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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000559_NOD and Audit Report Revised_20220930ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary BRIAN WRENN Director NORTH, , Environmen tat Quald.v September 30, 2022 CERTIFIED MAIL 7017 2680 0000 2237 2492 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Town of Clayton Attn: Rich Cappola, Interim Town Manager C'O Joshua Baird, Engineering Director PO Box 879 Clayton, NC 27528 Subject: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY (NOD-2022-PC-0104) Town of Clayton NPDES MS4 Permit No. NCS000559 Johnston County Dear Mr. Cappola: On March 30, 2022, staff from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) conducted a compliance audit of subject National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit. The audit identified minor deficiencies with the specific components of the MS4 permit that were reviewed, as provided in the attached DEQ MS4 Permit Compliance Audit Report. This report lists and describes the deficiencies with certain components of the MS4 permit, which constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act and is grounds for enforcement action. In accordance with Part VI of the permit and DEQ policy, a new 5-year MS4 permit will be issued in response to the audit. As such, the permittee is required to complete the following actions: I . Respond in writing within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of this notice to acknowledge these requirements and the intent to comply. 2. Self -evaluate the permit components that were not reviewed by DEQ for compliance and submit the results within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the date of receipt of this letter. The Part lI of the MS4 Phase I1 Audit Template on the DEQ stormwater web site can be used for this purpose. The specific sections that should be self -audited include: a. Part II Section B: Public Education and Outreach; b. Section C, Public Involvement and Participation; and c. Section F: Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls; d. Section H: Total Maximum Daily Loads 3. Develop a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) which details specific actions, measurable goals, and implementation timelines for the stormwater management program over the new 5- year permit term. The SWMP must be documented utilizing the DEQ Phase II MS4 SWMP Template. The permittee shall submit the SWMP to DEQ for review and comment within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the date of receipt of this letter. Forth C.aci ina Departrurnt of Lnvironanental (,fit ah;y i DIAMon of l:ner(ry %litwral and Land Re soarers �Q7> It. Ile gh Regional Of tice 11628 Mail Set vice Cent vr 13800 Barret[ Drive I Ralo<jh, North Carolina 7.7n00 e.wwwra owar y 1.1 :.9l 12()o 4. Submit an NPDES MS4 permit application for whichever comes first: a. At least one hundred eighty (180) days prior to permit expiration, or b. Within thirty (30) days of receiving written DEQ concurrence that the submitted SWMP documents a compliant stormwater management program and the MS4 should submit the application including a signed Final Draft SWMP. A new 5-year NPDES MS4 permit will be public noticed along with the Draft Final SWMP. 5. Respond to comments on the Draft Final SWMP and submit a signed Final SWMP for DEQ approval and final permit issuance. The final DEQ-approved SWMP shall become an enforceable component of the NPDES MS4 permit and an Annual Self -Assessment Template that corresponds to the approved SWMP will be provided. Required documentation shall be submitted via e-mail to Isaiah. Reed i ,, or to: DEQ-DEMLR Stormwater Program Attn: Isaiah Reed 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 If the MS4 fails to meet the aforementioned requirements and/or submits a significantly noncompliant Draft SWMP, DEQ may proceed with enforcement. As is stated in Part V, Section A.1(c) of the permit: Under state law, a daily civil penalty of not more than twenty f ve thousand dollars ($25, 000) per violation may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of a permit [North Carolina General Statute 143-215, 6A]. Please note that compliance with the requirements of this NOD andlor issuance of civil or criminal penalties levied by DEQ does not preclude the EPA from carrying out its own enforcement case against the permittee. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact Thad Valentine at (919) 791-4220 or thad.valentinew�ncdenngo , or the Interim MS4 Program Coordinator at Isaiah. Reed � Sincerely, �rt William H. Denton, IV, PE Regional Engineer DEMLR Enclosures: DEQ MS4 Program Audit Report (March 30, 2022, Town of Clayton) cc: Rich Cappola Qca ola c townofcla on.or r } DEMLR Stormwater Program Supervisor, DEMLR Interim MS4 Program Coordinator DEMLR NPDES MS4 Permit Laserfiche File MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4) PROGRAM AUDIT REPORT NPDES PERMIT NO. NCS000559 Town of Clayton, NORTH CAROLINA PO Box 879, Clayton, NC Audit Date: March 30, 2022 Report Date: September 30, 2022 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources Stormwater Program 512 N. Salisbury Street, 9th floor 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 (This page intentionally left blank) NCS000559_Town of Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 TABLE OF CONTENT AuditDetails........................................................ ........... - ....... ........................... .... - ....... .......... .... 1 PermitteeInformation.................................................................................................................................. 2 Listof Supporting Documents......................................................—....,........................................................ 3 Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment .... ............................ ........ — ... ............................ 4 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)....................................................................................... 