HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09140_Well Construction - GW1_20220930 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD � For internal Use ONLY: nis renn can be used for sinFk or multiple wells I.Well Contractor Information: 1-3.WATER ZONES, Scott Hunt Jr. FROM I DFSCRIF"M Wail Ctit>zr:tanr N,nne h, h. u. h. 4561-A NC Well Contranor Cenifnation Nunilbcr 13.OUTF.R CASING-foririuhi-casedwens'OR LISTER if an inable FROM TO I mAMi,TF.R TNICKNFSS MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 35 It. 2" in. SCH-40 PVC Company Name M.INNER CASING'OR TUBING ileotbennat ebscddot+pj. FROM TO DLA�IFTER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.WdI Construction Permit Lin ill applirithlr utlf prnniri(i:r.C.rtenh•.51rnr..1rriarrrr.Trq`Eroari rtt.3 ft. h. ,in• 3.Well Ilse(check well use,): 17.SCRi:EN Water Supply Well: FROM TO r DIANIETFR SLOTS171, TIIICKNINS I MATFRIAI: L7Agricultural G.Municiptil/liublic 35 ft. 40 ft. 2" in, 0 10 SCE-40 PVC 1343cothemtal(Ncatiriptooling Supply) 01tesident4al Water Supph•)single) 01)dustrilKontmercial 011csidential Water Supph•(shared) 1R+GROUT TO MATFRUl, P.AIPLACFMCYTMETHOU A AMOUNT DlrfiLpation 0 ft. 31 ft. Portland Tremie Non-Water Supply Well: h. h. OivlanitorinG ORccatrrg injection Well: QAquifcrRccharge OGroundwitcrRcntcdiation 19.SANDIGRAVEL PACK`rit iiitatfle FROM TOI MATRRt-%L F.MPI.AMIENTMYrHOn OAquifcrStoragc and Recovery ❑Salinitl•1lafricr 33 fL 1 40 h. Filter Sand #2 ClAgoifcr Tcs1 Dstormwatcr fhuinasc h. rt. OE\perimcntnl Tochnology ❑Suhsidcnec Comm1 10 DRtl:11rG LOG(a(tub additibrial KAiets if e►cccaxan OGeothernwl(Closed Loop) oTracet FROM TO UPMRIPTION ftobr,httrVnrtr w tt'nWk Upt.griiii s're,ok j OGeoihenttal 1Tlcatint lCooline Return) mother(explain under A21 Remarks) see gho s log ft. ft. ft. 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 8/23/22 Well iD#AS-2 ft. ft. q. r x. 5a.Well Lticath)n: ft. ft. • '� v s ! - ' Duke Energy h ft' SF. 2(j�� FacI tt:�'Ott'ncr Flamm Facility 1DK(if applimblc) fl. ft. l� 8320 NC-150, Sherrills Ford, NC, 28673 Illf- ft. h, u• n �t�ti+ s • Physical Address.City-.and Zip 21 RCMARKS' Catawba Bentonite seal from 31-33, CaatlM Pattel id-ni iry-ition No.(1,11N) 5h.l:atitudc and Longitude in degtreslminutcslsccrindr or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (if bell field,one hu lotV is std'tici;nn N W 9/18/2022 Sigrouir of Ccnlfied Well Conimnor Dalc r , 6.is(are)thewell(s)t 2iPerinanent or oTemporary M srgrtint this Conn,I heed'.11 errtify Mar thr"r/l(.0 tiros{rate)ix-aviturted hr tee orrlUnee ii*h 15A NCAC 02C.01M fir ISA A10W RFC AM nell Crnrstrartion standards rumIlyet a 7.Is this a repair to an existing{Yell: ®Yeti tr ENo tnp)'pjtltix rrrnnl has Men iN2+rjrfrd In7hr sn ll rnrnrr, lfthis is a cola'lir,fill oir fnhun troll nmonwilaa infumxrrkm and et'plala the mvrate of the ,rlmirroalrrA21 rrn+orAtr sre�ian or tut the beak nfthle form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: you may use d�back of this pale to provide additional well L site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details: You may also attach additional pabves if necessary. For nwhiple iri/eerimt eN arm-warm supl#wells OA9.Y i+•ifh'the same consfruetiotr,cot,COP ' .tatimit mir fare,+. SU M ITTA LKSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 40 (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: Subnut this form wilhin'3(1 days of completion of well For,natltiple tCH11 list all dr/ulrs 11 dlfti re+v(earmny,IC•30200'axtfl 20Iffl') construction to the foltoNting: 10.Static water level below tarp of casing: (ly,) Division of Water Resources,Information Processin8 Unit, lft+YNer level is above rrsirt•Y.use 1617 Mail Service!'Centcr,Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole di'ametcr:8.25" (ia) 24b.,For hikction 3yd1c ONLI': To addition to sendioR the forte to the addw in 24a above. also submil a copy of this foln) within 30 days of Completion of well 12.%Veil comstruction method: HSA Construction to the following'. (i.c.auger.roury,cable.dieted push ctc:) Division of Rater Resourccs,`Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLi'WELLS ONLY 163611feil Service Center.Raleigh;\C 27699-1630 t3a Yield(gpru). Method of test. 24c.For Water Supph'elk injection Wells Also submit one cop)'of this form within 10 days of completion of 13h.i)ixinfation type-___ Amount: well construction to the tountN"health dcpanmcrit of the cmtnh•.w•itcre constructed. Fann OW-I l�nnh Calafirta Dcyannx tit or Em rotunctu grid V:nural Resources-Dit'sion of 1\'flair Re5otrtes Revised:August 2013