HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021785 Ver 1_Monitoring Report_20140808D FN"R 8 2014 ,. ±rA T QUALITY WELLS CREEK #2 -- NCEEP Project #92688 2013 Monitoring Report: MY -3 Alamance County NC — CAPE FEAR 03030002 20 1 4091 0 Conducted for the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, North Carolina Ecosytem Enhancement Program (NC -EEP) Final Report Submitted November 18, 2013 to: tem PROG*A/R Robert J Goldstein & Associates, Inc. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 - -- RJG &A Environmental (RECEIVED ED FEB 7 - 2014 NC ECOSYSTEM Et+1tiANCEMENT PROGRAM 1# WELLS CREEK #2 -- NCEEP Project #92688 2013 MONITORING REPORT — YEAR 3 CONDUCTED FOR THE NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, ECOSYTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary ............................................................... ............................... 1 1.1. Project Description ................................................................... ............................... 1 1.2. Goals & Objectives ................................................................... ............................... 1 1.3. Vegetation Condition ................................................................ ............................... 1 1.4. Stream Channel Condition ....................................................... ............................... 2 1.5. Easement Integrity ................................................................... ............................... 2 1.6. Summary Data ......................................................................... ............................... 3 2.0 Methodology ............................................................................ ..............................3 2.1. Stream Methodology ................................................................ ............................... 3 2.2. Vegetation Methodology ......................................................... ............................... 4 3.0 References ................................................................................ ..............................4 APPENDICES A Appendix A. Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map and Directions Table IA-13 Project Restoration Components Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table Table 4 Project Attribute Table Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data Figure 2.1 -2.2 Current Conditions Plan View Table 5 Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Figures 3.1 -3.8 Permanent Photopoints Figure 4. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 6. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Table 7. Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species e- Tables Raw CVS vegetation data sheets Wells Creek #2 — EEP #92688 2013 Final Monitoring Report RJG &A Environmental Consultants Monitoring Year 3 of 5 1.0 Executive Summary 1.1. Project Description Wells Creek #2 (NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program # 92688) is a stream mitigation project located near Snow Camp in southwestern Alamance County, North Carolina (Figure 1.0). Wells Creek is a tributary to Cane Creek which flows east into the Haw River in Cape Fear River Basin 14 -digit HUC #03030002 - 050050. NCEEP identified this HUC as a Targeted Local Watershed in the 2009 Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priority report. Wells Creek #2 consists of two separate parcels: 1) The Northern (Enhancement) Reach is located along Wells Creek upstream and downstream of Carl Noah Road and along tributary UT3. The Southern (Preservation) Reach is located along Wells Creek tributaries UT and UT2 downstream of Longest Acres Road, 4000 feet southwest of the Enhancement Reach. The stream segments immediately downstream of each project reach along Wells Creek and UT1 were previously restored ( NCEEP project #414, Wells Creek). Tributary UT flows into Wells Creek approximately 2,000 feet downstream of the Preservation Reach, just north of Beale Road. Fencing was installed along both the Enhancement Reach and Preservation Reach to exclude hogs and cattle, and both reaches received herbicide treatments between August 2010 and May 2011 to control invasive exotic plants. The Enhancement Reach also received tree and shrub plantings in non - forested (former pasture) areas along Wells Creek south of Carl Noah Rd, and understory shrubs were planted beneath the forest canopy along UT3 where livestock had destroyed the understory. Planting was done between November 2010 and April 2011. This project does not include any direct stream channel