8 Construction Site Runoff Controls..... .... -.... ....... ................... ....... —.—............ —.......... ....... ................... .,. 12 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations......... ........................................ 16 Site Visit Evaluation. MunicipaI Facility No. 1, ............... ... ...... 20 Site Visit Evaluation: MS4 Outfall No. 1..................................................................................................... 22 Site Visit Evaluation. Construction Site No. 1.......................... ..... .................. .......... ...... ...... ..... 24 Appendix A. Supporting Documents Appendix B; Photograph Log DISCLAIMER This audit consists of an evaluation of program compliance with the issued permit and implementation of the approved Stormwater Management Plan. This audit report does not include a review of all program components, and program deficiencies in addition to those noted may be present. The permittee is required to assess program progress and permit compliance, and to implement the approved Storm water Management Plan in accordance with the issued permit. NC5000559_Town of Clayton MS4 Audit 20220815 li This page intentionally left blank NCS000559 Town of Clayton MS4 Audit 20220815 M Audit Details Audit ID Number: Audit Date(s): NC5000559 Town of Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 March 30, 2022 Minimum Control Measures Evaluated- ® Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment ❑ Public Education & Outreach ❑ Public Involvement & Participation ® Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination ❑ Construction Site Runoff Controls - No delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program 2 Construction Site Runoff Controls - Delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program ❑ Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls ® Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal operations ❑ Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Field Site Visits: ® Municipal Facilities. Number visited: 1 ® MS4 Outfalls. Number visited: 1 ® Construction Sites. Number visited: 1 ❑ Post -Construction Stormwater Runoff Controls. Number visited: Choose an item. ❑ Other: Number visited: Choose an item. ❑ Other: Number visited: Choose an item. Inspector(s) Conducting Audit Name, Title OrOr a Thad Valentine DEQ - DEMLR Lauren Garcia DEQ- DEMLR Audit Report Author: Signature / ► l +�x V� "[" ► r i ` — Date: q 3" "" „ — Audit Rep or Author: Date -6V / l ` Signature A- NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit 20220815 Page 1 of 27 Permittee Information MS4 Permittee Name: Town of Clayton Permit Effective Date: 02/01/2018 Permit Expiration Date: 01/31/2023 Mailing Address: PO Box 879, Dayton, NC Date of last M54 Inspection/Audit: March 30, 2022 Co-permittee(s), if applicable: N/A Permit Owner of Record: Rich Cappola Primary MS4 Representatives Participating in Audit Name. Title Organization Susan Locklear, Town Stormwater Engineer Town of Clayton Kevin Watson, Env. Compliance Specialist Town of Clayton Johnathan Jacobs, Asst. Town Engineer Town of Clayton Joshua Baird, Engineering Director Town of Clayton MS4 Receiving Waters Water Classification Impairments Big Arm Creek C; NSW Fish Tissue Mercury Little Creek C; NSW Fish Tissue Mercury, Benthos Marks Creek C:NSW Fish Tissue Mercury Neuse River WS V; NSW Fish Tissue Mercury Neuse River WS-IV; NSW Fish Tissue Mercury NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 2 of 27 List of Supporting Documents Item Number Document Title When Provided (Prior to/During/After) 1 SWMP Prior 2 Draft SWMP Prior 3 Organizational Chart Prior 4 Annual report Prior 5 CWEP Agreement After 6 Sediment Delegation Memorandum of Agreement Prior 7 SW-100: Internal Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination SOP Prior 8 SW-101: Managing Spills Which Threaten to Enter the Stormwater Conveyance System SOP Prior 9 Bioretention Pond O&M Manual After 10 Town Owned Facilities List After 11 Sediment & Erosion Control Inspection Example After 12 Blank IDDE Inspection Form Before 13 SCM Inspection Template After 14 Outfall Map Prior 15 Brochure Example During 16 IDDE NOV Template Prior 17 Letter of Approval After 18 Sediment NOV Example After 19 Street Sweeping Work Orders During 20 Pesticide Licenses During NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 3 of 27 Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment Staff Interviewed: Susan Locklear, Town Stormwater Engineer (Name, Title, Role) Kevin Watson, Env. Compliance Specialist Johnathan Jacobs, Asst. Town Engineer Joshua Baird, Engineering Director Permit Citation Program Requirement Status Supporting Doc No. II.A.1 The permittee maintained adequate funding and staffing to implement and manage Staffing and the provisions of the Stormwater Plan and meet all requirements of the permit. Partial --- Funding The Stormwater Plan identifies a specific position(s) responsible for the overall coordination, implementation, and revision to the Plan. Yes 1,2,3 Responsibilities for all components of the Stormwater Plan are documented and position(s) assignments provided. Yes 3 The permittee is current on payment of invoiced administering and compliance monitoring fees (see stormwoter e-payments on DEMLR M54 web page). Yes RIMS Comments (Briefly describe funding mechanism, number of staff, etc.) The Town of Clayton does not have a utility fee, the MS4 Program is funded through the general fund. The Town MS4 Program did not have a dedicated position until the Town Stormwater Engineer, Susan Locklear, was hired two years ago (2020). Many of the written SOPS and related Program documents have been created during the two-year time span. Pieces of the Program are still currently under development. Susan Locklear is also responsible for the Town's delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program. Part of the budget is allocated to Utilities. The Town would like additional funding for new positions. New positions are being