HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09339_Well Construction - GW1_20221007 i WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be red for single or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY: i I.Well Contractor Information: L'L I TA.YVKTEtt ZOIAFS wen Contractor Name FROM 71) DES QtUMON V ft. 9L �S ft fl- NC Well CoohactorCertifieationNambcr dSt7UTER.EA5ING formnki-cased,-.db OR•1LINIEIt'rfa lie'ble. Bell' Bette Well Drilling, Inc. FROM TO DLAf xTEEL MA Compaq Name O 6z I6:1N1!I�Gi1SI�9-ORTIJBIN(x `eoflieirtnal.daSedl 2.Well Construction Permit#: FROM TO plicale well construction (.aCtnmry,Slor Variance,etc.) fL &Lrsrall ap DiAMETFR is 7711CITIVES3 lypTpL 3.Well Use(check well use): & is Water Supply Weil: • my-:SCREEN.", UAgricultural FRAM TO DIAMETER BLOTSCLE 77i1C7tNESS MATERIAL ❑Municipal/Public• ft. fk in. ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) l9 rsti{��dcntial Water Supply(single) fk f in ❑industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) av Non-Watc e rSupplyWell: FROM ftTo ft. M12and/ OU oM-MMETHOD&AMOUNT' Non � ' OMonitoring ❑Recovery fk & Cement lnjection We11: R R ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Reniediation ':.19'SAiID/GTsi4l❑Aquifer Storage and Recover ❑Salinity Barrier FROM 7 O MATERIAL IIHPIACFME7VT METHOD' ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stonnwater DrainagefL ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control 2 R ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer '•ZU'I)12IGL9II 'i:OG:ahaeti; ddiiiAiifal*eeis:RtdecEss9 ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling rectum) ❑ {e:�lain under#2I Remarirs ftOther OM To ft DESQtIPTION Corer hardn =- k 4.Date Will(s)Completed - 6•i'_ Well ID# 7 f f & fk 52.Well Location: `.Sr'& ,D ft. / G Facility/OwnerNanie f. fL l� t Facg%,IDF Ufdpplieable) r �. e-� ft. L it r�•.r Gs _:s'6'' I�� . Physical Address,City,and Zip fi fk • PAS d� .. ..... _ _ - �nr:�ltzAlzles:�. County a Parcel ldeati5catioo'140.(PIN) 5b.Latitude and Longitude in onesufficient) d (if-well field, largo )egrctslminptes/sewiadsor decimal dt5grr eS: Wong is soTfieient 22.Cetiification: . 36! N 9- �T 9 �o W � argnattoaofCcmfied wetl'contratAar 6.Ls{are)tbewell(s): C�.r er-.11t. or OTenaporaiy Date BY s1b7ingJbisform,1 hereby certify chat the•wells)war(were)eonrtrucxed in accordance 7.Is this•a repair to an existing.,weli: ❑Yes or [ with ISA•NCAC 02C.Od00 or!&!NCAC 02G.0200 Wdi C6nslrrlddoh&audmsTr raid thud a 1fthisisarepay,ffloutdhmwnwe11construction information rod Q4arecordharbeenprovidedta'thewellowner. repab-ander 921 remark•section oron theback o thls orm. espl4rn d7L ramie ofthe f: f 73.Site'diogtAm or additional well details: &•Number oPwells constructed I'°u rnfl3' a 5atdt of this page to provide adttonal well.site details or well For"ob0leinjectionarnon-water supplywellsO LYwithrhesmneearasbaciiortyoucan i:onstruWandetails. You mayalso.attaeh additional pages:ifnecessary, s+rbmrtoneform. SUB1G MALINSTUC!'IONS i 9.Tatai'wAl depth below land surface: y ormnli Ic-Usi-tolldepdaifdrfferedt(etompTe_g(a3200'and2 00 242'F°r All W.Hs: Submit this farm 4thm 30 days of completion of well C ) construction tothe following: 10.ru Static water level below top of casing: Z s Division of Water uali Information Processing Unit, llfxnlerlevdisabovetwsing,use"+" (�) Q tys 1617 Marl Service.Center;Raleigh,NC 276994617 11.Borehole diameter.— .- 010 24h.For Iniection.Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 12.Well construction method- above,also suburit a copy of this form:within 30 days of completion of well (Le auger,rotary.Cobb,d mct posh,etc.) cotWMbtion to the following FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY-- Divisiori•of Water Quality,Underground Injection Control Program, 106 Mail Service Center;Raleigh,NC 176994636 13a Yield(gpm) Method oftest BlOeun20 mI11UtE 24t Fok-water.Saanly&Infection Welhis• In additianto sending the.form to HT � q v� the addresa(es)ttboVe,also Submit one 1copy Of this form Within 30 days of 13b.Disinfation type: Amoaot: completion of well constrltrtion to the county health department of the county where constructed. 4 Form GW-1 North Cam"on Depachrrent ofEnvuonrneat and NatutaT Resources-Division of Water Quanty Revised Jan.2013 9 HE