HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0078158_Fact Sheet_20220920Fact Sheet NPDES Permit No. NCOO78158 Permit Writer/Email Contact Emily Phillips/Siying Chen Date: December 9, 2021 Division/Branch: NC Division of Water Resources/NPDES Complex Permitting Fact Sheet Template: Version 09Jan2017 Permitting Action: ❑X Renewal ❑ Renewal with Expansion ❑ New Discharge ❑ Modification (Fact Sheet should be tailored to mod request) Note: A complete application should include the following: • For New Dischargers, EPA Form 2A or 2D requirements, Engineering Alternatives Analysis, Fee • For Existing Dischargers (POTW), EPA Form 2A, 3 effluent pollutant scans, 4 2nd species WET tests. • For Existing Dischargers (Non-POTW), EPA Form 2C with correct analytical requirements based on industry category. Complete applicable sections below. If not applicable, enter NA. 1. Basic Facility Information Facility Information Applicant/Facility Name: Aqua of NC/ Old Beau Golf Club WWTP Applicant Address: 202 MacKenan Drive, Cary NC 27511 Facility Address: 917 County Downs Avenue, Glade Valley NC Permitted Flow: 0.02 MGD Facility Type/Waste: Minor Municipal; 100% domestic Facility Class: Class II Page 1 of 9 Treatment Units: • Bar screen • Flow splitter box • Equalization basin • Dual Aeration basins • Dual secondary clarifiers • Dual aerated sludge holding tanks • Single tablet chlorinator • Chlorine contact chamber • Tablet dechlorination unit • Stevens flow meter • Effluent pumps, and • On -site generator Pretreatment Program (Y/N) N County: Alleghany Region Winston-Salem Briefly describe the proposed permitting action and facility background: Old Beau Golf Club WWTP has applied for an NPDES permit renewal at 0.02 MGD. The facility has a single Outfall 001. 2. Receiving Waterbodv Information: Outfalls/Receiving Stream(s): Outfall 001— UT to Laurel Creek Stream Segment: 10-9-10-2 Stream Classification: C-Trout 303(d) listed/parameter: N/A Basin/Sub-basin: New River Basin/05-07-03 Page 2 of 9 3. Effluent Data Summary Table. Effluent Data Summary Outfall 001 EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Code EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location Flow 50050 0.020 MGD Continuous Recording Influent or Effluent BOD, 5-day, (20°C) C0310 *Summer 20.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent BOD, 5-day, (20°C) *Winter C0310 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Total Suspended Solids C0530 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent NH3 as N — *Summer C0610 3.0 mg/L 15.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent NH3 as N — *Winter C0610 6.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Fecal Coliform 31616 (geometric mean) 200/100 ml 400/100 ml Weekly Grab Effluent Total Residual Chlorine 3 50060 28 pg/L 2/Week Grab Effluent pH 00400 > 6.0 and < 9.0 standard units Weekly Grab Effluent Oil and Grease 00556 30.0 mg/L 60.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Temperature (°C) 00010 Daily Grab Effluent Temperature (°C) 00010 Weekly Grab Upstream & Downstream 2 Dissolved Oxygen 00300 Daily average > 5.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Dissolved Oxygen 00300 Weekly Grab Upstream &2 Downstream 4. Instream Data Summary Instream monitoring may be required in certain situations, for example: 1) to verify model predictions when model results for instream DO are within 1 mg/1 of instream standard at full permitted flow; 2) to verify model predictions for outfall diffuser; 3) to provide data for future TMDL; 4) based on other instream concerns. Instream monitoring may be conducted by the Permittee, and there are also Monitoring Coalitions established in several basins that conduct instream sampling for the Permittee (in which case instream monitoring is waived in the permit as long as coalition membership is maintained). If applicable, summarize any instream data and what instream monitoring will be proposed for this permit action: The current permit requires instream monitoring for Temperature and DO. Review of instream data for the past three years indicates that the dissolved oxygen standard of 5 mg/1 was maintained. Is this facility a member of a Monitoring Coalition with waived instream monitoring (Y/N): NO Name of Monitoring Coalition: N/A Page 3 of 9 5. Compliance Summary Summarize the compliance record with permit effluent limits (past 5 years): Limit violations for daily maximum for TSS and BOD in 2020, and monthly average exceeded for Flow in 2016. No major activities or problems with this facility. Summarize the compliance record with aquatic toxicity test limits and any second species test results (past 5 years): N/A Summarize the results from the most recent compliance inspection: Last inspection occurred June 12 2019, but no summary provided in BIMS. 6. Water Quality -Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Dilution and Mixing Zones In accordance with 15A NCAC 2B.0206, the following stream flows are used for dilution considerations for development of WQBELs: 1 Q 10 streamflow (acute Aquatic Life); 7Q10 streamflow (chronic Aquatic Life; non -carcinogen HH); 30Q2 streamflow (aesthetics); annual average flow (carcinogen, HH). If applicable, describe any other dilution factors considered (e.g., based on CORMIX model results): NA If applicable, describe any mixing zones established in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B. 0204(b): NA Oxygen -Consuming Waste Limitations Limitations for oxygen -consuming waste (e.g., BOD) are generally based on water quality modeling to ensure protection of the instream dissolved oxygen (DO) water quality standard. Secondary TBEL limits (e.g., BOD= 30 mg/1 for Municipals) may be appropriate if deemed more stringent based on dilution and model results. If permit limits are more stringent than TBELs, describe how limits were developed: NA Ammonia and Total Residual Chlorine Limitations Limitations for ammonia are based on protection of aquatic life utilizing an ammonia chronic criterion of 1.0 mg/1 (summer) and 1.8 mg/1 (winter). Acute ammonia limits are derived from chronic criteria, utilizing a multiplication factor of 3 for Municipals and a multiplication factor of 5 for Non -Municipals. Limitations for Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) are based on the NC water quality standard for protection of aquatic life (17 ug/1) and capped at 28 ug/1 (acute impacts). Due to analytical issues, all TRC values reported below 50 ug/1 are considered compliant with their permit limit. Describe any proposed changes to ammonia and/or TRC limits for this permit renewal: Winter values were updated in the effluent table, per 15A NCAC 02B .0404 and the 2016 ammonia policy. (c) For the purpose of determining seasonal effluent limitations, the year shall consist of a summer and a winter discharge period. The summer period shall begin April 1 and extend through October 31. Page 4 of 9 The winter period shall begin November 1 and extend through March 31. The summer oxygen consuming wasteload allocation shall be developed using the flow criteria specified in 15A NCAC 02B .0206. The winter oxygen consuming wasteload allocation shall not exceed two times the summer oxygen consuming wasteload limitations nor shall it be less restrictive than minimum treatment requirements. Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) for Toxicants NA If applicable, conduct RPA analysis and complete information below. The need for toxicant limits is based upon a demonstration of reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards, a statistical evaluation that is conducted during every permit renewal utilizing the most recent effluent data for each outfall. The RPA is conducted in accordance with 40 CFR 122.44 (d) (i). The NC RPA procedure utilizes the following: 1) 95% Confidence Level/95% Probability; 2) assumption of zero background; 3) use of/2 detection limit for "less than" values; and 4) stream flows used for dilution consideration based on 15A NCAC 2B.0206. Effective April 6, 2016, NC began implementation of dissolved metals criteria in the RPA process in accordance with guidance titled NPDES Implementation of Instream Dissolved Metals Standards, dated June 10, 2016. A reasonable potential analysis was conducted on effluent toxicant data collected between NA. Pollutants of concern included toxicants with positive detections and associated water quality standards/criteria. Based on this analysis, the following permitting actions are proposed for this permit: • Effluent Limit with Monitoring. The following parameters will receive a water quality -based effluent limit (WQBEL) since they demonstrated a reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards/criteria: NA • Monitoring Only. The following parameters will receive a monitor -only requirement since they did not demonstrate reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards/criteria, but the maximum predicted concentration was >50% of the allowable concentration: NA • No Limit or Monitoring: The following parameters will not receive a limit or monitoring, since they did not demonstrate reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards/criteria and the maximum predicted concentration was <50% of the allowable concentration: NA • POTW Effluent Pollutant Scan Review: Three effluent pollutant scans were evaluated for additional pollutants of concern. o The following parameter(s) will receive a water quality -based effluent limit (WQBEL) with monitoring, since as part of a limited data set, two samples exceeded the allowable discharge concentration: NA o The following parameter(s) will receive a monitor -only requirement, since as part of a limited data set, one sample exceeded the allowable discharge concentration: NA If applicable, attach a spreadsheet of the RPA results as well as a copy of the Dissolved Metals Implementation Fact Sheet for freshwater/saltwater to this Fact Sheet. Include a printout of the RPA Dissolved to Total Metal Calculator sheet if this is a Municipality with a Pretreatment Program. Toxicity Testing Limitations Permit limits and monitoring requirements for Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) have been established in accordance with Division guidance (per WET Memo, 8/2/1999). Per WET guidance, all NPDES permits issued to Major facilities or any facility discharging "complex" wastewater (contains anything other than domestic waste) will contain appropriate WET limits and monitoring requirements, with several Page 5 of 9 exceptions. The State has received prior EPA approval to use an Alternative WET Test Procedure in NPDES permits, using single concentration screening tests, with multiple dilution follow-up upon a test failure. Describe proposed toxicity test requirement: NA Mercury Statewide TMDL Evaluation There is a statewide TMDL for mercury approved by EPA in 2012. The TMDL target was to comply with EPA's mercury fish tissue criteria (0.3 mg/kg) for human health protection. The TMDL established a wasteload allocation for point sources of 37 kg/year (81 lb/year), and is applicable to municipals and industrial facilities with known mercury discharges. Given the small contribution of mercury from point sources (-2% of total load), the TMDL emphasizes mercury minimization plans (MMPs) for point source control. Municipal facilities > 2 MGD and discharging quantifiable levels of mercury (>1 ng/1) will receive an MMP requirement. Industrials are evaluated on a case -by -case basis, depending if mercury is a pollutant of concern. Effluent limits may also be added if annual average effluent concentrations exceed the WQBEL value (based on the NC WQS of 12 ng/1) and/or if any individual value exceeds a TBEL value of 47 ng/1 NA Table. Mercury Effluent Data Summary # of Samples Annual Average Conc. ng/L Maximum Conc., ng/L TBEL, ng/L WQBEL, ng/L Describe proposed permit actions based on mercury evaluation: NA Other TMDL/Nutrient Management Strategy Considerations If applicable, describe any other TMDLs/Nutrient Management Strategies and their implementation within this permit: NA Other WQBEL Considerations If applicable, describe any other parameters of concern evaluated for WQBELs: NA If applicable, describe any special actions (HQW or ORW) this receiving stream and classification shall comply with in order to protect the designated waterbody: NA If applicable, describe any compliance schedules proposed for this permit renewal in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H 0107(c)(2)(B), 40CFR 122.47, and EPA May 2007 Memo: NA If applicable, describe any water quality standards variances proposed in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.3(e) and 15A NCAC 2B.0226 for this permit renewal: NA Page 6 of 9 7. Technology -Based Effluent Limitations (TBELs) Municipals (if not applicable, delete and skip to Industrials) Are concentration limits in the permit at least as stringent as secondary treatment requirements (30 mg/l BOD5/TSS for Monthly Average, and 45 mg/l for BOD5/TSS for Weekly Average). N/A If NO, provide a justification for alternative limitations (e.g., waste stabilization pond). NA Are 85% removal requirements for BOD5/TSS included in the permit? NA If NO, provide a justification (e.g., waste stabilization pond). NA Industrials (if not applicable, delete and skip to next Section) NA Describe what this facility produces: List the federal effluent limitations guideline (ELG) for this facility: If the ELG is based on production or flow, document how the average production/flow value was calculated: For ELG limits, document the calculations used to develop TBEL limits: Table. TBEL Development per NA Pollutant Daily Maximum Daily Maximum Monthly Average BPT/BAT (lb/1000 lb) Monthly Average Limit (Ib/d) BPT/BAT (lb/1000 lb) Limit (lb /d) If any limits are based on best professional judgement (BPJ), describe development: NA Document any TBELs that are more stringent than WQBELs: NA Document any TBELs that are less stringent than previous permit: NA 8. Antidegradation Review (New/Expanding Discharge): The objective of an anti -degradation review is to ensure that a new or increased pollutant loading will not degrade water quality. Permitting actions for new or expanding discharges require an anti -degradation review in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B.0201. Each applicant for a new/expanding NPDES permit must document an effort to consider non -discharge alternatives per 15A NCAC 2H.0105 (c)(2). In all cases, existing instream water uses and the level of water quality necessary to protect the existing use is maintained and protected. Page 7 of 9 If applicable, describe the results of the antidegradation review, including the Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) and any water quality modeling results: NA 9. Antibacksliding Review: Sections 402(o)(2) and 303(d)(4) of the CWA and federal regulations at 40 CFR 122.44(1) prohibit backsliding of effluent limitations in NPDES permits. These provisions require effluent limitations in a reissued permit to be as stringent as those in the previous permit, with some exceptions where limitations may be relaxed (e.g., based on new information, increases in production may warrant less stringent TBEL limits, or WQBELs may be less stringent based on updated RPA or dilution). Are any effluent limitations less stringent than previous permit (YES/NO): NO If YES, confirm that antibacksliding provisions are not violated: NA 10. Monitoring Requirements Monitoring frequencies for NPDES permitting are established in accordance with the following regulations and guidance: 1) State Regulation for Surface Water Monitoring, 15A NCAC 2B.0500; 2) NPDES Guidance, Monitoring Frequency for Toxic Substances (7/15/2010 Memo); 3) NPDES Guidance, Reduced Monitoring Frequencies for Facilities with Superior Compliance (10/22/2012 Memo); 4) Best Professional Judgement (BPJ). Per US EPA (Interim Guidance, 1996), monitoring requirements are not considered effluent limitations under Section 402(o) of the Clean Water Act, and therefore anti - backsliding prohibitions would not be triggered by reductions in monitoring frequencies. For instream monitoring, refer to Section 4. 