HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003468_Report_20220330 (2)Thermal Modeling Report Duke Energy - Dan River Combined Cycle Prepared for: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Charlotte, North Carolina August 11, 2020 Prepared by: Water Environment Consultants Mount Pleasant, South Carolina 1411 iii1m*--qM=-Nornalilli-- 4+111r... Thermal Modeling Report - Dan River Steam Station Table of Contents Executive Summary iv 1 Introduction 1 2 NPDES Outfall 001 3 3 EFDC Modeling 5 3.1 Field Data Collection 5 3.2 Model Setup and Calibration 9 3.3 7Q10 Model Conditions 14 3.4 Outfall 001 Mixing Zone Results and Proposed Permit Limits 16 4 References 18 ii Thermal Modeling Report — Dan River Steam Station List of Figures Figure 1-1. Site Location Map 2 Figure 2-1. Location of Dan River Combined Cycle Steam Station Outfall 001 3 Figure 2-2. Photo of discharge pipe at Outfall 001 4 Figure 3-1. Photo of study area (outfall pipe is located at right as shown) 6 Figure 3-2. Photo study area (downstream of outfall) 7 Figure 3-3. Measured depths on August 13, 2019 (aerial at higher flow condition) 8 Figure 3-4. Depth -averaged, measured velocities on August 13, 2019 (aerial at higher flow condition)9 Figure 3-5. Model grid and flow barriers 10 Figure 3-6. Depth grid 11 Figure 3-7. Model grid and bathymetry converted to feet relative to NAVD88 12 Figure 3-8. Calibrated model velocities and measured current velocities (upstream portion) 13 Figure 3-9. Calibrated model velocities and measured current velocities (downstream portion) 14 Figure 3-11. 7Q10 model results for summer (top) and winter (bottom) conditions 17 List of Tables Table 3-1. 7Q10 model inputs 15 iii Thermal Modeling Report — Dan River Steam Station Executive Summary Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke) retained Water Environment Consultants (WEC) to conduct a thermal modeling analysis at Duke's Dan River Combined Cycle Station in Eden, North Carolina. The coal-fired steam station was retired and removed from the site, and a 620-MW combined cycle power plant was constructed in 2012. The current discharge from Outfall 001 is process water and cooling water from the combined cycle plant. A thermal mixing zone evaluation is required to determine the appropriate permit limitations for the discharge without the ambient cooling previously provided by the wastewater treatment basins. This report and the proposed limitations must be reviewed by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) for incorporation into the next NPDES discharge permit. WEC used the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) to assess if the discharge will meet the 29°C maximum and 2.8°C rise -above -background requirements (15 NCAC 02B .0211 Fresh Water Quality Standards for Class C Waters) at an acceptable distance downstream. Per EPA's Exposure Assessment Models webpage, "EFDC is a state-of-the-art hydrodynamic model that can be used to simulate aquatic systems in one, two, and three dimensions. It has evolved over the past two decades to become one of the most widely used and technically defensible hydrodynamic models in the world." Local depths and current velocity measurements were collected using a Sontek M9 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), equipped with a differential GPS to provide horizontal positioning data. A Trimble Geo 7x Centimeter Edition survey unit was used to collect water surface elevations along the river bank. This data was used to set up and calibrate an EFDC model for the project. Once calibrated, the model was used to predict thermal plume mixing under summer and winter 7Q10 conditions. The proposed effluent temperature limits for summer and winter conditions were 99°F and 88°F, respectively. The model was run under a maximum discharge flow rate of 1.33 MGD and with temperature dilution from mixing only (no heat loss from evaporation). Both assumptions provide a conservative estimate of how the effluent plume mixes with the ambient river flow. The critical condition modeled for the summer was the 29°C maximum temperature standard. The critical condition modeled for the winter was the 2.8°C exceedance over background conditions. The model results show that a majority of the thermal plume is contained within the small channel beneath the outfall pipe which connects