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GW1-2022-09388_Well Construction - GW1_20221007
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be rued for single or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY: 1.Well Contractor Information S ipilON Well Contractor Nam FROM e Oft TO DPSt�t 7-2. ft 3/o ft NC Well Contractor Certification Number da OBTE[t:GA51(!iG fob;titniti eased;jcells.OR L1NER`if a',liaftile Barnette Well Drilling, Inc. `°M T° D""' ` "rr MATS D ft PC5 ft : ! �a aZ 2 c Company Name 7b lfl(VEIF;CASIIVU Uit'FOBING'<.'`eotGertual.closedd 2.Well Construction Permit4: � xROM TO DLAMEFER THLC[QVES3 M1rg[ List all applicable'ell construction pern gs(r.e.Ctnmty,Slate,Irariance,etG) a 3.Well Use(check well use): ft. R rrt WaterSapply Welt: :'1Z:SG1tBEIQ:' .. . PROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSUF THICKNFSS AtATERtAL ❑Agricultural OMunicipal/Public• ft in ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) &gc—sidential Water Supply(single) ft ft in OlndustriaUCommercial ' ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) ❑lrri ation FROM TO MATERIAL. 1?INPWCPMENT METHOD&AMODNT NO ter Stipply Well: ft ft 9t ourecl ❑Monitoring ORecovery ft Z 0 fr- injection Recharge OGroun'dwater Retnediation Y9`SAjWDjGltA 4gE1.JPiq+CjEC;f °Ui�tiie 1- ft. f ❑Aquifer Recharge - ��� ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier ;:FROM ft To MATERIAL EMPiACFM©PJ nteraOA ❑Aquifer Test OStormwater Drainage fL ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control ft ft OGettthermal(Closed Loop) OTracer :2U;Il L9NC°1UG_:aifaia;; ddiSuosrskee7s:ifuizesa 77777777777 ❑Geothermal(Heating/CoefingReturn) ❑Other(explain under#21 ft Retnarks EOM TO DFSCItIpTiON tolor,hudn soit/roek n �� ft D 4.Date Welt(s);Complcted �' r 11 '� ft 2-2—ft e Sa.�Wyell Location: f {JJ�sE3i lQ V h JP.i f}y /eJ�/t'� Q .'C Jl FacilitylOivtrerName "]-- FacilikkM?Gfdpplieablb) i I'Irystral ft ft.Address,City.and Zrp r.ztE•-n3rAlucs';;;::::,: ::..:::.:;:: -;:;: : :.: 2 2� County Parcel Identificadoa No.-(PM 5b.Latitude and Longitude in.degrees/minutestsecondrbrdecima�l'degrets: (tfwell field,one lattlong is sufficient) 22.Certification; r SigaauveofCct ied Well'Cinttattor Date. Ls(are)the well(sj: rntanent. or OTtinporary $y sf&tngAls form.1 hereby eerrify that the-weQ(s)was(were)constructed in,accordancd 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yts or ID2do wrth 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 13A NCAC 02C S200'lfell Consiruciloh Standards and thoi.o If(his is a repatr,fillouabrown wellconstrucrion information and:eg"n die nature ofthr copyof t/{h recordhrtrbeur provided ta the well owner. repairnnder921remarkr section oron the.back ofihlsform. 23.Site diagt*mof additional Walldttails: �/ You may use die baclt of this pave to providb additional well.site details or well &Numberofwellsconstructed: b6listnrcdondetails, You mayalso.attach additional pages,ifnecessary. For multiple iyecrron or non-water supply wefts ONLY with the amne eonstruciFaa,you ran submitonejorm. SUONWAL WTUCTIONS 9.Totai'well depth below land surface: T/2 (ft) 242. For All Wells; Submit this.form within 30 days of completion of well Aar maltWe wells UsIo11depduifdifferent(er0MP1e-3Q200'annddZ(W00J consductiOnYbYlre'f011dWing: 10.Static water revel below top of casing: �S (ft) Division of Water Quality,Information Processing Unit, Jfw titer level is above casing,use"+ 1617 Mail Service-Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 i 1L BoreholL-diameter: fin:,) 24b..For Iniectibn Wells: In addition to;scnding the form to the address in 24a Above,also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: TL�2`7� canstruction to the following. ('i.c auser.rotary,cable.d¢ectpusfS etc.) --ram Division of Water Quality,Underground.Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Ceuter,Raleigh,NC 176994636 13a.Yield.(gpm) ./ Method oftest Biown20 minute 24s Fok-WV itei•.Suni)ly&Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to 136.Disinfection type: HTH A find addtess(es)above;also subdiit one copy of this foim within 30 days of mo completion of well construction to the county health department of the oounty where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources—Division of Water l 4 �r.ty Revised Jan:2013