11. Electronic Reporting Requirements The US EPA NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was finalized on December 21, 2015. Effective December 21, 2016, NPDES regulated facilities are required to submit Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically. Effective December 21, 2020, NPDES regulated facilities will be required to submit additional NPDES reports electronically. This permit contains the requirements for electronic reporting, consistent with Federal requirements. 12.Summary of Proposed Permitting Actions: A. Table. Current Permit Conditions and Proposed Changes NA Parameter Current Permit Proposed Change Basis for Condition/Change NA Page 8 of 9 MGD — Million gallons per day, MA - Monthly Average, WA — Weekly Average, DM — Daily Max B. Table. it Conditions and Proposed Changes NA MGD — Million gallons per day, MA - Monthly Average, WA — Weekly Average, DM — Daily Max 13. Public Notice Schedule: Permit to Public Notice: 10/07/21 Per 15A NCAC 2H .0109 & .0111, The Division will receive comments for a period of 30 days following the publication date of the public notice. Any request for a public hearing shall be submitted to the Director within the 30 days comment period indicating the interest of the party filing such request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. 14. Fact Sheet Addendum (if applicable): Were there any changes made since the Draft Permit was public noticed (Yes/No): Yes If Yes, list changes and their basis below: • Permit has been reassigned to Siying Chen after public notice. • Winter ammonia nitrogen monthly average limit has been changed to 6.0 mg/L based on 15A NCAC 02B .0404 and the 2016 ammonia policy (See item 6 in this fact sheet for exact language). The winter ammonia nitrogen monthly average limit calculated by the WLA worksheet is 6.9 mg/L, but in 15A NCAC 02B .0404 it states that "the winter oxygen consuming wasteload allocation shall not exceed two times the summer oxygen consuming wasteload limitations nor shall it be less restrictive than minimum treatment requirements". As a result, the winter ammonia nitrogen limits have been updated to double the summer limits, the summer limits were calculated using the WLA worksheet. Page 9 of 9 Alleghany News Publication Logo Unavailable Publication Name: Alleghany News Publication URL: Publication City and State: Sparta, NC Publication County: Alleghany Notice Popular Keyword Category: Notice Keywords: nc0078158 Notice Authentication Number: 202209091113385036784 2510867466 Notice URL: Back Notice Publish Date: Wednesday, October 06, 2021 Notice Content Public Notice North Carolina Environmental Management Commission/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Notice of Intent to Issue a NPDES Wastewater Permit NC0078158 Olde Beau Golf Club WWTP The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to issue a NPDES wastewater discharge permit to the person(s) listed below. Written comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days after the publish date of this notice. The Director of the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) may hold a public hearing should there be a significant degree of public interest. Please mail comments and/or information requests to DWR at the above address. Interested persons may visit the DWR at 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 to review information on file. Additional information on NPDES permits and this notice may be found on our website: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water- resources/water-resources-permits/wastewater-branch/npdes-wastewater/public-notices, or by calling (919) 707-3601. Aqua North Carolina, Inc. (202 Mackenan Court, Cary, NC 27511) has requested renewal of NPDES permit NC0078158 for the Old Beau Golf Club WWTP in Alleghany County. This permitted facility discharges treated domestic wastewater to an unnamed tributary to Laurel Branch in the New River Basin. Currently, BOD, ammonia nitrogen, total residual chlorine, DO, and fecal coliform are water quality limited, which may affect future wasteload allocation in this portion of the New River Basin. Back NH3/TRC WLA Calculations Facility: Old Beau Golf Club WWTP Permit #: NC0078158 Prepared By: Emily Phillips Enter Design Flow (MGD): Enter s7Q10 (cfs): Enter w7Q10 (cfs): 0.02 0.078 0.1 Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) Daily Maximum Limit (ug/I) s7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (UG/L) Upstream Bkgd (ug/I) IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (ug/I) Fecal Coliform Monthly Average Limit: (If DF >331; Monitor) (If DF<331; Limit) Dilution Factor (DF) 0.078 0.02 0.031 17.0 0 28.44 60 Ammonia (Summer) Monthly Average Limit (mg NH3-N/I) s7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) Upstream Bkgd (mg/I) IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (mg/I) Ammonia (Winter) Monthly Average Limit (mg NH3-N/I) w7Q10 (CFS) 200/100m1 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) 3.52 Upstream Bkgd (mg/I) IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (mg/I) Total Residual Chlorine 1. Cap Daily Max limit at 28 ug/I to protect for acute toxicity Ammonia (as NH3-N) 1. If Allowable Conc > 35 mg/I, Monitor Only 2. Monthly Avg limit x 3 = Weekly Avg limit (Municipals) 3. Monthly Avg limit x 5 = Daily Max limit (Non-Munis) If the allowable ammonia concentration is > 35 mg/L, no limit shall be imposed 0.078 0.02 0.031 1.0 0.22 28.44 3.0 0.1 0.02 0.031 1.8 0.22 23.66 6.9 Fecal Coliform 1. Monthly Avg limit x 2 = 400/100 ml = Weekly Avg limit (Municipals) = Daily Max limit (Non -Muni) 15A NCAC 02B .0404 WATER QUALITY BASED EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS (a) Effluent limitations shall be developed by the staff for all existing or proposed discharges to the surface waters of the state. Water quality based effluent limitations shall be established for discharges that are found, through mathematical modeling of water quality impacts, statistical analysis of stream characteristics and effluent data or other appropriate means, to have a reasonable potential to cause or contribute to exceedance of applicable water quality standards; except that, if the discharge is subject to both technology based and water quality based effluent limitations for a parameter, the more stringent limit shall apply. (b) The staff may on a case -by -case basis develop seasonal limitations on the discharge of oxygen -consuming wastes when a treatment facility complies with applicable limitations on these wastes in the summer season but does not consistently comply in the winter season due to the effects of cooler temperatures or other seasonal factors beyond its control. A discharger may request seasonal effluent