ft ft Ofixperimenta[Technology ❑Subsidence Control ft ft OGeothetmal(Closed Loop) OTmeer '2�«I? I,1I+IG'LOGG'sifailli.drlibiln eT.3 eels i f ❑ycothe[ma( FROM TO DESatIPTJON eolor 6ardn soil/trock(Ileating/Cooling Rehlm) gOther(explain under#2I Remarks ft d- ft %c9 SOi 4.Date Wells)Completed: Q-Z7:1&Well'ID# LlJZ1 l R L 3 ft �r vie �o Sa.Well Location: 6A etaN K® rn� S ft 7- 6 RP a FaeiUty/0w=Name ft ft Faci[itylDp,(if appIieablej �• ft Physical�Addre iii City,and Zip ft tt County Parcel ldeog5cartotrNo.(PIN) - - - 56.Latitude and Longitude in degmWinjuptes/secondsor decimal i)' f5Certification- 1 (INvell field,one lallong is sacient) 22. `P N r ' 2 6:1s are'the wills §ri;oauu`e0fCct1Tw4Well'Coutrattor Date ().-�e+cfmanent, or OTemporary By atgrrtngAfS farm,I hereby certify that the I-well(s)was(were)constructed in aceordance T_TS this.a.repair to an cxistin well: OYes or [bAlo- wltb I3.t AU4C 02C.0100 or ISANCAC 02G.0200 Wdl Constivedorr StondanCt aird theta• If this is a repair,fill out-Imown well consdaction information 401d d plain the nature-or-the �--rd harbeen proWded la the salt owner. repair+mder f2!retnarkr section or on tbabackof ihlsform. 23.Sitb'dlsgism Or ildditioltSl Well details: Number of wells constructed: You m die back of this page to Mv.idc additional well,site details or well For multiple injection 0eection ornon-warersupply weAs ONLYwirh the some cotubackorr— B c �ion dnstrucay nsb details. You i ii 81so.attach additional F you can paDes if necessary, submitoneform. �.7 SUOMMALD(STUCTIONS 9.Total'well depth below land surface: Formrtrrple wefts listalldepdatifdrffererit(ezample-3Q200'and2 O0 qL) 24a. For AI[We1L� Submit this form 41hin 30 days of completion of well QI Wr shudfdn th-the f011dWiitg: 10.Static water level below top of casing: ( ) Division of Water Quality,Information Processing Unit, Ifwater level is above casing,use^+^ 1:617 Mail Service.Center,Ruleigb,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter. n (�) 246_Far IDIee on.Vllells: In addition to sendinE the form to the address in 24a 12.Well construction method: II (�- &1� eve.,also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (t.e.et{gc,tptary.cable,dinxt push,etc.) constr nation to the following Division of Water Quality,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center;Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gP )m Method oftest B'own20 minutes 24C lFoIrWa Bttet.Sunuly Iniectiolt Wet .form ls:'In addition to sending the to 13b.Disinfection HTH 702 the addr=(es)above,also Submit one 1copy of this form within 30 days of type: Amount coinpietion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. I Form GW-I North Camlim DeP'sh cot of Eavimamcat and Naaual Resoumes—Division of Water l2uetity Revised Jan.2013