improvement work. 1.2. Goals & Objectives The goals of the Wells Creek #2 project are to improve water quality and restore riparian habitat. To achieve these goals, the project has the following objectives: • Reduce direct nutrient loading and fecal coliform inputs into the streams by fencing out cattle and hogs and providing an alternative livestock water system; • Reduce excess sedimentation into the streams by eliminating livestock impacts from hoof shear to forest floor and stream banks; • Reestablish and enhance native forested buffers by planting native plants, removing invasive exotic vegetation, and preventing future negative impacts within the buffer; • Increase surface runoff infiltration and non -point pollutant removal through the buffer; • Preserve existing natural, well - established riparian plant communities. 1.3. Vegetation Condition CVS Plots: Two vegetation monitoring plots (20m x 5m) were established in April 2011 and resampled in September 2011, September 2012 and October 2013. The two plots contained 15 Wells Creek #2 — EEP #92688 2013 Final Monitoring Report RJG &A Environmental Consultants 1 Monitoring Year 3 of 5 Page and 12 live planted woody stems in 2013, with an average density of 546 planted stems per acre, a decrease of 7% from 2012. Both plots exceed the MY3 planted stem density success criterion of 320 stems per acre for stream enhancement. Native volunteer woody seedlings are abundant in both plots, and average density of planted plus native volunteer stems was 1760 stems per acre in 2013. Enhancement Areas Beyond CVS Plots: Based on visual assessment of the former pasture areas along Wells Creek outside of the CVS plots, planted woody stem survival and native volunteer recruitment appears to be good throughout the easement area, despite dense growth of tall grasses and herbaceous weeds, including both native and exotic species. Visual assessment of the understory enhancement area along UT3 revealed good to fair survival and slow growth of the planted shrubs. Some of the shrubs reported as having stunted leaves in 2012 have died, but the survivors (mainly buckeye, pawpaw, and spicebush) now appear to be growing normally, with normal -sized leaves. Some also appeared to have deer browsing damage. Invasive Microstegium grass is abundant along UT3 especially near the head and near the confluence with Wells Creek (photo - points 8 to 11 and 14). Numerous green ash and sweetgum volunteer seedlings are also becoming prominent in this area. Invasive Species: The Enhancement Reach and Preservation Reach were treated in 2010 -2011 for invasive species, including multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica). Most appear to have been killed or substantially reduced, but some resprouting patches noted in 2012 and spring 2013 are growing and may need further treatment. Most are under forest canopy and pose minimal threat to established trees, but some patches of rose and privet at the southern end of the Preservation Reach (adjacent to the Wells Cr #1 restoration project) and along the powerline right -of -way north of Carl Noah Rd (Enhancement Reach) are overgrowing small trees. The more prominent patches are mapped in the CCPV figures. 1.4. Stream Channel Condition Based on the permanent photopoints and overall visual assessment in 2013, there are no new areas of channel instability in the project area. The lower portion of UT3 near its confluence with Wells Creek (near photopoint 8) remains incised with steep and sparsely wooded banks, similar to its pre - project condition. The livestock exclusion fence is close to the north (left) bank of UT3, which limits the potential for woody vegetation recovery along this bank segment. 1.5. Easement Integrity Wells Creek Main Stem: At the two cattle crossings on the Wells Creek Enhancement Reach, south of Carl Noah Rd, the fencing wire is disengaged from the fence posts in some areas, as noted in the 2012 and spring 2013 reports. Cattle were present in the adjacent pasture, but were excluded from the conservation easement by a temporary portable electric fence. No livestock encroachment or damage inside the conservation area along the main stem of Wells Creek was evident. The segment north of Carl Noah Rd has no fencing and no adjacent pasture. Wells Creek #2 — EEP #92688 2013 Final Monitoring Report RJG &A Environmental Consultants 2 Monitoring Year 3 of 5 Page Wells Creek UT3: The September 2011 monitoring report noted livestock encroachment (hog wallows and paths) in areas along tributary UT3 (Enhancement Reach) that hogs had used prior to fencing, and which were still accessible to small hogs that could