limitations by submitting a written request to the Director with justification for such limitations. In no case shall seasonal limitations cause or be expected to cause a receiving water body to violate applicable water quality standards. (c) For the purpose of determining seasonal effluent limitations, the year shall consist of a summer and a winter discharge period. The summer period shall begin April 1 and extend through October 31. The winter period shall begin November 1 and extend through March 31. The summer oxygen -consuming wasteload allocation shall be developed using the flow criteria specified in 15A NCAC 02B .0206. The winter oxygen -consuming wasteload allocation shall not exceed two times the summer oxygen -consuming wasteload limitations nor shall it be less restrictive than minimum treatment requirements. (d) No domestic sewage regardless of the treatment proposed and no other wastes that could adversely affect the taking of shellfish for market purposes shall be discharged into water classified "SA", into unnamed waters tributary to "SA" waters classified "C" or "SC" in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0301(i)(1)(B) and (C), or into other waters in such close proximity as to adversely affect such "SA" waters. Wastes discharged into other waters tributary to waters classified "SA" shall be treated in such manner as to assure that no impairment of water quality in the "SA" segments shall occur. No permits shall be issued for discharges into waters classified "SA" unless Shellfish Sanitation, Division of Marine Fisheries, Department of Environmental Quality, provides written concurrence that the discharge would not adversely affect shellfish water quality or the propagation of shellfish. (e) The discharge of wastewaters to the Atlantic Ocean shall follow the guidelines and requirements set forth in 40 CFR Part 125, Subpart M, Ocean Discharge Criteria. History Note: Authority G.S. 143-214.2(c); 143-215; 143-215.1; 143-215.3(a)(1); Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. August 12, 1979; Readopted Eff. May 1, 2020. PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Memorandum To: NPDES Complex Unit From: Tom Belnick Date: July 20, 2016 Subject: NPDES Permitting Guidance NPDES Implementation of Ammonia Criteria- Update secrermry S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director NC has still not adopted an ammonia standard, though it is on our WQS Triennial List for next round. NC did establish ammonia chronic criteria for use in NPDES permitting back in 1989/90, which was based on EPA's 1986 criteria development document that factored in pH/Temp across three regions of the State (see attached). This evaluation resulted in ammonia chronic criteria of 1.0 mg/1 NH3-N (summer) and 1.8 mg/1 NH3-N (winter) for use in permitting purposes. NC implements these chronic criteria as Monthly Averages limits utilizing instream dilution. In 2002, NC developed procedures for complimentary acute permit limits (discussed below). The current ammonia permitting procedures should be as follows: • The NH3/TRC Wasteload Allocation (WLA) spreadsheet automatically calculates appropriate ammonia Monthly Average limits for summer and winter. The spreadsheet assumes a background ammonia concentration of 0.22 mg/1. • For any permit (new/renewal), always run the NH3/TRC WLA spreadsheet to verify appropriate Monthly Average Ammonia Limits for protection of aquatic life. • If the allowable ammonia concentration is greater than 35 mg/1, no limit should be imposed. • If the allowable concentration is less than 35 mg/1, then the allowable limit is needed and the spreadsheet will automatically calculate it. • For Municipal facilities, the acute limit will be expressed as a Weekly Average, and is based on multiplying the Monthly Average limit by a factor of 3. • For non -Municipal facilities, the acute limit will be expressed as a Daily Maximum, and is based on multiplying the Monthly Average limit by a factor of 5. • If a new more stringent ammonia limit is required, discuss the need for a Compliance Schedule with senior staff and then with the Permittee. • There is no RPA procedure used for ammonia; it is implemented strictly based on WLA spreadsheet results (similar to TRC). State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919 707 9000 Page 12 • A sample NH3/TRC WLA is attached. In this example, the spreadsheet indicates that Monthly Average ammonia limits of 3.2 mg/1 and 12.7 mg/1 should be imposed for summer and winter, respectively, in order to protect for NC's chronic ammonia criteria. Some additional considerations: • This guidance will need to be revisited after NC formally adopts an ammonia standard for both chronic and acute aquatic life protection. • In the past, some ammonia limits were based strictly on protection of our DO standard rather than ammonia toxicity, and that is why the permit writer should always verify the correct ammonia limit with any permit renewal using the WLA spreadsheet. • In the past, some practices allowed for maintaining a less stringent ammonia limit if the facility was consistently passing the WET test (i.e., biology trumps chemistry). This is no longer a valid approach and EPA would object. In April 2016 EPA expressly stated that NC cannot use biology to override chemical results. EPA also disallowed the use of Action Levels in permitting, in which toxicity test results (if passing) were used to override the need for permit limits for copper/zinc/silver/iron/chloride. AMMONIA CRITERIA TABLES (NH3 as N) Based on EPA recommended 4-day maximum average concentration criteria and Trout 'Waters pH 6.8 7.5 TEMPERATURE 12°C 23°C . 1.8084 1.0028 1..8084 1.0111 Total Ammonia (mg/I NH3 as N) Piedmont Freshwaters pH 2 6 °C %` 046 t�� .,0044 n^Iona ed' . J44 .,. `� 0414 TEMPERATURE 14°C 26°C 6.8 7.5 • 1.8084 1.1344 1.8084 1.1541 Total Ammonia (mg/1 NH3 as N) Coast:alj Plain and Sandhills Freshwaters •pH 6.8 7.5 TEMPERATURE 16°C • 28°C 1.7920 0.9700 1.7920 0.9864 • (Un�� ifr�riit% �o���ia fmgV1/N?,'a Total Ammonia (mg/1 •NH3 as N) \A) mim Sonme4 10/19/89 1.8 mil/ NH3/TRC WLA Calculations Facility: Anywhere USA NC00 Prepared By: Tom Belnick Enter Design Flow (MGD): Enter s7Q10 (cfs): Enterw7Q10 (cfs): 0.03 0.13 0.32 Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) Daily Maximum Limit (ug/I) s7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (UG/L) Upstream Bkgd (ug/I) IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (ug/I) Fecal Coliform Monthly Average Limit: (If DF >331; Monitor) (If DF<331; Limit) Dilution Factor (DF) 0.13 0.03 0.0465 17.0 0 26.35 65 Ammonia (Summer) Monthly Average Limit (mg NH3-N/I) s7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) Upstream Bkgd (mg/I) IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (mg/I) Ammonia (Winter) Monthly Average Limit (mg NH3-N/I) w7Q10 (CFS) 200/100m1 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) 3.80 Upstream Bkgd (mg/I) IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (mg/I) Total Residual Chlorine 1. Cap Daily Max limit at 28 ug/I to protect for acute toxicity Ammonia (as NH3-N) 1. If Allowable Conc > 35 mg/I, Monitor Only 2. Monthly Avg limit x 3 = Weekly Avg limit (Municipals); capped at 35 mg/I 3. Monthly Avg limit x 5 = Daily Max limit (Non-Munis); capped at 35 mg/I 0.13 0.03 0.0465 1.0 0.22 26.35 3.2 0.32 0.03 0.0465 1.8 0.22 12.69 12.7 Fecal Coliform 1. Monthly Avg limit x 2 = 400/100 ml = Weekly Avg limit (Municipals) = Daily Max limit (Non -Muni) From: Berger, Amanda A To: Chen, Siying Cc: Graznak, Jenny; Snider Lon; Weaver, Charles; Pearce. Joseph R; Lambeth, Robyn E; Ison Laurie T; Simmons Randy L Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] RE: NPDES Permit Issuance - Old Beau Golf Club WWTP NC0078158 Date: Monday, September 19, 2022 10:29:31 AM Attachments: image001.png imaae003.anq image004.png imaae005.onq CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Thankyou Siying. From: Chen, Siying <siying.chen@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2022 10:10 AM To: Berger, Amanda A <AABerger@aquaamerica.com> Cc: Graznak, Jenny <jenny.graznak@ncdenr.gov>; Snider, Lon <lon.snider@ncdenr.gov>; Weaver, Charles <charles.weaver@ncdenr.gov>; Pearce, Joseph R <JRPearce@aquaamerica.com>; Lambeth, Robyn E <RELambeth@aquaamerica.com>; Ison, Laurie T <LTlson@aquaamerica.com>; Simmons, Randy L <RLSimmons@aquaamerica.com> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] RE: NPDES Permit Issuance - Old Beau Golf Club WWTP NC0078158 CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Amanda, Please see the attached fact sheet for the documents referenced in the permit, including the ammonia policy and the public notice record from ncnotices.com. You can find the draft permit on our website here. Thank you and let me know if you have any other questions! Siying (Sylvia) Chen (She/Her/Hers) Environmental Specialist, Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 707-3619 siying.chen(ncdenr.gov NORTH CAROLINA - \ Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Berger, Amanda A <AABerger@aquaamerica.com> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2022 9:16 AM To: Chen, Siying <siying.chen@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Graznak, Jenny <Lennv.2raznakc ncdenr.gov>; Snider, Lon <Ion.sniderPncdenr.gov>; Weaver, Charles <charles.weaver@ncdenr.gov>; Pearce, Joseph R <JRPearce@aquaamerica.com>; Lambeth, Robyn E <RELambethPaquaamerica.com>; !son, Laurie T <LTIsonCthaquaamerica.com>; Simmons, Randy L <RLSimmons@aquaamerica.com> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] RE: NPDES Permit Issuance - Old Beau Golf Club WWTP NC0078158 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good morning Siying, Aqua has received the Olde Beau Golf Club WWTP permit as outlined in the attach. Aqua cannot locate any documentation that it received the draft permit referenced in the permit, nor can we locate the draft public notice. Can you please forward this documentation/information? Also, please be sure to copy Joe Pearce and Robyn Lambeth on documentation to ensure redundancy for electronic communication. They are copied on this email. Thank you, Amanda AQUA. Amanda Berger Director, Environmental Compliance Aqua North Carolina 202 Mackenan Court; Cary, NC 27511 000 From: Chen, Siying <siying.chenPncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2022 1:46 PM To: Berger, Amanda A <AABergerPaauaamerica.com> Cc: Graznak, Jenny <jenny.graznak@ncdenr.gov>; Snider, Lon <lon.snider@ncdenr.gov>; Weaver, Charles <charles.weaverPncdenr.gov> Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: NPDES Permit Issuance - Old Beau Golf Club WWTP NC0078158 CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Ms. Berger, Sorry about the error in the last email, this is for Old Beau Golf Club WWTP NC0078158. The permit will be effective on November 1, 2022. Please respond to this email confirming that you received the attached document, were able to open and view the document and have saved/printed a copy for your records. Sorry about the confusion and thank you! Siying (Sylvia) Chen (She/Her/Hers) Environmental Specialist Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Email: siying.chenPncdenr.gov Phone: 919-707-3619 (Office) C)T, uacwlpnnt al &PA�a+I 11.11 uW4llly� Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Chen, Siying Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2022 1:40 PM To: Berger, Amanda A <AABerger(aquaamerica.com> Cc: Graznak, Jenny <ienny.graznakPncdenr.gov>; Snider, Lon <lon.snider@ncdenr.gov>; Weaver, Charles <charles.weaverPncdenr.gov> Subject: NPDES Permit Issuance - Elk River WWTP NC0078158 Hi Ms. Berger, Attached is the final NPDES permit renewal for Elk River WWTP (NC0078158). The permit will be effective on November 1, 2022. Please respond to this email confirming that you received the attached document, were able to open and view the document and have saved/printed a copy for your records. Thank you! Siying (Sylvia) Chen (She/Her/Hers) Environmental Specialist Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Email: siying.chen(Jncdenr.gov Phone: 919-707-3619 (Office) �Q7gSg)11 Rtpuft►rM alEnvtrontromial Ouall- Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties AQUA.. October 26, 2020 NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources NPDES Compliance and Expedited Permitting Attn: John Hennessy 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: Application for Permit Renewal Aqua North Carolina, Inc. Olde Beau NPDES NC0078158 Alleghany County Mr. Hennessy: RECEIVED NOV 2 2020 NCDEQ/DWR/NPDE Enclosed are three (3) copies of the completed application Form D- WWTP. This submittal includes the necessary attachments for your office to renew the subject permit. With this permit renewal application, we are requesting that the Weekly Effluent sampling for oil and grease be eliminated. Based on the past eight (8) years of sample history there has been no detection of either constituent. We appreciate your consideration of this request. Should you need any additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact me (919) 653-6965 or by e-mail at AABerger@aquaamerica.com Sincerely, cQc,C-6ou Amanda Berger Director, Environmental Compliance Aqua North Carolina Enc: NPDES Application, Form D Olde Beau NPDES Permit 202 MacKenan Court, Cary, NC, 27511 • 919.467.8712 • AquaAmerica.com NPDES APPLICATION - FORM D For privately -owned treatment systems treating 100% domestic wastewaters <1.0 MGD Mail the complete application to: NC DEQ / DWR / NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 NPDES Permit INC0078158 If you are completing this form in computer use the TAB key or the up - down arrows to move from one field to the next. To check the boxes, click your mouse on top of the box. Otherwise, please print or type. 1. Contact Information: Owner Name Facility Name Mailing Address City State / Zip Code Telephone Number Fax Number e-mail Address AQUA NORTH CAROLINA, INC. OLD BEAU GOLF CLUB WWTP 202 MACKENAN COURT CARY NORTH CAROLINA 27511 (919) 653-5770 (919) 460-1788 aaberger@aquaamerica.com 2. Location of facility producing discharge: Check here if same address as above ❑ Street Address or State Road Near 917 County Downs Avenue City State / Zip Code County Glade Valley NORTH CAROLINA, Allegheny 3. Operator Information: Name of the firm, public organization or other entity that operates the facility. (Note that this is not referring to the Operator in Responsible Charge or ORC) Name Mailing Address City State / Zip Code Telephone Number Fax Number e-mail Address AQUA NORTH CAROLINA, INC. 202 MACKENAN COURT CARY NORTH CAROLINA 27511 (919) 653-5770 (919) 460-1788 aaberger@aquaamerica.com 1 of 4 Form-D 6/2017 NPDES APPLICATION - FORM D For privately -owned treatment systems treating 100% domestic wastewaters <1.0 MGD 4. Description of wastewater: Facility Generating Wastewater(check all that apply): Industrial El Number of Employees Commercial ❑ Number of Employees Residential ® Number of Homes School ❑ Number of Students/Staff Other ® Explain: 84 Club Facilities Describe the source(s) of wastewater (example: subdivision, mobile home park, shopping centers, restaurants, etc.): Number of persons served: 5. Type of collection system ® Separate (sanitary sewer only) ❑ Combined (storm sewer and sanitary sewer) 6. Outfall Information: Number of separate discharge points 1 Outfall Identification number(s) 001 Is the outfall equipped with a diffuser? ❑ Yes ® No 7. Name of receiving stream(s) (NEW applicants: Provide a map showing the exact location of each outfall): To receiving waters designated as Unnamed Tributary to Laurel Branch, classified C-Trout waters in the New River Basin (see attached map). 