proposed in the new budget. The Organizational Chart is included as an Appendices in the current SWMP. The draft SWMP lists responsibilities on pages 9 and 10. II.A.2 Stormwater The permittee evaluated the performance and effectiveness of the program Plan components at least annually. Yes 4 Implementation and Evaluation If yes, the permittee used the results of the evaluation to modify the program components as necessary to accomplish the intent of the Stormwater Program. Partial --- Did the permitted MS4 discharges cause or contribute to non -attainment of an applicable water quality standard? No -- If yes, did the permittee expand or better tailor its BMPs accordingly to address Not the non -attainment? Applicable - - NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 4 of 27 Program implementation, Documentation & Assessment Comments The Town Stormwater Engineer maintains a spreadsheet where she keeps track of the annual report data for each year. There were no discharges other than sanitary sewer overflows. II.A.3 Keeping the The permittee kept the Stormwater Plan up to date. Partial 1,2 Stormwater Plan Up to Date The permittee notified DEMLR of any updates to the Stormwater Plan. Yes 2 Comments (indicate the date of latest Stormwater Plan and describe the nature of any updates, if applicable). The current SWMP is dated 2018. The new draft SWMP will be submitted to the DEMLR Stormwater Program following the audit. II.A.4 Availability The permittee kept an up-to-date version of its Stormwater Plan available to the of the Stormwater Division and the public online. No ___ Plan The online materials included ordinances, or other regulatory mechanisms, or a list identifying the ordinances, or other regulatory mechanisms, providing the legal Yes Online authority necessary to implement and enforce the requirements of the permit. Comments (Note what materials are available on line) Ordinances are available online: The Town plans to add a Stormwater Webpage where all sections of the ordinances will be linked. II.A.3 & 11.A.5 Stormwater Plan Did DEMLR require a modification to the Stormwater Plan? No --- Modifications If yes, did the permittee complete the modifications in accordance with the Not established deadline? Applicable Comments (Note date of DEMLR notification, modifications required, and date modifications were completed, as applicable) DEMLR did not require any changes to the Plan. II.A.6 Sharing Responsibility Are any control measures implemented by an entity other than the permittee? Partial 5,6 If yes, is there a written agreement in place? Yes 5,6 Comments f List the specific control measures implemented by others that do not have adequate written agreements, if applicable) The Town partners with CWEP to implement Education and Outreach and Public Involvement and Participation. The Town of Clayton delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program came online in January 2021. Prior to January 1, 2021, Johnston County implemented sediment and erosion control for the Tuwn. NC5000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 5 of 27 Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment II.A.7 The permittee maintained written procedures for implementing the six minimum 5, 6, 7, 8, Written control measures. Yes 9 Procedures Written procedures identified specific action steps, schedules, resources and 5, 6, 7, 8, responsibilities for implementing the six minimum measures. Partial 9 Comments (List the specific minimum measures that do not have adequate written procedures, if applicable) Two SOPs were provided for IDDE: SW-100: Internal Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination SOP, and SW-101: Managing Spills Which Threaten to Enter the Stormwater Conveyance System SOP. The Sediment Delegation memorandum of Agreement was provided. O&M Plans for SCMs were shown during the audit and the O&M Plan for a bio retention pond has been included as a supporting document. The CWEP Agreement was provided. The Town is currently developing an O&M Program for municipally owned and operated facilities with the potential for generating polluted Stormwater runoff. III_A The permittee maintained documentation of all program components including, but Program not limited to, inspections, maintenance activities, educational programs, Yes 11, 12, Documentation implementation of BMPs, enforcement actions etc., on file for a period of five years. 13 Comments (List the specific program components that do not have adequate documentation on file and why, if applicable) Inspection report examples for a construction site and an SCM Inspection Template were provided during and following the audit. A blank IDDE Inspection form was also provided. The Town does not have inspection reports for 95% of SCMs. The Town is currently working on maintaining an inventory of Town owned SCMs. Johnston County handled SCM inspections prior to January 1, 2022. O&M Manuals are supposed to be on file for private SCMs. The Town has private SCM owners submit annual inspections. 111.113 The permittee submitted annual reports to the Department within twelve months Annual Report from the effective date of the permit (See Section 111.8. for the annual reporting Yes 4 Submittal period specific to this MS4). The permittee submitted subsequent annual reports every twelve months from the scheduled date of the first annual report submittal. Yes A The Annual Reports included appropriate information to accurately describe the progress, status, and results of the permittee's Stormwater Plan, including, but not limited the following: 1. A detailed description of the status of implementation of the Stormwater Plan as a whole. This will include information on development and implementation of each major component of the Stormwater Plan for the past year and Yes 4 schedules and plans for the year following each report. 2. An adequate description and justification of any proposed changes to the Stormwater Plan. This will include descriptions and supporting information for the proposed changes and how these changes will impact the Stormwater Yes 4 Plan (results, effectiveness, implementation schedule, etc.). 