HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0030848_Wasteload Allocation_19870427NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0030848 Jefferson Apparel WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance h• Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Staff Report Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: April 27, 1987 Mica document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the reit-erne side NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION Facility Name: J '-0 SOIQ A 1,r E.L c-e34pALI 1 Date 2 Existing Proposed 0 Permit No.: l( (Q3(A4- Pipe No.: Q O ( County: Ante Design Capacity (IMGD) : (loop, i Industrial (% of Flow) : (D Domestic (% of Flow) : too Receiving Stream: (J i i i:).Qq CY'se k. Class: Sub -Basin: Reference USGS Quad: I / 3h.10 (Please attach) Requestor: ) . /e sL4:741.44 ,Regional Office (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) WseCJ Design [ mp.: 02/ s 7Q10 (cfs) 0. /.S Drainage Area (mil) . v, 3 J Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 0.2 Location of D.O. minimum (miles below outfall): Velocity (fps) : 0.020.3 K1 (base e, per day): 0.76 Avg. Streamflow (cfs) : 6, 7 30Q2 (cfs) 0, ,3 Slope (fpm) /3/ K2 (base e per day) : L/7. -fl Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average + Comments i...;/ f-,.-- /00o//00Al 4 A6 s , c4444, .24 acs)/„e Effluent Characteristics '�nthly Tverage Comments PLOTTED Reviewed By: 1. `, /[ ,Y/ Date: I/27/r ~ Request No. :3834 --------------------- WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM ---- - uL^' WCoo3u yy Facility Name : JEFFERSON APPAREL COMPANY Type of Waste : DOMESTIC Status : EXISTING Receiving Stream : UT DOG CREEK Stream Class : C-TROUT Gubbasin : 050701 County : ASHE Drainage Area (sq mi) : 0.39 Regional Office : WSRO Summer 7010 (cfs) : 0.15 Requestor : SHANKLIN Winter 7010 (cfs) : 0.2 Date of Request : 2/24/87 Average Flow (cfs) : 0.7 Quad : B13NW 3002 (cfs) : 0.3 RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS : EXISTINPLIMITS Wasteflow (mgd): 0.008 0.008 5-Day BOD (mg/l): 30 30 Ammonia Nitrogen (mg/l): nr nr Dissolved Oxygen (mg/1): nr nr TSS (mg/1): 30 30 Fecal Coliform (0/100ml): 1000 1000 PH (SU): 6-9 6-9 Tot.res. chlorine (ug/l): 26 35.3 u~ll : Upstream (Y/N): N Downstream (Y/N): N Reviewed by: Tech. Support Supervisor Regional Supervisor Permits & Engineering _ : Location: Location: Recommended by MONITORING --------------------------------- . ___.... ..... .... ..... _ RECENED N.C.Dept NRCQ APR 21 387 LxKnn 7f EnWoonnnenta|K1anaQenent Winston-Salem Reg. Office Date Date Date Date ' � '. SUMMER MODEL SAVED ON VOLUME:LBDATA19 UNDER FILENAME "JEFFAPRL" --- -~ MODEL RESULTS -�-------- Discharger : JEFFERGON APPAREL COMPANY Receiving Stream : UT DOG CREEK The End D.O. is 8.45 mg/l. The End CBOD is 5.10 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.00 mg/l. W L A WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/l) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/l) (mg(j) Segment 1 7.11 0.00 1 Reach 1 135 0.00 0.00 0.00800 Reach 2 0 0.00 0.00 0.00000 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** -Discharger A JEFFERSON APPAREL COMPANY 3ubb as i n a 050701 Receiving Stream a UT DOG CREEK Stream Class: C—TROUT Summer 7010 a 0.15 Winter 0„2 Design Temperature: 21. LENGTH: SLOPE! ►VrELOCIT`( 1 DEPTH K1 1 K1 1 K2 1 K2 1 KN 1 KN 1 KNR 1 KNR mile f ft/mil fps 1 ft design; 320* !design! 320' ;designs 320* ldesigni 820' I Segment 1 1 0.571131.00 0.203 1 0.30 0.79 1 0.76 148.83 1 47.78 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 4 0.00 F Reath 1 1 1 Segment 1 1 0.22: 95.00 0.228 1 0.34 ; 0.79 F 0.75 139.86 : 39.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 Reach C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Flow 1 CE1OD 1 NI3OD : D.O. 1 cfs 1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 Segment 1 Reach 1. Waste 1 0„01.2 ! 135„000 0„000 ; 0„004) Headwaters 1 0.150 1 2.000 0„000 1 7.700 Tributary 1 0.000 1 0.000 ; 0.000 ; 0.000 * Runoff 1 t_)p39() 1 'r.P.0fl00 i 0„0()() 1 7„700 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.000 i 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary : 0.000 1 0.000 i 0.000 1 0.000 * Runoff 1 0.140 1 2.000 1 0 „ 000 1 7.700 * Runoff flclw is in cfs/mile • • • Xi)‘‘)/x, OSa7o/ ./6/ 6 rs2o 6 (467 _.. �s/�O/n. S2ov Aeh /. ZanrL (Kr 2./ctl $7ci,/I s O,5ct 0 :0, $ 3o t.0.1c , oO 1 L , 37Mr 4.= — - 2- 0(1G -- 220„,' 3.fc-(2./1•••L73) 9; S 79 /° A W?l�7lJ . ' i ZLin.'.. zsk P4720 ,39c6 . /Scf1 79V-1, v ' ` '- 57 nt,' a c479/0,4, _ ,s?•,; - D, 5/ c{3At,' r a, 9 -{o, S ,.t7c 1 e 2 .2)2° i is-4 1 )75)/O Z Zc1 0. s9 cG/m, ,39' 054/44,1 &lie_ .4,a 0f, /6/0„ S'204 D 7c6 7Q/J 7 /77 Ati j .//z = Q..74tc1Tr ,344e, Z ' 0. S/ c-A, , of.7)4 = vs/I 2 0 d Stce: 1' `at n St c m BCanC`i Slope Calcu Lticn s 28Yu 2god lc; 7 y, ,.2 m. -O 2/ 02iv) f — .2760 /01 cpm = /s/thi 4 e1e.v cum dint 0 28o o d i st Slop'. , 25 /6,7 276o ,37. /0, 7G ,27;° / z- 47/ 7 r r / : r B CA; StAncG • •