get under the fence. The hogs were subsequently removed from the adjacent pastures, which are now used for cattle only. During the spring 2013 assessment we noted cattle hoof prints and dung (apparently a few months old) just inside the fence south of UT3, but no detectable cattle damage to trees or shrubs within the easement. No break in the fence or obvious point of entry was found. Three dead calves had been left inside the fence to decay, near the lower end of UT3 about 50 feet from the stream bank. In October 2013 there was no further evidence of livestock encroachment, no new carcasses placed in the easement, and the easement fence remains intact. Wells Creek UT1 & UT2 (Preservation Reach): Livestock exclusion fencing along the northeast and southeast boundaries of the Preservation Reach appears to be intact in October 2013, and no livestock encroachment or damage inside the conservation area was evident. A gap under the fence is present where it crosses UT -2, but the existing fence appears adequate to exclude cattle. The fence segment previously broken by a fallen tree (noted in the spring 2013 assessment) has been repaired. There is no fence along the roadside (Longest Acres Rd) or along the southwest easement boundary, which is bordered by forest. 1.6. Summary Data Summary information, data and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the mitigation and restoration plan documents available on EEP's website. All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices is available from EEP upon request. 2.0 Methodology Monitoring methodologies follow the current EEP - provided templates and guidelines (Lee et al 2008) including Level 2 Protocol sampling in the CVS vegetation plots. Photographs were taken digitally. A Trimble Geo XT handheld mapping -grade unit was used to collect vegetation corner, photopoint, and problem area locations. Problem areas identified in the 2012 and spring 2013 assessments were re- evaluated. 2.1. Stream Methodology As outlined in the 2010 Existing Conditions Report, the Preservation Reach (southern reach) consists of two unnamed tributaries to Wells Creek. UT1 is a perennial stream with a rocky substrate. Channel width ranges from eight to 12 feet; overall channel morphology is stable. UT2 is a five -foot wide intermittent stream that is slightly incised. At the Enhancement Reach (northern reach), Wells Creek is an eight to 15 foot -wide perennial stream with a rocky substrate and some areas of channel instability. UT3 is an intermittent stream with eroding banks due to livestock damage. Photos in the Existing Conditions Report and Figures 3.0 -3.7 in this report depict typical channel morphology. Wells Creek #2 — EEP #92688 2013 Final Monitoring Report RJG &A Environmental Consultants 3 Monitoring Year 3 of 5 Page This project does not include direct stream channel improvement work or stream geomorphology data collection. Success of stream enhancement level II reaches will rely on using fixed photopoints to evaluate stream stability and the absence of further channel degradation. Photos taken during data collection for the Existing Conditions Report will serve as baseline photos. Based on available data, no new areas of channel instability were identified during the spring or fall 2013 site visits. 2.2. Vegetation Methodology Two representative vegetation survey plots were selected and installed along Wells Creek in April 2011. Each plots measures five meters by 20 meters and is 100 square meters in area. Pursuant to the guidelines, the four corners of each plot are marked with metal pipe. Level 1 (planted woody stems) and Level 2 (volunteer woody stems) data collection was performed in all plots, pursuant to the most recent CVS /EEP protocol (Lee et al 2008). Within each plot, each planted woody stem location (x and y) was recorded, and height and live stem diameter were recorded for each stem location. All planted stems were marked with pink flagging. Vegetation was identified using Radford (1968) and Weakley (2011). Photos were taken of each vegetation plot from the 0,0 corner. 3.0 References Lee, Michael T., Peet, Robert K., Roberts, Steven D., Wentworth, Thomas R. (2008). CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. Retrieved September 2011, from: http://www.nceep.netibusiness/monitoring/veg/datasheets.htm. Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles, and C.R. Bell (1968). Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill, NC. Weakley, Alan (2011). Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas. Downloaded in December 2011 from: http:// www.herbarium.unc.edu/flora.htm. Wells Creek #2 — EEP #92688 RJG &A Environmental Consultants Page 2013 Final Monitoring Report 4 Monitoring Year 3 of 5 Appendix A. Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map and Directions Table lA -B Project Restoration Components Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table Table 4. Project Attributes Table Figure 1. General Location Map. Wells Creek #2 Preservation and Enhancement Project. Alamance County, North Carolina. �r j �r It'. �''•. '- �l ,'j ��f r –t ; i'-- '� rf j�. t r'! �— .``�.� r/ +f( r;%i�J�ry4l`' }� 'E� Jj`'����I~,` �iL,.-J• -..r ! "t> f f ...y'���� < i �1' ��' -- `�•'.` _� -� % f ,f }�� ,,''� fr'' y( �'l` "!� ?+I+ rf r'+ �,�. • 7 `'.I t •�` �'�' j�•• _ ! + rr �r+$ �!'�'� r - r 4 �f � _ .'i 1� '^ Iii. - �� � 'y', 't'•t -. �lt__,1.r f�ll,`� �li i I �,ti... � 1 1 !. y�'• }'` � � It l 4' � } �.% � � -r� �` 1 ,t5, !r ,\ ,� i' �1 � , + '7 '' t `t ��• 1 ..r`�� rr r! ti�}t + � ;t��/ t "...F � r 49 ~I 4- -r � T' -ti `_ +t ti . ?\ ^6� S --I'-1 t r �. i �� r ( 5 �`-_� Jt IZ l , _ ' � i � ��. _ . 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"•I .� v• l� 1 . r ' t ` ?'-_ '~ � r 1�' '-I ' � ' � `� �� , -`J S: c�� . �•I i ;• tc e� ��,� s�f '! J` ' . f /. s t! ' o f• 'I f'/ , lI� F �/,+ � rErf �:f • �. n' r rh ` `r ' ' Y • i '�� 1 + �— + � a• � nc'e,�I mI , e~ n' t IiI ' t RI � e r ,f J 1 I �� aJ ( i c 1 r,h t � / +, I i ,j f i f r = t r ^I fif f � `r 1` y ' 1 ti -`� i �Jf~ ; = � ': f _ l ti w I} •t i ; —I ( �' `. 1 ��ti S!r e`ms� .,ti � ! r� . ,- �_ J' ` � Ji /;� r � lt 'y 1 'f ' ' � 1 �r , • � �t �._ �/ ' , �`:r �+J r I I �' F r y r S ' - , r ' +� - S� ti � - .n --ti. � . � r� ` sl r '� , f: j'I •• �r ail N 1 J Accessto r Preservation Reach �P L ' f Directions to the Project: 8.9 miles. Take a left on Beale Road�� . Take NC Highway 49 South for approximately ` ` Enhancement Reach: After approximately 0.4 miles, take a left on to Carl Noah Road. 6 The access point is approximately 0.8 miles down Carl Noah Road, where Wells Creek passes under the road. The conservation Wells Creek (#414) Conservation Easement Boundaries easement extends north and south of the roa'`l tif � f ' d , f j . A . " ' I f Wells Cr #2 ( #92688) Conservation Easement Boundaries r' 4 Preservation Reach: After approximately - USGS Streams 1f -' 1.3 miles, take a left on Longest Acres Road. The access point is approximately 0.8 miles 0 1,000 2,000 et ,� r down the road. The conservation easement �, }� starts south of the road. kK k� Ea °w L)w \2 0 of f � 2 � � 0 \ / 2 \ t =I ® o = § 0 b /f E _ k O E E# R : E = R $ 0\ �§ I 3 0 c _0 00 2 0 \ / ƒ 0 \c \ & 5 .0 7 \ 4 \ = 0 y q b CL -E c— >_ :3 ¥_ L) c §d° z » 3 0 ° � ID 4 2 o m o G § f f c # = m = E , -j \ § 0 (D > a)r > . . \ E E A L7 \ k 2 \ m -J m 2 0 U-&EE% _ = .2 E2\f\ X24 /-0 11 m 11 o % n 'n _ = 6 = _ O = E .0 c = _ _ y 5 ƒ .E f " \ = � Q) 0 m < 2 E O '\ $ \ m U- § D ��� ) / �/ = % / % / E 2 $ m = m k # = m # _ c % k % k E .% .- — 0)- .- 0) .- E a) >yy a) >77 = % £ >yg _ >g ® >g > = a e a > e E > = > = a/ > a/- a/- a E a E G Co = � @ _ � _ � ® M 7 = # / f _0 / ƒ -0 / ƒ \ / f / f E 7 2 7 c 7 e 2 8= e= B= s Q CL a a) a) a) a) / / / E f \ = \ \ f f \� \� = \� \ \ E . m g = ® 7 / \ / �r- E r A N cn o \ \ \ \ \ R m . 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Project Activity and Reporting History Wells Creek #2 ( #92688) - Monitoring Year 3 (2013) Elapsed Time Since Grading Complete: n/a Elapsed Time Since Planting Complete: 35 months Number of Reporting Years': 3 Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Conservation Easement Option Signed n/a May 12, 2008 Conservation Easement Survey Plat Recorded n/a October 8, 2008 Permanent Conservation Easement Executed & Recorded n/a December 31, 2008 Cattle Exclusion Fencing & Livestock Watering System n/a December 2009 Existing Conditions Report January 2010 March 2010 Final Design — Construction Plans January 2010 April 2010 Containerized plant installations* n/a November 2010 Invasive Exotic Vegetation Treatments January 2010 December 2010 Baseline Monitoring /As -built Baseline Report (Year 0 - baseline) May 2011 June 2011 Monitoring Year 1 Report September 2011 September 2011 Monitoring Year 2 Report September 2012 March 2013 Monitoring Year 3 Report October 2013 November 2013 * Saururus cernuus and Lobelia cardinalis planted within UT3 wetland seep in May 2011. Table 3. Project Contacts Wells Creek #2 ( #92688) - Monitoring Year 3 (2013) Designer Robert J. Goldstein & Associates 1221 Corporation Parkway, suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27610 Design POC - Gerald Pottern, Sean Doig, (919) 872 -1174 Farm BMPs Design Alamance County SWCD Burlington NC POC - Phil Ross, (336) 