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20221280 Ver 1_ePCN Application_20220916
DWR Division of Water Resources Initial Review Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form For Nationwide Permits and Regional General Permits (along with corresponding Water Quality Certifications) April 13, 2022 Ver 4.3 Has this project met the requirements for acceptance in to the review process?* Yes No Is this project a public transportation project?* Yes No Change only if needed. Pre -Filing Meeting Date Request was submitted on: 6/1/2022 BIMS # Assigned* Version#* 20221280 1 Is a payment required for this project?* No payment required Fee received Fee needed - send electronic notification What amout is owed?* $240.00 $570.00 Reviewing Office* Select Project Reviewer* Fayetteville Regional Office - (910) 433-3300 Chad Turlington:eads\ccturlington Information for Initial Review la. Name of project: Camden Place la. Who is the Primary Contact?* Deborah Shirley lb. Primary Contact Email:* lc. Primary Contact Phone:* dshirley@sandec.com (919)846-5900 Date Submitted 9/16/2022 Nearest Body of Water UT to Black River Basin Cape Fear Water Classification C;Sw Site Coordinates Latitude: Longitude: 35.52905 -78.73715 A. Processing Information County (or Counties) where the project is located: Harnett Wake Is this a NCDMS Project Yes No Is this project a public transportation project?* Yes No la. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) Has this PCN previously been submitted?* Yes No 1 b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization? Nationwide Permit (NWP) Regional General Permit (RGP) Standard (IP) lc. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? Yes No Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: 29 - Residential Developments NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): ld. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit Individual 401 Water Quality Certification le. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: For the record only for Corps Permit: 1f. Is this an after -the -fact permit application?* Yes No lg. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? Yes No lg. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? Yes No 1 h. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? Yes No 1j. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? Yes No B. Applicant Information ld. Who is applying for the permit? Owner Applicant (other than owner) le. Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project?* Yes No 2. Owner Information 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: Taylor Morrison of Carolinas, Inc 2b. Deed book and page no.: DB: 4090 DP: 0481 2c. Contact Person: Mark Altman 2d. Address Street Address 15501 Weston Parkway, Suite 100 Address Line 2 City Cary Postal /Zip Code 27513 401 Water Quality Certification - Express Riparian Buffer Authorization State / Province / Region NC Country USA Yes No Yes No 2e. Telephone Number: (919)380-7223 2f. Fax Number: 2g. Email Address: * maltman@taylormorrison.com 4. Agent/Consultant (if applicable) 4a. Name: Deborah Shirley 4b. Business Name: Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 4c. Address Street Address 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104 Address Line 2 City Raleigh Postal / Zip Code 27615 4d. Telephone Number: (919)846-5900 4f. Email Address: * dshirley@sandec.com C. Project Information and Prior Project History State / Province / Region NC Country USA 4e. Fax Number: (919)846-9467 1. Project Information 1b. Subdivision name: (if appropriate) lc. Nearest municipality / town: Angier 2. Project Identification 2a. Property Identification Number: 0674-87-1972, 0674-87-0285, 0674-76-8919 & 0674-76-8650 2c. Project Address Street Address Junny Road Address Line 2 City Angier Postal / Zip Code 27501 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project: * UT to Black River 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water: * C;Sw 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* Cape Fear 3d. Please provide the 12-digit HUC in which the project is located. 030300040501 4. Project Description and History 2b. Property size: +/- 35.61 State / Province / Region NC Country USA 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: * Existing conditions onsite consists primarily of forested land and field areas. Specifically, there are eight (8) wetland features, two (2) pond features and one (1) pond in high ground located on the property. General land use in the vicinity of the property consists of rural single-family homes. Kennebec Church Road bounds the property to the North and Junny Road bounds the property to the east. 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past? * Yes No Unknown 4f. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: Approximately 3.6 acres 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: Approximately 1,693 LF 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* The purpose of this project is to construct a mixed use single-family and multi -family residential development and its necessary infrastructure. 4i. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used: * The overall project consists of the construction of a mixed use single-family and multi -family residential development including but not limited to; roadway infrastructure, residential lots, utilities, SCMs, greenway, clubhouse and amenities. Specifically, there are two (2) road crossings that impact wetlands/streams, one (1) greenway crossing that impacts a stream, and two (2) area of roadway improvements that impacts wetland/streams. Equipment typically used for construction and earthwork such as backhoes, bulldozers, excavators, graders, pavers etc. will be utilized for this project. 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* Yes Comments: No Unknown 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made?* Preliminary Approved Not Verified Unknown N/A Corps AID Number: SAW-2021-01101 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Agency/Consultant Company: Other: Jeff Harbor Terracon 5d. List the dates of the Corp jurisdiction determination or State determination if a determination was made by the Corps or DWR USACE: Site visit and determination issued by Liz Hair on October 13, 2021. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* Yes No 6b. If yes, explain. The project will be constructed internally in 2 phases. Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? It is my understanding that there are no intended future phases beyond the property boundaries shown. Therefore, no additional NWP, Regional General Permits, or IP are anticipated. D. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary la. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): Wetlands Open Waters 2. Wetland Impacts Streams -tributaries Pond Construction Buffers 2a. Site #* (?) 2a1 Reason (?) 2b. Impact type*(?) 2c. Type of W.* 2d. W. name 2e. Forested* 2f. Type of Jurisdicition* (?) 2g. Impact area* Impact 1 Road Widening P Headwater Forest Wetland 9 Yes Both 0.006 (acres) Impact 2 Road Crossing P Bottomland Hardwood Forest Wetland 6 & 7 Yes Both 0.027 (acres) Impact 3 Road Crossing P Headwater Forest Wetland 1 Yes Both 0.214 (acres) Impact 5 Road Widening P Headwater Forest Wetland 9 Yes Both 0.023 (acres) 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact 0.000 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0.270 2g. Total Wetland Impact 0.270 2i. Comments: Total permanent loss wetland = 0.270 acres; 3. Stream Impacts 3a. Reason for impact (?) 3b.Impact type* 3c. Type of impact* 3d. S. name* 3e. Stream Type* (?) 3f. Type of Jurisdiction* 3g. S. width 3h. Impact length* S1 Impact 1 - Road Widening Permanent Culvert Stream 5 Perennial Both 3 Average (feet) 18 (linear feet) S2 Impact 2 - Road Crossing Permanent Culvert Stream 3b & 3c Perennial Both 3 Average (feet) 50 (linear feet) S3 Impact 2 - Road Crossing - RipRap (Permanent -No Permanent Loss) Permanent Other Stream 3b & 3c Perennial Both 3 Average (feet) 32 (linear feet) S4 Impact 3 - Road Crossing Permanent Other Stream 2 Perennial Both 7 Average (feet) 249 (linear feet) S5 Impact 3 - Road Crossing - RipRap (Permanent -No Permanent Loss) Permanent Other Stream 2 Perennial Both 9 Average (feet) 5 (linear feet) S6 Impact 4 - Greenway Crossing Permanent Other Stream 3b Perennial Both 3 Average (feet) 11 (linear feet) 3i. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet: 0 3i. Total permanent stream impacts: 365 3i. Total stream and ditch impacts: 365 3j. Comments: Total permanent loss stream = 328 LF; Total permanent -no permanent loss stream = 37 LF. E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 3i. Total temporary stream impacts: 0 la. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: Impact Area 1 is a proposed culvert extension and grading necessary to provide roadway improvements (i.e. curb and gutter) and a sidewalk along Junny Road. Proposed impacts include permanent wetland impacts for the culvert extension. The sidewalk is required by the Town of Angier along all existing streets that front the proposed project. Impact Area 2 is a proposed road crossing necessary to access the southwest portion of the project. Proposed impacts include permanent stream and wetland impacts, in addition to "permanent -no permanent loss" stream impacts which will consist of riprap keyed into the stream bed (i.e. the top elevation of the riprap post construction will not exceed the pre -construction elevation of the stream bed) for a riprap dissipator. Stream impacts have been minimized by utilizing an existing culvert crossing. Impact Area 3 is for a proposed road crossing to access the project from Kennebec Road. Proposed impacts include permanent stream and wetland impacts, in addition to "permanent -no permanent loss" stream impacts which will consist of riprap keyed into the stream bed (i.e. the top elevation of the riprap post construction will not exceed the pre - construction elevation of the stream bed) for a riprap dissipator. This impact is necessary because the State Fire Code requires two points of ingress/egress from a development whenever there is more than 100 lots. Those access points must be on two different roads or significantly spaced apart if on the same road. Additionally, NCDOT and Town of Angier roadway design standards require that the road come off Kennebec at a near perpendicular intersection. The road must run straight for a minimum distance before it can curve. For this proposed road, it would need to curve in a reversing fashion in order to avoid stream T2 and wetland W1 and then curve back to stay on our property. Those two curves have minimal radius values due to Town design standards tied to transportation safety rules. Impact Area 4 is a proposed culvert for a walking trail adjacent to lots and an existing pond. Proposed impacts include permanent stream impacts. This impact could not be avoided because it is adjacent to proposed residential lots that require grading above the adjacent wetland elevation. Impact Area 5 is a proposed grading necessary to provide roadway improvements (i.e. curb and gutter) and a sidewalk along Junny Road. Proposed impacts include permanent wetland impacts for the grading. The sidewalk is required by the Town of Angier along all existing streets that front the proposed project. Compensatory mitigation in the form of payment is proposed at a 2:1 ratio for all permanent wetland and permanent stream impacts to offset permanent losses. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: Diversion berms, silt fence and ec matting will be used to minimize impacts. There is an existing culvert where the road crossing is proposed. Cofferdams may be used to install the culvert for the stream crossing. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? Yes No 2c. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): DWR Corps 2d. If yes, which mitigation option(s) will be used for this project? Mitigation bank Payment to in -lieu fee program Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: Middle Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank: Daniels Creek 3b. Credits Purchased/Requested (attach receipt and letter) Type: Stream 3c. Comments Quantity: 637 Please note that the 637 LF of stream mitigation identified within the Wildlings Holdings SOA letter has been invoiced for another project. It is possible that this stream mitigation will not be available at a later date. Therefore, DMS has written an Acceptance letter stating that the will accept "up to 656", the total stream mitigation needed for this project. 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. Yes No 4b. Stream mitigation requested: (linear feet) up to 656 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWR only): (square feet) 4c. If using stream mitigation, what is the stream temperature: warm 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: (acres) 0.55 4f. Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested: 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: (acres) (acres) 4h. Comments DMS has written an Acceptance letter stating that the will accept "up to 656", the total stream mitigation needed for this project because Wildlands has invoiced another project for the 637 LF stated in their SOA letter. 6. Buffer mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) - required by DWR 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires buffer mitigation? If yes, you must fill out this entire form - please contact DWR for more information. Yes No F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan la. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? Yes No What type of SCM are you providing? Level Spreader Vegetated Conveyance (lower SHWT) Wetland Swale (higher SHWT) Other SCM that removes minimum 30% nitrogen Proposed project will not create concentrated stormwater flow through the buffer 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250? * Yes No 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(2)? Yes No 2c. Does this project have a stormwater management plan (SMP) reviewed and approved under a state stormwater program or state -approved local government stormwater program? Yes No N/A - project disturbs < 1 acre 2d. Which of the following stormwater management program(s) apply: Local Government State Local Government Stormwater Programs Phase II NSW USMP Water Supply Please identify which local government stormwater program you are using. Town of Angier Comments: G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation la. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? * Yes No 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)?* Yes No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* Yes No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. We have reviewed the "Draft Internal Policy, Cumulative impacts and the 401 Water Quality Certification and Isolated Wetlands Programs" document prepared by the NC Division of Water Quality on April 10, 2004, version 2.1. The draft states that many private developments are unlikely to cause cumulative impacts, including projects such as urban in -fill, most residential subdivisions and small commercial developments as well as agricultural and silvicultural operations. The Camden Place project is a residential development. Additionally, the project is located within the town of Angier ETJ, therefore the adjacent properties that have potential for development will have the following regulations to protect downstream waters: 1) the Water Supply, Watershed Protection Program which limits development densities as well as requires protective riparian buffers; 2) the Phase II NPDES Stormwater Permit Program, this program includes permitting requirements for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) in addition to post - construction stormwater management requirements. We anticipate that the DWR will advise us if any additional information is needed. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* Yes No N/A 4b. Describe, in detail, the treatment methods and dispositions (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project. If the wastewater will be treated at a treatment plant, list the capacity available at that plant. Non -discharge wastewater will be generated. 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* Yes No 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* Yes No 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. Raleigh 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* Yes 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8? Yes No No Unknown 5f. Will you cut any trees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? Yes No 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? Yes No 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* Yes No 5i. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? Yes No 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? WithersRavenel completed a Threatened & Endangered Species Report, to include a Self -Certification letter through the US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), a query through the NC Natural Heritage Program database, and an official Species List through the iPac. WithersRavenel received response from USFWS on November 16, 2021 that they concurred with the determinations made by WithersRavenel that the proposed actions is not likely to adversely affect any federally -listed endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Please see attached WithersRavenel Threatened & Endangered Species report and correspondence from USFWS. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* Yes No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat? * The NOAA Habitat Conservation/Habitat Protection: National Marine Fish Service; Essential Fish Habitat Mapper website was referenced. No Essential Fish Habitat was identified near the project. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* Yes No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* The NC State Historic Preservation Office HPOWEB GIS Service interactive map was referenced on July 6, 2022, no historic listings or study list entries or determined eligible listings were identified within the property boundaries. 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain?* Yes No 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination?* NC Flood Risk Information System Floodplain Mapping Program and confirmation from the project engineer. Miscellaneous Please use the space below to attach all required documentation or any additional information you feel is helpful for application review. Documents should be combined into one file when possible, with a Cover Letter, Table of Contents, and a Cover Sheet for each Section preferred. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document Attachments_Camden Place.pdf 14.47MB File must be PDF or KMZ Comments Signature By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: • The project proponent hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief'; and • The project proponent hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. • I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; I agree that submission of this PCN form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name: Deborah Shirley Signature 4044. ,4/ ¢ 'r'idej Date 9/16/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: 68B71349-3CA1-4F06-AD69-EBBOF448A5C5 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 • Phone: (919) 846-5900 • Fax: (919) 846-9467 s ndec.com AGENT AUTHORIZATION Project Name/Description: Camden Place Date: The Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 S&EC Project # Attn: Liz Hair Field Office: Raleigh Regulatory Field Office I, the undersigned, authorizes S&EC, as my agent, to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of a permit or certification and any and all associated standard and special conditions. This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this project. PARCEL INFORMATION: Parcel Index Number(s) (PIN): 0674-76-8919, 0674-76-8650 & 0674-87-0285 Site Address: Junny Road City, County, State: Angier, Harnett/Wake County, NC APPLICANT INFORMATION: Name: L isk..t p r f 3rT [" 01Alfkjf �- Mailing Address: l 5 S I V•� 5 T1 Tag �C I Cast s r ri� y ,' s� 7 1 3 Telephone Numb r: �1L ~ .1150 " 7 Email: ia,\ m\or mQCC; Son , �'am Mark Altman Applicant (please print) Date (-DocuSigned by: &WA, Apl41 Signature 6/1/2022 We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Deborah Shirley From: Camden Brunick Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2022 3:10 PM To: 401PreFile@ncdenr.gov Subject: Pre -Filing Meeting Request for Camden Place Attachments: Overall site map.pdf Good afternoon Chad, This pre -filing meeting request is for the Camden Place project located just west of Junny Road and South of Kennebec Road in Angier, Harnett/Wake County, NC. The project is approximately 35 acres. The project purpose is to construct a multi -family residential development and its necessary infrastructure including but not limited to; residential lots, roadway infrastructure, SCM's, and utilities. Specifically, there are four proposed road crossing that impacts wetlands and/or streams. Existing conditions onsite consists primarily of field areas and underdeveloped forested land. General land use in the vicinity of the project consists of farmland, forested land and residential areas. Junny Road bounds the property to the East and Kennebec Road bounds the property to the North. Please see the attached site plan above. Please note this may change as we work with the engineers on minimizing impacts. Project Name: Camden Place County: Harnett/Wake Applicant Name: Taylor Morrison of Carolinas, Inc (attn: Mark Altman) Applicant Email: maltman@taylormorrison.com Thank you, CAMDEN BRUNICK Environmental Consultant Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA North Quarter Office Park 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27615 (919)219-6162(cell) 1 C11ilCUee C COK Afeci, , .4.,40 o, ,_.,,., A., - . i 'Nip R 4 et R,gtyzs I, c-,s, Project Number: 15326.W1 Project Manager: SB Scale: 1" 1000' Date: 07/06/2022 J -�t c "PQ so 411..Stea. •Yr‘%vnri-evr Map Title: Figure 1 - USGS Camden Place Angier, NC ource: 2019 USGS Angier Quad O NC Centter for Geographic Informa'tio &'Analysis" 0 1,000 2,000 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 Feet S& EC Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 8412 Falls of Nense Road. Suite 104, Raleigh. NC 27615 • Phone: (919) 846-5900 • Fay: (919) 846-9467 sand, corn :20 PIA — RICCI, ALVSSA on\Wellmds—Streans\CAD\Wetlants Bme.d g— Monday, October 4, 2021 K:\21\21-115 CAITLIN MEADOWS - TAYLOR MORRISON ANGIER HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT CO. SOIL SURVEY (1994) - SHEET 7 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 250 500 1 inch = 500 ft. iWithersRavenel 1/% Engineers Planners Surveyors U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW-2021-01101 County: Wake and Harnett Counties U.S.G.S. Quad: Angier NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner/Applicant: Address: Phillip R. Stephenson 1187 N. Raleigh Street An2ier, NC, 27501 Prstephenson52@gmail.com Telephone Number: 919-427-8654 Size (acres) -35 acres Nearest Town Angier Nearest Waterway Black River River Basin Cape Fear USGS HUC 03030004 Coordinates Latitude: 35.52905 Longitude: -78.73715 Location description: The site is located on approximately 35 acres on four parcels (Wake Co. PIN: 0674871973; Harnett Co. PINs: 0674-76-8919; 0674-76-8650; 0674-87-0285), located along the Wake/Harnett County line, to the south of Kennebec Road, west of Junny Road, north of An2ier, in North Carolina. Indicate Which of the Following Apply: A. Preliminary Determination X There are waters, includin2 wetlands, on the above described property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC 403). The waters, including wetlands, have been delineated, and the delineation has been verified by the Corps to be sufficiently accurate and reliable. Therefore this preliminary jurisdiction determination may be used in the permit evaluation process, includin2 determining compensatory miti2ation. For purposes of computation of impacts, compensatory miti2ation requirements, and other resource protection measures, a permit decision made on the basis of a preliminary JD will treat all waters and wetlands that would be affected in any way by the permitted activity on the site as if they are jurisdictional waters of the U.S. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). However, you may request an approved JD, which is an appealable action, by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. _ There are wetlands on the above described property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). However, since the waters, including wetlands, have not been properly delineated, this preliminary jurisdiction determination may not be used in the permit evaluation process. Without a verified wetland delineation, this preliminary determination is merely an effective presumption of CWA/RHA jurisdiction over all of the waters, including wetlands, at the project area, which is not sufficiently accurate and reliable to support an enforceable permit decision. We recommend that you have the waters of the U.S. on your property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. B. Approved Determination _ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ There are waters of the U.S., including wetlands, on the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. Page 1 of 2 SAW-2021-01101 _ We recommend you have the waters of the U.S. on your property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. _ The waters of the U.S., including wetlands, on your project area have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. _ The waters of the U.S., including wetlands, have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on . Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described project area which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Morehead City, NC, at (252) 808-2808 to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US, including wetlands, without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). Placement of dredged or fill material, construction or placement of structures, or work within navigable waters of the United States without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Sections 9 and/or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC § 401 and/or 403). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Sarah Hair at (910) 251-4049 or Sarah.E.Hair(a,usace.army.mil. C. Basis For Determination: See attached Approved JD forms. D. Remarks: AJD review area is limited to the Upland Pond area identified on the attached Terracon wetland delineation sketch labeled: Exhibit No. 3: Potential Wetlands and Waters. PJD review area is the remainder of the site as identified on the aforementioned map and attached PJD form. E. Attention USDA Program Participants The delineation included herein has been conducted to identify the location and extent of the aquatic resource boundaries and/or the jurisdictional status of aquatic resources for purposes of the Clean Water Act for the particular site identified in this request. This delineation and/or jurisdictional determination may not be valid for the Wetland Conservation Provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985, as amended. If you or your tenant are USDA program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should discuss the applicability of a certified wetland determination with the local USDA service center, prior to starting work. F. Appeals Information for Approved Jurisdiction Determinations (as indicated in Section B. above) If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and Request for Appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Mr. Philip A Shannin Administrative Appeal Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW, Floor M9 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8803 SAW-2021-01101 AND PHIL IP.A. SHANNIN@USAGE ARMY.MIL In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by December 13, 2021. It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence. Corps Regulatory Official: Date: October 13, 2021 Expiration Date: October 13, 2026 (AJD Upland Pond area); N/A: (Aquatic resources subject to PJD) The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey, located online at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm apex/f?p= 1 3 6:4:0. Copy Furnished: Jeff Harbor/Rhiannon Graham; Terrracon SAW-2021-01101 NOTIFICATION OF ADNIINISTRATIVE APPEAL OPTIONS AND PROCESS AND REQUEST FOR APPEAL Applicant: Phillip R. Stephenson File Number: SAW-2021-01101 Date: October 13, 2021 Attached is: See Section below INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) A PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) B PERMIT DENIAL C ix APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION D ix PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E SECTION Additional I - The following identifies your rights and options regarding an administrative information may be found at http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/RegulatoryProgramandPermits.aspx appeal of the above decision. or Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. • ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. • APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. SAW-2021-01101 E: PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. SECTION II - REQUEST FOR APPEAL or OBJECTIONS TO AN INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements. You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the record of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, you may provide additional information to clarify the location of information that is already in the administrative record. POINT OF CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS OR INFORMATION: If you have questions regarding this decision and/or the appeal process you may contact: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Attn: Sarah Hair If you only have questions regarding also contact: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Mr. Philip A. Shannin the appeal process you may Officer 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Administrative Appeal Review 60 Forsyth Street SW, Floor M9 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8803 PHILIP.A. SHANNIN@USACE.ARMY.MIL RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, and any government consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15 day notice of any site investigation, and will have the opportunity to participate in all site investigations. Date: Telephone number: Signature of appellant or agent. For appeals on Initial Proffered Permits send this form to: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Attn: Sarah Hair, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 For Permit denials, Proffered Permits and approved Jurisdictional Determinations send this form to: Division Engineer, Commander, U.S. Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic, Attn: Mr. Philip Shannin, Administrative Appeal Officer, CESAD-PDO, 60 Forsyth Street, Room 10M15, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137, PHILIP.A.SHANNIN(a,USACE.ARMY.MIL Appendix 2 - PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (PJD) FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PJD: 13-OCT-2021 B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PJD: Stephenson, Phillip R. 1187 N Raleigh Street Angier, NC 27501 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: SAW, Stephenson Property Kennebec Road / Angier / Harnett , SAW-2021-01101 D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: (USE THE TABLE BELOW TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE AQUATIC RESOURCES AND/OR AQUATIC RESOURCES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC County/parish/borough: Wake/Harnett Counties City: Angier Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): Lat.: 35.52905° Long.: -78.73715° Universal Transverse Mercator: 17 Name of nearest waterbody: Black River E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): Office (Desk) Determination. Date: October 13, 2021 ❑ Field Determination. Date(s): TABLE OF AQUATIC RESOURCES IN REVIEW AREA WHICH "MAY BE" SUBJECT TO REGULATORY JURISDICTION. Site Number Latitude (decimal degrees) Longitude (decimal degrees) Estimated amount of aquatic resource in review area (acreage and linear feet, if applicable) Type of aquatic resource (i.e., wetland vs. non- wetland waters) Geographic authority to which the aquatic resource "may be" subject (i.e., Section 404 or Section 10/404) SW1 35.5287 -78.73795 0.33 acres Non -wetland waters Section 404 SW3 35.5276 -78.73887 0.29 acres Non -wetland waters Section 404 T1 35.529793 -78.737496 463 feet Non -wetland waters Section 404 T2 35.530039 -78.737102 283 feet Non -wetland waters Section 404 T3 35.527085 -78.738883 906 feet Non -wetland waters Section 404 T5 35.527375 -78.736356 145 feet Non -wetland waters Section 404 T6 35.526179 -78.736731 166 feet Non -wetland waters Section 404 W1 35.53016 -78.73725 0.47 acres Wetland Section 404 W2 35.52935 -78.73798 0.01 acres Wetland Section 404 W3 35.52808 -78.7389 0.55 acres Wetland Section 404 W5 35.52774 -78.73942 0.05 acres Wetland Section 404 W6 35.52726 -78.73922 0.51 acres Wetland Section 404 W7 35.52633 -78.73924 0.57 acres Wetland Section 404 W8 35.52605 -78.73725 0.05 acres Wetland Section 404 W9 35.526713 -78.736568 1.21 acres Wetland Section 404 Districts may establish timeframes for requester to return signed PJD forms. If the requester does not respond within the established time frame, the district may presume concurrence and no additional follow up is necessary prior to finalizing an action. Page 1 of 3 Appendix 2 - PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (PJD) FORM 1) The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, and the requestor of this PJD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved JD (AJD) for that review area based on an informed decision after having discussed the various types of JDs and their characteristics and circumstances when they may be appropriate. 