HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000474_Lenoir 2022 Annual Report_20220830LENOIR Reporting Line Year BMP Measurable Goal Reporting Comments No. (July 1 - Ref. Metric June 30) Did Lenoir submit the Annual Self - Assessment to NCDEQ prior to August 31 1 1 1 each year? YES Did Lenoir develop and distribute new fliers 9 1 3.B.1. to raise general stormwater awareness? YES If so, how many general stormwater 10 1 3.B.1. awareness fliers were distributed? 150 Did Lenoir host a booth at the annual Blackberry Festival to disperse stormwater outreach materials/awareness through the use of interactive educational games and 19 1 4.B.1. activities? YES If so, how many Blackberry Festival attendees were engaged in stormwater 20 1 4.B.1. outreach? 400 Did Lenoir provide alternative outreach opportunities if the Blackberry Festival was canceled or as an additional outreach 29 1 4.B.2. supplement? NO If so, how many attendees were engaged in 30 1 4.B.2. stormwater outreach? Did Lenoir have WPCOG provide instruction and stormwater educational activities to 39 1 5.B.1. youth? YES If so, how many WPCOG youth education 40 1 5.B.1. activities/events were provided? 1 If so, how many WPCOG youth event 41 1 5.B.1. participants were reached? 85 54 1 5.B.2. How many storm drains were stenciled? 0 Did Lenoir create a presentation covering stormwater topics to be presented in digital Presentation 59 1 1 5.B.3. classrooms and/or provided to teachers? NO being created. If so, how many classroom presentations 60 1 5.B.3. were provided by teachers or staff? If so, how many students were reached by 61 1 5.B.3. classroom presentations? Did Lenoir develop printed stormwater best practices materials for local government 74 1 6.B.1. distribution? YES LENOIR Did Lenoir provide one presentation about one of the six NPDES Minimum Control Measures at each annual WPCOG Water 75 1 7.B.1. Quality Conference? YES If so, how many attendees were reached during the annual WPCOG Water Quality 76 1 7.B.1. Conference stormwater presentation? 137 Did Lenoir evaluate the target pollutants and Changes were not audiences to identify where outreach can be required at this 85 1 8.B.1. improved? YES time. If so, were any revisions made to target 86 1 8.B.1. pollutants? NO If so, were any revisions made to target 87 1 8.B.2. audiences? NO Did Lenoir maintain and update the 100 1 10.B.1. stormwater program web page? YES Was the annual self assessment uploaded to Is on WPCOG 101 1 10.13.2. the Town of Lenoir's website? NO website. Did any web page links, contact information, 102 1 10.13.2. or documents need to be updated? YES How many hits did the stormwater program 103 1 10.13.3. web page receive? Did Lenoir provide citizen education as part of the illicit discharge and illegal dumping 120 1 11.13.3. enforcement process? YES If so, how many educational citizen interactions were there during as part of the illicit discharge and illegal dumping 121 1 11.13.3. enforcement process? 8 Did Lenoir establish a hotline for stormwater 130 1 12.13.1. complaints and information? YES Did Lenoir identify specific staff who will 131 1 12.13.2. serve as the hotline contact(s)? YES How many stormwater hotline calls were 132 1 12.13.3. received? 10 Did Lenoir stormwater hotline staff receive training in general stormwater awareness, complaint call protocols, appropriate contacts for referral, and typical stormwater 137 1 12.13.4. issues? YES Did Lenoir publicize contact information on the Lenoir's Facebook page, and the 142 1 12.13.5. stormwater program and WPCOG webpages? Did Lenoir Establish a web based complaint/ reporting/input form to be housed on the 147 1 15.13.1. WPCOG website? YES LENOIR Did Lenoir utilize the existing Facebook page to promote public involvement in stormwater programs, events and projects and provide outreach/general stormwater 156 1 16.13.1. awareness messages? YES If so, how many posts were made on the Facebook page related to the stormwater 157 1 16.13.1. program? 1 Did Lenoir participate in quarterly Water 166 1 17.13.1. Resource Committee meetings? YES If so, how many quarterly Water Resource Committee meetings did Lenoir participate 167 1 17.13.1. in? 2 If so, how many attendees (total of all meetings) were at quarterly Water Resource Committee meetings that Lenoir participated 168 1 17.13.1. in? 38 Did Lenoir provide a survey to engage the public and gauge public interest in stormwater issues and the stormwater 181 1 18.13.1. program? YES 182 1 18.B.1. If so, how many surveys were completed? 0 Did Lenoir provide and promote volunteer 191 1 19.B.1. stream cleanup activities? YES If so, how many stream cleanup events were 192 1 19.13.1. held? 1 If so, how many stream cleanup participants 193 1 19.13.1. were there? 13 If so, how many trash bags were filled during 194 1 19.13.1. stream cleanup events? 