HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC223420_FRO Submitted (2)_20221013FINANCIAL RESPONSFEIEFTYlOWNERSHIP FORM SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT No person may lnitlate any land- disturbing activity on one or more acres as covered by lhe, Art before lhl5 form and an acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan have been oomplete'd and approved by the Land OuAllty Sartlnn. N,C Departmont of Environmental 00rility. 5uhmit thA rnmrlgteri form to the s+pprnprinto Regional Office. (PWase type or print and. if the question Is not appl"Wa or the e-mail addfess or phone number is unavailable, place NIA In the blank-) F41 i A. 9. ^valid NsmalVIOT 1J Blast Berm ❑esian /�e1y/} Y k .., ,.Brunswick rY+ r/ �,,,SmilhvilleTownship 2. Luy4i+},.1 ,,li 11NI Ike .v,�i r1.,{� YyiY It . VVLFi{Y y� k�y o 1 M�!<nah'F+ JTAM/�}� 3+►.r#t aaag 7 74 lai�kL}Y�l�rr�l r eHf �I Y�age�(.,,{�-V�G4gi Ma] I e�n�lh+r`n�G4Gii�+;djY.u+..��_ 22023 q Ar}nmvimLstq �I{s#4s Iwf+r1Ilf�irhln Prfi��iFF Will Pnr»mar�Ii� a' d Pirr1•nnn of Onyo.Pnnrnpnt O¢slfinnOni rnmmflrr:lRl inriIntriai ini;ftifinnul. Mr. }• OperatiorlallUS Army 5. Total acreage disturbed o•r unaovemd eincludina off -site borrow and waste areas): 411.9 6 ► mount of fee enclosed: $41, 00 The anvhc.atlon fed nt S100.00 Dor acro(round erl tip to the next acre) is assessed without a ceiling amount {Example; 8.Ia-acre application fee Is $900). Checks should be acddressed to NCDED. 7. Has an erosion and sediment oontrol plan been filed? Yes ❑ Enrk d lA No ❑ 8. Person tocontactshould} erosion and Sediment control issues arise during land-dlsturbing activity: Ram" Ql1f[ Y► l t i $ E-mail Add ress16Vi4AY1[.W,.irelis.C++iV(!PAn�•Mt Phone: Office # 6i I O - { Mobile # TI D �5.1 ~ =F) L I 9. Landowner(s) of Recard•(auach accompanied page to list additional owners) - United Mates of America (910) 457 8425 NIA Nu mu 6280 l,nnV Point Rd Current Mailing Address Southport, SIC 28461 rnollo, oike 4 mobii9 6280 qtjnnv Point Rd f Current Street Address Southport, Pic 28461 10. De -A eon :k Ne 189 Page Mc 51 i}r� li rin 2 n f 4hc m 4 iurr nl Part B. I. Company(ies) wlio are financially responsible for Ole land -disturbing activity (Provide a comprehensive list .~f III respnnn�-ihlo'?=teg on ecce1np3nied '^mn MIA it 3 � Iz . nr«+VyMrohfn nr��rlh� are individual(s), lire rier►ofsS) ollhe owr;ier(8) may b& lrsled as 1ha Fieiartcidlly fV5P0+P5il a F,:u1y(iea). Company Name 0orrant W111nn Adrircfeg City State Zip Phone: Office # E-mail Address 0irront Str"t Addrfisa City State Zip Mobile # Note; If the Financially Rpsoonsrhlo Party is not the owner of the land to be dialurW, include with this form the landowner'& signed and dated written consent for the applicant to Submit a draft erasion and sedimentation conlr0l elan and to conduct the anticipated land disturbino artl0ty 2 (a) If the Financially Responsible Party is a domestic company renisterpd on the NC Secralary of State business registry, give name and street address of the Registered Agent; Name of Registered Agent E-mail Address Current Mallinq Address Current Street Address City State Phone: Office # zip city Mobile # Name of Individual to Contact (if Registered Agent Is a company) Stale Zip (b) If the Financially Responsible Party Is not a resident of North Carolina, give name and street address of tho dosignalod North Carolina acgani who is registersd on the NC 5sr;rotary of State husiness registry: Name, of Rergislered Agent E-mail Address Current Mailing Address Current Street Address City State zip City Stale Zip Phone: Office # Mobile # Name of Individual to Contact (it Registered Agent is a company) (c) If the Financially Reeptwtsible Party to engaging in business under an assumed name, give name under w1II,,.II ilia willijaliy lb L'AA'11V auailitlaa tw. if u v irnlam inny i1C;apuimou1G raliy Ib cm mumuuai, GutiCIai Partnership, or other company not registered and doing business under an assumed name►, attach a copy of the Certfflcaft of Aissumad Marna. Company DBA Narne The above information Is true and c onec:t to the best of my knowiodge and belief and was provided by m{� i rover oath rrhic fnrm mi tqt hQI tInn prl by tho Finanr*Inlly Rocinnnczihira Psarcnn ifan inrOuirlvial (a) or his attorney -in -fact, or If not an individual, by an officer, director, partner, or registered agent with the n..{hnr:{.e �..nn� �{!h �nnl.-�.r.,� 1r• �nr {M,A, �ir7n�hir,ll,r %nf*nnnniltiln Pn'ir�) I nnrnn {n r+rn*ndn ...r. uti.�.v...r . vury � ..+�. .+��. .+.+ ..r. ...y , M Y.Mu� \Y�I{I VIIJ�M.Y w�*jj. . uy. ti.Y ...+ � v•�yrY corrected information should there be any change In the information provided herein. Adrienne Rogers i ype or print n8 8 Siqnature Environmental Compliance Officcr I Itle or Nutrlonty Data I, '1ti ('-A, n i Duu1 , a Notary Public of the County of &kwi )Qv State of North Carolina, hereby certify that i�kf'trp- , appeared personally udiurti 111ti H i b clay di lu Ut#u ill Liuiy t wui I I dt.i%I IUwit�uyuu 6 WL 6IL' t VU IU! III VVdb WMILUitili by i II11 A wi . Witness my nano ana notariai seal, this \45 oay of:OPV- *���t111111i1yI*, Oz. PLA30 i I % "55 � OVEfk f1l! — -- �Notary Vah-1 - My commission expires b4