HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09186_Well Construction - GW1_20220930 WELL CONsrRUCTION RECORD For hicnuitU-CONLY: This foamcan be used for sinrk or nuthiplc wdis 1.Well Contractor Information: tl.WATER ZONES John Eisenman I FROM to ormvPttON %Veil Corttrtrun Manic ti• tt• i fl, ft. 4439 NC Well Comrtcior-Ccnification Nontcr 0111,1 T-IR CASING(formuttPessid 4-05)OR L11�FR N'a llcabk FRosi so mANttTFR Tine FEss �t.+ttelni, SAEDACCO Inc ft, ft. I CAngrnn-Nana lti INHtt CA5INC.OR 7l?B[l�G eoiAcrmal tlusid loop) 1 FROM TO pL�NtFTF.R T}Il('t�\ESS MAIT.RLf.L 2.Well Canstructinn Permit 9: 0 h. 31 tt. 2 u► SCt340 PVC Gpr nil rlyhrrohh•rrrll pertri.i(i.e.Count:',Sare,Voriontq/rveriM1 eir.) - fl. 3.Well lice(check well usc): i7.tit RFtSN Water Supply%Yell: + FROM 1 TO DIAAIVTFR ;1.0VK I>1 TmcKsf s I MATERIAL ClAgricydtural Oktunicip:il:1'ttblic 31 tI. 41 p. 2 ire OSO I SCH40 PVC t IGeothema d(HcatinglCooting Supph) 01tesidential�l altcr Supph•(single) ft. ft. iti. 0IndustriaUC:onunercial OResidential Witer Supply is wed) 18.GROUT i FROM 1 TO 1 MATFRLAI. I ENIPIACOIFNT NIFTHOD A AMOUNT ❑irri ation 24 ft. 0 ft. Portland Pour Non-%Stater Supply Well: ®htonitorin ORccoyen injcrtlan%Yell: ft. n. QAquifcr Recharge 00mundwatcr Rcowdimion '_19.SANWGRAVEL PACK(if tl(cahle FROM TO I %1,TrHt%I. P.MPLAUFAWNT%0-1`6t91) DAquifer Storage and Rcco%vn• OSalinin-Harder 141 ft. 28 A. I Sand #2 DAgnifer Test OSc ; DEwcrmcna l'ccMtoto(n OSuhsidocc Control „DRAf,tU. \G LOG atitt. M addltios ' al axefi if ncc4mmn: ❑G.wthemul(Cltrsed Loop) C)Traicm FROM TO DESCRIPTIO\'tinbr.hrttdrw. ar+illn kitpe. oa.wrcw.I DGeothennal(11catioe-Cooliue Rcium) DOther(explain under#21 Reularks) 0 ft. 10 fr. Silt/sand/clay 10 it. 41 t1. PWR 4,pate%Well(sl Completed: 8-5-22 Well IpdMN-201 ft. ft. 5a.'AMI Location: facili»iCr+'nr Nanlc Facility iD>'firtppli:7nlc) ��'� ft. t1. FP n 293 NC-740 Badin, NC 28009 Stanly County, , p, ft. - 2022 Pin si td Addr.^ss.Cit .and Zip 31.t2E1NAR1►ti it vi r,i R!i bentonite seal from 28-24ft .>:JQv V Coanb Parcel ILknlfftC:ttintiNo.tP1N4 Sb.Latitude and IAmgitudc in d gm-csiminute_c/scomils or decimal dcXnrxc: 22.Certification: 6f'%%clt fiw1d,ow lal'Iowg ix%tdfkww) N %%' �� -� 8/12/2022 St intur,of i r Date 6.Is(am)the wCQ(S): x1Pernanent or oTemliorary Hr sitnit. r!-vy fon..`'�r1 f •. tf. .. � 1.irG<✓I.u4rbnr)rrl in rszcralrrnrc j.1.r t...`... o-ahi5AA ACIfX dt7Ntnit 7.Ls this a repair to an existing well: DVcs (or ENti rr�+�t rhii tt rash hr...ln•.�pnirid+.;m iM ,rvl!as^nr r. !f fhi't it ft tf p4r r(li.far (arrnn+sill ferrb7th 7i'.rtr Art rnfy7fifm tota r-t'(dohl the nJwgi'r f tilt^ - rrldtir-ttrulrr 921 r,tnodcs.+r-iao or cm the hf.4-k of?his fnnr. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use fire back of this page:lo provide additional well site details or well S.Number of wells constructed- 1 cuusttuaion details. You men also attach additiolcd pages if ui tessan'. l'LOt mtrlt/`tint ilj(rtiiPli fur n1Nr-n'rrtt't f)gtlhrti n'rth nvl.}'with thin Mtut to°srruelhl+4 t-aai e<rr) +..unit furr farm- S'UBMIYJAL INS7•UMONS 9.Total well depth bclow land surface: 41 (ff.) 24a. For All Well,: Subnut this,fonn within 30 days of completiou of well For rttal7iple n'etlt!w rtfl dep)hc ij rltfi rroq(.:+tvnplt•7G?ik?'ut¢120 1!X)•r construction to the following: 10.Static water keel below top of casing: (Pt.) Division of Water Resonnes,Information Prucessing Unit. !f mint level ii ahr•re rmfog,oar-"+" 1617 bail So-vice f.Cnter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borelmiediameter:l0/6 (in.) 24b.For itljl on Well cONIL.V: ;lo addition to sending Il1e form to the addum in 24a above. also submit a cop} of this form within 10 days of completion of well 12.Wcil construction method: HSA/AIR coustmction to the following: fix.anger.rotas.c-iblc,dirca push.cic.t pir•lston of Water Resources,lindct'gt'tirnd Injection ContrN Prr►grarn, FOR WATER SUPPL%'WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Sen•ice Ce i nter.Raleigh,NC 276rr)-1636 t3a }'field(gp►m) �letfind of test 24c.For Water Supply A InjcetiortJwells: Also submit one colo, of this futm within .10 days of conrplelion of 13b.Di.infation type:, •:n_ „ Amount _V- -„ es'cll coustmction to the counh' lre:+lth department of the couniv cylicrr consinicictl i Fonu OW-1 North Catolau i -1xinnicnt of Eu+uau mot and Natural Rewuiccs-Div i:hm of\t'atcr Rr otrces RC%tsed august Mr 13