to Dan River. As the plume mixes with the river, it remains attached to same bank as the outfall. The results indicate the summer and winter limits will be met at a distance of 134 feet and 97 feet downstream, respectively. Because the conservative modeled summer and winter temperatures of 99°F and 88°F respectively support the ambient water quality standards, Duke should request these permit limitations be included in the NPDES permit. Because actual discharge temperatures will be less than the maximum permit limits, the actual instream plume will be smaller than the conservative model prediction results. Therefore, there is no need for Duke to bear the expense of complying with upstream and downstream temperature monitoring/limitations. iv Thermal Modeling Report — Dan River Steam Station 1 Introduction Water Environment Consultants (WEC) prepared this report for Duke to provide the results of a thermal modeling analysis at Duke's Dan River Combined Cycle Station (Dan River) in Eden, North Carolina (Figure 1-1). The coal-fired steam station has been retired and removed from the site, and a 620-MW combined cycle power plant was constructed in 2012. The current discharge from Outfall 001 is process water and cooling water from the combined cycle plant. A thermal mixing zone will be required to meet the discharge permit limitations issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). WEC performed mixing zone modeling to assess if the discharge will meet the 29°C maximum and 2.8°C rise -above -background requirements (15 NCAC 02B .0211 Fresh Water Quality Standards for Class C Waters) at an acceptable distance downstream. A description of the work performed by WEC to complete the assessment and the model results is provided in the following sections: • Section 2, NPDES Outfall 001— provides a brief description of the outfall; • Section 3, EFDC modeling — describes the field data collection methodology, model calibration, and 7Q10 modeling analysis and results. 1 Thermal Modeling Report - Dan River Steam Station Legend A Project Location 0 0 5 1 1 5 2 Miles Figure 1-1. Site Location Map 2 Thermal Modeling Report — Dan River Steam Station 2 NPDES Outfall 001 Per the current NPDES Permit (NC0003468), the Dan River Outfall 001 discharges cooling tower blowdown and plant collection sumps (low volume wastes) from the combined cycle unit directly to the Dan River via Outfall 001. WEC visited the Dan River site on August 13, 2019, to characterize the location and flow geometry at the discharge location. The Outfall 001 discharge pipe is along the dam wall on the northern (downstream) end of a short channel flowing into the Dan River (Figures 2-1 and 2-2). Water flowing from the outfall pipe lands within a rectangular, containment basin before spilling into the channel and slowly flowing into the Dan River. After mixing with the dam overflow, the discharge plume moves downstream within the Dan River. Figure 2-1. Location of Dan River Combined Cycle Steam Station Outfall 001 3 Thermal Modeling Report - Dan River Steam Station Figure 2-2. Photo of discharge pipe at Outfall 001 4 Thermal Modeling Report — Dan River Steam Station 3 EFDC Modeling This summary describes an application of the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) for modeling the Outfall 001 discharge into the Dan River. The purpose of the model study is to estimate the mixing of the combined cycle wastewaters in the Dan River and determine if the discharge will meet the 29°C maximum and 2.8°C rise -above -background requirements (15 NCAC 02B .0211 Fresh Water Quality Standards for Class C Waters) at an acceptable distance downstream. This section describes: 1) the field data collected to support the model, 2) the model setup and calibration, 3) the application of the model under 7Q10 summer and winter conditions, and 4) model results that estimate where the NCDEQ water quality standards are met. 3.1 Field Data Collection Water depth and current measurements were collected to support the model study. Water depth data is required in order to create a two-dimensional grid for the EFDC model. Current velocity measurements are required for comparison to the modeled currents in order to verify that the model reasonably represents the hydrodynamics in the vicinity of the mixing zone. Together, detailed water depth and velocity