228 -1753 Planting / Invasives Contractor Habitat Assessment and Restoration Program 301 McCullough Drive, 4th Floor Charlotte, NC 28262 POC - Karri Blackmon, (704) 841 -2841 Nursery Stock Suppliers Cure Nursery, 919 - 542 -6186 Parks Seed, 800 - 845 -3369 Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, 252 - 482 -5707 Habitat And Restoration Plants (HARP), 704 - 841 -2841 Monitoring Firm Robert J. Goldstein & Associates 1221 Corporation Parkway, suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27610 Monitoring POC - Gerald Pottern, (919) 872 -1174 Table 4. Project Attributes Wells Creek #2 -- EEP #92688 Project County Alamance Ph sio ra hic Region Piedmont Ecore ion Carolina Slate Belt Project River Basin Cape Fear USGS HUC for Project 14 digit) 3030002 - 050050 NCDWQ Sub -basin for Project Cape Fear 03 -06 -04 Within extent of EEP Watershed Plan? 2009 Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priority Report WRC Hab Class Warm, Cool, Cold Warm % of project easement fenced or demarcated 100% Beaver activity observed during design p hase? INo Restoration Component Attribute Table Preservation Enhancement Drainage area 377 acres 958 acres Stream order 1 1 Restored length feet n/a n/a Perennial or Intermittent Perennial Intermittent /Perennial Watershed type Rural, Urban, Developing etc. Rural Rural Watershed LULC Distribution (e.g.) Residential 4 4 A -Row Crop 2 0 A -Livestock 57 21 Forested 28 73 Etc. 9 2 Watershed impervious cover % 2 2 NCDWQ AU /Index number 16 -28 -1 16 -28 -1 NCDWQ classification C -NSW C -NSW 303d listed? No No Upstream of a 303d listed segment? No No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor n'a n/a Total acreage of easement 4.62 7.52 Total vegetated acreage within the easement 4.62 6.07 Total planted acreage as part of the restoration 0 2.99 (including areas with existing oversto Ros en classification of pre-existing n/a n/a Ros en classification of As -built n/a n/a Valley type n/a n/a Valley sloe n/a n'a Valley side slope ranee. . 2 -3.% n/a n/a Valley toe slope ranee. . 2 -3.% n/a n/a Cowardin classification n/a n/a Trout waters designation n/a n/a Species of concern, endangered etc.? (Y/N) N N Dominant soil series and characteristics Series Colfax Colfax Depth 65 65 Cla % 19 19 K 0.17 0.17 T 4 4 Use N/A for items that may not apply. Use"-" for items that are unavailable and "U" for items that are unknown Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data Figure 2.1. -2.2 Current Conditions Plan View Table 5. Vegetation Condition Assessment Figure 3.1 -3.8 Permanent Stream Photopoints Figure 4. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos N L Y O1 c 0 C O co W w tD N s Y m U N 3 C N E Lo N d N Q C 'd w m u > Q ui d N C a m �a a rd o E ca ` o N 0 O M m o 0 0 0 0 a m O O O O O w u Q O O O O O O Q U � C � a d N E Q U O C d O o O o O O O o O 0 E O O o O o 0 O Q U ° U O d a U c_ O L O tl U N c N O C `y � r H � O U n E m y c 0 m O O_ N m O y n m m ti C 0 0) T O n N m o C m m y 4 a E c O O O O O Za O W ° • C O ti m C D ¢ N C O cr /0 G > .2 @ @ O @ m d L7 C G f0 C y U 0 N C) 0 m U O 0 m U Z G s d ms d N m d 7 N c W > V E U jp N N N C O @ N @ m d m `n 0 C O E 0 N )n N L_ O _ C N O M - E N @ 0 > m ti o E @ L > L N J N O O U N N @ m -2 > N cu L m L c C m @ 3 � @ U @ p N N 0 O T - N @ 3 `) `o L N U N N E N > O T O ' 00 N C Q 2 L CT C E w 00 N c0 o > C E O _rn > O N N N d m Q r O O (� y N ° U E a o Q N y O N N m O J a) Q > N M d o E ca ` o N 0 O o N V o 0 LQ W d N C a y o 0 E 0 0 O Q U � C � a O E Q U O o Z d C O � C � C > ._ d U m C m c U U d U ° U O d a c_ O L O tl U N c N O � r H � CL C J N m U n E m y c 0 m O O_ N m O y n m m ti C 0 0) T O n N m o C m m y m � C N m 0 0 N 0 0 N c C Vo C c o O W ° • C O ti m O N m D ¢ Q nm Q °c U c 0 N E O U m N O N O u f0 ? w C Q C O N m m m N > N N c W > V N a N L 2-0 N m N N a 3 3 > mr U c NQ)E m o E QTY Ta E m u 2 n c o" c c m N O N -_ LN 3 m N d m m O N L o C E O m N N m o - o c _m � C .- r 'a o .N. N O c N m N U O J C N N O N N N L Q O C co a M oa) Y30 =_om C m H �o 0o N LN. 3mm wmmocoym « O N L C a) N m O C a m N N o 6-a o m ,) « a ° o � `.0) m L N C N tl) E (D O Q L N C N N N C 3 L L o N C m N m N C N E m O y co U ID N y N, N N E >.ID m N E O 2,-6 N N o> - 'y N N o -a) Co n n a a cJ Eaa m °a W m U j -o fn m u-c C co O m o T N -o a, -ca J E U i6 ... E O U 3 V U U o- m3LL -oy�mc J N F `N 'O . - m o n o y 0 o m E E c cD '- Q v c o m o o o r a- N O C (D.LN. aM.L.. C QTo n a) L 3 _m ai« 0 0O o-o a� m C N N O 5 O J y L « > q) 4-- o _T m N TM m 0> Y_ y N U m U o)- U D N N -O (D m O Q Q U m m> O) to C N N O Y m T C m« a) y y.N a c m E N o N N t/ N C N o 01'- O- m m N a) S« C N U m m f «m vo,- nay N 6 L .r C o 1/ U = m m E C O L O> m y E _C N N -o o Y N .N J N Z5 (D T .L. O T« EO .. N n O com m�O'�oLL T m m o c'n >= 3 o E c �- maN w 3 v rn m o m m 0 m m m o N omc a o E N Ym m.c �N »�moU m U m m E UC fa L L_ f/) - N C m N co C m J N m 3 N m�°n -o m o 30-3 m U m to d N N m C« y n+co w co m mm (D 'c uE«ami C mr> oEoo,v'�Eo N N N N N V '` J Q Q C m E O '. N y '� N O C N U N L m° 'O a) tN/) > N 01 am) i6 -- _r n2� oL° a1 3 T N NE 3"oc(m oF-m3a « �N gym )T a) o m a) mcEaioo > «oom a) o E) ma'cm . - aao - E-aE E o E o a) FD (D to d �C N .L. o 0 .L.. d N O a) 0 U U 0 0 o N �« N m .