HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030147 Ver 2_DWR Comments_20070706North Carolina Michael F. Easley, Governor ~~ +: w. ~ NCDENR Department of Environment and Division of Water Resources July 6, 2007 MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney ~( f~~ FROM: Jim Mead SUBJECT: Determination of Minimum Release and Mitigation for Tillery Dam FERC Relicensing and 401 Certification William G. Ross Jr., Secretary John Morris, Director A settlement agreement has been reached between the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) and Progress Energy for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) relicensing of Progress Energy's hydroelectric facilities on the Pee Dee River. This agreement includes a release regime for Tillery dam and stream mitigation through protection of riparian buffers. This memorandum describes the studies and analysis involved in developing this part of the settlement agreement. A general outline of the study process is also attached. Instream flow studies were conducted at multiple locations by consultants for Progress Energy (PE), who performed these studies in consultation with state and federal agencies using the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM). The reach of the Pee Dee River between the Tillery dam and the headwaters of Blewett Falls reservoir was divided into three sub-reaches for this study based on changes in hydrology and habitat type. Division of Water Resources (DWR) staff were involved in study design, including habitat mapping and selection of study cross- sections. • Subreach 3 -Tillery dam to Rocky River; 5.35 miles; 8 transects representing 79% glide, 10% run and 11 % shoal habitat types. • Subreach 2 -Rocky River to Browns Creek; 6.15 miles; 12 transects representing 66% glide, 26% run, 4% pool, and 4% shoal. • Subreach 1-Browns Creek to Blewett Falls reservoir; 9.0 miles; 3 transects representing 92% glide and 8% pool habitat types. One 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 NOrthCaro/l/ina Phone: 919-733-40641 FAX: 919-733-3558 \ Internet: www.ncwater.org ~q'tur'~'[`~ An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer - 50 % Recycled 110 % Post Consumer Paper Natural Resources The consultants collected depth and velocity data at numerous points on each transect at three distinct discharges, in addition to substrate and cover information at each point. The three discharge levels for data collection varied by site and were approximately 500 to 900 cfs, 3000 to 3500 cfs, and 7000 cfs. Using this field data, a hydraulic simulation model was calibrated for each transect that could simulate physical habitat conditions over a wide range of discharges. DWR staff were heavily involved in this hydraulic calibration. Physical conditions simulated by the hydraulic model for each subreach were then merged with Habitat Suitability Indices for the life stages, guilds and species of interest. The result is a relationship of habitat (weighted usable area) to discharge (cubic feet per second) for each organism being evaluated. For this IFIM study, 29 individual life stages, guilds and species were evaluated. The next step in the evaluation is referred to as "time series analysis." This entailed converting a record of stream flows into a record of habitat values for each of the 291ife stages, guilds and species at each of the three subreaches. Flow records for different operational alternatives, as well as the unregulated or "natural" flow record, can be converted to habitat values in this manner. The habitat records for different flow scenarios can be compared using monthly duration curves and other statistical analyses. One of the habitat metrics used for this instream flow study and all other major hydroelectric relicensing studies in North Carolina is known as "Index C." The attached IFIM study outline contains a -more detailed explanation of this metric. To focus the analysis of voluminous output for multiple reaches and 29 species and life stages, the technical work group for this Project undertook screening to determine the "driver" or focus life stages, guilds and species. These are the 6 or 7 organisms that are most responsive to changes in flow. A flow regime developed in consideration of these species/life stages should also be suitable for other less flow-sensitive organisms. The seven focus species for all three subreaches downstream of Tillery dam were: American shad spawning life stage, shallow-fast habitat with higher velocity guild, golden redhorse adult life stage, robust redhorse spawning life stage, deep-fast habitat with coarse mixed substrate guild, deep-fast habitat with fine substrate guild, and deep-fast habitat with gravel/cobble substrate guild. DWR's preferred target level of habitat to be maintained is a flow regime that maintains Index C values at 80% of the Index C value under unregulated flow conditions for the focus species. However, this 80% of unregulated Index C is not a formal standard. The final flow regime might consider several factors, including, but not limited to: the amount and quality of habitat in the affected reach, fishery resource management objectives, varying habitat results for different species and life stages, different levels of habitat in the near-dam reach versus farther downstream after tributary inflow, extent of improvement from existing flow regime, and other demands on water resources. 