3. Documentation of any necessary changes to programs or practices for assessment of management measures implemented through the Stormwater Yes 4 Plan. 4. A summary of data accumulated as part of the Stormwater Plan throughout the year along with an assessment of what the data indicates in light of the Yes 4 Stormwater Plan. NCSOOOS59_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 6 of 27 Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment 5. An assessment of compliance with the permit, information on the establishment of appropriate legal authorities, inspections, and enforcement Yes 4 actions. Comments (Note dates that annual reports cover under current permit and generally describe report deficiencies, if any) Annual reports are submitted through RIMS. Annual reports are located in Laserfiche. IV.B Annual Reporting The Annual Reports document the following: 1. A summary of past year activities, including where applicable, specific Yes 4 quantities achieved and summaries of enforcement actions. 2. A description of the effectiveness of each program component. Yes 4 3. Planned activities and changes for the next reporting period, for each Yes 4 program component or activity. 4. Fiscal analysis. Yes 4 Comments (Note dates that annual reports cover under current permit and generally describe report deficiencies, if any) Annual reports are submitted through BIMS. Annual reports are located in Laserfiche. Additional Comments: NCS000559 Clayton MS4 Audit�20220815 Page 7 Of 27 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Staff Interviewed: Susan Locklear, Town Stormwater Engineer (Name, Title, Kevin Watson, Env. Compliance Specialist Role) Johnathan Jacobs, Asst. Town Engineer Joshua Baird, Engineering Director Permit Citation Program Requirement Status Supporting Ooc No. II.D.2.a IDDE Program The permittee maintained a written IDDE Program. Yes 7,8 If yes, the written program includes provisions for program assessment and evaluation and integrating program. Partial 7, 8 Comments (Note any deficiencies) Two SOPS for Illicit Discharge Detection were provided. SW 100: Internal Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination SOP and SW- 101: Managing Spills Which Threaten to Enter the Stormwater Conveyance System SOP. The SW-100 document covers detection, inspection procedures, elimination, record keeping, etc. There is a "Revision History Section." The Town uses the annual reporting time to evaluate the program. There is not a dedicated program assessment/evaluation section in the SOP. The permittee maintained an IDDE ordinance or other regulatory mechanism(s) that II.D.2.b provides the legal authority to prohibit illicit connections and discharges to the MS4. Yes Online Legal Authorities If yes, the ordinance applies throughout the corporate limits of the permittee. [Permit Part I. Ell Yes Online Comments The Illicit Discharge Ordinance is available online: The Ordinance applies throughout the corporate limits (157.104). I I.D.2.t The permittee maintained a current map showing major outfalls* and receiving Storm Sewer streams. Yes 14 System Map Comments The Town has recently started mapping all outfalls using ArcGIS Collector. They are still in the process of collecting all information, like sizes. The amp shows pipe direction and there are some GPS locations of inlets. All maintenance data is in City Works. *Major outfalls are discharges from > 36" diameter pipes or drainage areas of > So acres. in areas zoned for industrial activity, major outfalls are > 12" or drainage area > 2 acres. NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 8 of 27 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) II.D.2.d The permittee maintained a program for conducting dry weather flow field Dry Weather Flow observations in accordance with written procedures. No --- Program Comments (Generally summarize program, including frequency of observations and # or % of outfalls screened) The Town is not currently conducting dry weather field inspections due to staffing shortages and because outfalls are still being identified. The Public Works Director recently left as well, and the project has been slowed. Dry weather screening does not appear to be a part of SW-100 or SW-101 at this time. II.D.2.e Investigation The permittee maintained written procedures for conducting investigations of Yes 7,8 identified illicit discharges. Procedures Comments (Generally describe what procedures are documented) Two SOPS for Illicit Discharge Detection were provided. SW-100: Internal Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination SOP and SW- 101: Managing Spills Which Threaten to Enter the Stormwater Conveyance System SOP. The SW-100 document covers detection, inspection procedures, elimination, record keeping, etc. II.D.2.f For each case of an illicit discharge or potential illicit discharge, the permittee documented and tracked the Track and following: Document Investigations 1. The dates) the illicit discharge was observed Yes 12 2. The results of the investigation Yes 12 3. Any follow-up of the investigation Yes 12 4. The date the investigation was closed Yes 12 Comments (Note whether a standard inspection form is utilized to capture consistent information and a tracking mechanism is used) There has not been a spill significant enough for the Town to fill out the inspection form yet. A blank IDDE Investigation Form was provided. It has sections that address the results of the investigation, follow up, data, etc. The Stormwater Engineer maintains a folder for all complaints and discoveries. II.D.2.R Employee The permittee implemented and documented a training program for appropriate Training municipal staff who, as part of their normal job responsibilities, may come into No - - contact with or otherwise observe an illicit discharge or illicit connection. Comments (Generally describe the staff training program, including frequency and which staff are trained) A formal training program is currently urder development by