HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09307_Well Construction - GW1_20221006 4'3'ELL CONSTRIICTION ItECORID t Tbis form can he used for single or multiple wells For internal Use ONLY: L Well Contractor Information: i K WATER zONSS Contractor Name Well ContractorTO 1 3,f 7,6 %�� S�f6 5 hest D Z N NC Well Contractor certification Number ft ft 1�.. R.F:Ab1rrG for timkiKasedlvdis 13arnette Well Drilling, Once FROM ORLIIXE$'rfa ueatite• .. TO DL1MErrt�;t Cor�taay Namc v ft 15 6"- 2.well Construction permit 'II�IiYCIi I AMP-OR7'OBING eel PROM TO IAMEIEg erdual.closMl List all applicable xrl!coastnrction ermlls y e D 7HIC�1E53 MATERfAL P (f e.Count,Slm lrarlorrae,eta) ft ft is 3.Well Use(check well use): tt ft Water Supply Well: 7Z:SG12$EN:' ❑Agriculoural irROM TO DIAMETER SIZE SLOT OMunicipaUpuhlic- ft h TBltaavess' srATt:ltuL ❑Geothermal "O�(Heating/Cooling SUPPLY) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) ft ❑Industrial/Commercial in. ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) 'Ytt lr1tAUT '• . ' ❑hri scion mince rO - •_. - . .. . . Non-Water Supply Well: ttIA4TMUL PLA ft ft jnCEMErrrMErg our ❑Monitoring ❑Recovery ft & ¢ oDtf, ooNf Injection We1i• 3 U ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑ ft. ft ❑Aquifer Storage andRecovcn f'rt°mtdtaReniediation 39'$A111ti7 +UyptCj�if•..'lilstife ❑Salinity Barrier mtOM To atATEttIAL❑Aquifer Test ft R. EMrIACentEN7.MEtgOD: ❑Stormwatrs Drainage ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control & ft ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer C°lots`act r :'Oddisac d'atieees:ifu ❑Geothermal(Heating/CoolingurnoM TO DFsaarrnoN mier hardn z'SUnuk Ret p ) OOtha{explain under#2I Remarks ® it ft .:.'nacre ere f 4-Date Well(s)Completed O 3®� g _ Q [— V j6 __g^wel W.# /,S J �� ft ���ya.r s�; Sa.Wen Location: !� fR �— -7W9-A, Pfc ft ��it a4(t-I►/ FacahtY/OwncrNanic & ft. L�` Facilitq lDt'tifipplicahle) it ft Physical Address,Ciry,and Zip ft ft �,5 t:t9p.¢11 �:;zr:�isE•x�zi�;::: :• •..: ..-::::.:.-' `z`- -., �. .. -., County ..3-• ''c--!'... parcel Identifirabioallo,{PIN} :::: 5b.Latitude and longitude indegreWininutesfsecoodrordecimalaegrees ' -' Ltr=1 (IT-ell field,one laydloag is sntfieieat) g q ® ® 22•Certification: r; 3 T� N- ? W � ' C� fr-'b(arc)thewr** �e a' nent. or ❑Temporary d�ofCeaified Well'Gonaae6or Date 7-Isthis a repair t0 an ezisting.,welL ❑Xes or [})Qp 14 sr15A;N rhlC 02C,!hereby cerrfjy char ue•we4s)war(wera)constructed In accor&nce wit/r I3i1 ArCdC OIC.Ol00 or 15ANCAC 02C.0200 Well CdrrrlrudRon Mandonds mid thcl o !f ibis is o rcpalr,frpora.bte wn well conttruclion informolion and 'a?�'O�th!?mnfhar beM now �atherrd owner. repairanderi`21remarh rionoronthebaekofihLsform. p&nrhenatarrof.ie j 23.Stte'tyiagisuar or addiffottalwell details: >3.Number ofwells constructed: [i You tnaY•Usti the ha*of this pave to provide additional well.site details or mobil For multiple injection or non-warersupply wells OIVLYwIth rhesmne coruducdorr you can eonstiuction details, You may alsti attach additional submlroneform pages.ifnecessary. SUOMMALINSTUCTIONS 9-Total well depth below land surface: �d Formaltiplewellrliuolldepthrifdrocrer*(earnplc_3Q200'and1�L00� (ft) 24a For A11 We1L= Submit this form within 30 days�of completion of well 10.Static water level below top of casing: �. Ifxaterlevel is above casing,use^+^ (ft) Division of WaterQuality,Information Processing Unit, 1L Borehole diameter. 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NTC 27699-1617 _ Cn•) 24b For IDieetiou•Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 242 i..Well construction method: above, (i.e. also sitbit"t a copy of this form within.30 days of completion of well auge,rosary.rabic,daect push,erz,) construction to the following. i FOR WATER SUt'PL1'WELLS ONLY: Divisiod of Water Qualify,Underground.Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699_lG6 13a.yield(gpm) Method aftest: 1310,wn20 minute 2'4r-Foi-Water.SDDniy&Iniectiolt Not In additionto sending the form to 13b,Disinfection fie HTH Z"7 tit°addresses)abomr,also submit one!copy of this faun within 30 days of ' AMO O: coIDpietion of well Go.tah;tction to the C'Monty health department where constructed. trttent of the county Form GW-1 North Carolina De partment i^`^^r^tandNaturalResouces-Dixision,ofwatergmlityt 1 Revised Jan.2013