2 In March, 2005, the technical work group began reviewing results of the instream flow studies. In June, 2005 the group began discussing and evaluating various alternative flow regimes downstream of Tillery dam. The work group included representatives from PE, DWR, the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC), the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, American Rivers, The Nature Conservancy, and Alcoa Power Generation Inc. The group made extensive use of an interactive spreadsheet that could calculate the Index C values for a particular flow option for each of the 291ife stages, guilds and species. The Index C values for each flow option could then be contrasted to the unregulated or natural Index C values, the Index C values for the existing hydroelectric operations, and the maximum achievable Index C values. The interactive spreadsheet also calculates these habitat metrics for each of the three subreaches separately and in combination. In addition to habitat evaluations, consultants for PE were also using the CHEOPS model to determine the effect of different flow options on hydroelectric generation during on- peak and off-peak periods. This modeling took into account the effect of a continuous release on the availability of water being stored for use during periods of peak demand. Another factor included was the hydraulic capacity of the turbines in the Tillery powerhouse. The lowest operational flow for any single turbine is approximately 2000 cfs. Continuous releases much below this level must be spilled or released through a gate to avoid damage to the turbines -and thus continuous releases less than 2000 cfs cannot be used to generate electricity. Powerhouse and penstock configuration does not allow addition of a smaller turbine for minimum releases. Replacing one of the 2000 cfs units with a smaller unit was also evaluated, but the reduction in capacity to meet higher peak demands for electricity more than offset the gains from being able to generate power at minimum releases less than 2000 cfs. PE's consultants also evaluated the possibility of using the small "house unit" in the powerhouse to make the minimum release and generate power. However, this unit is intended only for occasional operation to re- energize the powerhouse in the event of a "black start" after a total power outage. It would not stand up to continuous operation. In addition, the house unit and its piping could only pass approximately 200 cfs maximum. In May, 2006 Progress Energy proposed a minimum release of 300 cfs and stated that the CHEOPS model indicated continuous minimum flows higher than that resulted in unacceptable losses in peak power generation. PE proposed stream buffer protection to offset the difference between the proposed release of 300 cfs and the preferred flows that would produce habitat at 80% of the unregulated Index C values. The PE proposal also included a 6-week release of 745 cfs starting in mid- to late February to coincide with the American shad spawning run. 3 DWR then calculated the mitigation need in bank miles for the proposed Tillery release of 300 cfs, including 6 weeks in the spring at 745 cfs. Bank miles represent the length of protected buffer along one side of the channel. For example, 4 miles of river channel protected on both sides is equivalent to 8 bank miles. The first step in determining the bank miles needed for mitigation is to calculate how much "credit" is given for the release of 300 cfs. The process used to evaluate the proposed minimum release and mitigation need was as follows: 1. The steps below are performed separately for subreach 3 and subreach 2. (For subreach 1, the proposed release of 300 cfs resulted in Index C values that were more than 80% of the unregulated Index C values.) 2. Determine the flow regime that would produce 80% unregulated index C values for all life stages, guilds, and species. 3. Compare the Index C habitat values from this preferred flow regime to those produced by a release of 300 cfs (with 6 weeks at 745 cfs). Do this for each month for each of six focus species. The seventh focus species was not included in the analysis because it had significant outlier results from the three other deep- fast habitat guilds and because there are unresolved questions regarding the habitat suitability indices for this particular organism. 4. Average the monthly percentage shortfall in Index C to generate an overall yearly value for each of the six organisms. 