2) In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre -construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non -reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an AJD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware that: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a PJD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional aquatic resources; (2) the applicant has the option to request an AJD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an AJD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an AJD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the PJD; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a PJD constitutes agreement that all aquatic resources in the review area affected in any way by that activity will be treated as jurisdictional, and waives any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an AJD or a PJD, the.JD will be processed as soon as practicable. Further, an AJD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331. If, during an administrative appeal, it becomes appropriate to make an official determination whether geographic jurisdiction exists over aquatic resources in the review area, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, the Corps will provide an AJD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This PJD finds that there "may be" waters of the U.S. and/or that there "may be" navigable waters of the U.S. on the subject review area, and identifies all aquatic features in the review area that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for PJD (check all that apply) Checked items should be included in subject file. Appropriately reference sources below where indicated for all checked items: X Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the PJD requestor: Map: Terracon Wetland Delineation Sketch; Exhibit 3: Potential wetlands and waters. X_ Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the PJD requestor. X_ Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. Rationale: Data sheets prepared by the Corps: Corps navigable waters' study: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ' Districts may establish timeframes for requester to return signed PJD forms. If the requester does not respond within the established time frame, the district may presume concurrence and no additional follow up is necessary prior to finalizing an action. Page 2 of 3 Appendix 2 - PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (PJD) FORM USGS NHD data. USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. X_ U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: 1:24,000 Angier NC. X_ Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: NRCS Soil Survey Harnett County/ Wake County. National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: State/local wetland inventory map(s): FEMA/FIRM maps: 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: . (National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929) Photographs: Aerial (Name & Date): or Other (Name & Date): Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: X Other information (please specify): USACE National Regulatory Viewer; SAD; NC. IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarily been verified by the Corps and should not be relied upon for later jurisdictional determinations. Liz Hair V October 13, 2021 *refer to JD request 5/20/21 Signature and date of Regulatory staff member completing PJD Signature and date of person requesting PJD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable)' Districts may establish timeframes for requester to return signed PJD forms. If the requester does not respond within the established time frame, the district may presume concurrence and no additional follow up is necessary prior to finalizing an action. Page 3 of 3 APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM U.S. Army Corps of Engineers This form should be completed by following the instructions provided in Section IV of the JD Form Instructional Guidebook. SECTION I: BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): October 13, 2021 B. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: Wilmington District, Stephenson Property, SAW-2021-01101 C. PROJECT LOCATION AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: State:NC County/parish/borough: Wake/Harnett City: Angier Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): Lat. 35.528056° I, Long. -78.740662° M. Universal Transverse Mercator: Name of nearest waterbody: Black River Name of nearest Traditional Navigable Water (TNW) into which the aquatic resource flows: Name of watershed or Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): ® Check if map/diagram of review area and/or potential jurisdictional areas is/are available upon request. ❑ Check if other sites (e.g., offsite mitigation sites, disposal sites, etc...) are associated with this action and are recorded on a different JD form. D. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ® Office (Desk) Determination. Date: October 13, 2021 ❑ Field Determination. Date(s): SECTION II: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS A. RHA SECTION 10 DETERMINATION OF JURISDICTION. There Are nil "navigable waters of the U.S." within Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) jurisdiction (as defined by 33 CFR part 329) in the review area. [Required] ❑ Waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide. ❑ Waters are presently used, or have been used in the past, or may be susceptible for use to transport interstate or foreign commerce. Explain: B. CWA SECTION 404 DETERMINATION OF JURISDICTION. There Are no "waters of the U.S." within Clean Water Act (CWA) jurisdiction (as defined by 33 CFR part 328) in the review area. [Required] 1. Waters of the U.S. a. Indicate presence of waters of U.S. in review area (check all that apply): 1 ❑ TNWs, including territorial seas ❑ Wetlands adjacent to TNWs ❑ Relatively permanent waters2 (RPWs) that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs ❑ Non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs ❑ Wetlands directly abutting RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs ❑ Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs ❑ Wetlands adjacent to non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs ❑ Impoundments of jurisdictional waters ❑ Isolated (interstate or intrastate) waters, including isolated wetlands b. Identify (estimate) size of waters of the U.S. in the review area: Non -wetland waters: linear feet: width (ft) and/or acres. Wetlands: acres. c. Limits (boundaries) of jurisdiction based on: linnhi Elevation of established OHWM (if known): 2. Non -regulated waters/wetlands (check if applicable):3 ® Potentially jurisdictional waters and/or wetlands were assessed within the review area and determined to be not jurisdictional. Explain: Area identified as 'upland pond' on attached delineation sketch is completely surrounded by upland soils and has no connection to downstream RPW's. Suspect it was excavated in uplands as an irrigation source for adjacent agricultural fields. Mapped soils are Dothan; well drained, non-hydric soils. . 1 Boxes checked below shall be supported by completing the appropriate sections in Section III below. 2 For purposes of this form, an RPW is defined as a tributary that is not a TNW and that typically flows year-round or has continuous flow at least "seasonally" (e.g., typically 3 months). 3 Supporting documentation is presented in Section flLF. SECTION III: CWA ANALYSIS A. TNWs AND WETLANDS ADJACENT TO TNWs The agencies will assert jurisdiction over TNWs and wetlands adjacent to TNWs. If the aquatic resource is a TNW, complete Section III.A.1 and Section III D 1 only; if the aquatic resource is a wetland adjacent to a TNW, complete Sections III.A.1 and 2 and Section III.D.1.; otherwise, see Section III.B below. 1. TNW Identify TNW: . Summarize rationale supporting determination: 2. Wetland adjacent to TNW Summarize rationale supporting conclusion that wetland is "adjacent": B. CHARACTERISTICS OF TRIBUTARY (THAT IS NOT A TNW) AND ITS ADJACENT WETLANDS (IF ANY): This section summarizes information regarding characteristics of the tributary and its adjacent wetlands, if any, and it helps determine whether or not the standards for jurisdiction established under Rapanos have been met. The agencies will assert jurisdiction over non -navigable tributaries of TNWs where the tributaries are "relatively permanent waters" (RPWs), i.e. tributaries that typically flow year-round or have continuous flow at least seasonally (e.g., typically 3 months). A wetland that directly abuts an RPW is also jurisdictional. If the aquatic resource is not a TNW, but has year-round (perennial) flow, skip to Section III.D.2. If the aquatic resource is a wetland directly abutting a tributary with perennial flow, skip to Section IILD.4. A wetland that is adjacent to but that does not directly abut an RPW requires a significant nexus evaluation. Corps districts and EPA regions will include in the record any available information that documents the existence of a significant nexus between a relatively permanent tributary that is not perennial (and its adjacent wetlands if any) and a traditional navigable water, even though a significant nexus fmding is not required as a matter of law. If the waterbody4 is not an RPW, or a wetland directly abutting an RPW, a JD will require additional data to determine if the waterbody has a significant nexus with a TNW. If the tributary has adjacent wetlands, the significant nexus evaluation must consider the tributary in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands. This significant nexus evaluation that combines, for analytical purposes, the tributary and all of its adjacent wetlands is used whether the review area identified in the JD request is the tributary, or its adjacent wetlands, or both. If the JD covers a tributary with adjacent wetlands, complete Section III.B.1 for the tributary, Section III.B.2 for any onsite wetlands, and Section III.B.3 for all wetlands adjacent to that tributary, both onsite and offsite. The determination whether a significant nexus exists is determined in Section IILC below. 1. Characteristics of non-TNWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNW (i) General Area Conditions: Watershed size: Pick List Drainage area: Pick List Average annual rainfall: inches Average annual snowfall: inches Physical Characteristics: (a) Relationship with TNW: ❑ Tributary flows directly into TNW. ❑ Tributary flows through Pick List tributaries before entering TNW. Project waters are Project waters are Project waters are Project waters are Pick List Pick List Pick List Pick List river miles from TNW. river miles from RPW. aerial (straight) miles from TNW. aerial (straight) miles from RPW. Project waters cross or serve as state boundaries. Explain: Identify flow route to TNW5: Tributary stream order, if known: Note that the Instructional Guidebook contains additional information regarding swales, ditches, washes, and erosional features generally and in the arid West. 5 Flow route can be described by identifying, e.g., tributary a, which flows through the review area, to flow into tributary b, which then flows into TNW. (b) General Tributary Characteristics (check all that apply): Tributary is: ❑ Natural ❑ Artificial (man-made). Explain: ❑ Manipulated (man -altered). Explain: Tributary properties with respect to top of bank (estimate): Average width: feet Average depth: feet Average side slopes: Pick List. Primary tributary substrate composition (check all that apply): ❑ Silts ❑ Cobbles ❑ Bedrock ❑ Other. Explain: ❑ Sands ❑ Gravel ❑ Vegetation. Type/% cover: ❑ Concrete ❑ Muck Tributary condition/stability [e.g., highly eroding, sloughing banks]. Explain: Presence of run/riffle/pool complexes. Explain: Tributary geometry: Picln k L Tributary gradient (approximate average slope): (c) Flow: Tributary provides for: Pick List Estimate average number of flow events in review area/year Pick List Describe flow regime: Other information on duration and volume: Surface flow is: Pick List. Characteristics: Subsurface flow: Pick List. Explain findings: ❑ Dye (or other) test performed: Tributary has (check all that apply): ❑ Bed and banks ❑ OHWM6 (check all indicators that apply): ❑ clear, natural line impressed on the bank ❑ changes in the character of soil ❑ shelving ❑ vegetation matted down, bent, or absent ❑ leaf litter disturbed or washed away ❑ sediment deposition ❑ water staining ❑ other (list): ❑ Discontinuous OHWM.' Explain: ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ the presence of litter and debris destruction of terrestrial vegetation the presence of wrack line sediment sorting scour multiple observed or predicted flow events abrupt change in plant community If factors other than the OHWM were used to determine lateral extent of CWA jurisdiction (check all that apply): fl High Tide Line indicated by: ❑ Mean High Water Mark indicated by: ❑ oil or scum line along shore objects ❑ survey to available datum; ❑ fine shell or debris deposits (foreshore) ❑ physical markings; ❑ physical markings/characteristics ❑ vegetation lines/changes in vegetation types. ❑ tidal gauges ❑ other (list): (iii) Chemical Characteristics: Characterize tributary (e.g., water color is clear, discolored, oily film; water quality; general watershed characteristics, etc.). Explain: Identify specific pollutants, if known: 6A natural or man-made discontinuity in the OHWM does not necessarily sever jurisdiction (e.g., where the stream temporarily flows underground, or where the OHWM has been removed by development or agricultural practices). Where there is a break in the OHWM that is unrelated to the waterbody's flow regime (e.g., flow over a rock outcrop or through a culvert), the agencies will look for indicators of flow above and below the break. 'Ibid. (iv) Biological Characteristics. Channel supports (check all that apply): ❑ Riparian corridor. Characteristics (type, average width): ❑ Wetland fringe. Characteristics: ❑ Habitat for: ❑ Federally Listed species. Explain fmdings: ❑ Fish/spawn areas. Explain fmdings: ❑ Other environmentally -sensitive species. Explain findings: ❑ Aquatic/wildlife diversity. Explain fmdings: 2. Characteristics of wetlands adjacent to non-TNW that flow directly or indirectly into TNW (i) Physical Characteristics: (a) General Wetland Characteristics: Properties: Wetland size: acres Wetland type. Explain: Wetland quality. Explain: Project wetlands cross or serve as state boundaries. Explain: (b) General Flow Relationship with Non-TNW: Flow is: Pick List. Explain: Surface flow is: Pick List Characteristics: Subsurface flow: 1111111. Explain findings: ❑ Dye (or other) test performed: (c) Wetland Adjacency Determination with Non-TNW: ❑ Directly abutting ❑ Not directly abutting ❑ Discrete wetland hydrologic connection. Explain: ❑ Ecological connection. Explain: ❑ Separated by berm/barrier. Explain: (d) Proximity (Relationship) to TNW Project wetlands are Pick List river miles from TNW. Project waters are Pick List aerial (straight) miles from TNW. Flow is from: Pick List. Estimate approximate location of wetland as within the Pick List floodplain. (ii) Chemical Characteristics: Characterize wetland system (e.g., water color is clear, brown, oil film on surface; water quality; general watershed characteristics; etc.). Explain: Identify specific pollutants, if known: (iii) Biological Characteristics. Wetland supports (check all that apply): ❑ Riparian buffer. Characteristics (type, average width): ❑ Vegetation type/percent cover. Explain: ❑ Habitat for: ❑ Federally Listed species. Explain fmdings: ❑ Fish/spawn areas. Explain findings: ❑ Other environmentally -sensitive species. Explain findings: ❑ Aquatic/wildlife diversity. Explain fmdings: 3. Characteristics of all wetlands adjacent to the tributary (if any) All wetland(s) being considered in the cumulative analysis: Pick Lis4 Approximately ( ) acres in total are being considered in the cumulative analysis. For each wetland, specify the following: Directly abuts? (Y/N) Size (in acres) Directly abuts? (Y/N) Size (in acres) Summarize overall biological, chemical and physical functions being performed: C. SIGNIFICANT NEXUS DETERMINATION A significant nexus analysis will assess the flow characteristics and functions of the tributary itself and the functions performed by any wetlands adjacent to the tributary to determine if they significantly affect the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of a TNW. For each of the following situations, a significant nexus exists if the tributary, in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands, has more than a speculative or insubstantial effect on the chemical, physical and/or biological integrity of a TNW. Considerations when evaluating significant nexus include, but are not limited to the volume, duration, and frequency of the flow of water in the tributary and its proximity to a TNW, and the functions performed by the tributary and all its adjacent wetlands. It is not appropriate to determine significant nexus based solely on any specific threshold of distance (e.g. between a tributary and its adjacent wetland or between a tributary and the TNW). Similarly, the fact an adjacent wetland lies within or outside of a floodplain is not solely determinative of significant nexus. Draw connections between the features documented and the effects on the TNW, as identified in the Rapanos Guidance and discussed in the Instructional Guidebook. Factors to consider include, for example: • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), have the capacity to carry pollutants or flood waters to TNWs, or to reduce the amount of pollutants or flood waters reaching a TNW? • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), provide habitat and lifecycle support functions for fish and other species, such as feeding, nesting, spawning, or rearing young for species that are present in the TNW? • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), have the capacity to transfer nutrients and organic carbon that support downstream foodwebs? • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), have other relationships to the physical, chemical, or biological integrity of the TNW? Note: the above list of considerations is not inclusive and other functions observed or known to occur should be documented below: 1. Significant nexus fmdings for non-RPW that has no adjacent wetlands and flows directly or indirectly into TNWs. Explain fmdings of presence or absence of significant nexus below, based on the tributary itself, then go to Section III.D: 2. Significant nexus fmdings for non-RPW and its adjacent wetlands, where the non-RPW flows directly or indirectly into TNWs. Explain fmdings of presence or absence of significant nexus below, based on the tributary in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands, then go to Section III.D: 3. Significant nexus fmdings for wetlands adjacent to an RPW but that do not directly abut the RPW. Explain fmdings of presence or absence of significant nexus below, based on the tributary in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands, then go to Section III.D: D. DETERMINATIONS OF JURISDICTIONAL FINDINGS. THE SUBJECT WATERS/WETLANDS ARE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): 1. TNWs and Adjacent Wetlands. Check all that apply and provide size estimates in review area: ❑ TNWs: linear feet width (ft), Or, acres. ❑ Wetlands adjacent to TNWs: acres. 2. RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. ❑ Tributaries of TNWs where tributaries typically flow year-round are jurisdictional. Provide data and rationale indicating that tributary is perennial: ❑ Tributaries of TNW where tributaries have continuous flow "seasonally" (e.g., typically three months each year) are jurisdictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.B. Provide rationale indicating that tributary flows seasonally: Provide estimates for jurisdictional waters in the review area (check all that apply): Q Tributary waters: linear feet width (ft). ❑ Other non -wetland waters: acres. Identify type(s) of waters: 3. Non-RPWs8 that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. ❑ Waterbody that is not a TNW or an RPW, but flows directly or indirectly into a TNW, and it has a significant nexus with a TNW is jurisdictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.C. Provide estimates for jurisdictional waters within the review area (check all that apply): ❑ Tributary waters: linear feet width (ft). C3 Other non -wetland waters: acres. Identify type(s) of waters: 4. Wetlands directly abutting an RPW that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. ❑ Wetlands directly abut RPW and thus are jurisdictional as adjacent wetlands. ❑ Wetlands directly abutting an RPW where tributaries typically flow year-round. Provide data and rationale indicating that tributary is perennial in Section III.D.2, above. Provide rationale indicating that wetland is directly abutting an RPW: 71 Wetlands directly abutting an RPW where tributaries typically flow "seasonally." Provide data indicating that tributary is seasonal in Section III.B and rationale in Section III.D.2, above. Provide rationale indicating that wetland is directly abutting an RPW: Provide acreage estimates for jurisdictional wetlands in the review area: acres. 5. Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting an RPW that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. ❑ Wetlands that do not directly abut an RPW, but when considered in combination with the tributary to which they are adjacent and with similarly situated adjacent wetlands, have a significant nexus with a TNW are jurisidictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.C. Provide acreage estimates for jurisdictional wetlands in the review area: acres. 6. Wetlands adjacent to non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. Wetlands adjacent to such waters, and have when considered in combination with the tributary to which they are adjacent and with similarly situated adjacent wetlands, have a significant nexus with a TNW are jurisdictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.C. Provide estimates for jurisdictional wetlands in the review area: acres. 7. Impoundments of jurisdictional waters.' As a general rule, the impoundment of a jurisdictional tributary remains jurisdictional. ❑ Demonstrate that impoundment was created from "waters of the U.S.," or ❑ Demonstrate that water meets the criteria for one of the categories presented above (1-6), or ❑ Demonstrate that water is isolated with a nexus to commerce (see E below). E. ISOLATED [INTERSTATE OR INTRA-STATE] WATERS, INCLUDING ISOLATED WETLANDS, THE USE, DEGRADATION OR DESTRUCTION OF WHICH COULD AFFECT INTERSTATE COMMERCE, INCLUDING ANY SUCH WATERS (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):" ❑ which are or could be used by interstate or foreign travelers for recreational or other purposes. ❑ from which fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in interstate or foreign commerce. ❑ which are or could be used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate commerce. ❑ Interstate isolated waters. Explain: ❑ Other factors. Explain: Identify water body and summarize rationale supporting determination: 'See Footnote # 3. 9 To complete the analysis refer to the key in Section DI.D.6 of the Instructional Guidebook. io Prior to asserting or declining CWA jurisdiction based solely on this category, Corps Districts will elevate the action to Corps and EPA HQ for review consistent with the process described in the Corps/EPA Memorandum Regarding CWA Act Jurisdiction Following Rapanos. Provide estimates for jurisdictional waters in the review area (check all that apply): p Tributary waters: linear feet width (ft). ❑ Other non -wetland waters: acres. Identify type(s) of waters: ❑ Wetlands: acres. F. NON -JURISDICTIONAL WATERS, INCLUDING WETLANDS (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ If potential wetlands were assessed within the review area, these areas did not meet the criteria in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and/or appropriate Regional Supplements. ❑ Review area included isolated waters with no substantial nexus to interstate (or foreign) commerce. ❑ Prior to the Jan 2001 Supreme Court decision in "SWANCC," the review area would have been regulated based solely on the "Migratory Bird Rule" (MBR). ® Waters do not meet the "Significant Nexus" standard, where such a finding is required for jurisdiction. Explain: Open waters likely excavated in uplands, with no downstream connection to RPWs. ❑ Other. (explain, if not covered above): Provide acreage estimates for non jurisdictional waters in the review area, where the sole potential basis of jurisdiction is the MBR factors (i.e., presence of migratory birds, presence of endangered species, use of water for irrigated agriculture), using best professional judgment (check all that apply): ❑ Non -wetland waters (i.e., rivers, streams): linear feet width (ft). ❑ Lakes/ponds: acres. ❑ Other non -wetland waters: acres. List type of aquatic resource: ❑ Wetlands: acres. Provide acreage estimates for non jurisdictional waters in the review area that do not meet the "Significant Nexus" standard, where such a finding is required for jurisdiction (check all that apply): ❑ Non -wetland waters (i.e., rivers, streams): linear feet, width (ft). ® Lakes/ponds: 0.58 acres. ❑ Other non -wetland waters: acres. List type of aquatic resource: ❑ Wetlands: acres. SECTION IV: DATA SOURCES. A. SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for JD (check all that apply - checked items shall be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below): ® Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant: ® Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant. ® Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: ❑ U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. ❑ U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: ❑ USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: ❑ National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: ❑ State/Local wetland inventory map(s): ❑ FEMA/FIRM maps: ❑ 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) ® Photographs: ❑ Aerial (Name & Date): or ® Other (Name & Date):SW2; SW2(2); Non-hydric; Non-hydric (2): April 12, 2021; September 28, 2021 photos. ❑ Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: ❑ Applicable/supporting case law: ❑ Applicable/supporting scientific literature: ® Other information (please specify):Additional information received August 2, 2021 and October 4, 2021: specific to the upland pond area, formerly identified as SW2 and W4; Web soil survey; Google Earth image shows pond since at least 1993. B. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS TO SUPPORT JD: These preliminary delineation results are subject to regulatory review and concurrence. This is not a replacement for a traditional survey and is suitable for preliminary planning purposes only and for use by surveyor to aid in locating flags. a 'Aca I I Cape Fear River Basin Neuse River Basin 0 Project Study Area 0 AJ D area I/Gd Potential Wetland Waters Potential Non -Wetland Waters Surface Water) River Basin Boundary Potential Non -Wetland Water (Tributary) 0 300 600 Feet PM: RT Project No. 70217242 lierracon Potential Wetlands and Waters EXHIBIT NO. Drawn By: KT Scale: 1 in = 300 ft Stephenson Property Wake and Harnett Counties, North Carolina 3 Checked By: RT Filename: aerial.mxd Approved By: JH Date: April 2021 2401 Brentwood Road, Suite 107 Raleigh, NC 27604 Phone: (919) 873-2211 Fax: (919) 873-9555 DATA SOURCES: Latest High -Resolution NC Statewide Orthoimagery, NC 5 OneMap Server; 2017; Site Boundary based on Harnett V and Wake County Parcel Data. 0 Note: Vegetation removal or alteration of soils or hydrologya after initial site evaluation can affect jurisdictional status $ and may require re-evaluation of wetland boundaries. 5I N N N O 0 Li; WILDLANDS HOLDINGS Stream & Riparian Wetland Credit Statement of Availability Cape Fear 04 Watershed August 29, 2022 Taylor Morrison of the Carolinas, Inc. Attn: Mr. Mark Altman 15501 Weston Parkway, Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 RE: Availability of Stream and Riparian Wetland Credits for the "Camden Place" project Bank Name: Middle Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank Bank Site: Daniels Creek Mitigation Site Bank Sponsor: Wildlands Holdings IV, LLC USACE Action ID No. SAW-2017-00998 Permittee: Taylor Morrison of the Carolinas, Inc. Stream Credits Needed: 656.00 LF Stream Credits Available: 637.00 LF Cape Fear 03030004 River Basin Dear Mr. Altman, Wildlands Holdings IV, LLC currently has sufficient stream credits from the Middle Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank: Daniels Creek Mitigation Site to partially satisfy the mitigation requirements related to the above -mentioned project. The project is located within the Cape Fear HUC 03030004 watershed. This letter is simply a statement of availability of credits as of the date written. Although current inventory is high, the letter is not a guarantee of availability as credits will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. An invoice for this transaction will be sent upon your request and we will formally reserve both the credits and price quoted for a period of 30 days from the invoice at no cost. Final transfer of the credits will be made upon completion of the Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form within the 404 permit approving the mitigation purchase from the Bank and upon receipt of your payment to Wildlands Holdings IV, LLC. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you with your mitigation requirements. Please contact me at (704) 332-7754 x124 or avarsinske@wildlandseng.com if you have any questions or need any additional information. Wildlands Holdings IV, LLC • Wildlands Engineering, Inc • 1430 S. Mint Street, Suite 104, Charlotte, NC 28203 WILDLANDS HOLDINGS Sincerely, Ashley N. Yarsinske Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Marketing & Credit Sales ayarsinske@wildlandseng.com 0: (704) 332-7754 ext. 124 M: (757) 572-5269 Cc: Ms. Liz Hair, Regulatory Specialist I USACE Ms. Deborah Shirley, Project Manager -Regulatory Specialist I Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Wildlands Holdings IV, LLC • Wildlands Engineering, Inc • 1430 S. Mint Street, Suite 104, Charlotte, NC 28203 ROY COOPER. Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretory MARC RECKTENWALD Director Mark Altman Taylor Morrison of the Carolinas, Inc 15501 Weston Parkway Cary, NC 27513 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality September 12, 2022 Expiration of Acceptance: 3/12/2023 Project: Camden Place County: Wake The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) is willing to accept payment for compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the above referenced project as indicated in the table below. Please note that this decision does not assure that participation in the DMS in - lieu fee mitigation program will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact permitting agencies to determine if payment to the DMS will be approved. You must also comply with all other state, federal or local government permits, regulations or authorizations associated with the proposed activity including G.S. § 143-214.11. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit/401 Certification within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to DMS. Once DMS receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the in -lieu fee to be paid by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed on the DMS website. Based on the information supplied by you in your request to use the DMS, the impacts for which you are requesting compensatory mitigation credit are summarized in the following table. The amount of mitigation required and assigned to DMS for this impact is determined by permitting agencies and bank credit availability and may exceed the impact amounts shown below. River Basin Impact Location (8-digit HUC) Impact Type Impact Quantity Cape Fear 03030004 Warm Stream Up to 656 Cape Fear 03030004 Riparian Wetland 0.55 Upon receipt of payment, DMS will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the In -Lieu Fee Program instrument dated July 28, 2010. Thank you for your interest in the DMS in -lieu fee mitigation program. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly.Williams@ncdenr.gov. cc: Debbie E. Shirley, agent DeJa't Ie:l: n1 (11,-101,11..131 QUA iv Sincerely, Atiirktlactv)loa FOR James. B Stanfill Deputy Director North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services 217 West Jones Street 11652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 919.707.8976 40 WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. III October 6, 2021 Mark Altman Taylor Morrison of Carolinas, Inc. 15501 Weston Parkway Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 Re: Caitlin Meadows Angier, Harnett & Wake Counties, NC Threatened & Endangered Species Assessment Report WR Project #0221150.00 Mr. Altman: On September 29, 2021, WithersRavenel (WR) conducted a site review of the Caitlin Meadows project area (Review Area) for the purpose of evaluating the presence of federally listed threatened and endangered species and/or potential habitat within the review area. The review area is ±35.16 acres located on four parcels (Wake County PIN: 0674871973 and Harnett County PINs: 0674-87- 0285.000, 0674-76-8919.000, and 0674-76-8650.000) in Angier (Lat: 35.527784°N; Long: - 78.737854°W) as depicted in the attached exhibits. The review area is in the Cape Fear River Basin (HUC 03030004) and onsite waters drain to Neills Creek. The water Quality Classification for Neills Creek is WS-IV, and the Stream Index Number is 18- 16-(0.7). WR surveyed the review area for the presence of federally listed threatened and endangered species, or their potential habitat, protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This report summarizes the findings of the survey. Proposed Activities The project proposes to construct a residential subdivision and associated infrastructure within the review area. Site Conditions The review area consists of undeveloped adjacent to Kennebec Road and Junny Road in Harnett and Wake Counties and contains woodlands, active farm fields, and three ponds. The vegetative communities within the review area consisted of mixed hardwood/pine forest, agricultural fields and ponds as depicted in the Vegetative Communities Exhibit. The mixed hardwood/pine forest comprised most of the review area. The vegetative composition consisted of a dense canopy of red maple (Acer rubrum), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), oaks (Querus spp.), hickories (Carya spp.), and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). At the boundary of the wooded areas, the trees consisted of loblolly pine, sweetgum, eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), dogwood (Corpus florida), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), and red bud (Cercis canadensis). Due to the density of the canopy, there was no significant herbaceous vegetation within the interior of the mixed hardwood/pine forest. Herbaceous vegetation along the boundary of the mixed hardwood/pine forest and agricultural fields consisted of pokeweed (Phytolacca americana), goldenrod (Solidago spp.), Bermuda grass ( Cynodon dactylon), Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum), and Asiatic dayflower (Commelina communis). 