8 Did Lenoir provide materials for volunteer stream cleanup activities hosted by Lenoir 211 1 19.13.2. and WPCOG? YES Did Lenoir supplement or replace stream clean-up time with outdoor educational activities if streams do not have adequate 216 1 19.13.4. litter available for cleanup? YES If so, how many supplemental or replacement outdoor educational activities 217 1 19.13.4. were held? 1 If so, how many supplemental or replacement outdoor educational activity 218 1 19.13.4. participants were there? 13 Did Lenoir update the existing MS4 map to include open channels, storm drain 231 1 20.B.1. information and flow direction? YES LENOIR If so, was at least 20% of the MS4 area 232 1 20.13.1. mapped? Yes Additional mapping is in progress which Did Lenoir add newly constructed will include new 241 1 20.13.2. infrastructure to the existing MS4 map? PARTIAL infrastructure Updated ordinance is in progress of being Did Lenoir review the IDDE ordinance and updated at time of 246 1 21.13.1. update if needed? YES report 251 1 22.13.1. Did Lenoir develop a written IDDE Plan? YES Template for IDDE plan and O&M plan was provided What date did Lenoir submit the written to JP on 252 1 22.13.1. IDDE Plan to DEQ for approval? ##### 11/3/2020 Without repeat discharges priority IDDE areas were not applicable. Currently working with WM site maps and NPDES permit locations to generate priority areas. High pollution potential areas Did Lenoir use the MS4 map to locate priority (such as industrial) 253 1 23.13.1. areas likely to have illicit discharges? YES are prioritized Did Lenoir establish dry weather inspection 258 1 24.13.1. procedures and a schedule? YES Did Lenoir establish procedures to track and 271 1 25.13.1. document illicit discharge investigations? YES Did Lenoir screen priority areas likely to have 272 1 26.13.1. illicit discharges? YES Discharges in industrial areas, no repeat offenders at time of report using the If so, how many illicit discharges were criteria listed in 273 1 26.13.1. identified in priority areas? 3 253 Did Lenoir evaluate and assess the IDDE 282 1 26.13.3. plan/program and revise if necessary? YES LENOIR 287 1 27.13.1. Did Lenoir develop the IDDE tracking sheet? YES How many verified IDDE issues were 288 1 27.13.2. identified? 10 Did Lenoir enforce illicit discharge and illegal 293 1 27.13.3. dumping violations? YES How many illicit discharge and illegal dumping violations/enforcement actions 294 1 27.13.3. were issued? 4 How many illicit discharge and illegal dumping violations/enforcement actions 295 1 27.13.3. were resolved? 4 Tracking mechanism exists, but no repeat Did Lenoir establish and violators were 308 1 27.13.4. maintain a list of chronic violators? YES found If so, how many chronic violators were 309 1 27.13.4. identified? 0 Did Lenoir identify staff and contractors likely to observe and identify illicit discharges, illicit 326 1 28.13.1. connections, illegal dumping and spills? YES Full staff Trainings have been scheduled but are awaiting the arrival of the new Did Lenoir train identified staff and public works contractors to identify and report illicit director. Expected discharges, illicit connections, illegal dumping to begin in august 327 1 28.13.1. and spills? NO 2022 How many staff and contractors were trained to identify and report illicit discharges, illicit 328 1 28.13.1. connections, illegal dumping and spills? 3 Did Lenoir utilize social media and the stormwater webpage(s) to publicize contact 337 1 29.13.2. information for IDDE reporting? YES Did Lenoir evaluate the IDDE complaint 342 1 32.13.2. response time? YES Reports are followed up on the same day or <24 the following day Hours depending on response, time of report. If so, what was the average response time for <5 days Resolution time 343 1 32.13.2. IDDE complaints / reports? resolved follows within the LENOIR periods outlined by issued NOVs. No issued NOVS required further enforcement to correct the issue Trainings have been scheduled but are awaiting the arrival of the new public works Did Lenoir train municipal staff on proper director. Expected handling of construction site runoff to begin in august 352 1 33.13.1. complaints? YES 2022 How many staff were trained on proper handling of construction site runoff 353 1 33.13.1. complaints? 3 How many construction site runoff complaints were received from municipal 354 1 33.13.2. staff? 2 Did Lenoir administer a public survey to receive perspective on construction site 367 1 34.13.1. runoff? YES Did Lenoir publicize the ability to report concerns about construction runoff issues via the online form on the Lenoir and WPCOG 368 1 34.13.4. websites and social media? YES Did Lenoir develop an ordinance that 377 1 35.13.1. addresses construction site waste? YES Ordinance is awaiting council Did Lenoir adopt an ordinance that addresses approval and 378 1 35.13.2. construction site waste? NO comment Did Lenoir train municipal staff on identifying 383 1 35.13.3. and reporting construction site violations? YES How many staff were trained on identifying 384 1 35.13.3. and reporting construction site violations? 