5. Average the yearly percentage shortfall for the six organisms to generate one overall average value for the percentage shortfall produced by the proposed release of 300 cfs. 6. Multiply this percentage shortfall times the length of the subreach. 7. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) uses mitigation guidelines that stipulate a mitigation ratio of 4:1 if the selected approach is stream preservation. Multiply the result from step 6 above by four. 8. To convert to bank miles, multiply the result from step 7 above by two. 9. Add the resulting bank miles for subreaches 3 and 2 together to yield the total bank miles of mitigation needed for a release of 300 cfs. A spreadsheet is attached showing the various buffer protection lands proposed during settlement discussions and how much they contribute towards the overall mitigation need. This calculation indicated that the total mitigation package proposed by Progress Energy was not sufficient to offset the habitat shortfall for a minimum release of 300 cfs. The spreadsheet also calculated the mitigation results for a minimum release of 350 cfs. Comparing this to 300 cfs and interpolating resulted in an increase in minimum release to 330 cfs to go along with the total package of 28.7 bank miles of protected buffer. Subsequent to this evaluation of mitigation needs, the work group had further discussions regarding the release for American shad spawning in the spring. It was decided to reduce the release to 725 cfs, but extend it's duration by 2 weeks. This modification in flow was not reflected in the calculation of mitigation needs. However, the habitat shortfall is much more influenced by the release of 330 cfs during the rest of the year than by the higher release for two months in the spring. 4 It is important to recognize that the amount of mitigation needed was only determined after the agencies and Applicant spent a year reviewing various flow scenarios for their effects on habitat and hydroelectric generation. We did not start out with a package of protected lands and "back fit" a release offset by the proposed mitigation. In fact once we arrived at a tentative release of 300 cfs and actually calculated the mitigation need, it was necessary to increase the release to 330 cfs. GENERAL OUTLINE OF IFIM STUDY PROCESS Field Data Collection and Physical Habitat Simulation 1. The affected stream reach downstream of a water control structure is examined to determine habitat types present and presence of any major tributary inflow. 2. The affected reach may be subdivided according to changes in aquatic habitat or hydrology. 3. Transects (stream cross-sections) are selected within each subreach to represent the range of available aquatic habitat. 4. The bottom profile of each transect is surveyed and individual points (cells) on every transect are coded for substrate and habitat cover type. 5. Hydraulic data (depth and velocity) is collected at every submerged cell of every transect at three discrete discharges. 6. The hydraulic data provides input to models that are used simulate depths and velocities across each transect over the range of discharges being simulated. 7. The end result is a set of physical conditions (substrate/cover, depth and velocity) at every cell of every transect at every discharge being modeled. • DWR staff participated in habitat mapping, transect selection, field data collection, and calibration of hydraulic models for this relicensing. Aquatic Habitat Modeling 1. Species and life stages are selected for evaluation based on field sampling and fishery management interests. 2. Habitat suitability indices are developed for each species and life stage selected. These are a preference scale of how a given species/life stage responds to different substrates, cover types, depths and velocities. 3. The aquatic habitat modeling component of IFIM merges the output set of physical conditions with the habitat suitability indices. For each flow of interest, the combination of substrate, cover, depth and velocity is evaluated at every cell and transect, and totaled for the whole study reach. 4. The end result is a table and graph of weighted usable area versus stream discharge for every species and life stage being evaluated. • DWR staff were involved in selecting species, reviewing habitat suitability indices, and reviewing the habitat versus flow relationships for this relicensing. 6 Time Series Analysis 1. IFIM is a suite of analytical approaches. A complete IFIM study always includes time series analysis. 2. Time series analysis relates the habitat versus flow relationships to the availability of water in the stream. The output from the aquatic habitat model is used to convert a record of stream flows into a record of habitat events. 3. Statistical analysis of the habitat record can be conducted to develop various habitat metrics and other analytical products. These analyses are usually done on a monthly basis to reflect seasonal differences -spawning behavior, for example. 