HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09143_Well Construction - GW1_20220930 WELL CONS'TRUCI'ION RECORD For lntcrmalUscONLY: i This fonn can be ascd for singk or mtrhipk+cells' i 1.Well Contractor information: 13-A ATER ZONIUS" Scott Hunt Jr. FROM TO nF;SCa1p"o's Wail ConKm Name A.Na tt. ft. h. A. 4561-A NC\@ellComractorCcnifrcationNumbcr ]S:OUTFRCASING for'inuhidnedrells ORLIKER(ita tkalok'' iROsl I TO VI METFit : THIMMV.S5 I MATT,RIA1, SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 5 ff. 4" In. SCH-40 j PVC CoulpanyN me 16r.1NNER CASING OR TUBING ft!eotherms!closed-loop FROM .TO I 01,43IETER I TIIICK\ESS I MATERIAL 2.Wc1l Construction Permit fi: (I. l.in an e),wrable µrut.prnnitf(ix.t ewity.shale.Varinrtcr,fleck rt ew.) .fl. ft.- m• 11 3.Well lisc(check Well use): 17.SCREEN Water Supply Well: FROM TO AIANIFTPR SUOTSILf I 7111001;SS I MATERIAL 0Agrictdtutai tJMti»icipaLTllUlic 5 ft. 20 ft. 41' in, .006 SCH-40 PVC i 43cothclntal(HcatioglCooling Supply) OResidential Rater Suµyh'(single) ft. (t. in OindustriallConiniercial OResidential Water Supph,(shared) 1F8ROGROUT. To stATERtAL` EATP[ACEMGVTMI TIIOD R AMOUNT oirri ation 0 ft, 3 ft. Portland Tremie Non-Water Suppty Weil: ft; f�. Oi6lonitorinG Oltcco%ety injection Well: h: ft. OAquiferRechargc 06rouod+iatcrRcncdiatiorl 19.5ANDIGRAVELPACKtit rlkattk FROM. TO .AfATF.N1At. N.MPI\(1:11ENT:N47rintl OAquiferSiongc mid Rccovci)' ❑Silinity Barrier 4 (1. 20 ft. Filter Sand #1 OAquifcr Tcst OStormimatcr M-unagc (1. f1. OE.fit rimcntal Tcahnolo OtilfisidctKc Control C 20.=DRtl.LING(tAC(sit ach`additionnlsbrtts if eiccccsan) ❑Ckothert►al(Closed Loop) OTracet FROM TO DF,SCRIPTION(tvbr.hrrtlnca wilinwicope.pvifi vae.ot. OGeothe ntai(Hcatinetooline Return) ®Other( lain under#21 RetnAs) See gho a log ft. ft. ft. 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 8/24/22 Well1)#SVEI 5a.Well Urcatiltn: Duke Energy ft. ft. C P g n' Facilny)0%vrcr More Facility tDk(if aWlimblc) A. ft. „mil 8320 NC-150, Sherrills Ford, NC, 28673 ft. A. ifli�i:fv FJ 1 : f:.n +"? "" Physical Addmsx City-tind Zip 21 REMARKC , Catawba Bentonite seal from 3-4'1 C;aunn• 1'ar>:ct Id_nlific;uion No,(PiN► Sh.i.atitude and Longitude in dc)mc%fininuteslscconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: tif++'el)field,one Iattlon i8 crtflitKid) N W __ .a• 9/18/2022,.. -� 5igtutirrc ofCenfficd Wcll Contm:tor Datc 6.Is(are)the:well(s): OPennanent or oTemporary Kr signing•!h!s firtm„l lrrrebr'e'errift•Thor the;i•rll!s9 rsYtY{p>en'!eriruttuerert ire ae'r'orrlanrr n•ith'!SA,VCAC 402C,01(k)Or I SA k fC 02C.02(!O Well Corrsvortkut Sralyltrrds wid ilta7 a 7.Is this a repair to an existing.well: 0Ves -or MNll e(7ltvaf'this rerrrr5'Iliarinrn p ririded rrt�lJnr a+'ll rnrn�r, If 1his'lr a rclmlr,fill or,tknoi,e,well rnnsink-ifon brfomxtflotrwul expinhr the owrare of rhr rela.ir tunler o2l r maikc sn jion nr rw dir&N•k of d,is firm. 23.Site diagram or additional well detaits: You ma)'Dse lire back of this page,to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of„'ells constructed• 1 cons(roctiondetails. You'thav also'attach additional p1bvS if necessaiy. For mithiple in/colon to rime=+rarer supl+l+'wells OIVI,)'rr•hh the some constnrelion,+ecru e rn submirm,e form. 911111i111UAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 20 (ft.) '24a. Ivor All Wells: Subuul this form within 30 days of complelion of well Fortnriltiple wells list al/r)rluhsffdlfrr•rejo(es'em,pIN702M'mv12 I&T) constriction to di¢follolring,, 10.Static eater level below top of casing: 00 Division of Water Resources;Information Processing Unit. lJx�rter leurl is rlbc,ve ci,iiiz;,br: "." 1617.Mail Service Center;Raleigh,NC 276"4617 11.Borehole diameter-10.62 5" (in.) 24b.For lliWion Wcllc ONhti'f In addition to sending the form to the address in 24aabove, also subntil a cop)t of this form within.gib days of completion of i,Vll. 12.Wcll construction method: HSA Construction 16lite following' (tc.augm rotary.cable.direct push elc:) Division of Water Resources;Underground Injection Contro fitm, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLV: 1636 Mail Sen1ce Center.Raleigh;NC 276994636 13a.Vidd(glorn) Method of test• 24c.For Water Suppiv&'injectio n,Wella: Also subnih one copy of this forni within" 0 days of completion of 13U.Disinfitition f)'pc __ m Amount well consinivion to the count}' ticalUt dcpantttelrt of the cotmh.where - - constructed. Fonn M-1 North Cwolian Departonew of Em•iron nlc(o and Nittrral Resources-Division of AlaierliResowces Revised AuguSt 2413