- O� 2 N-° «E m N Eo �� m J_oOa�- >EaO�C« n U C C 3 T N L N m m> N m � L O n:J L y O r °- T -° y &P N N m> °) N C . D oa c N o L n I _o C N U o n N �c WE `C) 'o I'D a)�OT)o1 W m m o-0 O-NEd mmom> m °- � � m E � a) Lu 75 n u NO SON mwC _U to .Nm a) U J J L O U T O N C m m N N cl, O N C J « L N m 0 m N N C n N w N C� o m °-T N.L. O m y o d« L C E L N O y o C U U N m a C 3 N vo 3 m o o m Y 3 n° N OC o C h o f amo o _� o 0 0 3 E a) N, N N « U C m T o- o v C T O j C m a o E ao s m N c0 o 0 Q) oL 0 E U O a N ) E m o a N-o .� N n C O Q (0 c 0 N c N >` N c m U N a) P m y _m >. m N« m y m 1a N N y N U C' O d U «o U E >3 n� «Nm LOaun a o) aa)) �L cu Co «aac>n� o C C L c m > O m E ) C J J a) N w a n o u c u m N L N JO m `m y o aC a U N M 7 CO) d L M r N O O r L U N N w O w C d N N !0 N a1 C O m U) C Y O O J I N IL IL F 0 m rn 0 L U w m w O c d E d IA R d c O m co C Y O O J I N CL a N CO) d L v. N O O r L U N 3 �o L R 3 0 c as E d w R O E 0 L w N R W 01 C Y O O J a a vi ri d L 3 u. M L 7 LL M r N O O C d L d 3 _O E O L w M H D O. 7 C Y O O J co a a rn 0 cD rn o_ c m L m 3 O E O L M H Q 3 01 c Y O O J co a a ui 6. M d 7 LL 01 O t`O r OI O_ M F- O C O is w W �o m r tp C 3 O 'O O C Y O O J I IL IL M r N O O r t0 cri m ii g' o, o_ v m m s M H w C 3 0 a c 0 J 1 r r d a f` M d 3 W o� 0 m o� o_ M H V L R Y m 4 IL) N d O O V C d 3 C O V I a a 06 ri a� L iz M r N O O L V l9 d C O Y 4) N d a D i CL IL M r N O O L V l9 d C O Y N d a T it IL IL 0 M O O L V R G d w R d CL CL IL w 00 co N 01 r+ V C1 O a` M O Cl) L C �L O CO CN C *k d d L V N 01 y O r O t a O a. c O r R G1 d m L a� LL M O N N O m v 0 4 t M O N N O d w u O O N r N Q Q N a Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 6. CVS Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 7. CVS Stem Counts, Total and Planted by Species, Plot and Year e- Tables Raw CVS Vegetation Data Sheets Table 6. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Wells Creek #2 ( #92688) Year 3 (2013) Vegetation Plot Summary Information Riparian Stream/ Unknown Buffer Wetland Growth Plot # Stems' Stem S2 Live Stakes Invasives Volunteers3 Total4 Form 0001 n/a 15 0 0 25 40 0 0002 n/a 12 0 0 35 47 0 Wetland /Stream Vegetation Totals (per acre) Stream/ Success Wetland Criteria Plot # StemsZ Volunteers3 Total4 Met? 0001 607 1012 1619 Yes 0002 486 1416 1902 Yes Project Avg 546 1214 1760 Yes Riparian Buffer Vegetation Totals (per acre) Riparian Success Buffer Criteria Plot # Stems' Met? 0001 n/a 0002 n/a Project Avg n/a Stem Class characteristics IBuffer Stems Native planted hardwood trees. Does NOT include shrubs. No pines. No vines. 2Stream/ Wetland Stems Native planted woody stems. Includes shrubs, does NOT include live stakes. No vines 3Volunteers Native woody stems. Not planted. No vines. 4Total Planted + volunteer native woody stems. Includes live stakes. Excl. exotics. Excl. vines. Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% M d 'u Cl CL C co 0 a N :M Y E Ol w L N f6 a 'O C f0 0 H H 3 O U G! r V n a� M H H 3 E M z u �O a` co 00 w N Q1 O v v Gl �O a` a W W O O O O O O O O O O 0101010 O O O O -i Ln ri ri N N ri lD N m m �--i �-i Ln m 0 O O O O O O O O O Too O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln ri o M c-I c1 N lD M m c-I Ln N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ri m 2 h O O O O O O O O O O O M O O M r1 r1 N LD M M r1 Ln N m I� C O COL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Ln r1 rl m .--I Ln r-I N M LD d' Ln d' r1 Ln r-4 r-1 ri H m `, N rl F — O O O O O O O O .1 O N (a O O O O O O O O O O N N O ef\ 0 a M ri r-4 �.D M T -i U') Ln O YC L N O O O O O O O O O O O M r1 00 J O O O O O O O O O O O N 0 0i p m r1 r1 LD M v ri Lf) -1 ri m 00 a Ln M O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m O ri 3 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O 00 N O C M N LD M c-I 00 N lD N Ln M ri c-I M N ri r1 N N M Q H N o O o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o rn m r, N — O O O O O O O O O O O O O N .--i 00 � M r-I ri c-I O m M ri M N ri .