3 Did Lenoir track the number of low -density 405 1 36 and high -density plan reviews performed? YES If so, how many low density project reviews 406 1 36 were performed? 2 If so, how many high density project reviews 407 1 36 were performed? 4 LENOIR If so, how many low density project reviews 408 1 36 were approved? 2 If so, how many high density project reviews One is still in 409 1 36 were approved? 3 planning phase Did Lenoir maintain a current inventory of low -density projects and constructed SCMs, including SCM type or low -density acreage, location, last inspection date and type of 430 1 36 enforcement action (if any)? YES How many high density non -municipally 435 1 36 owned SCM inspections were performed? 13 How many low -density inspections were 440 1 36 performed? 5 How many post -construction enforcement 445 1 36 actions were issued? 2 Did Lenoir train field and office staff in Stormwater Ordinance procedures and 450 1 38.13.1. enforcement actions? YES How many staff were trained in Stormwater Ordinance procedures and enforcement 451 1 38.13.1. actions? 3 How many post -construction notices of 460 1 38.13.2. violation were issued? 0 How many post -construction Civil Citations 461 1 38.13.2. were issued? 0 How many post -construction violations are 462 1 38.13.2. still in process of abatement? 0 Did Lenoir review post -construction procedures and documents and update as 475 1 39.13.1. needed? YES Others are still How many pre -CO SCM inspections were under 480 1 42.13.1. completed? 2 construction How many repeat pre -CO SCM inspections 481 1 42.B.1. were completed? 0 Others are still How many permitted projects with O&M under 482 1 40.B.1. Plans received their CO? 2 construction How many SCM inspections were completed 483 1 42.13.2. by municipal staff? 15 One required a SEC skimmer to be removed, one was related to How many SCM inspections performed by overgrown plants 484 1 42.13.2. municipal staff were failed? 2 limiting access LENOIR How many qualified licensed professional inspections completed with documentation 485 1 42.13.3. received? 15 How many SCMs are under annual inspection 486 1 42.13.3. enforcement? 0 Did Lenoir conduct inspections of 487 1 42.13.4. 20% of low -density projects this year? YES Did Lenoir provide educational materials about low density developments during the issuance of zoning permits, distributed through mailings, posted on social media, 520 1 43.13.3. and handed out at events? NO How many low density educational materials 521 1 43.13.3. were distributed? Did Lenoir provide educational materials to 530 1 44.13.2. developers about high density development? YES How many high density educational materials Distributed during 531 1 44.13.2. were distributed? 4 project permitting Did Lenoir establish/maintain links to all post -construction ordinances, manuals, policies, checklists, design standards, and/or On WPCOG 540 1 44.13.3. other materials on the website? YES website. 545 1 45.13.1. Did Lenoir maintain a Pet Waste Ordinance? YES Did Lenoir implement and enforce the Pet 546 1 45.13.1. Waste Ordinance? YES Did Lenoir develop educational awareness materials on fecal coliform pollution associated with septic systems and pet 555 1 45.13.2. waste? NO How many educational awareness materials on fecal coliform pollution associated with septic systems and pet waste were 556 1 45.13.2. distributed? Did Lenoir develop an O&M Plan for each municipal facility with the potential to 561 1 46.13.2. generate stormwater pollution? PARTIAL Templates have been created and provided to municipal staff at relevant facilities, awaiting follow up How many 0&M Plans for municipal facilities time with new with stormwater pollution potential does Public Works 562 1 46.13.2. Lenoir have? 0 Director to LENOIR establish best practices Did Lenoir verify the existing list of municipal facilities with stormwater pollution 567 1 47.13.2. potential? YES How many municipal facilities were verified to have stormwater pollution potential 568 1 47.13.2. and/or spill risk? 7 Some of the existing Spill control plans need to have practices How many municipal facilities need a SPCC verified or 569 1 47.13.2. Plan? 2 updated Did Lenoir perform annual good 582 1 47.13.3. housekeeping facility inspections? YES How many annual good housekeeping facility 583 1 47.13.3. inspections were performed? 42 How many annual inspections required good 592 1 47.13.4. housekeeping corrective actions? 