8. Frequency of Discharge: ® Continuous ❑ Intermittent If intermittent: Days per week discharge occurs: Duration: 2 of 4 Form-D 6/2017 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretory S. DANIEL SMITH Director Aqua North Carolina Inc Attn: Amanda Berger 202 Mackenan Crt Cary, NC 27511 Subject: Permit Renewal Application No. NC0078158 Olde Beau Golf Club WWTP Alleghany County Dear Applicant: QUAµ v"M NORTH CAROL.INA Environmental Quality November 02, 2020 The Water Quality Permitting Section acknowledges the October 26, 2020 receipt of your permit renewal application and supporting documentation. Your application will be assigned to a permit writer within the Section's NPDES WW permitting branch. Per G.S. 150B-3 your current permit does not expire until permit decision on the application is made. Continuation of the current permit is contingent on timely and sufficient application for renewal of the current permit. The permit writer will contact you if additional information is required to complete your permit renewal. Please respond in a timely manner to requests for additional information necessary to allow a complete review of the application and renewal of the permit. Information regarding the status of your renewal application can be found online using the Department of Environmental Quality's Environmental Application Tracker at: https://deq. nc.gov/permits-regulations/permit-guidance/environmental-application-tracker If you have any additional questions about the permit, please contact the primary reviewer of the application using the links available within the Application Tracker. Sincerely, 1101 V28 Wren Thedford Administrative Assistant Water Quality Permitting Section cc: Central Files w/application ec: WQPS Laserfiche File w/application North Cara Arta Department of Ervronmental Quality I Division of Water Resou roes W nstonSs ern Reg c rs Off De 1450 West Henes AAa Road, Suite 3?D I V rston.a ism, North Caro • ra 1710E 336 776-9800 NPDES APPLICATION - FORM D For privately -owned treatment systems treating 100% domestic wastewaters <1.0 MGD 9. Describe the treatment system List all installed components, including capacities, provide design removal for BOD, TSS, nitrogen and phosphorus. If the space provided is not sufficient, attach the description of the treatment system in a separate sheet of paper. The 0.020 MGD package plant consist of the following: • Bar screen • Flow splitter box • Equalization basin • Dual Aeration basins • Dual secondary clarifiers • Dual aerated sludge holding tanks • Single tablet chlorinator • Chlorine contact chamber • Tablet dechlor unit • Flow meter • Effluent pumps • On -site generator 10. Flow Information: Treatment Plant Design flow 0.020 MGD Annual Average daily flow 0.004 MGD (for the previous 3 years) Maximum daily flow 0.025 MGD (for the previous 3 years) 11. Is this facility located on Indian country? ❑ Yes ® No 12. Effluent Data NEW APPLICANTS: Provide data for the parameters listed. Fecal Coliform, Temperature and pH shall be grab samples, for all other parameters 24-hour composite sampling shall be used. If more than one analysis is reported, report daily maximum and monthly average. If only one analysis is reported, report as daily maximum. RENEWAL APPLICANTS: Provide the highest single reading (Daily Maximum) and Monthly Average over the past 36 months for parameters currently in your permit. Mark other parameters °`N/A". Parameter Daily Maximum Monthly Average Units of Measurement Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) 49.4 11.91 MG/L Fecal Coliform 510.0 4.8 #/ 100 ML Total Suspended Solids 36.0 9.5 MG/L Temperature (Summer) 21.0 9.9 ° Celsius Temperature (Winter) 25.0 17.0 ° Celsius pH 8.4 N/A UNITS 3 of 4 Form-D 6/2017 NPDES APPLICATION - FORM D For privately -owned treatment systems treating 100% domestic wastewaters <1.0 MGD 13. List all permits, construction approvals and/or applications: Type Permit Number Type Hazardous Waste (RCRA) NESHAPS (CAA) UIC (SDWA) Ocean Dumping (MPRSA) NPDES NC0078158 Dredge or fill (Section 404 or CWA) PSD (CAA) Other Non -attainment program (CAA) 14. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION Permit Number I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Amanda Berger Director, Environmental Compliance Printed name of Person Signing Title Signature of Applicant iv G� (zc/oza Date North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 (b)(2) states: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $25,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $25,000 or imprisonment not more than 5 years, or both, for a similar offense.) 4 of 4 Form-D 6/2017 wi or. .1 1 \ i s 1 i irg-i 14-. / •••,,s 4,1,. w --_,,,,,NH,..., ::: :v. \v- / . . . ,_,,,...-. . A ,.."-_,,, �1r 110fi (Ya �, 2600 a� \�y�% . Outfall 001 ' )% y 2„/L� 6 - itD � 1 r f -�--- o - -- �� Ca 4Ze c,c. - c' "ao — 1 1l 4 Fish/. I . �(41,7-'107::::(715:6-61.r. ,� 28.-'4 2 , /z93 p. iiS 284823 �- � Ab^3 `- �-�)� Golf e. rs• 717g2. _ /� 1 0420 ' � 1i7ti v le � � 3� �� .��r US-HWY 21 _ JP- i ll / y` lN f(Y / 'N.,..4,) ,� r as • T/ q' i tit, ae 'iIlt .- I III �,���7D 1L .. -'. Aqua North Carolina, Inc. N Olde Beau Golf Club WWTP NPDES Permit NC0078158 A����,j'�►�j����l����ji���� AjsA+ME�111�4L`��, �i�ia{'11 11641111 In "MO- ,. Stream Segment: 10 9 10 2 Stream Class: C-Trout River Basin: New Sub -Basin #: 05-07-03 County: Alleghany HUC: 0505000104 Receiving Stream: Laurel Branch (Laurel Creek) SCALE 1:26,000 Facility Location scale not shown 1** 4� 36.412778° ,-80.996389° USGS Quad: Roaring Gap AQUA.. SLUDGE MANAGEMENT PLAN For Aqua North Carolina, Inc. No sludge will be treated on any wastewater treatment plant site operated by Aqua N.C., Western Division Where practical, sludge removed from a Aqua N.C., Western Division facility will be transported via a contract hauler to another Aqua N.C., Western Division facility for the purpose of "seeding" a new or under loaded plant. Unusable (or "dead") sludge will be removed by a contract hauler and properly disposed of in accordance with NCGS 143-215.1. Contract haulers used by Aqua N.C., Western Division will be required to report the quantity of sludge transported and identify the location of the proposed disposal site if the sludge is not taken to an existing plant operated by Aqua N.C., Western Division. Aqua N.C., Western Division has not entered into any agreement to accept sludge into its facilities from plants not owned by them. Aqua N.C., Western Division will keep records on the quantity of sludge removed from each facility, the name of the contract hauler, and the destination of the sludge (whether used in another plant or disposed of). The information will be kept on file and will be made available to any regulatory agency having jurisdiction over sludge treatment or disposal. Aqua N.C., Western Division includes all of the facilities under the jurisdiction of the Winston-Salem Regional Office. 202 MacKenan Court, Cary, NC, 27511 • 919.467.8712 • AquaAmerica.com Olde Beau Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 12 rrtth Ave. 3-mth Season. Ave. FINAL 12 MONTH AVE UnitSMeasurement Alleghany County NC0078158 (Aye.) 10/2020 800 8.6 1.7 9.6 36.4 21.8 7.6 14.0 10.8 13.3 8.7 7.1 3.4 11.91 11.9 MG/L Fecal Coliform 1.0 1.0 4.1 19.1 10.2 1.0 2.