115 MacKenan Drive, Cary, NC 27511 t: 919.469.3340 I f: 919.467.6008 I www.withersravenel.com I License No. C-0832 Asheville I Cary I Greensboro I Pittsboro I Raleigh I Wilmington ■■ WithersRavenel .. Our People. Your Success. Caitlin Meadows - Harnett & Wake Counties The agricultural fields were in active row crop production and had been planted in either tobacco or soybeans. At the time of the survey, the tobacco had been harvested while the soybeans had not been harvested. There were three ponds located in the review area. These ponds were small, less than 0.5 acres in size. There were no streams coming into or out of these ponds. Threatened & Endangered Species Review Methodology WR reviewed the US Fish and Wildlife Service's online threatened and endangered species database, located at: http://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/nccounties.html and the NC Wildlife Resource Commission's "State and Federally Listed Endangered Wildlife Species of North Carolina" publication, located at www.ncwildlife.org, to identify federally listed threatened and endangered species known to occur in Harnett and Wake Counties, North Carolina. WR submitted a project review request to the NCNHP through theft Data Explorer webpage, located at: https://ncnhde.natureserve.org/, to identify known occurrences of federally listed threatened or endangered species within 1.0 mile of the review area. The NCNHP project review did not identify any known occurrences of federally listed species within the review area or within 1.0 mile of the review area, as documented in the attached letter from NCNHP dated 09/27/2021. Based on the review of the US Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) online database located at https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/nc counties.html, on 09/27/21, there are ten federally listed endangered or threatened species (American alligator, Carolina madtom, Cape Fear shiner, dwarf wedgemussel, Neuse River waterdog, Michaux's sumac, red -cockaded woodpecker (RCW), rough - leaved loosestrife, Tar River spinymussel, and yellow lance) and one federally listed proposed threatened species (Atlantic pigtoe) known to occur within Harnett and Wake Counties. The USFWS list of threatened and endangered species known to occur in Harnett and Wake Counties has been provided as an attachment. An official species list was generated using USFWS' Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC), located at https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/, on 09/27/21. This species list identifies threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species, as well as proposed and designated critical habitat, that may occur within the boundary of the project and may be affected by the project. The IPaC list specified that there are six species (American alligator, Atlantic pigtoe, Cape Fear Shiner, Michaux's sumac, RCW, and rough -leaved loosestrife) that may be within the vicinity of the project area. The IPaC list has been provided as an attachment. On 09/29/2021, WR conducted a pedestrian survey to assess vegetative communities and identify potential habitat for, or occurrences of federally listed species within or immediately adjacent to the review area. Though the bald eagle is no longer protected under the Endangered Species Act, it is still protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and was included in the survey. The review area contains three vegetative communities as described in the Site Conditions section of this report. Species Synopsis and Pedestrian Survey Results Plants and animals classified as Endangered (E) or Threatened (T) by the USFWS are protected under the provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. Plants and animals classified as Proposed (P) are currently proposed for official designation of a protected species under the Endangered Species Act. The following table presents federally listed species on the IPaC list dated 09/29/2021. Page 2 of 7 ■■ WithersRavenel . 0 Our People. Your Success. Caitlin Meadows - Harnett & Wake Counties Common Name Scientific Name Federal Status Habitat Present Biological Determination American alligator Alligator mississippiensis T/SA* Marginal May Affect Not Likely to Adversely Affect Atlantic Pigtoe Fusconaia masoni PT** No No Effect Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus BGPA*** No No Effect Cape Fear Shiner Notropis mekistocholas E No No Effect Michaux's Sumac Rhus michauxii E No No Effect Red cockaded woodpecker Picoides borealis E No No Effect Rough leaved loosestrife Lysimachia asperulaefolia E No No Effect T/SA* - Threatened due to similarity in appearance PT** - Proposed Threatened BGPA*** - Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act American Alligator (T/SA) The American alligator is a large, semi -aquatic, armored reptile that ranges in size from 6 to 14 feet long. Alligators live in swampy areas, rivers, streams, lakes and ponds. There is no critical habitat designated for the American alligator. The American alligator is listed as Threatened due to the similarity in appearance to the American crocodile but are not protected themselves. There are no known populations of American crocodile within North Carolina. Species listed as T(S/A) are not biologically endangered or threatened and are not subject to consultation under Section 7 of the ESA. Based on the review of the NCNHP GIS data, there are no known occurrences of American alligator within 1.0 mile of the review area. The three ponds that are in the review area were considered marginally suitable habitat due to the small size of ponds (<0 .5 acre). Due to the marginally suitable habitat, lack of nearby records and the project not being within the known range of the American crocodile, WR concludes that the proposed project may affect, not likely to adversely affect the American alligator. However, formal consultation with the USFWS is not required for American alligator. Biological Conclusion - May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect Bald Eagle (BGPA) Habitat for the bald eagle primarily consists of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominant trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within 1.0 mile of open water. WR reviewed the NC Natural Heritage Program GIS data to determine the location of the known bald eagle nest sites and their distance from the review area. Based on the NC Natural Heritage Program GIS data, there are no known occurrences of bald eagle nesting/roosting sites within 1.0 mile of the review area. Fish and Wildlife Services' "National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines" (May 2007) specifies that activities taking place more than 660' from a bald eagle nest will have no effect on the nesting activities. Based on the NCNHP GIS data, there are no known occurrences of bald eagle within 1.0 mile of the review area. Page 3 of 7 ■■ WithersRavenel .. Our People. Your Success. Caitlin Meadows - Harnett & Wake Counties During the pedestrian surveys, no bald eagles or their nests were observed in or the review area. There was no foraging habitat within 1 mile of the review area, therefore survey of areas within 660' was not required. Additionally, no bald eagles were observed in flight. The project area did not contain large dominant trees with unobstructed access that could be used for nesting sites. Based on a lack of suitable nesting habitat, and lack of nearby records, WR concludes that the project will have No Effect on bald eagles. Biological Determination - No Effect Cape Fear Shiner (E) The Cape Fear shiner is a small (approximately 2" long), yellowish minnow with a black band along the sides of its body. The Cape Fear shiner is generally associated with gravel, cobble and boulder substrates and is endemic to the upper Cape Fear River Basin in the Central Piedmont of North Carolina. The species is known to occur in tributaries and mainstreams of the Deep River, Haw River, Rocky River and Cape Fear River in Chatham, Harnett, Lee, Moore and Randolph Counties. The USFWS identifies the Critical Habitat Designation for the Cape Fear Shiner as being ±4.1 miles of the Rocky River from NC Hwy 902 bridge downstream to Chatham County Road 1010 Bridge, and ±0.5 river miles of Bear Creek, from Chatham County Road 2156 Bridge downstream to the Rocky River, then downstream in the Rocky River (±4.2 river miles) to the Deep River, the downstream in the Deep River (±2.6 river miles) to a point 0.3 river miles below the Moncure, NC, USGS Geological Survey Gauging Station. The USFWS designated critical area is located upstream from the project. Constituent elements include clean streams with gravel, cobble and boulder substrates with pools, riffles, shallow runs and slack water areas with large outcrops and side channels and pools with water of good quality with relatively low silt loads (USFWS, Federal Register reference 9/25/87, Federal Register, 2: 36034-36039). Based on the NC Natural Heritage Program GIS data, there are no known occurrences of Cape Fear Shiner within 1.0 mile of the review area. There are no streams in the review area. The three small ponds were not considered suitable habitat. Based on a lack of suitable habitat, lack of nearby records, and being downstream of the critical area, WR concludes that the project will have No Effect on Cape Fear shiner. Biological Determination - No Effect Michaux's Sumac (E) Michaux's sumac a rhizomatous, densely hairy shrub, with erect stems from 1 - 3 feet (ft) (30.5 - 91 centimeters, cm) in height. The compound leaves contain evenly serrated, oblong to lanceolate, acuminate leaflets. The flowers are small, borne in a terminal, erect, dense cluster, and colored greenish yellow to white. Flowering usually occurs from June to July; while the fruit, a red drupe, is produced through the months of August to October. Michaux's sumac is typically found in the inner Coastal Plain and lower Piedmont and grows in sandy or rocky, open, upland woodlands on acidic or circumneutral, well drained sands or sandy loam soils. This species is also found around maintained railroad, roadside, power line and utility rights -of -way, areas where forest canopies have been opened by blow downs and/or storm damage; small wildlife food plots, abandoned building sites, under moderately dense pine or pine/hardwood canopies; and in and along edges of other artificially maintained clearings undergoing natural succession. In the central Piedmont, it occurs on clayey soils derived from mafic rocks. Michaux's sumac is shade intolerant and, therefore, grows best where disturbance (i.e., mowing, clearing, grazing, periodic fire) maintains its open habitat. Based on the review of the NCNHP GIS data, there are no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the review area. Page 4 of 7 ■■ WithersRavenel Caitlin Meadows - Harnett & Wake Counties III.Our People. Your Success. The mixed hardwood/pine forest has a dense tree canopy. These areas create shade that Michaux's sumac is intolerant and cannot survive. These areas were not considered suitable habitat for Michaux's sumac (see Photo Documentation). The agricultural fields are not suitable habitat as tobacco and soybeans were planted this season. The pedestrian survey was focused on the edges of the mixed hardwood/pine forest and the agricultural fields where the artificial edges were considered potential habitat. No occurrences of Michaux's sumac were observed during the pedestrian survey (see Photo Documentation). Based on the lack of nearby records, limited potential habitat in the review area and no occurrences noted in these areas during the optimal survey window, WR concludes that the proposed project will have No Effect on Michaux's sumac. Biological Determination - No Effect Red -Cockaded Woodpecker (E) The red -cockaded woodpecker (RCW) occurs in extensive tracts of open stands of mature pines, particularly longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), for foraging and nesting/roosting habitat, typically 70 to 100 acres or more. The red -cockaded woodpecker is rarely found in deciduous or mixed pine -hardwoods. The RCW excavates cavities for nesting and roosting in living pine trees, aged 60 years or older, which are contiguous with pine stands at least 30 years of age to provide foraging habitat. Optimal habitat is characterized as a broad savanna with a scattered overstory of large pines and a dense groundcover containing a diversity of grass, forbs, and shrub species. Midstory vegetation is sparse or absent. Frequent fires maintain the quality of the RCW's habitat. The foraging range of the RCW is normally no more than 0.5 miles. Based on the NCNHP GIS data, there are no known occurrences of RCW within 1.0 mile of the review area. The review area does not contain longleaf pine trees, or large contiguous pine stands that are suitable for either nesting or foraging habitats. Therefore, WR concludes that the project will have No Effect on RCW. Biological Determination - No Effect Rough -leaved Loosestrife (E) This plant is an erect, rhizomatous, late spring- to early summer -flowering perennial herb which grows to 2 feet tall. Its leaves are mostly 3-whorled, lanceolate to ovate -lanceolate, sessile, and 2-4 cm long. There are usually three conspicuous veins on each leaf. The flowers are 5-petales, showy, yellow flowers with yellow -orange anthers. The fruit is an ovoid or subglobose capsule, 3-4.5 mm in diameter, with several somewhat winged seeds. Rough -leaf loosestrife occurs most often in ecotones between longleaf pine uplands and pond pine pocosins in moist, sandy or peaty soils with low vegetation that allows for abundant sunlight to the herb layer. Fire is primarily responsible for maintaining low vegetation in these ecotones, as well as regular maintenance/mowing that mimics fire and maintains vegetation so that the herbaceous species are open to sunlight. Based on the NCNHP GIS data, there are no known occurrences of rough -leaved loosestrife within 1.0 mile of the review area. The mixed hardwood/pine forest has a tree canopy that creates shade that rough -leaved loosestrife is intolerant and cannot survive. There are no periodic disturbances that maintains vegetation open to sunlight. There was no ecotone between upland longleaf pine and pond pine pocosins in the review area. The agricultural fields are not suitable habitat for rough -leaved loosestrife. Therefore, there was no suitable habitat for rough -leaved loosestrife. Page 5 of 7 ■■ WithersRavenel .. Our People. Your Success. Caitlin Meadows - Harnett & Wake Counties Based on a lack nearby records and no potential suitable habitat within the review area, WR concludes that the project will have No Effect on rough -leaved loosestrife. Biological Determination - No Effect Atlantic Pigtoe (PT) The Atlantic pigtoe is a freshwater mussel with a chunky, rhombus shape, like that of a pig's hoof/toe. The outer shell is yellow to dark brown and parchment -like, while the inner layer is iridescent blue to salmon, white or orange. The Atlantic pigtoe rarely exceeds 2-inches in length. The preferred habitat for the Atlantic pigtoe is coarse sand and gravel in small creeks and large rivers with excellent water quality, where flows are sufficient to maintain clean, silt free substrates. In NC, Atlantic pigtoe is found in the James, Chowan, Roanoke, Tar, Neuse, Cape Fear, and Pee Dee River basins. Based on the review of the NCNHP GIS data, there are no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the review area. There are no streams in the review area, therefore there is no suitable habitat for Atlantic pigtoe. Based on a lack nearby records and no potential suitable habitat within the review area, WR concludes that the project will have No Effect on Atlantic pigtoe. Biological Determination - No Effect Summary The review area does not contain occurrences of, or potential habitat for the bald eagle, Cape Fear shiner, Michaux's sumac, red -cockaded woodpecker, rough -leaved loosestrife, and Atlantic pigtoe and will have no effect on these species. There is marginal suitable habitat for American alligator but is listed as T(S/A) and not biologically endangered or threatened and is not subject to consultation under Section 7 of the ESA. Therefore, based our findings and best professional judgment Section 7 consultation with the USFWS under the ESA is not required as the proposed project will have No Effect on federally listed threatened or endangered species known to occur in Harnett and Wake Counties. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the contents of this report. Sincerely, *4,43., ---7-7---- S Gary Kreiser Troy Beasley NEPA Specialist Senior Environmental Scientist WithersRavenel WithersRavenel Attachments: 1) USGS Quadrangle Exhibits 2) Aerial Exhibit 3) Parcel Exhibit 4) Vegetative Communities Exhibit 5) Harnett & Wake County Soil Survey Exhibit 6) USFWS T&E List for Wake County 7) USFWS Official Species List 8) NCNHP Project Review Letter 9) Photo Documentation Page 6 of 7 ■■ WithersRavenel Caitlin Meadows - Harnett & Wake Counties REFERENCES .. Our People. Your Success. 1. 2018 Natural Heritage Program List of Rare Plant Species of North Carolina. Edited by Laura Gadd Robinson. N. C. Natural Heritage Program; NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 2. 