data can be used to better select the ambient model geometry and the associated portion of the 7Q10 flow. Field data was collected on August 13, 2019. The study area extended from the discharge point to approximately 880 feet downstream the Dan River. Photos of the site from the day of data collection are shown in Figures 3-1 and 3-2. A Sontek RiverSurveyor-M9 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) was used to collect both water depth and current velocity data. The Sontek M9 is equipped with a differential GPS to provide horizontal positioning data. Water surface elevation was also measured using a Trimble Geo 7x Centimeter Edition GPS with 0.1-foot accuracy. This data was used to convert the measured water depths to bottom elevations relative to a fixed vertical datum (i.e., NAVD88). The measured depths are shown in Figure 3-3 and the depth -averaged current velocities measured along transects are shown in Figure 3-4. 5 Thermal Modeling Report - Dan River Steam Station Figure 3-1. Photo of study area (outfall pipe is located at right as shown) 6 Thermal Modeling Report - Dan River Steam Station Figure 3-2. Photo study area (downstream of outfall) 7 Thermal Modeling Report - Dan River Steam Station Legend Measured Depths (f#} 5.0 - 6.0 • 0.75-1.0 6.0-7.0 4 1.0 -_0 7.0 - 8.0 2.0 8.0 -9.0 3.0-4.0 • 9.0-10.0 4.0-5.0 • 10.0-10.5 Figure 3-3. Measured depths on August 13, 2019 (aerial at higher flow condition) 8 Thermal Modeling Report — Dan River Steam Station Figure 3-4. Depth -averaged, measured velocities on August 13, 2019 (aerial at higher flow condition) 3.2 Model Setup and Calibration WEC created a two-dimensional model grid of the Dan River extending from the dam approximately 1,000 ft downstream (Figure 3-5). Certain areas were known to be dry during low flow conditions, which include several rock outcrops and a sandbar. These locations were noted as very shallow during the field data collection, when flows were higher, and later verified as dry with low -flow aerial imagery. Figure 3-5 uses this low -flow imagery where the dry areas are visible. Therefore, grid cells that overlapped these locations were inactivated in the model in order to redirect flow. The water depths measured with the ADCP were interpolated onto a grid, as shown in Figure 3-6. The grid was then edited to account for shallow areas along rock ledges and the shoreline, as described earlier. The water depths were converted to bottom elevations using the water surface elevations collected with the Trimble survey unit. The bottom elevations are referenced to NAVD88. The bathymetry grid was interpolated onto the EFDC grid for modeling as shown in Figure 3-7. The model boundary conditions included the upstream flow and the downstream water elevation. The upstream flow rate was determined from the ADCP measurements on the data collection day. The average flow measured across the ADCP transects was calculated as 716.9 cubic feet per second (cfs) and distributed across the upstream boundary along the 9 Thermal Modeling Report — Dan River Steam Station Figure 3-5. Model grid and flow barriers dam. Though US Geological Survey (USGS) gage 02071000, located approximately 13.0 miles upstream, reports flow during the field measurement day, several rivers and stream merge into the Dan River prior to the site, so the records could not be used. The downstream boundary was specified as an open boundary with a constant water elevation. The downstream water elevation was measured during field data collection as 479.3 ft NAVD88, roughly two feet lower than the water level just below of the dam. The EFDC model was iteratively calibrated to match the current velocities measured on the field collection day. Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-9 illustrate the modeled and measured current velocities in meters per second (mps). The arrows indicate flow directions and are scaled to a common magnitude. The modeled currents correlate with measured velocities. The measured data shows more local variation in currents, such as a singular, larger peak velocity just north of the first rock outcrop. The slightly lower peak modeled velocity, 1.0 mps, compared to the peak measured, 1.36 mps, is an artifact of the model bathymetry being smoother than the actual river bathymetry. However, when comparing areas on a whole, rather than a singular point, the velocities are much closer. 