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.6 3.6 #/100ML TSS 10.0 1.9 6.2 28.0 13.0 6.6 21.9 5.2 6.3 10.2 2.9 <1 10.2 ; 10.2 MG/L Temp (Winter) Temp (Summer) (Max.) �sM 19.6 14.8 9.6 7.4 5.8 6.9 7.6 10.6 12.3 17.6 20.6 20.3 Max 9.7 9.7 ° Celsius 17.0 Max 17.0 MAX ° Celsius Units measurement BOD 26.7 4.1 21.2 49.4 32.7 11.3 22.4 24.2 19.7 14.8 12.9 6.4 49.4 1 49.4 MG/L Fecal Coliform <1 <1 270.0 510.0 360.0 <1 41.0 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 510.0 510.0 #/100ML TSS 8.5 5.4 20.0 34.0 35.0 11.7 29.0 8.8 10.8 36.0 14.5 <1 36.0 36.0 MG/L TempSummer Temp (Winter) ' �; 25.0 21.0 ? ,.. 14.0 11.7 13.0 11.0 13.0 13.D 16.0 21.0 23.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 ° Celsius 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.2 7.4 7.5 7.5 25.0 25.0 ° Celsius pH 7.2 7.3 7.7 7.5 7.4 8.4 8.4 UNITS Annual Ave Flow: 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.005 0.003 0.003 Annual Ave Flow: Max Flow : 0.005 0.006 0.009 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.018 0.007 0.008 0.025 0.003 0.015 0.515 0.025 Max Flow : PAT MCCRORY Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Uireefor June 20, 2016 Mr. Thomas J. Roberts Aqua North Carolina, Inc. 202 Mackenan Court Cary, NC 27511 Subject: Issuance of NPDES Permit NC0078158 Olde Beau Golf Club WWTP Class WW-2 Alleghany County Dear Mr. Roberts: The Division of Water Resources (the Division) hereby issues the attached NPDES permit for the subject facility. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15, 2007, or as subsequently amended. We have made the following updates to your previous permit: ➢ Section A. (2) has been added to require electronic submission of effluent data. Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs), effective December 21, 2016. ➢ Regulatory citations have been added to the permit. > An updated outfall map has been included. We have made the following updates since the draft permit: > A correction in section A. (1) has been made for the daily average dissolved oxygen effluent concentration. The daily average for effluent concentration of dissolved oxygen shall not be less than 5.0 mg/L. ➢ In section A. (1) upstream and downstream monitoring for fecal coliform has been removed as requested by Ms. Laurie Ison on June 3, 2016. However, monitoring for temperature and dissolved oxygen for effluent, upstream, and downstream sample locations remains unchanged [per 15A NCAC 02B .0508(d)]. Starting on December 21, 2016, federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and specify that, if a state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit DMRs electronically to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21, 2015. The requirement to begin reporting discharge monitoring data electronically using the NC DWR's Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) internet application has been added to your final NPDES permit. [See A. (2)] For information on eDMR, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 1617 Mail service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919 807 6300 For more information on EPA's final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule, please visit the following web site: http://www2.epa.gov/compliance/final-national-pollutant-discharge-elimination-system-npdes- electronic-reporting-rule. If any parts, measurement frequencies, or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing, upon written request submitted within thirty (30) days after receiving this letter. Your request must take the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and you must file it with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such a demand is made, this permit shall remain final and binding. Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Resources or any other Federal, State, or Local governmental permits that may be required. If you have questions, or if we can be of further service, please contact Jennifer Busam at [jennifer.busam@ncdenr.gov] or call (919) 807-6393. dXX .Jay Zimmerman, P.G., Division of Water Resources, Enclosure: NPDES Permit NC0078158 (Issuance Final) hc: Central Files NPDES Program Files WSRO Files Permit NC0078158 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Aqua North Carolina, Inc. is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at the Olde Beau Golf Club WWTP Near 917 Country Downs Avenue Glade Valley Alleghany County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary to Laurel Branch (Laurel Creek) in subbasin 05-07-03 of the New River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective August 1, 2016. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on March 31, 2021. Signed this day June 20, 2016. S. J9:y"Zimmerman, P.G., Dire Division of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 1 of 6 Permit NC0078158 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked, and as of this issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. Aqua North Carolina, Inc. is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to operate an existing 0.02 MGD extended aeration wastewater treatment system with the following components: • Bar screen • Flow splitter box • Equalization basin • Dual Aeration basins • Dual secondary clarifiers • Dual aerated sludge holding tanks • Single tablet chlorinator • Chlorine contact chamber • Tablet dechlorination unit • Stevens flow meter • Effluent pumps, and • On -site generator This facility is located at the Olde Beau Golf Club, (near 917 County Downs Avenue, Glade Valley) in Alleghany County. 2. Discharge from said treatment works via Outfall 001, at the location specified on the attached map into an unnamed tributary to Laurel Branch (Laurel Creek) [10-9-10-2)] currently classified C-Trout waters in subbasin 05-07-03 [HUC: 0505000104] of the New River Basin. Page 2 of 6 Permit NC0078158 Part I A. (1) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS [15A NCAC 02B.0400 et seq., 15A NCAC 02B.0500 et seq.] Beginning with the permit effective date and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge treated domestic wastewater from Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored) by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Code EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location Flow 50050 0.020 MGD Continuous Recording Influent or Effluent BOD, 5-day, (20°C) *Summer C0310 20.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent BOD, 5-day, (20°C) *Winter C0310 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Total Suspended Solids C0530 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent NH3 as N - *Summer C0610 3.0 mg/L 15.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent NH3 as N - *Winter C0610 6.9 mg/L 34.5 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Fecal Coliform 31616 (geometric mean) 200/100 ml 400/100 ml Weekly Grab Effluent Total Residual Chlorine 3 50060 28 pg/L 2/Week Grab Effluent pH 00400 > 6.0 and < 9.0 standard units Weekly Grab Effluent Oil and Grease 00556 30.0 mg/L 60.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Temperature (°C) 00010 Daily Grab Effluent Temperature (°C) 00010 Weekly Grab Upstream & Downstream 2 Dissolved Oxygen 00300 Daily average > 5.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Dissolved Oxygen 00300 Weekly Grab Upstream & Downstream 2 *Summer. April 1 - October 31 *Winter. November 1 - March 31 Footnotes: 1. No later than December 21, 2016, the permittee shall begin submitting discharge monitoring reports electronically using the NC DWR's eDMR application system [see A. (2)]. 