HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09337_Well Construction - GW1_20221007 'ELLt CONSTRUCTION RECORD i Tws font can be used for single or multiple wells For intetoal Use ONLY: 1-Well Contractor Informatiou: ' I • t4.R'XTER ZONES I - WeU Contractor Nuns FROM TO DESCRirRON f 7oft /84a fts- NCWellConhactorCatificationNumber 2,6oa ft p� I5 OIITER.CA5ING fortfnul .]veils OR• 6 l3a rnette Well Drilling, OnCa FROM TO DL+MEfHt R`tfa ticY6te .. ASS M A ft 'tlatlAL Ib.II1lYCIC:CASIiVG•OIC7'OBING eotliefrliialeiasadd 2.Well Constriction Permit#: RROld To DUt1tErFg List all applicable uT11 comiraction ft R T�CIaYE.53 MATERIAL permfu(%e. marry,Slare,1!anatrce,etc) in. 3.Well Use(check well use): ft tt in. WaterSappiyWell: T $CRcEa.- OAgriculhlral PROM❑MunicipaUpublic- ft TO DIAMETER SI+OTsME THIC[CNFSS SfsTERUL ft DGeothet'mal(Heating/Cooling Supply) L4RLggential in.Water Supply le t❑Industrial/Commercial pp y(single)) ft i OResidential Water Supply(shared) Ohri etion PxoM � �tA�L . .. -. Non-Water SupplyWetl. ft �—� ft §and/ EMPI'tCEMENIMMOD'&ArdOUNT meta our Monitoring ORecovexy ft lnjeclion Welh ft ❑Aquifer Recharge R R ❑Groun'divaterlterriediation .Y9'SA11j;pA. �f. :tiCiitite ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery PROM To OSalinity Barrier rtrAxF�uAL ❑Aquifer Test ft ft FMYLACFMPNTMEDiOD ❑StonnwaterDrainage []Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control ft ft ❑Geothe[mal(Closed Loop) OTtacec :.2ti I1121GLi1+[G'I;OG:aitaeli, iti6uiitatieecc:itutclssg ❑2wthermal(Heating/Cooling Return) DOtb FROM TO DESG7tIp1gON mler 5ardn soiUroek :: ; er(explainunder#2I Remartcs U R ft 'u a� S t'e h 4.Date Well(s)Completed:�ZLfj�Z�VeA ID# �,./' � ft Q it Sa WeA Locatjon: It � O t Clvt'¢-/es �dC � � ft oft . Famhty/OwnvNamc ft ft � Fadility ITJk(ifdpplipble) 67 1 e tr�irU1-�!A ft ft Physical Address,City.and Zip ft ft i` T IF Z S D A.,-? - County ;:.'.:.. . Parcel ldenttfieahooNn.(PIN) -_ . Sb.Latitude and Lottgitudcind in„r;,i:,;!i.:; >.-. ..,� lsr , (-INN field,one laMo °uuu / OOdsbr derimai egrEeS; 2Z Cernfrcgaon: Mona is sufficient) 6'Ls(arc)the W.tll(s): l3viemanenY. or OTemporafy 'R'z"u=ofC U fie4 Well'Contrnttor Date 7_IS this a repair to an exisiing,weU: pY ts or By slgaingibu farm,I hereby cerrijp Aw the•weU(s)war(welt)contracted in aarotdanct L�fQn wiflr I3i1 Ni'iIC 02C.0I00 to I3rtNCtiCOIC.020D We!!CutrslrucBoh Standandr turd r/rct.a' Ijrhfs is a repair,fill oat brown well eonrfirretion itfbrmalion and ^rltairrtader37l retnarkrse�tionarontbebaekofihlsform. -���'t'hrec�ordhas•beengmvldedta(hesyellowner.erpinfn tlrt nanmc ofdre , .Site d'iagttm oradditionalwell details: ti,Namber ofweUs constructed: You+nay'US6 the liI of.this page to provide additional well,site details er well For muftipleinjectionor non-1t,a upplyweUsONLYwtthnc�sanrtcottttyaeGon,y�� con��ondetails• You may also-attach additional submironejortt� pages:ifnecessary, SUIIIKMAL INSTUCTIONS 9-Totafwdl depth below land surface:_ d Aormrdtoewellshalal!depthsijdifferetrt(eornple-3(a)9 ^ e2 00j (k) 24a. For Ail We1Lv Submit this form Within 30 days cormtj ec loll tothe fo7iowiirg: of completion of well 10.Static water level below top of casing: �i5 ruater level is above casing,use"+" (M) DivlsionofWaterQuality,Information Processing Unit, 11.Borehole diameter. I617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,ATC 276994617 f n') 346.For Inieetion.VRelis: In dddition to sending the form to the address in 24a 12.Well construction method: aboves also submit a(copy of this lbrm�within.30 days of completion o€'well (i.e.auger.rotary.cable,dicer push,ere) canstdidion to the following I- FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Qaality,Uadetgioaud Injection Control Program, 1636 i►7<ail Service Center Ralegh,NC 27699-1636 I32_Yield(gpm) Method oftest: Blovvn20 minute 24e Foir W i er.Sunoly&Iniectioh Wdlr'In addition to sending the form w 13b,bisinfcctton type: HTH ZD� thtd address es( )above,also submit one copy of this foim within 30 days of �lmonnt .� coipletion Of Well construction to the countyhealth where constructed. department of the county Form GW-1 North Cantina D ePartmeat ofFavirouatent and Natural Resources_Division of Water Quality' { Revisal Jan,2013