HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-08945_Well Construction - GW1_20220919 ' Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For internal Use Only. 1.Well Contractor information: i Cameron BazintF114. ATERZONFS TO WellComrnctorxamo u4518-A ftNCWellContraetorCerdficattonNumber UTERCASING for multi-ceseilwdls ORLINER ffn 6cableAqua Drill,Inc To DL Im, Trnclazess MATE1tiAL fftL fL fL ComptmyName / 16.INNER CASING ORTIIBING( thermal closed-loop) 2.Well Construction Permit#: ft. I FRoat To DULKNA&R iHic�vess w�rEitiAL Ltst altapplicable wrJI construction penults(ce U1C,Cowd}:State Parlance etG) ft fq II. fL 3.Well Use(checkwell use): R&GR Water SupplyWeU: DiAMB'rF.R SLOTSIM TMCXNess- MATERIAL Agricultural DMunicipal/Mlic ft Geothermal(Heating Conling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) R in. IndustrWCommerciat OlIcSid-dal Water Supply(�-4 liri lion .MATERIAL EtHPLACEl1ff.NTIFfETiiOD&AhfOrlN•r. Non-Water Supply Weil:Monitoring RecoveryInjection Well: fL quifer Rechtuge CnoundwaterRemediation PACK a licable Aquifer Storage and Recovery OSalibityBarder FROM To blATERIAt IE111eLACEMENTI1tErt[OD Aquifer Test �StommaterDrainage fL fL ° c Experimental Technology OSubsidence Control ft. fL Geotheapal(Closed Loop) Tiacer 20.DRILLING�hnachgal'sheets if nec FRODi TON colorhmdn soNroek =ln size,etc.Geothermal(Iieating/CoolingRemm -•01her(explainuuder#21Remarks) ft 4.DateWell(s)Completed: _g V. ID# A- ft. fr. tt Sa Well Location: if. ft 71a. �✓� FaciraPowneri ante Faddity M9(ifapplicable) V 105o t3 �-� ll� l�✓��., ,P�G � fLft. ------r fL fL j In M x=_n r'r .-rrccr�:n Unix Physical Addrecssss,City,and Zip REMARKS 51 oke- 21. County Parcel IdentificationNo.(PIN) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degreedminutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwclll�l field,one leVlong is sufficient) ) ^�l� 22.Certification: 5 7 W J s,,� SigaaUucofCerti5al Well Cantrador 6.Is(are)the well(seturanent or IOTemporary ^ By slVffng this form,I hereby cerltXy that the well(:)aus(it-ore)constructed in accordance 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: lees or, o with 15A NCAC 02C.0J00 or 15A NCAC 62C.0200 lYelf Coastruc&n,Staadards and that a Jf this is a repair,fil!outkaonvn nve11 construction hforrrrati and esphun the nature ofthe copy ofthis record htas been provided to,the w0 owner. repairmrder#21 reinarkssecdon oroo the backofilusforia. 23.Site diagram'oradditionl well details: 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You.may use the back of this:page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only1GW-lisneeded. IndicateTOTALNUMBERofwelis constructiondebils.Yonrrrayalso;attach additional pages ifnecesstiry. drilled: SUBMTi i'AL INSTRIICTION9' I 9.Total well depth below land surface: 2 ( ) 24a For Ail WeIIs: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For mal*tewd1s list aR depths lfdllerew(ermrrple-3Q200'and2Q1Q01 constrrctionto the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing. yto t) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, Ifivater level is above casing,use"I� 1617 AM Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter {in,) 24b.For lniecfion Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well /construction method: / 61121� construction to the following: C-atge,mtary,cable,dueetptsh.etc.) Division of Water Besources;Underground Injection Control Progt-am, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276991636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: ' 24c.For Water SaDDly&Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 136.Disinfection type: AmolinO completion of well construction!to.the county health.department of the county where constructed. FormGW4 North Carolina Department ofEnvironmentai Quality-Division of Water Rescurcas Revised2,22 2016