-� M N O Ln N O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a, m 00 i O O O O O O O O O O O O O N p M 1-1 --� r --I a Ln � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r� 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O W N LD m N LD Ln r1 00 N Ln N Ln m ri ri M r1 ri r1 N N M M c-i N rl F N Ln — O O 0 O O O O O O O m lD IF O O O O O O O O O O O O O N ry O M M r-1 r-1 r-1 L.n M M ri l M 1- " ri ni O Ln a o O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � m m O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N r1 O M r1 r Ln M M ri M ri -1 t-; M LD CL Ln O O O O O O O O O O O O rl N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O V O 00 r1 Ln Ln r1 Lfl M Cr) N H ri N rNi ri o F- m N O O O O O O N t\ tD O O O O O O O ri r1 O ao N W a r-i m M N r1 r-i O V Y t0 N J O O O O N 01 W c-I r1 m M -i f 00 ;° a v A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p O M r•1 ri m N N lD M r-I ri e-i r-1 N m N O O O O O O u'f O O O rO m r1 r04 M r1 r1 M o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Ln o O O O O O O O r1 W O C m N m ri ri ri m JIHE N uj a) u 0. ~ a) ° v a) v v v v w v E v v a, v a) v v v v a) a) u: °, v fa L1 L Ln Ln i) �! i1 a1 �1 H v w w V) 4) �! i) �1 i1 f'- �) r"' D VI v v t N Q E N 6 E E N 00 �O p Z O T 7 �[ 3 L E o v m c o 0 u o° Y u U U N 0 E E O E U "� ] L i Q C Q T i u aJ E Q -O -0 a C C N r0 C = aJ E U E Y Y C E � a` c o ° 3 v do v° u u Q a) ro o u v V a/ U/ U N r0 E Y t Y Y Y t O Y _� a) L -° rNa ��+ E °OC_ E •L v rVO 3 .°_ a' E E a' ra cu Q E -0 N °U m 00 -0 O N Y .a Q - N O Q-0 W a) Q o N y v 3 E r0 r0 r0 ° `� N E O C co in C @ ra > U _ _ 'x Z U r6 £• N O •fl- 7 aJ O ro C E M L = O L c O yT, �+ r0 rL yam,, ra a+ O f° u !� O (6 �O R > a a) m N i C ° U U OL v '- 7 C 41 a) �° 7 i U ra > 0 Q OD > O +0+ in a > = EE N vii an .Q ra °U O O 3 r0 v>i 7 O CL c6 rC m _@ EL T G C C ra -O ra C > 3 U 3 U 7 U 7 U U N N L a C U Q L L = O ° O 3 U m ra co ro a1 6 0 tla C O' ->- T a O L 3 3 7 :31 L Q Q m U U U U Lt Lt 7 J J J z a a c7 CJ CJ C7 =1 D. p j Vegetation Monitoring Data (VIVID) Datasheet Plot 092688 -SD -0001 VMD Year (1 -5): 13 Date: laz / ocT-/ 2p Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM -N: 791407.026 (dec.deg.or m) Please till in any missing data and correct any errors. / / Datum: NAD83 /W {{ Longitude or UTM -E: 1867889.853 I UTM Zone:n 17 l Coordinate Accuracy (m): X -Axis bearing (deg): 30 Date last planted: Ne�v I riling date m /yy? Chcck box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below Plot Dimensions: ' -O, Y: I i ❑ Plot has reverse orientation for _,X and Y axis Y is 90 des to the right of X Sep 2012 Data o 2013 THIS YEAR'S DATA Map Source* X Y Height DBH N Height DBII Re- Vigor- Damage* Notes I Species Name char 0.1m 0.1m, lcm* 1 cm lcm* 1 cm sprout I Viburnum dcntatum O P 1.4 4.0 46.0 ❑ 2 Alnus serrulata Ot P 4.1 3.3 53.0 ❑ 3 Quercus rubra O P 3.4 0.1 60.0 4 Nyssa sylvatica ® P 7.1 1.9 99.0 ❑ 5 Nyssa sylvatica O P 7.9 0.2 80.0 [] 6 Platanus occidentalis O P 9.8 1.1 143.0 0.4 ❑ 7 Viburnum dentalum \P✓ P 9.9 4.3 48.0 ❑ 8 Lindera benzoin O P 12.0 2.0 82.0 ❑ 9 Alnus serrulata O P 12.8 4.3 96.0 Q 10 Quercus michauxii ® P 14.4 2.0 135.0 DBH? E] I I Lindcra benzoin O P 15.6 0.5 77.0 O 12 Quercus rubra O P 15.3 4.2 110.0 DBH? ❑ 13 Alnus serrulata P 17.1 4.0 103.0 DBH? ❑ 14 Nyssa sylvatica 0 P 18.0 0.2 96.0 ❑ 15 Viburnum dcntatum P 18.9 2.8 41.0 16 Carpinus caroliniana O P 18.7 4.8 78.0 ❑ ® ,■ ©_- 1 -tm,©_- M-'XI©M I I . 1 m-rm, ©® 'r.. l 0 - # stems: 16 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (nt) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *Notes by ID: 3•top broken olT 9 -top broken off 15-lop-broken ti0U1tCf I r =Trap lani, L =Live stake B=H II and burla P =Porte Tu =Tubhn R =bare Root M= Mechanical) U= Unknown P. I *VIGOR: 4= excellent, 3 =good, 2 =Fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other /Unknown 1= unlikely to survive year, 0 =dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M= missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Primed in the CVS -111iP Entry Tool vei. 23 I map source X Y ddh Height DBH ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species char (m) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (em) sprout lNplanation of art -off Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & subsampline• *: lei ht Cut- IT (All stems shorter than thisare ignored. if >10cm, explain why to the tight.): ❑ 10cm CJ 50cm ii 100cm u 137cm Species Name p c SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sap, 0 -1 cm 1 -2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBII) ±� ins � � � • �i�Vv1uS 0'1 -- — —Required ifcttol7 '>10cmorsubsample ?100 %. 