2018 Natural Heritage Program List of the Rare Animal Species of North Carolina. Compiled by Judith A. Ratcliffe. N. C. Natural Heritage Program; NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 3. Flora of the Southern and Mid -Atlantic States - May 2015 version by Alan S. Weakly, University of North Carolina Herbarium. 4. US Fish & Wildlife Service Threatened and Endangered Species in North Carolina webpage search at: http://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/nc counties.html accessed 09/27/2021. 5. Natural Heritage Program Database Search at: https://ncnhde.natureserve.org/ accessed 09/01/2021. 6. NC Natural Heritage Program Project Review Letter dated 09/27/2021. 7. USFWS IPaC Official Species List dated 09/27/2021. Page 7 of 7 14:43 PIA — RICCI, ALVSSA on\Wellmds—Streans\CAD\Wetlands Bme.d g— Monday, October 4, 2021 K:\21\21-115 W DORA ST ,1 DEPOT ST • W CHURCH 57" MQRGAN MCLEOQ LN GRAPHIC SCALE 0 1000 2000 1 inch = 2000 ft. ClfCi_E_DR WILLIAMS s E DEPOT_ST CAITLIN MEADOWS - TAYLOR MORRISON ANGIER HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA USGS QUAD (2019) - ANGIER iWithersRavenel 1/% Engineers Planners Surveyors 1-! • • • 1 ti ■ kJ r ANGIER l r • s, • • • r CAITLIN MEADOWS - TAYLOR MORRISON HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA REVIEW AREA i GRAPHIC SCALE 0 250 500 1 inch = 500 ft. r l • I ; 5 y�fr IT. O • • Jeir USGS QUAD (2019) - ANGIER r • -�..- • • �l WithersRavenel 1 / Engineers Planners Surveyors CAITLIN MEADOWS - TAYLOR MORRISON ANGIER HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA AERIAL (2017) GRAPHIC SCALE 0 125 250 1 inch = 250 ft. 1/�lWithersRavenel Engineers I Planners I Surveyors 211 I50 CoiUn CAITLIN MEADOWS - TAYLOR MORRISON ANGIER HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA PARCEL EXHIBIT GRAPHIC SCALE 0 125 250 1 inch = 250 ft. �l WithersRavenel 1/ Engineers Planners Surveyors LEGEND: IZI MIXED HARDWOOD/PINE AGRICULTURAL FIELD I REVIEW AREA MIXED HARDWOOD/PINE CAITLIN MEADOWS - TAYLOR MORRISON ANGIER HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES EXHIBIT GRAPHIC SCALE 0 125 250 1 inch = 250 ft. AGRICULTURAL FIELD DEER HAVEN DRIVE MIXED HARDWOOD/PINE i0 WithersRavenel 1/ Engineers I Planners I Surveyors :20 PIA — RICCI, ALVSSA on\Wellmds—Streans\CAD\Wetlants Bme.d g— Monday, October 4, 2021 K:\21\21-115 CAITLIN MEADOWS - TAYLOR MORRISON ANGIER HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT CO. SOIL SURVEY (1994) - SHEET 7 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 250 500 1 inch = 500 ft. iWithersRavenel 1/% Engineers Planners Surveyors 9/27/21, 9:38 AM Listed species believed to or known to occur in Harnett, North Carolina U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ECOS ECOS / Species Reports / Species County Report Listed species believed to or known to occur in Harnett, North Carolina The following report contains species that are known to or are believed to occur in this county, based on the species current range, as defined by the USFWS. The definition of current range that the FWS uses is the general geographic area where we know or suspect that a species currently occurs. This list of species by countycannot be used for consultation purposes. To obtain an official list of species that should be considered during consultation, please visitPaC. Show All Dcsv entries Search: I 9 Species Listings Group Name Population Status Lead Office Recovery Plan Saint Francis' satyr butterfly Insects (Neonyinpha Wherever found Endangered 4 mitchellii francisci) Saint Francis' Implementation Satyr Butterfly Progress https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/report/species-listings-by-current-range-county?fips=37085 1/3 9/27/21, 9:38 AM Listed species believed to or known to occur in Harnett, North Carolina Insects Reptiles Birds Fishes Clams monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) Red -cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) Carolina madtom (Noturus furiosus) Wherever found Candidate 3 Similarity of Wherever found Appearance 4 (Threatened) Wherever found Endangered 4 Wherever found Endangered 4 Atlantic pigtoe (Fusconaia Wherever found Proposed Threatened masoni) Cape Fear shiner Fishes (Notropis mekistocholas) 4 Wherever found Endangered 4 Neuse River Amphibians waterdog Wherever found Threatened 4 (Necturus lewisi) Red -cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Plan, Second Revision Implementation Progress Cape Fear Implementation Shiner Progress https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/report/species-listings-by-current-range-county?fips=37085 2/3 9/27/21, 9:38 AM Listed species believed to or known to occur in Harnett, North Carolina Rough -leaved Flowering loosestrife Plants (Lysimachia asperulaefolia) Wherever found Endangered 4 Rough -leaved Implementation Loosestrife Progress Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries Previous 11 Next https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/report/species-listings-by-current-range-county?fips=37085 3/3 9/27/21, 9:37 AM Listed species believed to or known to occur in Wake, North Carolina U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ECOS ECOS / Species Reports / Species County Report Listed species believed to or known to occur in Wake, North Carolina The following report contains species that are known to or are believed to occur in this county, based on the species current range, as defined by the USFWS. The definition of current range that the FWS uses is the general geographic area where we know or suspect that a species currently occurs. This list of species by countycannot be used for consultation purposes. To obtain an oftiial list of species that should be considered during consultation, please visitPaC. Show All Dcsv entries Search: I 13 Species Listings Group Name Population Status Lead Office Recovery Plan Insects monarch butterfly Wherever (Danaus found plexippus) Candidate 3 (:roori fln�tor https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/report/species-listi ngs-by-curre nt-range-county?fips=37183 1/3 9/27/21, 9:37 AM Listed species believed to or known to occur in Wake, North Carolina V I CCI I I IVQICI Clams Clams Clams Birds Clams Fishes Clams (Lasmigona Wherever subviridis) found Tar River spinymussel Wherever (Elliptio found steinstansana) Tar River spinymussel Wherever (Elliptio found steinstansana) Red -cockaded woodpecker Wherever (Picoides found borealis) Dwarf wedgemussel Wherever (Alasmidonta found heterodon) Carolina madtom Wherever (Noturus found furiosus) Yellow lance (Elliptio lanceolata) Little brown Wherever found Under Review 5 Endangered 4 Endangered 4 Endangered 4 Endangered 5 Endangered 4 Threatened 4 Tar River Spinymussel Implement Progress TarRiverSpinymussel Recovery Implement Plan Amendment Progress Red -cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Plan, Second Revision Dwarf Wedge Mussel Implement Progress Implement Progress Recovery Outline for Yellow Implement Lance (Elliptio lanceolata) Progress IA/h.,r.,...,r https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/report/species-listi ngs-by-curre nt-range-county?fips=37183 I Ir..l�v 2/3 9/27/21, 9:37 AM Listed species believed to or known to occur in Wake, North Carolina Mammals Udl_ VVIleleVel uriuei 5 (Myotis found Review lucifugus) Cape Fear shiner Wherever Implement Fishes Endangered 4 Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis found Progress mekistocholas) Atlantic pigtoe Wherever Proposed Clams (Fusconaia 4 found Threatened masoni) Michaux's Flowering sumac Wherever Implement Plants (Rhus found Endangered 4 Michaux's Sumac Progress michauxii) Neuse River Amphibians waterdog Wherever Threatened 4 (Necturus found lewisi) Showing 1 to 13 of 13 entries Previous 1 Next https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/report/species-listings-by-current-range-county?fips=37183 3/3 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: (919) 856-4520 Fax: (919) 856-4556 In Reply Refer To: Consultation Code: 04EN2000-2021-SLI-2295 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-04736 Project Name: Caitlin Meadows September 27, 2021 Subject: List of threatened and endangered species that may occur in your proposed project location or may be affected by your proposed project To Whom It May Concern: The species list generated pursuant to the information you provided identifies threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species, as well as proposed and final designated critical habitat, that may occur within the boundary of your proposed project and/or may be affected by your proposed project. The species list fulfills the requirements of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) under section 7(c) of the Endangered Species Act (Act) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). New information based on updated surveys, changes in the abundance and distribution of species, changed habitat conditions, or other factors could change this list. Please feel free to contact us if you need more current information or assistance regarding the potential impacts to federally proposed, listed, and candidate species and federally designated and proposed critical habitat. Please note that under 50 CFR 402.12(e) of the regulations implementing section 7 of the Act, the accuracy of this species list should be verified after 90 days. This verification can be completed formally or informally as desired. The Service recommends that verification be completed by visiting the ECOS-IPaC website at regular intervals during project planning and implementation for updates to species lists and information. An updated list may be requested through the ECOS-IPaC system by completing the same process used to receive the enclosed list. Section 7 of the Act requires that all federal agencies (or their designated non-federal representative), in consultation with the Service, insure that any action federally authorized, funded, or carried out by such agencies is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any federally -listed endangered or threatened species. A biological assessment or evaluation may be prepared to fulfill that requirement and in determining whether additional consultation with the Service is necessary. In addition to the federally -protected species list, information on the species' life histories and habitats and information on completing a biological assessment or 09/27/2021 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-04736 2 evaluation and can be found on our web page at http://www.fws.gov/raleigh. Please check the web site often for updated information or changes If your project contains suitable habitat for any of the federally -listed species known to be present within the county where your project occurs, the proposed action has the potential to adversely affect those species. As such, we recommend that surveys be conducted to determine the species' presence or absence within the project area. The use of North Carolina Natural Heritage program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys. If you determine that the proposed action may affect (i.e., likely to adversely affect or not likely to adversely affect) a federally -protected species, you should notify this office with your determination, the results of your surveys, survey methodologies, and an analysis of the effects of the action on listed species, including consideration of direct, indirect, and cumulative effects, before conducting any activities that might affect the species. If you determine that the proposed action will have no effect (i.e., no beneficial or adverse, direct or indirect effect) on federally listed species, then you are not required to contact our office for concurrence (unless an Environmental Impact Statement is prepared). However, you should maintain a complete record of the assessment, including steps leading to your determination of effect, the qualified personnel conducting the assessment, habitat conditions, site photographs, and any other related articles. Please be aware that bald and golden eagles are protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668 et seq.), and projects affecting these species may require development of an eagle conservation plan (http://www.fws.gov/windenergy/ eagle_guidance.html). Additionally, wind energy projects should follow the wind energy guidelines (http://www.fws.gov/windenergy/) for minimizing impacts to migratory birds and bats. Guidance for minimizing impacts to migratory birds for projects including communications towers (e.g., cellular, digital television, radio, and emergency broadcast) can be found at: http:// www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/CurrentBirdlssues/Hazards/towers/towers.htm; http:// www.towerkill.com; and http://www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/CurrentBirdlssues/Hazards/ towers/comtow.html. Not all Threatened and Endangered Species that occur in North Carolina are subject to section 7 consultation with the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service. Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon, sea turtles,when in the water, and certain marine mammals are under purview of the National Marine Fisheries Service. If your project occurs in marine, estuarine, or coastal river systems you should also contact the National Marine Fisheries Service, http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/ We appreciate your concern for threatened and endangered species. The Service encourages Federal agencies to include conservation of threatened and endangered species into their project planning to further the purposes of the Act. Please include the Consultation Tracking Number in the header of this letter with any request for consultation or correspondence about your project that you submit to our office. If you have any questions or comments, please contact John Ellis of this office at john_ellis@fws.gov. 09/27/2021 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-04736 3 Attachment(s): • Official Species List 09/27/2021 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-04736 1 Official Species List This list is provided pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, and fulfills the requirement for Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary of the Interior information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of a proposed action". This species list is provided by: Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 (919) 856-4520 09/27/2021 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-04736 2 Project Summary Consultation Code: 04EN2000-2021-SLI-2295 Event Code: Some(04EN2000-2021-E-04736) Project Name: Caitlin Meadows Project Type: DEVELOPMENT Project Description: residential subdivision Project Location: Approximate location of the project can be viewed in Google Maps: https:// www.google.com/maps/@35.52875335,-78.73743661869698,14z Counties: Harnett and Wake counties, North Carolina 09/27/2021 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-04736 3 Endangered Species Act Species There is a total of 7 threatened, endangered, or candidate species on this species list. Species on this list should be considered in an effects analysis for your project and could include species that exist in another geographic area. For example, certain fish may appear on the species list because a project could affect downstream species. IPaC does not display listed species or critical habitats under the sole jurisdiction of NOAA Fisheriesl, as USFWS does not have the authority to speak on behalf of NOAA and the Department of Commerce. See the "Critical habitats" section below for those critical habitats that lie wholly or partially within your project area under this office's jurisdiction. Please contact the designated FWS office if you have questions. 1. NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce. Birds NAME Red -cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/7614 Reptiles NAME STATUS American Alligator Alligator mississippiensis No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/776 Fishes NAME Endangered STATUS Similarity of Appearance (Threatened) STATUS Cape Fear Shiner Notropis mekistocholas There is final critical habitat for this species. The location of the critical habitat is not available. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/6063 Endangered 09/27/2021 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-04736 4 Clams NAME Atlantic Pigtoe Fusconaia masoni There is proposed critical habitat for this species. The location of the critical habitat is not available. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/5164 Insects NAME Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/9743 Flowering Plants NAME STATUS Proposed Threatened STATUS Candidate STATUS Michaux's Sumac Rhus michauxii No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/5217 Rough -leaved Loosestrife Lysimachia asperulaefolia No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/2747 Endangered Endangered Critical habitats THERE ARE NO CRITICAL HABITATS WITHIN YOUR PROJECT AREA UNDER THIS OFFICE'S JURISDICTION. ■■■ ■■ NC DEPARTMENT OF ■■. ■a NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES • •D• September 27, 2021 Troy Beasley Withers & Ravenel 115 MacKenan Drive Cary, NC 27511 RE: Caitlin Meadows: 02211150.00 Dear Troy Beasley: Roy Cooper, Governor D. Reid Wilson, Secretary Walter Clark Director, Division of land and Water Stewardship NCNHDE-15842 The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information about natural heritage resources for the project referenced above. Based on the project area mapped with your request, a query of the NCNHP database indicates that there are no records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, and/or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. Please note that although there may be no documentation of natural heritage elements within the project boundary, it does not imply or confirm their absence; the area may not have been surveyed. The results of this query should not be substituted for field surveys where suitable habitat exists. In the event that rare species are found within the project area, please contact the NCNHP so that we may update our records. The attached `Potential Occurrences' table summarizes rare species and natural communities that have been documented within a one -mile radius of the property boundary. The proximity of these records suggests that these natural heritage elements may potentially be present in the project area if suitable habitat exists. Tables of natural areas and conservation/managed areas within a one -mile radius of the project area, if any, are also included in this report. If a Federally -listed species is found within the project area or is indicated within a one -mile radius of the project area, the NCNHP recommends contacting the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for guidance. Contact information for USFWS offices in North Carolina is found here: https://www.fws.gov/offices/Directory/ListOffices.cfm?statecode=37. Please note that natural heritage element data are maintained for the purposes of conservation planning, project review, and scientific research, and are not intended for use as the primary criteria for regulatory decisions. Information provided by the NCNHP database may not be published without prior written notification to the NCNHP, and the NCNHP must be credited as an information source in these publications. Maps of NCNHP data may not be redistributed without permission. The NC Natural Heritage Program may follow this letter with additional correspondence if a Dedicated Nature Preserve, Registered Heritage Area, Land and Water Fund easement, or Federally - listed species are documented near the project area. If you have questions regarding the information provided in this letter or need additional assistance, please contact Rodney A. Butler at rodney.butler@ncdcr.gov or 919-707-8603. Sincerely, NC Natural Heritage Program DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES 4) 121 W. JONES STREET, RALEIGh 1_ NC 27603 • 16S1 MAIL SERVICE CENTER. EIOH, NC 27699 OFC V19 707.9120 • FAX 919.707.9121 Natural Heritage Element Occurrences, Natural Areas, and Managed Areas Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Caitlin Meadows Project No. 02211150.00 September 27, 2021 NCNHDE-15842 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID cientific Name Common Name Group Observation Date dm Dragonfly or 32043 Coryphaeschna ingens Regal Darner Damselfly Dragonfly or 33751 Somatochlora Damselfly georgiana Coppery Emerald 2004-Pre 2004-Pre No Natural Areas are Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area No Managed Areas are Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Element Accuracy Occurrence Rank 1 Federal State Status Status i Global State Rank Rank H? H? 5-Very Low 5-Very Low Significantly Rare Significantly Rare G5 S2? G3G4 S1? Definitions and an explanation of status designations and codes can be found at https://ncnhde.natureserve.org/help. Data query generated on September 27, 2021; source: NCNHP, Q2 July 2021. Please resubmit your information request if more than one year elapses before project initiation as new information is continually added to the NCNHP database. Page 2 of 3 NCNHDE-15842: Caitlin Meadows L KO W+E 3 ',laiaium. Or kr:rryllOOC l r{ Frryx ;;ar: Y:syc Lan] m.rrk rir Wrmerre September 27, 2021 ❑ Project Boundary ❑ Buffered Project Boundary 1:24,093 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 mi j 1 1 1 f 1 1 5 0 0.325 0.65 1.3 km Sources: Esn, HERE, Garmin. Inlarmap, in men[ P Corp., GERCO, USGS, FAO, NP5. NRCAN, 5reo5ase. IGN. Kadaster NL, Ordnance 5urvey, 5sri .Japan. METI_ Esri China {Hang Karla), (c) Oper.5lreeWlap contributors, and the GIS User Community Page 3 of 3 ■ WithersRavenel .4Our People. Your Success. Caitlin Meadows -Angier, Harnett & Wake Counties Photographic Documentation (09/29/2021) Photo 1: View of tobacco field, facing north. Photo 2: View of soybean field, facing south. 115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27511 t: 919.469.3340 I www.withersravenel.com I License No. C-0832 Asheville I Cary I Greensboro I Pittsboro I Raleigh I Wilmington ■■ WithersRavenel .. Our People. Your Success. Photo 3: Typical view of edge of mixed hardwood/pine forest and agricultural fields, facing south. Photo 4: Another typical view of edge of mixed hardwood/pine forest and agricultural fields, facing north. Page 2 of 4 ■■ WithersRavenel . Our People. Your Success. Photo 5: Typical view of mixed hardwood/pine forest, facing south. Photo 6: View of pond, facing east. Page 3 of 4 ■■ WithersRavenel .. Our People. Your Success. Photo 7: View of another pond, facing west. Page 4 of 4 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh ES Field Office 551-F Pylon Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 November 16, 2021 Gary Kreiser WithersRavenel 115 MacKenan Drive Cary, NC 27511 Re: Caitlin Meadows — Harnett and Wake Counties Dear Mr. Kreiser: This letter is to inform you that the Service has established an on-line project planning and consultation process which assists developers and consultants in determining whether a federally -listed species or designated critical habitat may be affected by aproposed project. For future projects, please visit the Raleigh Field Office's project planning web site at https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/pp.html. If you are only searching for a list of species that may be present in the project's Action Area, then you may use the Service's Information, Planning, and Consultation System (IPaC) website to determine if any listed, proposed, or candidate species may be present in the Action Area and generate a species list. The IPaC website may be viewed at https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/. The IPaC web site contains a complete and frequently updated list of all endangered threatened species protected by the provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)(Act), a list of federal species of concerns that are known to occur in each county in North Carolina, and other resources. Section 7 of the Act requires that all federal agencies (or their designated non-federal representative), in consultation with the Service, ensure that any action federally authorized, funded, or carried out by such agencies is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any federally -listed endangered or threatened species. A biological assessment or evaluation may be prepared to fulfill that requirement and in determining whether additional consultation with the Service is necessary. In addition to the federally -protected species list, information on the species' life histories and habitats and information on completing a biological assessment or 1 The term "federal species of concern" refers to those species which the Service believes might be in need of concentrated conservation actions. Federal species of concern receive no legal protection and their designation does not necessarily imply that the species will eventually be proposed for listing as a federally endangered or threatened species. However, we recommend that all practicable measures be taken to avoid or minimize adverse impacts to federal species of concern. evaluation and can be found on our web page at http://www.fws.gov/raleigh. Please check the web site often for updated information or changes. If your project contains suitable habitat for any of the federally -listed species known to be present within the county where your project occurs, the proposed action has the potential to adversely affect those species. As such, we recommend that surveys be conducted to determine the species' presence or absence within the project area. The use of North Carolina Natural Heritage program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys. If you determine that the proposed action may affect (i.e., likely to adversely affect or not likely to adversely affect) a federally -protected species, you should notify this office with your determination, the results of your surveys, survey methodologies, and an analysis of the effects of the action on listed species, including consideration of direct, indirect, and cumulative effects, before conducting any activities that might affect the species. If you determine that the proposed action will have no effect (i.e., no beneficial or adverse, direct or indirect effect) on federally listed species, then you are not required to contact our office for concurrence (unless an Environmental Impact Statement is prepared). However, you should maintain a complete record of the assessment, including steps leading to your determination of effect, the qualified personnel conducting the assessment, habitat conditions, site photographs, and any other related articles. With regard to the above -referenced project, we offer the following remarks Our comments are submitted pursuant to, and in accordance with, provisions of the Endangered Species Act. Based on the information provided and other information available, it appears that the proposed action is not likely to adversely affect any federally -listed endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for listing under the Act at these sites. We believe that the requirements of section 7(a)(2) of the Act have been satisfied for your project. Please remember that obligations under section 7 consultation must be reconsidered if: (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered; (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner that was not considered in this review; or, (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by the identified action. However, the Service is concerned about the potential impacts the proposed action might have on aquatic species. Aquatic resources are highly susceptible to sedimentation. Therefore, we recommend that all practicable measures be taken to avoid adverse impacts to aquatic species, including implementing directional boring methods and stringent sediment and erosion control measures. An erosion and sedimentation control plan should be submitted to and approved by the North Carolina Division of Land Resources, Land Quality Section prior to construction. Erosion and sedimentation controls should be installed and maintained between the construction site and any nearby down -gradient surface waters. In addition, we recommend maintaining natural, vegetated buffers on all streams and creeks adjacent to the project site. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission has developed a Guidance Memorandum (a copy can be found on our website at (http://www.fws.gov/raleigh) to address and mitigate secondary and cumulative impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife resources and water quality. We recommend that you consider this document in the development of your projects and in completing an initiation package for consultation (if necessary). We hope you find our web page useful and informative and that following the process described above will reduce the time required, and eliminate the need, for general correspondence for species' lists. If you have any questions or comments, please contact John Ellis of this office at (919) 856-4520 ext. 26. Sincerely, Pete Benjam Field Supe or VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE I 22 —J —JUNNY ROAD 32o ` W8 — 320 I 320 32-1 325 wg W8 I, SEAN R. SEEVER, CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS II UHT Ur AUC,UJI , H.U., LULL. FINAL DRAWING FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY PR(1FFCCIMIAI I AM") CIIPVFVf1R — I _L'i71 NC GRID NAD 83 (2011) \\ // \ t/ GRAPHIC SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 200 ft. 4Dsite solutions civil engineering I land surveying 409 Chicago Drive, Suite 112, Fayetteville, NC 28306 office 1910-426-6777 fax 1910-426-5777 license number 1 C-2354 wwwADSltesoBNons.com REVISIONS PROJECT NAME CAMDEN PLACE EXISTING CONDITIONS CLIENT TAYLOR MORRISON OF CAROLINAS, INC. 15501 Weston Parkway - Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 Phone: (919) 407-1232 PROJECT INFORMATION DESIGNED BY: CAL DRAWING SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1 "=200' DATE RELEASED AUGUST 25, 2022 SHEET NUMBER w-1 EB DRAWN BY: CALEB CHECKED BY: SCOTT PROJECT NUMBER: 1895 OF 4 IMPACT C.* 1 AREA#4 I, SEAN R. SEEVER, CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS II UHT V� AIJG LIJI H.U.. LULL. FINAL DRAWING IMPACT AREA #1 STREAM IMPACT: 18 LF (50 SF) PERMANENT IMPACT WETLAND IMPACT: 295 SF PERMANENT IMPACT IMPACT AREA #2 STREAM IMPACT: 50 LF (150 SF) PERMANENT IMPACT 32 LF (96 SF) EMBEDDED RIP RAP; NO LOSS OF STREAM BED WETLAND IMPACT: 1,204 SF PERMANENT IMPACT IMPACT AREA #3 STREAM IMPACT: 249 LF (1,837 SF) PERMANENT IMPACT 5 LF (45 SF) EMBEDDED RIP RAP; NO LOSS OF STREAM BED WETLAND IMPACT: 9,333 SF PERMANENT IMPACT IMPACT AREA #4 STREAM IMPACT: 11 LF (33 SF) PERMANENT IMPACT IMPACT AREA #5 WETLAND IMPACT: 1,036 SF PERMANENT IMPACT TOTAL IMPACT PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT: 2,070 SF WETLAND IMPACT: 11,868 SF 4Dsite solutions civil engineering I land surveying 409 Chicago Drive, Suite 112, Fayetteville, NC 28306 office 1910-426-6777 fax 1910-426-5777 license number 1 C-2354 wwwADslbsoBNons.com REVISIONS PROJECT NAME CAMDEN PLACE OVERALL SITE PLAN CLIENT TAYLOR MORRISON OF CAROLINAS, INC. 15501 Weston Parkway - Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 Phone: (919) 407-1232 PROJECT INFORMATION DESIGNED BY: CALEB DRAWN BY: CALEB CHECKED BY: SCOTT PROJECT NUMBER: 1895 DRAWING SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1 "=200' DATE RELEASED AUGUST 25, 2022 SHEET NUMBER W-2 OF 7 LEGEND: R/W - RIGHT OF WAY INV - INVERT OF NEW PIPE RCP - REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE PROPERTY LINE — — — — CREEK WETLANDS — LOC— LOC— LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TOP OF BANK �_.'.'. WETLANDS PERMANENT IMPACT AREA I, SEAN R. SEEVER, CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS II UHT V� AIJG UJI H.U.. LULL. FINAL DRAWING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT: 18 LF (50 SF) PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT: 295 SF DESCRIPTION THE EXISTING STREAM AND WETLANDS WILL BE IMPACTED BY EXTENSION OF THE EXISTING CULVERT AND GRADING RESULTING FROM ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ALONG JUNNY ROAD AS SHOWN. / EXISTING GROUND 1 \ F\N P R�U� GO I 1 I iI Aj EXISTING 47.55 1.07% 24" LF © RCP 16.00 LF © 1.07% 24" RCP N r7 co o N r7 o N r7 4Dsite solutions civil engineering I land surveying 409 Chicago Drive, Suite 112, Fayetteville, NC 28306 office 1910-426-6777 fax 1910-426-5777 license number 1 C-2354 wwwADsltasoBNons.com REVISIONS PROJECT NAME CAMDEN PLACE IMPACT AREA #1 CLIENT TAYLOR MORRISON OF CAROLINAS, INC. 15501 Weston Parkway - Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 Phone: (919) 407-1232 PROJECT INFORMATION DESIGNED BY: CALEB DRAWN BY: CALEB CHECKED BY: SCOTT PROJECT NUMBER: 1895 DRAWING SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1 "=40' DATE RELEASED AUGUST 25, 2022 SHEET NUMBER W-3 OF 7 LEGEND: R/W — RIGHT OF WAY INV — INVERT OF NEW PIPE RCP — REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE PROPERTY LINE — — — — CREEK WETLANDS — LOC— LOC— LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TOP OF BANK �_.'.'. WETLANDS PERMANENT IMPACT AREA I, SEAN R. SEEVER, CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS II UHT V� AIJG UJI H.U.. LULL. FINAL DRAWING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT: 50 LF (150 SF) EMBEDDED RIP RAP; NO LOSS OF STREAM BED: 32 LF (96 SF) PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT: 1,204 SF DESCRIPTION THE EXISTING STREAM AND WETLANDS WILL BE IMPACTED BY CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED ROADWAY, CULVERT PIPE, AND RIP RAP APRON AS SHOWN. 4Dsite solutions civil engineering I land surveying 409 Chicago Drive, Suite 112, Fayetteville, NC 28306 office 1910-426-6777 fax 1910-426-5777 license number 1 C-2354 wwwADsltasoBNons.com REVISIONS PROJECT NAME CAMDEN PLACE IMPACT AREA #2 CLIENT TAYLOR MORRISON OF CAROLINAS, INC. 15501 Weston Parkway - Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 Phone: (919) 407-1232 PROJECT INFORMATION DESIGNED BY: CALEB DRAWN BY: CALEB CHECKED BY: SCOTT PROJECT NUMBER: 1895 DRAWING SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1 "=40' DATE RELEASED AUGUST 25, 2022 SHEET NUMBER W-4 OF 7 LEGEND: R/W — RIGHT OF WAY INV — INVERT OF NEW PIPE RCP — REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE PROPERTY LINE — — — — CREEK WETLANDS — LOC— LOC— LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION — TOP OF BANK �_.'.'. WETLANDS PERMANENT IMPACT AREA I, SEAN R. SEEVER, CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE c) UNDER MY SUPERVISION. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS II UHT V� AIJG UJI H.U.. LULL. FINAL DRAWING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT: 249 LF (1,837 SF) EMBEDDED RIP RAP; NO LOSS OF STREAM BED 5 LF (45 SF) PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT: 9,333 SF DESCRIPTION THE EXISTING STREAM AND WETLANDS WILL BE IMPACTED BY CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED ROADWAY, RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, AND ASSOCIATED STORM INFRASTRUCTURE AS SHOWN. • • ■•air LIp i l-.$9N-71AP 1 • Cl 4Dsite solutions civil engineering I land surveying 409 Chicago Drive, Suite 112, Fayetteville, NC 28306 office 1910-426-6777 fax 1910-426-5777 license number 1 C-2354 wwwADsltasoBNons.com REVISIONS PROJECT NAME CAMDEN PLACE IMPACT AREA #3 CLIENT TAYLOR MORRISON OF CAROLINAS, INC. Weston Parkway Suite 100 � Cary, NC 27513 I� Cary, Phone: (919) 407-1232 PROJECT INFORMATION DESIGNED BY: CALEB DRAWN BY: CALEB CHECKED BY: SCOTT PROJECT NUMBER: 1895 DRAWING SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1 "=40' DATE RELEASED AUGUST 25, 2022 SHEET NUMBER W-5 OF 7 LEGEND: R/W — RIGHT OF WAY INV — INVERT OF NEW PIPE RCP — REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE PROPERTY LINE — — — — CREEK WETLANDS — LOC— LOC— LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TOP OF BANK �_.'.'. WETLANDS PERMANENT IMPACT AREA I, SEAN R. SEEVER, CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS II UHT V� AIJG UJI H.U.. LULL. FINAL DRAWING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT: 11 LF (33 SF) DESCRIPTION THE EXISTING STREAM WILL BE IMPACTED BY CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED WALKING PATH AS SHOWN. --,*NO IMPACT TO STREAM RESULTING FROM ELEVATED WALK 00� roe\ O' 4Dsite solutions civil engineering I land surveying 409 Chicago Drive, Suite 112, Fayetteville, NC 28306 office 1910-426-6777 fax 1910-426-5777 license number 1 C-2354 wwwADsltasoBNons.com REVISIONS PROJECT NAME CAMDEN PLACE IMPACT AREA #4 CLIENT TAYLOR MORRISON OF CAROLINAS, INC. 15501 Weston Parkway - Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 Phone: (919) 407-1232 PROJECT INFORMATION DESIGNED BY: CALEB DRAWN BY: CALEB CHECKED BY: SCOTT PROJECT NUMBER: 1895 DRAWING SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1 "=40' DATE RELEASED AUGUST 25, 2022 SHEET NUMBER W-6 OF 7 LEGEND: R/W — RIGHT OF WAY INV — INVERT OF NEW PIPE RCP — REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE PROPERTY LINE — — — — CREEK WETLANDS — LOC— LOC— LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION — TOP OF BANK �_.'.'. WETLANDS PERMANENT IMPACT AREA I, SEAN R. SEEVER, CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS II UHT V� AIJG UJI H.U.. LULL. FINAL DRAWING APPROXIMATE EXISTING WATERLINE LOCATION DESCRIPTION THE EXISTING WETLANDS WILL BE IMPACTED BY CONSTRUCTION OF ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ALONG JUNNY ROAD AS SHOWN. 4Dsite solutions civil engineering I land surveying 409 Chicago Drive, Suite 112, Fayetteville, NC 28306 office 1910-426-6777 fax 1910-426-5777 license number 1 C-2354 wwwADsltasoBNons.com REVISIONS PROJECT NAME CAMDEN PLACE IMPACT AREA #5 CLIENT TAYLOR MORRISON OF CAROLINAS, INC. 15501 Weston Parkway - Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 Phone: (919) 407-1232 PROJECT INFORMATION DESIGNED BY: CALEB DRAWN BY: CALEB CHECKED BY: SCOTT PROJECT NUMBER: 1895 DRAWING SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1 "=40' DATE RELEASED AUGUST 25, 2022 SHEET NUMBER W-7 OF 7 I:\Taylor Morrison\1895-Camden Place\CIVIL 3D\DWG \1895-DESIGN-SUR.dwg • C3.0 G&EC • 8.10.2022 5:32:05 PM ALL INLET/OUTLET PROTECTION WILL BE CHECKED FOR MAINTENANCE AND FAILURE EACH ACTIVE DAY ON SITE. SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE SEDIMENT TRAP AND INLET PROTECTION DEVICES WHEN THE STORAGE CAPACITY HAS BEEN APPROXIMATELY 50% FILLED. GRAVEL WILL BE CLEANED OR REPLACED WHEN THE SEDIMENT POOL NO LONGER DRAINS PROPERLY. SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM BEHIND THE SEDIMENT FENCE WHEN IT BECOMES ABOUT 0.5' DEEP AT THE FENCE. THE SEDIMENT FENCE WILL BE REPAIRED AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN A PROPER BARRIER. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES AND/OR PERMANENT FACILITIES INTENDED TO CONTROL EROSION OF AND EARTH DISTURBANCE OPERATION SHALL BE INSTALLED BEFORE ANY EARTH DISTURBANCE OPERATIONS TAKE PLACE OR AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE POINT DURING CONSTRUCTION. TEMPORARY & PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER THE DETAILS HEREIN, OR SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL. THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE APPROPRIATE NCDEQ OFFICE A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. 910-433-3300 REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENTS TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PAVEMENT AREAS. REMOVAL SHALL BE ON A DAILY BASIS WHEN TRACKING OCCURS. LOCATE SOIL STOCKPILES NO LESS THAN FIFTY (50) FEET FROM ANY PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROADWAY OR DRAINAGE CHANNEL. IF REMAINING FOR MORE THAN SEVEN DAYS, STABILIZE THE STOCKPILES BY VEGETATIVE COVER, TARPS, OR OTHER MEANS. CONTROL EROSION FROM ALL STOCKPILES BY PLACING SILT BARRIERS AROUND THE PILES. TEMPORARY STOCKPILES LOCATED ON PAVED SURFACES MUST BE NO LESS THAN FIVE FEET FROM THE DRAINAGE/GUTTER LINE AND SHALL BE COVERED IF LEFT MORE THAN 24 HOURS. MAINTAIN ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES IN PLACE UNTIL THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN STABILIZED. INSPECT TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES ON A DAILY BASIS AND REPLACE DETERIORATED, DAMAGED, OR ROTTED EROSION CONTROL DEVICES IMMEDIATELY. TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY STABILIZE ALL DENUDED AREAS WHICH HAVE BEEN FINISH GRADED, AND ALL DENUDED AREAS IN WHICH GRADING OR SITE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS ARE NOT ACTIVELY UNDERWAY AGAINST EROSION DUE TO RAIN, WIND AND RUNNING WATER WITHIN 14 DAYS. USE SEEDING AND MULCHING, EROSION CONTROL MATTING, AND/OR SODDING AND STAKING IN GREEN SPACE AREAS AND OTHERWISE APPROPRIATE MEASURES. USE EARLY APPLICATION OF GRAVEL BASE ON AREAS TO BE PAVED. DO NOT REMOVE ANY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES AFTER THE PROTECTED AREA HAS UNDERGONE FINAL STABILIZATION AND PERMANENT VEGETATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT NCDEQ APPROVE THE ACTION PRIOR TO REMOVAL. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE INSTALLED CONCURRENTLY WITH THE INITIATION OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THE INSTALLATION OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ALL OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS AND PERFORMANCE OF ANY OTHER PARTIES PERFORMING WORK ON THIS PROJECT. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE CHECKED FOR STABILITY AND OPERATION FOLLOWING EVERY RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL BUT IN NO CASE LESS THAN ONCE EVERY WEEK. ANY NEEDED REPAIRS WILL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY TO MAINTAIN ALL PRACTICES AS DESIGNED. PURSUANT TO G.S. 113A-57(2), THE ANGLE FOR GRADED SLOPES AND FILLS SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN THE ANGLE THAT CAN BE RETAINED BY VEGETATIVE COVER OR OTHER ADEQUATE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES OR STRUCTURES. IN ANY EVENT, SLOPES LEFT EXPOSED WILL, WITHIN 7 OR 14 CALENDAR DAYS OF COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING, BE PLANTED OR OTHERWISE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT GROUND COVER, DEVICES OR STRUCTURES SUFFICIENT TO RESTRAIN EROSION. PURSUANT TO G.S. 113A-57(3), PROVISIONS FOR PERMANENT GROUND COVER SUFFICIENT TO RETAIN EROSION MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED FOR ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 90 CALENDAR DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHOWN AND ANY ADDITIONAL MEASURES REQUIRED TO CONTROL THE SEDIMENT DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. ALL SEEDED AREAS WILL BE FERTILIZED, RESEEDED AS NECESSARY, AND MULCHED ACCORDING TO THE DETAILS HEREIN. THE CONTACT PERSON FOR EROSION CONTROL ISSUES THAT ARISE ON SITE IS MARK ALTMAN. CONTACT 919-407-1232. APPROXIMATE EXISTING WATERLINE LOCATION TBM 4D NAIL #3 N 648,414.527 / E 2, 078, 276.615 ELEV 351.30 NC GRID NAD 83 LEGEND: A COUNTY LINE CAP ECSO ECS-EXISTING COTTON SPINDLE EIP EIP-EXISTING IRON PIPE EIS 0 EIS -EXISTING IRON STAKE ERBO ERB-EXISTING REBAR ERSO ERS-EXISTING RAILROAD SPIKE SRBO SRB-SET REBAR COMPUTED POINT N/F - NOW OR FORMERLY R/W - RIGHT OF WAY PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY RIGHT-OF-WAY OVERHEAD UTILITY PPS UTILITY POLE C GUY WIRE N WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT 307 MINOR CONTOUR LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION SILT FENCE LINE -- JUTE NETTING - olv - olv - DIVERSION BERM OINLET PROTECTION 5/8" ERB,--- I N/F JACOB BENJAMIN McGUIRE & JILL ELIZABETH McGUIRE DB 4003, PG 316 PC# C, SLIDE 176-A -1 4(1 � J 9$. / \ i N /F JOHN WILKINS JR & DEBRA WILKINS DB 2029, PG 565 PB 98, PG 581 SSM, , n I RIM 308.8 .00 B F 301.4o INV INV IN 301.00 INV OUT 300.92 N/F TONY SLOAN DB 1946, PG 817 PB 2004, PG 307 N /F TONY SLOAN DB 1946, PG 817 PB 2004, PG 307 THE SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT WAS AMENDED IN 2006 TO REQUIRE THAT PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITIES INSPECT A PROJECT AFTER EACH PHASE OF THE PROJECT TO MAKE SURE THAT THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN IS BEING FOLLOWED. RULES DETAILING THE DOCUMENTATION OF THESE INSPECTIONS TOOK EFFECT OCTOBER 1, 2010. TO SIMPLIFY DOCUMENTATION OF SELF -INSPECTION REPORTS AND NPDES SELF -MONITORING REPORTS, DWQ AND DEMLR DEVELOPED A COMBINED FORM. THE SELF -INSPECTION PROGRAM IS SEPARATE FROM THE WEEKLY SELF -MONITORING PROGRAM OF THE NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. THE FOCUS OF THE SELF -INSPECTION REPORT IS THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLAN. THE INSPECTIONS SHOULD BE CONDUCTED AFTER EACH PHASE OF THE PROJECT, AND CONTINUED UNTIL PERMANENT GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. THE FORM CAN BE ACCESSED AT: HTTP: //PORTAL.NCDENR.ORG/WEB/LR/EROSION IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CANNOT ACCESS THE FORM, PLEASE CONTACT THE FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE AT (910) 433-3300. EXISTING "I" BEAM OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS AND HOLD PRE CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE. INSTALL STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES, TEMPORARY SILT FENCE, TEMPORARY SILT FENCE OUTLETS, AND DIVERSION BERMS WHERE SPECIFIED. CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS. CLEAR AND GRUB THE SITE AS NEEDED. ROUGH GRADE THE SITE AND APPLY TEMPORARY SEEDING TO AREAS TO REMAIN GRASSED. INSTALL TEMPORARY CHECK DAMS IN SWALES AS SHOWN. INSTALL UTILITIES. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION ON ALL NEW STORM WATER INLETS. PERFORM FINE GRADING. INSTALL AND PREPARE BASE COURSE. PAVE ROADWAYS AND PARKING LOTS. FERTILIZE, SEED AND MULCH ALL REMAINING DISTURBED AREAS. UPON SITE STABILIZATION, SEEK NCDEQ APPROVAL TO REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY MEASURES. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED AS OUTLINED IN THE DETAILS WITHIN THE PLANS AND ACCORDING TO THE NCDEQ EROSION CONTROL MANUAL. TERMINATION OF COVERAGE UNDER THE NPDES GENERAL STORMWATER PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES MUST BE REQUESTED BY THE PERMITTEE VIA A NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT). THE NOT IS AVAILABLE AT: HTTPS: //EDOCS.DEQ.NC.GOV/FORMS/NCG01-TERMINATION. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CLOSE OUT INSPECTION REPORT MUST BE UPLOADED AS PART OF COMPLETING THE NOTICE OF TERMINATION PROCESS. 5/8° ERB N /F TERRY SLOAN HOLT DB 1947, PG 868 PB 2004, PG 307 N /F TERRY SLOAN DB 1947, PG PB 2004, PG APPROXIMATE EXISTING WATERLINE LOCATION SSMH #8128 RIM 316.86 SHELF 306.59 INV OUT 3�.04 oC0 N/F C. WILKINS, JR. & WIFE, DEBRA D. WILKINS DB 2029, PG 565 PB 2000, PG 10 PB 98, PG 581 N/F LOGAN COURT DEVELOPMENT, DB 1320, PG 601 PB 98, PG 581 W W /W W W W W W ell W W W W W W W W W , .' 4, W W"\ W W W W , W • W W 4' 4' 4.*"....‘...".4, 4, '',4(.../4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, �4, 4, 4, 4, W W W W W W W W W W W W W 4,'W W W W I W lj W W W WWWWW 4W. WWW4, 4, W�WWWWWETLANDS ,W W W W W W W W W 4, W 4 . �iW W -=��W._.4.WWIWWtWW*4,4,WW. `4... W W W W W Y _ii WARIGWHTOF-'_� YJW W � WW+ ) -'------ ".1, Know what's below. CaII before you dig. 1/2" ERB N 647,085.107 E 2,078,321.427 NC GRID NAD 83 (2011) N /F GRACE W. WILKINS DB 2662, PG 598 PC F, SLIDE 640-B N 647,250.286 E 2,077,856.522 NC GRID NAD 83 (2011) ■ ■ �C MMON' 151 UNDARY BE EEN 1-1-AR CTY EFFECTI\ JAN DB 3667, PG 859 (HA NETT PB 2018, PG 376 (HA NETT DB 17332, PG 2561 QNAKE PB 2018, PG 2448 AKE _SR 2778 (JUNNY ROAD) 60' PUBLIC R/W WR COUNTY LINE FENO WITH CAP / "MON. 14" N/F MELBA ARNOLD DB 12055, PG 1225 11. PB 1999, PG 472 ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE IN REFERENCE TO THE BENCHMARK AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR.ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE TO THE FINISHED GRADE OF THE CURB, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL SIDEWALKS AND PEDESTRIAN WALKING SURFACES SHALL HAVE A CROSS SLOPE NO STEEPER THAN 2% AND LONGITUDINAL SLOPE NO STEEPER THAN 5%. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AND ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT AND MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AND CLEAR ANY DEBRIS LEAVING THE SITE ON NEIGHBORING ROADS. EXISTING GROUND UPON WHICH FILL OR BASE IS TO BE PLACED SHALL BE CLEARED OF WEEDS, DEBRIS, TOPSOIL, AND ALL OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIALS; NO FILL SHALL BE PLACED UNTIL PREPARATION OF THE EXISTING GROUND HAS BEEN COMPLETED PROTECTIVE MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN BY THE CONTRACTOR AND THE OWNER TO PROTECT ADJACENT PROPERTY, THE PUBLIC AND UTILITIES DURING GRADING OPERATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY FOR THE UNDERGROUND UTILITY PIPES, CONDUITS, OR STRUCTURES, WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT ON THE PLAN IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES ABOVE AND BELOW GROUND, SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. THEY WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DAMAGE TO ANY UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES CAUSED BY HIS OPERATION. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED BOTH DURING AND AFTER GRADING BY THE CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE IF ANY SLOPE STABILITY PROBLEMS EXIST. IF IT IS DETERMINED THAT THERE IS A SLOPE STABILITY PROBLEM THE ENGINEER OF RECORD SHOULD BE NOTIFIED. STOCKPILE AREAS THAT WILL EXCEED 10' IN HEIGHT SHOULD BE GRADED WITH 3:1 SLOPES AND SURROUNDED BY SILT FENCE. APPROVED COPIES OF THE GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS SHALL BE ON THE PERMITTED SITE WHILE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. ALL EXISTING DRAINAGE COURSES THROUGH THIS SITE SHALL REMAIN IN A CONDITION SUCH THAT THEY CAN TRANSPORT THE NATURAL DRAINAGE UNTIL FACILITIES TO HANDLE THE STORM WATER ARE CONSTRUCTED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE DUE TO OBSTRUCTING NATURAL DRAINAGE PATTERNS. ANY DEVIATION FROM THE APPROVED GRADING PLAN SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CHANGE. ALL SLOPES 3:1 OR STEEPER THAT EXTEND TEN FEET OR MORE SHALL BE LINED WITH NORTH AMERICAN GREEN S75 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL BLANKET OR EQUAL SUBSTITUTE. STORM PIPE DISTANCES SHOWN ARE TO THE CENTER OF THE BOX FOR ALL STRUCTURES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATIONS OF DOWNSPOUTS USING THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. N /F RACHEL BARBOUR DAUGHTRY DB 7344, PG 242 PB 1997, PG 181 WAKE AND UARY 1, 2019 COUNTY) COUNTY) COUNTY) COUNTY) N /F PEGGY H. JACKSON DB 15085, PG 1206 SITE AREA DESCRIPTION STABILIZATION TIME FRAME STABILIZATION TIME FRAME EXCEPTIONS PERIMETER DIKES, SWALES, DITHCES AND SLOPES 7 DAYS NONE HIGH QUALITY WATER (HQW) ZONES 7 DAYS NONE SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE 10' OR LESS IN LENGTH AND ARE NOT STEEPER THAN 2:1, 14 DAYS ARE ALLOWED SLOPES 3:1 OR FLATTER 14 DAYS 7-DAYS FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 50 FEET IN LENGTH ALL OTHER AREAS WITH SLOPES FLATTER THAN 4:1 14 DAYS NONE (EXCEPT FOR PERIMETERS AND HQW ZONES) THE CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT NORTH CAROLINA ONE CALL CENTER AT 1-800-632-4949 A MINIMUM OF 72 HOURS PRIOR TO DIGGING IN ORDER TO HAVE THE EXISTING UTILITIES LOCATED 4Dsite solutions civil engineering I land surveying 409 Chicago Drive, Suite 112, Fayetteville, NC 28306 office 1910-426-6777 fax 1910-426-5777 license number I C-2354 wwwAD site solutions.com REVISIONS PROJECT NAME CAMDEN PLACE OVERALL GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN CLIENT TAYLOR MORRISON OF CAROLINAS, INC. 15501 Weston Parkway - Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 Phone: (919) 407-1232 PROJECT INFORMATION DESIGNED BY: CALEB DRAWN BY: CALEB CHECKED BY: SCOTT PROJECT NUMBER: 1795 DRAWING SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1 "=100' DATE RELEASED MAY 19, 2022 SHEET NUMBER 0-3.0