HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09389_Well Construction - GW1_20221007 f M WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD { This form can be used for sicee or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY: 1-Well COatr2etor Informati,,: /9lRf/�i-e � � �1 tA.WATER,ZONES Well Contractor Name FROM TO DES EMOIN i fi Ch ft ` _22 —A�q p ft / Z rc NC Well ContractorCertirrearionNumber :15Of1TER.EE1$ING formal fi!eils RLII!IER'rfa liestile .. B�IQ'netgs Well ®rell®6@ Inc. 'EOM To Dc�ntertrtt i TMCK01 MAtE�u �� p ft rt m U� Co Nae / AMC QR-TUBING 't�eftinalclos�dl 2.Well COmStRICtiOn Permit#: d 7—�r EOM TO DUMB � T List all applicable"tt construction 0. ry e ft ft is permits e.Cmai Slot Varlaeca,etc) 3.Well Use(check well use): & hL Water Supply We11: 7 .SCIt$EN:' 11JAgricultural PROM TO DIAMECER SI,OTSlZ6 TRICKINESS MATERIAL O—!Municipal/Public• it ft ;o• ❑Geothermal(tieating(Coolimg Supply) [tlKtsidential Water Supply(single) is ft in ❑industrial/Commercial OResidential Water Supply(shared) ❑T i ation PROM TO ft ft RggatATERUL Et O'CFJVIEINT METHOD'&AMOUNTment Non-Water Supply Well: Land/ ❑Monitoring ❑Recovery ft rc Injection WeIL S ft ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑GmundwaterReniediation "Y9'SAlYb/GI2141I�;1?eiCIC if" titiitile ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier FROM TO M.�TFRIAL DttvucFhrEaii rttergon ❑AquiferTesE rc & OStotmwater Drainage ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control ft ft. ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer ZO: LiIYG`i;OG`atfaib:3dr7idttu falreets.ifriee sa 17Gcothe[mal(Heating/Cooli Reruns FROM ro DESCRIPTION'wlor buds soiUrock ClOthtx(explain under#21 R.emarks ft 2 it sae:et`" J. ns�i, � 4_Date Wells Completed: '/�2 �CILS� 2 & ft O P .�We11ID# n Sa.Well Location: 0 ft ft. FRciuty/Qwncrtra.ic f Facifityi[TI(ifappliablb) .,, l�lr�lc�� ft ft — Plrysieal Address,City,and Zip & ft ::xr:. tlsnRles: 7,77 County rp R G ��J pal idenrificabovNo.(Pn 5b.Latitude•and Longifade in degrees/minptes/seeondsor dedmal degrees: ONveU field,one Wong is sufficient) 22.Certification: 6'Is are'the Wells: e $rgmeofCetnfieQ wen,Co Date or OTemporaly ey slIntng.t 4 form,I hereby certify char the•wells)was(were)corr.,•trucred in a.,clan. 7.Isthis•a.repair toanexisting..wefi: ❑Yes or .BiPo wiflrlS.IilCriCO2C.0100orISA-NCACO2C.0200'WellCinstructlonStan&rdsmidthato If this is a repots,fill our known wolf construction irrformaLion ond.,aggjin dm nature 0Jlhr �pyV"*s!"niharbeen pmvlded to:the u'dl owner_ repair under921 remarkr secrion or on.1h,backof of form. 23.Site'diiagrim or aiddittond1wen details: Number of wells constructed: You rosy use Bic back of this page to provide additional well.site&Wls or well For _ cdnstntction details. You tray also.attaeh additional For nefe injectionfam. ar noa-rvarersupply weUs ONZYwuh the sarrre wo ucGon,you can pages•if nr cessary submit one SUIi1VIIZMAI,IN$TUCTIONS 9.Total'well depth below land surfaice: 5 ZZ) (ft) z4a Far All wells Submit this form within 30 Forrmdripfe weUs list all depths ifdtJjeretit�esampfe-3Q200'artdl 00 days of Completion of well constinctidn tothe 011owing: 10.Static water26 level below top of casing: (ft) Division of Water Quality.Information Processing Unit, Ifwater level is above casing,use"+" 1617 Mail Service.Center,Raleigh,NC 276994617 11.Borehole diameter. i _165—fin) 24b.For 11 etiom.We11s: In addition to�stiifling the form to the address in 24a shove,also Subtrrit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Wellconstructionmethod: lLt r r /v] crntshuctinntothefollowing.(t.e.auger.rotary,-ble,direct push,etc•)[/t FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Qaality,Underground Injectioa Control Program, , ? 1636 P"l Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699=16M I3a.Yield(gpm) J Method oftest 131OWI120 minutes 24m I?'orW,2 er.Su00ly&Iniectioh Well s In addition to sending the form to HTH 3® tite addresses)rdrove,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 136.Dlsinfcetian type: Amomat: completion of well wns"ction to the 11 ty health department of the county where constructed. 1 Frmn GW Nortlr l orotirm D epartn—Of Fnvkonm=t�NaturalResources-DivisionofWater(=1hy il. Revised Jan.2013 P