10 Thermal Modeling Report — Dan River Steam Station Legend Model Depths {ft) • 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0-1.5 1- 5 -2 0 2 0 - 2 5 Figure 3-6. Depth grid _5 - 3.0 3.0 - 4.0 4.0 - 6_0 6.0 - 8.0 8.0 - 10_5 Additionally, the model does well in estimating the flow paths, represented by the vector arrows, around shoals and rock ledges. Both the modeled and measured velocities show a peak acceleration of current along the northern (plant side) bank and part of the southern bank. On average, the model tends to under -estimate the velocity magnitude in the rocky shoals. As a result, the model will likely be conservative and under -estimate the amount of mixing and dispersion of the outfall effluent. Overall, the model reasonably represents the current velocities in the river and the model is sufficiently calibrated in this area for the purposes of evaluating the outfall discharge mixing zone. 11 Thermal Modeling Report - Dan River Steam Station Legend Grid Bathy metry M471.5 - 472.0 M472.0 - 473.0 ©473.0 - 474.0 =474.0 - 475.0 =475.0 - 476.0 =476.0 - 477.0 eft NAVD88} =477.0 - 478.0 =478.0 - 479.0 =479.0 -480.0 M480.0 - 481.0 M481.0 - 482.0 Figure 3-7. Model grid and bathymetry converted to feet relative to NAVD88 12 Thermal Modeling Report - Dan River Steam Station i i/--,ray�- �."iy // r+ t r f / /,,— i�': �"'/rt--I ->-: .--/ //,, /,// mo' -' ,d~_ '`,/ ,'�/'� '`✓'/JJ irk 1t I ' j/ I %� f �f/ l fl r: N ,. .. -'''-��. , i f ,: J J J 1 t t r � t r : �,� ,, >// /,/ � f/� � J%� ///`, j / , r - -__- !'��� r i t.t t t t t / / / //////////////�� 1�,f/i `',,t1tI ttt 1//// �//f%frlf�rff r/�'r`/fJ Ii -_- - -<-----, ,, lit ,%//// f f/jam ,-,---, ,.�r/,"it — _� // //`////// f>— >''r/---ter'-�,-,,, ,.,i �'' �// //'/////.lf/>•''�-'-•'�•1----i, _ - .. , . . .. -2. _. _ _ . . .. -..._ IT //,///J.• . ' _., ��+" /// / , // — //r� R Modeled Velocities "� ' 1.36 mis - . U.00 mis Figure 3-8. Calibrated model velocities and measured current velocities (upstream portion) 13 Thermal Modeling Report — Dan River Steam Station 1Bj�� w i% f� / fjlf i r i�� f / //'/ // // /C/171,:/// :.,/>/:, '�',./ ,�%'�-_ = %%>•>ram// rirffrrrfr ' =:! - - - 'T.:5:- - : .- - - . . -e'-'_- - . .- - "- - .- - - '_'_,;. ->: fi .fli ,"",,4:,/// ,/ , 1:,tiftc,./,,,//I/j�� = �` � �� iii///,/', , �/ �r f//i //! '` - l'� .. / i/rr , Modeled VE 1 rr 1.36 m/s 0.00 m/s Figure 3-9. Calibrated model velocities and measured current velocities (downstream portion) 3.3 7Q10 Model Conditions The 7Q10 model is used to verify whether the thermal mixing zone meets the discharge permit limitations issued by NCDEQ. The NCDEQ water quality standard for temperature has two components: not to exceed 2.8°C (5.04°F) above natural background and not to exceed 29°C (84.2°F). Inputs to the calibrated EFDC model were modified to represent the critical 7Q10 conditions. Both summer and winter conditions were considered in the analysis. The critical condition modeled for the summer was the maximum temperature, and the critical condition modeled for the winter was the temperature exceedance over background conditions. The model was run under two conservative assumptions: maximum design discharge rate of 1.33 MGD and temperature dilution from mixing only (no evaporative losses). The inputs adjusted from the calibrated model included the summer and winter 7Q10 flow rates, the downstream water surface elevation, and the discharge's temperature excess as compared to the ambient temperature. The water surface elevation measured during field monitoring was lowered based on change in water depths at USGS station 02071000 associated with similar change in flow rates. Figure 3-10 shows the measured 14 Thermal Modeling Report — Dan River Steam Station 4 3.5 3 2.5 ao 2 o. 