6 Did Lenoir develop a written spill response procedure plan for each facility that requires 597 1 48.B.1 one? PARTIAL Templates have been created and provided to municipal staff at relevant facilities, awaiting follow up time with new Public Works Director to How many municipal facilities implemented establish best 598 1 48.13.2. spill response procedure plans? 0 practices How many non -reportable spills were documented according to the spill response 615 1 48.13.5. SOP? How many reportable spills were documented according to the spill response 616 1 48.13.5. SOP? Did Lenoir develop an MS4 O&M Plan to 625 1 49.B.1. define required procedures, inspections, YES LENOIR schedules, documentation, and MS4 maintenance and evaluations? Submitted When did Lenoir submit the MS4 O&M Plan alongside the 626 1 49.13.2. to DEQ? ##### IDDE plan Trainings have been scheduled but are awaiting the arrival of the new public works director for all Did Lenoir provide comprehensive municipal staff. stormwater training to municipal staff and Expected to begin 635 1 50.B.1. contractors? YES in august 2022 How many comprehensive stormwater 636 1 50.B.1. training sessions were held? 1 How many municipal and contractor staff received comprehensive stormwater 637 1 50.B.1. training? 3 646 1 51.13.1. Did Lenoir inspect the MS4 infrastructure? YES 647 1 51.13.1. How many MS4 catch basins were inspected? 695 How many MS4 conveyances were 648 1 51.13.1. inspected? 695 649 1 51.13.1. How many MS4 issues were documented? 15 How many MS4 cleanings/maintenance 666 1 52.13.2. actions were performed? 930 Did Lenoir maintain an inventory of municipally -owned SCMs with information including type, year built, date of last 671 1 53.13.1. inspection and maintenance actions? YES How many municipally -owned SCMs are in 672 1 53.13.1. the inventory? 1 Did Lenoir develop/maintain a SCM Operation and Maintenance Plan for each 673 1 53.13.2. municipally -owned SCM? YES How many municipally -owned SCMs were 686 1 54.13.3. inspected? 1 How many municipally -owned SCMs had documented deficiencies/required 691 1 54.13.4. maintenance? 0 Grass in the biocell is being monitored to How many municipally -owned SCM ensure it remains 692 1 54.13.4. corrective actions/repairs were performed? 0 in good condition LENOIR but otherwise passed Did Lenoir ensure that only certified landscapers/applicators are applying 701 1 56.13.1. pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers? YES How many certified landscapers/applicators are applying pesticides, herbicides and 702 1 56.13.1. fertilizers? 8 Did Lenoir establish standard operating procedures for vehicle and equipment 711 1 57.13.1. washing? YES Did Lenoir implement standard operating procedures for vehicle and equipment 712 1 57.13.1. washing? YES Did Lenoir ensure all municipal facilities have appropriate industrial stormwater permit 717 1 58.13.1. coverage? YES How many municipal facilities have industrial 718 1 58.13.1. stormwater permit coverage? 3 Did Lenoir perform street, curb and gutter sweeping as a regular operational task that is 719 1 59.13.1. performed on a continuous basis? YES 720 1 59.13.1. How many lane miles were swept? 435 Did Lenoir track conveyances/inlets that have frequent problems with pollution to prioritize 721 1 59.13.2. their maintenance? NO How many high priority roadway stormwater 722 1 59.13.2. infrastructure cleanings were done? 100 Did Lenoir remove litter from downtown streets/sidewalks and empty public waste receptacles three times per week or as 739 1 60.B.1. needed? YES 740 1 60.B.1. How many trash bags were used/collected? 76 Did Lenoir collect litter from public right-of- ways outside of downtown on an as -needed 749 1 60.13.2. basis? YES How much trash was collected public right- 750 1 60.13.2. of -ways outside of downtown (pounds)? 17,056 Did Lenoir collect leaves with vacuum -style equipment from November 4 through 759 1 61.13.1. January 27? YES How many cubic yards of leaves were 760 1 61.13.1. collected? 2,500 LENOIR Did Lenoir train first responders on minimizing, collecting and disposing of fluids and other vehicular pollutants following an 769 1 62.13.1. accident? YES How many first responders were trained on minimizing, collecting and disposing of fluids and other vehicular pollutants following an 770 1 62.13.1. accident? Did Lenoir equip first responder vehicles with 779 1 62.13.2. spill kits and material containment tools? YES How many first responder vehicle spill kits 780 1 62.13.2. were used and replaced materials? NA Did Lenoir provide public education materials 789 1 62.13.3. to inform citizens about vehicle leaks? YES How many public education materials to inform citizens about vehicle leaks were 790 1 62.13.3. distributed? 35 Did Lenoir enforce significant vehicle leaks 799 1 62.13.4. from parked cars under the IDDE ordinance? YES No significant How many enforcement actions were issued leaks were 800 1 62.B.4. for significant vehicle leaks from parked cars? 0 detected/reported