01 :2 *3 •4 N5 b �A ) 117 Eom1WS2.vcr9.1 Map of stems on plot H92688 -SD -0001 Pa F" ( )" - -- X-axis: 31)" #stems, 16 N niup vize: I LANCE V il� Cpl (.) VIA Iq�h NISI VIh �1�pat LthL( t�wttG 10.01 Qtab X:s 11 D N,.e �A �1� � 6dsse5 X: 10111 X; t *SOURCE: Tr- Transplant. L--Uve stake. B =Ball and burlap, P= Potted, Tu= Tublina, R =bare Root, M= Mechanically, U= Unknown p.2 *VIGOR: 4= excellent, 3 =good, 2 =fair, 'DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other /Unknown 1= unlikely to survive year, 0 =dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M= missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. "HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the Cv,S -Ia:P Entry Tool ver. 2 3 1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot E92688 -SD -0002 - VIVID Year (1 -5): 1 3 Date: / -20131- I / Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM -N: 790858.058 ! Datum: NAD83/W (dec.deg. or m) -- - - - -- ! s° Longitude or UTM -E: 1867733.181 1 UTM Zone: 1q.w Coordinate Accuracy (m): X -Axis bearing (deg): Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Party: Role: Date last planted: n, New lanting date m /yy? 0 HCheck box if plot was not Plot Dimensions: X: 20 Y: 51 ❑ Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis iv reason uclow is 90 degrees to the right of X Sep 2012 Data z 1 X01 3 TH[S YEAR'S DATA 0 Map Source* X Y Height DBII Name fD ID Species N I g P char 0.1m O.lm lcm * 1 cm is Quercus michauxii Q P 0.2 1.5 187.0 0.8 ❑ 20 Quercus velutina Ql P 7.2 4.2 110.0 DBH? 21 Lindera benzoin O P 7.2 2.4 23.0 22 Quercus michauxii ® P 9.5 1.4 102.0 DBH? 23 Liriodendron tulipifcra O P 2.5 1.1 65.0 ❑ 24 Lindera benzoin O P 11.9 1.5 46.0 Q 25 Liriodendron tulipifeia © P 13.4 1.9 102.0 DBH?❑ 26 Liriodendron tulipifera (g� P 17.0 1.0 143.0 0.5 ❑ 27 Quercus siellata h P 18.6 1.9 160.0 0.8 28 Lindera benzoin Q P 16.7 2.3 64.0 0 29 Praxinus pennsylvunica C P 16.9 4.7 51.0 30 Lindera benzoin © P 10.8 4,5 50.0 0 119 Diospyros virginiana Q P 6.7 3.9 62.0 Height DBI1 Rc- Vigor* Damage* Notes lcm* 1 cm sprout . / ®'M,©_- mml•,©_- ®-um_- mw"N mm� OR-IN,©_ -' mml•,©_- FMMI•II©_- mmm©_ M-INIM_ * z mmuom -mmn ©-'•,©_� M-LEII®_ -I # srems: 13 New Steins, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (ml I em* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *Notes by Ill: j20- confirm species may be vol? 121 -yr0: confirm I yr2: resprout 22 -top dead 24 -yr0: confinn yr2 resprout 28 -yr0: confinn yr I : herbaceous are outcompeting plant I yr2: leader died 29- leader died 30- leader died SO R ( C E Tr =Trans Cant L--Live stake B=Ba11 and burls P= Potted, *I*u=Tubl inz R =bare Root -M= Mechanically, U= Unknown ;'VIGOR: 4 excellent, 3 =good, 2 =fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other /Unknown 1= unlikely to survive year, 0 =dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M= missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to l0em if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Primed in the Cvs -Iii:P E,uq, Too! vei 2.31 Plot (Confiniled): 1;92688- Sl)-0002 I &:p LOI L I)aUt €p r [ THIS YEAR'S DATA 11) Species map source X Y ddh llcighl DBFI (dlt Height DBII Re: Vigor* D:uuape, Noles lsS -- DB11 char (nn) (nt) (111111) (cnt) (cm) (nun) (Cm) (cnt) Sprout 50 cm- 100 cm- Suh- 1•xplanation ff 011t !I Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species xultsttmnling —i d 111 Cud- {)ti'(All stuns shoner that thisare ignored. If >10an. explain why to the right,): 1:3 10km u , ( m I::i 10(j to (.1 137cm SIiCsI)I,INGS -- Hi?,I(',H'I' CI.ASSC-S SAPLINGS — DJU '1'1tl lsS -- DB11 S xcies Name m Sub- 10 cm- 50 cm- 100 cm- Suh- =10 t Seed 50 cln 100 em 137 cm Sttpl 0 -1 cm 1 -2.5 2.5- 5- (,«Tile DBn) a ",tetpaimd if eu-o11 &1 Will nr subsaanple, 111046. •I •z • 1 •4 N5 rG �� �s �� �lg I umt ws�, Vel'9.1 • •• • •• • Map of stems on plot G92688 -SI) -0002 I • ;i �lr.'•S i.1t 1 W Lth�1 X.10111 X -axis: 345 ° b srcmn l3 ........_........ Cr)Fr� K ��1) IVold (10 (irrt w X: 1.311 *SOURCE: Tr_Transplant• L=Live stake, B =BalI and .burlap, P= paged, Tu =Tuublin R =bare_ltoot, M.= MechanicallyU= Unknown_._.-_.— ............. __ _........_.._...._....... _... ....... .•.....p .4.. "VIGOR: 4 =excellent, 3 =good, 2 =fair, *DAMAGE'•: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSecis, GAME, LIVESTock, Other /Unknown ll unlikely to survive year, 0 =dead, ANIMal, human TRAMpled, Site'1'oo WET, Site'roo DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DlSessed, VINI? M= massing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *14EIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2,5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the rvsd :l :P himy rood ver. 23. [