2. Upstream= approximately 50 feet upstream from the outfall. Downstream= at the mouth of the unnamed tributary. 3. The Division shall consider all effluent TRC values reported below 50 pg/L to be in compliance with the permit. However, the Permittee shall continue to record and submit all values reported by a North Carolina certified laboratory (including field certified), even if these values fall below 50 pg/L. THERE SHALL BE NO DISCHARGE OF FLOATING SOLIDS OR VISIBLE FOAM IN OTHER THAN TRACE AMOUNTS. Page 3 of 6 Permit NC0078158 A. (2) ELECTRONIC REPORTING OF MONITORING REPORTS [NCGS 143-215.1 (b)] Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and program reports and specify that, if a state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit monitoring data and reports electronically to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21, 2015. NOTE: This special condition supplements or supersedes the following sections within Part II of this permit (Standard Conditions for NPDES Permits): • Section B. (11.) Signatory Requirements • Section D. (2.) Reporting • Section D. (6.) Records Retention • Section E. (5.) Monitoring Reports 1. Reporting Requirements [Supersedes Section D. (2.) and Section E. (5.) (a)1 Effective December 21, 2016, the permittee shall report discharge monitoring data electronically using the NC DWR's Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) internet application. Monitoring results obtained during the previous month(s) shall be summarized for each month and submitted electronically using eDMR. The eDMR system allows permitted facilities to enter monitoring data and submit DMRs electronically using the internet. Until such time that the state's eDMR application is compliant with EPA's Cross -Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR), permittees will be required to submit all discharge monitoring data to the state electronically using eDMR and will be required to complete the eDMR submission by printing, signing, and submitting one signed original and a copy of the computer printed eDMR to the following address: NC DEQ / Division of Water Resources / Water Quality Permitting Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 If a permittee is unable to use the eDMR system due to a demonstrated hardship or due to the facility being physically located in an area where less than 10 percent of the households have broadband access, then a temporary waiver from the NPDES electronic reporting requirements may be granted and discharge monitoring data may be submitted on paper DMR forms (MR 1, 1.1, 2, 3) or alternative forms approved by the Director. Duplicate signed copies shall be submitted to the mailing address above. See "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below. Page 4 of 6 Permit NC0078158 Regardless of the submission method, the first DMR is due on the last day of the month following the issuance of the permit or in the case of a new facility, on the last day of the month following the commencement of discharge. Starting on December 21, 2020, the permittee must electronically report the following compliance monitoring data and reports, when applicable: • Sewer Overflow/Bypass Event Reports; • Pretreatment Program Annual Reports; and • Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 316(b) Annual Reports. The permittee may seek an electronic reporting waiver from the Division (see "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below). 2. Electronic Submissions In accordance with 40 CFR 122.41(1) (9), the permittee must identify the initial recipient at the time of each electronic submission. The permittee should use the EPA's website resources to identify the initial recipient for the electronic submission. Initial recipient of electronic NPDES information from NPDES-regulated facilities means the entity (EPA or the state authorized by EPA to implement the NPDES program) that is the designated entity for receiving electronic NPDES data [see 40 CFR 127.2(b)]. EPA plans to establish a website that will also link to the appropriate electronic reporting tool for each type of electronic submission and for each state. Instructions on how to access and use the appropriate electronic reporting tool will be available as well. Information on EPA's NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule is found at: http: / /www2.epa.gov/ compliance/ final-national-pollutant-discharge-elimination- system-npdes-electronic-reporting-rule. Electronic submissions must start by the dates listed in the "Reporting Requirements" section above. 3. How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting The permittee may seek a temporary electronic reporting waiver from the Division. To obtain an electronic reporting waiver, a permittee must first submit an electronic reporting waiver request to the Division. Requests for temporary electronic reporting waivers must be submitted in writing to the Division for written approval at least sixty (60) days prior to the date the facility would be required under this permit to begin submitting monitoring data and reports. The duration of a temporary waiver shall not exceed 5 years and shall thereupon expire. At such time, monitoring data and reports shall be submitted electronically to the Division unless the permittee re- applies for and is granted a new temporary electronic reporting waiver by the Division. Approved electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable. Only permittees with an approved reporting waiver request may submit monitoring data and reports on paper to the Division for the period that the approved reporting waiver request is effective. Page 5 of 6 Permit NC0078158 Information on eDMR and the application for a temporary electronic reporting waiver are found on the following web page: http: / / deq.nc.gov/ about/ divisions/water-resources/ edmr 4. Signatory Requirements [Supplements Section B. (11.) (b) and Supersedes Section B. (11.) (d)1 All eDMRs submitted to the permit issuing authority shall be signed by a person described in Part II, Section B. (11.)(a) or by a duly authorized representative of that person as described in Part II, Section B. (11.)(b). A person, and not a position, must be delegated signatory authority for eDMR reporting purposes. For eDMR submissions, the person signing and submitting the DMR must obtain an eDMR user account and login credentials to access the eDMR system. For more information on North Carolina's eDMR system, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: http: / / deq.nc.gov/ about/ divisions / water -resources/ edmr Certification. Any person submitting an electronic DMR using the state's eDMR system shall make the following certification [40 CFR 122.22]. NO OTHER STATEMENTS OF CERTIFICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 5. Records Retention [Supplements Section D. (641 The permittee shall retain records of all Discharge Monitoring Reports, including eDMR submissions. These records or copies shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the report. This period may be extended by request of the Director at any time [40 CFR 122.41]. Page 6 of 6 \e> 1"; - ---- ) (\• i / if) ., ? —11 ) r`--_,/--- _ ,�i� 1 1 .� Outfall 001 n ` I ( \� '� �' '_ �1sos ,�' y 2 , --` (_ > '% '' bar _ —� ~mac �t — 4 9.3 — ` / = > 9 -TN �/ . (C�`o7F i\ooikse `,_- _ C , �7, i ) - / i ' '\T--- -- O�• jGalf /-%. —� • `\�.. 2673� •, rs -.� -, /�17g a y� //yy//!- 2877 - -il 3 .--N �� ��� E1 1 (- j(_/^-\`,2 • "�`, ``��b;_ ; US-HWY 21 �" � _ \. (ii) C, l -\ \--------- �� \14 1 .1.----.4N-ii Lei �: 3000�'Q, 11 (.. 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