the Town. II.D.2.h The permittee informed public employees of hazards associated with illegal Public Education discharges and improper disposal of waste. Yes 15 The permittee informed businesses of hazards associated with illegal discharges and Yes 15 improper disposal of waste. The permittee informed the general public of hazards associated with illegal Yes 15 discharges and improper disposal of waste. NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 9 of 27 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Comments (Note how each sector was informed, if applicable) The Town partners with CWEP for educational materials. The Town sets up a booth during street festivals and hands out brochures and other educational materials. The Town maintains a few educational materials and periodically sends letters to property owners with information. The Stormwater Engineer provides restaurants with posters and grease educational materials. Stormwater Engineer also documents the quantity of educational materials distributed. The Town's Communications Department is currently developing a water video series. II.D.2.i The permittee promoted, publicized, and facilitated a reporting mechanism for the Public Reporting public to report illicit discharges. Yes Online Mechanism The permittee promoted, publicized, and facilitated a reporting mechanism for staff to report illicit discharges. Yes Online The permittee established and implemented response procedures for citizen requests/reports. Partial 7, 8, 12 Comments (Generally describe reporting mechanisms and how promoted/publicized/facilitated/established) There is not a dedicated hotline, but the Engineering Webpage provides contact information and instructions for reporting an issue: Town Employees will report issues directly to staff. Complaint response is covered in SW-101. The document states the complainant will be interviewed about the reported incident. The blank IDDE Investigation Report includes sections for the complainant's name and description of the problem. Dedicated response procedures can be added to the SW-101 document. 1I.Q.2.1 The permittee implemented a mechanism to track the issuance of notices of violation Enforcement and enforcement actions administered by the permittee. Yes If yes, the mechanism includes the ability to identify chronic violators for Not initiation of actions to reduce noncompliance. Applicable 16 Comments (Generally describe the established tracking mechanism, if applicable) A Notice of Violation has not yet been issued by the Town. The Town is ready to track the issuances of NOVs once they have been issued. A blank NOV Template was provided. NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 10 of 27 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Additional Comments: NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 11 of 27 Construction Site Runoff Controls Staff interviewed: Susan Locklear, Town Stormwater Engineer (Name, Title, Role) Kevin Watson, Env. Compliance Specialist Johnathan Jacobs, Asst. Town Engineer Joshua Baird, Engineering Director Program Delegation Status: Z The permittee has a delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program and implements the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (SPCA) of 1973 components of this minimum measure (complete the permit citation and SPCA citation sections). C7 The permittee does not have a delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program and relies on DEMLR to comply with the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (SPCA) of 1973 components of this minimum measure (complete only the permit citation section). Permit Citation Program Requirement Status Supporting Doc No. II.E.3 Construction Site Runoff Controls The permittee provides and promotes a means for the public to notify the (NPDES Permit No. appropriate authorities of observed erosion and sedimentation problems (e.g., Online, 6 NCS0004351 promoting the existence of the DEQ DEMLR "Stop Mud" hotline). Comments (Describe how provided and promoted) Prior to January 1, 2021, Johnston County handled sediment and erosion control for the Town. There is not a dedicated hotline, but the Engineering Webpage provides contact information and instructions for reporting an issue: Many people also choose to call the Town Hall and are directed to the relevant contacts. Drainage complaints are sent to Public Works employees. SPCA Citation Delegated Program Requirement Status Supporting Doc No. 223A-60 Local erosion and The permittee has adopted an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to enforce sedimentation the erosion and sedimentation control program control programs (a) If yes, the ordinance meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of the SPCA. Online If yes, the ordinance applies throughout the corporate limits of the permittee. [Permit Part i.D] Online Comments (Provide regulatory mechanism reference or Supporting Documentation number) The Town of Clayton Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance is available online: http,.:// nc/0-0-0-25704. NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 12 of 27 Construction Site Runoff Controls § 113A-60 Local erosion and The permittee collects a fee paid by each person who submits an erosion and sedimentation sedimentation control plan. Yes --- control programs (d) Comments (indicate the fee amount, if applicable) Developers pay $225 per acre for the plan review and $125 per acre for the permit. The review fee for subdivisions is $75 per lot for builders for single lot plans. 113A-60 Local Has any person initiated a land -disturbing activity (within the permittee's erosion and jurisdiction) for which an erosion and sedimentation control plan is required in the No --- sedimentation absence of an approved plan? control programs (e) If yes, the permittee has notified the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Not Commission of all such cases. Applicable Has the permittee determined that a person engaged in a land -disturbing activity has failed to comply with an approved erosion and sedimentation control plan? Yes --- If yes, has the permittee referred any such matters to the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission for inspection and enforcement? Yes --- Comments A disturbance of greater than an acre without a plan has not occurred within the Town in the last two years (2020). Several construction sites have been observed to be out of compliance. Susan Locklear is very communicative with DEMLR staff and joint inspections regularly occur. 