4. One output product is a habitat duration curve. Similar to a flow duration curve, it represents the percentage of time a given habitat level is equaled or exceeded. 5. There is one key difference between flow and habitat duration curves. The habitat versus flow relationship is not linear, and in fact is often bell- shaped, with lowest habitat levels occurring at low AND high flows. Therefore, the habitat duration curve is not directly comparable to a flow duration curve -since habitat levels are based on the shape of the habitat versus flow relationship particular to each species and life stage. 6. Time series analysis is used to compare habitat availability for different flow scenarios. For example, one could overlay the habitat duration curves for a given species/life stage for "natural", existing with-project flows, and proposed flow regime alternatives. 7. Habitat metrics are often used to allow a more quantified comparison of different flow scenarios -percentage differences, for example. 8. "Index C" is one of the habitat metrics used in analyzing and interpreting results from instream flow studies of aquatic habitat conducted using the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM). DWR staff were first introduced to the use of this metric at an IFIM training workshop conducted in 1992 by the developers of IFIM who were then part of the National Biological Service (now part of the US Geological Survey). Index C has been used to evaluate instream flows and aquatic habitat for every major hydropower relicensing in North Carolina since the early 1990's. 9. Index C is determined on a monthly basis for each species and life stage. It is calculated as the average of all habitat events in that month that are less than the median (50% exceedance) level of habitat for that month. For example, if you had only one year of daily stream flow data converted to daily habitat events, there would be 31 values for January. The Index C value for January would then be the average of the 15 lowest habitat values. Note that these 15 lowest habitat events would not necessarily occur on the 15 days of lowest flows. Some of them would be attributable to high flow events if the species/life stage has a preference for lower velocities. 7 10. "Index C assumes that low habitat events in a time series are the most important biologically. By using averaging interval from median to 100% exceedance values, all low habitat events are assumed to be important. Values above median are considered excess habitat that cannot be used effectively due to previous limitations created by low habitat values. Index[CJ is responsive to any change, whether magnitude or duration of low habitat events or change in absolute minimum. " (from: Problem Analysis and Ne otg iating Solutions Usin IFIM, training course reference material, December, 1992.) 11. A value of Index C is calculated for every flow scenario being considered. DWR always includes the without-project scenario for evaluation, also referred to as natural or unregulated flows. 11. To focus the analysis of voluminous output for multiple reaches and numerous species and life stages, the technical work group for this Project undertook screening to determine the "driver" or focus species. These are the 6 or 7 species/life stages that are most responsive to changes in flow. A flow regime developed in consideration of these species/life stages should also be suitable for other less flow-sensitive organisms. 12. DWR's preferred target level of habitat to be maintained is a flow regime that maintains Index C values at 80% of the Index C value under unregulated flow conditions for the focus species. However, this 80% of unregulated Index C is not a formal standard. The final flow regime might consider several factors, including, but not limited to: the amount and quality of habitat in the affected reach, fishery resource management objectives, varying habitat results for different species and life stages, different levels of habitat in the near-dam reach versus farther downstream after tributary inflow, extent of improvement from existing flow regime, and other demands on water resources. 13. IFIM is not a "standard setting" approach to determining instream flows. There is no single flow output as a result. Unlike chemical water quality standards, there is no one standard for the level of habitat to be maintained. Rather, IFIM allows various alternatives to be compared in hopefully reaching an acceptable solution. DWR staff were very actively involved in determining the focus species that are most responsive to changes in flow, selecting output products to be provided, suggesting alternative flow scenarios for evaluation, and reviewing the results of time series analyses for this relicensing. m ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ M M E' ~ ~0 00 N d V • O N ' N as Q1 C ` a ~ ~ ~ O ~ O ~ ch ~1 y N 0 ~ ~ k ~3 C M ~ tn l~ ~ ~ V ~"~,~ d E °' ~ o c °' O ~ ~ ~ v • .~. 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