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Flow (cfs) • USGS data 7Q10Summer • 7010 Winter • Calibration day Best Fit Eq. (USGS data) Stage vs. Flow Rate y = -2 E-19x6 + 2 E-15x5 - 5 E-12x4 + 9 E-09x3 - 8E-06x2 + 0.0054x R2 = 0.9985 1 Figure 3-10. Flow -stage relationship at USGS station 02071000 depths and flow rate data points at the USGS station. Based on the best -fit equation of the data, and similar stream characteristics at both sites, WEC determined downstream water levels at the project site for the summer and winter 7Q10 conditions. Thermal mixing from the discharge was modeled using EFDC's dye tracer module, which simulates dilution from mixing only and excludes evaporative losses as mentioned above. WEC reviewed four years of ambient water temperature records near the outfall. The 95th and 5th percentile temperatures were used as ambient conditions for the summer and winter critical conditions, respectively. During summer months, the 95th percentile river temperature was 27.6°C (81.7°F). During winter months, the 5th percentile temperature was 1.4°C (34.5°F). Duke provided WEC with estimates of the maximum projected effluent discharge temperatures for summer and winter months. The summer maximum temperature was 35.6°C (96°F) and the winter maximum temperature was 29.4°C (85°F). WEC added a 3°F compliance margin similar to the thermal models approved by NCDEQ for Duke's Rogers and Asheville sites. The temperature excess (above background) used for modeling the summer condition was 9.6°C (17.3°F), and the temperature excess for the winter condition was 29.7°C (53.5°F). Table 3-1 summarizes the inputs in SI units as used in EFDC. Table 3-1. 7Q10 model inputs 7Q10 flow rate (cms) Downstream WL (m NAVD88) Effluent flow rate (cms) Effluent Temperature Excess (°F) Summer 8.89 145.9 0.058 17.3 Winter 16.4 146.0 0.058 53.5 15 Thermal Modeling Report — Dan River Steam Station 3.4 Outfall 001 Mixing Zone Results and Proposed Permit Limits The model results for a 1.33 MGD discharge from Outfall 001 are shown in Figure 3-11. The colored contours represent the temperature excess above background in units of degrees Fahrenheit for summer and winter conditions. The downstream position where the water quality standard is met is marked with a magenta line. For the summer condition, this line marks where the 29°C (84.2°F) maximum temperature standard is met. For the winter results, the line marks where the discharge meets the 2.8°C (5.04°F) exceedance above background standard. As shown by the colored contours, the majority of the plume dilution takes place within the small channel where the effluent is initially contained. Downstream, the plume remains narrow and strongly bank attached where the water is deeper and the currents move faster. Near the boat ramp a small rock outcrop pushes the plume away from the bank where it begins to spread. However, the plume meets the summer and winter standards well prior to this point. The results for a 1.33 MGD discharge at 99°F show the plume will meet the maximum temperature standard (84.2°F) approximately 134 feet downstream of the dam. For a 1.33 MGD discharge at 88°F, the no -more -than 5.04°F exceedance above background standard will be met approximately 97 feet downstream. In addition, the very narrow plume widths also support safe passage of aquatic life. Because the conservative modeled summer and winter temperatures of 99°F and 88°F respectively support the ambient water quality standards, Duke should request these permit limitations be included in the NPDES permit. These discharge limitations should be measured at the current compliance point, noting that heat loss through the discharge pipe prior to entering the river should be minimal. Because actual discharge temperatures will be less than the maximum permit limits, the actual instream plume will be smaller than the conservative model prediction results. Therefore, there is no need for Duke to bear the expense of complying with upstream and downstream temperature monitoring/limitations. 16 Thermal Modeling Report - Dan River Steam Station Legend Temperature Excess °F n 2.0 - 3.0 0.0-0.1 3.0-4.0 4.0-5.0 �5.0-17.5 Feet 0 75 150 225 300 Legend Temperature Excess °F n 4.0-5.0 0.0-0.1 n 5.0-10.0 0.1-1.0 I —I 10.0-20.0 1.0-2.0 20.0-30.0 2.0-3.0 30.0-40.0 n 3.0-4.0 40.0-54.0 Figure 3-10. 7Q10 model results for summer (top) and winter (bottom) conditions 17 Thermal Modeling Report — Dan River Steam Station 4 References Martin, Joyce; D. H. Newcomb. "RE: Infor Needed — Future Summer & Winter Daily Max Permit Limits (for modeling)." Correspondence with Duke Energy. June 3, 2020. E-mail U.S. Geological Survey. 2020. National Water Information system. USGS 02071000 Dan River Near Wentworth, NC. Water Data for the Nation, accessed 2020 at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/usa/nwis/uv?site_no=02071000 18