HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09150_Well Construction - GW1_20220930 Jan. Zy. ZUItl W)PIV1 tnv. meaitn NO. 011 I r. I WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW 1) For Internal use Only: 1.W I Contract0 IDformAllo ' r tnn::wwMMolutts..__ sx.•��,,. �-�:.w,W: -F,s. .. SPA M TO DtSCRWMN we"ConaadwMaine /deft. 05 1 S NCw�era6adonNomber Rx3:Q1kfERClkSlbiti't8icmidltsiiied-..�.QR : fii h�iirME'" A ' a'lA P&M e 10 i110M TO I DIAMETER ESS BIARRIAL ,Sir '/'G' SID VC- 'a :1tiIlVNB3N.CA51YfihOR".L'ElAtNB! ...,her'n-+at:ctot'6d-[a'!.�•�.!��•s•.-��-,--,: 2.Well Construction Permit9, C� oas To oiAMcfesMA l, TERIAL /sraf1 applimNe xdl emtmnedonpem fu AA t11C.Comm.Shim Yktfmice,ex) fr• R. l0. 3.Well Use(cheekwell use): n' h' _ M.LTR100E _ water Supply Well: FRQ t >'RI DIAIWErrit .. OT CK MATERIAL y _Agrieutut®t [)MunicipallPublic ft. R �• Geothermal MeatingICooling Supply) ffKaidentw water supply(Single) e. (t. to _Ihdualriel/CommerCial [)Residential water Supply(shared) 1 ti01EKrMMH0V&AM0UKr Non-Water Supply Well n. rr. NJ 1AJI. L Monitoriag ❑Recovery D. ft, lujeetlon Well: _ Aqui(kiItcc c, E)Gmundwaterltemediation _. 3k�1>/GR�?YBIiPAC1F ._" 2ati18�-_•-•+.•=:_�_:.-:�-.: _ - .^��==;�=' ' Aquifcr$torage and Recovery DSOlinity8errier FROM TO MATERIAL LACLMEWMMOD AquiferTest 'OStormWaterDraimp n. ft Experimental Technology 0SUbsidence Control R Geothermal(Closed LOOPY QTracer 1QA 6I FJG ai nCli aaJlnox iil(aliiei;ftir'u,a =-::-ter;:= =='=�., _Geo&emal(Haatinsf0aoingReturn 0ther loin under 021Remarks raoM To afscx ro. alar,bardoeu,tottheck tier err. 4' (L c , i tit 4.Date wells)Completed: 3 a Well m# Olin /f tt. 5a.Well Loeatiom Z/ OZGS ft' 1 loft Lr C- / ?0 e'eS °` tr ��,•_ 4' havomfNam Facility IDe(ifdapricab:a) tr R. ° a @ a t4i dti Pbystaet Addmts,Cm,sad Tip m n. 15 comy Pmeel Iltaimeadon Na ql! ) ti Q;'W OC 5b.Latitude and longitude in degreeshniatites/seconda or dedmal degrees: (itwellll Md.one tsdiong is sufficient) 22.Certification: ,�./O -/ -51 7� '1r2 0 PI ,{% Rime o 6 Is(are)the WeIi(s) Permeaent or MQTemporary 9igm ctti6ed Well Coawetor Date I .�r� By sitdfift dur faros 1 hereby eer*rhor the ttmll(t)wm Cetre)eanrnuered�tr am),daace 7.Is this a npalr to an e3lsting well: QYes or �o wr'rh 1SANCAC 02C.0100 or 1SA NCAC 02C.d200 Well Coerrntedon S1mh*7 W and than a 1/thh!s o rspai►.j!0 arnlrrotnr wdt eonrfrr rJiek taforalOrion and erp/aor fhe nwmt ofrhe �pY oJrhtr roc»rd bar been protYdMni the rvdl owner. repair carder 021 mwanis,ecdon o7 an the backafrhrsfon. 23.Site diagram or additional well deiRils: &For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the some You may use the back of This page to provide additional=11 site details or well construction,only I GW 1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL MJMUR of wells consttuction details.You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: 91 M1T1'AL iNSTRUC7IQNS 9.Total well depth below land surface: _ _ � G� (h.) 249.For All Well Submit this form widlin 30 days of completion of well For mufapkxg0s(waildeNht;/df(emw(emmple.3®100'arid 2@10U) construction to the following: 10.Static hater level below top of casing: D 00 Division of Water Resources,Informatlon Processtug Unit, ffrmrerlevel ft&bowembe use"+n iiiv Maii SeMee Cchhr,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter. (in.) .,' 24L For Iniectlon Wells: in addition to andiag the farm to the address in 24a p y r f above,also submit one copy of this fmm within 30 days of completion of well 17.Well constraeflon method: constivwonto the following: (U.auger,rawy.cable,truest pmb.GO.) Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276991636 c I 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test 0. b 24e.For Water Sunoly dk Iniectlon Wells: in addition to sending the form to the address(es)above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Dis6rketlen type: Amount. C v .j completion of well construction to the county health dcpamnrnt of the county xd<ere cons acted. Form OW-1 NORh C=nIh n Depmrmew afEavimmacil Qtmlity-Division of Water Rctomces Rovieod 2 22-2016 i