113A-61 Local The permittee reviews each erosion and sedimentation control plan submitted to approval of erosion them and notifies the person submitting the plan that it has been approved, Yes 17 and sedimentation approved with modification, or disapproved within 30 days of receipt. control plans The permittee only approves an erosion and sedimentation control plan upon determining that it complies with all applicable State and local regulations. Yes 17 The permittee has disapproved of an erosion and sedimentation control plan in order to protect riparian buffers along surface waters. No --- If yes, the permittee notified the Director of the Division of Energy, Not Mineral, and Land Resources within 10 days of the disapproval. Applicable Comments The Town has not issued a Letter of Disapproval. The current standard operating procedure is to submit review comments for site civil, water, sewer, erosion control, etc. continuously until the plan can be approved. If the plan cannot be approved, the developer has withdrawn the project. The need for the issuance of a Letter of Disapproval at the 30-day review deadline was discussed during the audit. NCS000559 Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 13 of 27 Construction Site Runoff Controls § 113A-61.1 Inspection of land- The certificate of approval of each erosion and sedimentation control plan disturbing activity; approved by the permittee includes a notice of the right to inspect. Yes 17 notice of violation (a) The permittee provides for inspection of land -disturbing activities to ensure compliance with the SPCA and to determine whether the measures required in an Yes 11,17 erosion and sedimentation control plan are effective. Comments The notice for right to inspect is included in the Letter of Approval. Regular inspections of projects are performed. § 113A-61.1 When the permittee determines that a person engaged in land -disturbing activity Inspection of land- has failed to comply with the SPCA, the Permittee immediately issues a notice of Yes 18 disturbing activity; violation upon that person. notice of violation Each notice of violation issued by the permittee specifies the date by which the (c) person must comply. Yes 18 Each notice of violation issued by the permittee informs the person of the actions that need to be taken to comply. Yes 18 Comments An example of an NOV issued for a sediment project was provided during the audit A compliance date and corrective actions were included in the NOV. 113A-64 Penalties Does the permittee issue civil penalties as part of the erosion and sedimentation Not program? Applicable Comments (indicate when/why a civil penalty is issued, and the amount, if applicable) A civil penalty under the erosion and sedimentation program has not yet been issued by the NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 14 of 27 Construction Site Runoff Controls Additional Comments: NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 15 0# 27 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Staff Interviewed: Susan Locklear, Town Stormwater Engineer (Name, Title, Role) Kevin Watson, Env. Compliance Specialist Johnathan Jacobs, Asst. Town Engineer Joshua Baird, Engineering Director Permit Citation Program Requirement Status supporting Doc No. II.G.2.a The permittee maintained a current inventory of facilities and operations owned Facility Inventory and operated by the permittee with the potential for generating polluted Yes 10 stormwater runoff. Comments (Note number of facilities, typical inventory data and any facilities that are not inventoried that should be) The Town maintains an inventory of all Town owned facilities internally and in City Works. Town owned facilities with the potential for generating stormwater runoff have individual folders in a shared drive. Work orders and related documents are stored in these folders. Documents for the SCMs present at these facilities are also located in these folders. II.G.2.b The permittee maintained and implemented an O&M program for municipally Operation and owned and operated facilities with the potential for generating polluted No --- Maintenance (O&M) stormwater runoff. for Facilities If yes, the O&M program specifies the frequency of inspections. Not Applicable If yes, the O&M program specifies the frequency of routine maintenance Not requirements. Applicable If yes, the permittee evaluated the O&M program annually and updated it as Not necessary. Applicable Comments Each facility is operated individually by onsite staff. There is not a documented O&M Program for municipa ly owned and operated facilities with the potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff. The Town's Water Treatment Plant does have a site -specific spill response plan and a stormwater pollution prevention plan. II.G.2.c Spill Response The permittee had written spill response procedures for municipal operations. Partial 8 Procedures Comments The "SW-101: Managing Spills of Materials Which Threaten to Enter the Stormwater Conveyance System," does have sections that cover general spill response procedures like spill containment and duties for cleanup activities, but the document is geared specifically toward preventing spills into stormwater conveyance systems. The Town should develop written spill response procedures for municipal operations. NCS000559_Clayton MS4 Audit 20220815 Page 16 of 27 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations II.6.2.d Streets, The permittee evaluated existing and new BMPs that reduce polluted stormwater Roads, and Public runoff from municipally -owned streets, roads, and public parking lots within its Partial 19 Parking Lots corporate limits annually. If yes, the permittee evaluated the effectiveness of existing and new BMPs Maintenance based on cost and the estimated quantity of pollutants removed. No --- Comments Street sweeping is documented in City Works. There are currently 10 street sweeping routes. Work orders are generated for sweeping. Work order logs were provided during the audit. The Town does not track the quantity of pollutants collected. II.G.2.f The permittee maintained and implemented an O&M program for the stormwater O&M for Catch sewer system including catch basins and conveyance systems that it owns and Yes 8 Basins and Conveyance Systems maintains. Comments (Briefly describe O&M program) SW-101: Managing Spills of Materials Which Threaten to Enter the Stormwater Conveyance System, specifically addresses preventing spills into the Town's Stormwater Conveyance Systems. II.G.2.g The permittee maintained a current inventory of municipally -owned or operated Structural structural stormwater controls installed for compliance with the permittee's post- Yes --- Stormwater Controls construction ordinance. Comments (Describe inventory information and number of controls in inventory) The Town maintains a spreadsheet of Town owned SCMs. SCM O&M Plans are also maintained internally. NCS000559_ Clayton M54 Audit_20220815 Page 17 of 27 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations II.G.2.h The permittee maintained and implemented an O&M program for municipally - O&M for Structural owned or maintained structural stormwater controls installed for compliance with Yes 9 Stormwater Controls the permittee's post -construction ordinance. If yes, then: The O&M program specified the frequency of inspections and routine maintenance requirements. Yes 9 The permittee documented inspections of all municipally -owned or maintained Structural stormwater controls. Partial --- The permittee inspected all municipally -owned or maintained structural Not stormwater controls in accordance with the schedule developed by permittee. Applicable - The permittee maintained all municipally -owned or maintained structural stormwater controls in accordance with the schedule developed by permittee. Partial --- The permittee documented maintenance of all municipally -owned or maintained structural stormwater controls. Partial --- Comments The Town maintains O&M Manuals for each different type of SCM (Bioretention, dry pond, green roof, etc.) Prior to January 1, 2021, Johnston County was maintaining inspections of SCMs. The Town is currently sorting the files received from Johnston County and developing an O&M Program for Town owned SCMs. The Town is getting into the routine of annual inspections and regular maintenance. Maintenance of SCMs is documented in City Works. The Town is getting nto the routine of annual inspections and regular maintenance. II.G.2.1 The permittee ensured municipal employees are properly trained in pesticide, Pesticide, Herbicide herbicide and fertilizer application management. Yes and Fertilizer Application The permittee ensured contractors are properly trained in pesticide, herbicide and Not Management fertilizer application management. Applicable The permittee ensured all permits, certifications, and other measures for applicators are followed. Yes Comments Pesticide and herbicide application is handled in-house by Public Works employees. Pesticide licenses were provided during the audit. NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 18 of 27 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations II.G.2.j The permittee implemented an employee training program for employees involved Staff Training in implementing p g pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices. Comments A formal training program is curre.,rtly under deve.opment by the Tovurr. II.G.2.k The permittee described and implemented measures that prevent or minimize Vehicle and contamination of stormwater runoff from all areas used for vehicle and equipment Yes Equipment Cleaning cleaning. Comments Fleet Services has a best practices document to foi!vw to prevent stormwater contamination from vehicle and equipment cleaning. The facility also has an oil water separator. Additional Comments: NC5000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit 20220815 Page 19 of 27 Site Visit Evaluation: Municipal Facility No.1 Facility Name: Date and Time of Site Visit: Town of Clayton Operations Center 03/30/2022 Facility Address: Facility Type (Vehicle Maintenance, Landscaping, etc.): 653 NC Hwy 42 W Operations Center Name of MS4 inspector(s) evaluated: Most Recent MS4 Inspection (List date and name of inspector): Joshua Baird Unknown Names) and Title(s) of Facility Representative(s) Present During the Site Visit: Name Title Joe Fleet Superintendent Observations Facility Documentation/Training Does the facility have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) or similar document? Is it facility -specific? No What type of stormwater training do facility employees receive? flow often? No formal training from the Town. Inspector Training/Knowledge What type of stormwater training does the MS4 inspector receive? How often? There is not currently a formal MS4 inspection program, so the facility has not yet received an MS4 inspection. Joshua Baird, who would be the MS4 Inspector going forward, has received NC State training and has other certifications as well as on the job training and experience. Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about Permit requirements for pollution prevention and good housekeeping? MS4 inspections have not been conducted. Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about stormwater pollution prevention and good housekeeping? MS4 inspections have not been conducted. Inspection Procedures Does the MS4 inspector's process include the use of a checklist or other standardized form? MS4 inspections have not been conducted. Does the MS4 inspector's process include taking photos? MS4 inspections have not been conducted. Does the MS4 inspector's process include reviewing the facility's SWPPP (or similar document)? MS4 inspections have not been conducted. NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit 20220815 Page 20 of 27 Site Visit Evaluation: Municipal Facility No. 1 Does the MS4 inspector's process include walking the entire facility and inspecting all points of discharge? M54 inspections have not been corducted. Did the MS4 inspector miss any obvious areas of concern? If so, explain: MS4 inspections have not been conducted. Does the MS4 inspector's process include presenting the inspection findings to the facility contact? MS4 inspections have not been co-Nducted_ Inspection Results Did the facility inspection result in any corrective actions to be implemented? If so, for what issue(s)? MS4 inspections should be conducted as a par: of the Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping section of the MS4 Permit. If compliance corrective actions were identified, what timeline for correction/follow-up was provided? N/A Notes/Comments/Recommendations It was reported that the facility disposes of approximately 12,000 gallons/year of used oil/hydraulic fluid. It is likely and NCGO80000 General Industrial Stormwater Permit will be required at he facility. NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 21 of 27 Site Visit Evaluation: MS4 Outfall No.1 Outfall ID Number: Date and Time of Site Visit: 181586 03/30/2022 Outfall Location: Outfall Description (Pipe Material/Diameter, Culvert, etc.): Front Street 36" RCP Receiving Water: Is Flow Present? If So, Describe (Color, Approximate Flow Rate, Tributary to Sam's Branch Sheen, Odor, Floatables/Debris, etc.): No flow present Most Recent Outfall Inspection/Screening (Date): unknown Days Since Last Rainfall: Inches: 7 1.82 inches Name of MS4 Inspector(s) evaluated: Joshua Baird Observations Inspector Training/Knowledge What type of stormwater training does the MS4 inspector receive? How often? There is not currently a formal MS4 inspection program, so the facility has not yet received an MS4 inspection. Joshua Baird, who would be the MS4 Inspector going forward, has received NC State training and has other certifications as well as on the job training and experience. Did the M54 inspector appear knowledgeable about illicit discharge indicators and investigations? An SCM inspection program is still under development Inspection Procedures Does the inspector's process include the use of a checklist or other standardized form? An SCM inspection program is still under development. Prior to January 1, 2021, Johnston County handled SCM inspections for the Town. The Town is sorting through files. Does the inspector's process include taking photos? An SCM inspection program is still under development Did the MS4 inspector miss any obvious potential illicit discharge indicators or maintenance issues? if so, what were they? An SCM inspection program is still under development NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 22 of 27 Site Visit Evaluation: MS4 Outfall No.1 Inspection Results Did the outfall inspection result in any work orders or maintenance requests? If so, for what issue(s)? An SCM inspection program is still under development Will a follow-up outfall inspection be conducted? If so, for what reason? An SCM inspection program is still under development Notes/Comments/Recommendations NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 23 of 27 Site Visit Evaluation: Construction Site No.1 Site/Project Name: Camel Street Townhomes Date and Time of Site Visit: 03/30/2022 Site/Project Address: Elliot Drive, Clayton Operator: Glenwood Homes, LLC Providence Construction Project Type (Commercial, Industrial, Residential, CIP, Roadway, etc.): Residential NCG Permit ID Number: Disturbed Acreage: Recent Enforcement Actions (Include Date): N/A Name of MS4 Inspector(s) evaluated: Kevin Watson Name(s) and Title(s) of Site Representative(s) Present During the Site Visit: Name Title None onsite N/A Observations Site Documentation/Training Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) or similar document? Is it site -specific? VF% Does the site have approved erosion and sedimentation control plans onsite? Are they representative of current site conditions? Yes What type of stormwater training do site employees receive? How often? On the job Inspector Training/Knowledge What type of stormwater training does the MS4 inspector receive? How often? On the job, NC State, City of Raleigh Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about MS4 and NCG010000 requirements for construction sites? Yes Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about erosion and sedimentation control/stormwater pollution prevention BMPs? re7 NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220515 Page 24 of 27 Site Visit Evaluation: Construction Site No.1 Inspection Procedures Does the MS4 inspector's process include the use of a checklist? Yes Does the MS4 inspector's process include taking photos? Yes Does the MS4 inspector's process include reviewing approved plans (erosion and sedimentation control and/or SWPPP)? Yes Does the MS4 inspector's process include walking the entire site and inspecting all points of discharge? Yes Did the MS4 inspector miss any obvious violations? If so, explain: No Does the MS4 inspector's process include presenting the inspection findings to the site contact in writing? Yes Does the MS4 inspector's process include providing construction stormwater educational materials to the site contact? As needed Compliance/Enforcement What, if any, enforcement actions (verbal warnings, NOV, etc.) did the inspection result in? Out of compliance inspection If compliance issues were identified, what timeline for correction/follow-up was provided? 7 days Notes/Comments/Recommendations NCS000559_ Clayton MS4 Audit ,20220815 Page 25 of 27 APPENDIX A: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS NC5000559_ Clayton M54 Audit 20220815 Page 26 of 27 APPENDIX B: PHOTOGRAPH LOG NCSO00559_ Clayton MS4 Audit_20220815 Page 27 of 27